Battle of the Bulge (1965)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Battle of the Bulge (1965)

Post by bunniefuu »

December, 1944.

British and American armies
were on the threshold of victory.

Stretched across half of Europe,
the Allies gathered themselves...

...for the final as*ault on Germany.

To the north
stood Montgomery's Eighth Army... the south, Patton's Third.

In the center, along an 88-mile front...

...a few battle-weary American divisions
rested in a quiet sector.

To them, the w*r seemed already won.

This is their story.

We've been flying over these woods
all week.

There's nothing but trees.
Let's turn back.

- Getting hungry, Joe?
- The w*r is over.

I hear GHQ is cutting orders
to ship us home for Christmas.

The German army still has
6 million men carrying arms.

I haven't heard they're going home
for Christmas.

Hey, there it is...

...the German army.

Let's go down and have a look.

- Buzz him again. I wanna get a picture.
- Okay.

This time, g*n your engine.
Make him look up.

It worked.

Swing around.
I wanna get another one.


I am ashamed of you.

Get up.

They could have k*lled us, sir.

If you'd taken the pains
to have looked carefully... would have observed it was
an unarmed reconnaissance plane.

You would stay in the car if it were
a fighter plane sh**ting at us.

I did not lose a w*r to die
in the back seat of a car.

Does the colonel think any of us
has a choice where we will die?

I know where you'll die, Conrad,
at home, in your own bed.

Is the colonel trying to get rid of me?

I think that the world is going
to get rid of both of us.

Pick up your cap! Put it on.

Try to look like a soldier!

What good is a soldier anyhow?

He wins, he loses.

What's he good for anyhow?

Conrad, I've told you before...

...never leave the motor running.
Petrol is blood.

I'm sorry, sir.

It won't happen again.

Looks like something on the ground
at 10 o'clock. Let's take a look.


Let's go home.

Herr Oberst Hessler is here.

- Colonel Hessler, sir.
- Yes.

Well, Hessler.

It has been a long time.

How good it is to see you again.

You look the same.


Little leaner perhaps.

The Russian front does not put meat
on a man's bones, general.

Ah, yes. w*r is hard on all of us.

- Central heating.
- Yeah.

Crystal chandeliers.

You have a nice cellar.

Field Marshal Goring
gave me that painting.

Lovely, isn't it?

I imagine he found a bargain
in Paris last year.

My corporal's waiting.
He's had a hard drive.

Do you suppose there's somewhere
in these ruins he can find a bed?

Sit down, Hessler.

You have too little faith
in the genius of the German people.

A few stones
have been knocked down...

...but our country's strong,
united, determined...

...and more productive than ever.

The Allies think that their constant
air raids have undermined our morale.

- This they'll never do.
- Why have you sent for me, general?

You are our finest
panzer commander, Hessler.

You will lead us to victory.

Our Germany is now like an iceberg.

Only a fraction of it
can be seen on the surface.

Let me show you some of the results...

...of what Germany
has produced underground.

You will discover a new Germany...

...and will take a new pride
in being a German.

Our latest airplane.

A jet.

It flies at more than 900 kilometers
per hour.

Within six months,
we will have enough jet fighters... sh**t down every
Allied plane in the air.

Our V-1 rocket destroyed
20 percent of London.

The V-2 will utterly smash the city.

The new 70-ton King Tiger t*nk.

It has two-and-a-half times
the firepower...

...and double the armor
of the American tanks.

Our Germany is far
from finished, Hessler.

It's a very beautiful model, general.

It proves that the Germans
are still the world's best toy makers.

The toys we are making these days
are not for children.

Let me show them to you.

Hands up! Get on over.

Hold it! Put them up! Stand against
the wall. Put them up, general.

Well, boys...

...looks like we've caught ourselves
a couple of big fish.

- One nice, fat Kraut trout.
- That's enough, now.

Sorry, general.
We are just rehearsing a commando raid.

Very good.

Not bad, Hessler, huh?

Had you fooled, didn't they?


I am beyond playing games.

Oh, this is no game.

These are German soldiers, all of them.

Trained German soldiers.

Diepel commands the panzer grenadiers
attached to the 1st t*nk Brigade.

These men will work with him.

Major Diepel, kindly explain
Operation Transit to the colonel.

The soldiers will be parachuted
behind the American lines.

Their mission:
To disrupt enemy communications.

We have organized many such teams.

Each will be led by a man who has
actually lived in America.

Schumacher here lived
in Texas for 12 years...

...before returning to the fatherland.

Tell me, lieutenant,
who is your favorite baseball player?

- Lou Gehrig.
- Because he's hit the most home runs?

No, sir. Babe Ruth hit
the most home runs, 60 in 1927.

And what's your opinion
of Adolf Hitler?

As an American, my opinion
would be offensive to these gentlemen.

Come, lieutenant. As an American officer,
you care nothing for German opinion.

Adolf Hitler is a crazy,
Austrian housepainter.

He's a madman who thinks he knows
more than the whole general's staff.

And he's leading Germany
to complete, total destruction.

Perhaps you are going too far.

To carry off this great deception,
even their reflexes must be American.

Your reflexes are to be congratulated,

Insolent man.

Let him have his fun now.

If he is captured,
he will be shot as a spy.

And if he survives,
he can be shot as a traitor.

You must admit, we are very thorough.

Even a pass won't get you through here.

We will attack
through the Losheim Gap.

It's defended only by a single battalion.

The American division
on the Schnee Eifel will be cut off.

Then the Our River Bridge
will be in our hands.

From there, on to Ambleve,
with its road network.

In four days, we will be across
the River Meuse.

The strategic objective?


By taking Antwerp, we split
the enemy forces in two.

It will take them 18 months to recover.

By then, we will have air superiority
with our jet engines.

And we will have even more
significant weapons.

Weapons which can destroy
an entire city with a single blast.

You have forgotten
one important detail, general.

With their present control of the air,
the Allies will smash our tanks...

...machine-g*n our troops,
b*mb the bridges...

...and cut our communications.

Suppose I tell you there will be
no Allied planes.

Another secret w*apon?

From Spitzbergen, Norway...

...the northernmost weather station
in the world.

We have been waiting two months
for this report.

"A low-pressure area over northern
Europe, starting December 16th.

Low clouds and fog
which will ground all aircraft."

- How long?
- Long enough...

...if we keep strictly to our timetable.

Unusual clock, isn't it?

It has only one cycle.

Fifty hours.

We have the resources
for 50 hours, full-scale attack.

Maps, clocks, toys.

But with what will I fight?

Colonel Hessler...

...I'm putting you in command
of our armored spearhead.

It can be done.

This came in from SHAEF.

I got a Christmas cake
from home today.

- Think I'll still be here to eat it?
- Send this right through.

Develop this. Bring me the prints
as soon as they come out.

- Yes, sir.
- Hello, Kiley.

Find any Germans under
your bed this morning?

Marching around under there all night.
Couldn't sleep a wink.

That's an order.

I want every item on that menu delivered
to every soldier in the division...

...especially those
in the forward positions.

And I want them delivered
in time for Christmas dinner.

Counterintelligence picked
this up from an enemy agent.

Dated November 29th.

"From Field Marshal Keitel. Most secret.

Officers and men who speak English
are wanted for special mission.

Volunteers will report
to General Kohler's headquarters."

- What do you make of it?
- You know my opinion.

This is one more confirmation.
They're going to attack.

Oh, come on, Kiley, not that again.

They're probably preparing a fifth column
to drop behind our lines.

Were you
in the State Department too, Kiley?

I thought your experience
was limited to police work.

Having been an inspector of police
doesn't disqualify me from thinking.

All cops aren't flatfoots.

Your limited military experience...

...doesn't inspire confidence
in your conclusions. If you think...

Why do you keep saying
they're mounting an offensive?

I spent 20 years before the w*r
asking questions.

Ever since D-day,
you've had me doing the same thing...

...interrogating prisoners.

I can only report what I've learned.

The German soldier facing us
is still an undefeated enemy.

He can still fight.
His leaders know that.

As long as he can fight, they'll attack.

I have 10 other officers in my section.

We see the same information,
get the same facts as you, Kiley.

All of us come up with one answer, you
come up with the complete opposite.

When 10 men tell you you're drunk,
you'd better lie down.

Colonel Pritchard,
you may be my superior officer...

He is.

Excuse me.
Here are the prints you wanted.

Thank you.

Look what showed up on this one.

I took it over the Ardennes.

Is this a Tiger t*nk, or isn't it?

So it appears.

One tiger doesn't make a jungle, sir.

I expect tigers in jungles. When I discover
one in a peaceful neighborhood...

...I recommend all of us
take a good look under our beds.

Excuse me, sir.

Step outside.

With your permission, sir.

This is from headquarters, Kiley.

The Third Army has been ordered
to attack the Germans in the Saar.

General Patton is launching
the offensive in two days.

Does it seem possible...

...headquarters would commit an entire
army to an offensive in the south...

...if there were any possibility of the
Germans attacking in the Ardennes?

With all due respect to headquarters,
they could be wrong.

Send this to headquarters anyway.

There seem to be new features
on that t*nk.

- Yes, sir.
- Anything else?

Yes, sir. I'd like a rundown
on this German officer.

- All right, send this along.
- Yes, sir.

Get up to the line and tell them
to grab some new prisoners.

- I'm interested in any fresh information.
- Yes, sir.

One thing more. What are
you doing in a reconnaissance plane?

We're not paying you
to be a combat soldier.

- Trying to shorten the w*r by yourself?
- No, sir.

Just wanna make sure I can enjoy
that nice Christmas dinner you ordered.

I see the colonel's
in fine appetite again.

I am.

Join me in a glass of wine.

Thank you, sir.

- Sit down.
- Thanks.



What does the colonel wish me to say?

Speak your mind, the truth.

Don't be afraid, Conrad. I must have
someone to tell me the truth.

I've always been fortunate
to serve under brilliant men...

...who know everything.

From them, I've learned one thing:

When all was lost,
these brilliant men never lost hope.

I admire that.

What else do you admire
about these men?

The illusion.

Maybe I'm not using
the right word, colonel.

I'm not an educated man.

The hope that there is
always one more chance.

That is the illusion.

Go on, Conrad. Yes, that's very good.

It's not my place
to speak of such things.

Go on.

I order you to.


...this new command is an illusion.

Give it up.

I am Martin Hessler.

Four years ago,
my panzers overran Poland in one week.

That was no illusion.

In 39 days, my tanks smashed all
the way to Paris. That was no illusion.

I conquered the Crimea.
That was no illusion.


...I was given a brigade of Tiger tanks.

When I have a brigade of tanks...

...that is reality.

And who will drive your tanks?

The men you led were soldiers.
Veteran soldiers.

Are there any left?

What will they give you now?

I was by your side
in Poland, France, Crimea.

Look at me, colonel,
I'm not the same man.

I jumped in a ditch today at the sight
of an unarmed reconnaissance plane.

My two boys remember me
as a good soldier.

They wouldn't believe it.

But, colonel, I am not the only one.

How sure can you be of the men
who will drive your tanks?

Major Diepel?

- Diepel.
- Yep.

I want to see my t*nk commanders.
Have them assembled at once.

Conrad, my boots.

Your commanders, sir.

Boys. Too many boys.

The first battle will turn them into men.

In the old days,
I lived six months with my men...

...before going into action. I knew them,
they knew me. These are strangers.

Too many boys.

They have never tasted defeat.

Do they know what is expected of them?

They are ready to die for you.

Can you ask more?



Hold it. Hold it.

Pull up. We got brass on our tail.
Take it...

Pull it forward, you idiot!

Drop dead.
Pull it forward, you idiot!

Just a little bit. Hold it.

Hold it! Hold it!

You're dropping my merchandise!

Barrel and Eddie,
come on out of there.

Come on, Cortland.


Solid. Some driver, huh?
Lucky thing for you nothing's busted.

- Complain to my union.
- Yeah, go ahead, tie it up.

- We near enemy territory yet?
- Too near.

- Give me a cigarette.
- I don't smoke.

Sarge, when will we see
some Germans?

- Barrel?
- Smoke your own.

Got a cigarette, Eddie?

- You kidding?
- You cheapskates.

Reach into my bag,
get me a carton of cigarettes.

What's with you and the Germans?

Nothing. I just ain't never seen one.

You know, I've never
even seen a German plane.

Sarge, when are we
gonna get in the action?

What are you, some kind of a nut?

What kind of replacements
they sending us, huh?

"I wanna see action."

- What's this?
- Put that back. That's merchandise.

Don't tell me there's women
where we're going.

- Who are you gonna give these to?
- Guffy don't give nothing.

- He's peddling them.
- You keep tying it up.

- Peddling them? To who?
- The boys in the front.

They're gonna need that in Germany.
There's lots of broads there.

- French perfume.
- Champagne.

That's gonna bring me 30 bills a bottle
where we're going.

Because there's nothing,
nothing too good for our boys.

- Yeah. What's in here?
- That's the mail.

Are you gonna charge them
something for that too?

- No, they wouldn't sit still for that.
- Just kidding, sarge. Just kidding.

No. When you get these thoughts,
tell me anyway...

...because one thing I'm not
going back home again is poor.

Keep thinking, kid. Very nice.


This is the up-front front.

Wide awake bunch of boys.

- Don't you people ever post a sentry?
- I'm sorry, sir. I came in for a second.

What's the matter?
Close the pneumonia hole.

- What were you born in, a barn?
- Oh, sorry, sir.

We didn't know it was you.

- Major Wolenski?
- He's over there, sir.

Hello, colonel. I wasn't expecting a visit
or I'd have had my men smarten up.

How are you?
Hot coffee for the colonel.

Come over and get warm.

You run a pretty loose outfit here.

That radio's been yakking between
Christmas carols we're all going home.

Here, sit down.

It's tough keeping discipline
when the only action... sitting on your butt
to keep warm.

What are the Germans doing?

Same damn thing,
except they don't have any heat.

They gotta exercise
to keep from freezing.

Well, I got a little exercise
for your boys.

I wanna patrol tonight,
try to pick up some prisoners.

Well, there they are.

- Hey, sarge, put those blankets back.
- Come on, shut the window.

What do you wanna
do that for, sarge?

They're out of range. They'll
sh**t back with something heavier.

It's you or them, dogface.
I need practice.

That's enough, sergeant.

If you wanna play with that popgun,
you can go outside.

What do you say I take the men out
for a field drill, lieutenant?

In this weather? What for?

Because they're drilling, that's why.

I'll let you know
when I want a drill, sergeant.

Yes, sir, lieutenant.

I'll take that sergeant.

All right. That's all right.
But I'll pick the rest of your volunteers.

Here you are, colonel.

We got about three hours before dark.
How about some half-and-half?

Just sweeten it.

You are Colonel Hessler?

Who are you?

How did you get in here?

General Kohler's signature is magic.

You will excuse us, major.

Before you give orders,
may I ask your rank?

Courtesan, first class.

Compliments of General Kohler.

I think we have covered
everything, colonel.

General Kohler did not tell me
you were so handsome.

What did General Kohler
tell you about me?


Whatever I want to know...

...I'll find out for myself.

I'm very good at that.

Aren't you going
to offer me a drink?

Or have you been at the front so long
you have forgotten your manners?

What shall we talk about?

Your wife perhaps.

Won't you join me?

I am told I'm an attractive woman.

You are not paying
much attention to me.

Very little has escaped my attention.

General Kohler did tell me one thing.

What he admires most about you
is your reputation with the ladies.

I regret that is the opinion
of my commanding officer.

I have worked very hard
to achieve a reputation as a soldier.

Do not the two go together?

Give the general my compliments.
Tell him, "Thank you.

I appreciate his gesture."
And good night.

You can make your own way out.

Zero minus two hours.

All units ready to attack.

Repeat. Zero minus two hours.
All units ready to attack.

- Come on.
- Put them down, dummkopf.

Hello, Kiley.

I was curious to see how
you interrogate your prisoners.

My other officers may be
asking the wrong questions.

I'm afraid you won't
hear any new answers.

Sometimes it's more important
what you see than what they say.

Could we get
a little more light in here?

How's that, sir?

So this is the face
of the undefeated enemy.

It looks like you've captured
a Sunday school class.

This all they have left to put in
the front lines? Where are the weapons?

Here, sir.

What's this?

Still has grease in the barrel.
It's never been fired.

- Did they put up any fight?
- No, sir.

Just gave up.

Well, I'm not surprised.
They're only children.

Take a good look at them, Kiley.

They're not even tough enough
to be classified as delinquents.

Go ahead and question them.
Ask if Germany's gonna win the w*r.

Go ahead, Kiley.

They could be plants put
in the front lines to mislead us.

I want to talk to you alone, Kiley.

Escort these prisoners to the rear
for proper interrogation.

Yes, sir. Move them out.

- Let's go, move it out.
- Go!

These prisoners
were carrying these rubber hoses.

Send them along,
and anything else you found.

Yes, sir.

Do you actually still think the Germans
are preparing a major offensive?

Yes, sir, colonel, I do.

You mean those kids are replacements
for more seasoned troops...

...sent to the rear
to re-form for the big attack?

Yes, sir, colonel, I do.

Kiley, you're crazy. Facts mean nothing
to you. Evidence means nothing.

The only thing you can see
are your own cockeyed hunches.

Well, that doesn't work in the Army.

I'm recommending you for transfer
to a desk in Washington.

You can tell the president
how to run the w*r.


You make coffee as bad as my wife.

She always told me
I'd never get along in the Army.

I never had it so easy
in the police force.

I've just been counting up
how many times I've been wrong.

But never this wrong.

All the signs point
to only one thing.

Is it possible they mean
something else?

Maybe this w*r is beyond me
and maybe Colonel Pritchard's right.

Runner brought this from headquarters.
It's for you.

Open it.

Well, it's a picture of a Kraut colonel
and his service record.

I wanted that.

Well, there it is again. Panzer officer.
Fine fighting record.

Last reported in the Russian front
commanding a t*nk regiment.

What's he doing here?

I'd say that proves my point.

Colonel Pritchard would probably say
he got fired for losing the w*r in Russia.

I don't know. What do you think?

Well, sir. I'm regular Army.
I don't get into beefs between colonels.

But I'll tell you what some
of my stir-crazy men think.

They think we got
a great opportunity here.

We got a chance
to wipe out Germany.

Just wipe it clean off the map.
Knock everything down...

...every city...

...every castle, all the bridges,
all the roads. Everything.

Don't leave two stones standing
together. Just wipe the slate clean.

Turn Germany into a prairie,
then ship over a few buffalo...

...and let them start from scratch.

Now, what do you think
of that, colonel?

I think your men ought to wash their
socks and take a shave. It stinks in here.

- Speak English. Only English.
- Okay, lieutenant.

Let's get this stuff out of here.

Operation Transit
parachuted behind enemy lines.

Repeat. Operation Transit
parachuted behind enemy lines.

What the...?

What's that noise?

On your feet! Everybody out!

- Sounds like a thousand of them.
- Hey, Charlie, get battalion.

- Get battalion.
- On the double! On the double!

Sergeant, haul everybody out.

- Everybody out. Come on.
- Bazooka men, report to me.

The line's dead, sir.

Go! Go! Go!

What's that?

"What's that?" And you wanted
to see Germans, right?

Come on! On the double!

On the double!

Turn them over! Turn them over!
Let's go! Let's go!

Come on,
let's get this baby moving.

Colonel Hessler reports
panzer Tiger moving to the attack.

No enemy activity.

Northern front reporting
panzer Eisen entering Losheim Gap.

No enemy opposition encountered.

Southern front reporting.

All elements of panzer Eisen
linking up at road junction 0-2.

Stay on my tail.


Did they give you basic training?

Here, you do it this way.

They're green, never seen action before.
What do you expect?

Sergeant, you're the anchorman here.
Nobody moves without orders.

Yes, sir.

Stay here. One more man
won't make a difference.

- I need to look inside one of those Tigers.
- All right, come on.

Relay to Standard O-bay.
I've made contact with enemy.

Meeting weak resistance.

Take cover! Make a stand.
Take cover! Make a stand.

Make a stand.


I said, load!

Tiger to t*nk 104.
t*nk 104, you're blocking the road.

Get off the road at once!

There's your Tiger.

Wait a minute.

You're gonna need this.

Take the greaser.

Tiger to t*nk 104,
what is your condition?

t*nk 104, reply at once.

This is Colonel Hessler.

Button up!

Tigers at 11 o'clock.

Hit them hard, Eddie.

They got Blondie.

Forget it. It's like hitting them
with tennis balls.

Come on, let's get out of here!

Get down and stay down.

Crawl, you dummy! Crawl.

keep those grenades coming.

Fall back!

Get down.

Get going. Stay low.

Hessler to headquarters.

Resistance very weak.

Southern front reporting.

Commander Nimke
encountering light resistance.

Enemy retreating across river K-10.

- Let's get out of here.
- Hey, somebody man this g*n!

- Here they come!
- There they are!

Give me a belt!

Hey, wait for me!

Grab the tailgate!

Wait for me!

- Where's your motor pool?
- At regiment, four kilometers.

Let's get there.
I gotta get back to headquarters.

- Wait for me!
- Hold it a minute!

Wait for me!

We haven't got a chance.

Relax. Stay loose.

You think we'll have to surrender?

Well, I hear they treat
American prisoners real well.

In a big battle,
they treat nobody real well.

Come on. There's a back road
that leads to the motor pool.

- Maybe we can get us a jeep.
- How do you know?

Because I studied the maps
when we arrived here.

Just like you should've done.

- What if we run into their lines?
- We're still ahead of them.

- They might have advanced patrols.
- It's enough trouble keeping alive... this mess
without you bellyaching.

If you wanna surrender, go ahead.
I'll make it easier alone.

You're out of line, sergeant.

Sorry, lieutenant.

Look, I don't need help from you.
You wanna go on by yourself, go ahead.

Are you coming,
or am I gonna have to carry you?

Hello, Cheyenne.

What's that? You're under attack?

In what strength?

Well, what's your guess?

I can't give you air reconnaissance,
I'm blind.

- Get Apache.
- Call Apache.

Eddie, what's going on
in your sector?

It's only patrol action.
How heavy?

Well, what does your
reconnaissance say? Nothing heavy.

We're trying to get a picture.
Stay on task.

The first phase of our offensive
was a success.

The element of surprise
was complete.

American communications
are in a turmoil.

We must cross the Our River
before the enemy realizes...

...we have launched
an all-out offensive.

I do not believe I gave you permission
to smoke.

Sorry, sir.

Unfortunately, we did not have time
to get better acquainted...

...but all of you know my reputation.

My command always suffers
the highest casualties.

The price of victory is never cheap.

In this battle, we will be
as hard as our tanks.

I will reach the objectives
assigned to me... matter what the cost.

Signal from headquarters, colonel.

Hessler, I congratulate you.

- You're on schedule.
- I will reach the Our River as planned.

But the enemy must not be permitted
to destroy the bridge.

- Has Schumacher seized it yet?
- Not yet.

Schumacher's primary assignment
is to disrupt enemy communications.

I must have that bridge secured
for my tanks.

I have no time to build bridges.

Hessler, your bridge will be secured.

We are expecting you to cross it
according to the schedule.

You know your line of march.
Coordinate with the map.

Conrad, I have a headache.

Fire! Fire!

Land mines!
Why were they not cleared?

Where are the men
with mine detectors?

We are moving too fast.

The men are following in trucks.

They are all dead.

The mine exploded
directly under them.

Notify their seconds-in-command
to take over.

Tell them I have absolute
confidence in them.

We have lost a t*nk unnecessarily.

We've lost precious minutes

Your troops were here
to protect the panzers.

From now on,
until we clear this minefield...

...your men will go ahead of my tanks.

And have my vehicle repaired at once!

Come on, keep moving. Step on it.

Now, listen to me, all of you.

I need precise information:

How many men, how many g*ns... many tanks
the enemy are throwing into this.

How much fuel are they carrying?
And get a move on.

We've got 24 hours
before we scream r*pe.

All right, Kiley, it's your turn.

They're pouring through, general.

Crack troops. Brand-new equipment.

I looked inside one of their tanks.
They can chew up anything we've got.

- Question is, where are they going?
- Do you have that information?

No, but he does. Colonel Hessler...

...the commanding officer
of the panzer spearhead.

When we know where he's going...

...we'll know the objective
of the attack.

The enemy is probing at five points
along an 85-mile front.

With only that information
at our disposal... can you assume Hessler's column
is the spearhead?

- The law of probability, Kiley?
- No, sir.

The law of probability is against me.

But in the absence of other information,
I've one chance in five of being right.

- I'd like to explore that chance.
- How?

- Well, sir...
- I'll tell you how.

Watch the Our River.

There's only one bridge, right here,
that can support heavy tanks.

I'd say that's where Hessler will be,
and that's where I'll be.

Don't get too close to that bridge.
I've ordered it blown up.

That's a good thing to know.
Thanks for the tip.

Keep moving. Keep moving.
Keep moving. Go on, keep moving.

Come on, let's go.
You there, keep moving.

- Come on, let's go.
- Come on.

Come on. Come on, let's go.

Let's go. What are you waiting for?

Move it. Come on, keep moving.
Step on it. Get going.

Come on, let's get going.
Step on it.

Hey, what are you stopping for?

That sign.
When we came through before...

...I recall Ambleve was that way.
- You're blocking the road. Get going.

- Hurry up.
- Come on, let's go.

Wait a minute. I tell you, those signs
point in the wrong direction.

What's holding up the parade here?

Somebody's been monkeying around
with those road signs.

That ain't the road to Ambleve.

Two hours ago,
I came here from Ambleve...

...over this exact same road.

Now, maybe they've moved Ambleve
in the meantime...

...but two hours ago
this was the road to it.

- Take off, Duquesne.
- Lieutenant, I'm telling you...

Lieutenant, tell your sergeant
to get this jeep out of here.

Move. That's an order. Move.

Yeah, I hope they enjoy themselves
in Malmedy.

- Come on. We're getting off here.
- Wait.

Come on!


Hey, wait a minute. Where we going?

We're supposed to be in Ambleve.

We'll get there.
I gotta make a pickup first.

- Pickup?
- I got some merchandise in a farmhouse.

Germans are coming. They'll steal it.
You gotta give me a hand.

Hey, you two!

Come on, keep moving. Step on it.

Are you the last one?
Anybody behind you?

Yeah, the whole German army.
Go ahead.

You there, keep them moving.
Come on, step on it.

Notify the panzers.
The bridge is intact.

- Any sign of the Germans?
- No, not yet.

- What are you men doing here?
- We got orders to blow the bridge.

- Pile out.
- Wait a minute.

That job's being done.

How you boys making out?

- Just about finished.
- Hurry up, will you?

Get out of here
before those Krauts get here.

- You need any help?
- I got a good idea.

We'll give them all a hot-water bottle.
That water comes straight off the ice.

Well, I'm sure loaded with C-4.
Can you use any?

I imagine they could sell you some.

Climb in.

Hey, why do you got your wires
hooked on to that detonator?

- I guess he's in a hurry.
- To get k*lled? That's not the way.

Sarge, bring a couple of men.

We're gonna take a look
under that bridge.

This ain't the road to Ambleve.

That's what the sign says.

The sign says thataway,
the map says Ambleve was this way.

Will somebody straighten this out?

Ambleve. Ambleve.

- Hey, Wolenski.
- Oh, colonel.

Hey, we're all fouled up here.

We've been ordered to Ambleve,
but the maps don't jibe with the signs.

How'd you get off the road?
This will take you to Malmedy.

- Ambleve's that way.
- That way?

We've been following these road signs
the whole way.

And the MPs we ran into,
they've been directing us this way.

They've been changed.
They switched them around.

Those MPs you ran into seem okay?

- What do you mean?
- Anything odd about them?

Just regular GIs.

We intercepted an enemy dispatch.

They were recruiting
English-speaking Germans.

What time did you cross the Our River?

8:40. We were last ones across.
They were set to blow it.

- You see the bridge blown?
- No.

But I saw the engineers
setting the charges.

Hey, wait a minute. What the hell?
They weren't engineers, they were MPs.

Murphy, get me headquarters.

And, major,
have someone switch that sign back.

Red River Six. Come in, Red River Six.

- Come in, Red River Two.
- Red River Six, this is Red River Two.

Germans uniformed as American MPs
holding Our River Bridge.

Bridge has not been blown.

Repeat. Germans uniformed
as American MPs...

...holding Our River Bridge.
Bridge has not been blown.

Over and out. Let's go.

Better hold it, Jack.

- What happened?
- They ran into a firefight.

German patrol.

I don't see any Germans.

They're in the river.
They didn't make it across.

Get out of here.
We're blowing the bridge.

What? Are you sure?

Watch out, the MPs are Krauts!

Oh, my God! Get down!

Why are we waiting?
Get that t*nk out of the way.

We are preparing
to tow it off now, sir.

Tiger to tanks Leopard and Panther.
Blast that t*nk off the bridge.

It's headquarters, colonel.

General Kohler says
we are behind schedule.

He wants to know
what's holding us up.

Tell the general the Americans
are learning how to retreat.

Tiger to Panther. Get onto the bridge,
push that junk right out of the way.

Stay down.

Murphy, call headquarters. Tell them
the Our River Bridge hasn't been blown.

- The enemy's crossing in great strength.
- Yes, sir.

- Let me have your r*fle.
- What you need is a cannon, sir.

The last time I saw that German,
all I had was a camera.

Can't you hurry it up, sergeant?
We lost the column.

Do you happen to have a new carburetor
in your pocket, lieutenant?

You mean we're stuck here?

Nope. We can still walk.

Let's go.

- Hey, maybe we can get a lift, huh?
- Hold it.

We better find out
just who they are first.


Yeah, Krauts. Back.

If you'd just stayed loose,
I could've gotten them all.

Americans in headlong retreat.
Our forces are advancing on all fronts.

Great numbers of prisoners
are being taken.

I got a bad feeling about this.

If you wanted to make a run for it,
why didn't you?

I'm in your outfit, lieutenant.

My job is to look out for you,
go where you go.

I sure got you into the wrong place
this time.

But I'm glad you're with me.

When we get to the POW camp,
they'll separate us... being an officer.


I'm gonna miss you, sergeant.


Keep going!

Get going. Come on, step on it.

- Is she here?
- No.

Well, tell her I'm back, huh?

I want you all to fan out. Round up
every man that belongs to this outfit.

We will assemble here in 10 minutes.
On the double.

Let's go.

What's all this?

What's it look like?
My place of business.

- What are the chickens for?
- They lay eggs.

Any idea what fresh eggs
brings in these days?

Oh, beautiful, beautiful.

All right, open the door,
that's my partner.

Look, run down to the t*nk park
and check us both in.

- But...
- And then report back to me. Go ahead.

The chickens look scrawny.
Have you been feeding them regular?

I was worried about you.

- Is it true the Germans are coming?
- Right through here.

- We gotta sell everything, fast.
- Then you'll leave?

Face it, kid, we're out of business.
One case of champagne, $360.

Two dozen nylons, $80.
Twenty bottles of perfume, $200.

Six hundred and forty dollars.
Here's your half.

Three hundred and twenty dollars.
All right, what did you make?

One thousand, two hundred
and thirty dollars. Here.

What have you been selling?
I don't see much stock gone.

- Take it.
- I won't until I know how you made it.

- What do you think I am?
- What do you think I am?

- It's money I've saved for us.
- For us? What are you talking about?

When a woman goes in business
with a man, it means forever.

What's forever? The shop is closed.
The Germans are coming.

They've been here before.

I've lived through it.

I will live through it again.

I will wait for you.

How can you feel this way about me?
I never laid a hand on you.

That's why.

You're in love with me.

Just a second. Hold the phone.

Hold the phone, here.

Shut up.

You know what?

You're right.


You hold all the money.
I gotta go back in action.

You don't know
what it's like in combat.

You get shot,
somebody takes your money.

Before the plasma comes,
a guy's got his hand in your pocket.

Guffy. Guffy.

- I don't want you to get k*lled.
- Who's talking about getting k*lled?

You take care of the money.

Sarge, the tanks aren't there. They've
been pulled back. We gotta catch up.

So long, partner.

Take care of yourself.


Don't you want to kiss me?

Don't forget to feed the chickens, huh?

Keep moving. Let's go, keep moving.

Come on, sarge, we gotta catch up
with the tanks. Let's go!

Goodbye, Louise!

Put that in there.

Come on, get to it. Get to it.

Lion Battalion,
take up bombardment position.

Panther Battalion, stand by.

- Get started.
- Yes, sir.

- Hold it. Where you running?
- The Germans are coming.

- Where's your r*fle? Where's your outfit?
- Captured.

- Dead. Gone. They're all gone.
- Sergeant, stop that man!

He's not doing anything we aren't.

We're staying.

Countermand that order to fall back.

All units are to make a stand
where they are and fight.

And that means everybody.
Except tanks.

Clerks, cooks, bakers, staff officers.

Anybody who can carry a r*fle
is to use it.

- Kiley.
- Come on, bring it all in.

It's very difficult for me to say this.
I was wrong.

- Sergeant, haul them out again.
- Everybody out.

Come on, what are you waiting for?

Well, it looks like we're staying.

- I never have a r*fle when I need one.
- Take mine.

- It's on the house.
- I'll return it later.

- Let's go!
- Let's go. Come on.

We're on the line, sir.

General Grey speaking. Fred.

I'm holding at Ambleve,
but I can't last without heavy stuff.

What can you let me have?

155s will do the trick.
Where are they? On flatcars.

Are we still holding the rail line?

Now, when can you get them here?

Well, not later, Fred.
We're counting on you.

Bring that a*mo up!

Stack it up. Position, on the wall.

Get some beef behind it.

Hey, lay those logs in there.

Let's go! Let's move it out.

First Platoon, follow me.
Second Platoon, over there.



Go! Go!

Everybody out!

- Wait a minute. Where you men going?
- To the shelter.

- No, you're not. Grab your r*fles.
- But we're cooks.

Lunch is over.
Get your r*fles and follow me.

- Stay away from the buildings!
- Soldier, up front.

I'm in the Air Corps.

You're in the infantry now. Follow me.

We're driving them back.
They're running.

This is only the first round.

Why have you stopped?

They have dug in.

- It's a very strong defense.
- Bypass it.

- I have considered that.
- There's nothing to consider.

We must measure what we might gain
by what we might lose.

Come on.

You were to have been 10 kilometers
west of Ambleve by this hour.

Why are you still here?

My first attack failed.
I must take Ambleve.

We are wasting time.
Time, Hessler, you don't have much.

Ambleve is an isolated resistance.
Go around it.

We have surrounded
and bypassed Bastogne. Do the same.

General, it will be dark in one hour.

I want your permission
for a night as*ault with all my armor.

Colonel Hessler... will break off this engagement,
proceed with your mission.

- That's an order.
- Yes, sir.

General, before you go,
may I show you something?

What is it?

A chocolate cake.


It was taken from a captured
American private. It's still fresh.

If you will look at the wrapping, general,
you will see it comes from Boston.


do you realize what this means?

It means that the Americans
have fuel and planes... fly cake
across the Atlantic Ocean.

They have no conception of defeat.

We have the opportunity here
to break their morale... destroy their will to fight.

That is why you must permit me
to reduce Ambleve to ashes.

You have until 0400.

That is all.

We have silenced their g*ns.
Now we will attack.

Your infantry will go in with my tanks.

Yes, sir.

Second Platoon, over there.

Let's go. Move it out.

We'd better get going, sir, before
the town is completely surrounded.

Shall I send a runner to Major Wolenski
telling him to cover our withdrawal?

No, that's the kind of order I give
to a man myself.

Aim at the trench!

Some more. Let's get closer.

Bring up some more plastique!

Major Wolenski!

The general.

Hurry up! Move that a*mo up!

Wolenski, we've been ordered out.

I'll need time to save what I can. Your
outfit will have to cover the withdrawal.

- They're coming down the chimney, sir.
- Do what you can.

- Yes, sir.
- Come on.

I only loaned you this r*fle.

- See you later, major.
- Yes, sir.

Spread out.

Bring up a*mo!


Colonel, excuse me.

We are looking for someone
who can help.

Be brief.

There are many wounded townspeople
in the church cellar.

We need medicine, bandages.
Can you spare any?

We have nothing to spare.

If there are captured medical supplies,
give them to the nuns.

Yes, sir. Follow me.

He fired with this.

Jean, Jean, Jean!

Don't do anything to him, please.

This is the boy's father.

I beg you. He's just a little boy.

He's my only child.

Don't do anything to him, please.

Release the boy.


sh**t the father.

- Papa! Papa!
- No!


The senior American officer
taken prisoner...

...requests permission
to speak with you.

- What does he want?
- He'll only discuss it with you.

- Rank?
- Major.

- He has two minutes.
- Yes, sir.


- What is this food?
- It's the best this town has to offer.

I told you, tanks run on petrol
and soldiers run on rations.

I must eat as my men do so I know
how far they can go. Take it away.

- Conrad.
- Yeah?

My Christmas present,
it's for your sons.

Your promotion to first sergeant.

My sons thank you.

Go in.

What is it?

Colonel, stragglers you've captured
tell me...

...that helpless American prisoners
have been massacred.

- Where?
- Malmedy.

And as senior officer, I can't control
my men unless I have your assurance...

...they'll not be m*rder*d. I want your
signed order stating that my men...

...will be accorded the protection...

...guaranteed prisoners of w*r
by the Geneva Convention.

Unless I return with that order, colonel,
the prisoners will riot.

Undoubtedly, you'll k*ll us,
but so help me...

...we'll take a hell of a lot
of you with us.

There will be no signed order.
There will be no riot.

You will not be allowed to return
to your men to instigate that riot.

You listen to me, colonel.

There are survivors in all massacres.

I warn you,
if any of my men are harmed... will be held responsible. There will
be no place on earth that you can hide.

And when you're found, I hope I'm the
man that ties the rope around your neck.


...I have never liked threats.

I do not k*ll prisoners.

But I will have no compunction at
sh**ting you myself for your last remark.

Then do it.

You are deliberately trying
to provoke me.

Yes, colonel, that's right.

If I walk out of here alive, I know
my men will be properly treated.


Return this officer
to the prisoners' compound, alive.


Major, I'm relying on you
to reassure your men...

...I have no time
for troublesome prisoners.

Tiger to Standard O-bay,
General Kohler.

Your usual ration, sir.

General Kohler. Hessler.

General, is it true that American
prisoners were ex*cuted at Malmedy?

There are SS units
in the Malmedy sector.

I can't assume responsibility
for every soldier on this front.

Do you realize the consequences
of this act?

I have lost 17 tanks and a battalion
of men leveling Ambleve...

...for the sole purpose of reducing
the enemy's will to fight.

This m*ssacre will stiffen resistance
to us everywhere.

It will turn a demoralized mob
into avenging soldiers.

You are being insolent, colonel.

Concern yourself with your mission.

You are to reach Saint-Michel
by 1600 tomorrow.

- Be there.
- Yes, sir.

They've taken a beating,
and they look it.

They're not a rabble.

They're retreating like soldiers.

There's still fight in them.

Where are we gonna stop
and put up the fight?

At our last line of defense,
the River Meuse.

We'll cross it
and dig in on the west bank.

At least we'll get the Germans wet.

Still sore I pulled you out of Ambleve?

I was contributing
to the w*r effort there, sir.

Try to keep your feet from freezing
while we figure a way to stop them.

They've made mistakes before.

Where have they made one this time?

Well, they got me mad at them.

Shut up. We'll get there.

Come on. Come on.

Keep moving! Keep moving!

- What's holding you up?
- I'm out of gas.

I reported low about an hour ago.
Where's the fuel truck?

Get off the road and wait for it.
Keep moving.

- Pull it over.
- Move it!

Come on!

Keep moving.

Keep moving. Move it.

Where are you going?
Will you wait a minute?

I need gas.

Oh, get down.

Why, you ugly jerk!

Here, use your big mouth on that.

Hey, come on, let's get with it.

What are you laughing at?
Come and move this thing.

- You're all wet, sarge.
- Now get it up.

- What are you gonna do with this?
- "What are you gonna do with this?"

Siphon with it, idiot. Put it in.

- What are you thinking?
- Same thing you are.

Those prisoners you brought
had rubber hoses on them.

They've been carrying those
to siphon gas?

At the Our River,
I saw a German fuel truck...

...drop oil drums in the water,
they floated.

- What the hell are you talking about?
- Gasoline, sir.

Empty fuel drums and men carrying
siphon hoses add up to one thing.

The Germans are low on gas.
They have to forage for it.

That's their weakness.

- Get this off to headquarters.
- Sir.

A, what is the fuel consumption
of a Tiger t*nk?

B, the exact distance from the
Siegfried Line to the Meuse River.

C, what is the estimate of fuel reserves
in the German army?

- That's it.
- Yes, sir, right away.

What are you laughing at, you idiot?

What is the situation in Bastogne?

Our forces have completely
encircled the Americans.

Their situation is hopeless. They have
no recourse but to surrender.

Hey, look what's coming. Lieutenant!


The German commander wishes
to communicate...

...with the American commander
of the encircled town of Bastogne.

He's a little busy right now.
What's on your mind?

"From the German commanding general
to the commander of American troops...

...fighting in Bastogne.

With the changing fortunes of w*r...

...the U.S.A. Forces
in and around Bastogne...

...have become completely surrounded
by superior German armored units.

The only possibility
to spare the American troops...

...from total annihilation
is their honorable surrender...

...which will also prevent the slaughter
of helpless civilians."

You have one hour of truce to reply.

Blindfold him.

Take him up to the command post.

Repeat, please.

Is that all?

Sir, I have a message from Bastogne.

What is it?

I don't understand it.

"From the American commander of
Bastogne to the German commander.



Hey, over there.

Hey, it's an officer.

Boy, are we glad to see you.

- I haven't eaten in 12 hours.
- We got lost.

Hold it. Wait a minute.

Do you think we should surrender,



Just stay loose, all of you. Stay loose.

Now, give me that light.

All right, spread out.
Get some rest.

We'll get started when it's light.

General Grey.

Sir, this just came in.

- Move along.
- Any of you guys been to Ambleve?

Wait a minute.
Will you wait a minute?

- Any of you guys been to Ambleve?
- Come on, Guffy, we'll get in trouble.

I gotta know.

I've been to Ambleve.

- You know Ambleve inn?
- Yeah.

Well, it's okay, isn't it?

There's nothing left of it.

Guffy, come on.

When are they gonna let us fight?

Let's go.

It's here, sir, the information
you requested from headquarters.

That's it.

They're running out of gas.

Where's the spearhead of
the German advance right now?

We place it four miles past Ambleve,
moving west.

Where will they be at daybreak?

If they travel all night, they should be
nine miles due east of the fuel depot.

We'll be there to meet them.

I'm committing my tanks.

We'll use plan F.

- Get me Blue Code 301.
- 301.

All right, mount up. Crank them up.
Let's go. Let's go.

Let's go. Crank them up,
crank them up.

Look at that fog.

If it stays, we won't find them
and we won't fight.

If it lifts, they'll find us.

And that will be the end of our men
and our tanks.

And I'm praying that it lifts.

What does that make me, Dan?

A general.

Is that so, general?

It's very interesting.

Thank you, general.

Our column has made
the farthest advance.

We have outrun the other panzers.
The eyes of Germany are on us.

The Fuhrer himself will decorate me.

We have done it, Conrad.
We have done it.

Then I was wrong.
We have won the w*r.


You mean we have lost?


I don't understand. If we have not won
and we have not lost...

...then what's happening?

The best thing possible is happening.
The w*r will go on.

- For how long?
- Indefinitely.

On and on and on.

- But it must come to an end.
- You're a fool, Conrad.

Those of us who understood
knew, in 1941, we could never win.

You mean, colonel, for three years,
we have been fighting...

...without any hope of victory?
- There are many kinds of victory.

For the German army to survive,
for us to remain in uniform...

...that is our victory.

Conrad, the world is not going
to get rid of us after all.

But when do we go home?

This is our home.

And my sons? When do I see them?
What will become of them?

They will become German soldiers,
and you will be proud of them.


You still have any of those delicacies left
you offered me at Ambleve?

Yes, sir.

Prepare them for me, will you?
I'm in very good appetite.

- See anything?
- Nothing.

It's like they disappeared.

- They been spotted yet?
- No, sir.

They must have changed course
during the night.

Call our scouts again.

- See anything?
- Nothing.

Red River Six. Red River Six.

Scouted designated territory.

No sign of German tanks.

Can't see 20 yards. They're nowhere
around, or I'd hear something.

Let's be reasonable, colonel.

You expect me to take you up?
Nothing's flying in this fog.

That makes it safe. We won't
bump into another plane.

How can we see the panzer column
when we have zero visibility?

You'll catch pneumonia if you don't
stop arguing. Get behind that stick.

Wait a minute.

Where are the flying orders?

I wanna see them.

I wanna know what lunatic
issued them.

There are no orders, Joe.
I'm the lunatic.

Well, there's no insanity in my family.

If we don't find that panzer column,
there will be no t*nk battle.

We'll have to stop them with infantry.

A lot of guys are gonna die
to keep you safe and cozy.

You sure know how
to hit below the belt. That's dirty.

We're not in a pillow fight, Joe.
Sorry it hurts.

Get in.

All reports negative, sir.

Well, they must be someplace.

The earth couldn't have just
swallowed them up.

- Send out additional patrols.
- Yes, sir.

What am I doing up here?
It's like flying inside a light bulb.

Just stay on the course I gave you.
We'll find them.

- How do you know?
- Hessler's looking for gas.

He's gambling on capturing our supply.
Get lower.

- We're down to 500 feet.
- We just have to pick up a landmark.

Hills are all around. We'll pick up
a landmark right in the kisser.

Try it a little lower.

- I can't see a damn thing.
- All right, cut your engine.

Glide and listen. We can hear them.

- Are you telling me to glide at 200 feet?
- Cut the talk and the engine.

- I'm calling this off.
- Sure. Now, let's try it again.

Okay, cut your engine.

If we were 100 feet higher,
I'd jump and leave you here.


There's the depot.

There's the river.

The column has to be due south.

That's your course.

Get her down, Joe,
where we can see.

- What's our altitude?
- Four hundred feet.

All right, cut the engine.

Do you hear that?

Yeah. We're going down for a look.

Hit your engine, let's get out of here.

Red River Six, this is Red River Two.
The enemy column sighted.

Present position, map coordinates:
8-7-3, 1-4-4.

Enemy column sighted, sir.

Found them.

Present position, map coordinates:
8-7-3, 1-4-4.

Repeat. Enemy column sighted.

Come in, Red River Two.
Come in, Red River Two.

Come in, Red River Two.

- Contact broken.
- Where's that coordinate?

- Right here.
- What's the terrain?

Low rolling hills.

Order our tanks to intercept them
at that point.

- Yes, sir.
- Red River Two.

- That's Kiley.
- I know.

There's a plane up there.

He's in trouble.

Medic! Medic!


From Spitzbergen,
the weather forecast.

Warm front moving in.

Notify all columns, weather clearing.

Enemy forces are reported crossing
the River Meuse.

Send scouts forward.
I want their numbers and composition.

Yes, sir.

Conrad. My binoculars.


I was saying I wanted...

What is it, Conrad?

Nothing, sir.

I was saying I wanted my binoculars.

What's wrong?

I would like to be transferred
to other duties, sir.

- What is the matter with you?
- Don't ask me, sir. Just transfer me.

- For combat duty?
- Yes, sir.

You want to fight?
Very admirable, but why?

Personal reasons, sir.

Personal reasons.

Personal reasons? What the devil
are you trying to say?

It's the right of every German soldier
to ask permission...

...for a transfer to other duties.

It is the right of every commanding
officer to know the reason...

...for the transfer, and I want the truth.
- The truth... that I'm a fool.
I believed in you.

But all you believe in is the w*r.

You have the w*r. You like the w*r.

And all I have are my sons,
and I don't want to lose them.

- I'm not responsible for your children.
- You are. You'd make them soldiers.

- Yes. They will fight.
- They will die.

- If necessary.
- Necessary for who? For you?

You are not only a fool,
you are a traitor.

And you are a m*rder*r.

You would m*rder my sons.
You would m*rder my country.

You would m*rder the whole world
to stay in that uniform.

It is only the memory of you
as a friend...

...that prevents me from having you
court-martialed. Get out.

Our scouts have sighted a brigade
of medium tanks.

- Light armor at this point? Any a*tillery?
- None.

- And no infantry.
- They're committing their reserves.

We destroy them, they have nothing
between us and the fuel depot.

- Send all infantry to the rear.
- Yes, sir.

Diepel, assign this man to fuel trucks.

Yes, sir.

Sir, enemy advancing on our position.

Good. They've taken the bait.


...we're going to test that information
we got from headquarters.

If it's accurate...

...we'll run them out of gas.

Tiger to all units, close hatches.

Butcher, swing up and take positions
on the ridges.

And watch that damn gully.
This is no time to lose a track.

Here they come.

Hold your fire
till they're right on us.

Load with hypershot.
Make every one count.

- Hold your fire.
- How long?

Until I tell you!

Attack in staggered formation.

First, Lion on the as*ault.
Second, Panther.

Remember, hold your fire
till they're within effective range.

- How long are we gonna wait?
- Until we can hit a soft spot.


Hold it. Hold it.

Let them come on in. Let them come in.
That's the way.

Now! Let them have it!

Fire one more round,
then let's get the hell off this ridge.

There's one coming up over the rise.
You see him?

Steady, boy. Ready on.


Tiger to Panther, spread out to left.
Lion, spread out to right.

We will try to encircle.

Sherman damaged.
We'll finish it off.

Fire! It's a hit.

The next, 11 o'clock, 900.

Get in among them.

Mix with them so they can't fire
without hitting each other.

Butcher One, this is Butcher Three.
There's a Kraut at 1 o'clock...

...with a pennant on his antenna.

This one belongs to me. He's mine.

There he is.

All right, kick her left, kid. Left.
Now, hard right! Hard right!

Stay with them! Range, 9-0-0.
Up two.


Good shot! We got him!

Load again. Nothing has happened.

Hey, watch it. They see us.
Hey, let's get out of here.

Aim just ahead as he runs.


Butcher One, this is Butcher Three.

Come in, Butcher Three.
Report damage. Over.

I've got one dead and two wounded,
but we can still fight.

You lost your g*n. Pull out. Try
to make it back to the assembly area.

We don't need a g*n!
We can ram them.

Guffy, you're all busted up.

Get out of there and make it back to
the assembly area. That's an order. Out.

Get her over the hill.

Driver, halt.

Let's try to pick them off.

Ten o'clock. Sherman, 800. Fire!

Baker Battalion reporting in.

Two tanks destroyed, one damaged,
out of action.

Phantom Battalion reports six tanks
destroyed, nine out of action.

Butcher Battalion reports 11 tanks
destroyed, eight on fire.

Keep burning up their gas.

Commander to base,
I am returning to refuel.

We are cutting them to pieces.

And they are emptying our tanks.

They are deliberately sacrificing
their armor to bleed us dry.

- What is the distance to the fuel depot?
- Twelve kilometers.

You will continue the battle here.

Let them believe their strategy
is succeeding.

I want 15 tanks and all
the empty trucks.

- I'm going on to the depot.
- Yes, sir, 15 tanks and fuel trucks.


Hey, come on, soldier.
You can make it.

Pull it off the road!

- Wait!
- Come on! Come on!

Pull it off the road! Pull it off!

Get off the t*nk.

- Stay off the t*nk!
- You've got plenty of room.

- You can carry these guys.
- This t*nk ain't going no place.

Get off the t*nk!

Wherever you're going,
you better walk.

- What are you waiting here for?
- For the Germans.

They gotta come by here.

And I still got a machine g*n.

There's not much you can
do with that.

- How much a*mo do you have left?
- Two belts.

That will take care of some of them.

You got a wounded man. You think
you ought to get him to the medics?

Oh, he's not too bad.
He can still fight.

Get on, fellas.

Pull this t*nk back.
Head it west towards the River Meuse.

I'm warning you, lieutenant,
stay off my t*nk.

Either put up that g*n or fire it,

It's okay, sarge. It's okay.

General, another panzer column
has been spotted four miles...

...from the River Meuse.
- Where did they come from?

Get me the officer in charge
of the fuel depot.

Get Silver Cloud 201. Quickly.

It's not a new column.

It's Hessler.

- He slipped away from the battle.
- The fuel depot, sir.

General Grey speaking.
I'm giving you this order personally.

Destroy the fuel depot at once.
I repeat.

Destroy the fuel depot at once.

Yes, sir. I'll destroy the depot
immediately, sir. Set it on fire.

No, sir, not a drop. I'll make sure
of that, sir. They won't get a drop.

All right, let's get these bodies
out of here. Let's go. Move!

Elke and Eisner report fuel
exhausted, sir.

What's Hessler's present position?

He reports being three kilometers
from the American fuel depot.

We must get there.

He will do it. Hessler will do it.

No sh**ting. I'll do the talking.

Get back to your post.

- Hold it up there, sergeant.
- Stop it.

- What can I do for you boys?
- We just made it. Could you fill her up?

Sure. Give you a hand, soldier. Sure.

Corporal, bring some of those
cans over here.

A couple of you boys help out.

Sergeant, we'll have you gassed up
and on your way in no time.

Get on your machine g*n.

- Hey, lieutenant.
- Yeah?

Weren't you directing traffic
at the Our River Bridge?

Does the road to Ambleve
still lead to Malmedy?


This fuel dump must be taken intact.

No sh**ting.

- Look. Let's get out of here.
- Hold it. They'll capture the gas.

We can't just leave it.

- What are you waiting for? Let's go.
- Hold it! They're after the gas.

- We ought to blow it up.
- We can't set a match to all that.

- We got no orders, lieutenant.
- Yeah? Well, I'm giving the orders.

Hey, lieutenant,
one of them is still alive.

Hold it! Hold it! He's one of ours.

- I got you, colonel.
- Burn it.

- Take it easy. I know what to do.
- Burn it.

- Give him a hand, if you can.
- Burn it.

Come on, I'm waiting for you!
Come on!

Get those barrels off the end
of that ramp. Hold your fire, Guffy.

Move your t*nk behind that pile
until I tell you to shove.

You, get me some hand grenades
off the t*nk. Come on.

Come on.

You, get to that gas truck
and open all the valves.

Then get the hell away from it.

All right, roll them down.

Get off the road.

Give me a hand grenade.

He's getting away.

Okay, shove.

Don't stop! Keep going! Don't stop!

Get this message to headquarters:

They've abandoned their tanks,
and they're walking back to Germany.
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