Spitfire Over Berlin (2022)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Spitfire Over Berlin (2022)

Post by bunniefuu »

Hah, nice to see you too Jerry.

How are you holding up, Georgie?

I'll make this quick.

You're not
looking too good yourself.

Almost there.

Let's go!

You up for a bit of fun,

Hang on.

Charlie one niner niner two
to Tower.

Charlie one
niner niner two this is Tower.

Glad to see you back.

Glad to be back.

I see you've laid on
some good weather for us.

Ah, you know me,
friends in high places.

Who would that be?
God or Churchill?

That would be the Führer,
one niner niner two.

Making my final approach.

Roger that.

- Ed.
- Afternoon, Stan.

Good flight?

Walk in the park, Lofty.

But you'd know that. You must be
able to see the Eiffel Tower from here.

A little further on a clear day.

'Ey, enough chit chat, lad.

Get under there and
check those tires.

And mind your head.

You know, when the w*r's over, you two
should think about starting a double act.

The handsome bastard
and the lanky twat.


Group Captain's looking for you.

The Group Captain?

Yeah, he wants a word.
He's waiting for you in the Briefing Room.

Right... Well that'll
be me in the shit again.

Oh! Take a look
at the camera system will you?

It packed in while
I was over La Rochelle.

Yeah, will do!


At ease.

You wanted to see me, sir?

I have another job for you.


I know you've only just got back, but it's a
big one and you're the only pilot available.

I'm ready, sir.

The Eighth Air force are planning a
large-scale attack on an industrial complex

here in West Berlin.

They believe the Germans have a gap in their
air defenses and if they strike tomorrow,

they can seriously undermine
German supply lines.

But they're wrong.

In truth, the Yanks
are flying into a trap.

And, if things are as bad as
we're being led to believe,

then tomorrow over a thousand
airmen will fly to their deaths.

With all due respect, sir,
I don't understand.

The Americans' intelligence
is out of date.

Sources on the ground report the Germans
have poured Eighty-Eights into the area.

But without concrete evidence, the Yanks are
going ahead with the mission tomorrow as planned.

That's why I need you.

Fly in, take the photos
and get the hell out.


No, sir.

Everything you need is here on
this desk, so get yourself acquainted.

Clock's ticking and
we only have one shot at this.

Be back by twenty hundred hours
at the latest. Understood?


Good Luck.

Thank you.

Took a look at
the camera system, Ed.

Everything seemed fine.
Nothing out the ordinary.

Alright, very good.

See you on the other side.

Charlie one niner niner
two to Tower. Radio check.

Tower to Charlie one niner niner two.
I hear you loud and clear.

Wasn't expecting
to see you again so soon.

No rest for the wicked.

Same client as usual?

No, Americans this time.


Somewhere new. Your friend in
high places will know it well.

Stand clear!

The Berlin express
is ready for takeoff!

Roger that.
You are clear for takeoff.

Ready, Georgie?


What do you think?

Five and a half hours.

That should work out alright.

Have a coffee now,
another in an hour,

and then the rest
on the way home.

Ah, sod it,
I'll just have a little one.

Well, if I end up
needing a piss,

I'll just make sure
I do it over Jerry.

That hits the spot.

You know, it's a pity
we didn't bring any biscuits.

Where did you pilfer those from?

I don't mind if I do.

What am I doing?

I almost forgot to dunk.

You know, you certainly know
a way to a man's heart.


And what are you looking at?

You know the best thing
about this job, Georgie?

It's not the views at
fifteen thousand feet.

Or flying the most
beautiful aircraft in the world.

The best thing about this job,
it's just you and me.

No one else getting in the way.

What is that
behind us, Red Three?

I believe
it's Red Two, Flight Leader.

Funny, you could almost mistake
him for Jerry back there.

You could, Red Leader.

I would like to report a Spitfire
on our starboard side, Skipper.

Glad you could join us, Red Two.

Tell me, is that your Spitfire?

Service log read property
of Edward Barnes, does it?

No, sir.

Then it won't be you
paying for any repairs

when you damage it,
will it, Red Two?

Another display like that and
I'll pull you off my flight.

Suits me.




No. Right...


I knew it!

Alright, my turn.

I spy with my little eye
something beginning with C.



Car? Oh yeah,
look there's an Austin Seven.

Uh, nope.

Give up?


That's perfectly fair.

Well I can see it right there.

I'll give you another one.

Something beginning with B.



No. Do you want a clue?

Three two eight one eight, this is
Spitfire Charlie one niner niner two.

Do you copy?

Hello, Charlie one niner niner two.
We see you.

How are you holding up?

Okay. She's a little beat up,
but nothing we can't handle.

What's your prognosis?

I've seen worse.

Good to hear.

So tell me, what's a little
Spitfire doing all the way out here?

It's always
about size with you Yanks.

I'm on my way to West Berlin,
what about you?

We just came from East.

Gave us a proper shellacking, but
we softened them up pretty good.

I don't expect they'll
give you too much trouble.

Good. Otherwise
I'll be paying you a visit.

Sure thing.

How's your crew?


How's your Rear Gunner?

Three two eight one eight,
can you hear me?

He'll be okay.

Where are you crossing?

Didn't catch that,
Charlie one niner niner two.

Where are you
crossing into England?

I'll give you coordinates
to the closest airfield.

Thanks Limey, but we'll be alright.
You take care of yourself.

You too.

Oh, shit!

Fire! Fire!

Pull up!

Bail out!

Go now!

Come on!

Please, please,
please, please, please!

Oh, f*ck! Oh, f*ck! Oh, f*ck!

Please! Please, come on!
Come on! Come on!

Come on.

I... I don't know.

I didn't see any.

No. No chutes.

We should keep going.

If someone got out,
they'll be picked up.

There's nothing we can do,

That's it. There's no second
chances, that's how it works.

And don't you bloody start.
You've got no right.

I'm going f*cking mad.

I'm going f*cking mad.

Three two eight one eight,
is that you?

Three two...

Three two eight one eight,

this is Spitfire Charlie one
niner niner two, do you copy?

Three two eight one eight,
can you hear me?

Three two eight one eight,
are you receiving?

Three two eight one...

Control to Flight Leader.

Control, this is Flight Leader.

heading to south, south west.

You're to provide cover
for our boys

falling back to Dunkirk. Over.

Roger Control, altering heading
to south, south west. Out.

Why only send a flight?

I guess they're waiting until
Jerry sets his sights on home.

There's no point having an Air
Force if there's no Army left to speak of.

It'll be the Luftwaffe
that'll come at us first

and we'll need every Hurricane
and Spitfire we can lay our hands on.

I just don't see what
use we're going to be.

Any support we can give
our boys gives them better odds.

I don't like
the look of those odds.

It's not our job to
make the decisions, Edward.

It's our job to follow orders
and make the best of it.

So, let's make
every b*llet count

and give our boys
the best chance we can.

Alright Red Section, radio
silence until we have visual.

Keep it tight.

Softened them up, my arse!

Come on.

Useless bloody thing.

Come on!

Work, damn it!

Will you give a man
a break, Jerry!

Work, damn you!

That's it.

That's it!



We haven't got a choice.

We can't go back empty handed.

If it gets jammed up again,

at least we know
we've done all we can.

There's over a thousand lives
at stake, Georgie,

I can't have
that on my conscience.

We're here, we have plenty
of fuel, we give it another go.

No buts. We make the best of it.

Don't! That's not
going to happen to me.

I'll make it through.

Let's make this count.

Ah, thank Christ.

It's fine. We're almost there.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.



Come on.

Come on. Come on.

Stay awake. Come on.

Stukas, ten o'clock low.

I see them, Red Three.

There's loads of the buggers.

We engage on my mark.

Remember, Edward, it's all about
putting yourself in the other man's shoes.

What would he do next?

I know.

This isn't the same as in
training Eddie.

The adrenaline's gonna kick in
and its going to make you jumpy.

Panic and you're gonna end up
getting yourself

or somebody else k*lled.

Do you understand?


This is life and death now,

The rounds in those machine g*ns
will cut you in half.

Alright boys, we've got enough
fuel for twenty minutes.

Keep an eye out for the escort.
Let's make it count.


You can do it.

Come on, girl!

Pull up!





It's about that time
again, Georgie.

Or maybe not.

Bleeding's slowing.

So that's a good sign.

Do you think
they'll let me fly again?

They let Bader with no legs...

They have to let me fly, right?

I can't lose my wings.

I don't know what I'd do.



What the...?

I'm trying.

What are you?


Why are you not
using your cannon?

I think you're right.
He's spent.

He must've used it up
on the Yanks.

I think his machine g*n's low,
too. Nine, ten seconds left.

I just need to keep you off
our backs until you're empty.


Two, three.


Four and a half.


I see him.


Seven, eight.

I know!

Let's see how good a pilot
he really is.

He'll pull up.


I think we're good.

Cheeky fucker.



No, no, no, no, no!


You come to gloat?

If only you were here, you would
have done things differently.

You would have known what to do.

Of course you would've.

I messed up.

Is that what you want to hear?

Because I've done quite
alright without you.

I always would have.

I never needed you
to fight for me,

or make excuses for me.

Not with Mum and Dad,
not at school

and not when I joined
your Squadron.

It's time you realize
I can stand on my own two feet.

But even now you've gone, you've
still got to stick your oar in.

Just like you did that day.

Edward's big brother
to the rescue.

I had it covered.

But you had to step in.

The escort's arrived.


Keep it together, Edward.

Take it easy.

On your tail, Red Two!

I'm on him.

There's one on you, Red Three.

Hang in there, Red Three.

- Bail out!
- I can't.

Bail out!

I can't!
I'm on fire!


There's one on my tail!

When I say, pull up.


Shit! I'm out.

I'll lose him in the sun.

What are you doing, David?



David, are you there?


I can't, I can't, I can't.

Good to see you, Limey.


How are you here?

Managed to right the old bird.

We're a little low power,
as you can see,

but we're getting there.

I saw you fall out the sky.

Yet here we are.

Wait, no.

Don't you worry
about how we got here.

Just worry about yourself,

How are things with you?

Not good.

How come?

My legs are f*cked.

What are you gonna to do?

I don't know.

You gonna give up?


I don't understand
how you're here.

From the sounds of it,
you know what you're gonna do.

- But...
- -You're gonna fix yourself up,

set a course for Fairmarsh,
and land that son of a bitch.

I can't.

Sure you can.
You've got all the help you need, Limey.

Wait, how? How do you know where
I'm stationed? I never said...

Do you copy,
three two eight one eight?

Oh, Christ!


I'm so sorry.

It's been so f*cking hard.

You saved me.

I know that.

But not a day goes by
that I wish you hadn't.

Truth is...

Truth is, I still need saving.

I wish I hadn't shut you out.




On three.





Let's do this.

Charlie one
niner niner two, is that you?

This is Charlie
one niner niner two.

Am I glad to hear you, Tower.

A little later than expected.

We weren't sure
if you were going to show up.

I ran into a little bother.

I'm gonna need medical
assistance once I've landed.

Copy that. I'll let emergency
crews know. You're clear for landing.

Thank you, Tower.

Tower, my landing gear
won't deploy.

Attempting to
lower gear manually.


Tower, can you see anything?

Negative, Charlie
one niner niner two.


Come on.

Why won't you lower? Come on.

What is it?

No, no, no!



Tower, can you see anything?

Uh, still nothing.

f*ck. I'm out of options.

Sorry, Charlie one niner
niner two, can you repeat that?

I'm coming in wheels up.

Roget that, we're on standby.

Good luck, Edward.

Tower, I was coming in too hot.

I'm going around again.


Charlie one niner
niner two, can you hear me?

Charlie one niner niner two,
do you copy?


Edward, can you hear me?

I'm here.

I'm here.

Hold tight. Emergency
crews are almost there.

Come on.

It's jammed!

Lofty, around the back.

Come on, come on, come on!

Stand back!

Come on, Ed.
Come on, Ed.

Watch his leg.

Wait, the film.
No wait.

- No, you're alright, you're alright, it's fine.
- -Stop, stop.

The film's still in the plane.

- No, you're fine.
- Stop, stop! Listen, listen to me!

Ed. Ed! She is gonna blow!

The film!
It's still in the f*cking plane.

Go, go, go!

Come on!

Flight Lieutenant.

- Sir.
- As you were.

How's the leg treating you?

It's fine, sir.
Ready to get back to work.

Good to know.

Those American airmen will
never know it,

but they owe you their lives.
Well done.

You and your family
should be very proud.

Yes, sir.

I've put you forward for a DFC.


Thank you, sir.

Where are you off to now?


Try and bring her back in
one piece this time, will you?

Yes, sir.

She's all yours.

Charlie one niner niner two
to Tower, radio check.

Tower to Charlie one
niner niner two, good morning.

Good to hear you, Tower.

I hope you put in a good word
with your friend in high places.

It's taken care of.

Stand clear!

How's the new co-pilot
treating you, one niner niner two?

Very well.

Glad to hear.
You are clear for takeoff.

Thank you.

You ready, David?
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