Cold w*r K*llers (1986)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Cold w*r K*llers (1986)

Post by bunniefuu »

(Loud Machinery)

the price of a few gallons of best
Grichuk and always wore beaded mouthful

what's the name of this section here? what

are we seeing? it was a small lake well what a
large pond really. We've been draining it for 2 days.

they don't use it like we should be able
to see it just passed there the cares

about the look of it now that's a

I suppose they're still on here unless
they bailed out

in the cockpit at least while the pool

it's kind for several years whilst
draining a small lake to make way for

the new m62 extension and Lincoln
trapped the wreckage of a plane has been

discovered the aircraft serial number
reveals it to be a Pembroke of Transport

Command which they RF announced was
reported missing in December 1956 only

one body has been recovered and that is
believed to be the pilot whose name is

being withheld pending further
formalities by the Ministry of Defence

ok lefty this is it it's curtains for
you don't speak too soon blue eyes

I got four GATS aimed at your
breadbasket to either gas station

roof-tree tobacco mark Kelly's wait a
minute Lefty maybe we can make a deal (phone rings)

hello? David, have you been watching television? incredible isn't it I mean if
gangsters can't get their sons right

well - on the gas station roof plus
three Becca Mark Ellis that's five not

for television the gangster film

something about a plane okay I'll see
you first thing in the morning

Phoebe David leering it's really
pleasant driving outside the rush hour I

understand better go to Sir Alex on
what's already fuss no it's his Pembroke

they found apparently a case the old man
was working on before he reached the top

table back in 56 middle east connections
why's that well where else would they

rope me in Llewellyn's here driver was
down in the carpool who aliens the

biggest task is finding out just what
the minister wants to hear so he can

doctor his advice accordingly

who else is here just a stir it just
ended on attachment the technical stuff

I suppose you Nick security me the
reason why I phoned you David was not

elected to do with the Middle East this
battle flag is very pretty

you've got nothing like it at the
Foreign Office where did you get it

some grateful Pathan has presented it if
it's not to do the Middle East would

somebody mind telling me precisely why
I've been dragged out of my house in the

middle of the night I've come David it's
only ten past twelve certainly David now

can you give us a brief view may of the
story contingent is files or photographs

or men in 1956 three bailed out of the
crushed Pembroke and lived tyranny the

navigator Morrison the engineer men with
quite remarkable memory for detail and

Jones the passenger with a more average
memory and of course the poor chap whose

body was found today Soviets showed
remarkable interest in the crash at the

time three people were m*rder*d in the
next few months two petty crooks and an

officer all appear to be linked in some
way to this case three killings in

Amsterdam Berlin

where a juror was tortured and k*lled by
an X P of W who turned out to be working

for the KGB
the police passed the case on to

intelligence and the British car
investigation was led by me Bentley and

peter diet remains one of the thousand
mysteries in our archives questions so

far with all due respect Alec what has
such ancient history got to do with

present government policy and what on
earth does it have to do with me the KGB

was after the crash plane something it
was carrying that much ash really care

routine flag RAF cutter sounds of Berlin
Don from Berlin to the UK as a routine

stop until 2200 hours when he radioed
from over the Belgian coast that he

developed engine trouble I'm not really
interested in why the plane crashed

could the key to this be that this
squadron either steer fourth was

involved in smuggling black-market out
of Berlin 45:46 was a good ten years

before the crash but there was nothing
to indicate such interest in the

official manifest you run the Moscow in
a somewhat fresh-faced ego panning not

the ego Penan your alter ego your unseen
sparring partner these last seven years

which explains why I'm taking you out of
the Middle East section and putting onto

this case as a field officer but I'm a
field officer Alec I came straight into

analysis from a safe gentle job at

the factor is David some of your recent
work has been a virtual parroting of

Israeli foreign policy we think you need
a break

a sabbatical and being shunted out time
to born near horizon you're going to be

any further used

may we seek for succor but of thee O
Lord who for our sins are justly

displeased yet O Lord God most holy

Savior we therefore commit his body to
the ground earth to earth ashes to ashes

dust to dust in sure and certain hope of
the Resurrection to eternal life through

our Lord Jesus Christ my name is David
oddly I'm from the ministry of defense

who come to give your condolences have
you yes that's right mr. it was good of

you to cop of course it all happened so
long ago

Pat Gilbert and I have been married for
over 20 years those two young men there

are our salaries and you must be faith
John stifles daughter

you knew him did you know I I ran up his
w*r record quite a pilot Arnim DSO

special operations DFC plus a quite a
girl from the Belgians and then the

Berlin Airlift fine man they were all
fine men this business brings it all

back how different I was in those days
quality of life Lee's father died for

something he believed in yes yes I think
you can be sure of that you didn't fool

me for a moment mr. orderly if that's
your real name

I did check I wasn't trying to fool

am i five oh whatever don't you fellows
ever let up isn't that a statute of

limitations or something why don't I buy
you a drink mr. Jones

you were the passenger on the last
flight three years later he married his

widow fine man he may have been a good
enough pilot but he was also a damn

selfish bastard
you didn't say that 27 years ago we were

in the same squadron
we didn't rat on your base at least not

in all doctor didn't so why I said no I
wasn't married to his widow 27 years ago

he's come to think of it I hadn't even
met Margo's in when I fell in love with

the last well I learnt about Johnny I'm
sad to say did you mug is a decent

enough woman
Steerforth got her pregnant and then

lost interest in her and she gotten
bigger played around you know I know you

know bloody files

I'm surprised I hadn't been chucked out
in the weeding process service I

actually sir you haven't been talking
this thing personally since 1956 hardly

I was at Oxford

what are you some sort of military
intelligence I think so this is my first

day on a new job I tell you something
else I didn't mention 27 years ago I

didn't believe he was dead
neither did Tiernan or Morrison why not

no it's too damn convenient as you know
it'd been up to his old tricks

oh come now mr. Ottley dead lips okay
you must know yes Iseult events are done

in the last flight yes the last flight
they were on to something really big I

wasn't in the crew so I wasn't in on it
but believe me they were very excited

they were like schoolboys with a copy of
health and efficiency bill how did it go

no suspicious characters turned up often
dr. Audrey and myself how did he get on

last I saw he was driving off with Jones
got foot-in-the-door East now you don't

misunderstand me this is business and
not all our business is good clean fun I

have been here a year in their house we
want you to keep a close eye um David on

dr. all
he's removed sideways to a good job and

Viner him under that academic exterior
he'll be fuming David always insisted

that the Middle East desk couldn't run
without him and others would agree but

his intelligence analysis didn't suit
the Arabists in FCO

particularly Llewellyn that everybody in
Berlin that it I'll have you back with

the crabs painting the runways at Bryce
North all due respect sir I'll be very

happy to get back to my proper
profession mmm when you work for me at

this precise moment and this is your
brief monitor David orderly while

formally attached to this case as his -
I see and report back in writing twice

weekly to me under protest christ
almighty must not mean trade union

meeting and then replied your next
question it's none of your business

whether or not a copy of your report
will go to the following Commonwealth Oh

actually my next question was going to
be do we have a code name allocated to

this inquiry yes
Lucrecia you Krisha yes come over itself

operation Lucretia

so then what did he say but Jones
oh he he recounted how these Russians

have hung around pretending to be
Hungarian refugees air force their story

was that they'd had a contract with

to smuggle some kit into the country and
where was the trunk had there been a

trunk Jones didn't know he never saw the
cargo hold however he introduced them to

a crowd of real Hungarian freedom
fighters and

I gather that the Magyars weren't 100%

and that was the end of it
oh here's how Jones described one of

them about five foot ten
brown hair brush straight back piercing

eyes a very determined looking bastard
you go panning the wreckage of a plane

has been discovered the aircraft serial
number reveals it to be a Pembroke of

Transport Command which the RAF
announced was reported missing in

December 1956 only one body has been
recovered and that's the lead - welcome

back mr. Steerforth

your resurrection might not be in a

the door I'm sorry look I know this is a
bit of an intrusion no not so retracting

right mr. tempus I'm sorry I shouldn't
have come I'm glad you did you really do

resemble your father you've got lovely
taste for policemen hmm why did you come

I'm not a policeman by the way he told
you that Oh dad

Gilbert by my boring over civil servant
I'm afraid actually he didn't tell me I

didn't think I ever heard him and my
mother they're quite happy really so it

was unusual to hear them crying I
shouldn't have listened you shouldn't

have listened you shouldn't have come
we're still fourth your life is full of

regrets you see my real father John's
tearful he's always been sort of hero

yes I was actually almost bought by
people like you saying how fine and

brave he was but secretly I was very

I even bought a book all about the
plains he flew Dakotas Lysander's

Pembroke's he was a very courageous man
flying pilot well today I heard my

stepfather saying he was a thief a cheap
little crook nicking stuff out of Berlin

and Hawking it on the black market now
my parents are fighting with each other

frightened in case these weird people
start coming around again not weird

people apparently when I was a kid these
foreigners used to make a bit of a

nuisance of themselves I heard mum
saying same what she said it's all

starting all over again sir daddy wrote
down your address and phone number and

said she should get in touch with you if
anything happened that was sensible and

you mr. civil servant do you reckon it's
all starting up again

whatever it is yes I see

would you like to help of course
what can I do well you set the table and

I'll trust you

very domesticated for whatever you are
oh you're not first person to say that I

suppose you think we all drape hassles
around the bar boodles every night and

bring him a code fish supper after pink
gins and vineyards force poodles oh

forget it
Patrick and and truer than you'd imagine

I've got some Stilton be lovely it's
rather nice to have company it's a bit

cramped for space at the moment Sam but
still be handier than being stuck in the

annex of the other crap everyone's
chanting me fine could you get me the

file on Tinian Morris thanks that
anything else

typewriter oh I'll do any typing you
need something wanna go but piece of

luck managed to persuade door for Jas
stay the night

I'll just get those files how was that
maybe she doesn't want to hear about

your sex life good god no I got the
opportunity to far better use you

interest me strangely

father still 4th stepfather Jones mother
strange furnace hanging around and the

present whereabouts of Tierney and
Morrison that's a relief I thought I'd

have to spend a boozy lunch with the
thin blue line no need to trouble the

branch yes duly ace with the local law
but I want to discreet dossier on both

of those before we make direct contact
when will that be

tomorrow great that leaves plenty of
time to compile to curriculum vitae well

don't stand on ceremony lad
push off or is this the day you have to

tap out your report on me I well know
daddy's got you reporting on me yes but

if you get stuck for any details just
ask and for your information I'm now off

to see the senior misete man in London 1
Jacob rammed Shapiro yes well I won't

mention that to the boss why not
I seem to recall hearing you being wound

off your Israeli chums a few nights ago
parroting Israeli foreign policy was the

way it was delicately put you tell him
everything info otherwise you wind up

gray and listen like me

morning good morning lovely morning yes
it is

can I help you yes we've colored all the
car car yes Renault sixteen sixty one

thousand miles color grain just drive
you for buying ah well mr. oddly isn't

here he's gone to London not here
fraid not

thank you anyway

hello David are you looking or buy

what price good question how's tricks

something you could do for me or sir
it's my daughter's 14th birthday a week

Monday naturally I just look I love her
it's just I don't know what the hell to

give her I hardly ever get to see them
you know it's a problem when Laura left

me we hadn't got around to kids maybe
that was the problem

the apartment of our airforce attache
was burgled last Thursday it foolishly

left some classified papers in his

so copies are now circulating all over
MLD right are you asking me or telling

me Jake would you tell me if I asked you
would you trust me if I told you son of

a bitch
I guess I would

the results would certainly have been
circulated to the Middle East desk and

you no longer work there news travels
far so you would guess I would guess the

British service had nothing to do yeah
so what can I do for you

it's concerns ego Penny's a crushed
Pembroke pennant Berlin nineteen fifties

there you have me David you're a couple
years older than me

all that Suez Cold w*r time is a closed
book to me I'm afraid

apart from lectures at Staff College why
don't you ask Theo Theodore Friedmann

never heard of him
oh he's one of our great n*zi hunters

some say the thinking man's Simone
Vicente try this he's in a man to guard

or with just a hint of dr*gs correct
Spanish his science thanks so

dan in their lien what else according to
our files we picked up a Russian agent

following the m*rder of a norwich
jeweller who used to buy certain items

from the pilot at the Pembroke that was
years ago

well his pirate was in the jewel trade

excellent sherry
really nutty which is gracias so the

Russian agent had connected the jeweller
to a slow-burning gas cooker which he

seemed to imagine would help further his
inquiries and then what did this Russian

want he was too frightened of his
masters to say but he did mention some

boxes and some n*zi outfit in Berlin for
Suge thumped fear baby knowing

you know what this was

frankly the Second World w*r and the
Third Reich have never been my cup of

tea I think someone has leavened your
present cup of tea with a strong dosa

paraquat any chance of you being touch
less obscure don't you know it is clear

to me my dear sir that you have been
assigned to an Inquirer where your

personal safety can no longer be taken
for granted I just hope you have not

been followed here

and a briefing for the team at the
Australian High Commissioner on the same

something as a firm broken pie coming
off well it's in David Aldus hands he's

not ready an affair with the routine for
a field investigation is he completely

on his own or do you have on someone's
senior keep it'll watching brief first

question john-boy tell me this is absent
from Middle East desk arising much

comment Linda King John Smith nothing
more than a few sighs of relief still

have been reading as analysis showing
the line well inform perhaps tiró David

is a touch too honest Alec I mean I
would hate to use the term naive

incidentally the word is he still hand
him dad with the red sea pedestrians yes

oh very chipper
she took a bit of a tumble of dig up

school point-to-point last Saturday
burger damn devil food yeah

it's nothing personal particular David
or palak whatever gave you that idea


adopt oddly isn't here just now stare
forth all right mr. Frizzell tell him

thank you fine grace the squadron leader
has he left an envelope for the boss no

did doctor oddly mention he was selling
his car no won't get much for it it's

hardly worth three foreigners trekking
out to his farm house is it that old

banger I'll say not why Pembroke's
you're a dead little boy I've just got

the latest jet fix range perfect I had
something larger than mine mr. Madison

larger I'm sorry unless you compute up
the scale drawings double the size bit

tricky though life-size life-size

having me on another sport life sighs
this is a model shop you are oh one nine

four five three six sergeant Morrison
Thomas Anthony now don't tell me I want

something in a 40 year old raffle what's
the problem the problem is yours friend

and don't play dumb the papers and TV
have been full of the discovery of your

old kite gee George one-one-one m-mike
squadron Transport Command I'm Rosco mo

de sécurité we've reopened the file and
quite frankly sir you're in trouble the

pack of lies you've been caught up in
lies I haven't so let's have the truth

now shall we it's a pity to go to prison
for something that happened nearly

thirty years ago isn't it now look I
didn't mention the boxes that the formal

inquiry says we all thought johnny
sniffles that fate is Devon and

scarpered with it
you know was a big one and you hoped by

keeping quiet dear old Steerforth would
turn up one day with a fistful of

reading more or less what was in the
boxes holy Johnny knew and Burt pilot

officer Tierney I was just a lookout

Jake solemn feel Astrix is ask him at
forcing some 4p how much does he know

it gives the impression he knows nothing
it's not an impression to be relied upon

did he give any hint what panel is after
I will keep in touch

so I told him not to leave town do you
think you will I doubt it

and we'll see the only lookout on the
last flight

no hue we can't have these loose ends
hanging around all over the shop by the

way I found the office grace says that
faiths tearful a telethon

I think it's time we paid another visit
to mr. Morrison now that you've softened

them up a bit

and they said that was a fairly yes well
you can stop being so damn courteous and

call me David right

we'll sorts death sir how do you mean
dead as in not breathing's no finesse

please be very good you and you don't
exist as far as the police are concerned

and the first hint from the pathologist
is broken neck as Hugh likely diagnose

it was an accident
won't make sure thing in my knowledge

then called Friesland he thinks we're
saving it for some murky area

well penny71 to shrink from getting
nasty so there was a chance big was put

no not as far as the local law a concern
but whose report does mention a female

traffic warden outside Morrison's shop
yeah well I didn't who was paying her

but it wasn't the local council air
traffic wardens were changing shifts at

the time

grace get me mr. paws on the line

simply stated I'm having a lovely time I
hope it's not too soon after the funeral

my father's been dead for years was
upsetting for mum of course but I never

knew him more or less walked out on her
he died before I was born

coincidence her marrying someone from
the same squadron really mom was a long

way from home the squadron was their
closest family in a way tell me about

the chaps that wanted to buy my car just
three blokes really foreign hardly a

word of English between them what
exactly do you do at the Ministry of

Defence David Lee
what sort of ages I don't know two three

blokes really middling kitchen of yours
it's really evocative

it's like those ads on the telly for
home baked bread height faith

I really do need a better description of
them tell me something if I can did you

ask me out tonight for business or
personal reasons that's what's troubling

well you can put your mind at rest I

certainly don't know you well enough to
presume to ask you for a date

so it's professional of course and the
meal and the pleasant surroundings make

it less less formal is that it something
like that it's all paid for by HMG stop

it next time you want to interrogate me
I suggest you go and get them warrant or

whatever faith Mystere for meto


it's against their cell peace for the
illegal to visit the embassy come on

everybody in London knows every Israeli

so I gave you a shopping list already
what have we got for you take we have

been slaving night and day meetings with
the British us end of the briefings

monitoring the PLO they all take a back
seat for our chief undercover level what

was all that about your daughter's
birthday cut the crap on deal right you

asked for an update
David oddly the Soviet embassy spook

called Gloria Alexander which is be
sniffing around over this house and

generally keeping tabs
what's the radio traffic like Soviet

embassy to Moscow to separate increases
unexplained from the Soviet embassy

proper and from the aeroflot's managers
house in hanket so this Pembroke must

have been carrying quite a large cargo
it's a stupid question but what was in

its home when they found it in the lake
nothing apart from legitimate cargo the

cupboard was bare
so Steerforth must have gotten rid of

whatever it was he was carrying between
telling the crew and passengers to bail

out and crashing and crashing into the
lake and who apart from Eagle Palin

knows what steer thought Nick from
Berlin who indeed not you by any chance

scouts honor

Wow this is a pleasant surprise
I feel rather stupid now inside you must

be hungry alright alright no need to rub
it in what is it well I take it this is

a social call came to apologize
I suppose that social good it's just

that I've been so wrapped up in work I
hadn't really looked on you as a bit of

crumpet don't get my special anyway it's
it's I who should apologize

oh my god a spark of gallantry so I make
a big pot of it on Sunday night and it

lasts me for the rest of the week
don't you get bored with it you know at

all Tuesday I converted to ragout by
adding some wine on first year judicious

leavening of paprika changes it into
goulash and on Friday the remains become

David or Lee's famous Korean oh my god
what about Saturday ah

well as a reborn Bachelor of eligibility
one generally gets invited out on

Saturdays you were married once hmm
eight years how about you

after steady boyfriends once got serious

it happened after eight years or would
you rather not say divorce civilized

divorce is never civilized she thought
she hated my job and all the time it was

me you don't seem that easy to hate she
didn't believe it herself so she blamed

the poor old office how exactly do you
do I'm sorry if I'm asking wrong


so case

yes do you know why I got them yeah
eggs gimme so no certain Roman general

kept geese outside his camp the their
cackling warned his sleeping arm he hit

the enemy attempted a sneak attack
well they don't cackle if anyone comes

up the front pathways they're used to



astonish you

we saw not to put too fine a point on it
oh no no no I'm afraid of confession

let's find out after they

good impression 71 Russians David what
exactly's gosh

David Onley this is some elaborate plan
to get me into bed my dear young lady

then it's quite all right by me

really good old you're not one of these
query intelligence men we've been

reading so much about are you

is it quite safe to venture out now dr.

what time just give work you know
exactly where I work of course but I

don't know what time you have to be able
to school just my immediate rush

shouldn't we see if I suppose prognoses
still here beast

but to wait it out what just gets you in

this is what they teach you of the
Ministry of Defense surprisingly

something that I got the hang of all by

I really don't see why I can't have a
bath because I don't want you blown to

bits red David look we were broken into
last night's you heard them

I heard them Vicki said and this morning
there's not even a broken pane of glass

so nobody broke in they did old Uncle
David straps work with the most careful

prowlers this house has been well turned
over dear girl by experts god what a

horrible feeling no I found a passage to
the front door without making any bangs

so follow me and we'll phone the office
from a local call box show me they

booby-trapped the place well either that
or we're wired for sound

of course we should speak mustn't let
these people grind you down bunch of

impotent nonentities a lot of them Colin
got a job for you nah me boss I was

night 2g Technical Officer
jelly's late or anything off take take a

team I wanted and then actually two

I want a demolition sweep and a check
for electronic surveillance the doctor

over this house that's a dress shirt on
playing football this afternoon

I'm rostered off as of 20 minutes ago
and you better take three cars in case

you need to leave one for dr. oddly also
take two close escort from the muscle

home no service for a we salvaged it
from that embassy fire I'll get it

licensed chicken a bath in there and she
said all clear vision and I said where

the place isn't gonna blow up as far as
I can see

so in she doors taps on ear off
bubbles I didn't know you use pebbles

I also have a cockerel duck I take it

we're clear for banks yeah far as I can
see the debuggers aren't through yet oh

gosh why for sound
exactly bleepers swell if they can

follow your car sir I do know what a
believer is Jenkins the first one the

obvious MacGuffin is intended to be
found correct right and this boat is

intended not to be a fire and the boat
is also bleep oh yeah

and of course there could be a third
well there could be but this is a check

device they supply them for every known
make of vehicle Warsaw Pact funny people

use them Jenkins
sure locate and identify all the docking

devices in and around the house top and
just one thing is it remember that

lecture we gave to Special Branch lost
country house weekend where you've got

all tired and emotional and proposed to
miss Marsh when Chief Superintendent

Brady fell off the fire escape from
broke his hip flask

that's one got it right you are chief
what was that all about

a lecture about turning electronic
surveillance to advantage don't know how

you can get so enthusiastic about all
these things I want you to drive faith

to Newton Chester or crane to a hotel
whose faith she comes see you rather

take him to field work what's the name
of this hotel Paul you don't say good

morning mr. forth you know somewhat
different out of uniform

it's called ringleader or if you changed
jobs since we last met

I he works with me faith I've a request
to make

I'd like to take you out of circulation
for a few days and keep you out of

trouble I'm serious so that's two rooms
at the bull Hotel is that right sir what

180 weren't it David

right then I'll see you later David

words all over town Israelis a tapping
orde-lees every move sir but our friends

from the Moscow Ring Road what him in
that clumping round like Inspector

Clouseau slipshod are they hmm
professional enough I suppose not quite

the standard we've come to expect from
the KGB earlier I suppose they are KGB

yeah boy you tell me so be painful

as they're giving it low priority though
word is Palin's on a plane from Moscow

this very moment so they must be taking
it seriously excellent then things are

going according to plan sir what if
David finds the real Pembroke they must

be lying around somewhere that would be
a trifle embarrassing then perhaps it

might be prudent if we took him a bit
more into the picture if David is to be

a complete sealer for panning he must
believe that we want this box is from

and that the aircraft in the lake rarely
is the Pembroke and the corpse such as

it is really is Squadron Leader Stefan
yes I understand all that some of what

if he succeeds where everyone else was
failed don't seek the Russians have

tried we've tried and have died the
question of that but we've convinced

orderly chances are we've also got an
independent I still think it's a risk

bringing those two together but panin is
a man of influence in Moscow we heard

from our friends he's having trouble
with the hawkers Ameland

he's an old adversary of David's old
respected adversaries just the sort of

person he might confide in you just work
the other way around

all these years strange to be here I
mean this was the aerodrome of my

childhood mythology never been here
before this your technique do you think

perhaps I know the secret of my father's
crash so doctor oddly or is it colonel

just doctor what do you do apart from
being spy all sorts of useless things

bravissimo what do you play vogner it's
a terrible thing how fascinated we Jews

are by that man

I suppose it's obvious why then why keep
a bird in the cage where else could he

can you see little Herman here fighting

with pigeons and f*g like London's
powers for a crust on the embankment how

close do you believe we are to another
w*r another big one closer than anyone

will ever admit why


what was in those boxes it absolves so

long ago something which Hitler ordered
to be burnt along with the rest of

Gestapo records Steerforth nicked them
believing they contained not salute our

treasures but he crashed and four people
have been m*rder*d why babe 1946 a

handful of Russian and n*zi intelligence
officers had of necessity become aware

of the contents of the boxes stolen from
the for exempt by flight leftenant steer

forth the Soviets were so concerned to
keep the contents forever secret that

they organized the m*rder of everyone
concerned in the affair the operation

was run by Eko Panama but one
intelligence officer survived I take it

I'm talking to him I am the only man
alive doctor outside the Soviet machine

who knows what was in those boxes no one
else not even the Israelis will you tell


why not that was the main runway
according to the states love your father

developed engine trouble as he cleared
the Belgian coast by the time he was

over the Humber he was on one engine
which he reported his rough smirre he

had his jump know he then got down

he landed it's all in the fire but then
he took off again every shot it's not

clear on that point but the chaps who
wrote the log was Stifler's for accuracy

if it says landed taxied took off he
circled assumably intending to land

again then quite suddenly the remaining
engine packed up managed to get the

others ID safely but by then it was too
low for him to jump as we now know he

ended up in a lake about 60 miles from
here right Yuto

this is loaded and I'm happy to use it

can I help you utopia

I am looking for utopia is

sorry to give you a start I mean some
right q*eer f*cking about these parts

what kind of people a couple of
foreign-looking blokes this one of the

men could be that's the man that was
hanging around David's house a couple of

days ago he said he wanted to buy his
car Ministry of Defense you say well I'm

still not selling what these blokes they
said they heard the old airfield was up

for sale well it's not I'm an
application for planning permission in

charlie dwellings and a swimming pool
a couple of good summers I kiss the pigs

and sheep goodbye it always turned it
into an open prison take a closer look

please mr. Warren and I do assure you
the ministry is not interested in

acquiring this airfield then what were
you doing here just after the w*r

somebody lost something
now everybody in this brother is trying

to find it this is a bloke and they did
most of the speaking foreign chap

I caught him searching this old control
tower dead a night scurry F your Trudeau

average look please
Fermi at the bull hotel if you see him

hanging about and don't try to speak to
him this is important

fairly important yes I hope you and mr.
Smith have a right to enjoyable stay

miss thank you thank you sir
you'll be mr. Smith man i Thompson

Thompson room 26 single hey do you think
you like this guy's here what exactly

does David do at the Ministry of Defense
he's just a civil servant really like

you pretty boring really I've seen quite
a bit of freezer fund of knowledge old

seal yeah
nice fella Jake what do you think's in

those boxes
surely freeze let old you he told me the

Czar's crown jewels I can't help you
quite play games David someone is

playing a game with you you want some
advice if it's free

go for panning my people think he wants
to talk to you

to me that's what they think

you're such a tease so design it click

I have it on excellent authority that
they discussed operation Lucretia in

great detail the name Pantene was banded
around and confidential sources of the

intelligence service were mentioned it
really is a most serious breach yes I

see well thank you for bringing this to
our attention mr. Llewellyn this is not

to be taken lightly dr. Orly has acted
in complete disappearance - in order to

keep clear of the Mossad with whom he
became a Mike - Palli while he worked on

my desk if the point is noted sir I
should be making a formal request to

your dg2 have already voted out of the
service I take it you are joking so I

really can't permit you to r*fle uglies

who's that done you the courtesy of
warning of my intentions so that your

own report and advice cause it come to
me alongside that for my own desk at FC

I trust commander that you get the
message oh yes sir loud and clear

large scotch right sir I've just lost 50
P you only need to turn you get three

goes for fifty k*ll the barmaid still
there sometimes okay

fill me up all of the old air ministry
and security service files one of the

blokes m*rder*d in Berlin the first time
around was the DG's brother Bill Russell

filled security check
second point of considerable interest is

the actual crash contrary to what we
well I certainly assumed the plane

landed on one engine got the end of the
runway going maybe a mite too fast and

took off again how did you know that
because I'm beginning to understand how

that rather likable pirate squadron EDA
steer fourth Jay actually operating

last week a Daanish Korean I get angry
challenge every door on this device

will you be cross if I ask you something
what's that young lady you're not still

furthering your inquiries are you cool I
mean here in this room well you don't

think I do

professor panic what very great Jack
Vasa Archaeological Society I'm helping

out this country visit of course you are
commander and I'm sorry Nikolai the

second shall we dispense with this
comedy right I'm here to tell you the

dr. David Orton Ministry of Defence
official has been assigned to liaise

with property order day one of your best
brains please take me to him

well he's out of town I'm not 100% sure
just where exactly is wrong lines in the

w*r hotel Newton sister we shall
continue in this archeological business

for the benefit of all but yourself
to the doctor yes of course

do you mind telling me what's actually
in these magic boxes of yours merely

part of the charge treasurer of some

very to my government possibly professor
considering five people have died over

it white and he don't reach dr. ordinary

the death toll might be incalculable the
lower part of the aircraft fuselage

would be not excited control tower this
building here where Barry cut so that

would have been in a way good I think
we're getting there uh to me you lifted

during the w*r was a boy your father
farmed here how do you know that I

noticed a sort of sort of earthworks or
something here what was that g*n

emplacement della foreign mm let me see
was a cat g*ns of course but they were

on concrete platforms with sandbags
nothing most down there with the

diggings diggings uh local archeology
Club but it did go in there before the

w*r when the father's permission he was
a JP civic-minded but that's stopped

when they built the airfield oh no most
RAF station commanders encourages part

of your the Brylcreem boys joined in
actually a break from all that flying

and admin and singing we'll meet again
and rolled me over around the piano mr.

Warren you're a genius
there's one about a Foreign Legion

officer in a camel but in you I mean the
Foreign Legion officer Justin God

professor dr. Ogden hello

now my friend your enemy released
another systematize Pennbrook reappeared

and I was the KGB advisor to our Middle
East ambassadors well never tires of

remarking on the smallness of the world
and because of this I get to trust you

oh yes and because of this I hope this
esteem might be mutual without a doubt

19:46 a certain British pilot transfer
come on John and I'm still forth a bit

of a room Poirot he relieved the
fortunes Unforgiven and Department of

the desktop a bear in command of a
number of boxes almost immediately and

cavity then father KGB started looking
for those I gather they looked rather

hard yes during the course of this

you've caused a number of people to be
k*lled tortured in some cases you're


anyway I failed and now even though I'm
at the top of my tree this business with

the Pembroke still intrigues me it will
be wonderful to return to Moscow with

our lost treasure I'm not sure we're not
on a fool's errand

now why is that I don't think the
aircraft is genuine no I didn't notice

if somebody just wanted to rake this
whole thing up why I'm a mere appendage

of the machine professor
anyway the joke is the aircraft was

unimportant real or decoy because I
think I've tracked down these elusive

boxes what did you say was in them

tired exhausted

you okay feeling a bit neglected and
confused what do you mean

well you're not sure if I brought you
here for your head safety or just for a

good time

civil servants cumference yeah

which is it

I think I've gotta fall in love with you

I feel the same

morning professor hello faith you
mustn't actually when I saw mr. Fogg

looking so alone in the hotel dining
room I brought her along it seems a pity

to keep two people emotionally involved
at birth fine I've obtained a plan of

some archeological diggings that went on
here until after the w*r they finished

just about here somewhere where
something could be dropped from an

aircraft without being observed they
were quick if they were very quick and

this is what happens with the pimple
well that's what we're about to find out

well I'm glad that my archaeological
cover has not been entirely wasted

comrade glorious da let's see some of
your contribution to peaceful


got some impulse good man my
government's instructions are to allow

you to witness this fight the boxes will
then be taken unopened to London and

held at a secure place in the Department
of the Environment until a formal

request can be made by the Soviet
government then the boxes will be open

in the joint presence of Soviet and UK
officials an itemised in the event the

Soviet ownership is proved or obvious
the contents will be returned off with

well that's all proper and should the
boxes turn out to contain the Tsar's

treasure my government would be most
grateful if they would be exhibited at

the British Museum prior to shipping
back to the USSR one day I would play

chess with you yes well let's just see
how this game turns out so we found some

let's get the boxes in the car and back
to London I'm afraid not the box is

really put into my car and driven to the
Soviet embassy Europop area I thought

that was common knowledge but you won't
get a mile man may I remind you doctor

that this car is Soviet embassy car mr.
garea via the third secretary enjoys

full diplomatic protection
the repercussions for God's sake ah I've

had a brainstorm my country will be
desolate the boxes will be returned and

I will be sent for second treatment yes
very good at that

good Eve
marsinah drive booster

come on I am da rookie expose Elsa this
Rebecca teacher anniversaries yeah break

up analogs what will we find in there
you will find files document you will

burn down with gasoline from the scarf
if you burn them and destroy dashes and

then you are free to make a diplomatic

it would seem eager the boot is on the
other foot

I'll k*ll you Korea or I will

on the crowd go together you to panic

and it's pretty good

he's all yours David

well see my have you in check

Gouri have this no longer your home rate
on me what is he

GRU well I'll tell you what we've
proposed to do

will Sanger II have back to your embassy
about three hours before we release you

which would give him just enough time to
discredit your itself therefore your

supporters in the KGB in the Kremlin
what do you want why don't you tell me

what's in the boxes

highly secret communications within the
n*zi High Command and Red Army Chiefs of

Staff to overthrow styrene Politburo and
to work Hitler for a n*zi Russian

Japanese axis which would of course have
meant the defeat of the West and been

the death of the Soviet Union a betrayal
of everything your country has suffered

since the revolution precise

is it all there positive
and how will this help you control the

Red Army simple blackmail

you HOT Guria for 24 hours q get into

your chums at mo D in arranged for the
professor and the boxes to be flown to

Moscow this afternoon
I'll make sure here in the boxes reach

RAF Northolt safe

you're a brave man doctor how will you
explain to your employers that the

senior British official rendered such
services to the KGB

hmm oh I wasn't sure

(Upbeat Music)
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