Two Sinners and a Mule (2023)

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Two Sinners and a Mule (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

[tense music playing]

- [thunder rumbling]

- [horse neighing]

[bird screeches]

[horse snorts]

- [grunts]

- [neighs]


That'll do you, bounty hunter.

[thunder rumbles]

[adventurous music playing]

[horse neighing]

[coachman] Hyah!

Hyah! Hyah!

Hyah! Hyah!

[coachman] Come on, now! Go!



[crowd chanting]

No more whores! No more whores!

No more whores! No more whores!

No more whores! No more whores!

No more whores! No more whores!

No more whores! No more whores!

No more whores! No more whores!

No more whores! No more whores!

No more whores!

[bright piano music playing]

[crowd chanting continues]

[Cleetus] I'm gonna

get things rolling.

[crowd chanting]

No more whores! No more whores!

No more whores!

No more whores!

No more whores! No more whores!

No more whores!

No more whores!

No more whores! No more whores!

No more whores! No more whores!

No more whores!

Let's get this thing started.

[crowd chanting]

No more whores!

[Cleetus] Three dollars.

[crowd chanting]

No more whores! No more whores!

No more whores!

No more whores!

No more whores! No more whores!

No more whores!

Getting a little tense in here.

[crowd chanting]

No more whores! No more whores!

You know, it ain't right,

them folks making all that fuss

over a man getting a poke.

In my experience, that's exactly

what a man and a woman

were made for.

Hey, Nora.

Are you gonna play cards?

Or stare at them

the rest of the day?

Hold your dang horses, sheriff.

I'm thinkin'.

[crowd chanting]

No more whores! No more whores!

All right,

I'll see your three.

One, two, three.

And I'll raise you two.

Let's make this a real game.

[Cleetus] I'm in.

I can tell you're

something else.


- Get me a drink?

- Sure.

- [crowd chanting continues]

- [Nora chuckles] Mm.

[crowd chanting]

No more whores! No more whores!

No more whores! No more whores!

No more whores! No more whores!

Need to take care

of some things for a while.

- You got things here?

- Sure.

But don't be gone too long,

though, you hear?

The way I see it,

poker's like making love.

It's better if you go all in.

Ain't that right, Nora?

That's right.

Alice? Could we have

another round of whiskey now?

You know, it's never gonna be

the same as it was.

[Cleetus] Mm.

I've lived quite a good life.

I've had some successes

and some not so.

But there is one thing

I've learned.

If you ever get in an argument

with a woman...

There's two methods. Two.

And neither of them work.

I-- I fold.

Don't look like your card

playing's working either.

The way I see it,

if you're gonna get screwed,

might as well be with a woman

and not from cards.

I call.

With all that charm

that you have,

it ain't gonna do you no good

when you see these.

Two pair, kings and threes.

[groans softly]

A hearty man ate a toad.

[men laughing]


I just saw one of those hussies

going in my husband's office!

[Zeke] Huh?

You gonna do something

about it or not?

Yes, ma'am.

Duty calls.


Yes, ma'am.


She's in here, sheriff.

I know she is!

I saw her come in

with my own eyes!

If you're in here,

Nora, come on out.


Oh, my God.

- [sobbing]

- [grunting]

Good God almighty.

Oh! [grunts]

You best get out of here.

[Millie whimpering]

Mayor, put your pants on.

I'm gonna need some help

hefting up your wife.

She ain't exactly underfed.

Give me a hand.

[Cleetus groans]

The boys and I

made a collection last night.

Bought this for ya.

That Grimes g*ng

is terrorizing the countryside

and no telling

what's gonna happen if, uh,

if you run into them.

But if you run into trouble,

trouble tends to think twice

before rearing its head

and finds a loaded r*fle

pointing at him.

So it's yours and it is loaded.

Much obliged.

Thank you, sheriff.

Those that sell their bodies

sell their souls!


We don't need

your kind around here.

Ma'am, they're leaving,

they're getting ready to go.

Go on back, ladies.

Don't get nasty.

A plague has been lifted

from our town.

Hallelujah, praise the Lord!

If we're all so fired wicked,

what's that make their husbands?

I'll bet that makes them

our best customers

on a Saturday night.

Aw, damn.

Get up, get these

out of here, deputy.

Yes, sheriff.

Damn. Anyone that throws

something at me again,

they're gonna end in jail,

or get the back of my hand!

Damned old biddies.

Personally, girls...


I like you. As a matter of fact,

I like both of you.

Yeah! Especially

on a Saturday night

when you like to, you know,

- unlace those corsets and...

- Easy. Easy, Nora. Nora.

Let's not be saying

something out of school.

You girls be careful.

Thanks, sheriff.

Sorry, Alice. I never meant

for us to get the boot.

It's all right.

I was fixing to leave

this place anyway.

Maybe open up a business.

You know, a restaurant,

or change my life

around or something.

[Zeb] Hey, Nora, leaving town?

Yeah, it's about time we got out

of this sh*thole of a town.

[Zeb] Well, I'll need to know

where you're going and soon.

'Cause I can't wait for it,

Nora. And you, Alice. [laughs]

Cowboys are so easy.

Yeah. Yes, that's what got us

into this predicament,

if I recall.

Come on, Jolene.

Bye, boys.

Sad to see 'em go, sheriff?

Not as sad as I'm gonna be

Saturday night.

We'll miss you! I'll never win

a card game again.


have you heard

from what's-his-face?

- Not yet.

- Mm-hmm.

[Orin] Alice.


Oh! [sighs]

I knew you'd come.

Didn't think I was gonna

let you leave town

without telling me

goodbye, did you?

Oh, it don't have to be goodbye,

not as long as you keep

holding me tight

and promise never to let me go.

How's your wife, Orin?

- What--

- She's fine.

Wait, you--

you haven't left her yet?

Alice, when the time is right,

I will, I promise.

- When's that gonna be, Orin?

- [sighs]

Soon, real soon.

I promise.

When you get somewhere,

settled, write me, please.

I'll come for ya, I promise.

I swear on a stack

of Bibles, I will.

- Please.

- If you say so, Orin.

- [grunts]

- You really believed

he was gonna come

for you, didn't you? Hah.

That man's had a hook in you

ever since you came

to this town.

He just reels you in

whenever he wants a bite.

You can see that now,

can't you?

He always treated me

like a lady.

Hah! Wake up, honey.

Orin's like any other fella,

all talk.

Ain't no man ever kept

his word to a whore.

Hey, Orin!

Kiss my ass!

[birds screeching]

Don't you remember

sweet Betsy from Pike

Who crossed the wide prairie

with her lover Ike

With two yoke of oxen,

a big yellow dog

A tall Shanghai rooster

and one spotted hog

Singing dang fol dee dido

Singing dang fol dee day

They soon reached the desert

where Betsy gave out

And down in the sand

she lay rolling about

While Ike, half distracted

Looked on in surprise

Saying, "Betsy, get up

You'll get sand

in your eyes"

Singing dang fol dee dido

Singing dang fol dee day...

[horse snorts]

- Do you think he's...

- Nah. We'd smell him if he was.

We ought to help him out.

It'd be the Christian thing

to do.

Since when did you

get religious?

Ah-- Since we got kicked

out of town.

I mean, maybe it's the good

Lord's way of saying

that it's time for a change.

What has that got to do

with helping this fella?

Love thy neighbor?

That's what got us

kicked out of town

in the first place.

Well, you sure

didn't make things easy

messing around with the mayor.

[Nora] Hey.

You got your lady's companion?

Always do.



Hey, mister. You all right?

You think he'd be out here

in the middle of nowhere

left for dead if he was?

If you don't button your lip,

you'll be right here

on the ground with him. Savvy?

- So much for love thy neighbor.

- [scoffs]


He has got more holes in him

than a billiard table.

He breathing?

- Help me out here.

- Hey.

You still wanna help him?

We can't condemn a man

without hearing

his side of things first.


Best to hold on to that,

just in case.

- [grunts]

- He ain't no Sunday preacher.

Not with six notches in his g*n.

We can put him on your horse,

you can ride double with me.

I bought Old Bob for me,

not what's-his-nuts here.

Riding double's

never bothered you before.

That was different.

I was getting paid.

Well, I'll owe ya.

Jolene's already packing

too much weight as it is.


You sure about this?

Yes, now quit letting go of him.

- Help me.

- Oh--

You just let one man

drop you like a baked potato

fresh from the oven,

and now you wanna start

taking up with another.

Would you come on?

It is hot enough

to pop corn out here

and we need to find some shade.

Come on.

- [both grunting]

- There...

[birds chirping]

- How's he looking?

- Well...

being dragged the way he was,

dirt plugged the hole.

There's a slug in there

that needs to come out.

The other shot looks like

it went clean through.

Don't look like

no vitals was hit. [sighs]

Seeing as how you got

his pants off and all,

how's he look down yonder?

And don't tell me

you didn't sneak a peek

'cause I know you did.


Why are you so interested

all of a sudden?

Professional curiosity.

What caliber

we talking here? .22? .38?

It's a .44.

Any notches on it?

In case you forgot,

we are trying to get out

of that line of business.

You are. I like what I do.

Besides, proper ladies get poked

by fellas too, don't they?

Sure they do,

but if my scheme pans out,

you'll only have to bed down

with the ones you want to.

No more toothless gummers

or fat guys or saddle trash.

Just gentlemen of your choosin'.

I mean, "lady" always

had more of a ring to it

than "lewd woman,"

don't you think?

You and rings.

Ever since I known you,

you been hung up on them.

The brass ring. Wedding ring.

What's it gonna be next,

the three-ring circus?

Go fetch me that skinning knife

out of Old Bob's saddle bag,

will you?

And, uh...

Oh, and a flask of whiskey

and a tin cup.

Where'd you learn doctorin'?

I didn't.

Here goes nothing.

- [grunting]

- Ah!

Mister! Mister!

You have got a sizable

hunk of lead in you

that I was about to take out,

but if you wanna keep it,

I can leave it be.


- Whiskey, please.

- [sighs]

Thank you.

Ohh... [sighs]

All right.

[man] All right,

let's do it. Go ahead.

Go ahead. Come on.

- [grunting]

- Let's see...

What are you doing? Huh?

Start with the back.

Don't need any more holes

being put in me.

Slow and steady

until you hit something solid.

- That'll be the b*llet.

- All right.

[man groaning]

- [Alice] Ohh.

- [groaning continues]

- I got it!

- You're awful tender for a man

who looks like he spends

a lot of time in rough country.

There you are, mister.

[breathes out] Hah.

You know, deep down,

men ain't nothing

but big babies.

I mean, all that fuss

for just one little old b*llet?

Best get a fire going.

- [sizzles]

- [groaning]

Well, I must say I am obliged

for the food and the doctorin'.

[Alice] You was

in a pretty rough way

when we found you, mister...

Uh, Gallup. Eldon Gallup.

This place ain't fit

for belly crawlers and buzzards,

let alone people.

What are you doing

out here anyway?

Suppose I could ask you

the same question, huh? Hm?

What are ya, a hired g*n?

We saw them notches

on your p*stol.

You did?

Yes, I, uh...

I do make a living with my g*n.

But I ain't never been

hired out.

Speaking of which,

where the hell's my g*n?


[Nora] You a bounty hunter?

Why don't you check my pocket?

If you dare.

This, uh...

"Gila Grimes..."

Looks like quite a peach.

What'd he do to warrant

a reward for 2,000 dollars?

Oh, wow. Hmm... Tsk.

Nothing fit to mention

in front of a lady.

He the one that shot you?

Well, I reckon so,

though I imagine

that was a bit hard to say.

Shot me in the back,

Miss, uh...

Oh, I'm Alice.

This here's Nora.

Nora. Beautiful.


Looks like he got

quite a jump on you.

Who was stalking who, huh?

I underestimated him.

And it damn near got me k*lled,

but it's a mistake

I won't make twice,

that's for sure. Uh...

I know for a fact

he is holed up

in this God-forsaken

hellhole somewhere.

I never met a man hunter before.

You know, Mr. Gallup,

you could say

we're in a related line of work.

Though the men

are usually hunting after us.

Oh, no.

Just my luck. Do not tell me

y'all are whores.

- Sportin' gals.

- Soiled doves.

High desert hussies,

- and about a dozen

other crude names...

- Whores. could call two women

working in the world's

oldest profession.

We were kicked out of town

by the women's decency league.

Whose beds do you think

their husbands' boots

were under?

Wasn't their wives,

I'll tell you that much.

Wow. You must be so proud.

Any worker worth their wages

takes pride in what they do.

We're headed up

to Virginia City.

We're looking for a higher

and better road to follow.

[Eldon] Mm, yeah, well, I mean,

I bet you're awful saddle sore

after a profession like that.

We wanna open up a restaurant.

We're gonna call it

the Horny Toad.

That's right. The Horny Toad.

Very catchy name.

There is a silver strike

up there

and all them miners

is gonna need a place to eat.

You know what they'll also need?

A place to poke!

Oh, just stick with

what you're good at.

My mom always did.


Those days are over for me.

I wanna open up

a respectable place

for respectable people.

Respect, though,

is hard to come by.

Well, I like just being me.

[softly] Same here.

Oh, shit, that hurt.

I'm gonna call it a night.

I've been shot at,

been carved up by some whore

playing pretend doctor, just...

it's too much. It's too much.

You know, I have never met

a man that spent so much time

on his back.

- Yeah. Maybe he's a whore too.

- [Eldon] Damn right I am.

Best in the business.

- get like this.

- No, we don't.

- It's just gonna be a minute...

- Okay.

[Eldon] What are you

two sisters in sin

whispering about, huh?

Stick your foot down.

We just been discussing

your predicament.

This here Grimes fella.


You ain't in no shape

to take him on by yourself.

And what the hell do you two

even know about chasing

a man like Grimes?

Oh, we've had

our fair share of bad men.


Wow, that's gratitude for ya.

Save a man's life

and he starts laughing

and calling you names.


We'll help you.

For half the bounty.

[Eldon] Half?

Half. Half?

If I could stand up,

I would fall down laughing.

Half. I never heard

such a thing. Crazy.

Without us, you'll probably

die of sunstroke.

- Snake bite. Starve.

- Gangrene. Die of thirst.

Wow, glad you guys

are all so concerned about me.

- Well, thank you. Thank you.

- Oh, mind us, honey.

- You need us.

- I need you?

I need you like I need syphilis.

You need our stock,

our supply and our help.

'Cause without 'em,

you're buzzard bait

and you know it.

What'll it be, Eldon?

Fine. Stay here

and die if you like.

It ain't no skin off our nose.

Ugh! Damn it.

Ah, is that a yes?

Well, not like I have

much of a choice.

Y'all had me over a barrel.

[exhales] It was a horse,

if you don't remember.

I don't.

[Nora] Well,

would you look at that?

I guess you needed us

more than you realized.

You actually gonna ride

in that dress?

Don't you worry about my ridin'.

I ride just fine.

Ask any man

from Socorro to Santa Fe.

They'll tell you.

Well, well, well.

A couple of whores in a tizzy.

I thought I k*lled you.

You're not the only one

taking risks out here, you know.

We don't even know

if we can trust you.

Bit of free advice.

Don't trust no one but yourself.

Less likely to be let down.

This is a damn fool's errand,

is what it is.

What the hell do you two know

about chasing hard men, anyway?

Oh, giggle all you want,

that's fine.

Ain't gonna be

a cathouse parlor game.

Grimes. Last time we tangled,

he damn near k*lled me.

He ain't gonna

bat an eye rubbing out

the likes of you two.

Go on, see how much

laughing you do

when that lead starts flying.

- Yeah.

- What's wrong there,

Mr. Gallup?

Desert got you all hot

and bothered?

Nope, just you.

[Nora giggles]

Do you know where we're going?

Hell in a handbasket.

[Nora] You don't much

like us now, do you?

- Leave him be, Nora.

- I'm just trying

to make conversation.

Going into business

with someone's

like going to bed with them.

The more you know about them,

the easier it'll be

when things get rough

and tumble.

Nora, is it?

Ain't gotta worry about

catching me in your bed.

You ain't exactly

my kind of woman.

Besides, I never pay for it.

Never will.

You couldn't afford me anyway.

You got that right.

I ain't got but ten cents

to my name.

You got something

against whores?

Mm, not until

I met one, I didn't.

I was just a-- a young buck,

ventured into a house

of ill repute.

Went upstairs

with this tender young thing.

Then what?

Well, she, uh, rolled me

right down to my socks.

You can't judge

a whole profession

based on what

one greedy whore did.

Greedy and whore now them two

words they go together just

fine, don't they?

Kinda like bounty hunter

and scum.

You sound a bit soured

on women.

Well, believe it or not,

under all the dirt,

sand and stubble,

there's a handsome face

that has...

- has caught the fancy

of many a young lady.

- [horse neighs]

[Alice] Oh, too bad

ain't none of them

here right now.

I never met a man as cocky

and full of himself as you.

- Shh, shh, shh.

- Don't hush me.

I can speak if I want to.

- You're not the boss

of us and--

- [g*nsh*t]

[Eldon pants]

All right, easy, love.

All right, all right.

[groaning, panting]

Whoa. Well, I'm gonna go ahead

and venture a guess

and say not so good.

I reckon you're right.

Hold on. Let me jump down here.

I got you.

- [grunts]

- Wow.

This oughta do the trick.

- There we go.

- Jesus!

Well, this canteen's bone-dry.

Well, we should be

at the water hole

by tomorrow sundown. All right?

Well, that doesn't do me

any good.

- [scoffs]

- I'm thirsty right now.

Well, you can do

a little rain dance.

Huh? See how far that gets you.

What about Grimes?

Ain't he have to be

coming after us any minute now

down that trail?

No. His-- his horse took

one hell of a chili-wanger.

Snake hole.

No, he ain't going anywhere

any time soon.

Except by foot maybe.

We'll settle with him later.

Can you, um, can you help me up?

- You sure you're fit to ride?

- No.

But that one,

she's thirsty right now,

so we don't got a choice.

[Alice sighs]


Alice, we're riding

with a damn child.

Come on, here you go.

Okay, let's go. Whoa.

I won't be needing

this damn thing anymore.

- [Eldon grunts]

- Is there a reason

we're stopping

or do you just wanna

admire the dirt?

Well, Alice was right.

Tsk. If y'all are gonna help me

hunt down Grimes,

you need to learn how,

all right?

It is a two-step process.

sh**t', survivin'.

I thought you said

that you could bring him back

dead or alive.

Dead's just easier.

Let's see what you got.

Let's see if you can hit

that cactus down yonder.

- Okay.

- All right?

Uh-huh. Wow. All right,

let's just-- plenty of that.


- She kicked your ass.

- [exhales]

Where'd you learn

to sh**t like that?

Most fathers give

their little girls

pretty little things,

but not my daddy.

When I turned 13,

he got me my first Henry r*fle

to help fill the stew pot

with c*ons, turkeys, possums.

You name it,

I plucked 'em and plugged 'em.

You ever draw down

on a man, though?

- No.

- Pulled the trigger?


Might just get your chance.

Here we go.

Let's try this again.

All right. All right.

Let's see what you got.

All right,

now slow down a little bit.

- I know.

- Just--

You need to put

two hands up there, okay,

keep both eyes open.

Breathe. Easy.


Uh-huh. All right, well,

let's try spreading

the legs a little bit.

Like you got a man

in between there.

Keep your eyes on it.


- [g*nsh*t]

- All right, well,

that wasn't

a full-on hit, though,

- but it was pretty close!

- Oh!

Maybe just, uh...

Well, maybe you might've

got a ricochet.

Huh. Oh, well.

- Huh?

- Jesus!

"I ain't afraid to love a man.

I ain't afraid

to k*ll him neither."

Annie Oakley said that.

I don't know who that is,

but I'd rather her here

than you.

Give me that damn thing.

- Where is Alice?

- In the bushes.

What do you think?

I think it's time to go.

[Caldren] Hey.

[speaking Spanish]

Want coffee?

You really want some?

Get it yourself.

I ain't at your beck

and call, am I?

[shouting in Spanish]

[men laughing]

[Dobbs] Well, boss...

I would offer you some coffee,

but you done went and shot

the shit out of the pot.

I thought you'd have somethin

with a bit more bite in it,

you old rattler.

Well, for you.


- [Caldren] Shot the

coffee pot.

- [men laughing]

[Dobbs] You know, boss,

you got any other urges

that need to be satisfied.

[Caldren] Figures.

Coochy coo!

Young and tender,

just like you like 'em.

You better watch that one, bud.


She might bite off

more than you reckon.

[men laughing]

Besides, I like pain

before pleasure.

I have a bounty hunter

that's been dogging me.

You planning on turning

the tables on him, boss?

Turning and burning and leaving

the bastard squirming.

[exhales] I think I'm gonna

give him a lead smile.

I need a horse.

Well, go ahead

and take mine there, boss.

I'll ride up here in the wagon.




Hey, uh, you boys keep her warm

for me, will you? Whoa!

We don't mind

obliging you there, boss.

- Do we, boys?

- Yeah. No, not at all, man.

Yeah. See you, boss.

- Laters.

- [Caldren guffaws]

[Grimes sighs]

[Caldren] Yeah. We'll see you

down the road.

[Eldon grunts]

Hold up.


Just hold up.

You guys can go ahead.

- I got some business

to attend to.

- [Nora] Yeah.

How long are you gonna take?

I don't know.

As long as it takes.

Wanna write a book?

- Yeah.

- Yeah?

Called "The Shit I Put Up With."

First chapter's on you,

Mr. Trot.

- Gallup. It's Gallup.

- Mm.

- Best remember that.

- Yeah. Sure. Mm-hmm.

- Whatever.

- Mm.

[Eldon] Unless you wanna

give me a hand.

[Nora] Oh, no, thank you

very much, sir.


Jolene, good girl.

- You know what a Comanchero is?

- Uh-uh.

You don't wanna find out.

- I think you're right. Okay.

- Come on. [click tongue]

All right... Stay calm.

- No!

- Stop right there, ladies.

[man] This way. Take her in.

- Good girl.

- Let's go.

- Alice, just do what they say.

- Shut up.

- No, no!

- Let's go.

- [screams]

- Come on, come on.

- [indistinct]

- [men laughing]


- Come on, this way, ladies.

- Let's go.

Come on, let's go.

If it ain't one thing,

it's another.


[Dobbs] Get up there.

You get up here.

- Huh? What do you got there?

- [Alice grunts]

Little lady's companion?

Are you hiding something too?

- Wouldn't you like to know?

- Oh, I'm gonna know.

You got something in here?

What do we got here?

- Wouldn't you like to know?


- What's this?

- Huh? What you hiding?

- [groans]


Get over there.

Just get in the wagon.

- [Alice] No, no! No!

- Come on. Get in!

- Get!

- No!

No! [grunts]

No! [grunts]

[Dobbs] Need a hand there,

cabrn ?


Get off of her, you filthy pig!

Lookie here, boys.

- We got us a wildcat in here.

- No!

Well, smile, darlin'.

You're about to have

the time of your life!

[Alice] No!

- [groaning]

- [screams] No!

[Alice] No!

- [Caldren] Hyah! Hyah!

- [Nora grunting]

[yelling in Spanish]

[speaking in Spanish]

- [men guffawing]

- [indistinct]

Why don't you, uh,

sing us some music?

Because it's about to get

real romantic back here.

[Jiminez singing in Spanish]

[Alice screaming] No!

No! Stop!

[singing in Spanish continues]

[Alice] No...

- [Caldren] Hyah!

- Hyah!

- Hyah! Hyah!

- [stabs]


- g*n belts, keys.

- [men grunting]

- [Caldren] Hyah!

- Damn it!

[men grunting]

[Caldren] Come on! Giddy up!

Giddy up! Giddy up!

Giddy up! Come on!

[Jiminez groans]

Hyah! Get him! Get him!


Ugh! f*ck! [groans]

You know what I'd give

for a shot of snakebite

right about now?

[chuckles] I'd give

my two big toes. Yeah.

[sighs] Didn't the driver

have a bottle

of something or other?

- Yep, yep. Coming up.

- [Alice] Oh!

Check the wagon too.

I think our p*stol

and r*fle were in there.

- Here. Al.

- Thanks, Nora.

- Here.

- Aren't you a sweetheart?

- Dammit.

- [grunts]

[low grunt]

[mumbles] You know

what I did right there?

- What?

- How are you still standing?

I can hold my liquor.

The sun is about to set,

so we should--

We should take off

'cause we got miles to cover.

We got miles to cover.

Let's go, gals! Yeah. Yeah.

You sure about that?

Sure. Sure.

Sure, I'm sure.


Mm. [chuckles]

It's funny.

I ain't never seen a man spend

more time fallin' off his horse

than ridin' it.

[horse neighs]

Well, boys, at least the birds

ain't gonna peck your eyes out.

You know, if Grimes

is worth 2,000 dollars,

his g*ng must be worth

something, right?

What do you think?

Leather or lace?

One's definitely

more practical than the other,

especially out here.

Yeah. You're right.

Lace it is.

What are you looking at?

Admiring the scenery.

Ain't illegal, is it?

If'n it was,

you'd be guilty as sin.

I got urges,

same as every other man.

Once you two are done

gallivanting around,

we should make a fire.

It's colder than a whore's heart

out here tonight.

No offense, though. [chuckles]

You still wanna go

through with this?

I'm tired of whoring, Nora.

I got more to offer this world

than just a good time.

You been listening

to that bounty hunter

far too much.

If you don't love yourself,

ain't nobody gonna love you.

Honey, I've been loved

by plenty of men

plenty of times.

Nora. Ain't nobody loved us.

We just been used

over and over again.

And you know what?

And someday, ain't nobody

gonna wanna use us no more.

You ever think about that?

Well, you better start.

'Cause once you're all used up,

death usually isn't too far off.

Do you trust him?

We need him,

in more ways than one

if we wanna get out

of this thing.

He proved that today.

Well, I don't like him.

He's pricklier than a bearcat.

You don't have to like him.

But I'd do what he says

if you wanna live

through this thing.

And here I am without my g*n.

Where's Alice?

I think she's just out

collecting firewood.

Why ain't you helping her?

I thought it'd be nice to take

a dip before it gets dark.

Yeah. Well, unfortunately,

it's not big enough

for the both of us here, so...

- Really?

- Vamoose.

I see plenty of room out here.

- I seen you washing up earlier.

- Yeah.

- Yeah?

- That was washin'.

This is skinny-dippin'.

Oh, relax!

We're just two people

baring our thoughts out here.

Yeah, bare-ass naked.

What are you trying

to do to me? Huh?


I think I just found your g*n.

I don't understand you.

You know, most men would die

for a night with me.

But here I am,

throwing myself at you

and you just keep

pushing me away.

Yeah. People want

what they can't have.

It's a fact of life.

What's wrong with me?

Ain't I good-looking?

Yep. Okay.

Let's say I was interested.

How many men you been with?

I don't know.

Last counted a hundred.

You have any other skills

besides pleasuring a man?

Sure, I do.

Yeah? Gimme just one.

Well, I can, uh...

You know, um...

I'm really good at, uh...

Yeah. That's what I thought.

I mean, if you ain't a whore,

then what are ya?

Besides, what if--

what if Alice found us?

I think she'd probably join us.


We've shared men before.

We just charge double for that.

But seeing as you don't have

any money,

you know what I'll do?

I'm willing to extend you

a line of credit.


fifty dollars out of your share.

I can get myself a good horse

for 50 dollars.

What's gotten into her?

I think she's trying

to figure that out.


What's gotten into you?


Ain't you gonna do something?

Well, I'm not exactly armed

and dangerous at the moment.

Honey, you don't happen

to speak Apache, do you?

[Nora speaking Apache]

[speaking Apache]

Where did you learn

to speak Apache?

When I was little, my parents

died on a trip out west.

The Mescaleros took me in.

- Apache were some

of my first customers.

- Really?

What did you, uh...

What did you say to him?

Just, you know, you and I

tried to make love

but you couldn't get it up.

[speaking Apache]

Oh, well...

Shit. I burned myself.

They doing what I think

they're doing back there?

- Uh-huh.

- Shit.

You guys do your own makeup?


You're not the only one

who gets urges.

[Eldon] Get yourself

a new r*fle?

I did.

- Yeah.

- Ahem.

Y'all have a good time?

Wouldn't you like to know?

Not really,

I'm just being courteous.

Oh, yeah. Oops.

That's good.

Adds to the flavor.

What did you, uh--

what did you learn about

our newfound friends here, huh?

Well, um, they were asking

about the Apache girl

we were with.

- Ah, they are, are they?

- That's her father.

[Eldon] Instead of fooling

around with that,

why don't you, uh,

get back to the task at hand,

which is Grimes?

You don't wanna upset

an armed Apache.

Why not?

[speaking Apache]

[speaking Apache]

Well, I don't trust 'em

as far as I can throw 'em.

You sure Grimes

is coming out this way?

This is the only watering hole.

He's coming this way.

Yeah, I'll take

first watch Damn.

Good night, Mr. Gallup.

Well, I would say good night,

but every night with you

has been anything but...

[singing in Apache]


Don't sh**t, it's only me.

Aren't you lucky?

What are you doing up?

Oh, I couldn't sleep.

- Here, I'll take that.

- Ooh.


I brought you

some strawberry preserves

with some biscuits.

Well, much obliged.

Well, you and Nora,

you are one hell of a pair.


Sweet and sour.

Yeah and you're all salt.

Well, yeah. I suppose

- I am an acquired taste.

- Mm-hmm.


Out here women ain't got much

of a choice other than cookin',

- teachin', marryin', or--

- Whoring? Yeah.

Most men, they ain't looking

to get hitched to the likes

of me and Nora.

Well... Hmm.

You never fancied

being a schoolmarm?

[scoffs] Oh. No.

[laughs] No, I'd probably

break my switch

- the first day.

- Oh.

"Spare the rod,

spoil the child."

That's what my Pa

used to say. Mm.

Man, he was a drunk.

A mean drunk.

But still, I, uh...

He hated himself

more than he hated me.

Why didn't you leave there?

We had but one horse. Yeah.

And if he caught me

trying to steal it,

he wouldn't hesitate

to put a b*llet in my back.

But, you know, I figured out

that he robbed a bank,

k*lled a teller,

and there was a bounty

on his head.

Yeah. So, he passed out

one night, right?

And I hog-tied him,

stole his horse,

and dragged his ass

all the way to jail.

Four hundred dollar bounty

for that one. First one too.


Got me this g*n,

got a fast horse,

I stayed for the hanging.

After that,

I just rode out of town.

Never been back.


I came all the way from Georgia.

My husband-to-be...

He was one hell

of a letter writer.

It only took two

before he had my head full

of romantic notions. And, um...

he said that he had a big ranch

with all these cattle

that could make any a dream

I ever have wanted come true.


You were a mail-order

bride, huh?

Never got around

to the bride part.

I will never forget

the first time

I laid eyes on him.

He was just lying there

in that pine box

at the funeral parlor.

Damn. What, uh... what happened?

His neighbors, uh,

they reckon that he...

His horse spooked and he fell

and hit his head on a rock.

His neck was broke

when they found him.

But, well--

bright side

you get his, uh...

His spread, his cattle, right?

Inherit all that.

No. No, I...

I would've been if we would've

been married, but, um...

His kin.

They took everything,

right down to the last heifer

and it wasn't long before

I needed a place to go

and needed me a job.

Yeah, that's tough.

So, um, the cathouse,

that was the...

The only thing hiring, huh?

When you're starving

and you got no place to go,

you do what you gotta do

to survive.



It's just a question. Jesus.

Hey. Get up.


You weren't here

when I got up last night.

You two get horizontal?


I brought him

some biscuits. We talked.

Well, if I didn't know you

better, honey,

I'd say you've lost your touch.

I have.

You know, if he was

any more asleep,

he'd be dead.

Last night's coffee

still in the cup?

Sure is.

It's cold, though.

Suppose I could make some more.

What the hell

did you do that for?

Just giving you

a morning coffee.

Always helps me get up

and face the day.

I prefer to drink it. In a cup.

You know, I swear I saw some

go down your throat.

Where'd the Apache go?

Same place we're headed.

And hell ain't waitin'.

[panting] Hyah!

Ain't that strange?

Tracks from another horse.

Do you think Grimes

could've gotten another horse?

Don't know.

You know, those Comancheros

did say something about him.

You're just telling us that now?

My God.


Come on! Hyah, hyah, hyah!

[Eldon grunts] Hyah, hyah, hyah!

Hyah, hyah!

[Eldon panting]

[Eldon mumbles]

We can just camp up here. Ow.

It's getting late.

You'll feel better

once you get some food

and some rest in ya.

You been riding hard all day.

Well, take a load off.

We'll make camp. Thanks, hon.

Yeah, I think I could use

some-- some shut-eye.

Bust out the vittles, Nora.

This train's coming to a stop.

So what sounds good

for supper, Mister--


Okay, so look, I, um...

I just--

I wanna tell you something.

Okay, but listen with both ears,

'cause I'm only

gonna say it once.

All right?

Harder than I thought. Um...

My preconceived notions

about your career...

Maybe they--

they blurred my vision some?

I mean, I saw you

for who you were, what you did.

I mean, not-- not who you are.

And it was damn

shortsighted of me.

And small-minded.

Both, I guess.

[sighs] Um...

I mean, I reckon that, you know,

people, if they would--

they would take the time to see

each other as they are, then...

Well, there'd be

a whole lot more

meeting in the middle.

A lot less pissed people off

running around.

Man, that's such a tangent,

what are you talking about?

Anyways, look, I... I thought

I'd be better at this. Um...

I just want you

to know that I, uh...

I've come to respect you.

I really have.

And I've come to, uh...

I don't know.

Admire you even.

Maybe even love you, I guess.

If you could see yourself

with someone

by the likes of me...

That's it?

Ah, what the hell you know.

- You old crow bait. Hey.

- [horse snorts]

How long you been

standing there?

We were just chatting

about life.

Come on.

Sure can be lonely out here.

You still thinking about Orin?


Who's Orin?

Old flame of hers.

Yeah, those don't really

burn out, do they?


Old flames.

[low grunt] They just

keep on simmering.

Months, years.

Antelopes that run in the wind.

Cheers to you.

Where's she at now?

With her ancestors, I reckon.

She got, um, smallpox.

We were, uh, trading down

at Fort Lowell nigh on, uh...

fifteen years ago.

I would do anything,

I would drop my g*ns

if I could bring her back.

That gal, she meant

more to me than...

You know,

I'm not the crying kind, but...

that just...

that just crushed me, you know?

But, I, uh...

I will definitely shed

a few tears of joy

when I k*ll Grimes.

Or maybe I'll just--

I don't know.

Piss on his dead corpse.

One or the other.

I can't quite decide.

It's more of a "in the moment"

type of decision.

Past noon and you haven't

moved a muscle.



Well, I suppose

I was plum tuckered.

Fit as a busted fiddle

now, though.


Oh, damn!

Hey, you wanna wash this up

and I'll get some bacon on?

- [b*llet ricochets]

- [Alice gasps]

Whoa! Scatter!

[heavy breathing]

You see him?

[grunts] If I did, he'd be dead.

That you down there, Gallup?

The one and only!

You may as well

give up, Grimes.

I got two deputies

from town with me,

and they're both dead sh*ts.

Well, I ain't never seen

no deputies with pointy tits!

Pointy? They ain't pointy!

- Shush! Shush!

- Well, they ain't!

Now I aim to see you

dead and buried

when this day's done.


I didn't know you cared so much.

Most people would say

I ain't worth burying!

Truth be told, I just need

your head to collect the bounty.

I'll be real quick with it.

That's mighty big words

from a man hiding behind whores.

How'd you know they were whores?

'Cause there ain't

no self-respecting woman

that'd be out here

running around alone.

- Someone ran 'em off

from somewhere!

- Decent? I'll show him decent!

Nora, enough. All right. Enough.

All right, well, why don't you

go round up the horses?

Watch your ass.

Mm-hmm. Yeah.

- Think you can cover me?

- Yep.

There you go, there you go!

[g*n cocks]

Come on guys, let's go.

You all right?

I'll be a damn sight better

when that assh*le's

shaking hands with the devil.

I told you it wasn't gonna be

no fun and games.

It's k*ll or be k*lled out here.

- [g*nsh*t]

- [groans]


No! No!


Oh, my God, no!

Promise me you won't let

that son of a bitch get away.

I promise. I won't.

I swear we'll get him.

- [sobs]

- I'm not talking about Grimes.

[labored breathing]

I told you this was a bad idea.

I'm so sorry, Nora.

I'm so sorry.

At least I get to go out

with a bang, huh?


No! [crying]


[Alice] No!


Please, no! No!

She's-- Nora, no!

Oh, God!


Could you give us a minute...

alone, please?


Lord, I...

Nora had a good soul.

Despite what others

may have said about her...

she was a true friend,

of which I never had many.

And she-- she may have lived

a wicked way, but she--

She was trying to change

for her sake.

And for yours, and...

I-- I just hope

that you will take that

into consideration

before you pass judgment on her,

and me, for what I'm about to do

in her name.

[Eldon] Hey, come on.

Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.

Hang on.

Sorry about Nora.

You know, me and you,

we ain't that different.

Come again?

k*lling for a living's a sin.

Same as selling your body,

maybe even more so.

Yeah, maybe you're right.

Guess we're all sinners.

- So says the good book, right?

- Yeah.

I guess there's something about

forgiveness in there too,

though, right?

Reckon so.

Planning on forgiving Grimes

for k*lling Nora?

Hell, no.

That son of a bitch is gonna get

what's coming to him.

You know what,

why don't you hop down

and fix Jolene's pack there?

[Alice sighs]

I'll take a look around.

Son of a bitch.

All right, let's move.

You see something?

I see Grimes.

Come on.

- Damn it!

- I didn't have time

to finish hitching.

I can curse myself, can't I?

I only have one good arm.

Did the best I could.

Why didn't you fetch me?

I would've helped you.

You know what, Alice?

I just kind of figured

that you had a lot

on your mind, you know?

Nora dying and all that,

just didn't wanna bother you.

Well, I do appreciate

the sentiment,

but now, what are we gonna

eat tonight besides nothing?

- [g*nsh*t]

- Oh, dear!


- [g*nsh*t]

- Hey. You got a plan?



I'm formulating one. Yeah.


Hey, I promise.

We'll make it

through this. Yeah?

Yeah, I know.

You'd be the first man

to keep his promise to a whore.

I'd never be caught dead

kissing a whore.

All right? Now,

that you are an honest woman,

I'd be happy to spend

the rest of my life kissing you.


Gallup, you still kickin'?

Where'd you learn

how to bounce b*ll*ts?

Spent some time

in a Wild West show.

Sharpshooters there

taught me a trick or two.

Worked out well

when I was robbing

their box office!

Maybe it's time to give up

outlawing and join the circus.

Yeah, you'll make

one hell of a bearded lady.

Die, you limp-legged bastard!

- [g*nsh*t]

- Jeez!

Are you-- Was part of your plan

pissing him off?

Figured it couldn't hurt,

seeing as we're up shit's creek.

Give me your empty g*n.

All right, you ready to end

this turkey sh**t?

Sure am. I like my tail feathers

where they're at.


You got your trading pants on?


Why? Are you out of cartridges?

Yeah, that's why I'm firing

insults and not lead.


what are your terms?


My life for my pack mule.

Nope. Too thin.

The pack mule and a horse,

that's a deal more to my liking.

I'd be happy to oblige,

but the gal I was with,

she rode off on him.

And left me in a lurch

when you...

when you shot her best friend.


So you trust me

to give you a fair shake?

Ain't got much choice now, do I?

All right, Gallup.

Throw out your w*apon,

trot out the mule,

and I'll let you live.

For about one damn minute.

All right.

Yeah. [grunting]

Come on, come on, come on.

Come on, come on.

I'm coming on down.

Feel free to hobble out

at your leisure.


Yeah, I'll admit,

as far as plans go,

that was a mighty clever one.

Yeah, it just kind

of popped in my head

as soon as he started talking

about the Wild West.

You know, trick riding.

Now, listen. Any...

Any woman who will risk

her life for me...

that's one hell of a gal

in my book.

Well, coming from a crippled up

old bounty hunter,

I'll take that as a compliment.

People try to k*ll me

damn near every day.

It could mean that I need

a career change.


you can do a lot of thinking

on 2,000 dollars.

- [laughs]

- You can bet on that.

Well, I'm gonna go

get the-- the critters.

- [g*nsh*t]

- [thuds]



No! No!



- [arrow stabs]

- [Alice crying continues]

Die! Die!

What'd I ever do to you?

[Alice panting]

[triumphant yelling in Apache]



[indistinct chatter]

[Alice sobbing]

[indistinct chatter]

[Cleetus] Get out of the way.

Alice. What's going on?

Sheriff, I'm here for my bounty.

[dramatic music playing]

["Rest In Peace"

by Ryan Jewel playing"]

[music ends]
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