w*r Hunt (1962)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
Post Reply

w*r Hunt (1962)

Post by bunniefuu »

Once you get out of training,

you're funneled into

what's called the pipeline,

and you become a number

while you're traveling it,

until you get spewed out

somewhere at the other end.

After you land,

you look for signs of w*r.

A b*llet scar in a wall,

a bombed out building.

You don't have

to look very hard.

You see a lot of poverty,

kids starving.

When you get on the trucks,

after the ship and the train,

you know the pipeline is carrying

you further towards the front.

You're going to be

a combat infantryman,

the tip of the spear.

You don't know what it will

be like or what will happen,

and you wonder whether

you're going to get k*lled.

We got a funny

kind of a w*r here,

a w*r that we can't really win

because it's gotta be settled

around a conference table.

In the meantime, we have to keep

fighting and we have to keep dying.

And I think you men

have a right to know why.

It's as simple as this.

The enemy has got

to keep getting hurt.

Every day he stalls at Panmunjom

has gotta be a day

that costs him good.

The more pain, the more

casualties he suffers,

the easier the job our

negotiators are gonna have

and the sooner

this thing will end.

Now, tomorrow we'll be moving up

to the MLR,

the Main Line of Resistance.

Good luck, men.

That's all I have, Corporal.

All right, you guys,

fall in outside.

You and you, right here,

and the rest of you guys,

line up on these two.

Follow me.

How far are we from the MLR?

Oh, about five miles.

Hold it.

You're in here, Loomis.

Raymond is sleeping.

I got a new man for Van Horn.

I take. He have job work.


Charlie will take care of you.

Okay, let's go.

I show you picture,

beautiful girl. You keep.

Get away from the fence!

What? Are you crazy?

All right, Mama-san,

just take it easy.

She is no mother.

Smells bad here.


welcome to Korea.

I hope you don't die.


First squad, third platoon?


Are you Sergeant Van Horn?

Yeah. Are you a replacement?

That's right. The name is Loomis.

Hey, hold the racket.

I'm sorry. What?

Name's Loomis, Roy Loomis.

Okay, Loomis.

Glad to have you with us.

Thank you.

Who's the kid?

Oh, Charlie, he's...

One of the guys in the squad looks

out for him. His people are dead.

Oh. So you're in

the first squad?


your squad leader.

He's over by the jeep.

Go report.


Hey, I didn't tell

you guys to quit.

Come on! Let's go.

We haven't lost a w*r yet,

but we sure are pussyfooting

our way through this one.

How long have you

been in the army, Crotty?

1937, but I'm thinking

about quitting.

What would you do?

Well, I'd...

You better stick with it.

You'll stay out of jail.

Yeah, that's what

my mother says.

You are still here because

of the dishonest tactics

employed by

imperialist negotiators.

The People's Army of China

desires peace.

You desire peace.

Yet, because Wall Street

does not desire peace,

each morning's sun shines

upon the bodies of young...

What a station.

One lousy beat-up record,

and for a commercial,

the Communist Manifesto.

Yeah, you know,

I like that old Dragon Lady.

She's sexy.


She's on their loudspeakers

up at the MLR.



This is a crazy w*r.

She plays music for us.

It's very romantic.

This baby's ready.


Yeah, what's saying?

What was that?


Where's he going?

To work. You want some?

No, no. Where?

Out behind their lines.


Every night.

I'll see you around?




I love you.

You got trouble, GI?

Come on, I fix.

Come on. I show you place

you can get through fence.

No worry. No MP.


you know what my trouble is?

I good. I fix.

I can't even believe I'm here.

Hey, how about some quiet?

What do you think is

happening up there?

Nothing much.

Not as long as the politicians

are still jabbering away there.

Now, any time things

go sour at Panmunjom,

that's when

we really get slammed.

Peiping Radio always

tells Crotty what's going on.

Hey, still got that sandpaper?

Is there coffee in the

weapons carrier? Yes, sir.

All right, you guys,

mount up! Let's go!


You all set?

Yes, sir.

Looks like we ain't gonna

get there before dawn.

How's AT&T doing?

What's that?

And they say we're capitalists!

Was that a mine?

No, they just sent

season's greetings.

That's all.

I guess they know we're coming.

Yeah, they dropped

that one to remind us

we're not out

for a Sunday drive.

If they thought

we were worth it,

they might give us three,

four, maybe a dozen more.

Their a*tillery's zeroed in

on this stretch.

There's not a thing

we can do about it

except keep moving,

which I wish we'd do.

I'll tell you something. I first got

over here, my wife sent me a letter,

a little clipping from

our hometown newspaper.

I don't know what she had in mind,

but, anyway, this writer said

that the Chinese army

had to get hopped up

on opium before

they could stage an attack,

that they had lousy clothes,

worse equipment and no discipline at all.

God, oh!

All right, Showalter,

get your squad together, follow me.

All right, let's dance.

Keep the guys here. I'm

gonna check with the Captain.

I'll be right back.

Other side of these

sandbags is no man's land.

See that ridge?

The first one?

No, the big, dark one.

That's the Chinese.

We got an outpost about

200 yards straight out.

You'll be able to see it

during the day.

Hey, what's that light?

They got a beacon

over there at Panmunjom.

Wanna make sure nobody

lobs a shell over there by mistake.

When you're out on patrol,

you learn how to get your bearings by it.

Welcome back, Captain Pratt,

and all of you

who have returned.

To those who are

replacing dead or wounded...

That's the old Dragon Lady.

...or men now in the embrace

of their sweethearts

in America...

She'll tell you whether

we got scrambled eggs...

welcome to the Main Line of

Resistance... or sunny-side up tomorrow.

I wonder how many of you

in the coming weeks will die

for somebody's dividend.

Well, we'll try to make your

journey on as pleasant as we can.

But now we have a delightful

selection for your listening pleasure.

Hope she's got

some Charlie Parker tonight.

Drop dead! We want

to hear her voice!

They got the Dragon

Lady. We got bigmouth!

We're on the wrong side!

Yeah, well,

as long as them loudspeakers

are chewing at each other,

we ain't.

We got the same

bunkers as last time.

I need you and three members

of your squad for patrol tonight.

You pick them and meet me

at the CP in about 15 minutes.

Keep two men

on the line all night.

Rest of you guys can flake out.

Crotty, you and Loomis

have from-00 to-00.

Hey, Loomis,

you and me are on guard

from-00 to-00.

There ain't nothing to it.

What's patrol like?

It's real easy.

You work slow, stay on the path,

keep your eyes and ears open.

If you get caught

in a flare, freeze,

and just hope

they don't see you.

What about their patrol?

Oh, no sweat.

You run into one,

it's real simple.

Throw all your grenades,

fire every round you got, and run.

Oh, yeah?

Hey, Charlie.

Hey, say, Raymond.

He'll take that bunk.

Yeah, sure.

He's tired.

Well, kids need their sleep.

What was that?

I said,

"Kids need their sleep."

You're right, absolutely right.

Go to sleep and I'll,

I'll be back in the morning.

I no tired.

When I go with you?


We'll see.

Hey, hey, fall on in, Belotti.

Must have added another step.

Where's my socks?

Where's Van Horn?

He's over at the CP.

Well, somebody tell him,

if he's going to be in Ruby tonight,

that I'll be there sometime.

Them poor China men.

Boy, how long has

that guy been here?

A little less than a year.

I remember the first day

he joined the outfit.

I remember thinking

he was afraid.


you are a red-hot judge of character.

First thing he did was to

volunteer for two-man patrols.

Then one night

he went out on his own.

Yeah, like AWOL

but in the wrong direction.

Captain liked the information he

brought back, so he let him go again.

At least he never stopped him.

You know, I used to

wonder about that guy.

I'm sure glad he's on our side.

Come on.

Okay, I'm watching.

What's the story?

We're trying to

locate a buddy of ours,

took a shot at Doyle

this morning.

But he's not buying.

Yeah, well,

he'll take a crack at it.

Yeah, he's got the helmet

in his sights

and a finger on the trigger

right now.

I can feel it.

The finger's getting itchy.

Yeah, the finger's

getting itchy.

I'm gonna tantalize him now.

Did you see him? I didn't see a thing,

Crotty. The sun's all wrong.


you wasn't watching! Yes, I was.

All right.

We'll try again

tomorrow after chow.

Now, at 2300 hours corps

a*tillery is gonna fire a mission

on that supply dump

that Endore spotted.

We'll probably hear it go over.

We'll observe and report back

the effects of the barrage.

SOP on the patrol formation.

Observe radio silence.

Password tonight's "Yankee,"

countersign's "Stadium."

Crotty, I saw that

training film, too,

so knock off that phony coughing,

will you?

I'm telling you, I'm sick.

And I'm telling you,

one cough out of you out there,

and I'll cut your throat

with my rusty bayonet.

Now, come on.

Get your squad ready

to go in half an hour.

Get to it.

This is Snooper One, over.

Gibraltar Red Easy,

this is Snooper One.

Have reached objective.

All right, let's bug slowly.


Hey. Hey.


My fish on ground.

Black smoke,

grass burning everywhere.

Hey, take it easy.

Now talk English.

You wanna talk about it?

Knock it off,

will you, Chaplain?

Well, the kid's

having a bad dream.

So? I was having

a good one.

We'll talk about it

in the morning, okay?

All right?

Hey, your mail.

Well, thank you, Charlie.

Okay. I got to get

Raymond mail.

How would you like to

toss the ball around?

Okay, I try.

All right.

Hey, guys,

can we borrow those mitts a minute?

You say

there's a battalion here?

And a brand-new

mortar battery right here?

That's right.

They're building up a new,

a new supply dump about here.

What about their security?

It's there.

Plenty strong, too.

I had some time,

so I went by Sheba.

They've got a new two-man

listening post about here.

One of them was asleep.

You don't suppose you could

recheck this for me tonight, do you?

What for?

All right.

I'm gonna send this

on to Battalion.

And I'm also putting through a

follow-up on your commendation.

I'm seeing to it that

it goes through soon.

That's all right, Captain.


Soldier, haven't you been

taught to call attention

when a superior officer enters?

I forgot.

Well, be sure you

remember it the next time.

At ease.

Colonel, this is the man

I was telling you about.

Endore, sir.

Bastogne in the dead of

winter and not a sniffle.

Mortars here?

Tell the Colonel, Endore.

Dug in solid, too.

Colonel, I don't suppose

you've had a chance

to read the recommendation.

I have.

How long have you

been here, Endore?

Ten months.

Ten months, what?

Ten months straight.

When was your last R and R?

I... I was just...

Just in reserve.

That's not what

I asked you, soldier.

Well, I have the power to...

To do...

Colonel, he hasn't had a

chance to get any sleep yet.

Take him off patrol for a while.

I'll do that, sir.

Your men need a little work

on military courtesy.

Yes, sir.

Otherwise, all right.

A valuable man.

Take care of him and yourself.

Thank you, sir.

You sure about this?

Well, I could...

I could check tonight,

sir, if you wished, sir.

Better get some rest.

This w*r is going on

for a while.


Raymond, you've gotta say

"sir" to men like the Colonel,

especially when they're

Battalion Commander.

I don't want to go to Japan.

You won't.

He... I just got

back in the line.

Don't worry.

Now listen to this.

"At great risk to

his personal safety,"

"he consistently exercised

individual initiative,"

"making perilous night probes

into enemy territory."

"On numerous occasion,

he engaged the enemy in hand-to-hand..."

That's the way

the commendation begins.

He said something

about not going on patrol.

Well, you don't go on patrols

with the others.

You better get some sleep

if you want to recheck

that mortar battery tonight.

I can't.

Sure you can.

You're letting it go up here.

Bring it down.

Okay. Right here.

All right.

Fresno tells me

you're from the North.


Did they k*ll your people?


Jet firebomb. I run.

I see home fire.

Gee, I'm sorry.

Okay. It mistake.

How did you meet Endore?

I work for girls in the

city. He and me talk.

He tell, he give me

better job. Belong him.

Join army.

Oh, speak of the devil.



Loomis, isn't it?

Yeah, that's right, sir.

Come on, Charlie.



Leave that kid alone.

He belongs to Endore.

What do you mean?

Endore's a valuable man.

You must know that by now.

Sir, I was just

showing the boy...

Just stay away from Charlie.

Endore is nobody to fool with.

Okay, Loomis?

Karl Marx is improving.

He's been getting

a lot of practice lately.

Give me a butt?

I wonder if he's got

one of those

skinny mustaches

that hangs down?

I wonder if any of them has.

You go on patrol

and it's like crawling

around in your own backyard.

And those three nights I was at

the listening post, I never heard one.

Yeah, and dandy thing

they didn't hear you!


I remember the first one I saw.

In a flare. He got scared and stood up,

kind of an old guy.

He saw me and he stared.

I looked at him.

And I think I'd still be looking

at him if he hadn't started to run.

You see them

every night, Endore.

What are they like?


How do you k*ll

a man with a knife?

I'll tell you.

It takes knowledge and practice.

And I've got good eyes.

Often, he'll be

looking right at me

and not see me,

but I'll... I'll see him.


if you know where to put the knife, it's...

It's not difficult.

And afterwards, how do you feel?

How do you feel?

Get the first-aid kit, Charlie.

You get hit?

Hey, if it's a wound, report it!

It's worth a Purple Heart.

You want a Purple Heart,

Crotty? Just keep talking.

Hey, you better get

to the aid station.

No aid station.

They're coming.

Tonight, tomorrow night, soon.

It means they'll have to

beef up Outpost Marilyn.

Yeah, it's our turn.

Well, it's a change anyway.

What's the matter?

You don't look happy.

You ought to.

It's your chance.

How do you know they're coming?

I read their mail, Loomis.

All clear to the Outpost.

All right, follow me.

Let's go.

What was that?


There's all kind of

cans and stuff out there.

It's a great warning system

if they get by the trip flares?

You know it.

Anybody coming up that slope

is up to his butt in garbage.

The General, he...

He don't care how

sloppy it is on their side.

You know everything, don't you?


I wasn't talking to you.

Where did they get that record?

They got it at the PX.

Come here.

There's a new man out there.

I'm supposed... I'm supposed

to act like I'm used to it?

You're supposed to

act like a squad leader.

I'll buy you a drink tomorrow.

It's when she stops playing,

that's when we screw

on our belly buttons.

Sergeant Van Horn,

Captain's come up to check the position.

He wants to see you in here.


Gibraltar Red.

This is Gibraltar

Red Easy Six. Over.

This is Gibraltar Red Easy Six.

How do you hear me? Over.

Gibraltar Red

Easy Six. Roger. Out.

Battalion loud and clear,


We're all set, sir.


Endore, what do you think?

I think you ought to

go back to the MLR.

Find yourself a hole, man.

See anything?

Stand by searchlights

and flares.

Check Charlie and Fox Company

and see if they got

any patrols out.

Gibraltar Blue Charlie,

this is Gibraltar Red Easy Six. Over.

Negative on patrols, Captain.

Then flares.

Not yet.

We'll be able to

see in a second.

All right. Good work.

Two minutes.

Easy Six.

It's Captain Pratt, sir.

Wally, go easy with your flares.

Let's not look jumpy.


Well, if I send more people

to help your people,

where would you put them when

they got there, which they wouldn't?

You've got about two hours

before getting nervous.

Maybe they're not coming.

Maybe they'll just pound us to pieces,

and then play

I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now.

You ever been in one

like this before, Doug?

No, sir.

Neither have I.



Lights! Turn on the lights

and request final protective fire!


All right, we're pulling out!

We're pulling out!

All right, we're pulling out!



Stripes. Help me. Help me.


Oh, my leg.

The enemy was

turned back at the MLR.

They didn't want

the ground they gained.

They just wanted to

give us a hard time.

My knee is badly sprained,

but I'm still useful

around here,

and I'm working as a clerk for the

supply sergeant for the time being.

That's why this letter

is being typed.

My first combat is something

I'll never forget.

I'll write you about it later.

I don't think

I'll be as scared the next time.

Hey, Loomis. Hey,

you're in supply now.

Why don't you pull some strings,

get us some air mattresses,

requisition some booze?

All right.

What don't you drink?

Hey, you know, you're right.

Hiya, boy.

He doesn't want it.

Why can't I do something

nice for this kid?

What are you afraid of?

I'm not afraid. If...

If Crotty had seen you chicken,

he'd have k*lled you.

Why didn't you k*ll me?

It really doesn't matter.

I like you this way.

Hey. Hey! Don't

mess with that guy.

So all those kids are tough,

the ones who ain't

starved to death.

In Pusan,

they were eating things off the street.

All right, what's your hero

been saying about me?

Did he tell you

that a man kills?

What about when

peace comes, Charlie?

When the w*r ends?

Raymond said maybe it not end.

Well, it will, one day.

The fighting is going to stop.

It's got to.

Things will return to normal,

and you'll start school.

You want to go to school,

don't you?



To learn things,

to make friends.

Raymond and I good friends.

We go away.

We live in mountain.

We build house.

Where? In America?

Not America. Here.

He said that you'd

build a house here?

In Korea?


Well, he can't make

a promise like that.

One day we'll all be going home,

and he'll have to go home, too.

Raymond do what he like.

Well, he lied to you, Charlie.

He'll have to go back.

He not go back.

He not lie! You lie!


what's the matter with it?

You no talk to me.

You stay away!

Boy, you leave that bird alone.

Give it to me.

I've been talking to Charlie.

He thinks you're gonna stay

here with him after the w*r ends.

He also said something about

a house in the mountains.

If you really care

about that boy,

you've got to

tell him the truth.

That he's got to go to

an orphanage right here.

His clothes may not

be anything special.

The food they give him will probably

be just enough to keep him going.

But there'll be

other children there,

and he'll play games,

children's games.

And there'll be a teacher.

If you don't put that boy where he belongs,

I will.

I mean that,

and I'll go to the Colonel if I have to.

But I don't want to.

It's important to Charlie

that it comes from you.

Do you understand that?


Butt out.

Butt out, or I'll k*ll you.

Hey. Smell that.

It's all right. Dan?

It's all right.

It's him that smells.

All right, here you go.

Read it and sign

after your name.

What's up?

You'll maintain posts

throughout the day.

It's a ceasefire.


Sign there.

It's a mirage.

"After 2200 hours

there will be no hostile acts"

"by any of the Armed Forces

of the United Nations."

"I have read and

understand the foregoing."

We're really voting

to go to Manchuria.

Your signature signifies

that you have read

and/or heard the order

and understand it.

I don't understand anything.

Is this really happening?

It's not over until00 tonight,

so let's not have a pig rush.

Crotty, Crotty.

It's over!

Hey, it's over.

Go on home. It's over!

It's over!

But do I believe it?

It's over.

Go on home!

I'm gonna get stoned.

Charlie, it's over.

The w*r is over, Charlie.

Yeah, somebody ought to give Karl

Marx the word. That guy burns me.

Oh, God.

Medic! Medic!


Man, easy.

Easy with him.

Hold me.

All right, take it easy,

kid. Take it easy.

You're gonna be okay.

Ask me something,

anything at all.

What's your name?


How old are you?

Ask me something else.

Where are you from?

Keep on asking me.

Where are you from?

Wait, where's my bandana?

It's over there.

We've got it.

My father gave that to me.

Did he?

Ask me how old I am.

How old are you?

God, I'm so scared.

Hey! Hey!

Hey, can you hear me?

Can you hear me, you dirty...

Hey! What do you think

you're doing?

Get back there!

Karl Marx got Fresno.

Shut up. Get back there.

Come on. Come on.

A sn*per got Hugasian, sir.

And these men tried to

get even? Is that right?

Is that right?

As far as I know, sir.

Uncover him.

Now I'm gonna have to write a

letter to the parents of this man

describing the circumstances

of his death.

I don't like

writing these letters,

and I intend this

to be my last one.

Now, you've all signed

the ceasefire order.

Until 2200 hours

you are still at w*r.

Now, protect yourselves

accordingly and initiate no action!

Is true, w*r stop?

He's trying to send you away

to a place where they'll hit

you if you break one little rule.

But they don't know who you are.

What time is it?

One more hour.

No more Dragon Lady.

She must have

taken off for Moscow.

You know, I've been thinking.

This here w*r has lasted three years,

one month, and two days.

One day too much for Fresno.


what are you going to do when you go home?

Are you gonna go back to a farm?

Why is it all you Yankees

think we're all farmers

and belong to the KKK?

No, my daddy's got

a gas station.


Hey, ask me what I'm gonna do.

All right.

Well, ask me.


You wanna know

what I'm gonna do?


"It's hard to believe

it's really over."

I hope...

You wait here.

Sir, I need to talk to you.

Go ahead.

Could you come

outside for a minute?

It's important.

Well, what is it?

Sir, this is Loomis.

Well, what is it, Loomis?

Go ahead, tell him.

Sir, I just saw Endore.

He had his knife and that stuff

he puts on his face

when he goes out.

I saw him.

He took Charlie with him

this time. They went out.

I don't understand.

You're saying "out"?

He went out tonight?

Doesn't he understand

there's a ceasefire order?

Yes, sir. He signed the

order just like the others.

You wouldn't be trying to kid me,

now would you, Loomis?

No, sir.

My God, man.

Oh, boy, this is impossible.

Does anybody else know

about this, Loomis?

Yes, Crotty, Showalter.

I told them.

Well, I don't want you to tell

anybody else, and I mean anybody.

Must be some kind of a mistake.

Oh, boy.

Anybody find out anything?

No, sir. No one's seen

a trace of either of them.

Well, that's it.

Let's shake hands anyway.


Hey, look at this.

If he's out there

and them Chinese spot him...

What would happen?

To the ceasefire?

I don't know. I don't

even want to think about it.

If they even saw that boy...

Well, if he is out there,

wouldn't he come back

in the morning like always?


I don't think so.

Here, Charlie.

Come here, Charlie.

Sir, we better notify Battalion.

Tell them we have a man missing.

I don't wanna open up

that can of beans.

Battalion notifies Regiment,

Regiment notifies Division,

Division notifies Corps.

There's no telling what they'll

do with this at Panmunjom.

Who gave you people

permission to leave your posts?

Corporal Bohnhoff, sir.


you tell him to forget it! Yes, sir.

All right.

I agree with Loomis.

I don't think we can count on

his coming back on his own,

but we'll wait until sunrise.

Captain, that zone's



Nobody's supposed to be

out there after midnight.

All right.

We'll go as a graves detail.

We'll need a litter

and some markers.

Sir, I'm a 20-year man.

I don't have a black mark yet.

Luther, if that boy

disturbs the ceasefire

before you see your wife

and little girl again,

it's going to be

another 20 years.

Sometimes we have to

take the initiative.

Now, the way I figure it...

Now, if anybody feels different about this,

I want you to tell me.

If he's out there,

he's still gonna be

in our sector till morning.

He's not gonna go where he

doesn't know the mine fields.

But comes daylight,

he's gonna take cover.

He's not gonna walk

around in the daylight.

We're not gonna find

him out there, sir.

There's too many places

for him to hide.

I don't think he's hiding.

Sir, I'd like to go.

I think I can talk to the boy.

All right.

We'll need a man with a radio,

but if there's any talking to do,

I'm gonna do it.

Captain, nothing, sir.

Give me those.

Yes, sir.

No, sir.

All right. Now,

what are you gonna tell Lieutenant Sanders?

Well, you're going out

to look for them men

that didn't return from

that last patrol we sent out.

And what else? And that

you'll be calling in every hour.

All right. We've

waited long enough.

Let's go.




What'll the Chinese think, sir?

They may have

observers out here.

They'll think

we're trying to find

one of our wounded,

which we are.

One of ours, Loomis.

Mark it.

Come on,

mark it. What's the matter with you?


I've just never seen them

in daylight.

Come on.


I know a village

that's been burned out.

The people are gone,

but some of the houses

are all right.

And outside,

the snow will be falling,

cold and white.

And the world will be so quiet.

The sun on the snow.

Cold, clean air.

And in the spring, wild flowers.


And I'll show you my secret.


Don't you wonder why

no one's ever seen me at night?

It's because I'm invisible.

The truth can blind.


There he is, Captain.


Raymond, it's Captain Pratt.

When you didn't

come back this morning,

we figured you might

need some help.

I won't be coming back anymore.

I'm not ready.

I don't think you understand

about the ceasefire order, son.

We're supposed to stay

back behind the lines now.

It's the rules.

The w*r is over.

Which w*r?

Come on down now, son.

You and the boy,

you must be hungry.

I've got some candy

bars here in my pocket.

Listen, Raymond,

your DSC came through.

How about that? I knew

that would make you happy.

The General himself is coming

down to pin it on you tomorrow.

Raymond, why they come?

Because he doesn't understand.

You not come up!

We suffer because

he doesn't understand.

We're just here

to help you, Raymond.

You're confused.

I understand.

We all understand.

We've all been confused

at times, Raymond.

But you'll come

back with us now.

Won't you, son?

The w*r is over.

There'll be another!

Now, it's all right now, son.

Raymond, put that knife down.

Drop that knife, Raymond.

Now, you're a soldier in the

United States Army, Raymond,

and I'm your commanding officer.

I am commanding.

The command is that I am

commanding the commandment.

I, I am commanding.

Drop that w*apon.

Wait a minute, Captain. No.

I am commanding.

Now, Raymond and I are friends.

He wouldn't do anything to me,

not after all we've

been through together.


Captain, we gotta

get out of here.

They'll have heard

that shot for miles.

Charlie! Charlie!

Mark him.




You all right, soldier?

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