Battle at Lake Changjin, The (2021)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Battle at Lake Changjin, The (2021)

Post by bunniefuu »

Revolutionary Martyr, Company Commander Wu Baili.

Huzhou, Zhejiang

Who is the ashes in your urn?


Wu Wanli, stinky boy!

I'll tell your father to punish you later!

Liu Shaozi.

Liu Shaozi.

You want to tell me to my father!

Wu Wanli,

Come here.

You have a g*n?

I'm so scared.

You're strong too, huh.

Do you remember?

Let go of me!

Tepos ass, who am I?









Qianli pulang!



Baili... died.


Eat it.

Qianli, eat too.

What's your job?


In the army?

I'm the company commander.

How much did you order?

Around 150.

You're a high official!

Yes, high office.

I heard from Limpy Chen...

he said the government would allocate us a land area of ​​0.39 hectares.


when we fought in the Mengyin area,

I see there's a house there...

gable roof flush and there is a support.

The roof can accommodate 5 swallow nests.

Our family has always lived in a floating house.

When we build a house there,

the villagers will surely see us in a new way.

Mother, this is my allowance.

If we wake up February 2 next year, we can finish in early winter.

When I get back, we'll find...

good wife to Wanli.

You want to go again?

You still go to w*r?

Ma'am, the w*r is over.

No more wars.

No more wars.

Show me your w*apon.

Here I-see.

Don't point the g*n at anyone.

I told you not to point the g*n at anyone!

Command from the Corps Headquarters!

Command from the Corps Headquarters!

Attention everyone!

Siapa Wu Qianli?


An emergency!

Your leave is canceled.

Report for duty tomorrow morning. / Ready!



I'll be home early spring.

I built the house as soon as I got back.

I want to go to w*r with you.

Baili says he and I have fought enough for our family.

You can't enlist in the army.

Butt Tepos, wait for me to come home.

Come back now.


15 September 1950

Incheon, Korea

Since July 7 this year,

General MacArthur USA, commanding a force of Marines, declares w*r on North Korea.

At high speed, the US Air Force...

b*mb the entire enemy field.

Victory is expected in the short span of a few weeks.

This is AFNK.

Delivering the latest news from the front row.

We are already approaching the industrial zone of the western region of the Yalu River.

In position, target locked,

ready to drop the b*mb.

Continue the mission.


Headquarters, this is Team Blade.

We're above the bombing zone,

across the Chinese border.

Target AH is open, waiting for command.


Tim Blade.

Take wing 8 position to the second location.

Our mission is to cut off their supply lines...

in any way.


Blade Team, all right.

Antung Chinese border

Enemy planes!

Enemy planes!

Wolmido Islands, Incheon

The perfect photo for the press.

Is this part of MacArthur's future presidential campaign?

You think he'll be president after this w*r?

He's been tried twice.

OLIVER P. SMITH (1st Marine Division Commander.)


US Army 7th Infantry Division. 31st Infantry Regiment. AKA Polar Bear.

Look, the bear soldier is throwing up.

How can you take the boat back home?

If you want to throw up, do it without being seen.

Don't embarrass the regiment.

Remember what our regiment did in Siberia, World w*r I?

When did we stop the Japanese in the Philippines in World w*r II?

Our legacy, man!

Don't worry, man,

this is not Normandy.

It's an easy task.

Let the 1st Marine Division prance for the reporters...

and we'll show the soldier what a real battle looks like.

DOUGLAS MacARTHUR [Army General]

We will take Seoul back...

and make Korea whole!

Dan kujamin,

this will be a quick w*r.

If God wills, it will end with Thanksgiving.

General, make Korea whole...

means American troops will cross the 38th Parallel?

If this is best for Korea and the world,

then God will guide our way!

Are you sure about this operation, General?

You underestimate Kim II-Sung?

He was backed by Stalin and Mao.

I never underestimate my enemy.

I have a record.

The incredible 1st Marine Division...

and the best generals and troops ...

on this earth of God's creation.

I'm sure we'll make it.

PENG DUHAI Deputy Chair of CMC. Pacific Area military commander.

I think we'll finish this well before Thanksgiving.

General, you read my mind.

EDWARD M. ALOMOND X Corps Commander

{\ an3} BEIJING 4 October 1950

15 s/d 19 September,

more than 70,000 fully armed U.S. troops landed in Incheon.

On September 8, the Korean People's Force ...

retreat north from the 38th parallel.

More serious problems,

MacArthur visited Taiwan on July 31st.

According to our report, the 13th US Air Force...

will be based in Taiwan.

This is the biggest US move...

since March 7 and lock down Taiwan.

26 June this year.

This is a major violation of...

US government statement...

January 5 this year.

In October, last year,

1st Cavalry Division and 24th Division...

The US Army completes the assembly...

and ready to head north through the 38th Parallel at any moment.

America is really going to break through our borders.

Did you hear that?

If they break through the 38th Parallel,

will they cross the Yalu River as well?

In fact, although stationed in Taiwan,

US troops have invaded our territory.

They are now assembling troops on the Korean Peninsula

and thr*aten our national security.

{\ an1} October, 1950

3 am in the morning.

MAO ANYING Putra Mau Zedong

Paman Peng.


is the boss sleeping? / Not yet.

I'm sure you'll be here...

and told me to wait for you at the door.

Perpustakaan Chrysanthemum Fragrance


A number of warships will be deployed...

to join the United States Seventh Fleet.


Meanwhile, America will strengthen its military forces in Taiwan.

Peng, you haven't slept yet?

What do you think about this situation?

I'd like to hear your opinion first, Chief.

This country is newly formed..

and thousands of problems waiting to be resolved.

If it's for our current situation,

I don't want this w*r.

But if it's for the future....

and make peace...

our country for decades or centuries,

we have to fight in this w*r.

Foreigners look down on us.

Self worth...

can only be obtained on the b*ttlefield.

I agree.

I support your decision to help Korea.

I'm relieved.

Chief, I think...

we must also have troops on the eastern front.

We can place it on Changjin Lake...

to fight U.S. forces.

Paman Peng.

Paman Peng.

Let me guess.

I know what are you going to say?

I want to be your first troop, Commander Peng.

You have 2 brothers.

The other one is missing and still not found...

di Shanghai, kan?

Ya, di Shanghai.

The other is seriously ill.

You're the only one left...

who can live with your father now. / Uncle Peng.

That's why you can't come, son ...

Hundreds of thousands of civilian children...

will go to w*r with a team commander.

Why am I not allowed?

Peng, let him come with you.

Right now, the most important thing...

on our west side,

I- Corps with 1st Cavalry and 24th Division...

the 38th will break through and take Pyongyang.

US troops bombard the 38th parallel.

Mother, this is Fortune 7 Squadron Commander, post 359.

We have arrived at our IP.

The initial hit will be aimed at the "Cast Iron" Target.

Time to exceed target, estimated in minutes.

Meanwhile, the current plan....

requires us to take over the port city of Hungnam...

and headed west to the Yalu River.

Remember we will be separated from our troops at Changjin Lake.

The US Army will move north ....

and enters the Parallel 38 region.

The Yalu River was right in front of them.

If we ignore them,

our domestic and foreign enemies will consider us weak and stupid.

We are in the same boat.

Colleagues from Korea are asking for our help.


throw one punch now...

to avoid a hundred hits in the future.

I decided...

set up Kamerad Peng Dehuai ...

as the Commander of the Chinese People's Volunteer Force ...

and Political Commissar...

to lead the team in this operation overseas.

USA Headquarters Tallest Building Tokyo, Japan.

US Temporary Headquarters on the Eastern Front

Gentlemen, our tanks have entered territory 38 ...

and the enemy is overwhelmed against us.

It seemed victory was certain.

It's time for us to plan our next steps.

General, the Air Force has taken control of the airspace.

The 10th Corps captured Hungnan Port...

and we are ready to proceed to the Yalu River.

{\ an6} Korea East Front Nangnim Mountains

Sir, did the president order us to proceed to Yalu?

Mr. Truman did not deliver the order,

just a suggestion.

So what about the Chinese Communists?

{\ an6} American Western Front Headquarters Pyongyang, Korea

They have mobilized their troops ...

and they attack our members.

What are our actions in response to this preventive warning....

{\ an6} Walton H. Walker [Team Commander 8]

for their actions?

General Walker, we command a trained force,

not a farmer.

If we want to end this w*r,

we have to attack while the iron is still hot.

Taeyu-Dong Volunteer Force Headquarters, Korea

Commander, we received a telegram.

U.S. mechanical forces continued to move rapidly toward the North.

If this continues,

The enemy will soon be at our doorstep.

Commander Peng, the US 1st Marine Division has...

landed at Wonsan.

{\ an6} DENG HUA Deputy Commander of the Chinese People's Volunteer Force.

Their division commander Major General Smith...

who led 25,000 fully armed forces ...

to gather from the eastern front towards Changjin Lake.

They want to attack in the form of a pin attack.

with their troops on the western front ...

in order to achieve their goal of occupying Korea completely.

Immediately report to the Chairman.

Want to gather our troops on the western front first...

to face the U.S. forces.

At the same time, ask the Central Military Commission...

sending strategic troops to Korea soon...

and confronted the enemy on the eastern front of Changjin Lake.


Send a telegram to the Commander in Chief...

Explain that Kanggye and Lake Changjin ...

should be taken care of by ...

Korps ke-9 Song Shilun.

{\ an4} 3rd Army, 9th Corps of the Chinese People's Volunteer Force

Their mission is to lure the enemy in...

and take advantage of the opportunity to finish them off.

How many Type 38 g*ns do we have?


What about Sten 99?

We have a lot of that.

Bring everything back.

Company Commander, Yu Congrong fought with another team.

Who with? / Troops from the a*tillery Battalion.

Do not move.

Say it out loud!

I can't hear.

You just can't.

Get down.

Yu Congrong!

Yang, what happened?

Battalion Commander Yang, say ... / Shut up!

Company Commander.

Battalion Commander Yang said the battle at Chenguan Village...

inflicted heavy casualties on the 7th Company.

If we win, that's not a big deal.

If it weren't for the a*tillery Battalion,

we won't be able to enter the b*ttlefield.

They should be awarded this victory award.

Battalion Commander Yang, our 7th Company confiscated...

8 of 11 cannons for your a*tillery Battalion.

We helped you, right?

You are great.

What a great honor to end with so many victims!

What do you mean? / Wu Qianli!

What are you doing?

Regards motion!

Division Commander, we want to hold an event with the a*tillery Battalion.

Stop messing around, the Commander is here.

Ready to move!

Commander, I'm Wu Qianli,

7th Company Commander.

I've heard about you.

Hero of our 9th Corps.

Your 7th Company is quite famous.

People call you the 7th Intruder Company.

Central Corps Committee...

should have given you a medal,

but now be patient until the end of the w*r.


Regards motion!

SONG SHILUN Commander and political commissar of the 9th Corps of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army.

Rest in motion!


I just met a boy...

here today.

He insists on our Division Commander...

allowed him to enlist in the army.

The Division Commander asked him,

"Why do you want to be in the army?"

He said,

My dad said...

land given to our family ...

by the communist party...

and Chief Mao.

But there are people here...

want to take the land from them.

Let's not let that happen.

That's how it should be.

For the whole nation we have just become independent.

We haven't even had a break yet...

imperialis AS...

start a w*r with Korea...

on our northern border.

They intend to start a w*r...

to China we just woke up.

So what should I do?


That's right!

Ketua Mao dan Panglima Zhu...

ordered 9th Corps...

moving north,

against US aggression, helping Korea,

and defend our country!

Reject US aggression and help Korea!

Defend our country!

Fight US aggression and help Korea!

Defend our country!

Forward, forward, forward!

Our troops will run towards the sun.

Defend our homeland,

we are the hope the people crave.

Nobody can sh**t us.

Wu Qianli!


Bring 7th company back. / Ready!

He's the kid the commander just said.

He said he was Wu Qianli's younger brother.

I'll leave it to you.


Come here!

Know where this place is from?

I'm secretly following you.

Where do you know the Division Commander?

He must be a high official if he rides in a car.

You stopped the Division Commander's car?

I want to be a soldier.

Mom and Dad know?


Go away from here!

All teams to the specified location!

Download setup!

One two three four!

Save the time!

141 troops should report to 3rd Company.

130 teams have reported ready to carry out the task.

The others are on their way back.

258 troops should report to the a*tillery Battalion.

221 troops have already reported for duty.

157 teams report ...

to Company of 7 Intruders.


Mei Sheng from 7th company reported for duty.

157 troops should report...

to a company of 7 Intruders.

157 teams have already reported ready to perform the task.




I want to pee.

Report first then talk.

If you want to pee, do it here.



I can now!

Do not touch me.

Move aside.

You just left the army. Why come back?

Maybe someone feels uncomfortable without me.

You mean me?

As soon as I got home I read the newspaper.


I haven't filled out my resignation form yet.

I rode my bike for 12 hours...

to come back here.

You should massage me as soon as we get on the train.

Of course.

What are you doing?


Anyone catch him!

I ordered!

All teams get in the car!

All teams get in the car!


Get in the car!

Wu Wanli, turun!

This way!


Over there.



Get up there.

Come on.

Everything is here? / Ready!

The 9th Corps heads to the China-Korea Border...

after training and inauguration in Shandong.

Register the new member under the a*tillery Platoon.

Take notes and register him later.

We have no shortage of teams.

His name is Wu Wanli.

Please teach him.

We are going to w*r.

How can I teach him?

Teach him the same way you taught me.

Teach him how to survive.

You joined Platoon Commander Lei.

What do you see?


Are you shy?

Why do you want to be a soldier?

For my brother to respect me.

What do you mean?

You can be said to be strong...

if your enemy respects you.

When was I given a g*n?

You want a g*n?

Seize one on the b*ttlefield for yourself.

Right isn't it?



Ping He, take this.

Your daughter?

8 years.

4 + 4 = 7, the answer.

Why did you bring all your medals here?

Are you afraid of losing your medal? / If I leave in Shanghai,

my family will definitely miss me.

My wife rode her bike over 100 kilos to get me here.

She cried all the way.

He asks when will I come home.

My parents did not persuade me to stay at all.

I promised them they would be back this spring...

want to build a house for them.

She is very serious. Stop bothering her.

Come on, little boy.

I introduce everything to you.

Namaku Yu Congrong,

1st Platoon Commander of the 7th Intruder Company.

Enemies are usually in front when others attack.

When I attack, the enemy is in front,

behind me, and surround me.


Don't take up arms.

You must reclaim the honor you lost yourself.

The person I will introduce next...

a*tillery Platoon Commander.

I'm Lei.

Baili dan Qianli...

all trained by him.


in Company 7, he was a father.

He's Lei's father.

Call him Father Lei.

We will fight again.

What are you thinking?

If you?

That fear will relapse on the b*ttlefield...

as written in the book.

The fear you feel as a new member.

It feels like that.

Don't fight if you can't win. / Let me go!

I will k*ll him!

The one behind you is our sn*per, Ping He.



Where are we?

7th Intruder Company!

The 7th Company shouldn't be like this.

Am I in the wrong carriage?

I told Yu Congrong to test his mind.


They bother me.

Annoying you?

Fight back!

They are more.

All enemies encountered by the 7th company ...

often outnumber us.

You can tell the enemy...

if we outnumber them?

We will have a joint event with Comrade Wu Wanli.

Regards motion!

Rest in place!

Yu Congrong. / Siap!

You're an experienced partner.

Tell Wu Wanli ...

how Company Commander Wu Baili died.


Company Commander Wu Baili is actively attacking the enemy...

with a small group of troops in Huaihai.

After besieging the enemy bunker, he died....

while protecting his comrades -in -arms.

What did the 7th Company do after he died?

7th Intruder Company...

finish and captivate...

enemy forces that are 6 times their number.

The enemy bunker that should be....

holding our troops for over a year ...

could only hold the 7th Company for half a day.

Our vanguard lies in enemy defense territory.

There might be many victims, but because of those sacrifices,

the number of victims is reduced.

We should not be proud of this.

The most important thing is to survive.

We can't be careless.

The U.S. forces we're going to face ...

equipped with the most advanced weapons in the world.

This battle will be very difficult.

But we must fight for victory.

Do you understand, Wu Wanli?

Wu Wanli,

You are now the 677th soldier...

of the 7th Intruder Company.

You could say, "Not many people."

There are just over 100 teams here. "

We always count every soldier...

since the formation of this 7th company,

including the dead...

or dismissed due to injury.

And now you're one of us.

I'm the 135th soldier...

of the 7th Intruder Company,

Mei Sheng.

221st Soldier,

Yu Congrong.

280th Soldier,

Ping He.

335th Soldier,

He Changgui.

572th Soldier,

Li Chizheng.

657th Soldier,

Liu Zhiyi.

533rd Soldier,

Ba Long.

565th Soldier,

Xuan Qiang.

162nd Soldier,

Wu Qianli.

161st Soldier,

Wu Bai li.

17th Soldier,

Lei Suisheng.

If you?

I told you again.

No need.

He will remember when the time comes.

I just hope he will...

I don't want anything from him.

Wu Wanli,

You're afraid experienced troops won't accept you.

Kuberitahu ya.

You'll know if they accept you...

when you are on the b*ttlefield.

Cracked eggs...

destined to be eaten.

If you could crack the egg from the inside,

maybe you're an eagle.

I want to announce:

because of Comrade Wu Wanli's breach of discipline...

and the chaos he causes,

original plans for the arms handover event were cancelled.


I was dismissed!

You really don't want me to be a soldier.


I will go!

Wu Wanli..


Don't stop me!

You want to die?

Stop it!

You will stand here as your punishment...

until morning.

Take this.

Your sister agrees.

Remember, never point a g*n at your own people.

Go sleep on my bed.


The Company Commander told me to stand until morning.

Not yet time.

You and your two brothers are stubborn!



Very good.

Very good.

Time to eat!

Hey, what are you doing?



You haven't given me the b*llet.

Where's the b*llet?

I'll give it when we get to Korea.

Do not forget.

Ji'an East Station China Border

Station Master, where did you lose your hand?


What the hell. Stop it.

What do you want? Just say it.

I heard it was cold across the river.

Is that all you wear?

Why don't you change into padded clothes in Shenyang?

There is no.

Otherwise, we won't bother you.

These are all badges and awards ...

for officers and soldiers ...

7th Intruder Company.

We delivered it as ordered.

If you could stay for two more days,

50,000 padded clothes will arrive.

Let me.

7th Infiltrator Company ordered to transport 20 radio transmitters to Korea...

and wait for orders there.

We are ready to complete the mission!

Wu Wanli, look.

US fighter planes!

It's a US plane!

Reconnaissance plane.

Get on!

Thank you brothers!

Padded clothes!

Get her padded clothes!


- Take the padded clothes! - Let's go!


Get her padded clothes!

Let's go now!


7th Company, get on the train!

Get in the car now!

Hurry, hurry!

Mana Wu Wanli?

Wu Wanli!

Mana Wu Wanli?


Everything complete?

2nd Platoon is here!

3rd Platoon is here!

Company commander, look!

Get her padded clothes!


Padded clothes!


Don't come here!


Grab her clothes!

Look after yourself!

Enough! Don't throw again.

Look after yourself!

Look after yourself!

Padded clothes!


Thank You!

Take care of yourselves.

Come back!

Thank You!

Qianli, I saw someone died from a b*mb.

Without radio transmitter,

We can't communicate with headquarters...

or front -line troops.

It's like not having a map,

it's impossible to fight in a w*r.

Commander Peng, additional military radio...

had already been dispatched to the Ji'an train.

The 9th Corps was responsible for escorting it to the volunteer team.

What about the new team? / They will arrive at the same time.

China-Korea Border Yalu River Bridge

Why did the car stop?

There are roadworks ahead.

Rest for 30 minutes!

Rest 30 minutes. OK.

Dude, time is of the essence!

Come on!


Who's that?

Tan Ziwei, komandan Batalyon ke-3.

He's from our company.

He's the 160th soldier.

He signed up along with Baili.



He used to be a sn*per in our company.

Invincible hero.

Battalion Commander, Division Commander wants to see you.

Platoon Commander, are we there yet?

Yes, we just crossed the Yalu River.


The b*llet.

Oh, that.

I'll let you know once we get to the b*ttlefield.

Come on, come back with me.

They are all sn*pers.

Who's great, Ping He or him?

Who is great, your sister or him?

Nonsense, my sister has 2.

Two on one.

What necklace is that?

I don't want to say.

I just saw the team car.

Headquarters, it's Summer 19.

We saw a car carrying the North Korean team ...

stop in the middle of the valley.

Sign in now!

AU troops prepare equipment!

The AU company got ready and got out of the car!

Decentralized and spread across battalions!

Take cover and cut your way through the Nangnim Mountains...

and reunite at Changjin Lake!

Get the radio transmitter first, the new team gets out of the car!

How's your weaponry?

I still have a few GPs.

Drop into their carriage, destroy the target.

Another 26 could return to K-2.

Wanli, take some food rations!

Go out!

Get out of the car!

Get out of the car!

Stop unloading! Get out!

Fast! Fast!

Shan, take it again!

Wanli, don't take any more supplies, come on!



Can you run while carrying this much?

Throw it all away!

Get rid of it now!

You want to be the target?

Heading to 185, altitude 350.

Marie is ready to launch.

Check the teeth.

Our instructor, radio transmitter and new troop are fine.

That's good.

Enemy aircraft will definitely patrol this area.

There are only trees and no shelter.

The important thing now is to find a hiding place...

then continue the journey at night.

After crossing this river, there must be a hiding place.

To be quick, this is the only route we can take.

The guard, Squad 1.

The rest rest.

Wanli, why keep so many cartridges?

The Platoon Commander said he would give me the b*ll*ts when we got to the b*ttlefield.

He lied to you.

It's just a useless cartridge.


Why would I lie?

Great sn*per!

That's not much. You haven't seen me jump over rocks.

Is the Platoon Commander bullying you again?

When I first joined the company, he used to bother me a lot.

I told you,

his right ear was nearly deaf from the expl*si*n.

I always shout near him.



hope you get burned by your cigarette.


Platoon Commander.

The Company Commander is looking for you.

Wait here.


My fault.

Left ear.

Don't be angry anymore.

You're really great.

Of course.

Each platoon will advance in a 466 battle formation.

Protect the radio transmitter and password team between the 2nd and 3rd platoon.


In which direction?

Right in front of us.

We don't have time! Take cover!

Get down!

Do not move...

or we will all die!

They're back.

Did they see us?

500 meter.

350 meter.

200 meter.

We can't sh**t!

With a height of 30m and a north wind,

I just shot it. / I entrust you.

But other planes will ask for more help.

Damn Dutch, we're done.

I don't see anything moving down there.

I'm worried about the pile of ice in my cannon.


did you see the dead?

What if I sh**t?

10 bucks, I shelled them perfectly!


They turned.

You owe me 10 dollars, Holland...

Damn it!

Again, another 50 bet!

How far do we go?

We can't die here!

Come on, let's k*ll that bastard!

I will k*ll you.

Come on!

1st and 2nd platoons, to the right. 3rd and 4th platoons, to the left.

Follow my orders!

Bring the radio transmitter and password team first!


Groundhog 2, Groundhog 4, ini Komadan Groundhog .

Follow me.

TAC-P 7th Marines report troops concentrated at South 25-North.

Report received.

Direct target this time!

Let's destroy them!


What about radio transmitters and password teams?

8 are broken and 12 are still usable.

Fortunately, the cipher warriors were fine.

A soldier cannot drop his w*apon.

What necklace is that?

I don't want to tell.

Qianli, Zhang Xiaoshan sudah tewas.

You'll see him often...

this thing going forward.

Where is the village?

Yimeng Mountain in Shandong Province,

Linyi City, Gu City.

He's 2 months younger than you.

Let's go.

Chances are we'll meet the enemy up ahead.

Don't show off.

Nangnim Mountains

Sir, I can't detect any radio transmission activity here.

No way!

Due to the large number of Chinese troops on the move,

they should communicate with each other.

I know they're down there.

This is the last field we haven't covered.


One o'clock. Fly lower to see it.

Wing 2, take the east side of the valley.

Open the door.

Sir, the wind is too strong outside. / Open the door!

Lieutenant, take us lower!

Don't, sir!

It's too dangerous!


Give me the camera.

Lieutenant, take us to the next zone!


Company Commander,

there's a shot next to the mountain.

Report to Political Instructor. / Ready!

I guess that's our friend.

That's our friend.

They were shot by America.

The enemy is so strong.

If we don't help,

they won't last another 20 minutes.

You two continue with the radio transmitter to Taeyu-dong.

Make sure you arrive on time.

Yu Congrong, Ping He, and Squad 1 stay with me here.

Give me one of your a*tillery Troops.

I will command the 3rd a*tillery with you.

Let me join the fight.

This is the first time we have fought with U.S. forces.

I have to be here.

After all, I've been studying English for two years.

Request approved.


Mundur! Mundur!


Protect them!

Where's my M20, damn it! / sh**t!

Mundur! Mundur!


Find a higher position and bring the mortars!


Ji Chungeng of the 6th Company of the 172nd Regiment!

Wu Qianli of 7th Company, 1st as*ault Regiment.

Our mission is to blow up the US signal tower,

cut off communications between the US frontline and headquarters at Changjin Lake!

The enemy's weapons were too vicious and our casualties were many!

Our bombers were k*lled right in the cowshed in front of the tower.

Platoon Commander Wu Wanli disappeared!

Tell the one in front to stop.


Everyone stop!

Is he left behind?

Of course he was left behind! / That rancid bastard!

Lee, listen.

That's reinforcements.

What should we do? - Don't let them pass.

Stop them here.

Set up a team to guard the radio transmitter and the password team going forward.

t*nk visibility is limited.

We will strive for the highest position.

t*nk can't see us there.

Mortars need to concentrate their firepower...

and finish off their troop carriers first.

Why are you here?

Don't come here!

- There's another one, catch him! - Where?

Two o'clock, sh**t on!

Who sent you here?

Take cover, now!

Yu Congrong! / Ya, Pak!

Get the expl*sives! / Ready!

Get the others to form defenses and save the wounded!

Fast! Bring it there!

Yes, the knife!

Platoon Commander.

Take cover!


Attack from the hill!



Get cover, give me the mortar-gook position!

Fast! Move!

Mundur! Mundur!

Hook them up the hill!

Grenade! Fast!


Yu Congrong!

I'm fine!

Don't come here!


I'll take them!

Listen to my shot! / Ready!

Watch out behind you!

Instructor, problem solved.

s*ab him!


s*ab him!

Yu Congrong!

Protect me, I'll go after him.



Crouch down and don't move!



Keep your head down.


Nine o'clock, k*ll them! / Ready!


Stay here and don't go anywhere.


This is the grenade.

Count to five and toss.

Keep up the sh**ting!

Get ready.

One two Three!

Who threw?

One more time!

Yu, take your men and blow up the signal tower!

Yu Congrong!

Hey Third, attack the fort!

Attack, attack the castle!

Up! Up!

Chaos Company, attack through ambush!

Tanks 1-1 and 1-2

Go up to the castle tower!

Die you!

Die you!

Damn it!

My g*n is stuck!

Company Commander!

Company Commander Wu, two US tanks...

and a dozen infantrymen are coming here!

Yu Congrong, the US t*nk we confiscated from the Battle of Southern Shandong,

do you remember how to use it? / Remember!

Damn, I can't see a thing!

Not me, what is it?


Stop it!

I can't stop it.

Are you okay

Am I okay?

Let's get out.







Watch out!


Damn, we have to get out of here!

Come on! Go! Go!

It's Dad's fault.

May our next generation...

never been in a w*r.

Why didn't you obey the order?

Why are you here alone?

I want to be with you.

Is that your excuse?

Because you are my brother.

Are you hungry?

In the military, you must obey orders.

Your comrades might die from your mistakes if you act alone.

You understand?

You go write a self-criticism.

What is self-criticism?

Bandara USA Hagaru-ri, Front Timur ...

Markas Hagaru-ri,

Whirlybird 1, ganti.

Go ahead, Whirlybird 1.

Where do you want us to land? Change.

Land on Pan 1, change.


Ready to move!

Rest in place.

Sir, here is the report.

Sir, General Almond is here.


General Oliver Smith,

is that an airport out there?

I'm building an airport.

Because it's important so I'll take responsibility...

for all life here.

One coffee.

This is a fatal mistake in w*r...

without any will to win it, period!

Look outside, General.

Our warriors are trapped between terrible mountains...

and the temperature is below zero degrees.

And now, we have a report...

about the Chinese enemy forces in Yunshan.

Orders for you to keep moving forward!

This is not a quick w*r ...

which MacArthur expected.

This w*r is on schedule!

And it's your job to do it, Smith!

On task issues,

I'm the Chief of the Task Force here,


Where's the coffee?

When all this is over,

you will face the consequences.


we're all going to face it, Edward.

We will all face it.

25 November,

My troops will be on the western line.

And if you don't come,

I'll scratch your head!

I'll skin you with my own hands!

A cup of sugar, sir?

Ping He, Changgui.



Are you hungry?

Of course.

Be patient a little.

Our people.

I see it.

Senior Officer, 7th Intruder Company came ...

sending 12 radio transmitters...

and 4 cipher officers on command, please check.

Li, show me the password officer first. / Ready!

Komrad, bring in the radio. / Ready!

Guys, come with me.

Liu, take them to rest. / Ready.

Thank you, Senior Officer.

Wu, come on please. / Thank you.

Come on.

You will not die.

What did you write?


Guys, let me read it.

This is Wu Wanli's self -criticism report.

No, no, this is self-report-0.

I didn't listen to Commander Lei-0's orders.

I went to 0 my brother.

I'm 0. I won't do it again.

Political Instructor,

our boy friends are adults.

Good attitude, but no signature and rejected.


If you crack and break an egg from the inside,

maybe you have a chance to lay more eggs.

Go away from here!

You too.

rancid bastard,

who are you to make fun of other people?

Friends, Comrade Yu Congrong ...

He was so scared, he peed his pants, because it was the first time he had joined the w*r.

Let me wash the pants.

I can be a witness later.

Everyone, take off your torn clothes ...

or your dirty clothes here.

Change into these clean clothes.

Thank you for your attention, man.

You've worked hard.

Dachuan, choose three clean uniforms...

and take the cotton for a first aid pillow.

Share the rest with our friends.

Wounded soldiers are prioritized.

Yes, wounded soldiers take priority.

Working on that little house of yours again?

If I don't come back,

leave this to my parents.

They can't read.

Ask the teachers in the village to read it to them.

This seems taboo.

Change that. Cross it out.

You don't have a little triangle...

in the previous diagram.

What does it mean?

I-bury Baili there.

Let me see.

This is good. This is good.

Dude, is the food enough?

We have plenty of food here if you will.


How many Americans do you have to k*ll to be called a hero?

Only two?

Add 0 after it.

I have to k*ll 20 to be a hero?

You are already a hero..

if you are already on the b*ttlefield.

Who's he?

You want to stay at my house, don't you?


After all, your family is no longer on Mount Yimeng in your village.

If you stay with me, you can take Baili's room.

You can get married and have two kids there...

with your future wife.

It's like a pigsty.

I don't want to go.

Good if it's a pigsty. Lei, if you raise pigs...

you can live well. There is food and shelter.

You will live happily.

I want to go then.

Political Instructor, which is Company Commander Wu?

Come on.

Commander Wu, he's looking for you.

Hi, Commander Wu.

I'm Secretary Liu from Headquarters. / Greetings.

A tough task for you. / It's my job.

But your company is leaving again.

We received a telegram from our boss.

The eastern and western fronts will simultaneously launch massive att*cks.

The superiors asked 7th Company to head to the 1100 Sinhung-ni mountains of Changjin Lake.

When should we leave?

Attention everyone.

In 5 minutes, we'll be leaving.

Get ready to go. / Ready!

Hundreds of thousands of civilian children....

will go to w*r with one commando.

Why can't I join?

Peng, let him ...

come with you.

9th Corps heading to Changjin Lake

Chengfang-dong 9th Corps Front Front Headquarters, Korea

Command from Headquarters, before we arrive at the designated location.

Execute communication shutdown security procedures.

Have we sent padded clothing to the combat unit?

Not yet.

Without air superiority, it would be very difficult to send logistical assistance.

And, our fleet suffered b*mb damage again.

Anyway we have to find a way....

Send padded clothing to our front line troops ASAP!

Don't let our troops freeze to death on the b*ttlefield.

How much longer is our food supply?

If we eat one potato a day, it can take us to Sinhung-ni at most.

We have to find a way to save...

our wounded soldiers.

Take this potato.

Give them.

23 November 1950

Don't bother, wait your turn.

Go away from here.

Come on... I just want bacon.


It's the mushy one.

Lots of Donald Duck come home for Thanksgiving.

She sent a Christmas wish list instead.

There is nothing I should be thankful for this Thanksgiving.

There is nothing I should be thankful for this Thanksgiving.

Here's the list...

but all i want is to go home

Qianli, why did you always make fun of me when I was little?



Mom always gave me...

delicious food.

Once you were born,

I never gave it again.

Ping He, you want to tell the truth about Baili?

Just keep it in your heart.

Be careful, old man.

Sir, we have information from the Air Force.

My family makes cheese broccoli on Thanksgiving,

You want to join us next year at home?

I will come.

If we make it home.

Ready to move!

Rest in place.

With no sign of our enemy's presence, our pilots are reporting signal interference...

every time they fly over this area.


Yeah, Pak.

25 November 1950

No way!

You have to go!

Deng Hua!

Turn off the radio!


Turn off all radios!

Gao Ruixin!


You brought a map?


Let's go.

Enemy planes are here!

- Back off immediately! - Fast!

Hide into the air raid bunker.


- Son. - Fast!

The one in the back, Come on!

I'm coming!

Hurry up!

What is it?

Hurry, hurry!

There's still a map on the wall.

We don't have many maps.

Take this!

Second Team, continue the mission.

Commander, our communication with Taeyu-dong is cut off.

Commander Peng, this is what the martyrs left behind,

Secretary Liu.

Deputy Commander Deng, we have no information about Secretary Liu.

Who's he?

What's his full name?

Deng Hua.

Yesterday, November 27, 1950,

The 9th Corps is about to start a massive attack on Changjin Lake.

Are they...

Do they know what to do?


Give me a new command post!


Currently... the 38th, 39th, and 40th Corps....

already gathered in the Chongchon River.

You must finish as soon as possible the deployment in the Changjin Lake w*r zone.

In two days, the eastern and western fronts will begin...

their massive attack simultaneously.

Song Shilun, ingat.


Attack them as hard as you can!

The 20th Corps will separate and surround the enemy....

di Koto-ri, Yudam-ni, dan Hagaru-ri.

Make sure the 27th Corps focus on their fire...

to finish off U.S. forces at Sinhung-ni.


After the 27th Corps took out 2 large groups of enemies,...

immediately destroy the airport in Hagaru-ri...

and cut off enemy air communications.

In addition, stop the enemy who wants to strengthen the north.


Where is the 27th Corps now?

They had arrived at the specified location.

Order the 27th Corps to take cover and get ready....

so that we can prevent the enemy from escaping to the south...

Where is the 26th Corps now?

In accordance with the original plan,

they are 100 kilometers outside Koto-ri.

Command the 26th Corps....

immediately advanced 50 kilometers towards Changjin Lake.


The 20th and 27th Corps immediately got ready for battle...

and move in parallel with the western front.

Start a massive attack...

4:30 p.m., the 27th!


What is the lowest temperature tonight?

40 °C below zero.

We're not just going to w*r against America.

We are also at w*r with God.

General, we received reports of such a strong Chinese attack...

in Tokchon and Nyongwon.

That's far more than G2 expected.

Four other supplies are also being worked on.

The whole front line is under attack, sir.

Where do they come from?

Did they fall from the sky?

We don't know sir, but reports keep coming.

Changjin Lake, Eastern Front

Quick, quick, quick!

Hey, explain there!

9th Company of the Volunteer Army

Do we take orders?


Put your feet up.


Bring the sack over here!


Take it again!

Over there!

Stack here!

Come on, pick up!


No, I see no sign of the enemy's presence.

Damn soldier, this is not North Korea.

This is the North Pole.

7th Company of the Volunteer Army

Let me hold on for a moment.

What are they singing?

Don't fall asleep.

Wake up.

Merry Christmas.

What do you mean?

It's the American holiday before New Year's.

Called Christmas.

What Christmas?

In order to be happy.

Their lives are not so happy.

MacArthur even said they would ...

crossing the Yalu River before the New Year ...

so that their troops could go home for the holidays.


they want to go home on vacation?

I won't let them go home.

You miss mom?

Qianli, when Baili died,

are you with him?

Half of his body was crushed...

because of the expl*si*n.

I can't put his intestines back in,

no matter how hard I try.

He says cold.

I hugged him.

Her lips...


I can't stop...

the bleeding.

He asked me...

to help k*ll him.


let me stay beside you.

If I end up like Baili, you have to help me too.

26 November 1950

How are things?

t*nk, Half-tracks,

and headquarters.

Judging from the direction and acceleration of movement....

The 31st Corps led by US troops ...

we can predict that the enemy base...

will be erected in the vicinity of the 1100 mountains.

They are nicknamed "Polar Bears".

They fought in Siberia in World w*r I ...

and in the Pacific in World w*r II.

This is their trump card.

We'll show them ...

how hard is our current attack.

Why hasn't anything happened yet?

You think something's wrong?

The 59th, 79th, and 89th Divisions arrived at Yudam-ni just in time.

The 80th and 81st divisions were in Sinhung-ni's position.

What is the speed of the Smith corps?

3 kilometers per day.

They move very slowly.

According to their line of travel and geography,

The Smith Corps must have been prepared for attack.

Then we can break their line up into sections.

We have to k*ll Smith at Changjin Lake.

Let's just wait.

The 1100 mountains are right in front of us.

If we get there before the sun rises,

we can repel US troops.

Don't waste our time here.

Tell all the teams. Getting ready to leave. / Ready.

Gather your gear and get ready to go.

Attention everyone! Get ready to go.


I give this to you.

Do what?

Why do you have such evil thoughts?

The battle with the Polar Bear is a tough one.

Let me be with Wanli.

You gave it to me yourself.

Now you want to take it.

What do you want?

The throw is accurate. That's useful to me.

Take good care of him.

When this w*r ends, I will adopt him as my adopted son.

I hope he will take care of me when I am old.

You old bastard, if you adopt him as your adopted son,

what do you call me?

Call me Daddy.

I want to break your porous teeth.

Remember, once the battle begins,

stay side by side with your brother.

He is more intelligent and cunning than a rabbit.

The average b*llet is rarely about it.

Don't show off.

Try to fight well.

The one in the back, hurry up!

27 November 1950

Commander, Smith's corps hasn't arrived yet.

Don't wait any longer.

Immediately carry out a massive attack in 5 minutes.

Sinhung-ni, Danau Changjin


Did we get caught?


We will start the attack.



Get in the truck!

Enemy attack, emergency!

Lock the enemy attack position.

Sir, they are besieging us!

Dinner is served!

Fill the cannon!





Give me a*mo!

Quick, quick, quick!

Need more a*mo!

I've never seen amm*nit*on this fast!

Give me the a*mo!

You have to pick it up, Glover?

Yes, all right, I understand.

AU is right, we have to move!

Prepare the second load!

They come!

You think we can meet for dinner?

Shut up, Costello!

It would be lucky if they didn't roast our turkey for dinner.


Fast! Here!

Two in the front and three in the back. Fast!

Take cover! Take cover now!

Aim at the lookout tower!


Ready, sh**t!

Lei, where's your mortar?

Wait. Wait a moment.


Lei, good work!

Who called me?

Not me.


All tanks defend base!

God, Sunny.

Go! Find the American flag!

Destroy their base.


Sir, the Air Force is on its way!

The enemy is approaching!

Emergency orders required, sir!

Aim at them!


Bring them a*mo!



Tanks are coming!

Over there!

Seek refuge!

Hurry, take cover!


They will rise!



Leave me!




Don't fall asleep, man. Wait for me.

Dachuan! Dachuan!



Watch out!

Up there!






Older brother!


Get down!




Take cover!

Come on! Fast!

Get in the truck! Stop them!

A fool who risks his life can never be a hero!

Calm down!

You must be calm on the b*ttlefield!

I ordered a retreat!

Give the order!

All troops retreat!

Burn everything!

Let's get out of here!


They will back off!

Stop them!


Sir, the vehicle is ready!




What are you doing?

Only 8 left! I have to hit 20!

Several sh*ts had to be fired.

Some sh*ts that need to be saved.

Air Force troops, shift into position.

Wait for the order.


Awaiting order.

Fast! Fast! Fast!

All troops, shift into position.

Awaiting order.


Awaiting order.

Sir, from Sinhung-ni ...

ask for help as soon as possible.

They immediately retreated.

Landman, bring reinforcements to Sinhung-ni. Fast!


All troops immediately consolidated and counted the stock.

2nd Company of 3rd Battalion, stay alert.

Stay alert in all directions!

3rd Platoon and 6th Platoon, defend west.

Call him Old Company Commander.

Old Company Commander.

Not you.

Didn't I already tell you?

I know, the invincible hero.


How old are you?

19 years old.

Bad boy, did you see the enemy plane?

The plane opens its tail...

and rained b*ll*ts and bombs.

After that, our people in yellow uniforms...

fell one by one.

What do we call our brothers...

who died in the w*r?

We call them what freezes to death...

after walking for 6 days and nights ...

without food and sleep?

What about those who run up to 10 meters in front of the enemy ...

who just wants to throw a grenade in his hand?

They died.

What do we call them?

It's not called a hero who never freezes to death,

let alone people who weren't k*lled.

A soldier only lives for honor and glory.

What do you want me to call you?

677th Soldier,

Wu Wanli.

"Wan" means ten thousand.


Very sophisticated.

USA planes are coming!

They will rise!

USA planes!

Seek refuge!

God save us!


Good USA!

are you okay?

What's your name?

Officer, I am the 280th soldier of the 7th Company, Ping He.

Good FX!


Good FX!

They will bombard us!

Good FX!


IS visible, clearly visible.

Ready to drop the b*mb. Change.

Enemy planes! Scatter!

I'll send the FX b*mb back to them!


Everyone said...

Everyone said...

Yimeng Mountain is the best.

The view is beautiful...

on Mount Yimeng.

Pick up the car.

It really hurts.

So painful.

Do not...

Do not...

Don't leave me here alone.

Why do you want to be a soldier?

Let Qianli respect me.

What do you mean?

You could say great...

if your enemy respects you.

Lei Suisheng.

It won't hurt anymore.

It won't hurt anymore.

You've done well, Lei.

Let me.

When I came home last time,

When I came out, people were nodding and smiling at me.

I don't know them

but they recognized my army uniform.

Before I left the house, my daughter asked,

"Father, why do you have to go to w*r?"

If we don't fight,

our next generation will go to w*r.

We risk our lives...

in order to fight for a peaceful life for them.

My mom keeps looking at me...

without saying a word...

when I leave the house.

I know....

he doesn't want me to go.

My wife said...

when i come back,

I have to teach our daughter how to count.

We have to win the w*r...

and take them home.

US Army Forces at Hagaru-ri Airport Forced to Retreat.

The helicopter has arrived, sir. You can go any time.

The 5th and 7th regiments haven't arrived yet...

and this is an important evacuation route.

The supplies are loaded on the plane now. - Okay, get ready.

You sent the helicopter to evacuate the wounded.

Those people aren't out of harm's way yet!

Hey, go! Safe!

Let's get out of here!

US Marines withdraw from Hagaru-ri towards Sumun Bridge,

on the way to 1071 Mountains.

3rd Company of the 58th Division Volunteer Troops...

avoid accusations from the U.S. Marines.

Back off now! Enemy is coming! Enemy is coming!

USA planes are coming!

USA planes are coming!

Take cover!

Get down!

THE 3rd Platoon Commander


hang on!

Battalion Commander, we have repelled the enemy attack again.

Our Company Commander said,

we have to fight!


Who has the?

Friends, we have been standing strong for 24 hours ...

and block 7 att*cks from enemies.

Even though we're the last ones,

don't let the enemy pass under our feet!

Fight to the death to defend our ranks!

Fight to the death to defend our ranks!

To think that impossible missions can be completed.

I never thought that impossible difficulties could be overcome.

To think that an impossible enemy could be defeated.

The Gens

US Army 1st Marine Division

Back to Hungnam Pelabuhan Harbor

Sir, you must see this.

Show me.

The resistance of persistent people like this ...

we are not destined to win.

105,000 US 10th Corps troops evacuated from Hungnam Port. The 9th Corps occupied Hungnam Harbor.

The Battle of Changjin Lake is the perfect example...

to annihilate the US-reinforced regiment...

during the w*r to Resist US Aggression and Help Korea,

causing major U.S. forces on the eastern front to experience ...

"The biggest setback in Marine Corps history."

During the second battle in the w*r ...

to Reject US Aggression and Help Korea,

The 9th Corps achieved significant strategic results on the main b*ttlefield...

on the eastern front during the Battle of Changjin Lake.

While working with our troops on the western front,

These brave soldiers completely crushed Macarthur's arrogant plan to "end the w*r before Christmas" and

sending the US-led "UN Command" from the Yalu River pushed to the other side of the 38th Parallel.

The battle completely changed the scale of the Korean w*r...

and became the foundation for the final victory of the w*r to Reject US Aggression and Assist Korea.

More than 197,000 Chinese heroes sacrificed their lives during the w*r.

Over 300,000 heroes including Yang Gensi, Huang Jiguang, Qiu Shaoyun, etc. and 6,000 meritorious troops arrived.

The spirit of the troops of the w*r remains immortal!

The great martyrs of PVA will never be forgotten!


Which troop could arrive faster at the Treadway Bridge and cut off the enemy's path of retreat?

7th Company of the Jinan First Regiment.

Order them to the Treadway Bridge immediately and finish off the US Marine Division.

Save them first.

Don't come here.

There are land mines.

Blast in the hole!

Grenade! Stay away!

Baili is my brother.

You are my brother too.

All the soldiers in 7th Company...

all my brothers.

Destroy their command post.

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