w*r Horse (2014)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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w*r Horse (2014)

Post by bunniefuu »

When I started working at the National Theatre in 2004
I knew that I wanted Handspring Puppets to work here

And so we were reading various stories
to try and work out what might be another show

Tom Morris

It was w*r Horse, it was an extraordinary story
I immediately thought:

Handspring Puppet Com an
Cape Town, South Africa

When I started working at the National Theatre in 2004
I knew that I wanted Handspring Puppets to work here

And so we were reading various stories
to try and work out what might be another show

And my mum said to me,
'Have you read the one...

It was w*r Horse, it was an extraordinary story
I immediately thought:

...could create that definitive puppet
that is going to play a leading role

The first workshop we came to was when
the project was still very much a question mark

There were difficulties in adapting
a novel about the w*r to the stage

out of shredded newspaper
and cardboard

The workshop participants were released onto
the completely bare Olivier stage one afternoon

And pranced around, and from up on the gallery
the stage looked absolutely ideal

It's of a brisk young ploughboy,
He was ploughing on the plaln

It was down in yonder shade, he went whistling to plough,
And by chance there he met a pretty maid

and breath with the object
Very often you're working as a team

The only way that you can really communicate
with other people who are operating together

with you on the same object is through breath

And we were always told
by the Directors Tom and Marianne

, that the horses need to be horses,
they're not supposed to be well behaved

They must always remain animals,
and animals are unpredictable

Throughout the period of the First World w*r
there was a huge amount of technology

Production process was being radicalised

making armaments and stuffing them
into the front lines and trenches

...like the Futurists, who
saw the possibility of w*r...

...as cleansing the
dusty old dry orders

When it came to Britain
we had the Vorticists

Basically I realised that the Vorticist
and Expressionist paintings of people like Nash

The fragmented
and fractured environments...

...and strangely surreal and
inhuman landscapes that they painted...

seemed to represent more the individual
soldiers' experience of being in the w*r

Here we have the beginning of the idea
of the torn paper out of the sketch book...

which young Albert tak es to w*r with him

These are Nicholls' initial drawings
of July 1914 of rural Devon

Little sketches of the townscape and close ups,
the kind of thing he'd be working or thinking through

The influence of Muybridge in his thinking, as he's
drawing Joey and Albert galloping across the Downs

And then the more haunting, foreboding atmosphere
of the night time crossing

when he's in a troopship going over to France
This is the harbour itself

And I was drawing with Basil, Adrian and Tom,
going 'shall we do it like this? '

And I just ripped up my sketch book
and put it in the theatre model box

And there was a lovely cloud,
or a landscape or a gash

So Rae creat ed this idea of projection,
and in the sky there's a ripped piece of paper

that we project on to all evening

With w*r Horse we're trying to achieve
two very distinct looks for the audience
We're trying to make sure they're very aware...
...of two very distinct ideas and places

The most concrete place,
the place where the play starts, is Devon

For me, as far as the lighting goes, it's all about
very, very high angles of light, warm, beautiful sunlight

The kind of thing that makes you think about long summer
days and being in Devon, and the landscape and space

What happens then is we go from rural Devon
to the hell that was the First World w*r

When you go into the w*r zone, as it were

suddenly the lighting is all coming at you
from much, much lower more dynamic angles

We used the space underneath the screen
and the light comes from there

Bonjour, mes amis! Spring is in the air
Shame you're not on your holidays

Nice is very nice this time of year, I'm told But you're
not headed there, and neither am I, more's the pity

Platoon, fall in

Oi, your Name?
Trooper Narracott, Sergeant

Trooper Narracott Ah yes

New orders You 're joining the infantry

Don't call me 'Sir', I'm not an effing officer,
I work for a living

Hang about how old are you?
Nineteen, Sergeant

More like sixteen

You've been effing transferred, Private Narracott
who claims to be nine effing teen

Don't exist?
Correct, so you're now to be a private in the infantry

What about the horses? My horse is with
that Yeomanry, he's called Joey, this is his picture

You have a picture of your horse?
Why didn't you say?

Ah yes, a simple sketch but unmistakably
What did you say his name was?

I don't know where your effing Joey is

Do I look like I know the lat est
on every effing horse in the w*r?

Do I look like an effing equine expert
or even an effing equestrian enthusiast?

Your mob has gone
Any survivors will have been absorbed

So there were survivors
Silence, Private

Are you silent now?

You spoke

You spoke again

You! Here, now

And what, pray, is your name?
Private Taylor, Sergeant

This one here think's he's on a mission for the Dumb
Animals' League, he thinks he's here to nose for his nag

But you know why we're here, don't you,
Private Taylor?

To win the w*r, Sergeant
That's right You have come to rance to k*ll Germans

Either of you know any French?
Never mind, I'll learn you some Repeat after me

Je suis un bloody sod

Je suis un bloody bastard

Right I want you all to come and pick up a shovel
You think I'm joking?

Oh, you 're going to need your shovels, boys
Move it I said move it!

Private Narracott

The picture of your horse
If I were you I'd send it home with a letter on the back

'Dearest Mother, I asked, but the effing horse
is in effing horse heaven' Move it!

Right Six months we've been here
and it may be another six before it's over

So here's another French word I want you all to learn
Repeat after me Impasse

And another Dig
And another Trench That's right

We are going to burrow into the ground
and we are going to make ourselves tres comfortable

The deeper you burrow the more comfortable you is

Platoon 'shun! Right turn, toot sweet to the front,
and the tooter the sweeter!

Platoon, by the left, quick march

Goodbye Dolly I must leave you,
Though it breaks my heart to go

Something tells me I am needed
At the front to fight the foe

See the soldler boys are marching
And I can no longer stay

Hark, I hear the bugle calling
Goodbye, Dolly Gray i

Qu'est ce que se passe? Qu'est ce que vous fout ez l??
C'est ma ferme ici!

Plus maintenant
Reviens! T'as pas le droit

What are they going to do with us, sir?
Keep quiet, Narracott

Et qu'est ce qu'ils leur font maintenant?
C'est notre terrain, ce n'est pas une prison

- Va te faire foutre!
- What is she saying?

Just stay calm, Narracott They've requisitioned her land
Don't do anythi ng stu pid

Der Angriff w*r Wahnsinn
I don't speak Fritz, Fritz

What I said was, that charge was folly

You may not speak Fritz, as you call it
But some of us speak Tommy, Tommy

It was a m*ssacre I have just been sh**ting your
half dead horses as they hung on the wire I shot fifteen

To send horses int o wire and machine g*ns
is, how you say barbaric

Trooper! Let them search you

It was my father's
What was? Billy, give it to them

No! It was my father's

You didn't have to do that
I'm unarmed

Genug, Gefreiter, er sagt dass er unbewaffnet ist

Beruhigt euch

What beautiful creatures What are these horses' names?
Tell me their names

Entschuldigung, Herr Hauptmann, was sagen sie?

Look into that Gefrieter's eyes
His comrades are all dead, k*lled by a British shell

He is out for blood
Shall I let the Gefreiter escort you alone?

Joey Topthorn

Wollen Sie ihre englischen Namen benutzen?

F?hren Sie ihn weg Und tun Sie ihm nichts an

Goodbye, Topthorn Goodbye, old lad

Calm down Calm down, old lad

English Does that make you feel like home?

But now you will join the German cavalry,
and I will be going with you

Do you think we will last? Or will the English machine g*ns
send a thousand b*ll*ts into our bones?

Let me see What's this?
Damn wire

Do not worry We take care
My horse, Siegfried, he was split in two just yesterday

Shrapnel went through his brain, down he went
His head opened up like a seashell

Those eyes Oh, God, now I'm seeing things

Wir bauen einen Krankenwagen zusammen

Hauptmann M?ller?
Spannen Sie die Pferde vor diesen Karren

Herr Oberst, diese Pferde k ?nnen den Karren nicht ziehen,
der eine ist ein Vollblut und der andere ein Jagdpferd

Tun Sie es einfach

Oh, boys! Now they want you to pull an ambulance
from here to the hospital

Do not laugh at me
I know, I know, it is out of the question

They do not even know the difference
between a cavalry horse and a cart horse

These fools are what do you say? unhinged

But still, it would mean you will not be riding
into the British g*ns tomorrow if you can do this

Topthorn I know you have probably never seen
one of these, never mind worn it But it might save your life

Calm down Come on, Topthorn, come on

Hauptmann M?ller
Tut mir leid

Also sterben die Verwundeten?

Das sind die falschen Pferde!
Schauen sie sie an

Where do you want to be? Pulling an ambulance,
or out there with me, tangled and dying in the wire?

The ploughboy's written home a letter,
The best that he knew how

Saylng this cruel w*r shall n 'er keep us apart

While cannon loud do roar
I shall keep our love secure

You have done this before?

For my tunic button's tight around your heart

Sehen Sie!
To use a beautiful hunter like you as a cart horse!

So it is the British who are unhinged
Why do you know how to take a collar?

Where did you learn?
Whoever taught you just saved your life, Joey

Now Topthorn Joey has shown you

There is nothing to be frightened of, that's right, good lad

Du f?hrst diesen Krankenwagen zum Lazarett

Morgen k?nnen Sie zur?ck zu Ihre Einheit
Befehle, Soldat!

Well, there is a piece of luck, Topthorn!
I do not have to rejoin my unit till tomorrow

Danke sch?n! Come on, boys

Don't worry, I will look after you today
Tomorrow, who knows?

Play your cards right, and you may get to stay
with this ambulance, keep out of the fighting for good

Fritz your way?
No, yours?

No We're right in it
Where did they come from?

First I knew, they were in our trench
The only English I heard was 'Fall back! Fall back!'

What shall we do now?
Why are you asking me?

I followed you
'cos I thought you knew what you were doing

I was just sh1tting myself, Private Just sh1tting

Are we the only ones who made it?
Can't be

Might be
Can't be

Shall we make a run for it?
But we're lost so which way?

We could be running towards them

Come on, Albert You're the country boy,
you're the one who buggers about in fields at night

Nothing to see is there?
Nothing No stars, no moon

Nothing We're buggered ain't we?
We can't be the only ones who made it

I'm gonna finish a letter to my girl

Will you see it gets

If anything happens to
Shut up! Nothing's going to happen

Your pencil's scratching

What is it?

You gonna write a letter to your horse?

Tres funny
Can he read?

Your silence reveals
that the answer to my question is 'neigh'

Is that your girl's picture?
That's her That's my Flossie

At least Joey's meant to like look a horse

If Flossie's got a long face it's because
she's missing me giving her a rub down after a gallop

She's what keeps me going

When we were climbing out that trench
I put my foot through something, Albert

I think it was a bit of a man
It might well have been, Private

And I've a little brother, Alfie
Promised I'd teach him how to ride a bicycle

Has he got one?

I've a spare bicycle. It's in Exeter
Alfie can have it

Thanks, Al bert That's bon

What was that?
What was what?


I will find Joey, David I will I know
he's somewhere in this mess and I know he's alive

Whatever keeps you goi ng I've got me girl
You've got your horse

Now we're for it

That way I

What do you think?
I think so

Vat en!

Du chocolat

Hello? Herr Doktor?

Alle sind tot?

Oh, boys in one day, a field of ghosts

Johann Schnabel Thirty six
This must be his mother and father

Dr Wilhelm Schweyk
H is wife And one, two, three, four, five children Five!

Topthorn, do you know about death?
What do horses think about death?

Ist schon gut, ich tue dir nichts

Lebst du hier?
Ich versuche mal franz?sisch zu sprechen

Ou est ca pere et mere? Tu com prends?
Ca pere? Ca mere? Tu est francais?

Francais, bon Je parle un petite peu

J'ai un petite fille, Gisa Ma fille est Gisa
Tu est? Quelle est ca nom?

Joey? Emilie


Say bonjour to Emilie, Topthorn

She likes you, Joey
T'es si courageux, Joey


Qu'est ce que tu fais l?? Pourquoi tun'es pas ? la cave?
C'est pas un probleme, madame

Je t'ai d?j? dit de ne pas parler aux Allemands
Nous disons bonjour, les animaux et moi amiable

Rentre t out de suite dans la maison
C'est bon, madame

Mais, maman Les chevaux ont besoin de moi
Fais comme je te dis

Non Tu ne comprends pas Laisse moi tranquillel
Ces chevaux ont besoin de nous

Elle est chiante, ma m?re

You cannot blame her too m uch, eh boys?
Wasser, wasser, wasser

But oh, boys, that girl r eminds me so much
of my daughter Gisa

Topthorn, that is my wife

Joey, who is this?

It is me, Friedrich M?ller, thirty nine years of age
Nearly, but not yet, a ghost

Shall I tell you a secret?
When I am fighting, I do not know what I am doing

Three years training in the cavalry,
five years in the reserve

All my life preparing t o serve the Kaiser, riding
my big, beautiful horse into battle and I am useless

But I want to see Gisa again I want to go home

Where is home for you, Joey?

Topthorn, is there a Gisa waiting for you? No?

You could come home with me, to Germany,
back to Schleiden

It is beautiful it is not far, just the other side of Belgium
When this is over

God, I wish it were over now just like it is for him I think
I would rather k*ll myself than go into the fighting again

Yes, that is clever thinking, Joey

You are right, a new uniform That is a plan

And then I shall stay with you
That is a good plan

If they learned of this
they would sh**t a b*llet in my skull

Maybe I can manage to keep us all out of the fighting

What have you done to deserve
being shredded by a machine g*n?

Cavalry is no use in this w*r And we can win it
without useless Kavallerie Hauptmann M?ller

But I'll be reported dead Gisa will think

Ja, Herr Unteroffizier

Wo ist der Doktor?
Tot, Herr Unteroffizier

Sind alle tot?

Gab es einen Kavallerie Hauptmann M?ller?
M?ller? Tot

Hilf mir sie zu begraben

'Was there a Cavalry Captain M?ller?' he asked
Ja, there was

But just for a few weeks, until the end of the fighting,
he is ambulance orderly Johann Schnabel

Then I will take you home, home to little Gisa

Ted it's a letter from our boy
And? Well?

'Dear Mother, please don't be angry with me
for running away I am all right'

'The sun is shining today I've found a good chum
called David And they've made me a lance corporal'

'Horse in French is shove oh
Ju shursh Joey means I look for Joey'

He's still looking for that horse
They'd have sequestered that horse anywa y, Rose

And you know it
and there's nothing I could've done to stop them

What if we lose him?
Keep reading

I wonder if he knows about Billy?
Is there anything else in the letter?

I wish it was you over there, not him

He's just a boy
Rose, keep reading

'You're a bon mother' Bon

Cruel Winter cuts through like the reaper
And the old year lies withered and slain

And like Barleycorn who rose fron the grave
Anew year will rise up agaln

Emilie, tu es dou?e avec ce cheval

And the snow falls, the wind calls,
And the year turns round again

And like Barleycorn who rose fron the grave
Anew year will rise up agaln

Will we be going over the top today, do you think, Albert,
for this big offensive they keep talking about?

Will we get the whistle?
Don't you think about it

Just keep cleaning that r*fle
and it will never happen, David

Yes, Lance corporal
Field Marshal to you, Private

Calm down, Joey

Tr?s bon Tr?s bon, Emilie

Come on, David That's stand down Grub's up
Looks like we're not going over the top today after all

That's good And Joey's alive too

If you say
I do say Joey's alive

Emilie, tu es belle aujourd'hui
Comme une princesse

Non, comme une reine
Oui, une reine

And I'll garland a bonnet of daisies
To crown you the queen of the May

Une reine ? cheval

And all shall behold the seasons unfold
As surely as night follows day

Allez, Joey

Phoebe arlse, a gleam in her eyes
And the year turns round again

Regardez moi! La reine Emilie!

And llke Barleycorn, who rose from the grave

My God, that man
You know him, you remember He is dangerous

Not now, boys

w*r das englisch?
Englisch? Nein

Joey Calm down, Joey

M?tze ab M?tze ab!

Hauptmann M?ller!
Qu'est ce que j'ai dit?

Feigling Verdammter Feigling
Du und deine Pferde ziehen meine Kanone

Friedrich! Viens avec nous
Rentre dans la maison

A la cave Emilie, ? la cave
I am sorry, boys, you're going to have to pull this g*n

There is nothing I can do
I will look after you We shall look after each other

No, Joey you mustn't!

Don't be stupid! You need them

Ich schiesse!
Dan schiessen sie doch

Spannen sie sie vor die Kanone

Wenn sie versuchen abzuhauen, M?ller,
haue ich die Pferde in St?ck e

Joey! Non!
Ne le prends pas, il est ? moi

Stand to me, bonny lads,
Stand to and mak e you ready

Stand to me, bonny lads,
Hold the line right steady

It's all right, David

It's all right

I can't
Yes you can

We'll get through this all right We'll do it for Flossie
Flossie, yeah

Give her a rub down after a gallop
That's right and Joey

Good boy You've got your girl, I've got my horse
Come on, David

Goodbye Dolly I must leave you,
Though it breaks ny heart to go

Nol Albert, wake up Bastards!
Albert, come on, you ain't dying on me

Nicht halten!

Verdammte Schlamm!

None of that, Topthorn, or he will sh**t you too

Come on, boys One two three pull!

Come on, Joey You must pull for two
Topthorn needs you now Your lives depend on it

What d'you think, Corporal?
It's like a graveyard, Sarge

What was that?
The horses

I meant about these tracks
Yes, Sarge They look fresh

They do And Narracott? Narracott!

Deep ruts, Sarge One carriage, a g*n Ma ybe that horse
was one of their team if it was, they'll be struggling

Call the men in

Joey ain't here You'd know if he was and he ain't
Jesus, Albert

I said call the men in!
Yes, Sarge

Do you mind telling me what this is all about, Corporal?
I can't stand the stink

Spent your sick leave smelling roses, did you?
I'm all right, Sarge

I thought you was a country boy,
you never seen a dead animal?

That Jerry g*n's our target it's en route to a new position,
most likely to shell our tanks

They're half an hour behind us,
so we need to move sharpish before it can


That horse moved
Nerves He's dead

They ain't all dead
What did you say?

She's in the arms of Jesus, Narracott

Now pull yourself together before Jerry
sh**t you somewhere worse than your leg

We need t o move
Yes, Sarge

Enemy front!

Hold your fire it's a girl

It's all right Come on
Come here, I'm not going to hurt you

It's all right Francais? Parlez Anglais?

J'ai perdu mon cheval
Perdu? Hello, Perdu

She's saying she's lost her horse, Sarge
Ask her if she's seen that Jerry g*n

Vu les Allemagnes?

Oui? O ??

Ici, chez nous
O ? chez nous?

Partout They're everywhere

Tout est fichu, ils sont partout
Aidez moi, j'ai perdu mon cheval

It's all right, you just want to see him, I know
Je connais, je comprends, I know calm down

Cal m down, calm down Je

She'll be safe at HQ You take her

You and Private Taylor

Are you sending me back
because I thought the dead horse moved?

No, I'm ordering you to escort the francais fille who might
have intelligence because you're the best man for the job

Yes, Sarge

Right, we go on after that Jerry g*n
You go back Move out!

Right, Albert Let's do this, then
Hang on, wait This horse is moving, she's breathing

What you doing?
This poor mare is not bon Can you get up, girl? Can you?

We can't leave her like this

Non ne lui fais pas mal, arr?te!
Shut up!

You think they can live through this?

There you go, bon girl Free now

Albert, we have to get out of here now

Joey's dead What?

Joey died like Billy and Nicholls
No, no, no

And I'm effing glad 'cause what's the point, eh?

Day after day, nothing but that bloody horse
You think I'm going to let you give up now?

Goodbye Joey, goodbye

Gas! Gas mask on! Narracottl
Move Albert We have to get out

And I'll wager a hat full of gulneas, ,
Against all of the songs you can sing

that some day you'll love and the nxt day you'll lose,
And Winter will turn into Spring

Tak e the chance to rest, boys
Rest while the sun shines

Sie sprechen englisch? Me also

Ist das Geschirr fertig?

Beeilen Sie sich

Fine horses Too fine to pull that g*n
They just about manage Just

He speaks English?

Have you heard what they say at home?
They say we cannot win this w*r

Sprecht deutsch!
Herr Unteroffizier

Be careful with him
What can he do, sh**t me?

Yes He would

They say the Kaiser must go
and we make a democracy

It would be im possible for a democracy
to start a w*r against the will of the people

H?rt auf englisch zu reden!
Ich will wissen was ihr redet!

Schaut! Seht sie euch an,
leben nur f?r diesen Moment

Sonnenschein, birds, nature
I nnocent, like children Wie Kinder


Er ist tot, verdammt nochmal

Nothing you can do, my friend
For him there is no more w*r now This is good, no?

Noble, noble cavalry horse
I was going to take you home Home to little Gisa

Dam n this bloody w*r Damn the bloody Kaiser

Was haben sie ?ber den Kaiser gesagt?
Verdammt sei der Dreckskaiser!

Stand to! Stand to!
What is it, Geordie?

I saw something moving in no man 's land
Out there? What?

It isn't a man, Sarge
Looks more like a horse or a cow to me

A cow or a horse?
Your eyes are playing tricks on you

Or perhaps you think it's an effing Trojan horse,
or a Trojan cow, an elaborate ploy by Jerry to

Honest, Sarge, I saw it
Well, I can't see anything

And that's because there's nothing there
I'm not making it up, Sarge

There'll be a rum ration in a minute, Geordie
After that you'll see all sorts in that mist

Perhaps the effing Trojan cow
will jump over the effing moon

Now k eep your eyes peeled for Germans, trez beans?
Toot sweet an' all

Achtung! Schnell!
Was ist?

Ein Pferd
Ein bescheissenes Pferd?

In dem Schlamm und Stacheldraht da draussen?
Sag mal, bist du total bescheuert?

Shut up they're saying something

Ich sage dir, es ist ein Pferd

Maybe they've seen him too
Him? There's no him

It's a horse! Sergeant! It's a bloody horse
Give me that

Well, eff me A horse in no mans land
Where the eff did that come from?

I told you
Out thee in that effing bog? Unbel..

Hang about a white flag
Hold your fire!

Jerry's going for him
Are you sure about this, Geordie?

We can't just let the effing Jerries effing have him
Too effing right, Geordie

Hold your fire but be prepared

Komm Hier
Easy lad good boy

So what do we do now? Two of us and only one horse
and I can't speak a word of German Haddawey and shite!

Alles sind still

We must be careful not to start a w*r, eh?

Don't worry about it

Er hat viel Blut verloren
He needs a veterinarian

Was w*r das?
A veterinarian, he needs a

Ah ja Veterin?r Die haben wir

So how do we Kopf oder Zahl?

Hold your fire!

Kopf oder Zahl?
Heads or tails That is heads, this tails

Ich werfe, du rufst, ja
Two roofs?

Nein Ich werfe, du rufst, ja?

Nein, nein
Ich werfe, du rufst, ja

Bon chance Auf Wiedersehen

Same to you, bonnie lad Same to you

It's ours, lads The no man's land horse is ours
Trez beans, Geordie, trez beans

Tommy in the neadow
Tommy in the byre

Tommy on the firestep
Tommy on the wire

And those who walk ed in w*r
And those who cherished peace

And those who walked this blessed land
Their hope shall never cease

Yes, Nurse

Can you see anything?
He can still see shapes, Nurse

It was only tear gas
You're lucky, you will regain your sight

That's good, Albert
He'll be all right

If you say I will, then I'll be all right
If you say I will

What do you mean by that reply, Corporal?

Where was your gas mask, Corporal?
It was damaged, Nurse

Well it's not a Blighty one
Category two: slight Wait here for an orderly

For Chrissake snap out of it, Albert

This, sir, is the no man's land horse

It's just his leg, as far as we can make out
That needs cleaning out straight away

We sluiced it with water, sir, but we didn't try anything else
You did the right thing Water please

Ordinarily, sir,
we wouldn't be making such a fuss over an injured horse

But the men have got it onto their heads that he's special

He looks as if he was a fine animal, once
We didn't feed him in case he needs an operation

An operation? He'll be lucky

I know you, don't I?
It was when we disembarked, Sergeant

March 1915, Sarge

You've done well What's he got?
Tear gas, Sarge

lt'll wear off I said it'll wear off, son
Are you all right, son?

He's just a bit tired, Sergeant
What's his name?

Corporal Narracott, Sarge
Narracottl Eff me, I remember you

You were the one badgering me about
effing horses Corporal, that was you, wasn't it?

It's no use

Hear that, Sarge? He says it's no use
That's a shame, that's a damn shame, sir

The men are talking about him
as if he's some sort of miracle

He's half dead and I've got no one to look after him

They're going t o off the sick horse, Albert,
like you offed that German one

I had a horse once
I know you did, Albert

Joey, he was called
I know

For God's sake! g*n jammed
Sergeant? Thank you

What's going on over there? He's upsetting this horse
Get him away from here, that's an order

Get him out of here, Private Can't you see
this is hard enough without upsetting this horse?

What does he mean, I'm upsetting the horse?
What horse?

Shush Albert, we've been ordered away
The one he's about to off?

Is he answering? Is he answering to Joey?

Don't off him! Don't off the bon horse! Joey! Joey boy!

Sir, don't pull the trigger
What the hell?

Do you see that?
Joey? Joey boy, is it you?

It's his effing horse, sir
His effing horse from effing home

Hello, Joey Hello, boy
Where you been then, hey? Where you been?

What a dance you've led me

Sorry Does that hurt?
We'll mend that, we will

You're alive, you're alive, you 're alive
What a bon boy

Only the truth that in llfe we have spoken
Only the deeds when our journey is run

These shall pass onward when we are forgotten
Only remembered for what we have done

Who'll slng the anthems, who'll tell the story?
Will the line hold, will it scatter and run?

Shall we at last be united in glory?
Only remembered for what we have done

A man and a horse
It can't be
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