sn*per: w*apon of Retaliation (2009)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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sn*per: w*apon of Retaliation (2009)

Post by bunniefuu »


Good evening.

Comrade Commander!

Comrade Commander!

Wait !
Comrade Commander! Tolja!

- Tolja!
- What is going on ?

Be more clear, finally!

Lieutenant Kurochkin...

He was shot!

- He is alive ?
- Who.

The ball is close to the heart,
but he is still breathing.

- Where did you find it?
- In the field.

We were patrolling,
and we heard g*nshots.

- It wasn't us.
- Accelerate.

- Sorry ?
- What land?

- Near the castle.
- How far from the castle?

About 500 meters away.

We fired from the tower.
The path of the ball is oblique.

Aim for his heart at 500 meters.
It is the work of a good sh**t.

- What a bitch!
- Where are you going ?

Soldiers, follow me!

Stay there, and keep an eye out!

- Where is the Commander?
- Why ?

- Is the German with him?
- It does not concern you.

- Stop!
- He is alive ?

Dirty little bitch!


The girl from the Comintern?

- We fought with the Comintern?
- The farm !

Listen, Comrade. sn*pers
targeted Kurochkin.

He's fine, but
two other soldiers have disappeared.

The girl has a callus on her index finger.
She must be with the sn*pers.

- You could have told me before!
- You would have believed me?

The Comintern... Fascist bitch!

She att*cked me in the act!
But don't insult the Comintern.

So according to you,
it would be a sn*per.

- What did she want?
- I do not know.

do not work alone.

She was looking for something.

For sure ! She even forgot
his underwear.

Get the hell out of me, fool!

Give me that.

Listen carefully, Yashin.

find her,
or I'll send you to the Gulag.

Have I been
clear enough?

You know what he
you still have to do, Lieutenant!

- Yes, Commander.
- Round up our men.

- Search the surroundings.
- A second !

- If there are more than two?
- Never mind ! Execution !

there will be unnecessary deaths.

you are Commander, aren't you?

So order
and don't bother me!

Search the surroundings
right now !

We absolutely need
an anti-sn*per unit.

It's your job Commander.
Break up! Half turn!

Forward, march!


No need to panic Mikhajlovsky
with this sn*per story.

- Masha, are you there?
- I am swimming in happiness!

It's worth coming
just for this bathtub.

Finally Stanislaus!
Nobody invited you.

Just a minute!

I believe the minute
has already passed.

So ?

What do you say ?

that I am not your wife.
That's what I say.

- OK.
- And apparently...

I will never be your wife.

We will speak again
as soon as we get back to Moscow.

- You understand ?
- Yes.

But Frau Martha gave us
separate bedrooms.

We'll see you in Moscow, darling.
In Moscow !

In Moscow, okay!

- Goodbye !
- Goodbye !

Mysterious shadow! It's not
nice to spy on girls.


Where is he ? Stas!

I am here, what is it?

- Did you come down?
- No why ?

- Something happened.
- What ?

- Was that you?
- I just arrived.

I was in my bath.
There was someone.

However, I did not see anyone.

Stay there, please.

There is nobody !

What you saw ?

There was a footprint right there.

There was a footprint.
I saw it. Where did she go?

A man's shoe.
You do not believe me ?

- Yes, of course.
- Do you think I'm crazy?

Do you think I was dreaming?

Comrade Yashin.
What are you doing here at this hour?

I came to see if everything was okay.

We just need rest.

Without it, ghosts
come to haunt the house.

I wish you a good night.

You dreamt.

- Everything is fine ?
- Yes.

Thanks, that'll be fine.

You're right.

Come, Masha.
Let's get some sleep.

Come on, come to bed.

Hello Masha.

Breakfast will be served.


Thank you.


Did you sleep well ?

So come join us.


Your brave tin soldier
watched over you all night.

- And in fact !
- Yes ?

- Keep on going.
- I missed you last night.

I can enter ?

Hello to you.

Everything okay in the house?

Yes thanks.

You will have breakfast
with us ?

Thank you, I have to join
the political police.

Osipov wants to search

So he ended up believing you?

- Did you find Kurochkin?
- Yes, we found him.

You can take my car
and discover the region.

To change your mind.

How nice.
What's interesting?

If you love architecture,
you will be satisfied.

Promise me not to
approach the castle.

- Yes okay.
- Count on us.


The ghost has not returned?

No, but I'm convinced
to have seen a footprint.

Do not think about it anymore.

- And There you go.
- Thanks very much.

What are you thinking about ?

I think of Yashin.

And if he wasn't the one
what do you believe?

I heard
maybe it was a sn*per.

A well-known sn*per.

And that he had a girlfriend
in Stalingrad, who was k*lled.

This kind of story
nothing original.

But... It saddens me.

Osipov will make short work of it,
you will see.

I know these kind of men.

Like the one who interrogated me
after my father's arrest.

We should help him.


What can we do for him, let's see?

we should go
to the castle.

Go please !

- Ask Osipov, he will accept.
- Masha!

Yashin asked us
not to go there.

You're scared, right?

- Me ?
- Yes, admit it.

But no.

After all why not.
Let's go, my little one...


Hold me in Your Arms !

- Do you have any matches?
- Hold.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome !

Comrade Engineer, come!
We found something.

- Stay here.
- I'm coming.

- Certainly not.
- I am coming with you.

Stay, or I'll make you
accompany immediately.

I wanted to help you.

If there are things to photograph,
I'll let you know.

Come this way !

Can you photograph me?

It will be a memory.

- And There you go.
- Thank you.

Soldier !

- Commanding officer….
- Later !

- How is Kurochkin?
- We couldn't do anything.

I operated on it myself.

Everything seemed normal,
but this morning...

You must know
something important.

The ball that I pulled out
bears a mark.

- What do you mean ?
- It was engraved.

Glasses !

There you go, Commander.

- My God !
- My glasses ?

Commander, arrest the soldiers.
There are two sn*pers in the castle.

- They're dangerous.
- I don't care about your sn*pers.

What are they keeping there?

Mikhajlovsky left there
30 minutes ago, with Guseva.

Yet I had defended them!

- Take over.
- At your service. Half turn!

To the vehicles! Walk !

Damn it !

I finally found it, yes!

Take it down.

- What are you doing ?
- I saw something.

What do you mean ?

You should go see
in the gallery, right?

Wow !

It's brutally heavy!

Stopped ! It's mercury!

Put that down.

Be careful, okay?

Do you want to poison us?

But what are we looking for?

It's understood ?

- Understood !
- Go for it !

Fire !

That's enough !
You come with us.

Stop Bertha,
you're going to waste b*ll*ts.

Target reached!

Who did you touch?

I touched this girl.

The one who looks like your wife.

Witch !

- sn*pers?
- Yes.

And the scientist?

I do not know.

And the girl, where is she?


This time I will stay there.

Where is the girl ?

Do not advance!

I said stop! Stop!

Make a U-turn !

- You are crazy ?
- There are sn*pers!

- After the w*r ?
- Step back!

- And Mikhajlovsky?
- Capture !

You are crazy!
We are responsible for it!


Stop, it's a trap!
They will die for nothing!

They have seen others.
Go for it !

They are young.

I was in Stalingrad,
I know what I mean !

1942 is already far away, and I know
what I do. Ahead !

- We can go ?
- When I give the order.

Hey, come see!

Lucky you!

Fight back!
Make a defense circle!

Take cover!

Covered !
Under the arch, quick!

- Commanding officer !
- I am hurt !

Soldiers! Fall back!

The others fled?

No, they didn't run away.

They were k*lled.

All those kids, shot.

How awful !

Here, I finished the bandage.

Poor soldiers, dead for nothing.

What carnage! A whole unit
wiped out in two minutes!

A sn*per can perform
five aimed sh*ts in one minute.


So, if we take it into account...

In two minutes, ten corpses.

It means
that they are more than two.

Yes, and they are at w*r.

Give it back, it's not yours.

Give me that.

You are a soldier, not a looter.

You are right.

Two minutes. Nice work !

- My commander.
- Silence !

Let's go !

Advance ! Hurry up !

Get up, son of a bitch!
Go on !

They left ?

Oh no.

They're hiding.

They are aware of their strength,
so they hide.

They know we won't go
look for them.

stop spinning,
you are going to be sick.

I'll call the doctors,
to evacuate the corpses.

And the sn*pers, then?

A sn*per never sh**t
on a doctor. It is the rule.

What are we going to do ?

My men will come
join us.

We will not save Mikhajlovsky
without them.

- Wait, your men?
- A group of counter-sn*pers.


Calm down, it will be over soon.

We can leave this rat hole.

Here it is !

Are you from Moscow, bastard?

Calm down, Carl!

Anyway, I'm sure
that you are an important person!

So leave it, Karl.

- Otto Hammerboll.
- Mikhajlovsky.

Do you remember me ?

Is this copy active?

Welcome to my lab.

I hope you came
to see him. You are an expert.

So make yourself at home.
So take a look.

In 1942, the same specimen
went into space.

What can I say ?


The Fürher was right. It's necessary
believe that our race is superior.

You will agree with me?

Whoever designed the V2 didn't want
not that you make a w*apon out of it.

We don't care about your opinion!

That's enough.

Occasionally, you may
discuss it with my friend Danst.

But I'm afraid that Karl Kleist
has not been sent

to carry out the Fürher's orders.

What do you want ?

You see, Herr Mikhajlovsky.

We received
very specific orders.

The enemy must not recover in any
case our equipment or these rockets.

It's not easy to keep
a factory with 10 sn*pers,

especially when the enemy
uses heavy a*tillery.

You think my presence
will stop them?

That'll deter them for 2 or 3 days.
It's enough.

To do what ?

You are too curious
Herr Mikhajlovsky.

Let's go, Bertha.

Pay attention.

Sit down.

Thank you.

You want some ?

No thanks.

Me, I want it!

- What are you scribbling?
- I'll show you.

With these glasses,
you look like a teacher.

An exemplary job.

Those sn*pers!
The devil take them all!

If only we could do
intervene the naval forces!

Stuck because of Mikhajlovsky.
I have to watch the equipment!

The documents also
like the apple of my eye!

Name of a dog !

I don't understand how
all of this could have happened.

- About like that.
- What's this ?

The plan of the castle,
and the place from which they fired.

- The red lines?
- The sh**ting sectors.

- And the dots?
- The position of the sn*pers.

- One, two… What? Ten sn*pers?
- Yes, there were ten.

Good work !

It's from a book
on sn*per training,

written by Morozov in 1931.

Looks like the sh*ts
can reach the whole area!

No, there is a blind spot.

There, under that arch.

He's there ! !! is here !

Thanks for bringing us.

Give me the accordion.

Yashin, Yashin!

We will meet in
A hell of a mess because of all that!

I'm telling you.

What is that ?

These are my men.

To your ranks!

The sn*per group has arrived.

Staff are present
and operational.

under command
of Sergeant Major Ignatovich.

These are your men, aren't they?

It is a fact.

Ignatovich is a sn*per.

Trap specialist.
He served in the Finnish campaign.

Derugin, sn*per,
master of hand-to-hand combat.

Sergeant Vorobjev, specialist sn*per
engineering and demolition.

Very well.

Gentlemen, that's what it's all about.

Eliminate the group of sn*pers that
is in or around the castle.

They prevent anyone from approaching.

It's quite logical.

The leader of the group is Karl Kleist.

They hold Mikhajlovsky,
an expert from Moscow.

And the girl who was with him.

- She is pretty ?
- Avoid humor.

- Here is the list. Study it well.
- Understood.

We are going to need
anti-personnel mines.

The mining engineers will help us.

- If not, tell me.
- At your service.

Haven't seen you in a long time, huh?

Two and a half years.

I leave you to your reunion.

Who, I checked everything myself.

There will be no survivors
among the Russians.

We'll see.

Coffee ? It's true,
he comes from Brazil.

Thank you.

With Von Braun, we dreamed of sending
our rockets to the Moon or Mars.

You can smile.

It seems crazy
a rocket to Mars!

But this dream made
we were denounced,

and arrested by the Gestapo.

But Dornberg helped us
and given a chance to continue.

That's what we did,
with the greatest pleasure.

And now it's all over...


Listen to me, Otto.

You must get there as soon as possible.

I promise you we'll leave you
continue your research in Moscow.

- What, at your service?
- Yes.

So that the rocket belongs to you?

No. I have enough
to work for others.

I achieved all my goals
as a scientist.

The results therefore have no
not important to you?

Wouldn't you like to see them?

This rocket has only one flaw,
and not least.

She can't hit her target

The Fürher knows it,
but he is not worried.

London is a hard target
to be missed.

Then I succeeded
to correct this defect.

By experiences
in my lab and calculations.

I found the way
to correct this problem.

The only thing
that I can't do,

is to be able to test
my own creation.

But deep down, I'm happy about it!


Petja, Boris, stay there.
Mikola, with me!

Commanding officer ! There is a sn*per
in the tree, near the river.

There's another one at the window.

sh**t at the bell.

Put it down right now, Bertha.

what happened
to your wife?

She died
in the bombings of Berlin.


What are we doing here?

We will probably die.
This w*r no longer has any meaning.

We should go.

Woman's words!

But anyway, where do you want us to go?

I do not know !


!! was talking about going to Argentina.

Without the documents,
who would want us there?

Hammerboll only talks about Mars
and space exploration.

He annoys me and I believe
that he is hiding documents from me.

But I think he's scared, actually.

Everything is fine,
there is only one day left.

one day
and we'll have everything we need.

Even Argentina, you'll see.

I want you to go see
where are the others.

I think the Russians will try
to take the lab tonight.

I'm counting on you, Bertha.

There's one under the bridge.

How are you, guys?

- I'm here !
- Down !

So there's another one,
on the balcony.

Mikola, are you in charge?

Boris! You serve as bait.
Petja, you cover it.

- Good evening, Commander!
- Good evening.

Why did you come?

I couldn't stay
all alone there!

I could be of use to you.

Alright, but don't you show
not until I tell you!

What are you doing ?

I'm going to swim !

Courage, Boris.

You think
that they will stop everything,

and no one
will build this rocket?

It will continue but without me.
You are young.

And you think you're right.

Am I interrupting something?

He thinks he's right about what,
exactly ?

Where are the building plans?
Where are the documents?

- Answer!
— Here they are!

Pay attention !
We will go together!

everything is ready for the expl*si*n.

I'll get the plans from this
rocket, whatever the cost!

Is that clear ?
You won't be able to fool me.

Gunther, what was it?

Otto, you want to destroy
the laboratory ?

should only have these documents.

No, I implore you!

You, shut up!

Karl, it doesn't have to come to that.

I will take care of it myself.


Go for it !

Carl! Carl!

They are there !

- The Russian experts?
- Yes.


Hammerboll, stick with Russian,
I'll come back for you.

And don't forget the expl*si*n.

Let's go.

Boris, put a b*mb in
the staircase. The others, follow me.

The scaffolding.

Mikola, take care of the wall.

Commanding officer !
One hit will suffice.

From here we'll have a good view
on the hallway.

Go get the matches.

Commander, in position.
sh**t at my command.

- What am I sh**ting?
- The Germans !

- Go for it.
- Stop ordering me around!

Everything is ready !

A great surprise
waiting for him up there!

- Will it be long?
- Whatever it takes.

- And if I need to…
- Wet your pants.

- Don't talk to me!
- Silence !

He tu me.

Mikola, the door!

Well !

- We were hot !
- Attention !

- What happened, soldier?
- What did you do, Commander?

- Petja!
- Commander, right there…

Cover us!

No way you die. you must
tell us about your clan.

It was George. I am sorry.

This Russian sn*per is an expert.

He sh**t from the balcony.

Take care of the Commander.

Watch the balcony.

there is a sn*per straight ahead.

The others are placed
as on the map.

I'll get Kleist.

Here you are ! Take that!

- Take ! Take this !
- Garbage!

Commander, are you alive?
Come !

- Do you know how to use it?
- I'm not stupid.

Follow me.

You cover me.

I'm going to find it again
the sn*per sh**ting at us.


A woman !


There's gonna be an expl*si*n,
is not it ?


- Why ?
- You are right.

I can't stop the others.

It's all stupid
and makes no sense.

Get off me!

Hands in the air !

Osipov, don't do this!

It's Otto Hammerboll!

Otto, I would do anything
for you.

Join us, let's go!

No need to be stubborn,
you must live!

Why do we have to wait for it?

One day,
you will eventually understand,

what I understood.

And the pill will be hard to swallow.

This is the w*apon of punishment.

It's finish ?

There, we will have seen everything.

- Where is Masha?
- I did not see her. Let's go.


You want to see me ?

So come here!

Where are you hiding, Yashin?

We don't move!

Looks like I missed you.

Finally, it's even better!

Come out of hiding, Yashin!

Or I start by k*lling her,
and then I k*ll you.

If you show yourself
I will not k*ll her.

It would be a shame to damage
my wife's dress.

I haven't forgotten you, Yashin.

I k*lled a lot of people,
but none come back to haunt me.

Where are you hiding ?
You are a coward ! Show yourself !

Otherwise I'll sh**t her!

Turn around, Yashin!

I want to see your face.

- I want to be with you !
- Go away !

- Yashin!
- Go away !

You're welcome !

Yashin! My love !

I have no one but you.
I'm lost without you.

My life has no more meaning
if you're not here.

I want to live by your side,
I want to take care of you !

I love you Yashin!


Yashin, are you okay?

Are you injured?

You are alive !

You are alive! God be praised!

How are you, Yashin?

Where is Boris?

He has been k*lled.

Your guys were good men.
I will never forget them.

- Hammerboll is dead.
- Do you have anything?
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