Kautokeino Rebellion, The (2008)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Kautokeino Rebellion, The (2008)

Post by bunniefuu »

Little Aslak!
Don't come here.

- Are they bringing mother?
- No.

Wait here until I come back.

I can picture you,
even though I was not there.

A child missing his mother.

Imagine that it would be 17 years
before I would see you again.

You thought they came with me.
Your mother.

But I was not there.

Instead you saw something
that was not meant for your eyes.

It is difficult to explain
something so horrible to a child.

But now I want to tell you
why it happened.

So you can understand and remember.

So you can pass our story on
when I am no longer...

I remember well how it all began.

I can still feel
the cold in my bones.

I was often alone in those days.

Your father promised to come,
but the Dark House was too tempting.

- Has Mathis come?
- No.

How many head
will they take this time?

- He has stopped drinking.
- Stopped? It doesn't look like it.

- This cannot go on.
- I cannot stop the sale of liquor.

That liquor den is pure evil.
Nothing good comes out of it.

- It's your brother.
- Aslak!

- Has Mathis been here since we left?
- He's practically moved in.


- Have you already been to Finland?
- Yes. And you're still here drinking?

Damn, how time flies!

Is Elen watching the herd?

Your brother has a good wife. You
don't even have a girlfriend, Aslak.

- At least I have a big herd.
- Elen is a good herder. Cheers!

Mathis, it's time to go home.

Not now.
I'm talking to Mons.

- Where are the supplies?
- There. Behind the counter.

- I'm here to pick up our supplies.
- They are not on the list.

- Can you add them?
- No, I am afraid not.

he won't give us our supplies.


- Now what?
- You have to pay your debt.

- What debt?
- Ruth has made it very clear...

You can't go in there!

- What are they doing here?
- I'll take care of this.

- We need our supplies.
- Mathis, let me show you my book.

Let's see what I have on Mathis...

Ten casks. That's 12 specie dollars.
Or four adult reindeer.

No one can buy more than that
on credit. You know the rules.

Bring the carcasses tomorrow,
and I'll write up your supplies.

Get yourself home!

I'll get the supplies myself.

Stay away from me, boy!


He's taking his supplies.

You damn vagrant!
Think you can kick me out?



What's going on here?


They need their supplies.
I can pay for them.

- Get them.
- We don't want his merchandise!

We are finished here,
and we refuse to pay for his liquor!

- What?
- She doesn't want to deal with us.

- Who's with the herd?
- My mother.

I'll help you
until Mathis is back on his feet.

- She doesn't want to pay?
- No, not his liquor debt.

Mother, we have visitors.

Mathis, get up.
We have visitors.

- Hello.
- What is this about?

I have to take some reindeer.

- What is this?
- You are in debt to the merchant.

Is this legal?

If you do not pay, I, as sheriff,
must seize your assets.

- That liquor is decimating our herd.
- Then stop drinking!

Five head?

That is because I have to collect.
Settle directly with Ruth next time.

Mathis, come help us select
which ones to slaughter.

I'm going too.

That's it.
Everything is ready.

Bucht, we have to find
a better solution.

Like what?

Let me get you the ten casks,
and save the reindeer.

- Sorry.
- He is my brother.

He still has to pay his debts
like everyone else.

Let's get started.

Let's go back to the siida .

Here's to doing business.

No, keep it.

- They have cheap goods in Karesuando.
- Yes, at the market.

Why not buy our supplies there,
and sell directly to the siidas?

We could make good money doing that.

You should go too.
They celebrate Mass there.

- I want to go!
- You stay here with grandmother.

- Stubborn bastard!
- Now what?

Where are you going?


- Are you closing?
- Everything is closed during Mass.

Come to the church.
Laestadius is speaking.

It is closed
during church service hours.

Mathis, we are in Karesuando.

Everything is closed. We are going
to church. Come and warm up.

You go ahead.
I'll wait here.

We have all seen how healthy people
turn into pathetic wrecks.

Such is the power
of the Devil's piss!

They drink until they drop.
Crawl around on all fours, -

- as disgusting serpents
crawl from their mouths.

And their wives and children
drag them home like carcasses.

And they sell
their best animals for liquor.

They even steal reindeer for liquor!

Under the influence they perform
the most repulsive acts.

But there is hope,
for them as well.

It is written in the Holy Scripture.

''Your body
is the temple of the Holy Ghost.''

So take care of your body.
God's temple!

It is written in the Holy Scripture.

''The stranger that is within thee -

- shall get up above thee very high.''

''And thou shalt come down very low.''

''Thine ox shall be slain
before thine eyes, -

- and thou shalt not eat thereof.''

Is that what you want?

Do you want to rot
like carcass-eating animals?

- Do you want to rot?
- No!

Then improve your ways,
while there is still time.

Stop drinking!

Stop fighting.
Stop lying. Stop cheating.

Stop your loathsome behavior.
Improve your ways.

You are destroying yourself.

Those closest to you.
And your descendants.

Stand up. Go to those closest
to you. Ask for forgiveness.

Ask for forgiveness!



Lord, I beseech Thee, give him
the strength to confess his sins -

- to those nearest to him,
and to You.

So his soul may be liberated
from that which burns inside him.

I'll go talk to him.

Excuse me, pastor.

Could you come to us in Kautokeino?
We have to stop the sale of liquor.

- Can't your pastor help you?
- He is never there.

And when he is there,
he lives with the liquor merchant.

I wish I could help you,
but my work calls me further south.

You must take matters into
your own hands. Read these words.

They will awaken
the slumbering flame in your hearts.

Heaven is within us all.
Best of luck.

May the Almighty
hold His hand over you.

Little Aslak!

Join me with the herd.
Maybe we'll even see some wolves.

Hi, Inger.

- What is it?
- I need help with my herd.

- Why?
- I am all alone with it.

- Where is Rasmus?
- He went to town and hasn't returned.

- Come here!
- Put her on Rasmus' tab!

- Come home now, Rasmus.
- Let him have some fun.

- Stay out of this!
- Take it easy, Elen. Have a drink.

What the hell is going on?

You are the devil's henchman!
You are destroying our society!

See to it that they pay!
Every last one of them!

Your debt is now paid.

Here's to doing business with you.

Stop spreading that poison!

''He who drinks
will not find peace in his soul.''

''He is drawn to the liquor
like a fly to a cadaver.''

Laestadius' words
struck a chord in our hearts.

And little by little
people turned to a better life.

The general store lost business,
as almost everyone stopped drinking.

It was a happy time for us all.

Everyone wanted to read his writings.

And more and more people
joined our faith.

- Hasn't anyone else been here?
- No.

We usually have a full house
around this time.

Has Mathis been here
to pick up his supplies?

He has been to Karesuando
and seen the light.

- He has been saved.
- It's that damn pastor Laestadius.

I'll bet the bitch that tried to
burn this place down, was saved too.

- She's spreading the word.
- What?

Elen is spreading the word,
to keep people away from here.

I have an idea, darling.

Why don't you follow the mail back
to Alta, spend the summer there?

With your family?

And I could go to Sweden
and find out a little more -

- about this Laestadius.

- I don't think my cousin can help us.
- It's his job.

We're losing all our customers.
How are we to survive?

- And what about our new business?
- Don't you worry.

- It's expensive to build in Alta.
- I won't let them stop us.

We aren't going to be stuck here.
I promised you a good life in Alta.

This is but a stopover.
You are going to become a lady.

It will be the best House of Trade
in Alta. That will be your home!

I've promised you that,
and so it shall be.

That's why you have to bring Holmboe
here, so we don't lose our income.

I remember that summer very well.

It was unusually warm.

The sun shone night and day,
spreading hope of brighter days.

I see your summer in Alta
has done you well, my darling!

- I love you!
- Right... Holmboe!

Get yourself ashore.
I'll take those.

Much larger than I expected.

- But where are the customers?
- Down by the coast with their herds.

- So this is what it looks like.
- Hi, Anne-Elise!

- Have you been busy this summer?
- No, it's just been me and...

Not many people have come by.
We have mostly been alone.

Put the tray down over there.

- Attorney Holmboe.
- Anne-Elise Blix.

Get his room and the bath house
ready, while we have a drink.


''The pastor and sheriff
must fear the liquor merchant -

- like a wolf
that sucks human blood.''

''They dare not report the liquor
merchant for fear of their life.''

''The liquor merchant threatens
to k*ll anyone who informs on...''

This is the nonsense
he is spreading among his subjects.

What am I to do?

These are powerful words.
Are they the pastor's own?

Laestadius originale.
I got them in Sweden this summer.

''Even officials themselves
are led to drink.''

''They themselves
trick the Lapps with liquor.''

He fills the people with that.
Is it any wonder they attack us?

He is drying up our market.

He has made Swedish authorities ban
the trade of alcohol in Lappland.

He cannot do that here.

This fanaticism
is spreading like wildfire!

It may already be
on its way to the coast.

What am I to do, brother? Tell me!

This runs counter to
the teachings of the church.

Listen to me.

Go to the county governor with this.

Persuade him to act. Because
this affects me and my family.

Do this for me, brother.


Thank you.

I fear for the merchant's
safety and well-being.

- Sounds like religious infatuation.
- With fanatical undertones.

They have already carried out
physical excesses.

This is a matter for the church,
not the authorities.

- They have no pastor there.
- Let us send one.

One with power and authority.

We are the temple. The church
is merely a structure built by man.

We won't find care in the church,
but in our hearts.

That is written in the Scriptures.

''Discretion shall preserve thee.''

''Understanding shall keep thee.''

''To deliver thee
from the way of the evil man...''

What are you doing here?
Get thee hence, raven!

Pull yourself together!
I will have no more of these rituals.

The word of God is not to be misused.

He is to be worshiped
under proper conditions.

Who are you?

I am your new pastor.

What kind of pastor are you,
that strikes people?

I beg you, dear children,
come to the house of God.

The church.
Where we together can face the light.

The light known as Jesus, son of God.

The way, the truth, and the life.

His gospel spreads
a message of great joy.

Not through our weak flesh.

It is written in this book.

The raven is drawn to
the House of Evil.

- Well?
- It is worse than I thought.

Confused souls that use the Bible
as some sort of fetish.

And this is a civilized nation?
No, I must get to the parsonage.

- You are welcome to stay here.
- Supper is served.


I met the new pastor.
He is not a good man.

- He hit grandmother.
- Who did?

The new pastor wants to stop us
and help Ruth. He went to the store.


- What?
- We want to talk to the pastor.

I'm warning you.
Insult him, and I'll kick you out.

Why do you attack people
during a Christian gathering?

According to the church,
such meetings are ungodly.

- It is my duty to stop them.
- Your duty is to help us.

- Stop the liquor sales!
- I do not have the authority.

- But Laestadius did it!
- I have to follow Norwegian law.

- How do you intend to help us?
- By following the word of God.

- Then come to our meetings.
- Use your ears, not your cane.

- Did you come here to insult me?
- You insult us by beating us.

You will respect the pastor.
Get out!

Stop hitting people!

We did not attend church,
as the pastor had demanded.

He preached to an empty church.

And we continued with our meetings.

We heard nothing from him
that autumn.

That winter Aslak and Mons went
to Karesuando to purchase supplies.

In order to sell them to our people.

You won't find a better price
than mine in Sweden.

- You can count on us.
- See you soon again.

The new system worked well.
We no longer needed Ruth's store.

Hello, everyone!
Here are your new supplies.

- Do you have candy?
- We have everything!

And cheaper than Ruth's...

Aslak is riding around
selling supplies to the siidas .

- To keep people away from here.
- Shit!

What is it?

You have to come with me.
You too, Aslak and Mons.

- What's going on?
- You provoked the pastor.

You must come in for questioning.

We do not have time now. We have
to bring the herd to the plateau.

- We have to wait for the herd...
- No, they come with us now.

- Who are those two?
- The pastor's assistants.

Come voluntarily,
so we can avoid any more trouble.

We do not want trouble. Let us hear
what the pastor has to say.

Keep the herd together
until we get back.

- If any animals try to stray...
- I'll keep an eye on them.

We have to keep the herd together!

- I am placing you in custody.
- Are you arresting me?

- I see no other solution.
- You have no right!

I must be able to perform my duty
without fearing for my safety.

You, Bucht,
are the one who should be in prison!

Where are they?

We are running out of reindeer moss.

I will go look for them.

You are no spiritual guide. Instead
of helping, you arrest innocent men!

Do not let him
frighten you to silence!

Does anyone else here
wish to challenge the authorities?

That man is the devil's helper!

From now on I expect to see
you all in church, every Sunday.

And I will have no more
of those fanatical meetings.

From now on
such activity will be punished.

What has happened?

The pastor has sent them all
to prison, including Mathis.

Why have you imprisoned them?

- Don't bother the pastor.
- We need them to move the herds!

There, there, my child.
Calm down. Come inside.

Sit down.

Do you have something to confess?

I'm afraid.
I'm afraid of losing our herd.

It is all we have.

I beg you from my heart.
Help us.

We are too few. We cannot
round up the herd without our men.

The herd will spread,
become prey to the wolves.


I also have a flock to tend.
It is scattered to the four winds.

And I fear for the wolves.
Day and night.

I will not find peace
until it is gathered.

Help me.
Help me to gather my flock.

Don't you understand?
We need our men back now! Today!

They are on their way to Alta.

And they will stay there
until you return to the church.

Go back to your people, please.
Help me gather my flock.

The sooner you choose the Christian
path, the sooner they will return.

- Get out.
- He does not understand.



What are we doing here?
You have no right to keep us here!

We have to round up the herd!

We are too few!
You know that as well as I.

- Mother, come!
- Quiet!

I am so sorry, my child.

I will never do that again.

I will round up the herd. Everything
will be fine. Do not worry.

You can become so distressed that you
get angry, even at your own child.

We did not know what to do.

The pastor held our men because he
thought we refused to attend church.

But we did not have time
to attend church.

We had to round up our herds.

I found some on the mountain plateau,
but they are difficult to move alone.

Go away!

Go away!

''The Spirit of the Lord is upon me.''

''He hath anointed me
to preach the gospel to the poor.''

''He hath sent me to preach
deliverance to the captives.''

''And recovering of sight
to the blind.''

''To set at liberty
them that are bruised.''

''To preach
the acceptable year of the Lord.''

Such are the words of our Lord.

Sit down.

You too.
Sit down.

I need help.

You had our men arrested.
You can set them free.

Respect the church!

I am begging you for help,
in the name of God.

If you do not respect the word
of God, I must ask you to leave.

The Bible says God does not live
in buildings of wood and stone.

Who are you to blaspheme God
during a holy church service?

- Are you of the devil?
- You are the devil's pastor!

- You do the opposite of the Bible...
- Enough!

This service is over.
I am sorry.

You'll pay for this!

But you refuse to understand!

Stockfleth has arrested our men
in the middle of the migration.

We tried to hold
our herds together, but failed.

We cannot keep them together.

We need help to round them up,
and to free our men.

They cannot stay in prison
without being sentenced, can they?

- No.
- Then have them released!

Elen, I shall see to it
that they are released.

Help her round up the herd.

Who can help her today? Go to
the north side of Golggotvuopmi.

No one can be held in prison -

- without being convicted of a crime.

There is no formal charge here.

I therefore insist that you
have the men released immediately.

If not, I shall go directly
to county governor Harris.

The law here is crystal clear.

Perhaps I have been blinded
by my zeal.

- I'll see what I can do.
- Good. Thank you, pastor.

The sheriff is clearly afflicted
with the same madness.

Let's go to Alta.
We must act swiftly.

The animals will be well off here.

This is a good grazing area.
They will settle down here.

- Where is father?
- He will come.

I have called you here
to make the following announcement:

Ole Isaksen H?tta has been removed
as sheriff, effective immediately.

The new sheriff in his stead
will be Lars Johan Bucht.

This is the authorities' decision.
Please respect it.

What about the prisoners?

The prisoners' fate
is in your own hands.

They will be released as soon as
conditions here become civilized.

What is going on here?

The authorities
have made their decision.

Did you tell them the truth?

Of course.
Are you accusing me of lying?

How could you otherwise
have removed the sheriff?

- What are you saying?
- The sheriff must be reinstated!

Our men must be set free! Do it, or
we will contact the county governor!

You have no authority
to submit such a claim.

For the last time:
Respect the authorities' decision!

Let us gather in the schoolroom.

Make sure the bishop gets this
as soon as possible. Godspeed.

The bishop will help us.


It is a great honor to have you
visit us out here in the wilderness.

- Thank you for inviting me.
- Welcome, bishop.

Let us go inside the schoolroom.
It is warm and nice in there.

''...that whosoever -

- believeth in him should not -

- perish,
but have everlasting life.''

- Thank you, Anne.
- Well done! Thank you.

That was the last one.

Excuse me,
may I ask the bishop a question?


Is it legal
to arrest innocent people?

I apologize, bishop Juell,
I didn't know you had arrived.

Hello, Stockfleth. I am amazed at
your congregation's knowledge level.

Even the youngest can read.

The diminished drinking and improved
reading skills are an inspiration.

I feel placed in a different world.

Your genuine longing for God
touches me deeply.

May I invite you to a small meal?

Thank you, Stockfleth.

They have been imprisoned
without being charged.

There will have to be
legal consequences.

What do you mean?

If they are acquitted, someone
will have to be held responsible.

As I see it...

It is important the church not
take sides in a secular conflict.

We must recreate a level of trust
between church and congregation.

I think perhaps the bishop -

- has been lured into viewing these
believers in too positive a light.

- Perhaps?
- I agree, Mr. Ruth.

Bishop, I have seen first-hand
how this movement has grown.

As you well know,
such movements are most harmful.

Not just to the church,
but to the congregation itself.

Let us remember why I came here.

I promise that your men
soon will stand trial.

They will be treated
like any other citizen.

So please respect the decision
of the court, whatever it may be.

It is important for us to look ahead.

To together recreate a bond
between you and the church.

So I have decided
to find a new man of the cloth.

Who will find the light and warmth
we are all searching for, with you.

Stockfleth will therefore
be replaced by a new pastor.

That went well!

Those who imprisoned our men
without convicting them, -

- could now themselves be convicted.

So this trial was important.
Not in order to have us convicted, -

- but so they themselves
could avoid being convicted.

Things are not always
as they appear to be.

Remember that.

This court is in session.
Bring in defendant number one.

Is it true
that you att*cked the pastor?

It was not an attack.
It was merely a heated discussion.

How did you experience the situation?

I was assaulted. He grabbed me
by the throat. Threatened me.

- And you witnessed this act?
- Yes. It was a shocking sight.

The pastor was att*cked like a...

That isn't true! They are lying.
Mathis didn't do that.

Elen Skum? You are wanted
for questioning. Come.

With an unbridled rudeness
I had never seen the likes of, -

- she interrupted
a holy church service.

And with an exalted voice,
she yelled out at me.

And called me a devil.

Do you admit to
calling the pastor a devil?

- I came to ask for help.
- Everyone here witnessed her actions.

She interrupted the service
and called the pastor a devil.

Don't you understand? I needed help!
He refused to talk to me.

- Order in the court!
- The defendant may be escorted out.

Sentencing is in one hour.
This court is adjourned.

Prosecutor Holmboe has issued
the following sentences:

Aslak Jacobsen H?tta
is sentenced to prison -

- for fifteen, 15, days.

Rasmus Spein
is sentenced to fifteen, 15, days.

Mons Aslaksen Somby
is sentenced to fifteen, 15, days.

Mathis Jacobsen H?tta, for
attacking a senior civil servant, -

- is sentenced to
eight months hard labor.

Order in the court!

Be quiet out there!

Elen Skum, for having interrupted
a church service -

- and for inciting rebellion, -

- is sentenced to hard labor
for one year and six months.

The prisoners
shall be transported immediately.

Where will I be sent?

You will be held in Alta
until you are transferred.

Who will take care of my child?

- Who can take him?
- His grandmother. In the siida .

Let her bring her child
to his grandmother.

Bucht, escort her.
She must return today.

Let's go to grandmother.

When will you be back?

First there will be one summer,
then one winter.

Then summer again, and then
I will return the next winter.

Your father will be back
well before that.

You'll do fine with the herd.

Come on!
Let's go!

Goodbye, my dear.
Give my best to the others.

Mother will be back.

Sit down in the middle one!


- Do not leave me!
- It's all right, my boy.


- Find some reindeer!
- The herd is miles from here.

- We lost the raide !
- Now they connot follow our trail.

Take my jacket.
Are you cold?

We found these on the other side
of the plateau. No trace of them.

Get help. Find her.

Don't worry.
We are almost at the sod hut.

Here it is.

I'll get us inside.

Bucht, we can't find her.

They are hiding her
until Aslak is released.

Then they will fight
to have you convicted instead.


take care of my wife and child.

I promise.

- Finally!
- Where is Little Aslak?

- With his mother.
- Where is she?

- Elen escaped.
- Escaped?

To the sod hut.

- How is the herd?
- It is in one place.

- I have come for Elen. Where is she?
- We just got here.

It's illegal to hide a fugitive.
Where is she?

She just disappeared.

If she doesn't turn herself in,
the sheriff will take action...

He will never find her,
even with a hundred men.

Give this to Elen immediately.

It's up to you. If she doesn't come,
she'll suffer the consequences.

- What is this?
- The court costs.

They can take them in reindeer.

I have to talk to Elen.

He wants to slaughter our herd.

As payment for the court costs.

I thought they were going to
treat everyone equally.

That someone would understand.

We will help you.

It is no use, Aslak.
They are too many, we are too few.

Come to the siida tomorrow.
We will protect you and your herd.

Do not worry, Elen.

Tomorrow we will round up
the largest herd ever seen before.

Good idea!
Let's get old L?rros herd too!

They are joining the herds.
They already have over 1000 head.

The bigger the herd, the harder
it is to find Elen's reindeer.

- How many head can they end up with?
- Over 3000. We'll never find hers.

Take her animals,
before it's too late.

- You have to come! Fast!
- What is it?

They're taking our reindeer.

That's her earmark.

- What are you doing?
- We were sent to take your herd.

- Not until Mathis is back!
- All convicts must pay court fees.

You're going to the sheriff.

- Mother!
- Help! Help me!

Let go of my daughter, scoundrels!

Help Elen!

- What the hell?
- Help them!

When Bucht hears about this, Aslak,
you're dead!

He's going to demand the same
from all the convicts, including you!

We have to do something!

Or we will lose everything we own.

We must go to Kautokeino.

Stay here with grandmother.

What's going on?

Tie them up! All of them!
You're all going to prison!

It hurts to think that it would be
17 years before I saw you again.

I thought about you
every day I sat in prison.

I know that it got quiet.

That no one wanted
to talk about what had happened.

There are certain things
that are difficult to talk about.

But silence advances nothing.

We must speak.
Try to understand.

Even when
all hope appears to be lost.

About face!

The leaders behind this misdeed
were the two miserable wretches -

- that today shall die
by the executioner's blade.

As testimony to the fact
that God will not be blasphemed.

Let us through daily repentance
and our faith in Christ -

- prepare for the sinister hour when
we also shall come before His throne.

Let us pray with each other
and for each other.

And let us at this solemn time
ask our Father in heaven -

- to have mercy upon
our two wretched brethren.

And ask that they at this time
acknowledge and repent of their sins.

In the name of Jesus Christ.

Do you repent of your sins
with all your heart, -

- particularly the misdeed
for which you now shall die?


Shall I grant you absolution,
before you face eternity?

That will not be necessary.

Lord Jesus, answer me.
Why am I unable to repent?

As you prepare to face
our all-knowing judge, -

- do you repent the misdeed
for which you now shall die?

I want to repent.

But I am unable.

Are you, in the name of the Lord,
prepared to die for your sins?

I do not know if the Lord cares
if I am prepared or not.

By the power vested in me, -

- shall I grant you absolution,
before you face eternity?


Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy name...

They left us,
but their hope never faded.

Hope never dies.

It spreads to new hearts.
New generations.

Like a spring wind
brings tidings of a warm summer.

They lost their lives.

But one thing could never
be taken from them: Hope.

You also have that.

Cherish it.

The heads were shipped to Oslo
for scientific research.

Aslak and Mons'descendants fought
to have the state return the skulls.

In 1997, after 145 years, they were
finally given a worthy funeral.
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