World w*r III Breaks Out (1960)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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World w*r III Breaks Out (1960)

Post by bunniefuu »

As long as humanity has a conscience,
World w*r III will never happen.

World w*r III: 41 Hours of Fear
(World w*r III Breaks Out)

The second world w*r
left behind terrible traces.

It has been 15 years,
but has part of the world

already forgotten
the sorrow and suffering?

What do you think everyone?
Would you want a w*r?

I don’t think so.

But some young people commit
violent acts without thinking.

Having such an attitude
leads to w*r between countries.

Today's hydrogen b*mb has much greater
destructive power than the atomic b*mb,

and in today’s unstable environment,
the balance of peace could be undone.

Imagine what would occur to Japan,
to the world, if w*r breaks out?

It’s clear, isn’t it?

Never forget that whether we
can avoid w*r or not

depends on the younger
generation’s common sense.


Just one of their damn bombs
would wipe out Tokyo.

What’s the point of coming to school
everyday, lugging my lunchbox?

- Let's go!
- We're off!

How dangerous!

What the heck!

Those upper-classmen.
Always throwing their weight around.

Damn bikes!

Ah, forget them!

I love this music.

- You’re old-fashioned.
- Why?

The rhythm and tempo is out of date.

If it doesn’t have some feeling,
it might as well be a marching band.

Yeah, we feel the music in our bodies.

But some of us just feel in their heads.

Oh, I feel something.


Cut it out. It’s not a joke.

- Ah, crap. He’s embarrassed.
- Hey, I’m keeping this.

That’s disgusting.

I’ve been collecting this kind of thing.

Hey, what’re you doing?

You got something to say
to an upper-classman?

If you want to talk to me
you do it with respect.

- Hey, bring some water.
- Right away.

- Son of a bitch.
- Don’t worry about it.

We should care, but you are all chicken.

You’ll see if we are chicken or not.

- Tomorrow we'll take your dad’s boat.
- We can’t.

Then just us three will go out
on the ocean tomorrow.

-The ocean?

When we are out on the water,
we can speed as much as we like.

- There’s no traffic lights or cops.
- Sounds wonderful. Take me too.

No way. There’s no toilet on the boat.

What a racket.
This kind of music again.

And where have you been?

Nowhere. I was with my friends.

If you keep goofing off,
you won't get into university.

So what?

University is a waste of time.

If there’s a w*r we won’t even be alive.

Don’t say such nonsense.
Get studying instead!

Instead of studying, he fills
his head with peculiar thoughts.

With kids that age,
we have to be very careful.

If you are too strict they will rebel.

Things are very tense, these days.

It’s doesn’t matter what era it is,
human life is the same.

And 10 years is 10 years.

Our 10 year savings deposit
will mature next year.

Every month over the past 10 years,
I’ve deposited the exact same amount.

That's what life is about.

Tense Times Outside The Parliament

Prime Minister att*cked By Thugs

Terrible things are happening every day.

Dad, you’ve done a really good job.


The savings deposit.

It was hard to save at the beginning.

When she was alive, your mother
encouraged me to save.

And what a great result
that I own this house outright.

I will be able to see you married
from this house.

And how is Mr. Ikenaga?

Well, he’s…

Huh? What is it?

He says he wants seven children.


That’s great! You should have
as many as you can.

Brace yourself for the task, Shizuko.
You need to raise your children well.

I have 10 years until retirement,

you are going to marry soon,

Shigeo will go to university,
then become a responsible citizen.

Then I can say
I have lived without regrets,

and stand proudly
before your late mother.

What, Shizuko?
Your father is speaking seriously.

Well, you were speaking so seriously
I didn’t want to say anything.

What do you mean? Huh? Say it.

Well, to tell the truth,
when I leave this house,

I want you to re-marry.

You are still young, dad.

That’s crazy!
Don’t make fun of your father.

Get up. This is great.


Hey. Look.

Wow. You can barely see the shore.

I want to go to somewhere
like an uninhabited island.

An uninhabited island?
I want to eat coconuts.

I want see the tribal chief’s
daughters dance the hula.

You dummy. There’s nobody
on an uninhabited island.

Oh yeah.

If I went anywhere, it would be Africa.


Yeah, I read in a magazine
that if an atomic b*mb is dropped

Africa will be the safest place.

Yeah. All we hear from the media
is about World w*r III.

I didn’t like those slides
we saw at school.

It’ll be fine. Japan renounced w*r.

But Japan has been providing bases.

Jets carrying hydrogen bombs
have been flying around.

I heard a base was att*cked
by a foreign aircraft.

I’ve got an idea.
Let’s the three of us escape.

- Escape?
- Yeah.

Forget this crappy Tokyo Bay cruise.
We should get as far away as we can.

Good idea. We have enough food
and fuel to cross the Pacific.

If we are successful,
the media will interview us.

We will be heroes.

Those auto-bike senior
jerks will be envious.

What do you think, Sawamoto?


Great. Speed up!

Hard to starboard! Full speed ahead!

Withdrawals & Deposits

- I’m leaving. See you tomorrow.
- See you then.

See you.

- Dad.
- Yes?

You are leaving early.
Where are you going?

There's a banquet for
someone up from Osaka.

Do you remember what today is?

Umm. Nothing comes to mind.

It’s Shigeo’s birthday.

Right. So it is.

Buy Shigeo's favorite sea bream

and a birthday cake.
Spare no expense.

OK. Come home early.
A typhoon is forecast.

What terrible rain.

Welcome home. I'll take your bag.

And Shigeo?

Not back yet.

What? Not yet?

Where did he go in this storm?

The official weather report has
typhoon No. 8 off of Taiwan.

Winds are a sustained 90 m.p.h.

and it’s moving northward
toward the Japanese mainland.

Ships need to take precautions
in these conditions.

They’re not back yet?

Please look for them again and
contact me immediately. Got it?

What was that about?


Liar. What happened to dad’s boat?

I’m sorry.

I let my friends take it out
without telling you.

That doesn’t matter. I want to know
if the boat is coming back safely.

I have no idea.

Idiot! Do you know where
they went in this storm?

They said just around Tokyo Bay.

Even just around Tokyo Bay
in this weather is stupid.

I bet they went up to Oshima Island.

- What a mess. They’re sure to get lost.
- What's going on?

Coast Guard?

Three high school students are out
on Tokyo Bay in our family boat.

They might have gone to Oshima Island.

I’m leaving now to go tell Shizuko.

I hope they're OK.

What time is it?


That must be Shigeo.


-What is it? -Shigeo and his friends
are out on the bay.

What? Shigeo?

I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have let
them take the boat.

It’s not your fault.

Dad, I will go to the Coast Guard office.

Shizuko, take me with you.

I’ve been waiting for you to call.

Well, the current management
of the national budget is fine,

but the relevant departments
need to be reformed.

Well, it won't happen any time soon.

Masaki, I got ahold of them.

Hello? What?
Found them? Off Shimoda?

All three are fine?
OK, I’m on my way.

Let’s go get some pictures before
the Coast Guard get there.

OK. Let’s go.

Masaki! Over there!

Coast Guard sure got here quick!

Well, they're alive.

Leave the rescue to the Coast Guard.
We just want some pictures.

- [Reporter] C'mon!
- [Nurse] What's this?

Tell us what happened.
Why were you on the water?

You're not supposed to be in here.

I told you reporters to stay out.

Sorry, but we have a deadline.
I'll leave after one question.

Alright, but don't upset
the patient.


I heard you boys wanted
to escape to Africa.

Which of you three had that idea?


Why did you want to escape?

No particular reason.

But isn’t it true you wanted to
get away from the atomic b*mb?

That was a joke.

You were reckless and everyone
was worried about you.

That’s enough.
Please leave.

See you later on.

- Please take over.
- OK

Masaki, you were asking
terrible questions.

It’s my job.

Three high school kids lost
on a boat isn't a story.

Three kids escaping the country
because they fear the b*mb is.

So it’s OK to hurt someone’s
feelings just for your story?

You don’t understand. Listen.

The uncertainty of the current political
climate influences kids like that.

I want the public to know
what’s happening.

I can understand their wanting to escape.

I want to escape, too.

Demonstrations from morning to night.

Prime Minister att*cked by thugs.

Present day Japan is crazy.

In fact…

I’m going.

What are we doing tonight?

Call me later.
I can probably meet you.


Thank you for taking care of her.

She can leave soon.

Next month you can go home
with papa and mama.

That's wonderful.

You’ll be home soon.

You were foolish.

Thankfully, everyone was fine.

- There’s not any w*r, you know.
- Dad!

We Feared The Atomic b*mb
Adults Need To Take Responsibility

My mother wants to know
when she can expect a grandchild.

She asks me over and over.

I’m sorry to cause her concern.

I don’t care about her.

My concern is our future.

What are we going to do?

I’ve been waiting for you for two years.

You need to make a decision soon.



I’m asking you please
wait a little longer.

We are happy together, aren't we?

I’m happy, yes,

but I feel unsettled
about us and it bothers me.

May I?

No thanks.

Thanks very much.

What shall we do tonight?

- I’ll walk with you to our bus stop.
- Crap.

Same old story. Skip the main course.

Appetizer, soup,

I only get the fruit cup at the end.

Well. Let’s go.

How’s your wife doing?

Well... you know... see you.

Welcome home.


You must be tired.


Today was payday. Look here.

If I weren’t sick I wouldn’t let
you do this miserable job.

Don’t worry.

Even though we’re poor,
I can keep my dream of making music.

We can hear my music everywhere,

even if it's just a dream.

It’s not just a dream.

I’ll be able to walk soon,

and I’ll work as hard as I can
and get our piano back.

OK, we'll do that.
I just want you to get well.

Did you see the news
about the three high school boys?

I understand their feelings
about wanting to leave Japan.

We adults are responsible
for kids having such feelings.

They can’t help but worry too much.

Anyway, it’s good they survived.


if w*r breaks out,
what will happen to us?

I can't walk.

Don’t have such foolish thoughts.

Can you really say they are foolish?

If it happens, it happens.

If there’s a w*r we can’t escape anyway.

Will you stay with me?

Of course.

Just like I am here now,
even if that happens.

Sorry for the noise.
How are you doing ma’am?

- She’s been fine.
- Take care

The new baby has been hard for him
to deal with when he's by himself.

Being a baby is great.

They can just cry and have
no worries about anything.

We're fine. It's peacetime.

w*r isn’t coming.

You're late!

Hurry up!

C'mon, perk up!

Stop thinking about it.

Put that outing behind you.

Your dad, was he angry?

Yeah, kind of.

Say, want to go dancing?
I know a good place.

I have to do some research.

I’m going home.

He’s changed a lot.
He really got a shock.

But, I can understand.

Forget about him.

- Ready to go?
- Let's go!

- Tonomura.
- Huh?

- You have a customer.
- Oh, thanks!

Alright, let's go!

- Hey! Cheers! Cheers!
- Strike up a song!

Wow! Nice one!

I could never do that.

You need to keep your arms extended.

Good. Now, straighten your hips,

and keep your eye on the ball.

Give it a try.

- I just can’t!
- I'll show you again.

Oh, is it already time?

I have to return to the hospital
to prepare for an operation.


The hospital comes first, again.

When we have an operation
I have to be there.

Please, let’s go. OK?

- Thank you.
- Thanks.

I'm going home, too.

But first I have a quick something to say.

Why don’t you want to marry me?
How long do we go on like this?

Masaki, you won't understand.

Just say it.

I want to know. Why won’t you say it?

C'mon. Just say it.

I, I want to keep working.

If we got married I couldn't give you
the care and attention you deserve.

That's my answer.

Quit your job.

Stop sacrificing yourself
for your patients.

Other nurses can take your place.

It’s a ridiculous reason.


I knew you wouldn’t understand.

It’s just an excuse.

If you don’t want to get married
why not just say it?

That’s a cruel thing to say.

You are being truly selfish.

I just don’t know what to do.
I can’t abandon my patients.

We have breaking news. Don’t touch
that dial. We’ll be right with you.

- What could it be?
- Quiet!

We have breaking news. Don’t touch
that dial. We’ll be right with you.

- What's this about?
- I've absolutely no idea!

This astonishing development
just in from South Korea.

This afternoon at 4:12
above the Imjin River near Keijo

an American Air Force
Fairchild C-123 transport plane

exploded mid-air with a huge bang.

Thousands of Korean soldiers engaged
in drills below are believed to have died.

Thousands of civilians are also
believed to have perished.

We will keep you updated
with any new developments.

I’ve got work to do!

Wait. I’ll go with you.

I’m in a rush. Besides, don't you need
to be on time for the operation?

We’re back with more.

The C-123 aircraft is confirmed to
have been carrying a nuclear warhead.

We don’t have many details yet,

but the Korean soldiers were in the
last of a three days training exercise.

The fatalities include military
university students,

and both South Korean and
American military officials.

It’s started. Another Korean w*r.

You shouldn’t say something
like that so lightly.

w*r isn’t going to start so easily.

Nobody likes w*r.

But humanity always seem to reach
a point at which w*r is inevitable.

And currently North Korean aircraft are…

Oh, are you at that again?

Mie hasn’t come home yet.

No need to worry.

These days she comes home
late every night.

You need to talk to her.

It’s hopeless to talk to her at this age.

You’ve spoiled her.

Our sources say

the South Korean government is taking
today’s events extremely seriously

and has convened an emergency meeting.

It appears the cause of today’s
aircraft expl*si*n is rocket fire

from North Korea and is believed
to be a deliberate attack.

The South Korean government
has condemned the attack

in the strongest possible terms.

And now the latest

Pyongyang has denied all involvement
in the nuclear expl*si*n.

Their official statement is coming next.

How terrible. An atomic b*mb?
An expl*si*n?

The expl*si*n of the nuclear
warhead transport plane today

was planned by the Americans
and South Koreans.

It is a clear and deliberate
provocation by the Americans.

So the North Koreans are
forcefully blaming the Americans.

Mr. Ta, you are about to
become in demand again.

It’s not as big a deal as
the Korean w*r was.

I wish it had been more dramatic.

Don’t say such stupid things.

There’s not going to be a w*r.

Everyone knows it will be
the end of us if it happens.

We all think that way.

But those in power crush the hope
and will of the ordinary people,

and lead them into destruction.

They set in motion the course
of events which lead to w*r.

This is the lesson history has taught us.

Stop it!

You say "history" but the
situation today is different.

They won’t use the hydrogen b*mb lightly.

They know the world can end
with the push of a button.

There, there.

What happened?

My wife left on an errand.

Here, let me try.

Thank you.

Good baby. Look here.

Oh! Smiling already.
Dad’s useless!

- What’s this?
- This kind lady gave me hand.

Oh. Thank you.

- Good baby, good baby.
- Thank you again. You were very kind.

- Thank you.
- Thank you very much.

Why don’t you want to marry me?
How long do we go on like this?

Sis not back yet?


She's working overtime today.

She'll be back soon.

If you are hungry, you can go ahead.

I'm fine.

- Dad?
- Yes?

- Did you hear the news?
- Yes.

But I don't think we need to worry.

South Korea is
under American military command.

The Japanese defense agency is
taking this matter very seriously.

They convened at 9:27.
Got it. Coming.

This is terrible.

We couldn't escape now
even if we had wings.

We don’t know yet.
Stop joking around.

- Let's go!
- OK!

Joint Chiefs Of Staff Meeting Room

If the Soviet Union joins in…

That wouldn’t stop America.

If it comes to that everything is
pointless, including this meeting.

- Are the Self Defense Force on alert?
- How about battle plans?

We’re not at that stage yet.

The American and Soviet sides are still
attempting to resolve this peacefully.

What’s next after consulting
with the Prime Minister?

We have confidential matters to discuss.

We will inform you
when we know things for certain.

We want to know now!

What should we do, Masaki?

Let’s get to Prime Minister’s office.

Let’s do it!

What’s happening?

The patients want to go home.
They heard w*r is coming.

Everyone, please calm down.

Return to your rooms
until we have instructions.

Please cooperate.

I'm sorry I had to leave you.

Don’t cry. Don’t be scared.

Be a big girl.

Don't be scared. You will be safe here.

I’ll be with you.

If you cry it will make me sad too.

I'm home.

How was it in town?

Huh? Same as usual.

I heard the news that w*r
started in North Korea.

What are you talking about?

w*r hasn’t broken out yet.

I hate being sick.

I get negative thoughts
about what's ahead.

But if you are next to me,
I’ll be fine no matter what.

Why do you get yourself so worked up?


Toa Heavy Industries

- What’s going to happen?
- One b*mb will end it all.

- We can’t do anything.
- It's the hydrogen b*mb.

Say, boss...

Call the branch head in Yokosuka.

I’ll get right on it Mr. Ichimura.

Ah, Tamura. How are people
there reacting to the news?

Any activity at the US
Yokosuka air base?

Yes. Sirens have been coming
from the base all night long.

What? Sirens?

Yes. It has been really hectic.

The 7th fleet, aircraft, jeeps,
helicopters, all were on the move.

Now there are ambulances everywhere.
It seems there are many injured.

Thank you.
Contact me if there is anything more.

Get Mr. Kuwata at Defense.

Breaking news. According to a Beijing
Radio Broadcast at 11:00 AM,

this morning at 10:40,

the Soviet Air Force engaged
American model U3 jets

over the Yalu river
between China and North Korea.

The A.P. in New York reports that
United Nations Secretary-General Percival

held an emergency Security Council
meeting at 10:50 Japan time

in order to discuss yesterday’s expl*si*n.

Such terrible things happening.

Why are you standing here?

What’s going to happen?
Are we going to continue business?

I've no idea. How should I know?

Yeah. Huh? What?
Self Defense Forces…

Speak up. I can’t hear.

OK. At 11:00 AM

the Air Force 5th Division left
Yokota air base.

Left? What Destination?

And now an F104 fighter bomber
is preparing to depart.

Got it! Let me know when it takes off.

Chaos at the banks?

A run on accounts? Even Toa bank?

I want my money!

Where's the manager?

Give me my money!
Give me my money!

Sis, sis.


- Why are you here?
- I'm here to get you.

I heard about this
bank run on the radio.

What about your school?

Nobody cares about school right now.
The town is a mess.

I’m worried about dad.

I'm sorry...

Good timing, Shigeo.
Shizuko, you two go home.

But will you be OK?

I’ll be fine. Don’t worry.

Hurry it up!

Valued customers...

an armored car with cash just left the
main branch and will be here in 15 minutes.

Please be patient.

I’ll be fine. Go ahead home.

OK, dad, take care of yourself.

At 5:00 PM Japan time
at the UN Security Council meeting

the Soviet representative Rubinoff
condemned the US jet incursion.

In turn, the American
representative Brown

characterized the North Korean action
and Soviet response as acts of aggression.

The atmosphere is extremely tense and
there seems to be no solution in sight.

It’s a truly dire state of affairs.

No to w*r! No to the hydrogen b*mb!
No to w*r! No to the hydrogen b*mb!

I wonder if w*r is going to start.

Let’s move.

Look out!

You moron! Look the hell out!

- Are you alright? Steady now.
- Are you OK?

Thank you.

Everything is a mess.

What’s next sis?

I don’t know.

I just don’t know.

Chief Cabinet Secretary,
Chief Cabinet Secretary!

Welcome home.

This in from Taipei.

The Taiwanese Army has launched an attack
on Kinmen Island in the Taiwan Strait.

Chiang Kai-shek's stated aim is to conquer
mainland China in the name of freedom.

Kenichi. Hurry up and get the car.

Fill the t*nk.

We're leaving?

Yes, we need to get away from here.

Kyoko, get prepared but bring
as little as possible.

Don’t forget the ancestral urns.

Somewhere? Where?

You left work? And the company?

Mr. Tadokoro will take over.

My hometown has a mountain
cave. We’ll evacuate to there.

This is no laughing matter. Stop that!

It’s like a mole going into its hole.

Run away? Are you serious, dad?

We aren't running away.

This is an emergency situation
and we need to evacuate.

A Soviet rocket might hit Atsugi Base.

Mr. Kuwata at Self Defense told me all
jets at the US base are being deployed.

In that case, there's a high likelihood
of a Soviet attack on the base.

If they launch rockets,
it'll be too late to escape.

It’s not too late right now.

Pack your things right away.

Luckily, I’ve kept emergency cash on hand.

Do we have enough food,
like cans and such?

- Mie, call the Ikeda’s store.
- OK.

Because of the deteriorating situation
in Korea,

an increasing number of demonstrations,

and widespread unrest among
the populace in Japan,

the Prime Minister and his cabinet
have declared a state of emergency.

What's this state of emergency?

I can’t get through to Ikeda’s.

Everyone must be trying to place orders.
I'll go there myself.

Wait. We have enough here.

What are you talking about? No we don’t.

You fool!
You should have been keeping supplies.

The Prime Minister has invoked
articles 76 and 78

of the Self Defense Law
in order to deploy all forces.

From Paris at 7:56 PM.

The NATO military command has placed
all units in Europe on high alert

in response to military maneuvers

- Hurry, hurry!
- by Warsaw Pact countries.

What are you doing here?
The atomic b*mb is coming.

Get away with your wife right now.

No, we aren’t going to have w*r.
Not at all.

Miko, hurry up.

Be careful.

- Hurry, hurry.
- Let’s get out of here.

From the AP in New York.

The US and Soviet differences at the
UN Security Council are widening.

Other delegates continue to seek a solution
for the conflicts in Korea and China.

Discussions continue, hoping to avoid
all-out w*r to the extent possible.

UN Secretary General Bern is asking
all countries to redouble their efforts…

Stop this.
You can’t go out right now.

But, dear…

It’s OK. We aren’t having any w*r.
Get inside.

Hello. What? Shigeo?


Don't concern yourself with that.

I’m coming home soon. Wait for me.

Don’t do anything hasty. Got it?

From the AP in New York at 9:15 PM:.

The US and Soviets
could not reach an agreement

and so the UN Security Council
meeting has adjourned.

Individual member nations
will continue efforts to keep the peace.

Dad is leaving the bank soon.

We’ll leave as soon as he is back.
We can still get out by train.


Don’t say “but”.

Anyone able has already escaped.

Even though everyone will die
in a hydrogen b*mb attack

all we can do is try to get away.

Stop crying.

Dad! That was terrible of you.

Couldn’t be helped.
It just happened.

- Dad. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?
- Mie!

It’s wartime. It's just wartime.

But w*r hasn’t started yet!

Dad is a coward.

You don’t understand things.


Dad! Dad!


What happened. Help!
Somebody help!

Please. Please.

Oh, no!

Hello? Hello?
Asano Hospital? Hello?

Hello? Hello?
Takano Hospital? Hello?


Oh, sis.

No one answers at any hospitals.

It’s OK, Shigeo.

We don’t need a doctor anymore.


g*dd*mn them!
Who did such a terrible thing to dad?

What are you doing?
I’m not angry.

I’m just telling you to escape.

You need to try. Get on the train.

Got it? It seems the UN
is going to give up.

If that happens it'll be
too late to escape.

Why won’t you go?

We have patients who can’t walk.

Escape myself?

I want to but…

Make a decision.

What’s most important?
Your patients or me?

Leave now, for me.

Nurse Tomoko!


Hello? Hello?

Why is everyone leaving?

Toshiko, be careful.

Get back in bed.

Hello? Are you there?

Look out!

Toshiko! Toshiko!

Doctor, doctor!

Doctor, doctor!

Doctor! Toshiko is unconscious.
Please do something.

We don’t have time for this.

We need to escape immediately.

This is the main office.

Car 6 go to Haneda Airport immediately.

We have a report of a rush of
American cars trying to reach Haneda.

It seems all Americans
are trying to get out.

If the Americans are leaving like this
it means w*r is certain.


but there’s still some chance the US
and Soviets will come to their senses.

Here’s the latest.

The Chinese and South Korean armies
have engaged around the 38th parallel.

That’s it. w*r is unavoidable now.

What a mess of people.

In the last w*r, people at least
had an orderly escape.

Look at this panic.

Everyone is terrified of the b*mb.

I respect that they try to keep living
as best they can.

I hate the politicians who put
this fear in the ordinary people.

Masaki, let’s escape.

No-one’s going to be left
to read our paper tomorrow.

If there’s an attack,
we will all be destroyed.

Who’s going to be…

Right, but we are reporters.

We have a duty to report
until the moment we die.

If we give up reporting it's like we are
committing su1c1de ahead of the b*mb.

Even if our efforts are in vain,

we can be proud to do our duty
as reporters right to the end.

Car 12, Mr. Yanagisawa in Car 12,
come in please.

Go directly to Shibuya station.

We have a report of riots
and looting in that area.

Please turn around
and take us to Airin Hospital.

Tomoko! Tomoko!





Where are you, Tomoko?

Do you know Nurse Tomoko Fujimoto?

Anyone who could walk has already gone.

Take care of yourself.

- Find her?
- Nope.

She’ll be fine. I'll bet she left
with the others.

I don’t think so.
She's around here somewhere.

The Defense Ministry has announced
that UN negotiations have broken down.

The Self Defense Forces
have determined w*r is inevitable.

All Tokyo residents
are advised to leave immediately.

I repeat, The UN negotiations
have broken down.

The Self Defense Forces
have determined w*r is inevitable…

Finally, it's the worse case scenario.

- Tomoko!
- You needn’t worry.

They wouldn’t leave her behind.

- Tomoko!
- C'mon Masaki.

Mama, mama.

Toshiko! You're awake.

Thank god, Toshiko.

Why didn’t mama come pick me up?

I wanna go home.

When your condition improves,

your parents will come pick you up.

So, Toshiko,

Be brave, OK?

Be brave.

Toshiko! Toshiko!

There’s no way we can get
to the hospital in this.

-Nobody will give a damn. Let's do it!

Here we go.

Help me! Help me!

Shut up!

Hurry up sis.

Damn it.

If we had a car we could get to Tokyo.

What are you saying?
We can’t do anything.

But you can’t walk anymore.

The AP is reporting from Istanbul

an American Aircraft Carrier
with hydrogen bombs aboard exploded

and sank in the Bosporus Strait.
The cause of the expl*si*n is unknown.

expl*si*n of unknown cause?

That aircraft carrier
was the most advanced in the US fleet.

The Americans are not going to
just stand by.

The w*r has truly started.

Certainly the situation is getting worse,

but that doesn’t mean
w*r is going to start right away.

The American President knows that
nuclear w*r will destroy humanity.

Walking on the broad street
running in front of the station

I could hear the sounds of music
from the circus carried on the wind.

Why do we have w*r?


Just what is w*r?

Toshiko, let’s not think
about w*r right now.

Mama and papa escaped and left me here.

You won’t leave me, right? I’d hate that.

I won’t. I’ll stay with you forever.

Don’t cry, Toshiko.

The Soviets have delivered a warning
to the commander of the American Fleet.

The actual contents of the warning
are not yet known,

but the American response is readying…

The British military planner Perkins,

in full support of the American
Military Command

made the following announcement

The statement was that we must avoid
World w*r III at all costs,

if humanity is to survive.

- Can I look?
- Yes.

Aren’t you beautiful?

Doesn’t it look strange?
I haven’t put on makeup in a year.

No, you're beautiful.

Everyone is gone and it’s so quiet.

We might be the only two left in Tokyo.

The neighbor’s baby is probably still
crying on her mother’s back.


Don’t you want to have a baby?

That would be a lot of responsibility
for the two of us.

I’m happy the way things are now.

Look. Everybody’s leaving.
We made the right decision.

Should I drive?

I’m fine.

Stopping again?

Can’t help it. It’s stop and go.

Where are we?
Far from Tokyo, anyway.

Doesn’t matter where.

Do we have enough gas?

Shut up!

What’s going on there?

What’s happening?

The bridge has collapsed.

Oh my god! I just heard the news.
The b*mb is coming!

Get out. This way.

Hurry, hurry.

What’s wrong?

Shigeo, I can’t walk another step.

We have to get as far away
from Tokyo as possible.

I don’t want to die here like an animal.

Can’t we take a little break?

We need to keep moving.

If we can get to Tominoyama
we might be able to get a train.

So get up. We don’t know when
the Soviets will drop the b*mb.

Everyone is walking.
You need to do the same.

What are you going to do with that?

We’ll get away with this. Get on.

We can’t. It’s not right.

The w*r’s not right.

Dad's been k*lled.

If we stop to worry about right
and wrong we’ll die. Get on.


What’s wrong with you?

People are escaping to safety
any way they can.

Should we be the only ones to die here?

Get on now!

What’s wrong?

Something’s broken.

What a disaster. Can’t you do anything?

Masaki, those are the bombers.

I wonder which base they came from.

Atsugi or Misawa most likely.

They don’t consider the terrible situation
they put civilians in.

Where are the planes going?

I wonder.

Over the town, over the mountain,
somewhere unknown.

What is it?

I wonder where papa and mama are now.

It’s OK, you have me like a big sister.
Right? Should I sing a song?


OK. Lie down, then.

In the sunset

red dragonflies

When did I see this,

strapped to mother’s back?

Hey, a broadcast from Moscow.

From the Soviets to the Japanese
government and citizens.

We have asked the Japanese many times
to admit their wartime guilt,

but the government hasn’t listened.

And now we are att*cked by American jets
coming from bases on your soil.

Obviously, we will destroy these jets.

But next we will destroy
Japan’s ability to host these att*cks.

We regret the tragedy this brings
for the ordinary people of Japan

who have been striving for peace in vain.




Akiko! What’s that?

Toshiko is calling to me.

Don’t you worry.

We’ll see her in heaven, soon.

The three of us will hold each other tight
and we won’t be separated again.

People of Japan,

We are going to launch m*ssile att*cks

directed to the American bases in Japan.

We have already demolished the bases
on Guam, the Mariana Islands, and Hawaii

and have completely destroyed
the entire 7th fleet.

In Japan our counterattack
to the American as*ault will be forthcoming

in 12 minutes and 48 seconds.

I repeat.

We will launch a counterattack to the US
as*ault, now in 12 minutes and 40 seconds.

To the people of Japan



12 minutes, 40 seconds

If it’s a hydrogen b*mb
it doesn’t matter where we are.

This from the Americans:
-Just minutes!

Along with our allies,
we have been att*cked by Soviet missiles.

Now, our counterattacks will destroy
not only the Soviets,

but unavoidably, most likely,
all of humanity as well.

We regret this, but cannot forgive
the unilateral Soviet attack

for bringing humanity
to the final tragedy in it’s history.

In several minutes
we launch countering missiles,

and so we reluctantly send this final
and sincere message of farewell

to all the people of the world.
This is the final message from America.

Big sister, what did that mean?

What was the “farewell”?

That is your American uncle saying goodbye.

I’m scared.

Don’t be afraid.
You have big sister here.

Close your eyes.

You won’t feel scared
at all like that.

Big sister left at 15 to marry.

Her letters stopped long ago.

My dream is over.

Even if I write a great song,

it will never be heard,

and it will never be sung,

and soon there will be nobody left at all.

No, your songs will live.

They will be in my heart forever.

I will listen to your songs
when I want to hear a song.

And I will sing your songs
when I want to sing.

What a friend we have in Jesus

All our sins and griefs to bear

And what a privilege to carry,

everything to God in prayer.

Rock a bye baby, go to sleep,

go to sleep.

It’s so quiet.
As if there was no w*r happening.

It’s gone beyond w*r.

Humanity has lost its mind completely.

I hate them!
I don’t want to be their sacrifice!

I hate them! I hate them!


Let him go.

We are going die anyway.
Let him do whatever he wants.

I hate them!
I hate them!

I don’t want to be a sacrifice!
I hate them!



You OK?

What's this?

- It’s the ashes of death.
- The ashes of death.

Headquarters! Headquarters!
This is car 7.

Come in! Headquarters!
Headquarters! Headquarters! Headquarters!

- There’s no answer.
- Someone should answer.

The Soviets said they were going to attack
the bases. Tokyo should be alright.

Headquarters! Headquarters!

No go.

They must have been destroyed.

OK, back to Tokyo!

But, the ashes of death.
Tokyo must be a disaster.

It will be the same
no matter where we are.

Human distrust and misunderstandings
have brought the world to a complete halt.

We don’t how much time
we have to live.

Before that time arrives
I need to see someone.

I’m going back to Tokyo.


Take good care!



San Francisco






Why? Why do the innocent
have to die so miserably?


Who started this w*r?

This is a message broadcast
worldwide from Argentina

in all the languages of the world.

Now that World w*r III has ended,

more than 2 billion lives are lost
from the world population of 2.8 billion.

Who are the winners and losers of this w*r?

There has been no victory,
only the defeat of humanity.

The government of Argentina wishes

to walk the path of rebuilding humanity
along with any surviving countries.

We declare that in the rebuilt countries
of the world, World w*r IV will never occur.

The End.
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