24x15 - The Royal Rumble

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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24x15 - The Royal Rumble

Post by bunniefuu »

When Galvanax, cruel champion
of "Galaxy Warriors,"

claimed the mighty Power Stars,

earth's greatest ninja
sacrificed himself

to keep the universe safe.

Ten years later,

a new generation of warriors
rises up

to protect
the Ninja Power Stars.

It's Morphin' Time!

They are Power Rangers
Ninja Steel.

Goodbye, Rangers.

It's been fun but now it's
time to destroy you!

(Rangers panting)

(growling in the distance)


That must be Viera.

Look at her spaceship.


(Rangers gasping)

I'm out of here.

That backstabbing princess
thinks she can defy me!

Fire the laser cannons.

You can't destroy
the Lion Ship.


Without Viera's help,
the Rangers are doomed.


We must make sure her
ship was fully destroyed.

I'm back!


He's lucky the Rangers
didn't crush him.

You think I got lucky?

Maybe we should see if
you get lucky against me!


Odius is right.

The princess nearly
defeated you in her battleship.

Go down and make sure it was
destroyed in the crash.

Then I'll destroy
the Rangers,

just for
the fun of it!

You're quite sure
of yourself.

But I have an
upgrade for you

that will guarantee
those Rangers

won't stand a chance.

Come with me.


♪ Go... go ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Crushing evil with
all my might together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without
a fight together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja rangers
real danger ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Standing up for what
is right together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Watching your back
day or night together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers
real danger ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go... go ♪

♪ Power Rangers
Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go Ninja Steel ♪♪



The ship's
antigravity crystal.

Oh no!

It's damaged.



Actually... this Star Blade
is fully operational, Mick.


All finished.


Redbot and I have
repaired all of the weapons

damaged in your battle
with Drillion.

Thanks, Mick.

They look
good as new.


Now we'll be at
full strength

when Drillion returns.

Unfortunately, full strength
wasn't enough

the last time
we fought him.

So... how exactly
are we gonna stop him?

Hey, that's new.

Is it a lion pin?

I've never
seen this before.




Hello, Rangers.

Princess Viera,
what are you doing here?

Galvanax shot down
my ship.

I managed to crash-land.


Thank goodness
you're okay.

We never got
the chance to thank you

for helping us against

If you can help me to
get my ship flying again,

I think I can help you
to defeat Drillion.

It might be the only thing
powerful enough to stop him.

So how can we get
your ship back in the air?

This is part of my ship's
antigravity crystal.

Galvanax's lasers
broke it in half.

It's worthless now,

meaning my ship needs another
source of power to fly.


Mick, you're
the mechanical genius.

Any ideas?

I'm not sure we should
help her at all.

Mick, how could you
say something like that?

Because she's the ruler
of the Lion Galaxy.

It was my home...

until the Royal Family
took me, and others,

and sold us to Galvanax.

You never told me how you
ended up a prisoner

on the Warrior Dome.

No, no, because I don't
like to-- to think about it.

But thanks to
the likes of her...

I haven't seen my parents
in years.

He's right.

I'm truly sorry, Mick.

My family can be
very cruel.

The fact is
I came here to prove

that I can rule with
an iron fist.

But you showed me that
kindness is a better way.

If you'll help me,
I intend to go back

to the Lion Galaxy

where I'll lead everyone
the Power Ranger way.

Guys... look.

It's the Lion Ship.

That vision, it--
it's appeared once before.

Maybe the prism wants us
to use the Ninja Steel

to turn the Lion Ship
into a Megazord.

That'll help it
fly for sure.

Yes, that could do it.

Then we better get to work
on a new Zord Star.



there isn't
much Ninja Steel left.



But there might
be enough, right?

Fine, Redbot and I
will get to work.

Thanks, Mick.

Thank you, Mick.


I love the outdoors.

It really clears
my mind...

so I can concentrate
on important things,

like how I can be
more popular.

Whoo, I need a break,

Me too.



Showing off my
athletic talent

has always worked.


but how do we
do it?


is that rock
floating in midair?

Check it out,


maybe this is
doing it.



Maybe if I...


(birds chirping)

That little crystal
makes things

completely weightless.

I think it's time that
Victor Vincent

got his th trophy.



Odius's upgrade is amazing!

With this new arm
I'll be invincible.

Our scans show that
the Lion Ship

crashed in the woods.

Go, Drillion.

Once you're there,
I'm sure the Rangers

will come out to play.

I'm on my way.


Ah, awesome!

Thank you.

Guys, the Zord Star for
the Lion Ship isn't ready yet.

Well, they better hurry.

Drillion could be back
at any time.
I know.

You won't wanna
miss this.

Miss what?

Come and watch
the one and only

Victor Vincent break

the world
weight-lifting record.


Good luck with that,

Easy does it.

Shouldn't be too much

(alarm blaring)

What is it?


Buzzcams detected in
the Western Woods.

Western Woods.

I think that's where
my ship crashed.

I bet he's going to
your ship to destroy it.

We have to stop him.


I'll send the Zord Star
as soon as it's done.

Guys, we've got


There's the Lion Ship.


Now to crush it.

(laughing maniacally)


There's the Lion Ship.


Now to crush it.

Stop right there!

Hey, fur ball, we're not gonna
let you touch that ship.

Oh yeah?

Don't you remember
what happened

the last time
you tried to stop me?

Yeah, well...

things are gonna be
different this time around.

I hope.

It's Morphin' Time!

Power Stars.

Lock in!

Ninja Spin!


Ninja Rangers
fear no danger!

With my new
toolbox arm

you don't stand
a chance.

We're not afraid of you.

You will be!

Look out!




(cheers and applause)

(Cosmo Royale)

What do you know?!

Drillion's on fire

and the Rangers
stone-cold stink!


Mick, we need that
Zord Star.

It's almost there.




What's happening?



You lost last time
and you'll lose again!


Any news?

Nothing yet.



What the...

That came out of

Mick, a new star
just appeared on my wrist.

Is it the Zord Star?


I think the prism
has something else

in store for you

What do we do?

Try spinning
the star.

I'll give it a shot.

Lion Fire
Ninja Spin!

My Lion Fire armor,
it's gone!

I feel energized!

Oh-ho, he's getting
powered up!

Oh yeah!


Out of the fire
and into the fight!

Lion Fire Red!




Mick, it gave me
Viera's Lion Fire armor.

It feels invincible!

The Rangers have
a fighting chance now.

I didn't believe
that you had truly changed...

but you really are
on our side.

The princess and I will get
to work on the Zord Star...


... so we can
reactivate the Lion Ship

and turn it into
a Zord.

Things are about
to heat up.

Oh no!

you're in trouble,

because this armor's hot,
red hot!

Lion Fire Sprint!


Think fast!



Viera says hello.


My turn!




(all booing)

Oh no!

Looks like Lion Fire Red

is now the sharpest tool
in the shed!

Time to use
my power-up.


Lion Fire
Rapid Blast!



Are you seeing this?

Oh yeah!

Awesome armor.

Such power!

I can't believe
my eyes.

Lion Fire mode
is epic.



You'll pay for that,
Red Ranger.




You're doomed!



You're doomed!


Let's lend a hand

by taking away

Element Star!

Go for it, guys.


Ninja Metal Attack!

My turn!

And mine!

Hey, don't forget me!

Okay, guys,
pull the chains tight.

Levi, you're up!
You've got it.

Storm Star
Lightning Mode.

Ninja Spin!

Ninja Lightning Attack!


Lion Fire Slash!


My upgrade's gone!

You're through,

Lion Fire Armor Star.

Lock in.

Ninja Spin!

Lion Fire Flame Strike!


Final Attack!


You threw a monkey wrench
in my plans!




(all booing)

The Rangers' new
Lion Fire Armor is so hot

I'm catching a fever.

Can they be


Gigantify Drillion!

My upgrades
are back!

Mick, we need that
Zord Star, and quick.


Make me a star.


One Lion Fire
Zord Star.

I'll get it to Brody.

Lucky we had
enough steel.


Guys, look!

It's headed towards
the Lion Ship!


Check it out!

It's a Zord now.

It'll be so much
more powerful.

(all cheering)

Lion Fire Zord,
out of the shadows!


Oh yeah!

Nice Zord.

Pity I'm about to
destroy it.

Is that the best
you've got?

I'm not done yet!

Guess what,
neither am I.


Lion Fire Megazord,

Ninja Spin!


Ah... now
this isn't good.


(mechanical whirring)


Lion Fire Megazord

Now it's a Megazord!

And it feels

You don't scare me.

Eat this!

Keep 'em coming,

I could
do this all day.


You've got this, bro!


Take that...
and this!




Brody's really
giving it to him!


It's so strong!
Yeah, it is!

Lion Fire Spin Strike!


Fire away!


Gonna need more
than that!

He deflected the attack!

I'll give you more
and then some.


Oh no!

Lion Fire Slash!

Final Attack!


This is not
a drill!

That was epic!

Show's over.

Ninjas win!

(all cheering)


Thank you so much,

We could
never have defeated

Drillion without you.

I'm happy my armor and ship
have finally been used

for good after
all these years.

When I return to
the Lion Galaxy

I promise I will change
things for the better.

Well, we're gonna miss you.

But we know you have
important work to do back home.

Before I go...

Mick, I have
a surprise for you.

A surprise?

For me?


A message from
the Lion Galaxy?!




I can't believe it.

Is it really you?

Of course it is.

You... you're alive!


I never gave up hope
that I would see you again.

Well, neither
did we, son.

We were so glad to
hear that you were okay.

We can't wait
to see you again.

Are you going to
come home?



Dad, I will come home,
I promise,

but not just yet.

My friends and I have
important work

to finish
here on Earth.

Don't apologize,
my little Micklepoo.


We're happy just to know
that you're out there.


I love you, Mom...

We love you too.

I... I can't tell you
how good it is

to see their faces again.


I had my doubts
about you.

But you have
proven that your heart

is in the right place,
so thank you,

my princess.

And thank you
for your friendship.

You have changed
my life

and with it the fate
of the entire Lion Galaxy.

I will return home
but I will never forget you.

If you ever need me,
simply call.

My armor and the Lion Fire Zord

will always be at
your disposal.


So Victor really
thinks he can break

the weightlifting record.

He seems to be
pretty sure.

Ladies and gentlemen,

welcome to Victor Vincent's
attempt at breaking

the world
weightlifting record!

Today he will attempt to
lift two tons!


And if he's successful,

I will award our
new champion

this trophy!

That will be trophy
number , Monty.

No doubt about it.

I give you...

Victor Vincent!



Whoo, yeah!


He's got a piece of Viera's
antigravity crystal.

We have to say something.

No, no, we--
we can't.

People might
ask questions.

Watch the master at work.



(breathing heavily)



He's done it, folks!

He's broken the world record!

This trophy is yours,

My th!

(all clamoring)

Once again I've proved

there's nothing
Victor Vincent cannot do.


Victor, Victor!



Ooh, it's so heavy!

You cheated.

It's not cheating
if you deserve to win.

Hey, what's that?

Uh, don't touch that.




Do I... still get to
keep the trophy?


(all laughing)
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