355, The (2022)

History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
Post Reply

355, The (2022)

Post by bunniefuu »

[grand orchestral fanfare


[typewriter bell dings]

[birds chirping and calling]

[TV announcer speaking Spanish]


- Cigar?

- No, thank you.

Perhaps wine?

I have one of the finest

collections in all of Colombia.



let's do business.


My son.

He convinced me

this is the new drug.


[over radio]: Faster to grow

and easier to go.

JERONIMO: So, this device

can access anything on the net.

Targeted power kills,

banking and stock markets...

blockchains, encrypted emails,

cyber disruption.

Totally untraceable master key.

Look south.

Here, come.

You're gonna love this.

JERONIMO: Okay, three o'clock

from your position.



- JERONIMO: Cargo plane.

- You see it.

Brazilian Air.

[distant boom]

[laughing]: Whoa.

[jet engine whining, rumbling]

Sorry. [chuckles]

And I just blacked out

all of Bogot.

[static crackling]

His little toy can do far more.

This is just a taste.

Like we used to... to give

a lick of the coca. Hmm?

And it's the only one, you say?

Try and make a copy,

it deletes itself.

I'm the only one

who can make it.


do we have a deal?


Yeah, I think we probably do.

- [men shouting in Spanish]

- Puta.


[shouting and g*nf*re continue]

The drive! Get the drive!

MARKS: Come.

We got incoming from

the Colombian operative.

He, uh...

he sounds pretty spooked.

Now, he says he's got something

to sell, something that would,

uh, rattle our friends

at the NSA.

He's asking for three million,

cash, so he can disappear.

Did he contact

any other agencies?

He doesn't seem

too patient, sir.

That's a yes.

GRADY: And the Colombians,

- they're coming for him, too.

- Where is he now?

On his way to Paris.



[grunting continues]

Come on.

No close contact, huh?


They get close, they get hurt.

Yeah, you fight like you date.

Oh, you want to talk about

your dating history, big guy?

Another time.

You got a job.


MACE: Sight lines here.

Traffic's one-way,

north to south.

Exterior has no clean cover.

Exposure's 360 degrees.

We can't box him in.

No need. He called us.

We trade bags, walk away.

No muss, no fuss.

Why don't we have

a team on this?

It's a simple drop, Mace.

He could've sold that thing

on the black market

for a lot more,

but he just wants three mil

for him and his family

to disappear.

- What a guy.

- You ever consider it?

What? Committing high treason

or starting a family?

Take your pick.


I haven't.

[sighs] 'Cause you love the job.

One of us has to.

Well, if you don't like

the idea of family,

you're really gonna love

our cover.


We're, um...

Joel and Ethel Lewis from Iowa.

- On our honeymoon.

- Our honeymoon?


So you crafted this cover?

You wanted me to do more work,


Try the ring.

See if it fits.

Hmm, it'll do.


Okay, so, uh, that's

our best access point, huh?

Straight line to the drop.

I'll run lead.

You do know

what honeymooners do, right?

When they're on their honeymoon,

in the most romantic city

in the world, Ethel?

You call me Ethel again,

you're gonna wish

you got me a smaller ring.

- I want to try something.

- [sighs]

No, Nick,

there's no other angles here.

I'm not talking about the job.

[laughs]: What are you doing?

You're my best friend.

I don't have anybody else.

I know.

And I don't want

to mess this up.

Tell me you never

thought about it.

Come here.

MACE: It's a little clich, no?

- NICK: What?

- Honeymoon in Paris.

Just 'cause it's clich

doesn't mean it's not romantic.

Well, that depends

on your definition of romance.

I like the way

that ring looks on you.

MACE: That's the spot.

You get us a table.

I'll check out the inside.

Sorry, is this seat taken?


Thank you.

Popular area.

Not so bad as the Left Bank.

MACE: Hello.


Uh, two chocolate croissants

and coffee.

Excusez-moi. Et...


NICK: This guy says

stay away from the Left Bank.

Oh, no, we can't skip that.

We're on our honeymoon.

You should have the eggs.

But don't salt them.

- Pardon.

- MACE: Here it is.

- [grunting]

- [clamoring]

MACE: No, I...

Where's the bag?

NICK: Hey! No, no, no.

MACE: Wait!

I'll go after ours!

[woman gasps]

[people grunting, shouting]


[engine revving]

[people shouting, screaming]

[silenced g*nsh*t]

[woman screams]


[shouts, grunts]

[frustrated grunt]

[both grunt]

- [horns honking]

- [man shouting]

[tires squealing]



[frustrated shout]



Where's the drive?! Huh?!


[pained groan]


Do you have the drive?


How very disappointing.


[train horn blaring]


[shouts in German]



[pained grunt]


[siren wailing in distance]

[knock on door]

WOMAN [hushed]: Luis.

[knock on door]

Luis, it's Graciela Rivera.

Open the door.

Dr. Rivera.

What a surprise.

May I?

Of course.

What are you doing here?

This isn't exactly

regular hours.

No, it's not.

You want something to drink?

GRACIELA: No, I'm okay, Luis.

Are you?

I'm fine.

And where is the package?

I don't know

what you're talking about.

[scoffs softly]

They didn't fly me

halfway around the world

for a therapy session.

I never knew

you worked in the field.

No, I never did.

Till now.

They sent you here because

they thought I would trust you.


That I would give you

my secrets.

Do you have secrets?

[chuckles softly]

I thought you said

you weren't here for therapy.

I'm not.

I'm here to help you.

I'm the only one in the Agency

who really knows you.

Uh, okay.

GRADY: You lost

three million dollars of

-the Agency's money. -Hey, hey,

this isn't an inquisition.

We're just making sure we have

all the facts for the report.

We lost the package, right?

What did Nick say?

He's been off comms.

Just tell me.

Nick didn't make it.

He was shot

going after the mark.

I I.D.'d his body myself.

- I need some water.

- He can get it.

I can get it.

NICK: Do you like it?

Or is it too much?

MACE: It's a bit much.

NICK: I like it.

I like it, too.

So, it's still out there.

We have some leads.

- I can find it.

- [chuckles]

- You're in no shape to...

- I'm fine.

- You're the one who lost it.

- f*ck you, Grady.

- [laughs]

- MARKS: Dial it down.

- This is my...

- I said dial it down.

Give us the room.

[Grady scoffs]

And turn that thing off.

This is my op.

You give it away...

The little red light

has to go off.


I can't put you on this.

I said it's not an inquisition,

but there is an investigation.

But if you were

to go out on your own,

decided you needed to avenge

the death of your teammate...

I could understand

how that might happen.

I would need some help.


It has become undeniable,

from the Shadow Brokers

and the Vault 7 leaks

to new exploits being developed

every day on the dark net,

that we need a new solution

in cybersecurity,

one that can predict

and intercept

possible cyber threats

passing through any of

the 43 access points

that control Internet traffic,

lawfully screen and catalog them

to create an adaptive database.

Think of it as a Dewey decimal

system for cyberattacks.

I know this may seem

far removed from everyday life,

but not when you take

a closer look at reality.

MACE: Hey.


I'm guessing

this isn't a social call.

- Ah, and straight to the point.

- So get to it.

There's a package...

Odds are it's still in Paris,

but I don't know for sure.

We need to retrieve it.



I haven't the faintest idea

what you're talking about.

MI6 does,

but this can't be official.

- I'm out on my own now.

- Yes, you are.

I'm not in the field anymore.

- I'm done with that life.

- Everyone always says that.

I say it because it's true.

MACE: Who's that?

I'm sorry you came all this way.

Who is that?

- My partner.

- Partner in the sense of...

- You're my friend from America.

- I am your friend from America.

- Hi.

- Hi.

I was talking to some investors.

- They were impressed.

- So was I.

Abdel, this is my friend Mace.

- From America.

- Just passing through.

On her way to Paris.

- Nice to meet you.

- Likewise.

I haven't met

many of Khadijah's friends.

- No?

- Shame you can't stay.

- Well...

- Yes, yes, it is a shame.

Until next time.

It was good to see you again,


I've missed you.

Safe travels.

- Nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you, too.

Until next time.

Hope you don't mind.

I let myself in.

Getting into the room

isn't the same as getting in.

You didn't ask the question.

And you didn't ask

the question because

-you don't want to know

the answer. -Correct.

The package is...

- Here we go.

- A data key...

A set of cyber tools,

exploit kits,

worms, ransomware, you name it...

That can get into any

closed system on the planet.

This suite of tools

is still out there,

and I need your help

to track it down.

- I haven't heard...

- [phone ringing]

I need to take this.

They k*lled Nick.


You know those... the old wars?

Cold w*r, w*r on Terror.

We knew who we were fighting.

But now the enemy's invisible.

Like ghosts in a machine.

If they get their hands on this,

they could control and

destabilize entire city grids,

nuclear facilities,

world markets,

anything from a plane in the sky

to the phone in your pocket.

You know the kind of people

who'll be gunning

to get ahold of this.

And you know

what they'll do with it.

They can control

any part of the world

from the simple reach

of their keyboard.

Everything you said

on that stage was right.

Everything except one thing.

The threat isn't on the horizon.

It's here. Right now.

They get this,

they start World w*r III.

The w*r would be over before

we could even fight back.

I cannot do this

without you, Dij.

You're the best in the world

at what you do.

MACE: Southwest corner,

around 10:35 a.m.

That's her.

Yep, she's the one

who blew the op.

Can you find her,

figure out who she is?


KHADIJAH: Marie Schmidt.

Agent with the BND.

- What?

- Demolitions,

disobedience, demotions.

Uh, always under suspicion

of being a double agent.


KHADIJAH: Her father.

Sold secrets to the Russians

in the early '90s.

Got caught

when she was very young.

Hmm, looks like

it runs in the family.

She was working with this guy.

Any known associates

or contacts?

One second.


- What do you mean nothing?

- Nothing.

No partner, no husband,

boyfriend, girlfriend,

kids, pets.

Literally nothing.

- She works alone.

- [typing]

Lives alone.

I'm not even finding

a personal email address.

Hey, stay on him.

How'd he get the drive

in the first place?

Hmm, grabbed it

in a cartel raid.

Idiot didn't even know

what he had.

He tried to sell it

for a lousy three mil.


Can you get

another angle in here?

It's a blind spot.

Can you get

a satellite or something

- so we can see in there?

- The definition of "blind"

is "can't see."

They knew exactly

where to hit him.

Are you okay?


Stay on him.

He's the one with the drive.

KHADIJAH: He's still in Paris.

- He is?

- Registered under Luis Gonzales

at the Hotel Paradis.

The program will process

his features through

every camera in the city.

We can find out where he's been

and track where he's going.

There's a tech conference

in Paris.

They had a speaker drop out

at the last second.

You sure you don't want company?

I'll be back

for dinner tomorrow.

You're gonna need these

if you're going back

into the field.

- I thought this was done.

- So did I.



Be safe out there, okay?

[phone ringing]



[ringing continues]

[siren wailing in distance]

[men chattering in French]

[chatter continues]

There he is. Eleven o'clock,

turning the corner.

Will you be

on the plane with me?

We go together.

MACE: I'll take out the guards.

You stay on the bag.

They're deploying,

forming a perimeter,

trying to ferret out


- We need a diversion.

- I think we have one.


Looks like she's armed.

[over earpiece]:

Closing in on the target.

I'll take care of her.

You monitor the bag.

Copy that.

[men shouting in French]

[both grunting]

[grunting fiercely]

- [Graciela screams]

- [men shouting]


- [groans]

[people screaming, clamoring]

[both grunting]

[men grunting]


[people screaming, clamoring]

- [coughing]

- Luis.

Luis. Luis.

[shallow gasping]


[in distance]: Help!

Help! Help!



Help! Help!

[Graciela shouts in Spanish]

[Graciela shouts in Spanish]

- KHADIJAH: Mace? Mace?

- Where are you?

Outside, pier three.

LUIS: Gracie.

[Luis grunts]


MACE [over earpiece]:

I'm one mike out.

Box him in. Hold steady.

[sighs] He's made me.

- [grunts]

- [people clamoring]

[tires squealing]

[angry shouting]

[shouts in French]


[people clamoring]

[shouts in French]

- He's heading to the boat.

- MACE: I'm on him.








[pained shout]


[grunts, shouts]

[mechanical whir]





[b*ll*ts ricocheting]

[shouts in German]



[faint police radio chatter]

- [siren wailing]

- [urgent chatter]


[speaking German]

[indistinct police radio


- MARIE: Hey!

- [slaps car]

This is not DGSE headquarters.

It's a safe house.

No, I do not feel safe.

Do you want to wash off?

I can get you a clean shirt.


No, I... I need to call home.

No, wait. We don't know

how deep this goes.

How deep your agency

has been infiltrated.

No, I'm not talking about

my agency.

I'm talking about my family.

[ringtone playing]

[dishes clinking]

[phone beeps]

Wrap it up.


Thank you.

What do you know

about the drive?


Don't talk to me like

I'm one of your children.

I'm an agent just like you.

I'm not an agent.

I'm a psychologist.

I was sent here

to analyze one of our agents.

What about the men

you were with?

Did you analyze them?

I was doing what I was told

to do by my agency.

Do you think I knew

they would turn around

and try to sh**t me?

-Hands! -You have ten seconds

to put your g*n down!

- Mace.

- You have a new partner.

- You got the last one k*lled.

- What are you talking about?

You're working with

the Colombian?

You Americans are so stupid.


She was not working with him.

- Please put the g*ns down.

- I would listen to her.

- Then by all means do.

- Eight. Seven.

-We all want the

same thing here. -No, we don't.

- Six.

- Please.

- Five.

- Four.

- Three. -Two.

- One!

Go on. Go ahead.

Pull the trigger.

k*ll each other.

Listen, I get it.

You keep botching

each other's ops.

I'd be pissed off, too,

but the only way

we are gonna accomplish

anything is if we join forces.

Are you crazy?

The enemy of my enemy

is my friend.

We have a common enemy.

I'm just suggesting

you lower the g*ns long enough

for us to sort this out

and get on with it.

Who are you?

Khadijah. MI6.

Marie, you've met Mace.

- How do you know my name?

- We're spies, assh*le.

I'm cyber intelligence.


That's how you pronounce it,


Look, what happened

to you out there,

it's terrible.

What do you know

about the drive?

She knows nothing about this.


that is not entirely true.

- What?

- Luis put a tracker on it.

It's linked to his cell phone.

Hey! Slow.

- Go ahead.

- How come you didn't tell me

anything about this before?

I didn't know

if I could trust you.

- And now you do?

- No, but I had no choice,

and I can't do this myself.

- KHADIJAH: It's encrypted.

- No, no, it works.

He installed a fail-safe

to your fingerprint.

I can't breach that.

The drive's on the move.

Headed southeast

over the Atlantic.

- Middle East?

- Due south.

Africa. Let me check.

Flight plans.


- Come on, let's go.

- Oh, no.

I'm not going with you.

I'm going home.

But we can't do this

without your fingerprints.

That is not my problem.

Oh, it is if you want to keep

them attached to your body.

I'm sorry. I have a family.

I'm not an agent.

I'm a therapist.

- And this is really not for me.

- MACE: All right, Graciela.

You know what else

may not be for you?

Is explaining to your kids

why the whole world is on fire

because the bad guys got ahold

of the device before we did.

We're the only ones who can

prevent that from happening.

- Sorry.

- Okay, how 'bout this?

Those same guys are out there

right now looking for you.

You go home,

you bring them with you.


we really need your help.

But more importantly,

you need ours.

Okay. I'm gonna need to make

another phone call.

And I'm gonna need a new shirt.


From now on.

No, I won't be home for dinner.

Just a little longer, babes.


No one to call?

You got him k*lled when

you blew the op at the caf.


That's the thing with partners.

They get k*lled.

Or they k*ll you.

Is that some kind of threat?


Yes, it is.

KHADIJAH: Yes, I'm safe.

Look, I have to go.

Talk to you later. Bye.

You lie to protect him?

You have children?


It gets harder to lie.

[busy chatter]

I've got satellite and

surveillance on every angle.

Positive on the drive.

KHADIJAH [over earpiece]:

He's clean.

I'm not picking up any tails.

I'm on him.

KHADIJAH: We know he's armed.

He doesn't care about

disturbing the crowd.

I really shouldn't be here

for this part.

You just handle the phone.

I'll handle the g*ns.

[sighs] Ay.

- I'm scared.

- Good.

Only an idiot isn't scared.

[horn honks]

Package is heading north

into the square.

[over earpiece]: You have him

boxed in from both sides.

You have direct angles to him.

You've got a window.

Good to move in.


He's reaching for something.


Was that a brush-past?

Dij, you get that?

KHADIJAH: One sec. Let me look.

Our targets are heading

in opposite directions.

MARIE: I'm not

going to risk losing him.

- MACE: We need to split up.

- Fine. You take the courier.

Let's go.


I have eyes on the new player.

I'll stay on him.

Dij, how you doing?


Still confirming the handoff.

All my angles are blocked.

[hushed]: Gracie.


It's a k*ll box.

[knives stabbing]

KHADIJAH: Affirmative.

He made a handoff.

[over earpiece]:

Mace, your man has the drive.

MARIE: Four K*llers on the move.

They're going after the drive.

We've got competition.

Take this.

-Take it. -You said I didn't

have to do the g*n stuff.

It changed. The plan changed.

Take it.

MACE: Dij, get me a visual

on the building.

It's a hammam.

Perfect. I'll take him

in there, away from the crowd.

How's a white woman

gonna get in there unnoticed?

It's a men-only hammam.

I'm on my way.

Hey. You're not

going in there alone.

And you're not

going there at all.

The last time

you went into an op alone...

Was the last time

I was in the field.

Yes, I know.

There's no other play here,


How do I look?

Hasn't been

my experience with him.

["Dima Labes" by Klay BBJ and

Rayan playing over speakers]

He's heading east.

MACE: Get out of there.

There's three more coming in.

[door closes]



He must have made us

in the market.

Using this place as

a cut-through to shake us off.

MACE: You guys have

eyes on the package?


But we're not

the only ones who do.

[kids clamoring]

[silenced g*nshots]


One down. That leaves three.

We need to stop them

before they get to him.

We've got to find them

in this crowd.

One second.

[phones ringing]


[men speaking Arabic]

[phones continue ringing]

Those two,

not answering their phones.

They must be

on a closed network.

MACE: We've got two headed east

towards the main square.

MARIE: Package is headed

in the same direction.

[silenced g*nsh*t]

MACE: Another down.

I have one on the rooftop.

Taking high position to hit him.


[silenced g*nshots]

MACE: Just one left.

- [silenced g*nshots]

- [grunts]

- It's too exposed.

- Maybe we could...

MARIE: We don't know if there

are any more men out there.

-We could go into one of

those... -We need clear angles.

Checking the exits.


I'm trying to say something.

- Not now, Gracie.

- Yes, now!

Why do you have to be exposed?

You don't.

[speaking Arabic frantically]

KHADIJAH: This system is...

[sighs] These algorithms are

beyond anything I've ever seen.

Next generation

zero-day data set.

Parallel infinity-bit

encryption systems.

- I mean...

- So this is...?

- Poetic.

- I'll call it in.

Why would your agency

get the drive?

What does it matter?

We hand it over, we're done.

Look, we have a station

in Rabat.

I can get a guy here in an hour.

Where is your closest man?

Come on, trust me.

- I knew you'd get it done.

- I had a little help.

Joint-force effort.

I'll contact your agencies.

You'll have commendations

waiting for you back home.


And the investigation into me?

It's officially closed.

Wheels up in two hours.

[door opens]

It was your first time,

you stayed alive,

-and that's the achievement.

Cheers. -[women chuckle]

["Ya Lili" by Balti

and Hamouda playing]

I remember my first time.

Barely a year out of the Army.

Stationed in Pakistan.

I was on a surveillance

detection run in Pindi.

I realized I had someone on me.

God, I was so nervous.

You know how those roads are:

total darkness,

stuff coming out of nowhere.

- All of a sudden...

- [slaps table]

I run 35 miles an hour

straight into a cow.

- [laughter]

- Nearly k*lled me.

What about the cow?

My first official agency k*ll.


What was your first time?

You don't want to hear about it.

You definitely want

to hear about it.


Tell us.

- Okay.

- [Mace chuckles]

I was tracing intel on a phone,

and I geolocated it to a

detention site in Afghanistan,

which didn't make any sense

because they don't exactly

allow phones in there, so...

But there was this one gentleman

who had hidden it

in a secure location.

- GRACIELA: In his...?

- Up his bum.

- [laughter]

- MARIE: No way.

- All the way up there.

- [groans]

I'll never forget it.

Nokia 8850.

Long and slim.

You cannot imagine

the stench that emanated

from that chipset.


I've been attached to

my hand sanitizer ever since.

[laughs] Okay, I'm done eating.

Hey, what about you?

When was your first?


Come on, now.

We showed you ours.

Name, age, nationality.

[clears throat] Walter.

He was German,

and, um, I was 15.

You were 15?

I came down the stairs

from my room,

and I heard my father

speak Russian.

I never knew

he could speak Russian.

I didn't know those men were

KGB, but I knew they were bad.

He was washing blood

off his hands, and, um...

there was a body on the floor.

So you turned in

your own father?


Are you in therapy?


I should be.


I think, I think you should.

I know this is no consolation,

but I just have to say

that you are,

without a doubt...

the most...

screwed-up of us all.


[laughs]: Yes.


Cheers to that.

Oh, no. We need another round.

Or like ten. All for you.



to secure their airspaces,

as reports are coming in of a...

[quiet thump]



I'm not here for you.

Can you turn that up?

- [TV volume increases]

- NEWSWOMAN: Air towers have

multiple fail-safes,

backup power sources,

so the FAA is investigating

what went wrong.

Even with the power outage

-to the whole of the city

of Lisbon... -Dij.

NEWSWOMAN: there should have

been redundancies to prevent

this kind of malfunction.

All planes experienced

the outage

that caused them to crash.


NEWSWOMAN: Officials have

yet to make a statement,

but many believe this may have

been a t*rror1st attack.

So, six passenger planes so far

and two more still missing

we've yet to locate.

There should have been


backup power sources...

Tracker's been turned off.



Answer the phone, Marks.

MACE: He's here.

MARIE: Sh...

Strip the place. Search it!

Gracie. Lock the door!

The drive's gone.

[Khadijah shushing]

We have something.

MARIE: What?

KHADIJAH: Company.

They're already here.

Gracie, get back.




We didn't do this.

We found him dead.

Put your g*ns down

or we will fire.

- [whimpers]

- You're making a big mistake.

The only mistake

that we ever made

was not putting you in a cage

when we had the chance.

Listen to me, Grady.

Don't be an idiot.

- This doesn't track!

- No?


Marks was here

investigating you,

and now he's dead.

And you happen to be

standing with

the very people

who k*lled your teammate.

Well, I'd say it's tracking

pretty well for me.

Fine. What's my motive?

I don't know.

I don't care. Money.

- Come on!

- Power? I don't care.

Put your g*ns down!

I've got four more agents

out on the street.

I counted six.

But thanks for the tip.

[device beeps, whirs]

- [g*nf*re]

- [men grunting]

[Graciela gasps, screams]



[sighs] You have no idea how

much g*dd*mn trouble you're in.

Oh, yeah, I do.

MACE: Come on, Gracie.

Let's go.

I'm sorry.

I cannot do this anymore.

I have two children,

and I'm going home.

You're never gonna see your

family again if you don't move.

I am a normal person.

I can't do this.

-I'm... I'm not made for this.

I told you. -Hey!

Listen to me, Gracie.

There are six officers

coming up the stairs right now.

When they blow through

that door,

you do not want to be

on the other side of it.


Three more on me! Come on!

Check the bodies!

AGENT: They're alive.

They're not in here.

Place is clear.

[phone beeps]

MACE: Hey.

We're ready to go.

Marie, we got to move.


So you got ahold of your boss.

- He did what they all do.

- Hey.

Are you under control?

Are you?


- Let's go.

- [taps arm]

So now what?

We have no information.

How do we go forward?

KHADIJAH: We don't go forward.

We go back.

[keys clink]

Sit down.

He declines to answer.

That is not what I said.

Oh, you speak English.

Great. Enough of that.

Yassine, the fact

that you're not dead

means that

somebody's protecting you.

There are two ways

we can go about this

but only one outcome.

We're going to get what we want.

We can do it the easy way

or we can do it the hard way.

You decide.

We know you don't care

about the cause.

You just care about the cash.

And you damn well know that

your friends don't give a shit

about you now that

you've been caught.

So it's just us,

right here, right now.

We are the only ones

who can help you.

Allah will protect me.

KHADIJAH: What is it

that Allah says about

k*lling a believer?

"Whoever kills a believer


his recompense is hell,


BOTH: "he will abide eternally."

That package you were

delivering is very dangerous.

Many people will die

if you don't help us find it.

Believers. Innocent people.

What do you know about it?

I cannot tell you that.

Okay, story time's over.

[shouts, screams]


That's your femoral artery.

-You're going to bleed to death

in about two minutes. -No.

If we put that tourniquet

on it, you'll live.

But if we don't, you'll die.


- Save me please.

- I won't be a part of this.

- YASSINE: Please.

- Starting to feel dizzy?

Save yourself.

If you k*ll me,

you have nothing.

That's true.

But if you live,

we also have nothing,

so based on those two options...

Do you mean to die for this?



That light you're seeing...

You're about

to lose consciousness.

Okay! Okay, I'll tell you!


There is an auction in two days.

Why would there be an auction

- if they already have it?

- The-the planes,

the blackout, that was, um...

- [speaks Arabic]

- Advertisement.

Yes, yes. To-to... to show

people what-what it can do.

- Now everybody wants it.

- Where's the auction?


Li Na Auction House.

Please stop me bleeding.

Please, please.

[Yassine groaning]



You should've picked

the easy way.


We had a team of men there

to guarantee delivery.

Are you telling me

that you've lost the package

to a harem of women

in headscarves?

I have shorted the markets

from Nikkei to Wall Street.

I want those women dead.

And I want that drive

in my hand.

Otherwise, the next delivery

will be a b*llet to your head.

Do you understand?

MARIE: Can't sleep?

Occupational hazard.

Like a family vacation.

I wouldn't know.

[sighs] Me neither.

Get some rest. You'll need it.

[phone beeps]

What'd you tell him?

That I'd be a bit longer.

And what'd he say?

He hasn't been sleeping well.

Without me.

That's real love, huh?

That's real life, Mace.

James Bond never

has to deal with real life.

James Bond always ends up alone.

- Thank you.

- Thanks.

- Coffee?

- Thank you.

Okay, here's the plan.

They're setting up

for the auction.

There'll be security

on all sides.

The best way in

is through the front.

In there is a closed system.

I've tried to get in remotely,

but I need physical access.

Once we're all inside,

I can get into the cameras,

power, security systems

and steer you

the rest of the way through.

You'll have cameras

in your jewelry,

comms in your earrings.

We'll be connected at all times.

GRACIELA: How do we

get past the front door?


I can get us on the list.

- Thank you.

- It's Anderson. Yeah.


KHADIJAH: Now, the event

is a legitimate auction

for ancient art and artifacts.

But it's just a cover

for the real proximity auction

taking place on the dark net

on their phones.

Silent, invite-only.

That's where the real bidding

for the drive

will be taking place.

That drive will be hidden

in one of the items for sale.

- Which one?

- I don't know yet.

So, we'll have to rely

on your... social skills.

I'll need you

to make new friends

to I.D. the item.

This list is like half

the CIA's most wanted.


When it goes up for auction,

I'll create a diversion,

you grab it and go.

- [women chattering]

- Help me. I can't...

Why isn't it opening?

[woman grunts]

Okay, I'm in position.

Gray hair,

between the two statues.

He's emitting two signals,

and he's focusing too much

on that program.

[lively chatter]

I'll spill my drink on him.

- Where'd you learn that move?

- [over earpiece]: Paris.

Enemy agent.

Ruined my favorite dress.

If that was your favorite dress,

she really did you a favor.

- [both gasp]

- Oh, no!

- I'm okay.

- Oh, no. I'm so sorry.

It's all right.


God, this is so uncomfortable.

It itches so much.


A woman such as yourself

should never be alone.


Gracie, say "thank you." Flirt.

Thank you.


I'm no good at flirting.

Luckily, I am.

KHADIJAH: Okay, your friend's

name is Pyotr Khasanov.

Chechen billionaire.

Just act interested.

Don't think of it as seduction.

Think of it as deduction.

He's just a patient

with a problem.

Find it.

What brings you here?

Are you a collector of art?

I'm a collector of...

many things.


[both laughing]

MACE: Here you go.

It really is a very nice suit.

- Thank you.

- Good as new.

Thank you.

MACE: I'm scouting out front.

I'm just checking something out.

He didn't get past

the third page.

Okay, there's five items

on that page, Gracie.

Painting, mirror, dagger,

dragon's head, vase.

What is it you like?

Painting seems too boring...

No surprises.

I do like to be surprised.

Ancient weapons?

No. You seem like

a man of the future.

And I have a feeling you have

enough weapons already.

What did you say your name was?

I thought you liked surprises.

Which means an antique mirror

wouldn't be right for you

either since you already know

- what you're gonna see in it.

- [chuckles]

His eyes are dilating.

He's more interested in you.

It's not the mirror.

PYOTR: I like this game.

Mm, yes.

You do like games, don't you?

Well, the game is not over.

I still don't know

what you're here for.

A dragon's head.

A symbol of power.



Buena suerte.

Wait. Where are you going?

The game's not over.

It's in the vase.

Mace, everyone's in position.

The auction's about to begin.

Rolling back to you. [gasps]


You're alive.

Bloody hell.

It's good to see you, Mace.

Come here.

Oh, my God.


I don't understand.

Hey, Khadij.

I'd like to see her alone now.

Hey, what-what is this?

What is your op?

-Mace... -Why didn't the Agency

tell me what was going on?

There's no op. Things changed.

MI SHENG [over speakers]:


[speaks Mandarin]

Thank you all for attending.

I will be hosting

tonight's auction.

I'm not getting anything

on the host.


Please take your seats.

We are about to begin.

AUCTIONEER: Good evening,

ladies and gentlemen.

We begin tonight's auction

with this Chinese painting

from the third century.

We will begin our auction

at 8,000.

- We're in position.

- Do I have 8,000?

- 8,000...

- Where's Mace?

KHADIJAH: Following a lead.


I've lost access to the network.

I'm compromised.

Someone's hacking me back.

I need to reposition,

baseline my gear.

Give me 15 seconds. Do not move.

AUCTIONEER: 17,000, 18.

Any more? 19. Do I have 20?

As soon as they wheel

that thing out,

we need to make a move.

No. She said to stay here.

She can't k*ll the lights.



You're working with murderers?

And you're not?

How many people

have the CIA assassinated?

How many states

have they toppled?

How many wars have they started?

You're on your own now, right?

Off the grid? On the run?

How does it feel?

Tell me.

How does it feel to be free?

MI SHENG: The next item

is a 13th century vase

from the Chinese Yuan dynasty.

I'm not losing that drive again.


We will start the bidding

at 100,000 U.S. dollars.


100,000.110, 20.130,000.

130, 140. Thank you.

Any more bids from the phones?


Khadijah, are we back in?

I'm into the cameras,

but I can't get in the lights.

Looks like the real bidding's

started, though.

The hardest thing

about all this, Mace,

was thinking

I'd never see you again.


This is an angle.

I can't believe

you're trying to work me.

If I didn't want you to see me,

you wouldn't have seen me.

Oh, you didn't want me

to see you in Paris, did you?

You wanted me to think

that you were dead.

Yeah, so you were clean.

I did that for you.

For me? Uh-huh.

Without any regard

to how it would make me feel.

How did it make you feel?


You're still wearing this ring.

The bidding's

over a hundred mil.

What's it gonna be, Mace?

Come with me.

MACE: I need this back.

Always such a tough guy.

Okay. Keep her here

out of the way.

[speaking Romanian]



- WOMAN: 300,000.

- AUCTIONEER: We have 300,000.

- Any more from the phones?

- 350,000.

- AUCTIONEER: Thank you, sir.

- [crowd gasps]

Any more on 350?

-Anyone willing to

give me more? -Who's that?


any higher bids? -A ghost.


Fair warning with you, sir.

- MAN: 500,000.

- [crowd gasps]

AUCTIONEER: Half a million.

Currently at $500,000,

- ladies and gentlemen.

- We're gonna lose it.

We have to move.

If the drive is in that vase,

I can tag

the electronic signature.

But you'll have to get closer.

We can tag it, tail it,

and then we can make a move

as soon as it's clear.

- AUCTIONEER: Do I have...

- A million.

- [crowd murmuring]

- AUCTIONEER: One million.

One million U.S. dollars

with the gentleman.

KHADIJAH: He's just bid

$300 million online.

I have a way to get closer.


Any further bids on the phones?

It is now or never.


Did you get what you wanted?


This is the last bid.

- Now I did.

- [chuckles]


One million and one, anyone?

He's at half a billion dollars.

AUCTIONEER: The gavel is up.

She's too exposed.

You're not close enough, Gracie.

AUCTIONEER: Going once.

Shall we go?

Going twice.

Going three times and...


Got it.

AUCTIONEER: Highest bidder

with the gentleman.

-Oh, so sorry. -Thank you,

ladies and gentlemen.

Actually, she's with me.

Thank you.


KHADIJAH: The package

is rolling to a back area.

I'm on a balcony, first hall

southeast of the auction.

Marie, meet me here.

Gracie, meet us outside.

[man grunting]

[Mace grunting fiercely]


Let's show the people at home

what they won.

[door closes]

500 million's a lot of money,

even for the guy I represent.

Just want to make sure it works.

- [whirring]

- KHADIJAH: The package is in

an office two halls away.


The buyer has a team.

The seller has an army.

[sighs] What do we have?

Please don't say "each other."

Acetone. Hydrogen peroxide.

Your file says demolitions.

Can you make this work?

We will require the full fee

- before you leave.

- Of course.

[men chattering]

[glass crackling]

- [expl*si*n]

- [men screaming]

[alarm wailing]

NICK: What's that?

- [alarm continues wailing]

- [Mace grunting fiercely]

[Marie grunts]

[g*ns racking]

[phone ringing]

- [crowd clamoring]

- [alarm continues wailing]

Down there, to the left.

[men shouting in Mandarin]

[shouting continues]

- [Mi Sheng speaks Mandarin]

- [shouting stops]

Drop your weapons.

Both of you.

[Marie sighs]



- [crowd clamoring]

- [alarm continues wailing]

- MACE: Nick!

- [sirens wailing in distance]


I'm going with you.

I see Mace.



The only place

I'll join you is hell.

sh**t me.

And I'll have him

fire into the crowd.

- Can't do it, can you?

- [sighs]

[tires squealing]




- What are you doing?

- Mace, what happened to you?


- [sirens wailing]

- [tires squealing]

[officers shouting in Mandarin]

- Let's get out!

- Let's get out of here!

Get in.

Come with me.

[officers continue shouting]

I can treat her wounds

where we're going.

And where are we going?

Who are you?

My name is Lin Mi Sheng.

I work for the Ministry.

It's nice to finally meet.

[door rumbling and creaking]

MACE: I'm fine.


[gasps] Yeah.

Would anyone like tea?

I have a wide assortment

of herbs.

What the hell is going on?

We were hoping the CIA would

secure the drive in Paris.

When that didn't happen,

it was essential we reclaim it

before it fell into

the wrong hands.

My father convinced our bosses

that this could be

a larger opportunity.

What kind of opportunity?

MI SHENG: I believe you met

Pyotr Khasanov.

If he can disrupt oil

production in the Middle East,

his profits will skyrocket.

Raza Magodosh.

Freelance from Dubai.

He promises disruption to any

state willing to pay for it.

This one is a front

for the Iranians.

This gentleman is

an international mercenary

specializing in Central Africa.

There are

many rogue players today.

This was an opportunity

to collect information on them.

So this was all some kind

of fishing expedition?

Selling deadly intel

to the highest bidder

just to see

who's out there bidding?

We sold them nothing.


The drive is right here.

[keypad beeping]

You k*lled Marks for that.

You knocked out the power?

The planes?


Marks did.

He was working with Nick.

MARKS: But if you were

to go out on your own,

I could understand

how that might happen.

I knew you'd get it done.

MI SHENG: I stopped him

before they could do more.

They were working for this man,

Elijah Clarke,

a known financier for

international terror groups.

The drive is safe now.

The world is safe.

You'll all be going home soon.

It's done.

Told you I'd get it.

Yeah, you did.

Where's my cut?

Of course. Your cut.

[scoffs softly]

We had a deal.

I got you the drive.

No, you didn't.

You got me a decoy,

a $500 million paperweight.

They must have swapped.

[cries out]

They must have swapped it.



[phone buzzing]

- Hey.

- KHADIJAH: Hey, it's me.

Listen, I'm sorry

I didn't call you sooner.

It couldn't be helped.

I don't know what else to say.

I get it. I just, um...

You know, I just wanted

to know you're okay.

Well, I'm fine.

I can handle myself, you know.

I didn't say you couldn't.

I'm on the first flight back.

The sooner I get off this phone,

the faster I can wrap up

and get on that plane.

Well, I wouldn't want

to keep you.

I didn't mean it like that.

No, I get it.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm looking forward

to being home, too.


[speaking Arabic]

I'll see you soon.

See you soon.

[chuckles softly]

Hola, mami.

[boy babbling happily]

You were dreaming.

[Mace sighs]

You were having a bad dream.

Your dream was about how you

didn't see the signs, right?

When you live a life of lies,

it's hard to know

what's true and what isn't.

I thought I knew.

I was in control my whole life.

I took care of myself because...

I didn't have anybody.

I got used to that life.

It made me

really, really good...

at this life.

I'm sorry you were betrayed.


I know what that feels like.


Maybe you should.





[inhales sharply]

Thank you.

[chuckles softly]

[pained groan]

MI SHENG: Can I help you?

Mm. Hoping for some of that tea.

I'm starting to feel

my face again.

Chinese herbs

have many qualities.

This will end your pain forever.

Let me find something

a little less strong.

So what'd you give 'em?

You have the drive.

You gave them something else.

We gave them something close.

That was

a dangerous thing to do.

That's what we do.


We put ourselves in danger...

so that others are not.

We all look different,

speak different,

but we are the same.

Thank you.

MI SHENG: Strange how something

so beautiful can be so deadly.

The way these containers

are set up...

There's no safeguard

for them yet.



[men shouting in Romanian]

- MAN: Hands up!

- [grunting]

[bottle shatters]

- Clear!

- [chatter in Romanian]



Clear! Everything's clear here!

MAN 2: That's all of them, boss.

Well, I guess this is hell.


Drop it.

Stop trying to figure a way out

of this and do as you're told.

[knife clatters on floor]

Where's the drive?

I took a beating

from my boss for you.

You can be damn sure

the next blood won't be mine.

Get 'em over there.


Move over there. Move.

Go ahead.



GRACIELA: No, no, no.

Not my family. No.

My babies. No, please. No.

-No, no, no. -All the people

that matter most to you.

Except for you, Mace.

You don't have anybody

besides your friends here.

We understand

you're upset, Nick.

- We can talk about this.

- I'm gonna ask you again.

Where's the drive?

- [screams]

- [gasps]

Where's the drive?

[breath trembling]

- sh**t him. -No.

- [silenced g*nsh*t]

- [grunts]

- [gasps]

- NICK: Where's the drive?

- Wait.

-Where's the drive?! -They've

got nothing to do with it.

- sh**t him.

- Wait, wait, wait, wait.

[sobs]: No!

[Khadijah cries]

NICK: Where's the drive?

[sobs, mumbles]

[crying]: My babies, no.

Please do something.

NICK: Just so we all

understand each other here,

I just brokered a sale

that turned out

to be bad intel

to some people who'd k*ll

- everyone you've ever known...

- Please do something.

- to get their hands on that

data. -Please give it to them!

- Give it to them!

- So if I don't get it

-before the end of this

sentence... -Give it to them!

Then that nice woman's gonna

lose that nice little family!

MACE: Stop! Stop!


Stop it, Nick.


We'll give it to you, okay?

May... [pants]

- May I stand?

- NICK: No, you may not.

Where is it?

[sobs softly]


Thank you. Now you may stand.

You're coming with me.

I want to make sure it's legit.


Now let her family go.

[Graciela crying]

Please let them go.

Please, please.

Let 'em go.

[crying continues]

It's done.

[crying continues]


They're safe, okay?

They're safe.


Please, please. My babies.

[crying continues]

[crying softly]

MACE: I'm so sorry.

[engine starts]

Can you turn that off please?


[mouse clicking]


I didn't do anything.

Wait a minute.

It's her glasses.

She's telling us where to go.


Dijah, what are you doing?

- [mouse clicking]

- The job.

No, you're not in the right

frame of mind for this.

You need to go home, Khadijah.

Get out my way.

Dijah, go home.




KHADIJAH: Nanjing Road.

Six miles west from here.


It's a hotel.

Here. Suite. 3004.

We can access it from the rooms

above and below.

How do we know they're empty?

They will be.

I found something.


[siren wailing in distance]

How much longer

is it gonna take?

[sighs softly]

The encryption has

multiple fail-safes.

It takes time.

You're running out of it.

I'm sorry that you're here.

This is my fault.

I brought all of this

into your life.

No, you didn't.

He did.

You don't have to apologize

for him, Mace.

We always do that, right?

We think

everything is our fault.

You didn't bring this

into my life.

All you did was

trust the wrong guy.

It's not your fault.

That's what therapists

always say.

I'm not a therapist right now.

[Nick sighs]


Four guards in the main room.

Six in the street.

Five minutes,

this will be ready to blow.

Mace, how's it going?

- [whirring]

- I need some more time.

I can't, I can't get

an angle on it.

She's almost done

with the decryption.

[over earpiece]:

Got five percent to go.

We're not gonna make it, Mace.


GRACIELA: What are you doing?

Taking the elevator.

The elevator is the other way.

Mace, don't do this.

[wind whistling]

We have one minute max.

I need more time.



NICK: We'll take it from here.

Please show our guest out.

They're taking her out.

We have to move right now.

I need more time to run the wire

- to the det cord.

- We don't have it.


- [glass crashes]

- [man screams]

- [objects crash]

- [man grunts]


KHADIJAH: Three seconds.

[men screaming, grunting]




[man shouts]

[elevator bell dings]


- [man speaks German]


[traditional Chinese music

playing over speakers]

[man shouts in Romanian]

[man shouts]


[elevator bell dings]

Sorry. This is me.

[g*nf*re continues]

I'm out!

[man shouting in Romanian]

A few more coming through

the front door.

[man speaks Romanian]


[lock beeps]




MAN: You two, on me!

- Come on, let's go!

- [men shouting]

Move! Move!




It's jammed.


[g*nf*re continues]



Why didn't you come with me?



MARIE: Mace!

[g*nf*re continues]

[panting]: I got it.

I got it.


- [grunts]

- No!

- No!

- [groaning]




That was... that was

good sh**ting, Gracie.




[grunts softly]

[men shouting in Mandarin]


[shouting continues]


[speaks Mandarin]

[chatter continues in Mandarin]

[door opens, closes]

Put a hit out on me.

A man must cover his tracks.

Yeah, he does.

I have ten men outside.

You had ten men.

Just you and me now.

You were beaten

by a bunch of girls.

Should have k*lled them

when you had the chance.

They're next.

You're now.

One reason.

Give me one reason

you keep breathing.

I'll give you

a hundred million reasons

if you carry on working for me.

I'm good.

Boss, new mission brief.

It's wheels up in three hours.

What about Mace and her friends?

Ah, we're still working on it,

but they can't

run forever, right?

I mean, sooner or later,

they got to give up.

You don't know Mace.

- [keys clink]

- MACE: Nice place.

I knew you'd show up eventually.

If you knew I was gonna show

up, one wonders why you didn't

spend a little bit more

on a better security system.

You presume

I didn't want you to get in.

You want a drink?


You know I never take ice.

Such a tough guy.

One could ask how is it

you're not behind bars.

But a better question is:

How'd you get the Agency

to promote you?

- It's not much of a mystery.

- No?

Because you were

brokering a deal to sell

highly classified information

the last time I checked.

If you think Marks and I are

the only ones that got wise...

then you never really knew

who you were working for.

That explains

why I'm on the run.

Well, you broke

a lot of rules, Mace.

So did your friends.

You can't expect the guys

in charge to suck that up.

Because we're not

as useful as you are?


Hey, Nick, remember that story

that they told us about

in training?

Washington's female spy.

During the Revolution. Agent

355's what they called her.

'Cause they didn't know

her name.

Mm, someone knew her name.

They just didn't want

the world to know it.

You're mad because I'm on the

payroll and you're on the run.

It's not right, is it?

The world's not right, Mace.

[chuckles softly]

The world's changing.

[Nick clicks tongue]

You okay?

Yeah. [clears throat]

Maybe I just need some food.


A full day betraying

all that's best in humanity

really does take it out of you,

doesn't it?


It's a reunion.

Sorry about sh**ting you.

Hmm. It's okay.

I survived.

Not sure you will.

[chuckles softly]

What is this?

Ancient Chinese poison.

MACE: Legend says it's

collected by sealing snakes,

scorpions and centipedes

in a jar,

forcing them to fight

and devour each other.

Sort of like the way

you see the world, Nick.

[chuckles softly]

It was the ice.


Heard you were looking for us,

so here we are.

Figured, just like old times,

I'd do the work for you.

Thanks for everything

you taught me, Nick.

A girl really does need a guy

to explain it all to her.

But I'll take it from here.

k*lling me is not gonna

change anything.

I know.

I'm not gonna k*ll you, Nick.

But you're gonna wish

that I had.

I have a team coming

to lock you in a cell

on the other side of the world,

where you'll spend

the rest of your life.

You're not the only one

with contacts.

And I'm not alone anymore.

[whispers]: Mace.

See ya, Nick.

[Graciela sighs]

He was right.

Our agencies are corrupt.

Everything's corrupt.

Look at them. [sighs]

Taking a walk.

Living their lives feeling safe.

They'll never know how close

they came to losing it all.

And they'll never know

who saved them.

We've been erased.

Made invisible.

Hasta nunca. Good luck.

I'll miss you, Dij.

Yes, you will.

Until the next social call.

Until the next.

MACE: Want to grab a drink?

[sighs] Not really.

Me neither.

So, I, um...

MACE: Oh, yeah.


Hey, Marie.


["Boys Wanna Be Her"

by Peaches playing]

I doubt it.

You got them all

by the balls

Causing waterfalls,

Stonewalls, bar brawls

Climbing stalls

at concert halls

To you they crawl,

body sprawl

Smoking Pall Malls,

close call

Stand tall

Doll, you make them

feel so small

And they love it

- The boys wanna be her

- The boys

- The girls wanna be her

- The girls

- The boys wanna be her

- The boys

- The girls wanna be her

- The girls

- The boys wanna be her

- The boys

- The girls wanna be her

- The girls

The boys wanna be her

I wanna be her

Yes, I do

The way you rock nonstop

Girl, you got the chops

Flip-flop, she bop,


You look so hot

Are you conceived?

Kids receive

Crawling up the sleeve

Parents peeved,

can't conceive

That her deed

will never leave

And we love it

- The boys wanna be her

- The boys

- The girls wanna be her

- The girls

- The boys wanna be her

- The boys

- The girls wanna be her

- The girls

- The boys wanna be her

- The boys

- The girls wanna be her

- The girls

The boys wanna be her

I wanna be her

So do you

Listen up, listen up

Listen up, voices scatter

Listen up, listen up

Listen up, voices scatter

Listen up, listen up

Listen up, voices scatter

Listen up, listen up

Listen up, voices scatter

Listen up, listen up

Listen up, voices scatter

Listen up, listen up

Listen up, voices scatter

Listen up, listen up

Listen up, voices scatter

Listen up, listen up

Listen up, voices scatter

- The boys wanna be her

- The boys

- The girls wanna be her

- The girls - Scatter

- The boys wanna be her

- The boys

- The girls wanna be her

- The girls - Scatter

- The boys wanna be her

- The boys

- The girls wanna be her

- The girls - Scatter

- The boys wanna be her

- The boys

- The girls wanna be her

- The girls - Scatter

- The boys wanna be her

- The boys

- The girls wanna be her

- The girls - Scatter

- The boys wanna be her

- The boys

- The girls wanna be her

- The girls - Scatter

- The boys wanna be her

- The boys

- The girls wanna be her

- The girls - Scatter

- The boys wanna be her

- The boys


The boys, the girls


The boys, the girls


The boys, the girls


The boys.

[song ends]

[music fades]
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