Devotion (2022)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Devotion (2022)

Post by bunniefuu »

[wind whistling]

[engine whirring]

[engine starts]

-[drill instructor] Move!
-[soldier] Thank you, sir.

[mechanic 1]
It could be tough to replace.

[mechanic 2] Yeah, go and jet
the vent tube.


[soldier, muffled]
You ain't worth shit.

I'm talking to you.

You better run.
I said run!

[locker slams]

Everything okay over there?

You the transfer?

Lieutenant Tom Hudner.

Jesse Brown.

It's good to meet you.

Where'd you come in from?
Pearl Harbor.

Flying Bearcats?

Lot of profile flights.
Tracking torpedoes.

Post-w*r busywork.

You, uh...
You fly in The Big Show?

I did not.

Then you'll fit right in.

-[door opens]
-[soldier] What are you
talking about?

-You should be grateful
your room has seen action.
-Morning, Jesse.

Good morning, Jess.

You're the one with
clean sheets.

You must be the new guy.

Marty Goode, with an "E."

You mean "G"?
"E" at the end.

Oh, Jesus!
Don't tell me you're one
of these country boys.

[soldier 2]
All right, Marty.
Watch yourself.

Bo Lavery.

And this is Jerry,

or Kraut, Fritz, Heine.

-They all work.
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Nice to meet you.
And regardless
of what you hear,

the name's Carol Mohring.

Pleasure to meet you.

[soldier 3]
Now, there's a sight.

Good to see you, Bill.
Good to see you.

Gents, this is Tom Hudner.

We were in Pensacola together.
Hell of a stick.

Hell of a pretty face, too.

Almost too pretty.

You boys sound lonely.
[all chuckle]

Welcome to VF-32.

[muffled expl*si*n]

[news presenter]
Will the atom shatter a world
to fragments,

or will it be a boon
to mankind?

Stalin and the Soviets
field-tested their own b*mb,

and wouldn't you know it,
it's the same design as ours.

I'd say that they're
hot on our heels,

but this footage is
already six months old.

It won't be long before
they strap that thing
to a bomber.

Bo, get that for me,
would you?

So, now you know.

Fellas, you're not just here
to fly and screw.

'Cause they're not
sitting idle.

But with practice,
there is not a pilot
on this planet

who can wipe the ass
of a United States
naval aviator

and I truly believe that.

-[pilot] That's right!

So, nav hops...

Koenig, you got Mohring.

Lavery, you got Goode.

-Ensign Brown!

You've got
Lieutenant Hudner today.

Yes, sir.

Have fun.

Matt, you take Calloway.

All right,
maps out, lights on, let's go.

-[Bo] See if you can keep up.
-[Marty] Let's go.

-[Bo] Whoo-hoo!
-[Carol] All right, Bill.
You ready?

'Cause if you bring
that girl around,
you're gonna have a problem.

[Bill] Shit. She'll be sitting
in my lap. What are you
talking about?

That's all I'm saying.

Pretty warm out
for a wool cap.

It's part of my kit.
Never know when
you'll need it.

[soldier on PA]
...personnel, stand clear.

I'll try to keep us
short of Canada, Lieutenant.


[Jesse on radio]
Watch your prop.

Try not to cut off my wing.

[engines roaring]

We're taking a slight detour
on the way home.

-Try to keep up.
-Say again?

[engine whirs]


[engines roaring]

[breathes heavily]


[Tom on radio]
What the hell are you doing,
Ensign Brown?


[watch ticks]

You still with me?

[breathes heavily]

Up and hard on my call.

[engines roaring]

Ready, set, hit it!



Any detours you wanna make?

-[jazz playing on radio]

Pretty slick flying
for a nav hop.

Helps to know the plane.

Can't learn everything
from a book.

[metal clanks]

Or at the Academy.

Well, there's knowing
the plane and then
there's flat-hatting.

What are you gonna find out
about your wingman

cruising at 10,000 feet,

Put him in a little bit
of trouble, who knows,

you might get a peek at
who he really is.

How 'bout I buy you a beer?

Plenty to talk about
between who I am

and not getting each other
k*lled on nav hops.

Sounds nice, Lieutenant,

but I don't drink.

Did you get to see
the lighthouse?

I did.

["Stagger Lee" playing]

[pilot] Whoo!

♪ Stagger Lee went home ♪

[pilot laughs]

♪ And he got his... ♪

It's chow time, boys.

[pilot laughs]
All right.

♪ Said I'm goin' to the barroom
Just to pay... ♪

Hey, Marty, pass me
one of those forks.

-[Bill] This looks delicious.
-Bon appétit, boys.

[pilot] Thank you, Dad.

[pilot] Give me
one of them napkins.

[Bo] So, the Gulfstream's
all right.

Tends to be a little busy.

Lot of locals,

but a lot of college girls

who like to go out
on school nights.

Sadao's is good
on Thursdays.

Dimber's is the move to make
on Saturdays and Sundays,

if you don't mind the cover.

Just think of that as
an investment though.

Trust me.

But, I gotta warn ya,

no matter where you go,
it is rough these days.

All right,
girls around here do not go
for participation medals.

Despite what they say,
they are looking
for that w*r tin.

That hero tin.

And here,
that's only Cevoli.

Got a Navy Cross
and he's got a wife.

Might be connected.

Wait, you ain't married,
are you?

No. I'll start with the Navy,
figure out the rest later.

Smart man.

How'd you come in?

Applied to the Academy
right after Pearl Harbor.

I wanted to help.

As we all did.

But yeah, show up
to find the heroes are made,

the fleets mothballed.


w*r ended a month
before I graduated.

You know, I suppose we were
born a few years too late.

Or too early.

The whole world's
looking different.

Hell, did you ever think
that you'd be in a squadron

with a colored aviator?

[clears throat]
Well, I didn't come here
to not eat.

Cheers to that.
[grunts] All right.

How are the clams?

[dog barks in distance]

["Little Red Rooster" playing
on record player]

♪ Got a little red rooster
And man, how he can crow ♪

♪ Got a little red rooster
And man, how he can crow ♪

♪ He's the boss of the barnyard
Any old... ♪




You are just in time
to get dinner together.

Yes, ma'am.

But may I
have a dance first?



♪ Man, he ain't no bluff ♪

[both moan]

♪ If you want your red rooster
And you want him all alone ♪

I saw our neighbor
on my way in.

I saw her this morning.

She looked like a nice woman.

Someone can look nice?

Didn't I?

I thought
you looked like

a mean old hen.






-Come on.


That's cheap.

Strength in numbers,

-You gonna paint your baby?
-I'ma paint one of my babies.

Nah. Come on, come on!


Come on.




Well, I know a pilot
can't fly at night.

[Jesse] Wonder where
she got that from.

Where they go?

Where they go?

Where they-- There!

Ah! It's us. Okay, okay.

We surrender.

it was well fought, soldier,
but sadly, you were no match.

[both laugh]
[knock on door]


Awfully loud in here.

Neighbors made
a noise complaint.

Must've been
the nice-looking one.

[drill instructor]
♪ What I've been told ♪

♪ I don't know
What I've been told ♪

[drill instructor]
♪ Navy wings are painted gold ♪

[officer] I need
two wing walkers
for a respot.

[soldier on PA]
All yellow shirts on
FOD walk down.

Morning, boys!

Seems one of
our reconnaissance planes

went down over the Baltic
a few days ago.

what you won't see
here in the newspaper

is the photos
the Pentagon has

of Navy flight uniforms
washed up on the shore

and the landing gear,

which is absolutely
riddled with b*ll*ts.

That is more than
a quiet act of aggression.

Washington wants us ready
to respond to the Russians

and, uh, this is what
we're gonna get ready with.

[Bill] Say hello
to the F4U Corsair.

Flew the hog
a little after the w*r.

But the Navy's gone
and made 'em fatter
and meaner.

Now, I know that the Corsair
will be new for a lot of you,
but don't worry.

Just like yours truly,
she earned her stripes
in The Big Show.

Now, this is a plane that will
get your hands dirty.

You're gonna be
so close to the action,

you're gonna start to think
that you made the mistake
of joining the Army.

And I gotta mention,
she's got a rather
unfortunate nickname.

"The Widow-maker."

Good thing
I ain't hitched.

Well, they also call her
the "Ensign Eliminator."

This engine's one of
the most powerful things
you'll ever fly behind.

You throttle her too hard,
she'll spin you over.

She's got enough torque
to flip a house,
so go easy on the power.

CAG wants us
up to speed and fast.

So, manuals are
getting dropped off
in the ready room.

Any other questions,

God help ya,
take 'em up with the good
Professor Koenig here.

All right.

-[Tom] Oh, she looks
pretty mean, huh?
-[Marty] The "Widow-maker."

[Bo] Oh! She is a beaut!

-[Carol] Hey, Professor K?
-[Bo] She's awful purdy.

Now, Bo, you don't know what
you're doing with this thing.


[engine hisses]

Need a lift?

Guys said you had
family nearby?

Across the bay
in Fall River.

They must be happy,
having you back.

I think they'd be happier
if I were coming back
to work for the family.

Supposed to take over
my old man's grocery stores.

[smacks lips]

But I was called to adventure.

What about you?

What brought you here?

Always wanted to fly.

Wanted to fly where
the best pilots flew.

That'd be the Navy.

-[Jesse] Thanks for the lift.
-[Tom] Of course.

Ma'am. Tom Hudner.


Can I get you
something to drink?

I'm sure Lieutenant Hudner
has plans.

Better be getting back, ma'am.

Beautiful house, by the way.

Nice to see it
from the ground.

Thank you.

Play nice.

Play nice.

I don't know about him yet.

[Daisy] Where's our car?

Where's our baby?


Car's on the side
of the road.


[Daisy sighs] Okay.

[Jesse] Tires are probably gone.

[Daisy chuckles]

[pilot] Hey, airmen!

My tail fin could use
some air.

[soldier on PA]
Stand by for check time.

Stand by for check time.

[Bo] Hey, Lieutenant!

I think she likes me.

Famous last words.

She's not gonna bite.

[Carol] You know
what's not in the manual?

How big this damn nose is.

How the hell are you
supposed to land on a carrier
if you can't see it?

Not everything's
in the same place, Carol,
but everything's the same.

Just in different places.

You know I crashed a Bearcat
when I was learning to fly it?

You know, you better not
let Goode hear you say that.

Too late.

[metal creaks]

[metal creaks]

[narrator on radio]
Many outstanding
fighter pilot achievements

may seem almost unbelievable.

[engines roaring]

But once you have learned
how they accomplished
these victories,

and the system they used,

you'll realize it's just
a trick of the trade

carried out by fighting men
with the ability and know-how

that it takes to win
aerial battles.

The keynote of fighter tactics
in the United States Navy
today is teamwork.

[engines roaring]

Teamwork, coordination,
call it what you will,

gives the fighter
its greatest value

in escorting bombers
and torpedo planes
on their missions.

In enabling fighters
to protect other fighters,

in winning engagements
that may mean the losing
or the saving of a carrier.

You have to fight them
with your head,

using your judgment,

your skill
in plane-handling,

and your superior gunnery
to turn the odds
in your favor.

It's a matter
of life insurance

to make every
split-second count.


[commander] Attention on deck.

As you were, gentlemen.
As you were.

I'm Captain Thomas Sisson,

and I command the USS Leyte.

Now, we have learned
that the Soviets are jockeying

for a warm water port
in the Mediterranean.

Now, they think they can
bully their way into Europe

and spook our new NATO allies.

Well, DC thinks it's best
if we prevent them
from doing so.

And we are crewing up
to keep the Cold w*r
from turning hot,

and Cevoli here tells me
this is the best place
to do so.

We ship out next week.

Look forward to
having you onboard.

All right, all right.

You remember when I told you
to get up to speed, and fast?

I meant speedier and faster.

Carrier quals are at
the end of the week.

You can't land a Corsair
on the Leyte,

uh, you get yourself
a nice dry-land job in Topeka

or some place even shittier,
God help you.

Either way,

start settling up
your bar tab, boys.

We are leaving Rhode Island.

[pilot] Ah, here it comes.

Just because I'm going
doesn't mean I'm fighting,


That's the deal, darling.


We knew this day might come.

And yet it doesn't
make it any easier.

But we'll be okay.



...but okay.



Jesse, what's going on?


My mind's on landing
that Corsair tomorrow.

You never met a plane
you couldn't land, Jesse.

This plane
will be the death of me.

I can't see like I can
out of a Bearcat.

Fogs my instincts.

Your instincts...

are one of the few things
in this world that I trust.

And if you can't
trust that plane,

you gotta put it in whatever
will get you down safe.

Yes, ma'am.

-[Marty] You ready, Carol?
-[Carol] Try and keep up, Marty.

[Bo] Bottom of the board
buys drinks tonight, boys.

[Marty] I hope
you brought cash.

[Bo] Won't need it,
we'll be spending yours.

[door opens]

[door closes]

[breathes deeply]

You ain't shit.


You ain't never landing
that plane, n*gg*r.


Your monkey-ass
shouldn't even be flying.


[breathes heavily]



[sniffles, breathes heavily]

[officer on PA]
Flight ops commence,
flight ops commence.

Be aware of all prop wash.
All hands on deck.

[sailor] Don't need all hands.

[sailor 2] Doing it!

[officer on PA]
All repair parties,
man your stations.

All repair parties,
man your stations.

[crew shouting, chattering]

[engine roaring]

-[d*ck] That's Hudner.
-[Carol] Mm-hmm.

[officer on radio] You're on
a good approach, Hudner.
Just keep an eye on the LSO.


All right, pretty boy.

[cable wobbles]

All right, three-to-one
he misses it.

I'll take the action.

Bonus if he splashes?

Christ, Bo,
we don't want him dead.

[landing gear whirs]

Looks like they wanna see
Jackie Robinson steal home.

[officer on radio]
Ensign Brown, you're too high.

That's a shit approach.

Come on. Get your nose up.

Why isn't he listening
to the LSO?


[engine roars]

[all shout]

[all shout]


[officer on radio]
That was pretty close, Brown.
Do you wanna call it?

I'm coming back around.

[officer on PA]
Crash crew, stand by.

[breathes heavily]

[officer on radio]
You're still too high, Brown.

You're not in the groove.

I'll get there.


[engine roars]

[cable wobbles]


[all cheer]

All right, Jesse.

[sailor] Attaboy!

[officer on PA]
Attention, all hands.

Flight operations
commence in one hour.

FOD walk in 15 mikes.
All available hands on deck.

FOD walk in 15 mikes.

Doesn't matter how you did it.
Just matters that
you got down, pal.

[d*ck] Fellas,

you all passed
your carrier quals.

[all cheer]

[pilot] That's what
I'm talking about.

Top marks go to...

Lieutenant Hudner
with the only
perfect grade.

Oh, bastard.

Which brings us
to Ensign Brown.


Damn near k*lled us all.

[d*ck] Enjoy tonight, boys.
We ship out in the morning.

And now is the time,
if you haven't already,

get all your affairs
in order.

All right.

[pilot] What affairs
do you have to get in order,
my friend?

[pilot 2] I'm headed
to Denver, boys.

That was some landing.

[pilot 3] I'm never
too drunk to drive.

Just trying to
keep it interesting.

You get your car fixed yet?

You heading to the bar
with the guys?

I don't think so.

[clears throat]

Wanna come in?

[engine stops]

Hey, Daisy?


[door closes]

What did I tell you?

Yes, ma'am.

[child] Mommy?


Let me get her.

Nice to see you again.
You as well.


Which one do you like?

The blue one?

The gray one?

The gray one.

You had a good day?


What'd you do?

You don't remember?

Here you are.

Thought Jesse didn't drink.

He doesn't.


Your husband's
quite the aviator.

Well, he must feel
the same way about you.

Because you
and Carol Mohring

are the only boys
from Fighting 32

that he has ever
invited over.

It's good to know the men
you're flying with.

See what they're fighting for.

I like that.

And what about you, Tom?
What are you fighting for?

God, country
and honor aside.

You know, Mrs. Brown, I'm...

hoping to find that out.

[Jesse laughs]

Come on.

-Come on.
-[child] Okay.

Don't be fooled
by his strong,
silent act, by the way.

He trusts you,

I swear,
he's the funniest man
you'll ever know.

I can't say he's shown me
that side yet.

Something to
look forward to.

Well, you're about to spend
a lot of time together.

Lot of time
in very small spaces.

May I ask you a favor?

Of course.

Second he steps on that ship
and into that plane,

I can't protect him anymore.

So I need you to be there
for my Jesse.




[Jesse] Good?

-[child] Hmm.
-[Jesse] That was good, yeah?


[Daisy chuckles]

Who is this?

This is Pam.

Hi, Pam.

[mimics airplane]

I don't think
she wants to embarrass
you, Lieutenant.

[Daisy chuckles]

It's too late. Come on.

She might hold the stick
better than you.


Well, I know
it's our last night here,

so I'll let you all
enjoy it together.
Thank you again for the drink.

You're very welcome.
I'll walk ya out.

Just be careful.

Worst thing
that can happen to me
is a bad sunburn.

You come back as black
as you like,
as long as you come home.

'Cause you're taking me
to The Bahamas
when you get back.


If I get some shore time,

I'll get you one of
those European swimsuits.

One of those
two-piece things.


you know you can always
come back here and wave to me.

I'm only 5,000 miles
that way.

I'll wave back.

The only person I ever met

belonged in the sky.

Just remember you belong
down here with us, too, okay?


I'll write you
every week.

I know you will.


[all panting]

[sailor] Break those
chains down.

[officer on PA]
Secure from General Quarters.
All hands!

Secure from General Quarters.

Maybe you'd be faster
if we did this in the middle
of the night.

What you don't
seem to understand

is that someday soon,
this is gonna be real.

And you have to do
a hell of a lot better
than that!

[all] Yes, sir.

All right.

[sailor] I gotta
run him down to 2-A.

I am getting tired
of getting ready.

Tired of living in this
floating sardine can.

Tired of you
smelling like one.

That's what
men smell like.

Something to look forward to
one day, Fritz.

Most excitement
we've seen in days.

[Captain Sisson]
Ensign Brown.

Could I speak to you
for a moment?

Careful what you wish for.

[sailor] I'll go ahead
and respot it.

Aye, sir.


[camera pops]

Do we have to do this
above deck?

Oh, yeah.
It's great having you
right in front of your plane.

You look great.

[Tom] What's going on?

[d*ck] Life magazine is here.

I guess the Pentagon wanted
something positive for
the folks back home.

Help 'em swallow the pill
of another potential w*r.

What better way than,
"Black man makes good?"

He does makes
a nice trophy boy.
You ought to be proud, Skip.

Shut up, Bo.

[journalist] Your commanding
officer called you one of the
best pilots he's ever seen,

regardless of color.

[officer on PA]
Flight checks and FOD walks

for fixed-wing
and rotary aircraft
must be documented.

That's kind of him to say,
but I can't say I'm special.

it must be hard, right?

It must be hard
being the only--

A naval aviator? Absolutely.

Landing planes on carriers,
it's the--

it's the toughest job there is
for anyone wearing wings.

[officer on PA]
Heavy maintenance visit

will be performed
in all aircraft...

Come on, Ensign Brown.
You know what I mean.
Jesse's fine.

Okay, Jesse.

There's a lot of guys
from different backgrounds,

but there's only one you.

There's only
one you, too, sir.

Look, I mean no disrespect,

but I don't think I'm gonna say
what you're looking
for me to say.

All right.

I worked hard
to fly these planes.

It's all I've ever wanted to do.

Harder than I can
put into words.
[d*ck] Jesse.

Can we get
a few more pictures
of Jesse in his plane?

I gotta get my pilots
back to work.

It'll just take
a minute, Lieutenant.

Lieutenant Commander.
Have a nice day.

Watch your back!

Damn, Jesse. You just put
a letter in the mail.

One a week.

That's what I told her.

[Carol] It's no use trying
to slow him down.


Hey, we caught
your little circus act
up on deck.


Your boy juggle, too?

[shoes tap]




Guess not.

[marine scoffs]
Well. Nice.

We should have
stood up to
that assh*le.

[Jesse] I'm good, Tom.

Look, I'm just saying
we shouldn't be letting
him run his mouth like that.

[Carol sighs]

[d*ck] Now, I know
that you're all sick
of doing busywork,

but, oh, have I
got a chore for
a lucky someone.

Not it.
Maintenance has replaced

a gyro on one of the Corsairs,

I need a volunteer to
make sure all is working.

It's just a quick
up and down.
I thought you said "lucky."

It sounds like
a hoot.

Why don't we
give it to Fritz?

He could use the landing.

[all chuckling]
I'll do it.

[d*ck] All right.


if you don't mind,

Lavery's right for once.

'Course I'm right.

I could use the trap.

All yours.

Heil Herr Mohring!

[d*ck] Mohring it is.
[Marty] All right.

All right, now as for
the rest of you,

command has
ordered an audit

on serial numbers
on parts across
all of the planes.

So while Mohring is
up there enjoying
the sightseeing,

the rest of you can
validate all of
the serial numbers

on every single one of
these maintenance orders.

[all groaning]
Thank you, Matthew.

[Bo] Uh, sir?

That'll take all day.

Only if you work quick.

[flight officer]
Ensign Mohring,

you are clear
to test the gyro.

2-17 to tower.

Gyro seems to be
in working order.

[flight officer]
Copy that.
Return to carrier.

Ensign Mohring,
your approach is shallow.

I'm correcting.

Manufacture number?


What is it?

[breathing heavily]

[Jesse] Not gonna
make the deck.

[Tom] He'll make it.

Just gotta slowly
pour on the power.

On this approach?

Better to wave off.

Try again.

[flight officer on PA]
Crash crew, stand by.

Crash crew, stand by.

[crew 3] Man your station.

Out of the way.
Coming in.

[inhales sharply]

[flight officer on radio]
You're still low, Mohring.

[crew chattering]

Go around, pal.

Ease it on, Mohring.

[flight officer]
Ensign Mohring,
give me some altitude.

[grunts] No, no, no, no, no!


[crew 5] He's in the water.

[crew 6] Man overboard!
[crew 7] Get your vest pack!

[crew 8] We need rescue!

Poured on the power
too damn fast.

[alarm blaring]

[crash crew shouting]

[crew] Let's go, let's go!

[crew 8] Do we pull him out?

[alarm continues]

Some people are gonna
tell you that this is
what you signed up for.

It's not.

Let's be real clear.

We lost a friend.

And that is not easy.


the Navy's gonna do
what the Navy does.

But, um...

I'll write his family.

Send them his things.


The guys are getting together.

Just because you think
you know better

doesn't mean you
have to say anything.

What are you talking about?

Carol hadn't been
in the water
five seconds

before you were
talking about what
he could've done better.

We all make mistakes.
That could've been me,

Don't let that ring
convince you otherwise.

What's the one thing
they told us about
the Corsair?

Remind me.
What'd they tell us
about the Corsair?

You can't punch
the throttle.

Mistakes get
us k*lled, Jesse.

You don't die
if you do
what you're told.

[Marty] Fellas.

You coming?

To Carol.

We're not even at w*r,
and we're losing men.

Good men.

It's just a
tough pill to swallow

when there's
nothing to blame.

The swim test
in flight school...

They made me do it ten times.

Didn't believe that
a n*gg*r could swim.

They dumped ice in the water.

Put weights
in my flight suit.

Held me under.

They wouldn't have cared
if I died in that pool.

But every time...

I made it out.

Got used to flying
the Bearcat. [chuckles]

See everything.

The deck on approach.

[sniffles] All right
in front of me.

I could land it on
my front yard if I had to.

But the Corsair...

I can't see anything.

You have to
rely on the LSO.

[Jesse] Hard to believe
that the LSO

won't crash my Black ass
on purpose.

I can't tell you
how many times

people have told me
to give up, quit.

Die, even.

That's why you can't always
do what you're told.

If I did, I wouldn't be here.


That's something
I was trying to teach Mohring.


[d*ck] You guys are tired.

I see it. Hell, I am, too.

Been a rough few weeks.

we are docking in Cannes

for a little shore leave.

I don't know about you,

but I think
some fresh air would
do all of us some good.

[pilot whistles]
Obviously, ship rules
follow you ashore.

Liberty expires at 2300.

You are foreigners
in a foreign city,
and you look the part.

So please, Marty,
please, dear God,

don't do anything stupid.

Oh, and, uh, no,
I don't wanna come with you

and do whatever is it
that you're gonna do,

but thank you.

Go away.

[big band music playing]


Don't let Cevoli
catch you selling
those to the locals.

Let me tell you something.

I've been in the Navy
since I was 16.

And our line of work
is a dangerous one.

One where tomorrow
is never promised.

Hell, tomorrow's barely
a gentleman's agreement.

So if there's liberty
to be had... [chuckles]

...then liberty
we should take.

At two dollars a pack,
I'll take a risk.

Let's enjoy ourselves, boys.

Mohring would insist.

When in France.

There he is.

[sailor 1] Don't do anything
I wouldn't do, sailor.

[Marty] What
do we have here?


[Bo] At the Boulevard
de la Croissant.

Few too many sailors
on this street.

[Bo] Doesn't look like
a street with
a whorehouse on it.

[chuckling] No.
[Marty] You don't have
enough scratch or game

for these fine European women.

Hey, I'm here to drink,
so just point me
in that direction.

Oh, to the first bar
we find, then.

You guys go ahead.

I gotta find something
for Daisy.

I'll catch up.
All right.

Hey, don't forget
the, uh, lacy bits.


[biker speaking French]

[beachgoers chattering]

[child speaking French]

What's going on?

Are you blind?
It's Liz Taylor.

The movie star.
Where the hell have you been?

[laughs] I'd like that.

Miss Taylor.

Would you sign
my postcard?

Oh, I don't do
signatures, darling.

But I'll
give you a kiss.


Thank you, Mrs. Taylor.

And who's your friend?

He ain't with me.

Ensign Jesse Brown, ma'am.

I'm a naval aviator.

Oh, they let colored folks
be pilots these days?

It would appear so.

Well, how enlightened.


I have to run, dear,

but you and your wingmen
should join us
at the casino later.

I like pilots.

Miss Elizabeth?

I'm sure
you've noticed, but--

You just wear
something smart,

and you tell them
Elizabeth invited you.


[chattering in French]

You're thinking it.

Ah, look who it is.

Get something nice
for Daisy?

Yeah, got something else, too.

I was invited to
the Casino de Carlo
this evening.

We all were, actually.

By Elizabeth Taylor.
[Bo] You're sh1tting me.

Wait, Liz Taylor,
the actress?

How? Where?

How? Met her.
Where? At the beach.

Nice lady, actually.

I don't believe you.

But I got
some money to blow.

Let's see if you're lying.

[Bo] Now we're talking.

Put up or shut up.


Let's get dressed. Whoo!

[Bill] Wow.

Now, I know y'all are used
to getting turned down,
but I ain't.

If we don't get in,
doubt this is
the only place in town.

Yeah, but this is the only
place with Liz Taylor.


[speaking French]

We were invited.

I am certain
you were not.

Elizabeth Taylor.
I believe she--
Please, sir,

leave now.

It's okay.
We'll go find somewhere else.



[speaking French]

[security guard speaking French]
[clears throat]

This way.

[jazz music plays]

You sly dog.

Never in doubt.

[speaks French]

Did you see her? This is...
Oh, man!

Women here are...

[Bill] I think it's time
to make a little money.

Oh, look at this place!
I think we found the party.

-[partygoer] Oh, no!
-[crowd shouts]

Is that...
Liz Taylor.

That's Liz Taylor!
Liz Taylor.

That's Liz Taylor?
She look nice.

Guess I should introduce you.

[Bo] Yep.

[Marty] Mm-hmm?

[Bill] Never met a movie star.
Kinda nervous.

Well, lookie-loo.

The Fighting 32.

You came!

Yes, ma'am.

Do you gentlemen
all know each other?

Just sharing space
at the moment, ma'am.

That's right.
Until the actual w*r starts.

And then,
we'll be on the ground.

And they'll be nowhere
to be found.

[scoffs] You always talk
in nursery rhymes?

Please, take a seat.

I could use some
fresh luck anyway.

Yes, ma'am.


Okay. Why don't you
and I grab a drink

and toast to not being
on a ship with these guys?

Come on.
Good idea.

Buy a couple rounds on us.

I'll keep your seat warm.

[Elizabeth] Put some here.

Let's go, Buddy.
Come on.
[Elizabeth] Here. And...

[Jesse] Here.


[Elizabeth] Here.

[all cheer]


My lucky man.

[Marty] Oh, here we go.

Cheers, ladies.

To beautiful people,
beautiful life.

Yes, cheers.
New friends,
future ex-wives.

Here we go. Hey!


[all cheer]

[Bo] Mm-hmm.

That's what we call
a winner.

Come on!

About time
to call it a night, Bubba.


Oh, shit.

[speaking French]

[both chuckle]

So, you speak French.

I picked it up
in high school.

Uh, sir. Uh, whiskey,

and then,
whatever my friend's having.

[speaking French]

Show off.

That was pretty good.

It's good.
[both laugh]

Pretty wild.

Rubbing shoulders
with movie stars.

Drinking, gambling.

The Reds are
about to strike,

we're partying in France.


I just want to go home
with this having
meant something.


You just keep it up
with Miss Liz Taylor,

and you just might.

[both laugh]

Thank you.

You forgot the ginger beer.

I saw a place
looked real nice.

I'll get a drink from there.

Hey, pal.
Let's try that.

Let's try that.

Change of scenery,

As long as this place
has French women,
I'm happy.

We'll be jake on that front.

Right, I lost
all my money anyway.
Come on.

-[Bo] We're leaving?

Excuse me?

Miss Elizabeth,
thank you for having us.

It was very kind of you.

Well, is that it for you boys?

I'm afraid so.

Hmm. Well,
you be safe out there.

Would you?


Thank you.

[dice clatters]

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