Paisan (1946)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Paisan (1946)

Post by bunniefuu »

On th July ,

the allied fleet bombarded Sicily.

hours later,

the allied landing in Europe had begun
under cover of the night.

The first allied patrols began
to advance on Italian territory.

Nicuzzo! Nicuzzo!

Your Comrades left this morning.

Welcome, comrades! They didn’t
land, did they?

They're Americans.

If Americans land here, they'll
end up horizontal.

My son was at Licata.
He's a soldier.

You haven’t hurt him have you?

We won't hurt you, but tell us...

what's happened here?

Are you Italian Like us?

My father is Sicilian, born in Gela.

Gela? I'm from Gela too.

It's been awful,
so much bombing.

The Germans left this morning,
-We're here because of the wake.

We can't even lay my daughter in law,

to rest in peace.

How many Germans were here?

Your name?

- Tony Mascali.

My father left Gela
and went to America.

He's lying.

There aren't any Mascalis in Gela.

When did the Germans go?

How many were there?

Many three thousand.

- , !
- million!

They went north, towards Scopins maybe.

Mines on the coast. The only
safe way is over the lava.

Carmella’s been that way,
looking for her folks.

Carmela, these Americans want to
talk to you.

You know the way over the lava?

I often go that way.

Is it a path or a road?

It's lava.

Can someone in your family lead us?

No. My brother and my father
have been away four days.

I wanted to rejoin them

I know the way, I'll lead you.

You can't go with these strangers.

You really want to come with us?

Why did you try to escape??

I didn’t come here for you.

I'm going to look for my
brother and father.

Well done Carmela, don't worry
about your folks.

If we find them, we'll
bring them back.

You stay here.
Handsome Joe will keep you company

Can't I go back to the church?

We'll all go back there later.

No light!

The sea, my father and brother went out to sea.

The sea's calm, maybe they're held up
by the fighting.

I'll look for them...

You're all alike. You. Germans
Fascists, men with g*ns.

You said come?


The same in American?

Milk. Uncle Luca had cows.

He put children on one.

- Why sh**t?
- I saw a light.

People are so scared,
they're imagining things.

I did see a light.

It must have been over there.

What a romantic spot.

Just the place we need.

There's even straw to lie on.

Let’s set up HQ here.

Just the place to break your neck.

Who are you?

Why leave the village?

I was afraid.

We've found a girl.

-Of the Americans.

Even here you find people.

-We're friends.
Did you make the light?

She has lost her Tongue.
Bad sign in a girl

If she did make a light,
there might be others.

She's well upholstered.

She'll be more than enough for us three.

What have you picked up this time?

Why are you here?

Have you come to
meet your boyfriend?

Don't touch.

Pretty stupid of him
not to turn up?

You fancy her.

No I'm completely clapped out

too much rushing around.

You would have rather.

found wine

I’m so thirsty,
I'd settle for water.

Any water here?

Is it far?

I'll fetch some.

We're in for a good time tonight.

Fritz, do you think they'll
advance any further?

will we retreat to Palermo?

We'll never retreat.

Tomorrow we'll counter attack

and they'll run back to Egypt
just like rabbits.

The advance through southern
Italy was rapid.

On September Italy Capitulated.
An allied fleet menaced Naples

When German resistance
was broken at Salerno...

..Naples was liberated within
a few weeks.

Naples became the most important.. depot to the Allies.

Egyptian fakir defies death
with his lungs of steel!

Watch him leap!

Ladies and gentlemen...

...he could break his neck!!

- Where are you going?
- It's no good here.

I'm going down to the port.

Leaving us?

Learn to eat fire!
Fire eating's profitable.

Want to earn lire?

Make it .


I said .

Settle for .

What do I do?

Keep a lookout for Military Police .
We're doing a job.

Nice teeth..

Look at his jacket .

Why not take his boots?.


and packets of cigarettes.

-I've outbid that!

MPs run for it!

Christians! fight the Sarazin!

God calls us.

- We seek not riches!
- Justice and civilization!

Death to the Moors!

I, the white Orlando, against you,
the black Moor

You're blowing the wrong way.

Here's a key, but it's useless.
The door was blown in.

I didn't like your song.

Joe, I'll steal your boots
If you sleep.

-Where's your home?
-I haven't got one.

Where's mama and papa?

Mama and Papa are dead. Bombs.

There was a long, tragic halt
at Monte Cassino.

On nd February, , the Allies
landed at Anzio.

Rome waited.

After a series of arduous battles,
the German defence was broken.

Through Rome...

...Kesselring's troops retreated

Miraculously preserved, the city
welcomed its liberators.


American cigarettes. Singles or packs.

What's she gawping at? That hag's
been staring all night.

That yokel.

You slag! You'll have had it
when these guys go.

You'll be back in rags,
like you were before.

The cops are here.

My papers are in order.
Wait, I'll show you.

Ticket, please.

Did a girl in a fur coat go in?

It was nothing.

May I bring him in ?

-He's drunk.
-He'll soon fall asleep.

Let's hope he keeps quiet.

They tore my dress. Why did you have
to bring your MPs to Rome?

Is it this cold in America?

Won't you get undressed?

What lovely manners!
Still, you're very sweet.

Warm me up.

If you don't like my type, you should
have thought of it sooner.

You must have been in bars all day.
Isn't a girl better?

Sure, Rome's full of girls like me.

Water, please. Water for washing.

I'm afraid the pipes are broken.

It's not very cool. We've been
without water for two weeks.

No, a lot of water, to wash my face.

Here's the soap. It's not very good.

No need to hurry.

I like Italian girls...

...their language, their eyes...

...their hair, their bodies.

When the thief saw the policeman...

...he ran around the corner.

I've no food or drink to offer you.


We waited so long. Why couldn’t
you get here earlier?

I don't understand.

Why did you take so long
to get to Rome?

It was very difficult.

Yes you are here.


Not afraid. Very happy.
It hardly seems true.

It's been so awful.

No, It's lovely. Rome's lovely,
everything's lovely, you're lovely.

Come back.

Why didn't you look at me?

Don't you remember the fountain
in the square?

Francesca's house was red, with
the biggest doorway in the square

She's become like you.

She hasn't. There are lots of
good girls who work.

They've been able to stave
off hunger by working.

She's one of those.

The tree is still there, but
it hasn’t flowered since that day.

I know Francesca's house.

Piazza dei Quiriti, number .

Go to her tomorrow,
she's waiting for you.

Going already?

When he wakes up tomorrow,
give him this address.

Tell him he must go there.

Antonio, what is the time?
-Ten thirty.

Has anyone called for me?

Pursued by the allies...

...the Germans retreated north
to Tuscany.

There was fighting on the hills
around Florence.

In early August, the suburbs South
of the Arno were liberated.

North of the river,
in the centre of Florence...

...partisans fought German troops,
and Fascist sn*pers.

We're wounded.

Tonio, look at those girls. I'd have
got wounded earlier, if I’d known

Does that hurt?
let me look at it.

You speak Italian.
- I lived in Florence

The Germans Ambushed us.

We'd been resisting, after all
the fighting...

...on the Arno embankment in Florence.

We waited a long time for the British.

-The British are in the city?
-Didn't you know?

But they stopped this side of the Arno.

All we could do was
cross over and join them.

- When did you leave Florence?
-Two days ago.

It'll all be liberated now.

No, all bridges are blown,
except the Ponte Vecchio.

-Do you live in Florence?
No, I'm from Lucca.

I joined the Arno brigade because
it was undermanned.

Don't you know anyone in Florence?

Do you know someone?

I had many friends there.

Did you know Guido Lombardi,
the painter?

Everyone knows him.

Would it be hard to find him?

Impossible, he's our leader.

But no one ever knows where the
famous Wolf is.

Look at these American girls.

Cheer up, you'll see your wife again.

Any news of Wolf?

Some say he's wounded,
some say he isn't

Anyway, he did a great job in Florence.

With my help of course,
I had it beautifully organised.

Before the Germans took over,
we moved in broad daylight.

Any news of Wolf?

Nothing sure, he's in there fighting

I heard he was wounded, but who knows
what's going on over there.

The British trucks have arrived.

Don't you recognise me? I live
across the street from you.

It's the end of the world
for we have sinned.

Can you tell me about my wife and child?

Can't you see how she is?

Aren't you her son? You've come
from the other side haven't you?

We've had our own troubles to
worry about.

Harriet, when did you get back to Italy?

Can you tell me where Guido is?

Don't you know he's now the legendary
Partisan leader, Wolf?

He's on the other side of the river.

I must see him.

My family's over there. Let's try to
get across together.

The first newspaper. Wolf wounded!

It's true, Wolf's been wounded.

He was a great lad.

-Do you know him?
-We're friends.

He did a big portrait of me.

He was a good painter too.

Watch out for the machine g*n.

A grenade just exploded over there.

My house is just beyond that boulevard.

The committee of National Liberation
may have news of him.

I'd like to go over myself,
and chase out those sn*pers.

Are there any Partisans for
them to sh**t at?

In some areas, but the Fascists
are sh**ting out of spite.

They sh**t housewives, while these
guys are admiring the view.

How do you get news?

By telephone. I shouldn't tell you,
but there's a line.

Can't you help me reach my family ?

If I took you, they
wouldn't let you through.


I shouldn't tell you.

The river can be crossed, they do say.

Yes but where?

Use your imagination.

The Uffizi passageway?

You never said a word, Thanks.

Don't start from Palazzo Pitti,
the passageway's broken there.

Look who's here

Gigi, I'm in luck.

I must cross over.

Off you go.

I know the passageway's still open;
some people have gone that way.

No one's crossed, that's nonsense.

The passage to Uffizi has existed
for centuries, I’m going to use it.

You'll do no such thing.

I'm a free man.

You're not free to endanger others.

People are crossing, but
what if the Germans find out?

It's a miracle they haven't spotted it.

And how will you leave the Uffizi?

The Germans are in the
Piazza della Signora

No one's allowed in the streets,
you'll be picked up.

Even medical services have difficulty...

and they're authorised

You don't know the way.
-I'll find it

Be careful, wear a red cross
armband if you can.

The Partisans control Jacopino only.

The Ponte Vecchio.

They've blown all the other bridges.

Look the Germans.

Let us in, the Germans are coming.

Uncle, some people want to cross the roof

Go on, but keep your heads down.

Listen to that big g*n.

For three days they've
been shelling that district.

Which way for Sant Jacopino?

There's Borgo Ognissanti:
Go down that way.

Are the Germans in the streets?

No, two days ago the Partisans
began an as*ault in the area.

Maybe they know about Wolf? How long
have they been fighting?

Two days: They att*cked on the night before last.

Major, your wife wants you to
come down.

I can't go now, tell her
to send up my helmet.

For the sun, you know. I know how
to avoid b*ll*ts.

I went right through the Great w*r
- the real one.

Here's another map.

They're at Galluzzo. Send word
right away.

What's the best route ?

Try over the rooftops, but watch
out for broken tiles.

There's the big g*n again

They say the British have brought
flour, on the other side.

Will there be enough for everybody?

Yes, I saw the sacks myself.

Why aren't they crossing the river?

Because the Germans blew the bridges.

My Aunt lives near Santa Trinita:
were houses destroyed?

Only those near the Ponte Vecchio

What are the British waiting for, Partisans
control Sant' Jacopino.

That woman says people can
go out on the streets there.

Tell me how to get there.

It's just a few minutes from the courtyard.

But be careful, Fascists are sniping
from the rooftops.

Careful ! Don't let it bump
against the kerb

Keep back ! Where have you come from?

I must get to my family, over there.

I want to go there too, but they're
not letting anyone over.

Fascists and Germans are there.

Have they demolished buildings?

Have buildings been destroyed?

There was a lot of smoke over there
this morning.

Carlo do you recognise me?

I can't let you through. Fascists
are sh**ting from the roofs.

All right, we'll ask the chief.

They want to cross.

All right, let them come.

Get ready, they're moving out.

Marco, I know this guy.

-Where are you going?
-A few doors away.

You can't cross now.

My wife and child are in that building
over there.

Marco, tell my family what happened
to me...

... so they won't worry.

Everything's gone wrong today,
since Wolf died.

You won't yell at me any more, Wolf.
We're in the same boat.

The German's "Gothic Line"

Bitterly defending every hamlet,
the enemy retreated slowly.

Let us thank the Lord, who has
delivered us from all danger.

If we'd brought the pigs here too,
the Germans wouldn't have got them.

Take your chickens.

Very Reverend Provincial Father

Thanks to divine providence,
we are safe and sound.

Our monastery has suffered very little.

The Americans are here!
In little cars!

Fra' Pacifico won't be a moment.

Father Superior is waiting for you.

Peace be with you, brothers,
May Saint Francis bless you.

We are American chaplains.

Could we spend the night here?

Our doors are open to all.
Fra' Pacifico will prepare rooms.

Our brothers: the Vicar,
the organist...

I'd like to ask about my town,
San Leo.

Have you any news of San Leo?

Badly damaged?

Not too badly.

I'll say a special prayer to the
Holy Mother for you...

...for spiritual and temporal aid,

We make this liqueur from
our own apples, Fathers.

The rooms are ready.

One forgot this.
-Take it to them.

Will they stay here tonight?
Will they have dinner?

Certainly, we'll share what we have.

-What's for supper?

Enough for three guests too?

There's too little.

Some potatoes?

Too few.

What about pears on the tree,
in the garden?

They are wild pears, and they are
not ripe anyway.

Try to do your best. I know
I can count on you.

Divine providence will help us.

Open the door.

An offering...for saving our animals.

Meat and vegetables, all very good

Cocoa, butter, more meat...

Look what they gave me.
Eggs, and butter, even.

Eggs in tins?

Those Americans, they think
of everything.

I'll do it, you might cut
your fingers.

It's milk.

Nothing ever grew here.
Now it's the most fertile part

A miracle of Fra' Raffaele's.

What a good smell.

It's mint.

Such a beautiful garden.

He's very bad.

No he's good.

I must go now.

Why did they pray?

Those two are very bad.
He's a Protestant, and he's a Jew.

Fra' Salvatore, one chaplain is a Jew.

One chaplain is a Jew.

A Jew in our monastery?

And one's a Protestant.

The heresy of Luther,
the worst protestant.

What is the trouble my sons?

One chaplain is a Jew.
The other is a Protestant.

Two lost souls, Father Superior.

No soul is lost if it lives
and craves redemption.

We can give opportunities for
redemption, brothers.

Forgive me, but may I ask you something?

Have you been with the other
chaplains for long?

We've been trough the Italian campaign
together; twenty-one months.

Sicily, Salerno, Rome, Florence.

They're my dear friends;
I admire them greatly

You've never tried to lead
them to the true faith?

Father, the Protestant, and the Jew
are equally convinced of their faith.

But we know that they err.

Yes of course.

We must use every means to try
to save these lost souls.

I'm a priest, and I humbly believe
I'm a good Catholic.

Forgive me, I didn't mean to remind
you of your duties.

But you are a military chaplain.

In your mission, you accompany
the soldiers into battle

Haven't you thought that your
companions might perish?

Saint Paul says:

omnes quidem resurgemus sed non
omnes mutabimus in gloria.

But for those in good faith:

in novissima tuba surget in gloria.

True, but have you examined
their consciences?

Are you sure they are in good faith?

Have you discussed things?

No, I have never examined
their consciences.

I've never discussed it, and
I've never raised the subject...

... because I never thought
I could judge them

They're very good friends.

In this peace, this atmosphere
of serene contemplation...

...perhaps you may consider me guilty.

I don't feel guilty,
my conscience is clear.

We have an unbreakable rule
of silence during meals

On this day, the following brothers
passed on to a better life

In , Father Salvatore of San Leo

In , Father Giambattista of Rimini

In , Father Theodore of San Marino.

Please begin.

We'll wait for you.

We're fasting.

Because divine providence sent to
our refuge two souls...

... on whom the light of
truth must descend

Our human presumption makes us hope...

... we may obtain a great gift from heaven

Forgive me if I do
not observe your rule.

But I must talk to you.

To say...

...that what you have given me
is such a great gift...

... i feel I shall always be
indebted to you

I have found here the peace of mind
I had lost...

... in the trials of w*r

A beautiful, moving lesson of
humility, simplicity...

... and pure faith.

In the delta of the river Po,
south of Venice.

Partisans and American OSS
joined forces... a desperate struggle
with the Germans.

Partisan! Bandit!

I'll get him.

"San Marco" where's the radio set?

You two come with me.

That's Casel Madalena.

We'll get food there.

Here's Cigolani.

Germans were here.

Let them search. You know
I've got Americans hidden.

We haven't lit a fire for three days.

German lookouts are everywhere.

They're hunting us hard.
Anything to eat?

Some polenta

And eels.

Can I bring an American in?

Hide it away.

Take as many as you like.

I've got details of the drop.

Cigolani, the signal fires.

Put them out

sh**ting at Casel Madalena.

Cigolani, take your men to Pancirli
and wait there.

British planes attacking Scardovari.

They're British not American.

Just those two?

Better than nothing.

You couldn't get anything off
the plane before it sank?

Quick or the Germans will get us.

Gunboats are coming.
Scatter out to sea.

What will they do to us?

Do you think they'd k*ll
Cigolani and not us?

They'll k*ll us too.

My family will never know
what happened to me.

He pissed on me like a whore.

That was the winter of

In the spring of ,
the w*r was over.
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