Air Marshal (2003)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
Post Reply

Air Marshal (2003)

Post by bunniefuu »

[music playing]

[donkey hee-hawing]

[distant braying]


We take him alive.

[speaking arabic]

[arabic music playing]

Sit your ass down!

[distant g*nf*re]


Speedy, you got Billy.

Two minutes to rendezvous.

I'm on it.

[dog barking]

Morales, what's your 20?

We're at the back wall.

It's a dead end.

No exit.

Blow it.

You got it, boss.


Boomer, do you read?

Loud and clear, Cutter.

Give us 3.

We have the Tango.

Need medical.

On its way.


You cover me.

I'll carry this puke.





That son of a bitch.

He k*lled himself.

That's gonna cost a
lot of American lives.

Captain, you're hit!








What, are we living
in Texas now?


Honey, I got a CU at
Bragg named Anson.

That it's just a
bad, bad association.

But why couldn't he be a girl?

I know lots of good girl names.

Oh, I'm sure you do.

We could get out that
little black book of yours.

Well, um, that was electronic.

You erased them all the
night that I proposed.

Come on.

You know I'm happy he's a he.

The kid's gonna
be a quarterback.

Support me in my old age
with his NFL contract.

God, I miss you.

I worry about you.

Well, look, I'm gonna be
there in less than 48 hours.

You still got two weeks.

Nothing to worry about here.

What about Brett, Jr?

You remember the bad old days?

Gone for weeks
and no cell phone.

I know.

And I know your job is
important right now.

I'm proud of you.

I love you.


Hey, kids, the van's here.

Listen, baby.

I gotta go.

I love you, too.

Kisses to both of you.

What the hell ever happened
to Tom, d*ck, and Harry?

Like guy names.

She's a lucky woman.

He's a great husband.

Hey, you know, I hear when the
baby comes, the sex life goes,

so maybe then I'll
have a chance?

You are so bad.

Hey, that's why I'm in
the service industry, honey.

[non-english speech]

WOMAN: No, we live
in Atlanta now.

My husband works for the
Center for Disease Control.

We left our two
children at home.

My husband was
trying to call them.

I hope the house
is still standing.

No, no.

No climbing, really,
just trekking.

Oh, you must be
in great shape, Dad.

You know, I tell
you what, I could sure

use a decent cheeseburger
right about now.

Oh, me too.

It's so cool we're gonna be
on the same flight, though.


I'll come back and
visit you in economy.

It's where all the fun is.


Ugh, Jesus.

Hey, get your hands
off of me, you creep.

You should be grateful.

Please excuse her.

Get your bag.



Hey, we're already boarding.
You better hurry.



[keys dropping]
- I got it.

I got it.
- Merci.

I'm sorry.

Don't worry about it.

I'm sorry.

Are you an American?

Well, actually, I
will be in two months.


I am going to New York
for the first time.

Do you know how long
do we have to switch

our flights in Frankfurt?

I think it's about an hour.

But we're holding up the line.
Could you please--


[music playing]

OFFICER: Here you go.

Thank you.

No one's flagged this
time, either by your people

or Interpol, nor us.


Should be a safe flight.


Too bad there's no
movie on this one.

We got a 20-minute gate hold.

Wheels up at 52.

One g*n on board-- your
friend Prescott, gorgeous.


So what about that lay you
were promising me in Frankfurt?

I mean layover.

Dream on.

Hey, hey!

That's harassment.


Sue me.

Next time, how about bringing
us some hot coffee, huh?

You know, I would, but
I only have a first class.


Welcome aboard,
Senator Chambers.


Right there.

Thank you.

MARIE: Good afternoon.

Welcome to Transair.

You'll find your seat
straight back to your right.


MARIE: Hi, welcome aboard.

Good afternoon.

Senator Chambers is in 1A.

What about Jake?

I like that name.

Hi, Fred.

Isn't this Ricky?


Have a good trip, son.


Did you fix it so I could
go up to the cabinet, Dad?

Fly it?

I'm afraid you can't do that
with the new security rules.

Give me a hug.

Marie here will take
good care of you.


Let's go find your seat.


If you're going to enjoy
the privileges of being

a senator's daughter--
and God knows you do--

you're going to have to
accept the responsibilities.

That was inexcusable.

I played my part this trip.

So boring.

Retards, politics-- boring.

I didn't even want to come.

Better than rehab
again, young lady.

Right here, Ricky.


- You OK, Ricky?
- Yeah, I'm fine.

Sir, I wonder if you could
keep an eye on this young man?

He's traveling alone today.


Well, so am I. He looks
like he could take

pretty good care of
himself, but it's

always nice to have company.

I'm Brett.

I'm Rick.

Richard Bernard Parsons.
- Hey.

I'm Luke.


Nice to meet you, man.

This looks like a good seat.

You know this is first class?

Yeah, I know.

Do you?

May I see your
boarding pass, sir?

3A, that's right.

Thank you.

I bought an around-the-world
first-class ticket

before my company went bust.

Your company?


Dot com?

Yeah, afraid so.


Oh, man.

That sucks.

It did.

It did.

Yeah, but you still
got that ticket.

And you're here,
so that's all good.

Hey, where you from?

I'm from the city--
New York.

All right.

I'm from New
Hampshire myself, man.

Well, actually, I'm
originally from here,

but now I live in New Hampshire.

You know, like,
live free or die.

Well, this time, to
tell you the truth,

a man could freeze and die.

BRETT: Have you seen
the world, Luke?


To tell you the truth, man,
I've seen enough for now.

Can't wait to get back home.

BRETT: I hear you.


Transair, you are cleared

for takeoff from the one--

cleared takeoff from the one--

- Did you get any of that?
- I heard "Transair."

It's good enough for me.

Where would we be if
English wasn't the language

of air traffic control?

You know, in the old
days, before these things

flew themselves--

well, anyway, I'm just
glad to be retiring soon.

There won't be any
human pilots by the time

you get to be my age.

Flight attendants, please
prepare for takeoff.

Ladies and gentlemen,

please make sure your
seatbelts are fastened,

that your seats are in
their upright positions,

and that your tray
tables in front of you

are locked in place.

At this point, we
would ask that you

turn off all electronic devices
for the duration of the flight.

Thank you.


[music playing]



A little bit, maybe.

They say flying is far
safer than driving your car.

I've had a few car
accidents before,

but I didn't drove
30,000 feet out the sky.

I think those moments when you
know your plane is gonna crash

must be the most
terrible imaginable.

You know, when you see
a wing fall off or an--

an engine catch fire.

I suppose it's
the same in a car,

you know, the moment
before a head-on collision.



So yeah, those moments certainly
are moments to test your faith.

Are you a believer, madam?

Well, all your talk is
sure making me one to pray,

I'll tell you that.

Hey, what you
reading there, Rick?

Those are the days.

This big sea planes took
days across the Pacific.

My dad got me the book.

He's a company manager here.


It must be really
interesting living here.

I don't live here.

I live with my mom in New York.

Oh, New York, huh?

Great city.

I live there, too.

My mom's going to
have a baby very soon.

Oh yeah?

So you're gonna have
yourself a little, uh--

She's married to d*ck.

He was my father's best friend.


What about Sebastian?

It has a dignity to it.

Hey Luke, how many
NFL quarterbacks

do you know named Sebastian?


Sounds like an accountant.

Maybe he will be.

Don't tease me.

He could be tiny.


BRETT: Thanks.




Thank you.

Is it OK if I move
to the window seat?


Let me give you a hand.


All right.

Here you go.

Thank you.


Thank you.

I'm sorry.

Hey, man, I know ethnic
profiling isn't politically

correct if we're all part
of the cosmos and all that,

but that guy over
there, he scares me.


Well, security seemed
pretty good at the airport.

Yeah, right.

So you did Nepal, too?

I hear they grow
great weed up there.

That's what I hear.

Come on, dude.

I am not a narc.

No, not at all.

You want to know
something cool?

What, am I boring you?

No, no.

Um, can you excuse
me just one second?

Yeah, if you
promise to come back.

We can, um, check out
the mile high club.


and gentlemen, the captain has

turned on the seatbelt sign.

Please return to your seats
and fasten your seatbelts.

I'm sorry, sir.

The seatbelt sign
just came on, if you

wouldn't mind taking your seat.

Do as I tell you, and
you will live a long life.

No tricks.
I know them all.





HEATHER: I brought coffee.

I told you she'd come back.

Who is it?


Not the same Heather who
swore she'd only deliver

coffee over her dead body?

Yes, the very same.

Well, I'm not sure
we want coffee now.

Maybe if you were offering
something a little more--

I'm sorry!

I'm sorry!

Sit down!

Strap yourself back in.

No more tricks, Captain.

You ought to follow my
instructions exactly

or I will k*ll her and you.

Who will fly the plane?

I will, though I'm sure
this idiot can manage.

Turn off the transponder.

Do it!

They'll be suspicious
when we don't check in.

Don't fool with me.

We are well beyond
air traffic control.

Assume a heading of 24 degrees
south until further notice.

Do it!

That's crazy.

We'll fly right
into a thunderstorm.

We'll be on the edge
of it, no problem.

Forget trying to
fool me, Captain.


Now, where's your g*n?

We don't have one.

Hey, the FAA hasn't approved it.

Don't believe everything
you read in the newspapers.

It's true!
It's true!

It's true.
It's true.

The b*llet proof door's the only
thing they put in since 9/11.


That's one dead.

There'll be two
if you ever think

of doing that stunt again.

Oh my God.


That was kind of cool.

Now you are going to
make an announcement.

and gentlemen, we encountered

a bit of rough air back there.

We will be encountering
more turbulence,

so please stay firmly
bundled up in your seats.

We should be
landing in Frankfurt

in plenty of time for you to
make any connecting flights.

Thank you.

How was that?

We'll soon find out.

Uh, you guys?

That was no air pocket.

Oh my God, you k*lled him.

Shut-- [ON INTERCOM] shut up.

Shut up.
Shut up!

Everybody stay in their seat.


Shut the f*ck up!

Let me see your kid.

Come on.

- Mommy!
- Shut the f*ck up!

Sit down!

So we are going to have
long flight, so sit!

Oh my God, they're
going to crash us!


No crash.

No crash.

We need hostage.



That's what they said
in New York, man.

Keep everybody quiet.

I'm not sticking around for--

Be smart, not dead.

Just fly.

Don't anybody move.

Man, will that work here?

Ought to.

Langley's best.

Security line.

This is Air Marshal
Brett Prescott.

I am on Transair 382--

I'll transfer you immediately.

No, this is an emergency.
Don't put--

You've reached the FAA Hotline.

Listen carefully, as our
menu options have changed--

Come on.

PHONE]: Press 1--

So you do have a g*n.

It's a Taser.

It's a stun g*n.

It's not a real g*n.

It can't k*ll anybody.

[phone dialing]



Oh my God, you shot him!

[panicked crying]

All right, I want
all cell phones.


You give cell
phone, you're dead.


I hate to do this.



We've taken over the plane.

Abdul k*lled one.


Watch him.

Do not let anyone in but me.

You-- you are coming with me.

Drag his body out.

Do it.

Do it!

Make sure you lock this.


You've reached Brett and Tracy.

We can't come to the phone right
now, so leave us a message,

and have a great day.

Take it easy, partner.

These things cause cancer.

And I don't have one.


You think we're playing
by the old rules--

Western rules.

Human life on this
earth is sacred.


But for Mohammed to die a
martyr is the most holy of acts.

For you to die an infidel
is our sacred duty.

Do it.


Jesus Christ, you k*lled him!

There is a b*mb in
the baggage compartment!

This will detonate it.

Give up any idea of
resisting us and believe me,

we are all willing to die.

Oh yeah?

That's what they said in New
York to control the passengers.

There was no b*mb.

Shut the f*ck up!



Where the hell were you?

You could have stopped
him and saved Mohammed.

But it was so much
better than a movie.

I was on the edge of my
seat with my friend Lauren

here, wondering
what would happen.

JAMAL: Mohammed was my man.

And now he is with
70 virgins in paradise.

Not my idea of a good time.

What if they're ugly?

You blaspheme.

And you messed up, brother.

We didn't need this if
you'd handled the pilot.

I told you my men and I
should have handled it.

Our air marshal.

Ah, a woman.

Pretty woman.

What's this?

Perfect symbol.

The end of an empire.

All right!

Everybody get up!

Move to the back!
- OK.

- Do it!

Let's go!


Do it now!

Let's go!

Move it!

Let's go!

- All right!


You, get out!

You, move!

Back to the plane!

Come on, come on, come on.

JAMAL: You sit right here now.

Come here, Senator.

Get out over here.

Get out.
- Ow!

Nobody move!


OK, miss, you can sit down.

You can have my seat.

Sit down!

Next to him?

Yeah, why not?

Why not.


Sit down.


[computer beeping]

[thunder rumbling]


[glass creaking]

Sit down, you idiot!


Come here.

Go to the cockpit.

Make sure Ahmed's
got it under control.

Give me your g*n.

So what about me?

You'll take Mohammed's.

Where is it?

Just go.


Sit down.


So is all OK, brother?

Yeah, fine.

Come here.

Have they made demands?


We've got no contact.

How do we know
it's a hijacking?

Housewife in New York.

We're spending 30
billion on intelligence

and you're telling me that--
that-- that some housewife is--

She's the wife
of the air marshal.

We have an update.

Mohammed to die a martyr

is the most holy of acts.


For you to die an infidel

is our sacred duty.


[woman crying]


Christ, you k*lled him!

The wife heard that?

Heard her husband get k*lled?

Brett Prescott's been
k*lled in action before.

Best sh**t and looters
special ops ever had.

You knew him?

Oh yeah.

Well, I have to inform the
president, but I need more.

I mean, he's gonna want
to know who to b*mb next.

Just kidding.

I have nothing to say to you.

The lives of these passengers
are in your hands, Senator.

The United States
of America does

not negotiate with t*rrorists.


Who are the t*rrorists?

The ones that b*mb from 10 miles
up, k*lling women and children.

The ones who have no
remorse whatsoever.

Why do you hate us so?

You obviously live in America.

You know us.


I know your arrogance,
your contempt

for the rest of the world,
your moral corruption,

and your so-called freedom.

Yes, the freedom that the
rest of the world envies us for.

Your freedom is a joke.

The rich control everything.

They control you, Senator.

You're fanatics.

That's not religion.

You Americans are
fanatics about money.

Money, money!

I stand for family
values, spiritual values.

You people have no
respect for human life.

You treat women like cattle.


What about your daughter?

Is she a happy person?

dr*gs, sex, alcoholic.

[speaking arabic].

Enough debate.

It's midnight in Washington.

Let us get to what they
call the bottom line.


General, let's keep this real
simple, just you and me--

White House and Pentagon.

No cluster f*ck with
FBI, CIA, DEA, FAA, huh?

The plane's here,
heading south.


Or the Sixth Fleet.

We're scrambling two F-16s.

Come on.

Come on!

Come on, you piece of garbage.


Can anybody hear me?

Come on.

God damn Japanese technology.

Piece of garbage.

Let's see.



Fuel management.

Fuel dump.

Oh, that'll piss them off.



I'll be right there.



See what your sh**ting did?

We must have a hole in
the right wing t*nk.

No b*ll*ts went
in that direction.

Look at this.

We're losing cabin pressure.

Don't tell me that's not
because of your b*ll*ts.

I've got to take it
down to 10,000 feet.

Must be the avionics section.


Stop it.

I can't.

Ahmed, go down there
and check it out.

It's right below us.

Take the elevator.


We don't want you
sh**ting up the avionics.

BRETT: Come on.

Come in, somebody.

Come on.

Can anybody hear me?

Come in.


This is Brett
Prescott, Flight 382.

Come in.

You're alive!

Brett, God!

I have no idea how
to work this radio.

That's why--


Hang on.

They've figured it out.

No, you stay.

Are you all right?

It's fine.


I gotta get topside.

I'm no good to
anybody down here.

But you don't have a g*n.

As far as I can tell,
they got three left.

That's one for the cockpit,
two for the passengers.

I like my odds.

Let me take a look at that.


It's really deep.

It's fine.

Brett, you're no good to any
of us if you bleed to death.

Hazards of the job, huh?

You just don't think it's
actually ever gonna happen.

Hey, hey, hey.

The good guys are gonna win.

We got the element of
surprise this time.

And the radio.

You know how to
work the radio?

Of course.


Hold on.

They've changed
course 34 degrees.

Looks like Libya's no longer on.

In a few minutes,
they're gonna be passing

right over the USS Brattleboro.

I mean, not to mention
civilian cruise liners.

They wouldn't be that crazy.

The president
said it's our call.

He knows we're minute to minute.

This is a decision
I never hoped to make.

How do you weigh lives on a
plane versus lives on a ship?

Look, if they go kamikaze,
we're gonna lose the people

on the plane no matter what.

Let's at least try to
save them on the ship.


They sh**t us down,
it'll be over nothing.

No, no, no.

You agreed that if the
first plan didn't work,

we would take out
an enemy target.

It can still work.

This island, it has
a landing strip.


No, no.



Jamal, don't you
want your bother free?

What about the other prisoners?

Our brothers
would be more proud

if we did something bigger.

We have very little fuel.

The expl*sive effect
will be minimal.

It's the symbolic effect.

Elijah, think.

An aircraft carrier-- the
very symbol of American power.

You are dreaming, brother.

You are dreaming.

We can free the prisoners
and get the money.

Money for the network,
for more operations.


It is not about money.

[speaking arabic].

Look out the window.

[speaking arabic]?


The passenger list.


They don't have
the nationalities.


Jesus Christ.

Senator Chambers?

And his daughter.

He was on that senate
mission to the Kremlin.


Of course he has
to be in our party.

Well, not only is
he butt buddies

with the president
with golf and all,

but we're taking control
of the Senate here.

He's the swing vote.

Maybe you're right.

All right.

All right.

All right.

Why isn't Ahmed back?

Hook me up.


Patch him true.

Put him on speakers.

This is Air Marshal Brett
Prescott on Transair 382.

Your wife will be
glad to hear that.

Who am I talking to?

Bob Cline, White House.

Hey, Cutter.

This is General Watkins.

Old Boomer Watkins?

I told you you
should've stayed in.

It's safer.

You'd be a full bird
behind a desk by now.


Well, you know me, sir.

I'm terrified of papercuts.

Here's our situation.

We've got six hijackers,
two confirmed dead, one out

of action.

We've got about 50 passengers,
two dead that I know of.

And the senator?

I'm sure he's OK, sir.


I've dumped about
70% of the fuel.

They're gonna have to land soon.

The two leaders are fighting.

One wants to play m*ssile.

The other wants to go to
a nearby tourist island.

I don't know-- hang on, sir.

They're sending it.

Patch us through.

We don't know if they're
going after a ship or not.




Come in, Django.

Django, ndale!


Come in, Django.


Where are you, brother?

Here all under control.

No problem.



Better than planned.


We wait, brother.

We wait.

you called Switzerland?


No money yet.

Early still.

Better get it.

See you soon.


Let's get coordinates ASAP
on where that's coming from.

Must be that island.

Thompson Island.

I'm voting for
greed of this one.

We better get some
firepower on that island.

What are you thinking?

Special Forces.




Here you go.

Anybody else?

Everybody got frags?

Take us through here.

All's good.

Got clips?

Weapons check out.


[speaking arabic]



Hey, who did this to you?
I need you, brother.

Wake up!
Right here.

Right here.

All right?

Go to the cockpit, OK?

And don't trust Elijah.


And I'll be there in a moment.



Well done.

Well done.

Any more tricks and I
will blow the plane up.

Do you understand?


Let me do it when
the time comes.

I know how.



What the hell is this?

Eight prisoners,
we're holding them?

You know any of these names?


But God only knows ever
other one's Mohammad.

And look at this.

They're demanding $30 million
in a Swiss bank account.

No surprise.

That's good news.

They sound ready to deal.

Could be a trick
to drop our guard.

Well, they are
heading for that island.

Or ship lanes.

Well, we're covered for
both contingencies, right?

Special Forces on the
island, F-16s and anti-air

if they go for a ship.

All right, Mr. Air Marshal,
I know you're down here.

I'll give you 10 seconds,
then I'll k*ll her.

I want you, not her.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3--

you're a good warrior.

k*lling you will bring
me fortune as God

will smile on me!

I'm Harish Bose, sir.

Harish, where the
hell did you come from?

May I ask you a favor, sir?

Please do.

Could you obtain for me
an employment in Germany?

My position is very
difficult here, sir.

Harish, I'll be happy
to do whatever I can.

But, uh, at the moment, my
position is rather difficult.

We'd better get you to
the hospital, sweetie.

Your contractions are
every five minutes now.

No, I'm not due for two weeks.

I'm sure they're
just Braxton Hicks.

False contractions, really.

Let's go.

They must've blocked it.

Is there another way up?

There should be a hatch
in the baggage compartment.


JAMAL: [speaking arabic].

Get up.

Yes, I said get up.

Sit there.

[speaking arabic]

We have no choice.

There are more than 1,500
people on that ship.

Arm the missiles.

You heard me right.

The order is armed missiles.


[violent beeping]

[speaking arabic]

ALL: [screaming]

[speaking arabic]

Prepare to fire.

25 seconds.


sh**t me.

Do me the favor.

What's a minute more
of life, anyway?

This crazy locked himself in
and is heading for a ship.

God help us.

Get the hell out of the way.



You see?

Security's a double-edged sword.


Security my ass, pal.



Copy that.

Now up, buddy.

That's a hell of a pilot to
avoid a m*ssile at that range.

Prepare to fire.

Roger that.


Can you hear me?
- Yes.

Yes, you're patched through.

We have control
of the aircraft.

Hold fire.

[laughing in background]

I repeat, we have control of--


Son of a bitch.

That is, the moderates have
control of the aircraft.

The good news
and the bad news.

I believe we can negotiate.

They have no kamikaze interest.


What's their plan?

They're heading away
from that cruise liner.

Thank God.

They're on course
for that island.

Looking like a good
old fashioned hijacking.


Damn it!

They're all up front.


We have a chance, OK?

All right, gentlemen,
let's roll.

Ah, Jamal, Jamal.

Oh my God, Dad.

Oh my God, are you OK?


Hadji, [speaking arabic].

The air marshal, tie him up.

No innocent has
to die here today.

The American government is
rational and values your lives.

All will go well.

And if you behave, we all leave.

Senator Chambers,
please, I need your help.

I do not negotiate
with t*rrorists.

Let that be on record.

Let me sh**t him.

Hadji, that's an appealing
idea, but unfortunately,

not all hostages are equal.

I need him as a
live body for now.


I need someone believable.

Senator Chambers,
as a politician,

is by definition a liar.

Mr. Air Marshal, you get
to live a while longer.


How many people are here now?

Who am I talking to?

The White House.

The president.

No, this is Robert Cline.

I'm authorized to act on
behalf of the president.

Bobby Cline, the fundraiser.

At least you understand money.

Where is my money?

You're asking a lot.

Now, we're willing to release
prisoners in exchange--

Come on, Bobby.

You have a $50 million
fund for rewards

for so-called t*rrorists.

It's a simple accounting matter.

Send 30 and you save 50 lives.

It's a bargain--

600,000 per person.

Dead, they will cost a lot more.

You hear me, Bobby?

Send 30, and you still have 20
left to offer as a reward for--

for me.

How do we even know that the
passengers are still alive?

Senator Chambers?

Hold on.

Cline, Brett
Prescott, Air Marshal.

Prescott, this
is General Watkins.


What's the situation there?

We're OK, sir.

He's right.

We've got about, uh, 50
live passengers on board.

I want to talk to
Senator Chambers.

Um, I don't think
that's gonna happen, sir.

He's OK.
He's just not here in the--

Listen, Bobby.

Listen carefully.

You have five minutes
to deposit that money,

or we begin to
deduct passengers.

Did you get that?






Oh good.

Now do the transfers.

S .


How far are we?

Well, if the coordinates
you gave me are right,

about 20 minutes.

But I can't find this field
anywhere in my database,

and I have every field
in the world in there.

No, no, no, no, no.

Captain, it's there.

I know it's on the map.

My colleagues just landed there.

Yes, sir.

15 minutes, sir.

Better now than wait.

We can do this.

Copy, read out.

One round and it's all over.


The chopper has to be
there when they land.

They got hostages.

We need surprise.

Let's take them.

ALL: [laughing]

I feel great!

There it is.



You, up.


We know who you are.

Your father will pay millions
for his favorite daughter.





got to be kidding.


Both of you, up.

You might as well sh**t me.

So we all die?

I hear you landed on a
carrier during the Gulf w*r

with your rudder shot off.

You can do this.

PASSENGERS: [screaming]

All right.

This is it.

I came in too high.

I need every bit of that strip.

Well, at least we're
back in first class.

We've got to try again.

We've got to try again.

[music playing]

MAN: We made it!

[hysterical laughter]

And watch your head.

Watch it.

Single file, please.

Women and children first.

You're safe.
You're safe.

You gotta go.

You gotta go.

You gotta go!

You won't get far.

I wonder which will give
me a greater satisfaction--

k*lling you now or having
you live with the fact

I got away with $30 million
of the great Satan's money

and live happily ever after?

What do you say?

I'd say that's a
fairy tale, assh*le.

And fairy tales
just aren't true.

Say hello to Tinkerbell
for me out there.

MAN: Hurry up.

Everybody out.

Everybody out.
Be careful.

Watch your head.

Watch your head.

[speaking arabic]!

What took you so long?

[speaking arabic]

[speaking arabic]

Omar, hey!

Come on!

Come on!



[speaking arabic], come here!

You bastard, you take my money?

Raise your hands slowly.


Very slow.

[speaking arabic]

[speaking arabic]

Well, hot damn.

You air marshals show up
in the strangest places.


Well, I had it
totally under control

till you guys showed up.

- OK, Ricky, it's your turn.
- No.

I want to accompany you.
I go with you.

No, sweetie, you gotta go.


You gotta go.


There's still
passengers on board.

Reed, turn this puppy around.

I don't want to miss my flight.

We're moving?

What the--

Faster, Captain.


Closer, Reed.


Get in!

Much faster, Captain.
Much faster.

Get his hand!

I got you.

Come on.

Much faster, Captain.

Shut up!

Much faster!

Shut up.

It's on full power.

Buckle yourself in.
You OK?


You're really cut.

It's OK.


Thank God for kids like the
United States Armed Forces,

those bastards won't get away.

Sir, there are still
passengers aboard that plane.



ALL: [cheering]

Hold on.
Hold on.


The plane's back in the air.


There are still
passengers on board.

At least the senator's safe.

Yeah, he can
play the hero card.

Stood up to the t*rrorists.
What about--

And the $30 million?

We tracked it from Panama
to the Cayman Islands.

Then it disappeared
in cyberspace.

How could these bastards
be smarter than us when we

set up the whole damn system?

You're just lucky those
passengers got off back there.

If we had the same
load we came in with,

we'd have never got this
crate off the ground.

What now?

We got maybe 180, 200 miles
left in the last t*nk.

Might have a shot at making
the American military base--


No military base, Captain.

The beach here.

If you could land on that field,
you could land on the beach.

We better check
who's still on board.

Give me the g*n
and I'll go check.

Better I have it for him.

The passengers think
you're a hostage.

You won't need this.

What about the air marshal?

Don't worry about him.

He's still hanging from
a ladder on that island.

Now I want you to find
out what they're planning.

Here, take this.

Jamal's b*mb detonator?

It's a tape recorder.

A $30 tape recorder, but
it helped us get $30 million.

- Are you all right?
- Yeah.

Yeah, I think so.

It's just-- it's my head.

What's happened?

The g*n.

Where's the g*n?


Get back!

Get back.

Let me by or I will
blow up the plane.

I'll k*ll everybody.

I'll do it.

[middle eastern music playing]

Not my kind of music.

You want to live?






Tie this this
piece of garbage up.


She's been hit.

What a load, eh, Captain?

Holy cow.

What's the situation?

Well, in a word,
I'd say hopeless.


No fuel.

What's the nearest air field?


Well, except maybe one.

Don't tell me.


Well, you did it once, right?

You know what the
odds were that time?

- What?
- You don't want to know.

Are we going to
land all right?

It's been real scary so far.

You can say that again.

about the size of it, General.

It's been a long day.

We should be on the ground
in a couple of minutes.

Or in the ground.

Hang in there, Cutter.

You've done a hell of a job.

If, uh, you could

let my wife know
that I'm-- better

wait till we're on the ground.

I'll talk to her directly.

You got it.

We're running on vapors.

It's got one try.
- You can do it, man.

No way.

You want me to
get out and push?


I need a few more drops of fuel.
- You OK, Rick?


It's OK, Ricky.

[violent beeping]

It's OK, Ricky.



All right.

I'll take it from here.

Go, Rick.

Keep some pressure
on the artery.





MARIE: Flaps.


RICKY: Uh, right there.
- Where?

Where are the flaps?


There, I think.


Oh my God.

Hold on, Rick.






Right there.

The brakes are there.

Oh my God.

BRETT: Whoa.


I can't believe you did that.

Never bet against a couple
of New Yorkers, huh, Ricky?

Thank God.

I see you made it.

Prescott, how's
Captain Nichols doing?

Well, sir, he lost a lot of
blood, but he'll pull through.

If I know Nichols,
this time next week,

he'll be telling cocktail
waitresses hero stories.

Sir, I must say
something to you.

I expected Frankfurt to be
something more different, sir.

Yeah, sure.

It couldn't be more perfect.

You're back safely.

Baby's healthy.

But we still don't have a name.

Well-- hey, come on in here.

Honey, I'd like you
to meet a real hero,

Richard Bernard Parsons.
- Oh, hi.

Nice to meet you.

I'm Tracy.

Brett told me how brave you are.

I wasn't really, but--

Oh, and this?

This is Richard.

Richard Prescott.


Um, here's a gift I
got for your newborn.

A gift, huh?



[music playing]
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