24x11 - Poisonous Plots

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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24x11 - Poisonous Plots

Post by bunniefuu »

It was ten years ago when the
evil Galvanax arrived on Earth.

He took me away from my father
and brother.


After a decade on Galvanax's

I finally escaped to Earth in
the hopes of finding my brother.

So this is Earth?

Exactly as I remember.

But instead, I found
the Nexus Prism,

the ninja power stars
and new friends.

Buckle your seat belts.

This is epic.

We've become power rangers!

So where do we go first?

To my old house.

I can't wait to see my brother
Aiden again.


It's been ten years.

Aiden could be anywhere by now.


Do I know you?

I'm Aiden.

Your brother.

On that day,
ten years ago,

the day the monsters
took Brody,

Dad told me...

Take the ninja steel
and hide it.

Aiden, until I come back,
you stay hidden, too.

Like a ninja.
Okay, Dad.

I love you.

I love you, too, Dad.

I saw Dad turn into
a power ranger!



Hand over that star!

I couldn't believe it.

But then Galvanax hit Dad hard.


The Ninja Nexus star is mine!

Subtitle By: de_larocha

That star came to me

so I could protect it
from evil like you.


Our dad destroyed the star,

but then he disappeared into
thin air.

He was gone.

But I knew
one thing for sure.

I had to keep
the ninja steel safe.

I hid it in Dad's trophy at the
high school,

then left you the clue in our
secret spot.

I was terrified Galvanax would
come after me,

so I went away
as far as I could go.

When I saw the power rangers
on TV,

and you had this,

I knew it had
to be you, Brody.

Dad would be so glad we found
each other again.

Hey, do you think I could come
and see the ranger hideout?

What do you think?

Uh, Brody?

I wonder if that's
such a great idea.

The prism.

Ninja steel.
They're really only--

They're only for
power rangers.

Sorry, Aiden.

Oh, that's okay.

But do you think I could
train with you guys?

Oh, uh, sure.

See if you remember
what Dad taught us.

You're on.


♪ Go... go ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Crushing evil with
all my might together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without
a fight together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja rangers
real danger ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Standing up for what
is right together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Watching your back
day or night together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers
real danger ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go... go ♪

♪ Power Rangers
Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go Ninja Steel ♪♪

The ninja scarecrow move?


Nice moves, Levi.

Oh, you think those are nice?

Check this out.

Whoa, what--

It's cool.

But we're not going full speed
here, Aiden.

It's just training.



Yeah, chill out, Aiden.

You know, I'm not one to
complain, but that's not cool.

Oh, come on, seriously?

Yeah, seriously, Aiden.

We're at a practice
so we can all improve.

It's not a contest.

Hey, guys.
What's going on?

Looks like I don't place nice
enough for your buddies.

I'll see you.

Guys, what's the story?

Honestly, Brody, your brother
doesn't want to train.

He just wants to show off.

He's been on his own
for ten years.

Cut him some slack.


That's delicious.

That's excellent.

Oh, come on, everybody.
Finish up your sculptures.

We have to get these chocolate
sculptures done

for the children's charity
later today.

It melted again.
What are we doing wrong?

Ooh, it's hot today,

but I have
just the solution

to ensure that our chocolate
doesn't melt.

With a little bit
of this glue,

our choco will be hard
as rock-o.

Excellent work, Monty.

Let's fill the mold.

That's lunch!
Let's go.

Lunch can wait, Monty.

We have to finish our

Pour that chocolate!

Monty, hole.

Oh, darn!






Monty, no!

Are you okay?

Monty, I'm--

I'm freezing up!

Uh, the glue!

It's hardening the chocolate!

Don't move a muscle!

Everything is under
control! Aah!

I'll be right back!

Pretty impressive sculptures.

Well, let's get these outta

These will be great for
the charity auction.

Ninja spin!

Our sensors said a monster
would be here,

but all I see are kudabots.

And there's a lot of them!

Look who else is here!

It's Aiden!

You still think he's just a

Come on!

Get to safety! Run!

Back off!

Thanks for helping, bro.
We can take it from here.



There's so many kudabots!

But no monster anywhere!

That's weird.

I've got a bad feeling
about this.

Whoa! Hyah!


Hey, guys!

What if this is just a


Then it's working!
There are tons of them!

Which ranger shall I poison

Let's hear it!

Who shall she poison?


Good work, everybody.

You too, Aiden.

Good work.

White and gold!

You're going down!


No! Brody!

That's the red ranger!
Even better!

Back off!

What did you do to my brother?

I hit one, Madame Odious.

He's tasted Toxitea poison.

You can't save him unless you
have the antidote!

Give it to us right now!


But in exchange, I get your
power stars.

No, don't do it!

You'll be changing your tune
soon enough.

Give us the power stars
before sunset

or the red ranger
is finished.


Lay him down here, guys.

His vital signs are getting

Odious was correct.

Soon, the poison will
destroy him.

Not if you give them
your power stars

in exchange for
the antidote.

Well, what are you
waiting for?

That's exactly what Galvanax
wants, Aiden.

Now, we have to stop and think
about this, you know.

Maybe we can do
something clever.

You mean like
some kind of a trick?

You want to trick them?

They aren't stupid.

We can risk my brother's life
like this.

The whole reason
he's in this mess

is because he jumped in
to save you two.

You gotta give them your real
ninja power stars.

Or we could try and make
our own antidote.

My chemistry skills
are top notch!

Fine, go ahead and try.

But if that doesn't work,

you have to give Odious your
power stars. Right?

Let's focus on making
the antidote.

Yeah, what do we need
to get started?

Okay, right.

Let's think.

To get started, we need...

Don't worry, bro.
I'm here.


I have an idea.
What is it?

Just help me get everyone's
power stars.

I hope you know
what you're doing.

Got it.

First, we need to figure out

exactly what the poison
is doing.



I've looked everywhere.

Have you guys seen Victor?

Uh, nope.

We're running out of time.
It's nearly sunset.

We really gotta hurry.

We're taking a huge risk.

If Nick's antidote doesn't work,
this could be our only chance.

Guys, wait up!

You should be lying down.

I snuck out.

I needed some fresh air.

Besides, I'll never give
those monsters my power star,

even if we can't find
an antidote.

Don't worry, Brody.
We have an idea.

Come on.
Let's go.

We'll tell you
on the way.

We're almost there.
Hang on, Brody.

There's a tree.

We've come to hand over
the power stars!

Oh, my!

Will they really hand over
the power stars?

So nice to see you again.

Here is the antidote.

Now, give me
the ninja power stars.


You made the right decision,


Look, champ!
I have the power stars for you.

They're mine!

All mine!
Ha ha ha ha!

It looks like this is it,
monsters and maidens!

The rangers have given in!


I've been waiting for this.

It's working!

I can't believe it.

So you guys did take our
power stars.
We did, but...

How could you do that?
It's not what you think.

And you didn't
even tell me?

Everyone stop!

You don't understand.
What they did was--

Hold up!
The power stars are melting!

They're chocolate!

They fooled us!


Still haven't fixed
that melting problem.

Don't worry, guys.

We'd never hand over the ninja
power stars.

We just needed these to make
the chocolate copies.

Are you sure you're okay?
Better than okay.

Now, let the rangers handle
this one, okay?
You got it.

For your treachery, you will
all be destroyed!

For your treachery, you will
all be destroyed!

You guys never learn.

You don't mess with a ninja.

It's morphin time!

Power stars!

Lock in!


Ninja spin!

Ninja rangers, fear no danger!

Toxitea, take care
of this mess.

I'll get Odious and let you guys
crush this kettle.

Tea time's over, toxi-trash!

Now you brewed up
some trouble!

Let's go!


Where'd that crafty which go?


Looks like she's afraid to fight
for herself!

Take a seat!

Whoa! Odious called their
whole army in!

Heads up!

Oh, isn't this a kick?


You're lucky the next dose of my
poison is still brewing!

All together!


Stay on her!

You'll pay a steep price for

Ninja tornado attack!

Ooh, that's quite a twister.

Aah! Uhh!

Ha ha ha!
Got her!

I think I knocked the wind
out of her sails.

Nice move.


Let's go ice this tea.

Sure thing!

Well, this is no tea party.

It's time to finish this.

Red ninja strike, steel slash!

Ninja spin!

Final attack!


Hyah! Uhh!

Huh. That was no walk
in the park.

My poison isn't ready!

But I bet that still stings!

Guys, don't worry!

We got this!



Grab my hand!

Heads up!

You can back flip,
but you can't hide!

How do you take your tea, Levi?

With tornadoes
and lightning.

Blue tornado strike!

Storm star!

Lighting mode!

Ninja lightning strike!

Ninja spin!

Final attack!

Aah! Aah!

Great work, Preston.

Say "cheeseburger."



Guys, you broke her spell.

All right.

Great work, team.

And I feel better than ever.

Should we give her another


She's not through yet!


That's one big kettle!

Hey, guys.

Let Brody and I
handle this creep.

It's payback time.

Robo red zord star, lock in!

Bullrider zord star,
lock in!


Ninja spin!
Ninja spin!

Ninja steel zords out of
the shadows.

All right, Toxitea.

You got us steamed up
and you're gonna pay.

Oh, really?


Oh! Oh! Oh! Uhh!


That all you got?

I barely felt that!


She's mighty tough.

Let's see how she likes this.


Can you handle this?

We better help them out!

Ninja spin!

Ninja spin!

Jump on, guys!
Team attack!


Get her, Levi.


Oh, great shot!

Let's finish her with our
Mega Zords.

Bullrider Megazord, combine!

Ninja spin!

Bullrider Megazord, ready!

Ninja master mode, ready!

Ninja steel Megazord,

Robo red zord!

Dragon zord!

Ninja steel zords!

Ninja steel Megazord, ready!

Ninja spin!

Ninja master mode, ready!

Hyah! Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!

Let's take this teapot out.

I'm with you, Brody.

Oh, this isn't my cup of tea!

Ninja master blade activate!

Hyah! Hyah!


Ninja steel Megazord!

Master slash!


Bullrider Megazord.

Rodeo rapid fire.

Final attack!

Aah! Aah!

Great job!

Ha ha, yeah!
Show's over!

Ninjas win!

Mmm, mmm.
Man, I love chocolate.

Mmm! You have to try this.

Aiden, we need to apologize
for this morning.

It seemed like you just
wanted to show off.

But then we saw you helping
to save those people.

And you really stood up
for Brody.

We were wrong about you.


Don't sweat it.

I was being a jerk during

You guys have taught me a lot
about teamwork today.

And don't worry, I'll go easy
on you next time.

Victor, where are you?

Kids, come on in.

Kids, come in, have a seat.

Where is he?

Okay, I have saved the best
sculpture for last.

Are you ready?

Oh, Victor!

Go on, kids!

Gobble it up!





Our plan to get the power stars
may have failed,

but we've made progress.

The rangers trust you now.

That will be their downfall.

Indeed it will.
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