Battle of Canudos, The (1997)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Battle of Canudos, The (1997)

Post by bunniefuu »











Did you see that?

Go fetch it.

- Is that all, father?
-There 's no point insisting, Zé.

We must sell the cows.

-100,000 reis.
-It 's not enough.

You 're the one who wants to sell them,
I don 't need these cows.

They're probably thin
and bad for milking.

Well, they're a bit thin,
I've never seen such a drought.

Well, then:
"Better to be taken by God...

...than snatched by the devil."
-You gave me just thirty.

I'll give you the rest
when I fetch the animals.

- Citizens of Born Conselho!

Gather around to see the latest
marvel from France and Germany.

It 's neither a dream nor magic!

Neither witchcraft nor sorcery!
It 's an invisible wonder...

...called photography!
-Don't move.

- Firmino!
-Please, absolute silence.

Don't move!

One, tun, three...

and now!

Had you ever seen one, miss?

Why don't you give
one to your daughter?

-It 's a souvenir that never fades.
-Let's go.

- Look, father, it 's beautiful!
-It 's called "photograph".

- Buy me one.
-The latest marvel in the world.

- A miracle, for only 20,000 reis.
-That's a lot of money.

- A luxury for barons.
-Barons are a thing of the past.

- In a Republic, we 're all citizens.
-It's the last plate. Fifteen.

- Thirteen. That 's my final offer.
-Let's go.


Careful, don't move.


Come on, Tereza.

- Have you ever seen the sea, father?
- Not yet...

but they say it's a lot of water.
Green like earth when it rains.

And they say all types
of big animals live in it...

fish the size of
cows, or bigger!

- I 'd love to see it.
-It doesn't have to be the sea.

Just go to a big town, get out of
this wilderness just for a day.

- Will you take us, father?
-We'll see.

When I saw the portrait, I thought
it was one of devil's tricks.

Everyone inside, come on.

One, tun, three...

- I think two's enough.
-You can 't take my cows!

They're not even mine,
they 're already promised.

Sold, you mean. You've been
paid, but haven't paid your debt.

I didn't borrow money.
I wouldn't be able to pay.

- The drought took everything.
-Flood or drought, it 's God's will.

- God never took nothing from me.
-No one 's taking anything from you.

It 's income tax.
It's the republican law.

If you think this 's wrong,
send a petition to the President.

-It's stealing!
-Don't call me a thief!

Get away!

This will teach you
to respect authority!

- Zé!
-Take everything!

- Right away, sir.
-Let's go.

- Who are these people, Zé?
-lt's him.

Good Jesus Conselheiro!

Praised be Our
Lord Jesus Christ.

May the Lord's name
be praised forever.

Brother, may I serve your
water to my people?

"Blessed are those which do hunger
and thirst after righteousness...

for they shall be fulfilled.

Blessed are the merciful,
for they shall obtain mercy.

And those which are persecuted,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

Yes, brothers,
you must obey the Church...

and the commandments
of God, our Savior...

of whom I am a mere
apostle on this land.

He came to me
one night and said:

"Antonio, you shall walk
through the backland...

paying penance,
preaching my Gospel...

and the Holy Scriptures.

You will be persecuted by
evil men and by heretics...

which you shall repay...

by bestowing blessings
wherever you pass.

I will fill you with
power on Earth.

And you...

and your followers...

shall be full of grace
in eternal life.

Blessed be Our
Lord Jesus Christ.

May the good Lord
be praised forever.

- I got up before dawn

- To sweep the church of Conception
-0h, Mary

- I met Our lady
-0h, Mary

- With a flower in her hand
-0h, Mary

Father's strange, isn't he, mother?
I've never seen him like this.

Don't be silly, girl.

He's just praying,
can't you see?

Who is this man?
A priest?

They say he's a saint.

He looks more like Satan.

I don't want to leave
with that old man!

I'm scared, Luiza.

Look at us.

I'll always be with you.


Where are we going, father?

Now, our destiny is in the hands
of the good Conselheiro.

Your father has already decided,
Luiza. Come on.

Come on.

I won 't go.

I won't!

I won 't! I won 't go!

- Luiza, daughter!
-I won 't go!

No. You won 't tie me down.

- Luiza! Wait for me!
-You won't go.

Conselheiro knows
the right path, Penha.

He wants me to pay him just
because I sold a mat on his land.

- Everyone must pay. It 's the law.
-I won 't pay.

- I sold it for 4 cents...
-lt's unfair.

...why should I pay 100 réis?
I won 't pay!

Holy man! Give your
faithful a good advice.

- Tell them to pay their taxes.
-Why pay someone...

...who has given them nothing?
-That 's right!

Why pay?
You 're right!

It 's fair that Brazilians disobey
the laws of the Republic.

Who overthrew Dom Pedro...

denying him his divine
right to rule over Brazil?

It was the Anti-Christ Republic!

Who introduced civil weddings
outside the Church?

It was the Anti-Christ Republic!

- And taxes? Who invented them?
-The Anti-Christ Republic!

The Anti-Christ Republic!

Didn't you hear what Good Conselheiro
said? Throw that board away, man!

- Throw way? But it's the law.
-That's what the Republic is:

imprisonment! Working
only for the government.

That 's right!

It 's sl*very, as it 's always been
announced, that now comes to pass.

Look at this old woman.
She is white...

and religious, it means
sl*very respects no one.

But I believe...

I nourish the hope
that sooner or later...

God will bring
justice to bear.

- The Republic will be demolished!
-Praised be Our Lord!

Well done, Join Abade!

This isn't over.

They will have to learn.

My brothers.

I have walked hundreds of miles
through this no man's land.

But our time for
wandering is over.


in this land of Our Lord...

I now found our
Bela Monte Empire!

Whoever wishes to stay, do so.

But you'll have
to work, pray...

and live within
the due limits.

But be aware...

persecution will follow me.

First comes the deluge,
and only then...

the seed.

When the soldiers of the
Anti-Christ arrive...

the waters of the rivers will be
like milk to us, and blood to them!

The dust of this ground will
turn into flour for us...

and into thorns for them!

The bush will become sea...

the sea will become bush.

- Praised be Our Lord Jesus Christ!
-May the Lord be praised forever!

I said:

there will be four fires.

The first three are mine.

The fourth...

I put in the hands
of Good Jesus!

Blessed be

Antonio Ditoso

JUNE, 1893
Star of Spain

Miraculous knight

If I was to buy all your goods,
brother Vilanova...

what discount
would you give me?

A third, sir.

So you may unload it.

Praised be Jesus Christ,
Our Lord.

I don't want there to be lack of
provisions for the people.

Little Beato, invite that
peddler to come live here.

- He is not of our faith, my father.
-But he's not Freemason...

Republican or Protestant. I know
him, he's a good man of his word.

And he's a business man.
We need him.

Yes, father.

Join Abade, organize a Catholic
Guard here at Belo Monte.

Yes, father.

They'll dress in blue
as it is Our Lady's mantle.

Don't forget: one day,
the troops will come.

- They want your life, father.
-My life belongs to God.

But I must care
for my people.

Now we have a home, Penha.
The bad times are over.

With the protection of our
father, things will improve.

I've already chosen where to plant.
We'll keep what we need.

The rest will go to the Company.
For the elderly and the crippled.

Our good father will
build a new church...

and start a school for the children.
Did you ever imagine Toinho...

and Tereza would study?

It won't be long before
I can say I'm a happy man.

-It was you who let Luiza go.
-Me? I even ran after her.

I called her again and again. That girl 's
always been strange, Penha.

She wanted from life
what we couldn't give.

And is misery worth
resigning to?

Luiza is dead to me.

Where do you come from, miss?

Far away. I've been walking
in the bush for almost a month.

You're like
Conselheiro's people.

Don 't mention
that wretch to me!

Why? Don't you
like him either?

How could I? Because of him,
I left my family.

- And now I'm here, cast out.
-A lot of people are following him.

- Even I thought of going.

But I gave up when I found out
he doesn't like women.

Or liquor.

How about you?
Do you like men?

- She's yours, Baron.
-Thank you, Rosa.



Most of my farmhands left their
jobs to follow that fanatic!

There'll be no one left
to look after my land.

Not just your land. There are
villages in Bahia and Sergipe...

being deserted, everybody':
going to Canudos.

As if it was the
promised land!

A bunch of idiots. Have you heard
what's going on in Juazeiro?


Conselheiro ordered wood for the
roof of the church they're building.

The merchant was paid
but hasn't delivered.

Stroke a dog
while he's eating.

The fanatics announced they'll
go fetch the timber themselves.

But the judge didn't wait
for more trouble...

he has called in troops
to invade this Belo Monte.

I knew it would end in bloodshed.

I hope you're right. Blood,
plenty of those hoodlums' blood!

- Attack!
-Long live Belo Monte!

Firmino, we'll stay here.
You can unload.

- Careful with the camera.

Pedro Martins, a journalist
from Rio de Janeiro.

- Mad.
-And you, sir, who are you?

Rogaciano Nogueira,
Baron of Cocorobé.

A member of the nobility.
Then I have good news for you:

Conselheiro 's monarchists defeated
the republican troops in Uaué.

The fight at Uaué
is old history.

The news is that Major Febrfinio
de Brito left with 600 men...

What? A new expedition
has already left?

By now, Conselheiro has already
been arrested, or k*lled.

- I was counting on going with them.
-You wasted your time.

- Aren't you that photographer?
-Only in peaceful times.

In times of w*r, he's a
newspaper correspondent.

Join Abade!

- Praised be Our Lord Jesus Christ!
-May the Lord be praised forever.

We heard about Conselheiro 's victories
and came to join you at Belo Monte.

We've never touched g*ns.

- But, if it 's his will...
-It won 't be necessary.

If you 'd like to make a donation
to the Born Jesus Company...

give silver and gold to brother
Vilanova. You can get provisions...

tools, seeds, whatever
you like at his store.

Except liquor. None of the
devil's drink is allowed here.

Pick a plot of land
and build your houses.

-Y es?

We k*lled people for the colonel.
But we heard the Pilgrim's words...

and are repentant. Now, we just
want to fight for Conselheiro.

We saw the troops coming this way
with cannons and everything.

I know.

Brother, take these men and find
Catholic Guard uniforms for them.

Dona Rosa said you must leave.
That this is no hotel.

- How many days have I been here?

It's fading. If you fix it,
I'll pay you. I will.

- When did I take this portrait?
-Three years ago.

- In the beginning of 93.
-I had just arrived from Rio.

There were those who thought
I'd become Brazil's finest journalist.

It can't be fixed, miss.

And the troops?
News of Major Febrfinio?

He passed on his way
back two days ago.


- A shamble.
-lt's true.

-600 soldiers couldn't defeat them?
-We did all we could.

- But they were a multitude.
-And weapons?

- Only courage. Wasn't it, Zé?
-lt's true.

They fought with scythes, clubs,
rocks, only a few shotguns.

Fearless of death, they charged us,
almost begging for us to open fire.

Then I ran out of b*ll*ts
and realized...

that's exactly what they wanted.
If we spent all our amm*nit*on...

we'd be forced to retreat.
And that's what happened.

Those who ran, ran;
those who didn't, died.

But now they'll face
Colonel Moreira César.

The most gallant man
in the Brazilian army.

The "Beheader"?

A round on me
for the soldiers!

Are you still in one piece?
Or did they cut off your balls?

Come on, Baron.
I'm in one piece...

...and I'm hungry.
-Did you like any of them?

Choose, it's on me.

You have good taste,
young man. But beware...

this one here is related to
Conselheiro 's fighters.

- Where did you get that idea?
-I 'm just kidding.

It 's just that she 's
a warrior in bed.

You didn't finish off those men,
but you almost finished me off.

You're very pretty.

- Will you return to Canudos?

I'm tired of being a soldier.
I have some land near here.

I'll plant corn,
raise a few goats.

Have you lived here for long?

- Three years.
-If you like, I'll take you with me.

Don't laugh, I'm serious. I would
make you my wife right now.



I came here persecuted,
and the persecution continues!

In this paper here,
the demons of the Republic...

say that our Bela Monte
is a foreign conspiracy!

That Europeans are training
our people for w*r.

A w*r which we did not start.

They said we tried to invade
other people's houses in Juazeiro.

We never went there...

but they came, with the ill will
of taking away our homes.

I said there would be four fires.
There was the first...

and they didn't get
beyond Uaué.

Then came the second...

and the Lord 's hand again stopped
them before the gates of Belo Monte.

And now...

a third fire will come!
A Colonel...

prince of demons,
with a thousand demons...

to destroy our home!

They say that this man,
torturer of souls...

likes to cut off his
enemy's heads...

and that he gives
no dead man a burial.

Is this a man or the devil?

He is the devil himself!
The son of the devil!

The father of the devil!

Where are the people
of this town?

They deserted their homes,
fearful of a battle here.

- And you?
-Pedro Martins, I'm a journalist.

-I'd like to accompany your troops.
-I cannot allow it!

- Sir, shall we let the troops rest?
-No, Colonel. We'll press on.

- Colonel...
- Let's go!


- I've never seen so many soldiers.

This time,
there'll be no mercy.

This morning, I heard the
Colonel saying he's afraid, Luis.

The "Beheader", afraid?
I'm sorry, Captain Rocha...

...but I've seen him in battle.
-Afraid they won't wait for him.

Afraid of their fleeing before
we arrive there.


Are they over there?

- Come out, you scoundrels!
-Get down!

They've run away!

This is the enemy's g*n.
A g*n for k*lling little birds!

These people are unarmed.
Let's go! Let's go!

Come on!

- Cadet Luis da Gama, sir.
-Luis da Gama. 23 years old...

engineering student,
and son of Senator Vicente Gama.

Your father is a great politician.

- I admire him very much.
-Thank you, sir.

You enlisted to take part
in this great mission.

- Correct?
-Correct, sir.

Well, listen carefully,
young man.

Not one of those soldiers out there
knows what we came here for.

Your father knows
and I know.

Tell me,
what are we here for?

Well, my young man,
if you ask any soldier...

even the officers...

they'll say we came to fight
Canudos and to k*ll Conselheiro.

But do you know
what I will do?

I'm not going to k*ll him,
I'm going to arrest him.

I'll put Conselheiro in a cage and
parade him throughout the hinterlands.

And throughout the capital,
to show people what monarchy is:


The monarchy is a repulsive
old man infested with lice.

I could k*ll him.
I can k*ll whoever I like.

In Santa Catarina, when I ended
that rebellion, I k*lled 100 men.

Over one hundred.

In those days,
people wanted...

a reason,
I gave them blood.

Now, they want blood, and I'll
give them a definitive reason...

to bury monarchy!

Antonio, Captain Rocha!

- Your verdict, doctor?
-Your condition is critical.

If I had examined you earlier,
wouldn't have let you come.

- Perhaps you should go back.

I'm not afraid of dying, and I
must get to Canudos before I die.

- But your nerves, Colonel.
-Don't worry, doctor.

I don 't have any nerves.
In my whole life...

I have never felt any
pain or any pleasure.

we'll keep up tomorrow 's plans.

Reveille at four.
Quick march to Canudos.

We will rest the troops
and then we will attack.

- Are we all agreed?
-Perfectly, sir.

MARCH 3RD, 1897

There is our target:

Comrades! As you know,
lam visibly ill.

I have hardly eaten for days.

But Canudos is very close.
I will take it!

Colonel, caution and chicken
broth do no one any harm.

As Napoleon said:
"Armies march on their stomachs."

- But conquer with their souls!
-We should maintain your plan:

let them eat,
rest and then attack.

Gentlemen, we'll have
lunch in Canudos!

Men! We'll take the village
without firing a single shot!

- Using only the bayonet!
-Right! Let's get on with it!

Forward march!

On the double!

Father, father!
The soldiers!

They want to invade
Bela Monte!

It's the third fire.

Return to your homes. Trust in
God and in the Catholic Guard.

Praised be Our
Lord Jesus Christ!

Before sunrise...

the demons will be returning
the same way they came.

Take your men and
cover that side. Quickly!

- We 're ready!
-They 're fighting men-to-men.

If we fire now,
we'll put our men at risk.

Come on, Penha!
Take the children!

Tereza, take the piglet!
I won 't go!

No one's taking my things!

-I've been hit!
-Come on, man!

No, Toinho!

Hurry, go get help
or he'll die here!

- Cavalry, move on.
-Cavalry, move on!

Come on!


I hope they make love
as well as they cook.

Let 's look for water,
I'm thirsty.

- Son of a devil!

- Retreat!
-Go, Pajeu!

Come on!

- Captain, where are you going?

Well, commander...

...what are your orders?
-I 'll encourage them! My horse!

You shouldn't, sir.

It 's too dangerous, Colonel.

As I said earlier,
I will lunch in Canudos.

It's him!

Calm down.

The "Beheader"
has a tough skin.

To make him bleed,
you need a sharp goat 's horn.

Come back, cowards!

- That's what I have here.
-Go back, coward!

Sir, Colonel Moreira
César was injured.

- He thought he was invulnerable.
-You're in charge.

- Me? Why me?
-You 're the highest rank...

Of course, I know that!
But what am I to command?

With exhausted,
famished troops...

he ordered the attack
without studying the field!

And now we are stuck here,
unable to advance...

and unable to retreat!
What am I to command?

-It will soon be dusk, Colonel.
-What do you want me to do?

Extend the day?

- Tell them to retreat.
-Yes, sir. Bugler!

- You called me, father?
-Did I allow you to make fire?

- You didn't, father.
-Very well...

do you wish to be a soldier
of the Good Jesus, brother?

Yes, I do, father.

Then fight...

and you shall not die.

- Praised be Our Lord.
-Is this blood?

-It's not mine.
-We defeated them!

- Not yet.
-They ran away!

No. They 're at Fazenda Velha.
Tomorrow the battle continues.

- I heard they got the "Beheader".
-lt's true.

Comrade Pajeu
broke his spell.

It is time for prayers.
Come on, everyone. Let us pray.

Thank God for today,
and ask for victory tomorrow.

I have called
And l call again

The sons of Christ
To come and kiss me

The sons of Christ
To come and kiss me

Hail Mary
Full of grace

The lord is with thee
Blessed art thou

The lord is with thee
Blessed art thou

I have called
And I call again

- Have we taken Canudos?
-No, Commander.

In the face of the situation,
our losses, the enemy's resistance...

we see no other option,
but to retreat.

Retreat? Why?

- The men are exhausted, sir.
-Soldiers obey their commanders.

Where's the command that prevents
them from honoring their uniforms?

sh**t those who refuse to fight.

Bastard. He knows he's dying
and wants to take us all with him.

Deserting would be...

a stain on my honor.
I could never allow that.

Commander, we haven't
come to consult you.

We are informing you
of our decision.

In this case,
I, Antonio Moreira César...

herewith resign from
the Brazilian Army.

May my decision
be duly recorded!

May the responsibility for this
cowardice be entirely yours.

I have sinned

l could not help it, lord

Please,have mercy

He's dead.

Hurry, let's give these
wretches a response!

- Luis, go ask for reinforcements!
-Right, Captain.


- The a*tillery is surrounded!
-Play "charge"!

- About turn, loud! Hurry!
-They 're not obeying, sir!

They can't disobey me, I'm their
Commander. I gave an order!

- Colonel Tamarindo has been hit!
-Let's get out of here!

Call Cunha Mains.

- Luis.
-He's dead, Antonio.

- I must get back to my unit.
-lt's no good...

the a*tillery is lost.
Let's go, Luis. Let's go!

Pajeu, there's a lot
of flour here.

Get only the g*ns and amm*nit*on.
Burn the Anti-Christ 's food!

Comrade Pajeu,
look who's here.

So, it's you,
the great Moreira César!

- Comrade, did you bring everything?
-lt's incredible!

There's a lot of g*ns.

Pajeu. Did you get
amm*nit*on for the cannon?

Aren't you asking too much?
We got over five hundred r*fles.

Come on, put it in there.
Now we are armed, my friend!

The soldiers!

We'll get in anyway!

- Open this door!
-Open up!

Open this door!

Don 't get closer!

- Have you gone mad?
-Yes, sir. With hunger and thirst.

We 're soldiers, not thieves!
Get out of here.

The second-lieutenant gave you
an order. Obey it, soldier.

You can put down
your w*apon.

I've never seen
such madness.

An army, trained men, a*tillery...
It just couldn't have happened.

We underestimated
Conselheiro's mob.

Pride has k*lled many men.

Pride and arrogance
were our downfall.

- But we'll go back there.
-We'll rid Brazil of this filth!

- Destroy that den!
-Our mission here is greater.

- They are Brazilian citizens too.
-They're all nuts!

Many of them probably are.
But not others.

It's the Republic's duty to
rescue them from misery.

Take the light of civilization
beyond those borders.

That's what the Republic is,
ma'am: progress...

well-being, happiness.


This failure will hit Rio
like a bombshell.


MARCH 8TH, 1897

Rio was in a state of chaos.
H seemed like the end of the world.

People smashed windows,
beat journalists

and set fire to
monarchist newspapers.

10 soldiers lynched
a newspaper owner...

amidst cries of "Long live the
Republic" and "Moreira César".

JUNE 12TH, 1897
I didn't know he was so popular.

I think people like murderers.

You speak without thinking,
that nearly destroyed your career.

Thanks for the "nearly".

So, in Rio, they're convinced that
Canudos is a monarchist stronghold.

-Isn't it?
-I don 't know...

and I've been here for three years.
How can they be sure of that in Rio?

I think the republican radicals are
manipulating the public opinion.

Why don't you tell the
General your opinion?

- He's right outside. Go on.
-Is he the man to win this w*r?

General Artur Oscar is a
serious officer. A winner.

- Gentlemen, are you comfortable?
-Yes, General.

Good. Haroldo...

I want the journalists to be
given all assistance in their work.

I heard you are a photographer
as well as a writer.

Yes. In fact, battles have been
recorded since 1860, General.

Fenton in Crimea. Brandy in the
American Civil w*r. And since 80...

...March 4th, to be precise...
- Very good.

- The nation must be well informed.
-Then inform it.

- Are the plans ready?

The first, second and third
brigades form the column...

that will march to Canudos
through Rosario road.

The fourth, fifth and sixth brigades
form the second column...

that 'll depart from Geremoabo to
meet us at the gates of Canudos.

On June 27th.

Exactly. On the 27th we will
defeat the enemy.

- Remember me?
-The fellow who says fancy words.

- What are you doing here?
-I 'm with my husband.

- He enlisted in the battalion.
-Arimatéia, right?

I'll go with him.
I cannot stay home alone.

Many women will go, even children.
It's common in our Army.

I'll join you.

Listening to you, anyone 'd
think you 're macho, Firmino.

Do you doubt it, then?
I'm the best there is, do you hear?

From Alagoas, like Marshal
Floriano! A rod of iron!

Tell me, has anyone felt it to see
if it's really made of iron?

- More than a thousand girls.
-What nonsense!

Arimatéia! So you decided
to join the brave.

If I didn't come,
she would have left me.

She wants to see Conselheiro
dead more than any soldier.

She's a true republican.
I'm pleased to fight by your side.

If you need anything, you can
count on me. Excuse me.

Mr. Luis...


Thank you.

- I didn't like that.
-Didn't like what?

- Disturbing an officer. Really!
-I didn't ask for anything.

He came over
because he wanted to.

They say we'll be leaving for
Canudos within three days.

I'd rather go today.

Don't say that. You don't
know what w*r 's like.

Before you know it, you 're walking
hand in hand with the devil.

What was our sin?
Why the President of this republic...

treats us like criminals?

Father, was it the Republic
that took Luiza?

- Father, I'm going to fight too.
-You will not.

- I want to go, mother.
-You won't go.

Do as I tell you. You won 't go.
I don 't want you to die.

Didn't Conselheiro say that
who fights for God doesn't die?

Good Jesus needs people
to defend Belo Monte.

If Toinho wants to fight,
he has my permission.

Father? Was it the Republic
that took Luiza away?


The troops have split. Some are
coming up the Rosario road...

me rest, b'; ('Ana Bu': 'a.

Let them come.
They'll take another beating.

And this time,
we have real weapons.

That scum should stay
away from Bela Monte.

We'll go to the hills
and wait in ambush.

When the mob appears,
we'll attack...

and finish those monkeys
off with knives!

Let's not waste the
advantage of the trenches.

- Should my men run from the fight?
-Get them from afar. sh**t them!

We have enough b*ll*ts.

We're not scared of dying,
comrade Vilanova.

Lam night"...

archangel Gabriel
visited me in my dreams.

He spoke of the fourth fire.
He warned:

"Whoever dies by cold steel...

will not enter the
Kingdom of Heaven.

But whoever falls by fire
deserves everlasting peace."

All my men have been soldiers.
For each man, a w*r.

But now I've changed.
I'm with Solano, of Flores 's troop.

I'll never leave him.

{specially now.
-Now what?

I'm pregnant.
But he doesn't know yet.

If I had told him,
he wouldn't let me come.

And what about you,
who's your man?

He's with the 5th.
He's up ahead with the cannon.

I know.
Your name is Luiza...

...and your man is Arimatéia.
-Who told you?

He did. I met him in Monte Santa,
you're all he ever talks about.

The most beautiful woman in
the whole country, he said.

He's a good man, Arimatéia.


you've been in so many
wars, tell me:

the troops,
when they win...

what do they do with the
people who've lost?

- They k*ll them, if they can.
-Women and children too?

They don't usually k*ll them.
Sometimes, they arrest them...

or let them go.

Do you think father will come
home today, mother?

He and Toinho have been
in the bush for a week.

The Republic's huntsmen
are about to arrive.

- I told him not to take the boy.
-What if they k*ll father?

We bury the body.

The soul goes to heaven. Isn't that
what good Conselheiro guaranteed?

If they die by the knife,
will they go to hell?

Will they die, mother?

Sons of b*tches!

It's Tamarindo.

- You won 't take pictures of that.

Don 't take pictures.
I forbid you.

Didn't you say the nation
needs to be informed?

Yes. But not about

Who decides what
the people may know?

I do. Here in the field of
operations, I decide.

Put that stuff away.

All of it!

- I think this is all very odd.

I've never seen amm*nit*on and
food left behind unprotected.

- If the bandits attack us now...
- Lord save and protect us!

For forty days
and forty nights...

Our Lord lived in the desert
without any food.


no matter how unpleasant the
hardships, they were necessary.





Christ knows the merit of suffering
because He, more than anyone...


Open your hearts to the danger
that threatens you!

Do not fear the approaching hardships.

In the name of
Our Lord, Jesus Christ...

defend our Belo Monte!

They're coming.

- At last, the bandit': hideout.
-And on schedule.

- I hope Savaget do his part.
-lt doesn't look so frightening.

- What's going on?
-We're very tired.

There'll be no rest until Canudos!
Push! Come on!

Come on!


we will soon take revenge
for our dear Moreira Cesar...


all our comrades!

Sergeant, have the band
play the anthem!

Bring the flag!

Platoon, at my command,
fix bayonets!

Place the cannon!

At my command!

- Bayonets!
-Protect the right flank!


Permission for the
left flank to fix bayonets.

- Permission granted.
-Follow me, men! Attack!

Attack! Hurry!

Let's go, son! This platoon
is different, they're good.

I k*lled him, father!
I k*lled an Anti-Christ!

No, you didn't. You didn't k*ll
anyone. Let's get out of here.

- Let's go!
-They fled!

We dislodged the attackers.

We had losses,
but we were victorious.

And tomorrow, the 27th...

we will enter Canudos.


I have sinned

lord,have mercy

It 's an omen. A sign of bad luck.
Especially in Conselheiro 's land.

Don't be silly.

It 's only an owl.
Don't worry.


- We are ready, General.
-Very well.

Let's wake these
bandits up. Fire!

Long live the Republic!

Damn them! These scoundrels
slept right beside us!

Didn't I tell you?
They're like ghosts.

Shut your mouth
and keep firing!

We're running out
of amm*nit*on!

We must save it!

It's General Savaget.

They'll enter Canudos
before us.

General, most batteries are
running out of amm*nit*on.

It can't be, we have a
wagon full of cartridges.

- That 's the problem. The wagon.
-What happened to the wagon?

I'm blind! I'm blind!

Come, boy, come!

They're stealing
the supplies!


Colonel, order the collection of g*ns
and amm*nit*on from the dead.

Send a message to Savaget.
Ask him to come to our rescue.

But General, and the plan
to attack on two flanks?

Do as I command!

The arrival of General Savaget
saved the 1st Column from disaster.

If it wasn't for him, the campaign
would be irredeemably lost.

More than 1,000 people were
k*lled in combat yesterday.

The situation is delicate. There's
not much food and amm*nit*on left.

At a meeting, the Generals
decided to wait for new supplies.

Only after feeding the troops,
they will attempt a new as*ault.

We got more than 400,000 b*ll*ts
and burnt all their provisions.

- We lost less than fifty men.
-lt was a great victory of faith...

...wasn't it, father?
-No, it was not.

The condemned republicans
reached the gates of Belo Monte!

They came,
but they shall not leave!

There, they shall be stung
day and night...

by wasps...

and horseflies!

They will blaspheme,
cry, groan...

and there shall be
no consolation!

And hunger and thirst
will fall upon them...

miserable dogs!

You are doomed,
damned blasphemers...

who dared to attack
the Lord's temple!

The situation is intolerable.

We don't attack and the longer
we wait, the worst things get.

Rations ran out today, tomorrow
there will be nothing to eat.

The field hospitals have nothing,
no bandages or alcohol.

But there's plenty of medicine for
diseases that don't exist here.

"Their impertinent
sh**ting irritates us like flies...

enrages us and impresses upon us
a strange fear of death...

that seems it'll come
with the first b*llet...

A battle is much better than
this mad sh**t-out! Who's next?

I'll speak to the General and get
out of here as soon as possible.

I've had enough.

Poor Geraldo, he died without even
knowing where the b*llet came from.

This is the work of that Lucena.
He's the terror of the skirmish.

Evil bandit!
But one day we'll get him!

This man's no bandit!
He's my father.

- What?
-Lucena is my father 's name.

And I've seen my brother
among these thugs.

Holy Mary! Why didn't you
tell me your family lived there?

- Are you thinking of going there?

Why did you want
me to come, then?

Because I hate Conselheiro.

But I don 't want
my family to die.

Promise me you won 't k*ll my
father, Arimatéia. Promise me!

Luiza, we 're in the
middle of a w*r!

I don't know your father,
and he doesn't know me.

How can I promise you
something like that?

If we are to meet
somewhere out there...

God will choose who dies.

My father was never a bandit.

It's that old man that
makes him do these things.

It's the old man.

Tempests rise
in Mary's heart...

destroy the "fireball"!

It 's the "Slaughterer",
but it 's along way off.

Have you already eaten?

Mother said she and I
would only eat at night.

What we have is for you and father,
who are fighting the scum.

I'm not hungry.

Eat it. Are you
going to waste it?

Do you remember Luiza?

- The way she was? Her face?
-I think of her every day.

- I think I saw her with the troops.

I think I saw her with
the soldiers ' women.

I'm not sure it was her.
Maybe it wasn't.

- What would she be doing with them?
-I want to see Luiza too.

They're attacking!

They're attacking!

- There's no man to fight me!
-I 'll get you, you scoundrel!

Praised be Our Lord
Jesus Christ.

Zé Lucena.

- Is it about the boy?
-Yes, father.

- He 's left us.
-By fire, or steel?

I saw from afar...


My wife and I,
we're in great grief.

Was his soul saved?

He fought for God, to silence the
black donkey of the Anti-Christ.

He fought against fire,
and died by fire.

- His soul is in peace.
-Praised be Our Lord Jesus Christ!

May He be praised forever.

Zé Lucena.

Honor the cross that
you carry on your chest.

Yes, father.

Today, tomorrow, the day after...

When will this
bloody convoy arrive?

- Maybe today, General.
-I don 't want "maybes", Major!

Until then, cut the troops 's rations
and reduce those of the wounded.

There's no more food,
not even for the wounded.

The supply to the field hospital
was canceled yesterday.

And you didn't tell me?
It's the end!

Son of a bitch!

I was sure I would
eat goat today.

Aside his skin and bones, we 're left
with less than five pounds.

If we had more
soldiers like you...

...people who know this region...
- Well, Lieutenant...

you outsiders don't know the
region, but you're very brave.

But even the women are
brave here. Like yours.

Left everything and
came to this w*r.

But that's not courage.
That's love.

Or stupidity. Only a stupid woman
would want to be in this mess.

I'm sorry, but I don't think
that Luiza is stupid.

- She's worthy.
-That 's true. She is a good wife.

When I saw Luiza
for the first time...

I felt something...
burning inside, you know?

I asked her to marry me right away.
And she actually said "yes".

I guess she liked me too,

She never gave me any
reason for complaint.

At least, not yet.

She's so different from
the women I've met.

Luiza, your wife,
is so sweet, so feminine.

I'll tell you something a
man doesn't tell anyone.

Luiza used to be a whore.

She used to be,
but she's not anymore.

I was tiptoeing,
then I heard a noise...

I turned around and
there was Arimatéia...

He scared the goat,
the one I promised you.

If we weren't in the
middle of a w*r...

I'd throw you down and
fool around all night.

And do you respect w*r?
You don't do it because of the hunger.

There's nothing left.

I want to return
to Monte Santa.

- Is it the hunger?
-lt's me.

It's the Lieutenant,
isn't it?

It's many things.

No, it's not.

It 's the devil whispering
in your ear.

- The convoy is arriving!
-The convoy!

The convoy.
I'm going to tell the General.

The bastards
want to starve us!

That's what will happen,
if we don't do anything.

You 're a courageous man,
Lieutenant. Will you come with me?

No. w*r isn't
just fighting.

Well, Lieutenant,
I think I was wrong about you.

I'll show these hoodlums
there's a real man here!

Arimatéia, don't do it!

Arimatéia got there.

He got the first,
the second...

the third...

I'll show them there's not just
one real man here. There are two!


The convoy is coming!

Today is the day that
Canudos will surrender.

The Colonel even ordered "cachaga"
to be distributed to the troops.

- To give them courage?
-For me, it just drives off the cold.

- And for you?
-lt just makes me drunk.

Big, isn't it?

What 's wrong, Luiza?
Have you lost your voice?

- Have you already eaten?
-Very well, at last.

Arimatéia died to feed you.
You and all the others.

And no one had the courage
to, at least, go fetch his body.

We must think that tomorrow...

Arimatéia and Firmino
will be revenged.

That for their lives,
our troops will take ten.

That's what we must think
at a time like this.


but something odd crossed
my mind just now.

Something I didn't know whether
I was dreaming or thinking.

I imagined that there
would be no attack.

The General would call
Conselheiro and talk to him.

They'd reach an agreement
and the w*r would be over.

People would stop dying.

Prepare for battle!


Fix bayonets!

Form successive lines!

As long as the church
towers stand...

Bela Monte resists.

Descend upon us
Divine light

Descend upon us
Divine light

May love
Illuminate our souls

The love of Jesus

My brave men,
let us take Canudos!

- Long live the Republic!
-Long live the Republic!

Take the camera to my tent.

Forward, soldiers!
There will be no cowardice!

Let's go!

- They're coming!
-Wait for Lucena': whistle!

Let us praise

Our Good Jesus

Only He can bear

The weight of the holy cross

- Come on!
-Shit! Shit!

They got me, got me,
but they didn't k*ll me.

- You 're wasting b*ll*ts, boy!
-All right.

Mother! They're coming this way!
They're coming, mother!

Go! Go!

- Colonel Tupi has been wounded.
-Take me to him immediately.

Twenty-seven officers dead,
forty wounded.

The doctor is on
his way, Colonel.

- And men?
-Hundreds were k*lled or wounded.

But we have seized
hundreds of houses.

From a strategic point of
view, we were successful.

- Almost a casualty for each house.
-So what?

The troops took only
a fifth of the houses.

Nearly a thousand
are out of action.

How will those left seize
the remaining four fifths?

This is no time
for interviews.

We're in the middle
of a battle. Get out.

They'll sh**t me, General.
How am I supposed to get out?

The same way you came in.

From now on, I want to see
all the articles he writes...

all the pictures he takes. Nothing
leaves without my authorization.


Now, back to business:
let us consolidate our positions.

- No one is to move.
-May we take in the dead, General?

Only at night.

I'll write to the Minister
asking for reinforcements.

How many?

About three thousand.

- This will hurt.
- At the hospital, a terrible plight.


Upon seeing that moving and
extraordinary situation...

[understood Dante' s somber
and prodigious genius.

Only he could describe what
I saw in that narrow...

stuffy and hot tent. More gloomy
than the deepest valley of hell.

Blasphemy, sprinkled with
tears, roared from mouths...

along with the groans of pain
and the harrowing death rattles.

Let us leave that to fate,
doctor. Don't do it, please.

Neither fate nor destiny.

If I don't cut it off today,
you'll die tomorrow.

Don 't let them, woman.
I don 't want to be a cr*pple!

I'd rather die!
Don't let them!

No husband of mine will die.
And don't cry!

Cut it off, doctor.

- Do we carry on, Lieutenant?
-With what?

The a*tillery fire.
Do we carry on?

That's enough for today.

It's hot, isn't it?

-It must be even hotter down there.
-A real hell.

For them, even if everything was
on fire, it'd still be paradise.

- Do you want some, Lieutenant?
-lt's good for the circulation.

- Arimatéia was a good man.
-He was my friend.

- And Solano? How is he?

Tomorrow he's coming
back to our tent.

- There 's a convoy leaving tomorrow.
-I'll stay.

Your husband gone, I thought
nothing would keep you here.

Does it make any difference?

If I go or stay?

Come here.

When the w*r is over,
I'll take you with me.

- Where to?
-Where to?

To the big city.

I'll make you
a great woman. A lady!

- I don't want any of that.
-So what do you want?

There was a time when
I wanted to see the sea.

We've already turned this
hinterland into a sea...

of blood.

I already told you, I'll take
you with me. Give me a kiss.

- Go away.
-Are you going to take all night?

I'm sorry, Lieutenant,
we didn't know it was you.

There's no rush,
I'll wait my turn.

Calm down, Lieutenant!
Calm down!

Get lost!

How much did he give you?

Here, I'll pay the double.

From now on, you'll only lie down
with me. Do you understand?

Keep your money.
I don't need it.

I'll lie down with
whomever I like...

and choose who pays.


0ur spies said that 5,000 soldiers
are coming from Monte Santa.

Five thousand, I don't think
we can hold out against so many.

You have no faith, Vilanova.
Five, ten thousand, it doesn't matter.

With a wave of Conselheiro 's crook,
earth will swallow up all of them.

I believe in his leadership,
not in miracles.

And in this, Antonio Vilanova?
And in this?

Sure, as long as there's arms to
handle it and b*ll*ts to sh**t.

Don't you worry, there is no
shortage of amm*nit*on here.

- And men?
-Every day we have fewer.

The siege of Belo Monte is closing in,
can't you see their plan?

They no longer attack, they want
to k*ll us of hunger and thirst.

When an animal is cornered,
Mr. Vilanova...

it reacts with
even more anger.

Let's take back our homes!
Come on!

Let's show them!

Come on!
Let 's show this son of a...

They got Join Abade!

Retreat, people!

General, did you censor the
article I sent to my newspaper?

This is outrageous!

Your article dealt only
with negative facts.

- And false ones.
-I wrote nothing false.

On the contrary,
I left out certain things.

For example: I didn't mention that
you employ one of the scum.

Well, you should.
It's an act of charity.

- Do you remember what you wrote?
-Of course.

- Read it.


"The situation in Canudos has
been unbearable for some time.

The militia b*ll*ts cause the troops
less damage than the promises...

of Major Haroldo, who feverishly
gripping the calculating pencil...

with which he spreads general
impatience, remains barren.

Adding, subtracting,
multiplying, dividing...

...placing hunger in equations."
-lt slanders an officer's honor.

"Nevertheless, these
provisions exist, and worse...

have already been bought from Army
suppliers. As they never arrive...

they 're bought again, at high prices,
food the soldiers will never eat.

Is it fickle to raise suspicions
about the fairness of these deals...

given the fact that they involve
large amounts of public funds?"

You raise suspicions and make
accusations without any proof.

That's enough!

Slander like this made the w*r
Ministry interfere in my campaign.

No one has ever
questioned my honesty.

I don't question your honesty.
I question your competence.

A soldier's competence
is known in victory.

- I never said you'd be defeated.
-But you hope so.

I just don 't think these peasants
are a threat to the Republic.

Even if they 're monarchists.
They're Brazilians.

- They are not! They 're fanatics!
-As you are for the Republic.

The same mad fanaticism.

The difference is that you believe
you 're on a holy crusade...

while they 're just defending
their invaded homes.

You are very clever with words.
But we won 't win with words...

we will win with v*olence,
the only thing they respect!

The end of the w*r is near.
But you will not be here...

to see our victory.
Gather your belongings.

You'll leave with the
wounded to Monte Santa.

- This is an outrage.
-Now get out of here!

- I brought you this.
-Won't you need it?

We 're leaving tomorrow.
I don't want to carry weight.

Maybe I'll go too.

- You have your reasons to stay.
-No, I don't.

- The Lieutenant.
-He's just like the others.

Maybe not.
You need time to find out.

It's a reason to stay.

Good luck.


Hey, Jurandir!

Wake up, man.
Let's go, Jurandir!

Careful, sister, it 's dangerous
to walk around here.

"For I will take away the rejoicing
of her great multitude...

and her pride shall be
turned into mourning.

For fire shall come upon her from
the Everlasting, long to endure.

And she shall be inhabited by
demons for along time.

Oh, Jerusalem, look about
thee toward the east...

and behold the joy that
cometh unto thee from God.

For, thy sons are coming...

whom thou sentest away...

by the word
of the Holy One...

rejoicing in His glory.

Put off, Jerusalem, the garment
of mourning and affliction...

and put on the comeliness and the
splendor of that eternal glory...

that cometh from God.

Cast about thee a double
garment of the righteousness...

and set a diadem on thine head
of the glory of the Everlasting.

For thy name shall be
called of God for ever...

The peace of righteousness.

Arise, oh, Jerusalem...

and stand on high, look toward the
east, and behold thy children...

gathered from the
west unto the east...

by your word, rejoicing
in the remembrance of God.

They departed from thee on foot,
and were led by their enemies...

but God bringeth them unto thee
as children of the kingdom.

For God hath flatted
every high hill...

so that Israel
may go safely... the glory of God."
-Praised be Our Lord Jesus Christ!

May He be praised forever!

- Mother.
-lt's Luiza, mother.


Luiza, my daughter!

How I missed you!

- Toinho saw you with the soldiers.
-Praised be God...

who, amidst all this sadness,
brought back my daughter.

And Toinho?
Where is he?

Did something
happen to Toinho?

- God took him to heaven.
-The soldiers k*lled him, Luiza.

- Damn!
-Toinho is better off than we are.

Tereza, go find your father.

He must see Luiza too.

You're so thin, mother.

You look sick.

There's not much food and what
we have goes to those fighting.

This sacrifice is in vain, mother.
More soldiers are coming.

- You won't hold out much longer.
-We won't leave this place.

- This is our home.
-Look around you, mother.

Look! There's only misery.
Let's leave.

I'm not a dog to be
led back and forth.

I made an effort
to like this place.

Was it for nothing?

- Am I now to be left with nothing?
-You'll have your life.

Life is God's to give, and only
He has the right to take it back.

He also gave Belo Monte
to all this people.

- Only He can take it away.
-They 'll k*ll everyone, mother.

- Come with me, please.
-Don 't be afraid, my daughter.

The soldiers maybe
strong, but God...

- God didn't save Toinho!
Match it. Ask God for forgiveness.

God wanted Toinho with him.

That 's why He took him.

- God bless you, daughter.

I missed you so much.

I knew you 'd come home
one day, daughter.

Father, the soldiers will
invade Canudos.

They'll destroy everything,
come with me.

- Is that all you have to say?

If that is all,
then you can go back.

Father, I know a way of getting out
of here, the soldiers won't see us.

A way.

I know all the ways in and
out of our Bela Monte.

But we are staying here.

Let me take mother, then.
She's sick and starving.

Tereza then,
she's completely innocent.

- My father was a good man.
-And my daughter respected me.

- Please, father.
-Don 't call me "father" anymore.

Wasn't Toinho enough? Between life
and death, choose life, just once!

Go away, girl!

Do you know what will happen?

The "Slaughterer" will destroy
this miserable town.

I'll be up there, looking down.
And you know what?

- I 'll enjoy it.
-Don 't say that!

And I'll enjoy seeing the
soldiers cutting your throat...

and sending you
to hell, old fool!

Because your madness destroyed
our family. You k*lled Toinho...

...and will k*ll mother and Tereza!
-Stop, Luiza!

You can't make me any harm for you've
done to me all the harm you could.

Because of you,
I became a whore.

I went to live with
the down-and-outs.

But there are evils
which bring good.

Thanks to what I learned with
the girls, I found a very good man.

A soldier.

But not just any soldier.

My man is the soldier that
fires the "Slaughterer".

He's the one who
will destroy Canudos!

- You slut!
-Stop it!

- Don't do that, father!
-Stop it!

Finish the job off,
k*ll me then, go on!

Do not spill the blood
of an innocent.

- Forgive me, father.
-Do not ask me for forgiveness.

It was God's hand
leading you.

Just as He did with Abraham,
He was also testing your faith.

Now go and pray.

- What about her?
-She is free to choose.

If she wishes, she may stay.
But if she'd rather leave...

she had better do so now.

It's almost dawn.

Sometimes it 's safer to walk
in shadows than in sunshine.

- I want to go.
-Stay, Luiza.

Let her go.
Go, my daughter.

If you wish to return, the gates of
Belo Monte will be open to you.

Today, God gave me
the joy of a miracle.

Jesus held my hand when I
was about to k*ll my daughter.

I have to tell you:
I don't believe in miracles.

- Neither God's, nor Conselheiro's.
-Don 't say that, woman!

- Don't say such a thing!
-lt's true.

I've kept that to myself
all these years.

I was always by your side,
I never failed you for a minute.

Now, I must tell you:

I don't believe in miracles,
but I did believe in Belo Monte.

We came here
and it wasn't bad.

But I never forgot the
daughter I lost.

- She 's the one who renounced us.
-It doesn't matter.

She's my daughter.
And I don't want to talk about this.

I lost Luiza.

Toinho's gone.

Do you remember what I said to
the officials who took our cows?

That God had never taken
anything of mine!

And now was it God
who took my son? No!

I don't believe it was God.
It was people!

Flesh and blood!
Those soldiers k*lled my boy.

They shouldn't have.
They couldn't have k*lled him!

I don 't accept it, Zé,
and can 't take it in.

I'm angry-

Very angry, Zé.

And seeing Luiza
made me think.

Do you want to leave?
Betray our good father Conselheiro?


I want to stay.

To get my revenge.

They 're the first

I'm sick of this damned w*r.

I want to k*ll all those bastards
and get out of this hellhole.

My family has lots of money.

I'm rich, you know?

I could be in Rio now.

Having a hot bath...

some decent food,
good wine...

and then sleep in the
arms of a real woman...


smelling of perfume.

But no other woman
compares to you, Luiza.

When the reinforcements the
General ordered arrive...

we'll finish them right off...

and then we'll go
to Rio de Janeiro.

- How was your journey, Colonel?
-So calm...

I thought the w*r was over.
That I had come too late.

Nonsense. A party always
gets better towards the end.

With your assistance, we'll bring
down this monstrous citadel.

I bring a message for you
from the President.

He requests the total
destruction of Canudos.

- No stone is to remain in place.
-Very well.

I sent for the "Slaughterer".
It 's what they call the 32.

Get your binoculars,
you will see a fine spectacle.

Timéteo, get down, lad!

I can '1, it 's my duty.


Praised be Our Lord Jesus Christ.

May the Lord be
praised forever.

the situation is difficult.

The enemy have
surrounded us.

Cut off the roads,
seized the trenches.

We've run out of food
and amm*nit*on.

You said that the fourth fire
was in God's hands.

God has decided:

it's the end, father.
It's the end.

Or the beginning,
one never knows.

I have always been loyal to you,
helped our cause.

Even as a non-believer,
I never betrayed you. Never, never.

Come closer, Vilanova,
I cannot hear you.

I came to ask you permission
to leave town with my family.

Let me go, sir.

So go on your journey,

Leave now,
I'd like to be alone.

- Do we have everything? Let 's go.
-Let's go.

My friend...

the fight is hopeless.
Our Conselheiro is finished.

Well, if he dies,
I want to die too.

Goodbye, my friend.

Say goodbye to your
wife from all of us.

Let's go.

When the sky
Becomes the earth

like a river
With no fountain

When the sword
Pierces the stone

When the sea
Becomes a stream

What unsatisfied passion

What demented revenge

Fallen holy virgin

All-powerful Satan

Amongst rivers
lovely hills

What nearby distance

So many confident people

In Antonio

The Penitent

"My people of Belo Monte.

The time has come for me
to say goodbye to all of you. "

lord God

{have sinned, lord

What a shame that such
a vivid sentiment...

causes my soul
to take this leave.

In view of the benevolent...

kind and affectionate way
you have treated me...

this put me greatly
in your debt.

Although I sometimes pronounced
excessively harsh words...

in fighting the
damned Republic...

re preaching vices and...

in bringing the heart to holy
fear and the love of God.

I cannot believe, though, that I
nurtured the slightest desire...

to discredit
your reputations.

Goodbye, my people-

Goodbye , birds.

Goodbye Areas.
Goodbye, fields.

Accept my farewell...

which well demonstrates the
fond memories f II take of you...

which will never vanish from
the memory of this pilgrim...

who strives eagerly
for your salvation...

and for the good of the Church."

- Attack!
-Come on!

- Attention! Fire!
-There, brother!



- What?
-Can you see it?

- Yes.
-Go fetch it.

Go on!



See if it's working.

Gunner Luis?

Get all the g*ns.
Leave nothing behind.

They are too many!
Take Tereza with you!

Come on, mother!

Run, sister! Take Tereza!
I'm coming!

- The enemy is here!
-Go, girl!

Let them come...

but no one will take
what is mine!

Come on!


What the hell is this?

I better tell the General.

Please, General,
lam Antonio Beam...

"Little Beato", and I
came to give myself up...

because we cannot
stand anymore.

- Good. And Conselheiro?
-Our Good Conselheiro is in heaven.

Yes, sir.
In heaven.

- Are the men willing to surrender?
-I pleaded with them to come...

but a lot of them won't surrender.
They're very stubborn.

But they can't stand it any longer,
we 're nearly all dry with thirst.

Very well. Your people are in no
conditions to resist or to flee.

Go back and tell the men to
surrender. They will not die.

I guarantee.

And tell them the government of the
Republic is good to all Brazilians.

They can surrender, but I won 't
grant the smallest concession.

I give you an hour to surrender.
One hour, and not a minute longer.

New go.

The general has guaranteed
everyone 's life! Let 's go!

Mane dee Joana!
Where are you going, boy?

Aren't you ashamed?

A strong man like you?

I'll get you, you yellow dog!

Where are you,
Mané de Joana?

Let's go.

He's clever. Gives up his extra
weight, in order to fight better.

Give me strength, My Lord!

So be it, my old man.

Come here, boy!
Do you know Tereza?

-I'm hungry.

Father! Father!
Mother went with the troops!

- She surrendered?
-No, they arrested her.

What about me? Wouldn't it be
better for me to stay with mother?

- Are there still many people there?
-How will I know?

I mind my own business.

All women came of their own
free will. Except this one.

She was sh**ting men
who wanted to surrender.

- Why did you do that?
-We were in our homes...

...and you came to k*ll us.
-Are you married?

So you want to know everything,
great and small?

- How extreme.
-Did many fighters flee Canudos?

Don 't bother asking
so much, mister.

You'll never get out of here alive,
you're lost.

You'll be like a blind man,
stumbling around these hills.

- How dare you?
-Yes, we lost.

But we still have to k*ll
plenty of "scum"!

Petulant woman!
Show her the scrub!

- Very good, sir!
-Yes, sir.

How do you wish to die?



I need you.

- They're gonna k*ll her!

Talk to the General,
beg for my mother's life!

Your mother?
What is she doing here?

They'll give her a"red tie".

- Let each look after his own dead.
-My mother is alive!

Do something for her!

For me.

We are at w*r, Luiza.

Your mother 's on one side...

I'm on the other.

Salute the Republic, witch!

Long live Bela Monte!

Long live...

- Have you seen Luiza?
-I saw her a while back.

She seemed crazy.

Throw me one, Lucena.

- Get ready, the scum is back!
-Give them hell, Mr. Lucena!

Give them hell!

- Give them hell!
-Let 's bring those bastards out.

With dynamite!
With fire!

Burn Canudos!
Burn it all!


Let them have it!

Get out of the way, fool!

Come on!

Burn them!

Go. quick!


Descend upon us

Divine light


Illuminate our souls

With the love of Jesus

- Tereza!
-l'm scared, Luiza!

Don 't be, I'm here with you.
Let's go.

Cover me,
I'll ferret out some scum!

Lucena, I'm telling you.

I'm an ex-sl*ve.

I was chained up for
almost fifty years.

I was freed twice.

The first time,
by Princess Isabel...

the second, by my
good father Conselheiro.

And now,
this will be the third.

Because God will come and
take me away from this misery.

I'll go in peace.

And I want to say,
my friend...

that this is the happiest
day of my life.

The four of us, here,
showing that scum...

that there are men they can't break.
That men aren't like cattle.

That we're not afraid of their
shouts or of their whip.

My heart asked me
to fight and I fought.

My good father Conselheiro brought
me to the gates of heaven.

I can only be grateful.

- Praised be Our Lord Jesus Christ!
-May His name be praised forever.

Come on, my friend.
Let's go.


How are you, General?
Would you like some coffee?

Thank you, I'm anxious to get home.
After all, it 's been six months...

in this wilderness.
Six months!

Well, well.
It's our journalist.

So the nightmare is
really over, General?

Show them.

You disgrace the army,

Your campaign was a crime.

We won!

Luis said that the Republic
would do so much good.

But in the end, the dynamite he
held was to be thrown at me.

Is that the good
of the Republic?

The good he said
he would give me...

was that it?

- Come on, let's go.
-Where to?

- We 'll find some place. Let 's go.

will you pray with me?

"Hail Mary, full of grace.

The Lord is with thee.
Blessed an thou amongst women...

and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God...

pray for us sinners...

now and at the hour
of our death."

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