24x17 - Monkey Business

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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24x17 - Monkey Business

Post by bunniefuu »

(narrator) When Galvanax, cruel champion

of "Galaxy Warriors,"

claimed the mighty Power Stars...

earth's greatest ninja sacrificed himself

to keep the universe safe.

Ten years later,

a new generation of warriors rises up

to protect the Ninja Power Stars.

It's morphin' time!

They are Power Rangers Ninja Steel.

(Calvin) Hayley!

Hayles! Wait up!

(horn honking)


You're late.

(sighs) Sorry, Hayles, I overslept.

Come on, get in. I'll give you a ride to school.

We're already at school.


Can't you be more reliable?

But you always say that you love me just the way I am.

(Hayley) Fine, I'll get in.


Got 'em!

Those Rangers' voices are mine! Listen!

(Hayley's voice) Now that I've recorded their voices...

I can just sound like them.

Once I collect all the other Ranger's voices,

I'll make them turn on each other! (laughing)

Well, sounds like Phonepanzee's made the right call!

(laughing, crowd cheering)

(indistinct chatter)

Morning, guys.

(chuckling) I'd say someone overslept.

Stop, stop, she's so mad.

Student body elections.

Interesting. That's right.

You would make a good president, Hayley.

You should run.

Yeah, I should. Hmm.

Interested in running for president, Calvin?

Oh! (clears throat)


A president needs to get things done.

Calvin is too laid-back.

He can't even pick me up on time.

(all "oohing")

Too laid-back?


Can't get things done?

Yep. Hmm.

How's that for getting something done?

I'm gonna run for president, too.

You? Mm-hmm.

Really? Yep.

Well, you're on... boyfriend.

Bring it. I will.

You're going down. No, you are.

Victor, you're the president now.

You could run again.

You'd easily win this election.

Maybe... maybe not.

But if they're both disqualified,

then I can definitely stay in power.


♪ Go... go ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Crushing evil with all my might together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without a fight together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers real danger ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Standing up for what is right together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Watching your back day or night together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers real danger ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go... go ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go Ninja Steel ♪♪

Poster boards, badges, markers.

Oh, we forgot to get the markers.

Hm. Here, take two of mine.

You can always rely on me.

Thank you.

(Brody) Man, this is gonna be so much fun.

So, we've flipped a coin, and Brody and I

are going to help Calvin win.

Unless Levi and I help Hayley win first.

Well, may the best man win.

Oh, she will.

Oh! Uh-oh, wait, hold on!

It worked!

(Brody's voice) Now I've got Brody's voice...

(Sarah's voice) And Sarah's voice.

(Preston) And Preston's voice.

(Levi) And Levi's voice.

And now for my sneaky getaway, hee hee!

Oof! Hey, look.

Uh-oh, I've been spotted!

A monster! Let's go!


I need help! Send me Basher Bots!



It's Morphin Time!

Power source.

(all) Lock in!

(all) Ready!

Ninja Spin!


(electricity zapping)

(all grunting)

(all) Ninja Rangers fear no danger!


(shouting and grunting)

Time to use their voices against them!

(Hayley's voice) Guys, I need help!

Is that Hayley? Let's check it out.

Sonic Boom!


(overlapping shouting)

(Preston's voice) Calvin, help!


Sonic Boom!

Gah! Ahh!

Hyuh! Yah!

(Brody's voice) Preston, over here!

Brody! I'm coming!

Sonic Boom!

Yah! Uhh!



Laugh it up, monkey man!

Ouchie! Hyuh!

I don't need to destroy them.

Pretty soon, I'll have them destroy each other!


(Hayley) Yah! Enough of this!


Ninja Blast!

(hooting, laughing)

I'm outta here!

Hyah! Uhh!

Finish off the Basher Bots!

Oh, no, that freak got away.

We'll get that ape next time.

Let's get back to school.

I have a presidential campaign to start.

Me too.

Race ya! Hey!

Let's go, guys.

Vote for Hayley.


Uh, vote for Calvin!

(cheering and applause)

Vote for Calvin!

Free balloons!

Coolest president ever!

Vote for Calvin.

Who wants a free hot air balloon ride?

And don't forget to vote for me.

(Calvin) Thank you all so much for coming to listen.

Um, I know some may say that I'm just a mechanic.

Too laid-back to be president.

And maybe they're right.

But if you bring me something that's broken,

I can fix it... every time.

The same way I can make our school a better place

if you elect me as your president.

Thank you. Thank you, guys.

Um, don't forget to vote.


That was actually a pretty good speech.

If I wasn't running for president,

I'd absolutely vote for you. (chuckling)

Thanks, that's really sweet.

Look, I said some dumb things.

You're not too laid-back.

You've done a pretty amazing job.

I'm sorry.

Don't apologize.

Sometimes I am a little lax.

And I should've been on time to pick you up.

Sorry about that.

No problem.

Okay, let's give out the campaign giveaways.

You've proven to me you've got what it takes, Cal.

You don't have to run anymore.

Oh, I know I don't have to run.

But I want to run.


(student) Oh, my gosh, free cupcakes!

Hey! Those are my mother's cupcakes.

Uh, yep, and voters love her recipe.

Yeah, my mom's cupcakes are good.

But not as good as her cake.

Do it, guys!

Get your double chocolate, triple frosting cake here free!

And don't forget to vote for Hayley!

(excited chatter)

These pieces are huge!

(chatter continues)

Have as much as you want!

Ready for phase one of my plan?

Hm, time to heat things up.


(Calvin) Cupcakes!

There's plenty for everyone!

Vote for me? Thanks.

(chuckling) Yeah.

Oh! What?

Ohh! What? What's wrong?

Mm... mm... burn. Gross.

Oh, that's hot sauce.

Food fight!


(all shouting and shrieking)


I can't believe you put hot sauce on our cupcakes!

What?! We didn't do that!

You guys started the food fight!

It wasn't us, it was you!

No way, it was obviously you guys.

(arguing continues)


(laughing) Looks like the perfect time

to use their voices to amp up that anger!

Soon they'll be tearing each other apart!


(overlapping shouting)

(whistle blows)

This was supposed to be

a civilized election between civilized nominees.

If I hear about one more shenanigan,

I will disqualify both of you from the election.

Is that clear?

Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am.

Now clean this mess up!

Did you hear that?

We have to cause one more shenanigan.

And when they're disqualified,

I'll get to keep being president.

It's perfect!

Time for some monkey business!

(laughing) I'll fool those pesky Rangers into thinking

their friends aren't as nice as they think!


(cell phone jingling)

(clears throat) Hello?

It's Levi... I feel terrible

because Hayley started the food fight.

I knew it.

Hayley will do anything to win.

She's got another plan to cheat.

Go to Fraser Plaza right now

and you'll catch her in the act.

I'll be right there. (giggling)

Thanks, Levi.


Hayley! I know you're here.

(Hayley's voice) Hey, babe!

Whoa! Gah!



Ninja Spi--

(Bots grunting)

I'll take that.

Your Power Star is only the beginning.


(cell phone jingling)

(Preston's voice) Sarah, you're not gonna believe this.

Hi, Preston.

Hayley started the food fight,

and now she's gone too far.

Meet me at Fraser Plaza.


Hey, vote for Calvin.

(cell phone jingling)


Hey, Bro...

Hey, Levi.

Oh, man, do I have news for you.

(engine revs)

Hey, Sarah!

Did Levi call you, too?

No, no, Preston did.

Look, we have to catch Hayley before...

Whoa! (laughing)

Ohh! Oh!

Uhh! Ohh!

(Phonepanzee hooting and laughing)

Seize them!

(all grunting)

Two more Power Stars!

Let me go!

Get off!

Yes! Tie them up

and put them with the other one!




Three Rangers down.

Just three more to go!


(Hayley) Every vote counts, people.

Hey, looks like Calvin and his team

didn't even bother voting.

Yeah, 'cause we have it in the bag.

(both laughing)

(cell phone jingling)

Hi, Brody.

So how's life on the losing team?

(both snickering)


Calvin did start the food fight.

Sure did, you should come here and ask him yourself.

Okay, I'm with Preston.

We're on our way.

Can you believe it?

It's so weird.

Let's go.

Oh, hey.

Uh... where is everyone?

Well, we know where Calvin is.

We're gonna ask him personally

why he started that food fight.

You think Calvin started the food fight?

Really? That doesn't sound like him.

Well, Brody just told us.

Okay, uh, Brody is turning against Calvin?

See, that doesn't sound right, either.

You know, just because you heard something,

doesn't mean that it's true.

Well, we're gonna find out.

See ya!

Levi! Brody just called me

and said Calvin caused the food fight!

We're gonna confront him. Come on.

We've gotta get to Fraser Plaza.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. That sounds a little crazy.

Yeah, that's what Mick thought, but Brody said so.

(cell phone ringing)

One second.

Um... hello to you, too, Hayley.

It's your voice on the phone.


(as Hayley) Calvin's at Fraser Plaza now.

He's planning another way to sabotage you.

Go see for yourself.

Okay, I'll be heading down there now.

Bye, Hayley.

I am totally freaking out. Who was that?!

Probably the same person who called you saying they were Brody.

It's gotta be Monster.

We have to make sure our friends are okay.

Let's go get 'em.

Cowboy style.


Those foolish teenagers will be here any second!



Uh-oh! They're morphed!

They must be onto me!

(both) Plasma Blast!

Uhh! Aah! Whah!


Stay right there, you dirty ape.


You'll regret messing with Ninjas! Yeah!

Really? But I have your friends' Power Stars.

(both gasp)

After him! Huhh!

We're comin' to get you, banana breath!

(both grunting)

(shouting and sputtering)

Missed me! Ugh!

Sonic Boom!

(both shout)

(all grunting)

Hey, guys!

Uhh! Tuh!


Tuh! Ha ha!


Element Star, Ninja Earth Attack!

Ha! Nice try!

What are you doing, Hayley?

Trying to trap him!

Thanks for letting me know!


Uhh! I'm gonna get you!

Hoo hoo! This is fun!

Ugh! It's not working!

Maybe, if I can't get him to fall in a pit,

then I can use it for a surprise attack.



Scared her away! Yah!

I've got you, Gold Ranger!



Got them!

Look what I have, monkey brain!

Give them to me!

Uhh! Ohh!


We've got all the stars back!

And I've got Preston's location.

Let's go!

Hyuh! Huh!

Ninja blasters! Hah!


In you go! Ha ha!

(panting) That was the last of 'em.

Let me untie you.


We've gotta get our Power Stars back.

(Hayley) You mean these?

Catch! Uhh!

Nice work!

It's Morphin Time!

(all) Lock in!

Ninja Spin!

Let's do this!

(all grunting)

Star Slash!

Huh! Hah! Yah!

(Phonepanzee) Surprise!

(Hayley) Think again!

Waaah! Uhh!

(Calvin's voice) Wait! I'm Calvin!

I'm trapped in this chimp's body!

Nice try!

You're just using his voice.

Hayley, you got him!

Oh, no!

I've had enough of this ape.

Right! So let's take him out.

Oh, yeah. Yes!

The only question is how?

We should use our Battle Morphers!

Perfect. Let's go.

Yeah! Ha ha!

Levi, follow my lead!

(all grunting)

You ready?

I'm with ya. Let's do this!


(all) Battle Morpher Arrow Blast!

(all grunting)

Rock Storm Slash!


(both shouting)

Hayley, let's finish this!


(both) Blade Slash!


Final attack!

(Phonepanzee grunting)

Wait, wait... let's take a selfie.

(chuckling) Say "cheeseburger."

Ohh, that's a good one. Whoo hoo!

Shall we give him another chance?

(cheering and applause)

Yes! Make my monkey grow!



Whoo! Yes! I'm huge!

You know what to do. Zord Stars!

(all) Lock in! Activate!

Ninja Spin!

Robo Red Zord!

Dragon Zord!

Nitro Zord!

Kodiac Zord!

Dune Zord!

Let's see how you stand up

to a Supersonic Boom!




Uhh! What's going on?

His Sonic Attack is interfering with our Zords!

I've got an idea!

Kodiac Zord, Sonic Howl! Go!


Oh! It's working, Hayley!

Your Zord's howl is weakening the Sonic Boom.

Keep howling, Kody!



Ohh, no!

Stoooop! Bad dog.

My line is dead!

Yes! We're free.

Ninja Steel Mega Zord, combine!

Ninja Steel Mega Zord, ready!

(engine revving)

Bull Rider Mega Zord, ready!


Ninja Master Mode, ready!

This isn't over, Rangers!

Let's put his future to a vote!

I vote we destroy him for ruining the election.

That works for me!

Ninja Master Blade, activate!


(chainsaw buzzing)

(all) Ninja Steel Mega Zord Master Slash!

Final attack!

Bull Rider Mega Zord, Rodeo Rapid Blast!

Final attack!


Uhh! Agh!

Oh! Oh, no! I've been disconnected!


(all cheering)

Show's over! Ninjas win.

Oh, yeah! Ha ha!


The election results will be announced

in just a few moments.

(both grunting)

Hey, guys. Um, we're sorry.

We should have known that you wouldn't put

hot sauce on our cupcakes.

And we should have trusted you.

Yeah, it was silly for us to think

that you guys started the food fight.

We all should have known better.

Are we good?

Very good. But I've been thinking.

You deserve to be president.

Mm, no, I'm not so into it anymore.

I think you should be president.

Let's talk about it. Okay.

I feel like... What?

(both grunting)

Once the winner steps up there,

we drop the water balloons,

and bingo...

the principal disqualifies them both.

And then you'll be president again.

Ahem. I have an announcement.

The candidates have informed me

that they will both be...

withdrawing from the race.

(all gasping)

This means...

that our president will remain...

Victor Vincent.




Oh! Ugh!


(Monty whimpering)

If you insist. I mean, I...

I guess I am rather irreplaceable.


(all gasp)


Congratulations, Victor!
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