Karmouz w*r (2018)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Karmouz w*r (2018)

Post by bunniefuu »

- What do you want?

- What a beauty.

What's your name, pretty?

- What do you want from me?

- Hey, I think we got

a hunt for tonight.

Hey, hey.


- Let me go!

- Hey calm down.

Look, look, look, it's okay.

Don't worry, don't worry.

Hey, it's okay.

Take it really easy.

Come on, it's okay.

- Let me go!

I said let me go!

Let me go!

- Verily, those

who fear the Lord,

shall have forgiveness

and great reward.

God speaks the--

Hey, Saad, Ibrahim, wake up!

I think something's going on,

someone's screaming.

- What is it?

What is it?

- Get up!

- You sons of b*tches!

- Go home you silly bastards.

Go home, it's better for you.

I'll count to one and

then he's gonna sh**t you.

- Get back here, Ali!

- Five, four.

- Get back here.

- Three, two.

- Ali!

- Ali!




You sons of b*tches.




- Karmouz.

- Handsomer and

sweeter than sweets.

- Flattery will get

you nowhere sister.

- Get dressed, your

breakfast is getting cold.

- Such disrespect!

Listen, is this how

I raised you, girl?

- Youssef, I'm too old for this.

- Youssef?

It's Big Brother Youssef, still?

- No!

- Faten, come here.

- What is it?

- Where's your sister?

- Nawal didn't sleep all night.

- Fine.

I'll talk to Saleh ask him not

to visit the house anymore.

You're growing up beautifully.

You get more suitors every day.

Don't worry; I'll see that

you marry that officer.

He'll teach you to behave.

I still can't imagine

what he sees in you!

- I'm not marrying anyone

who's gonna teach me to behave.

- Get up, Nawal.

Don't pretend to be asleep.

- I was asleep.

- You'd be so gorgeous

if you stopped crying.

But no, you're a nag

like your mother.

- May she rest in peace.

- You have a pure

heart like her.

- Well, nobody gets

everything they want in life.

- You have what's

most important.

People get old and wrinkled

and their teeth fall out,

but their hearts never change.

I won't force you to do

anything against your will.

- God bless you, Youssef.

- Big Brother Youssef.

You girls never listen.

Get up.

- Hey, Zouba.

- Stamp this and I'll

be a lot happier.

When do you think

Youssef will arrive?

- There he is now.

- Hey officer.

- Send Lt. Saleh to my office

when he arrives.

- Hey officer.


You know I'm not able to work

until you clear me, please.

- I told you I don't

stamp red licenses.

- And why is that?

Would you rather me

steal or something worse.

We make people happy and

besides, it's all legal.

- Legal!

Are you bringing the law to me?

- God forbid.

As if the British Consul

was a client of mine.

Like I said, we just

make the students happy.

- Lt. Saleh will

stamp it for you.

- No, let constable

Aziz stamp it.

- Constable Aziz is the one

who arrested the students.

- Oh no!

Aziz arrested the students?

Who will we make happy then?

- They caught

that kid Asfoura

sneaking up the

pipes of a house.

The residents caught

him and handed him in

to lieutenant Saleh yesterday.

Get up, kid, get up!

- I didn't do anything,

officer Youssef.

- Again, Asfoura?

Haven't you learned by now?

- I promise I wasn't

stealing this time.

- Why were you climbing

the pipes then?

Were you cleaning them or

training for the Olympics?

- My girl was mad at me

and I was bringing her flowers.

- Flowers!

- Yeah, haven't you ever

been in love before?

- Aziz.

- Yes, sir.

- Did he have flowers on him?

- No, sir.

- Book him.

- Not flowers, but seeds.

She was gonna plant them.

Haven't you ever

planted flowers?

- Book him for a court hearing.

- What'll we do

about this monster

that's fallen on our heads?

Wait for Lieutenant

Saleh to transfer him?

- No Sergeant, I

have to do it myself.

Nobody knows what

could happen with him.

- When you see an officer

walk in you stand up.

You're a criminal here.

- Your mom loves me more.

- Get the men ready

to transport him.

- Yes, sir.

- Who's this girl?

- The constable caught her

trying to jump off a bridge.

- Who are you and

why are you here?

Stop crying and answer me.

- If my dad finds out, he'll

k*ll me and then he'll die.

It's not my fault.

It's not my fault.

- Bring my coat and cover her.

- From the British

camp in Alexandria.

There are two cavaliers missing.

Mark Sam and Steven Samuel.

- Merciful Lord!

May you rest in peace, Ali.

It was his time.

She seemed like a

respectable girl.

They took her by force, right?

- She's Sheikh Abdel

Qader's daughter,

the mosque sheikh.

- Their troop would

know where they are.

The boat that was burned

will give us away.

- Stop whining, Saad.

Let's think about

what we're gonna do.

If we stay, they'll catch us

and if we run, they'll find us.

If we turn ourselves

in to the police,

they'll hand us

over to the British.

- Everyone swears by officer

Youssef and his chivalry.

- Dear God!

What was his name?

- Ali.

- Call his family.

- I'm so sorry Steven.

I won't be able to afford

to bury you back home

in that heath you loved so much.

So we have to bury you here

in this rotten,

fly-infested hell.

Why are we here?

Why should we be k*lled here?

My child, my husband, all

gone to this senseless w*r.

And those who are left behind

are haunted by their screams.

We have to end this w*r

before it ends us all

and I don't give a damn

about the king's orders.

- Enough!

- General Adam.

- Go to Karmouz

Precinct and bring back

Mark and those two kids.

- Yes, sir, but the

problem isn't me going.

It's the officer.

- I'm done talking.


- Yes, sir.

- Excuse me, sir.

What did we do wrong

that you've arrested us?

We have a right to know.

- You don't know who I

am, but you know my uncle,

General Frank Adam.

- I'm General Youssef

El-Masry and you're mine.

- Hello Johnny.

- You there.

Are you a student.

Hey Officer, I've

been waiting all day.

Stamp this and let me go.

- Have some patience, Zouba

and I'll see to it

myself soon enough.

- Good morning.

- Morning sir.

- Riyad El-Shandaweily, MP.

Where's the officer in

charge of this precinct?

Rule Britannia

Brittania rule the waves

We will never ever ever

- Steven's dead.

Mark's locked up in

an Egyptian prison.

Your men are

dropping like flies.

And you don't even lift a finger

and I'm the crazy one.

Why don't you let

me out of here?

Let me do what I was born to do.

I'll k*ll every one of them

if you give me the chance.

- Feed him.

Feed him well.

- You tell the Egyptians

that I'm coming.

And hell's coming with me.

- You want me to hand over Mark

and those two kids

to the general?

- I'm trying to

resolve a crisis.

- Hmm, you don't

see honor as I do.

There's a girl out there

who is trying to stamp

her red license,

yet I won't do it.

It's her legal right but my

conscience won't allow me.

Honor is what my

father taught me.

If I give you those kids,

I'll be no better than Zouba.

I can't have that.

- Your father would

have agreed with me.

Don't be stubborn.

- General Adam can have

them, but after the trial.

- No, he can take them

right now, right from here.

- Then let him come take them.

- You're a stubborn one.

You want me to report to them

that officer Youssef El-Masry

refused to hand over the

officer and the kids.

- Well, you can run back

to your General Adam

and inform him that

Youssef El-Masry

will hand over his nephew.

- Very sensible.

- As a corpse.

- What did he say?

- He's refusing.

- You're out of your mind.

It's an order from the

British government.

- Go!

- What?

- Get out!

- No!

- Don't move.

- Okay.

- Leave here, don't move.

- All soldiers.

Nobody fire.

Don't sh**t.

Hold your fire!

- Lock him up with Mark for

attacking an Egyptian officer.

Tell General Adam if he comes

here he'll get locked up.

- You're only making

things worse for yourself.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

- Gather all the men.

We have a mission.

TO avenge our brother

who was k*lled

and rescue the one who remains.

Raise the army, prepare

your amm*nit*on.

Gather your weapons,

get your horses.

We will open the doors

of hell in their faces

and we will show them who

is the strongest here.

- What's going on

out there lads?


Let me out, I can fight!

- We'll show these

filthy Egyptians

the power of Great Brittania.

- Take her to the

door of her house

and eat something

on the way back.


Take care of yourself.

- You too.

- Faten!

The British army is heading

towards the precinct.

Something really

strange is going on.

- Listen to me.

Have the officers take up

defensive positions inside.

- Lord have mercy.

- Close the door and

barricade it with the desks.

- What's going on?

Get up, girl!

It looks like there's a raid.

What's wrong with you?

Come with me, I'll

hide us inside.


- What's going on?

- I'll tell you later.

- It looks like w*r.

- It is w*r.

Distribute arms and

amm*nit*on to the men.

- Gather round.

- Nobody fire

except on my order.

- Keep it moving.

Aim your weapons

towards the door.

- Be brave men.

None of us will die here today.

- In the name of

General Adam Frank,

military consul for Alexandria;

and delegate for

the British Mandate;

officer Youssef Amin

El-Masry is to hand over

the two British officers,

Mark Sam and Jack William,

as well as the two

criminals Ibrahim Sweilam

and Saad Eddin Mutawei,

peacefully, before sundown.

This must be done so as

to not expose civilians

and Egyptian officers, under

his protection, to danger.

Should he fail to comply,

he will be charged with

mutiny in a time of w*r.

The punishment for

which is execution,

for him and all who aid him.

General Adam Frank.

- If anyone approaches

the door, sh**t them.

Saleh follow me.

- Rest darling, being sick

is nothing to be ashamed of.

I thought it was an air raid

and that we could just hide

out here for a while you know.

But this is something

much bigger!

Poor thing.

You look like you stepped

right out of the village.

Never mind, it's not your fault.

- All of this is because of me.

- It's all your fault?

Well, now you better

explain it to me.

- I'm hungry.

Hey, man, find us

something to eat.

Ezzat El-Wahsh is hungry.

He gets hungry

because he's human,

or do you think

he's something else?

Answer me dammit.

- We have orders to

sh**t anyone who moves.

Stay put and stay quiet.

- Is that so!

I'm moving around and

nobody shot me yet,

or haven't you noticed?

Shall I move again?

Johnny, what have

you done, Johnny?

We're keeping each

other company,

being sweet to each

other and smiling coyly.

I'm hungry, how about I eat you?

Johnny, your mother tasted good.


- Ibrahim this was your idea?

Why's that officer doing this?

We get arrested then

handed off to be k*lled.

- You're the cause

of all this trouble?

You're Saad and Ibrahim, right?

- Yeah, I'm Saad, he's Ibrahim.

- That's Jack and Mark.

What's the story then?

What made the whole

British army come here?

Pamphlets or protests?

Are you enemies of the King?

- No way, I swear.

We don't talk politics

or even know anything

about that matter.

Me and this guy

we didn't do anything--

- Shh!

- That's enough.

- No.

They say they're

going to demolish

the station before sundown.

I don't object to dying but

I want to know why, okay.

- This guy says we're gonna die.

- Shut up, Saad.

- What is your name?

- Asfoura; your

brother in death.

- All this because of a soldier

behaving like a rabid dog?

If he came to me this

wouldn't have happened.

Don't look at me like that.

We're not the same.

If you throw trash into a bin,

the bin doesn't get any dirtier.

- Don't talk like that.

- The same thing brought

us to this station today.

You because of your virtue,

and me because of my virtue.

Except I'm here for a

license to sell my virtue.

You're disgusted by me, right?

Sometimes I'm disgusted

with myself as well.

But I've learned to

hide what's inside me.

He won't be happy.

And if he can't be kept

happy, he won't pay you money.

He won't pay you.

And if he doesn't pay you

I won't have money to eat.

I'm not upset, really, I'm fine.

- Youssef Amin El-Masry,

his father was a sergeant

at the same precinct.

He graduated from

police college.

His parents are deceased

and he has two sisters.

No history of disobedience.

- This guy will never

give up so easily.

Cut off all sources of

water from this station.

We might be staying

a little longer.

- The British have completely

surrounded the precinct.

- The people outside are scared.

I'm with you to the death.

- There'll be no

deaths, God willing.

But they're right.

This is no fault

of the civilians.

This is the officers' job.

They leave their homes every day

not knowing if they'll return.

Even the thieves up

there are innocent.

Listen, Saleh...

Open the basement

and let everybody out

and you leave with them.

- Sergeant Aziz

will open the door

and accompany them

on their way out.

I'm not leaving.

- I gave you an

order, lieutenant.

Will you disobey?

- Yes.

Did you obey every order?

I'm sorry.

- In the name of God.

Really now, is this the time?

- Sergeant Aziz,

follow me, quickly.

- Yes, sir.

- Get up!


Everybody put your

hands above your heads.

Anyone who steps out

of line will get shot!

Follow sergeant Aziz.

Step on it!

Follow sergeant Aziz!

Hurry up.

- Hey what about me?

I can put my hands

above my head too, see.

Shall I go with them now?

Bring Johnny to me.

- None of you are to blame

for what is happening.

We're not helping you escape,

but none of you are condemned

to die here with us today.

Consider the fact

that you're released.

You've been given

another chance.

Anyone who thinks of

stepping out of line,

will be shot by lieutenant

Saleh, understand?

Saleh, take them out as

soon as the sun sets.

And you, Hind; go home and

tell your dad what happened.

I'm sure he'll understand.

- You know the story.

If that girl leaves here

she'll be the first to die,

and the whole case will be over.

- And you, lady of the night.

- I haven't got my red

license stamped as yet.

What will I do if I leave?

- Get in the line.


- But I have no one worrying

about me on the outside.

The man that I keep happy,

won't care if I'm

alive or left for dead.

But this poor girl needs me.

Let me stay and look after her.

- You'd look after her?

What's in it for you?

Or do you want to exploit

what happened to her?

- God forgive you.

You have every right

to say that about me.

But you see officer

I might not make it out.

Maybe none of us will

make it out alive.

So I...

I will stay and

look after the girl.

I won't leave her alone.

Go sit with her

and look after her.


- Everyone, turn

around and face me.

Move slowly, follow

sergeant Aziz.

- You're here because you

obey orders, no other reason.

But now I'm giving

you the choice.

Anyone who wants

to leave can do so.

Don't be afraid.

Nobody will be punished

because there's no

one to punish you.

Anybody who wants to

leave, speak up now.

Salah, you have

kids who need you.

Go home to them.

- My kids have God, who

is more loving than all.

- Said, your father's ill.

Go and be with him.

- My father has God, who

is more merciful than all.

- Abdel Tawab.

- I'm with you, sir.

- Sherbini.

- I'm with you, sir.

- You must know

that death is near.

- We're with you, sir.

- We could all die.

- We're with you, sir.

- We will fear no one.

- We're with you, sir.

- We don't fear those outside.

- We're with you, sir.

- Anyone who sets

foot in here will die.

- We're with you!

We're with you!

We're with you!

- The w*r has started.

- Let the troops get ready.

- All in position.

All in position.

Get ready to fire.

All in position.

Ready to fire.

All in position.

Ready your weapons.

Ready your weapons.

- Sergeant Aziz.

If they ask about our numbers.

- More than 1000

men and well armed.

- God be with you,

you're a good man.

- And with you.

- Prepare to fire.

- Hold fire.

- Hold your fire.

Hold your fire.

Hold your fire.

Stand down!

Stand down!

Arrest that man!

Arrest him.

Mark and Sam are

not with them sir.

I'll take the men and

search the tunnel.

You and you to the tunnel.

- Excellent work, men!

- What're you doing here?

- Asfoura doesn't run away.

- The basement

door won't open again.

- What's he doing here?

- I felt sorry for the girl.

Besides, you could

use all the help.

I'm only human.

- Sergeant Aziz is in

for one hell of a day.

- General Adam Frank,

military consul.

In the name of the Queen

and the British Government

I am speaking with you.

- You're a guest here

on Egyptian soil.

If you want to talk

to me, talk Arabic.

- General Adam.

- You say you're the

military governor

representing the British.

I'm an Egyptian officer.

I only recognize the

interior minister.

Your nephew is

being treated well,

until he goes to court and

gets the death sentence

for m*rder and for r*pe.

Don't force me to

carry out the sentence

without a formal hearing.

- Listen carefully,

I'm general Adam Frank,

and I've lived in Egypt

since you were a kid.

I'm telling you that

what you're doing

will only lead to your death

and the death of your men.

If I fear for my nephew,

someone who's womenfolk

are alone at home,

especially if they're

women, should fear for them.

You have exactly one hour.

- Let me do this for you sir.

I can get out and go to them.

I can get out through the back.

I was planning on running

away tonight anyway.

I'm just being honest.

- They'll do to you

what they did to Aziz.

- I'm not Aziz.

My name means birds

and birds fly.

- Either way they'll

get there first.

They have cars.

- I told you, I can fly.

The streets leading to

your house are very narrow,

they can't get through;

I'll go over the rooftops.

Come on, we're wasting time.

Don't think too much about it.

Or it'll be too late.

- Let me go with him, sir.

- When was the last time

you climbed up rusty pipes?

No reply.

I think I'll go alone.

- All right, Asfoura, go.


Tell Nawal she's a

nag like her mother.

- Won't she get mad?

- No, stupid?

It's so she knows I'm

the one that sent you.

- I was gonna give it to my

girl but it was too late.

- Try not to die.

- I'll do my best.

- Saleh Don't let him

move till he hears music.

- Right.

- Step on it.

I say, Zouba, I know that

you intend to repent,

but I have one last request

then you can repent

at your leisure.

- What?

How can you be in the mood

when we're in this mess?

This is miserable

and depressing.

I don't feel like making

anyone happy, least of all you.

- Peter.

The officer's address

is in this file.

Send some men to

bring in his sisters

without any harm and to

be sure, do it yourself.

- You, you, come with me.

- Asfoura, make sure

you give them this.

- They're underestimating us.

- Or they're trying

to distract us,

while he tries something else.

Till now I don't know

what he's thinking.

Anyway, secure the door.

- You heard the general,

hold your position.

Prepare your weapons.

- Miss Nawal says, she's

a nag like her mother,

but kind-hearted

like her mother.

They're at my

relative's house now.

- Thank God.

- Your family is safe now.

- Really!

Thank God.

I'm so happy I want

to dance again.

But I can't, my hips

nearly broken, very nearly.

- I pity the soldiers who

don't have a drop of water.

- Are you always

worrying about everyone?

May God give you strength

because you obviously need it.

- You know, Zouba,

Had my sisters been hurt,

I'd never have forgiven myself.

- Look, tell me this.

A woman like me who used to work

as a prost*tute but repented,

could she...

I mean...

- Could she what?

- Could she...

- What, Zouba?

- Would you marry me?

- I wouldn't

stamp your license Zouba

and you want me to marry you?


- I know what

bothers you about me.

It's that my name is Zouba.

That's not my real name.

- What's your name then?

- My name is Bamba.

- Does it make a difference?

- Yes it does.

- Hold your fire!

- Hold your positions.

Secure the door!

Secure the door!

Turn out all the

lights except this one.

Cover me.

- Hold your fire.

- Hold your fire.

Hold your fire.

- His mom's my girlfriend.

- Turn on the lights.

Everybody take shelter!

Get away from the windows!

They might fire again.

Get down, men!

Get down.

- Saleh.



- Oh my God.

Oh my God.

- Saleh.

- I'm thirsty.

I'm gonna die.

- Bring him

some water, quick!

- I'm gonna die.

- Don't be afraid,

you're not gonna die.

Don't be afraid.

The water.

Hold on, Saleh.

Don't be afraid.

Water, hurry!

- Here, drink.

Drink this.

- Drink, Saleh.

- Drink.

- Saleh!

- No, no!

He's dead!

- Saleh!

- No, no, no, no!

- Saleh!

- Oh, no!

You k*lled him, you bastards!

- Saleh!

- No, no, no!

The bastards k*lled him.

Get up boy!

Wake up!

Get up!

- Enough!

If you k*ll him they'll bring

the station down on our heads.

Got it.

- Please no, please.

Get up!

Get up!

- Bring me Shandaweily.

- Sir.

- And release the crazy one.

- Yes sir.

- He's no better than

the ones who died, Youssef.

- You don't know

what he meant to me.

- He wasn't like your

brother, he was your brother.

But he didn't die because of us.

- You of all people

should know how I feel.

- All I feel and know

right now is one thing.

We're at w*r.

Debts aren't settled by

the dead but by the living.

- Hey sir, who's that?

- Ezzat Abd Rabbu El-Wahsh,

a military officer.

In the battle of

Alamein, his battalion

got orders to

attack the Germans.

He decided that

it wasn't our w*r

and gave orders to retreat.

He was relieved of duty

and sentenced to death

by the British governor.

He escaped and formed a g*ng

to k*ll and slaughter

English soldiers.

- You mean the guerrillas?

- He called them that.

Ezzat was an old friend

of Youssef's dad.

In a way you could say

he was raised by him

more than his own father.

- Step on it, man, we're late.

- Your officer k*lled a

number of British soldiers

and is sheltering

mutineers and murderers.

Listen to me, I'm

going to announce

that this is a case

of civil disobedience

by Youssef Amin El-Masry.

The British tanks will

surround the station

along with an

Egyptian police force.

- You want Egyptian policemen

to k*ll other

Egyptian policemen?

- No, I want your

Egyptian policemen

to k*ll a bunch of

mutineers and criminals.

- My God!

If your men are so strong

and you have the station

surrounded with those

arms and military power,

why don't you just attack

and be done with it?

- If two English officers

weren't in their custody,

I'd do it.

- Are their lives precious

but ours are not?

What I mean to say is...

Any action against that officer

could turn him into

a national hero.

The man is well-loved

throughout Alexandria.

- Your job is not to

make him well-loved.


- Excuse me, sir.

g*dd*mn you!

- Five,

four, three, two, one.

- Address to Cairo,

we've just received an

urgent news bulletin.

An Egyptian officer,

Youssef Amin El-Masry,

has mutinied against

his superiors,

and against the orders of the

British governor in Egypt,

putting his life and the lives

of other civilians in danger,

due to his sheltering

a group of criminals

and outlaws alike and thinking

that he is above the law.

This traitorous officer, has

tricked the policemen with him

into carrying out his

orders and mutinous desires,

to satisfy his thirst for blood.

He's ordered them

to follow his plan

to m*rder civilians and

military personnel alike,

using innocent people

as human shields.

Therefore, the British governor,

in the name of the

British government,

has announced the mutiny

of officer Youssef El-Masry

in a time of w*r.

According to military rulings,

the punishment for mutiny

and treason being faced

by the officer is

death by firing squad,

after being stripped

of his ranks.

The delegate of the

British government warns

all civilians and

military personnel

against dealing with

the treasonous officer,

or they will be

considered criminals

and face the same punishment.

Peace and mercy be upon you.

Thank you Cairo.

- Do you

know what that means?

- It means

I'm going to die.

- It means we're all dead men.

- Are you scared?

- Do you think I get scared?

What about you boy?

- No.

- I'm just making sure

nothing's changed.

- Wear the cuffs and

we'll let you out.

- I'm Abbas Hassabo.

I'm running your transport.

You haven't said a single

word since we set out.

Are you alright?

They told me it

was a small load;

I thought it was

vegetables or fruit.

I get here and you're the

goods I'm transporting.

I work with the British yeah,

but in the end I'm

with my countrymen.

I'm talking to you, talk to

me so we can pass the time.

- You touch me again, I'll

take your f*cking face apart.

You understand me?

- Hey, hey, hey, hey.

You're quite ferocious!

I can see you're strong.

- Swear, swear Habibi.

- The entire British

army's out there.

They're only missing Churchill.

You think they're

waiting for nightfall

to play a game of

chicken with us again?

- They won't fire a b*llet.

- Hello, Youssef,

this is Riyad El-Shandaweily.

I spoke to you before.

Listen to me carefully now.

Adam's deploying an

Egyptian police force

to attack the station.

The head of the force

is Hamza El-Hawary

from Attareen station.

Don't be be shocked by the

fact I'm informing you.

I'm an Egyptian like you

but my hand is forced.

God be with you.

- Hamza El-Hawary

has orders to attack.

They want Egyptian soldiers

to fire at each other.

What do I tell them?

sh**t at your brothers?

Adam's playing a dangerous game.

I don't want my

people getting hurt.

- I'll bet Hamza is at as

much of a loss as you are.

- We need to make

Hamza understand.

- Sir, he's here.

- Wait for the Egyptian forces.

- What you're suggesting

will not work.

- Why not?

- I'm Asfoura.

I can fly like a bird.

I succeeded last time

because I was alone.

I can't take you with me.

How do you plan on

climbing the pipes?

- We won't go over the rooftop.

We'll go at night through

the second-floor window.

If you're scared, I'll go alone.

- Asfoura's never scared.

We need ropes.

- That's easy.

- Ezzat, take off your clothes.

- You first handsome.

- Don't worry, I'll let you

play at being the bride.

- When the Egyptian

forces arrive,

we will surround Karmouz and

the station in two circles.

The first circle will

be the Egyptian forces

surrounded by our forces.

- Where are the Egyptian forces?

- They're supposed to be here

along with our forces

within the hour sir.

But Hamza, the officer in

charge, took his orders already.

But he said he wanted

to be here at dawn

to gather as many

men as he could.

- So, we'll camp here

for one more night

and then we'll

return to our camp.

All of us.

- Stay away from

the barbed wire.

- Listen carefully.

I'm going out on an errand

that could save all of us.

Officer Ezzat El-Wahsh is

in charge until I get back.

If I get back, God willing.

- Sir, wait, put this on

it'll help hide your face.

- Can this bear our weight?

- The rope will, but

this metal won't.

Can you jump?

- What?

- Forget it, come on!

- Sir, I gave an order

to the officer in charge

of the other station.

If his troops don't

march at dawn,

we'll scale the wall ourselves.


- That's

Hamza's house.

Go on up, I'll stand

watch over here.

- Right.

Listen Asfoura.

- Yes?

- You know Sayed Darwish, right?

- Does he live with Hamza?

- Don't be stupid man,

now listen this is

what I need you to do.

I'm going up, if you notice

anything strange in the street,

sing Apple of My Eye.

- Asfoura has a bad voice.

- But Youssef may get caught.

- Then Asfoura will sing.

- Good.

Apple of My Eye.

- I know, I heard

you, go already!

- Yes?

All right, all right!

- Everyone of us must've done

bad things in their life,

for this to happen to us.

I personally know what I did.

You too, Zouba, right?

What's your name?

- Salah El-Deheiny.

- What terrible thing

did you do, Salah?

- Before my father died,

may he rest in peace,

he made me swear to

marry my cousin So'da.

I swore to it, but

I didn't marry her.

- Was the girl ugly?

- Oh, God, she was hideous.

Uglier than the

situation we're in now.

- And you think your part

in this is because of Se'da?

- So'da.

I don't know for sure.

- I don't think so.

You seem like a good guy.

Trust in God.

- Please, God!

- Call out to God.

- Please, God!

- Call out to God.

- Please, God!

- Please, God!

- Please, God!

- Please, God!

- Please, God!

Please, God!

- Please, God!

- Please, God!

- Please, God!

Please, God!

Please, God!

- What's required of me then?

- First, I need to know;

do you believe me or not?

Why are you silent, Hamza?

- What do you want me to do?

Please tell me.

- Hamza, you've been

ordered to take a force

and surround my station,

then order your men to

fire on their brothers.

Do you realize what

that would mean?

- It's not that simple, Youssef.

I've been making

excuses to delay them,

that I needed more men,

that I needed more time.

Time to fix vehicles.

But I can't delay anymore.

If I don't do it,

they will throw me out

and bring one of their men,

their men who bow to them.

Would I disobey orders

while in uniform?

- Then take it off.

- What made you take yours off?

- I am thinking straight.

- And risk the

lives of 50 people?

How on earth are they to blame?

Now tell me that.

- They chose to stay.

- You did it to them.

- In my place you'd

have done the same.

- Daddy.

- Go inside.

Go inside!

- Hamza.

- Laila, please go inside till

I'm done talking with uncle.

Go on, give Daddy a kiss.

- No.

- Please.

Can I kiss you then?

Go on.

Laila's grown quite

a bit already.

Last time I saw her

she was only days old.

She'll grow to be

a blessing for you.

May God protect

her from evil men.

Hamza, all I'm asking is

for you to delay the entry

just slightly, and we agree

on how they're positioned.

My men and your men must

not fire on each other.

- Are Adam and his men idiots?


I can't disobey orders.

- Is that your final

word on the matter Hamza?

- I forgot the song.

- g*dd*mn you man!

- A British army vehicle's

coming down the street.

How can we escape, Hamza?

- Hamza.

- Is this Hamza or someone else?

- To the roof, to

the roof quick!

- Let's go!

- Quick.

- My god.

- You go first and I'll

follow; I'm faster.

Let's go.

- Stop there!

- I don't

know what happened.

When he saw blood,

he froze in place.

- If that kid tells them

you were at Hamza's,

everything's ruined.

- Asfoura wouldn't

do that, I trust him.

We can't rely on Hamza.

- Do you realize what

they'll do to Asfoura?

- So let's see if you your

man turns out to be brave

or whether he'll betray you.

- Bring that man and follow me.

- Youssef.


The accused Awad Hassanein,

known as Asfoura,

is found guilty of

m*rder and treason.

The military

governor has decided

to sentence him to

death by hanging.

The military governor is

willing to drop all charges

against him, if

Youssef Amin El-Masry

turns himself in instead.

- If Youssef Amin-El-Masry

proceeds, may God have mercy.

- He has 30

minutes to come out.

- Come out right now or

your friend will be hanged.

- You won't go right?

we've lost enough lives.

- He won't go.

- No sir.

I'm no better than

those who died.

- I said you're not going.

- Get out of my way.

- You're not going.

- Let me go I said!

- I said no.

- Let me go, Ezzat!

- You're not going.

- Let me go, Ezzat!

- No.

- I'm going and

you can't stop me.

Let me do what I have to do.

Open the door.

Open the door.

- Youssef.


- Youssef.

- Youssef!

- Youssef!


No, Youssef!



Youssef, no!


- Youssef!

- You are accused of treason

and intentional m*rder.

You are found guilty and

you are charged with hanging

until death.

- If my living is

painful to you,

then my death will

be much more painful,

Remember the dead feel no pain.

- No, Youssef!

- Youssef!

- There's

no God but Allah!

There's no God but Allah!

- Fight for our country!

- Support your countryman!

- Incoming!

- Release him.

- Mommy!

- Go, run!

- Don't harm the girl, please.

She's just a child, none

of this is her fault.

Don't come any closer.

If you come any further

I'll rip you in two.

- Don't worry sweetheart,

I don't k*ll women.

Get out the way!

Let's go.

You're pretty f*cking sneaky

for an Egyptian aren't you.

Come on man.

Let's f*cking go.

Come on.

Come on, let's go.

See man, that's what I thought.

You're nothing.

Just a f*cking dog.

Just a little dog.

Woof woof.

Get up.

Now, I'm gonna finish you now.

It's time to finish you.

Come on.

- Zouba.

- Just a f*cking dog.

- Zouba!

- Get on your feet!

- Goodbye Englishman.

- Why are you hiding in here?

Move it woman get out.

- Blow the arm.

Don't let those

filthy animals flee.

- Where are we going?

- A police camp

near the salt flats.

- You'll turn yourself

in and be put to death.

- Hold him tight.

- What about Hind?

- Zouba knows what to do.

- Come on.

- k*ll him.

- Come on!

- We're gonna die.

- sh**t them!

sh**t them!

- Evacuate the station.

- Mr. Youssef's

not in the station

and Miss Faten is safe.

- The military court condemns

the accused Youssef

Amin El-Masry

to death by firing squad

for the crimes of

premeditated m*rder,

the crime of mutiny

in time of w*r,

and risking the

lives of civilians.

How do you plead:

guilty or not guilty?

- Guilty, sir.

- Death penalty is agreed.

Court is adjourned.

Are you guilty or not Youssef?

No, not guilty.

You k*lled only in self-defense.

You didn't rebel

against military orders,

you rebelled against those who

have no right to give orders.

You didn't risk the lives of

civilians, you defended them.

And their rights.


This is your death certificate.

Your sisters are

waiting for you outside.

Give it to them.

They have papers for

you with a new name.

Kamal El-Refaie.

You'll leave Alexandria.

Your name has been

taken off all records

including those of

the Interior Ministry.

No officer by your

name ever existed.

- But sir?

- But what?

What did you expect

after what you did?

A promotion or a medal?

Or maybe you expected

to be a national hero

with streets named after you?

- No, sir.

- I know that.

- But sir.

One question.

What about my body?

- Is that your problem or mine?

- Yours, sir.

- Correct, it's ours

and we'll solve it ourselves.

We'll hand them

Mark's corpse instead.

After we burn it, of course.

Goodbye, Kamal.
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