Battle of the Damned (2013)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Battle of the Damned (2013)

Post by bunniefuu »

You'll have to move fast... In

and out, no more then a day.

And do not believe what you may have

heard, there is nothing hidden there now.

We model the life cycle

of the infection...

the host population has

devastated the city is dying.

Then why do you need me?

I've read your file.

Mogadishu 93 is Delta Force

You can get through the military

blockade,no one will ever know...

What's the target?

My daughter is in there.

I need you to find her and bring her out.

I don't care what it cost.

Once you're in the zone, I promise

you there be nothing to fear.

Is that right?

Haul it!

I'm out /


What's cooking fellows.

/ Funny you should ask.

Sorry I'm late. / The guy went

to the massage parlor again.

Give him a mag. / Blue team to Red leader.

Come in Red Leader,are you receiving?

Come in Traeger.

Where are you?

No,this is..this is.. Broadus, Max.

/ Broadus, where's Traeger?

Where's Traeger? / Traeger is

dead,it's just us now.

Just who? Who else is dead?

/ All of them!

They ate them,right in front of

our eyes,they f*cking ate them.

Location.. Broadus, where are you? /

I don't know..I.. I'm cut off.

There everywhere, Man.

I need backup / there is

no backup,listen to me.

Head North,look for the sun,find a

pick-up zone..North, you hear me?

Yes, sir. I..I got it. North.

Broadus,My Ducati says I get there first.

Meet me there, the bike is yours.

Okay, where are we?

Should be..about.. here. /

They like the big boulevards.

We go this way. / Why that way? / a*mo!

Yeah,but Chief.We got a

straight shot to that piece..

right there.../ Yeah brother call in.

Tell me there is hot coffee,I might do it!

The sun is already up,the bird is coming.

Shit Yeah, okay.

Okay I'm on point,Smiley take the rear.

Where low,and the low story is..I'm out.

Plenty of reason to hold fire

till absolutely necessary.

So,you really give your Ducati to Broadus?

Hell no !!

Oh, shit.

Come on.

There are all over the place!

Come on! Go! Go! Go!

Let's go! Go! Go!

There f*cking eating him

/ He is dead, let's go!

That's it,I'm out. / Ditto..Goddamned!

Okay boys. Let's go.

Hey.. Your okay?

Hey, Chief! /

I'm Okay man! I'm Okay..

Just get me back to the

bird,get me to a Doc!

No, Max. /

Hernandez ..

There's our bird.

He's going for it!

Max ..

Tough luck.

What was that? / Come on.

/ You let him go?

This whole f*cking thing was f*cked,/ Yeah!

They lied to us, man. /

I know.

This whole God damned

thing was a waste.

We never had a chance./

Shut up Smile,you made it!

We made it. / I'm not going!

Oh, what are you doing? /

Completing the mission..

Are you crazy man?

I got to find her. / She

ain't there, Max.

We don't know that. /

She's ..dead, man!

Gatling.. your one stupid son of a bitch.

Broadus, are you receiving?


The bird is off,I repeat,the bird is off..

Heading for the treasure chest..Over..

Gatling...Your a stupid son of a bitch.

Get on!


Sit down.

That's mine!

You better reload.

These are bad for you. /

So is life.

Where have you been? Around.

Here? /

We don't come here much.

f*ck's your problem?! Not getting any

lately,Well don't look at me, old man

You're not my type... Jude.

How do you know.../

Been looking for you.

Where did you get this? /

Your Father.

He sent you? /

Don't get excited..

f*ck him. He put me here.

You know who he is?

It's all his fault,you know.All

of this shit.He's an assh*le!

Sounds right.

I hope it cost a lot.

It did... Your worth it?

What is your name? /

Major Max Gatling.

It's just you? /

Do you see anybody else?

How did you even get into the zone?

/ We're in.

The question is, how do we get out?

/ Oh, do we?

You want to go,don't you?

/ No, I like hanging

out were everone,I know

want's to eat me....

Just checking. /

Yeah, I wanna go.

But not..If I'm gonna get

shot or blown up..Oh No..

Can you really do it? /

I, can do it.

Okay... Max!

I take you to the others.

The others?

Yeah.. You better promise you

wont say anything about my dad?


She's not here. /

You sure?

We've checked everywhere. /

Did something get inside?

I don't think so. /

That's reassuring.

So you don't have any

idea,where she could have gone?

It's Jude..

This should be good?

Didn't anybody, see anything?

Not me?

Duke, I want to look for her.

/ Outside? No!

She could be in trouble. / You just

said you wouldn't know where to look.

We can't just sit here./ Clearly..She

doesn't want you to know.

Duke!Yo,Duke! You're not

gonna believe this.

Jude! have a friend.

Yeah Jude, who is that? / A very..


Everyone, this is Major Max Gatling.

/ Major?

He's gonna save our arses. /


Well.. that really is

something, if it's true?

Pleasure to meet you, Major.

Do you.. have the gift of speech?

Nice jacket.

Your the first unafflicted

person,we've seen in some time.

Is this everone? / I'm

afraid so, all that's left.

Except you, of course.

Let me introduce our

entrapped band of survivors.




And not least of all, Anna. / Hello.

/ Welcome to Hell, Major.

Were the damned.

You're one of us now.

You can't be too careful.

You had us all worried, Jude.

Sorry, Duke. / Do you might explaining,the

purpose of your little surgent?

Clear. She's clear too.

What was it,that was so

important you had to go out

shopping alone? / It doesn't

matter,she's back now

We have rules.Rules that are

important for our survival.

I'm sure, Major Gatling here

is familiar with the concept.

You put us all in danger.

But then how can I stay mad at you, Jude?

Just don't do it again.

Sure . /

Major, Talk in my office.

What's going on. / Can we do this later.

You just take off,you don't

say anything to me at all?

What does it


What are you talking about,of course

it matters.Who the hell is that guy?

I told you. / You just happend

to find him out there? / Yeah!

How stupid do I look? /

Let me think.

Hey, would you tell the truth!!

He picked me up.. with his

great big motorcycle.

And we went back to his place.

/ Hey..that's not funny.

So much for the truth.

Jude, Jude .. /


Oh, I didn't find him.

He found me.

Those I can't resist...that's our Jude.

Make yourself at home, Major.

Cigar? /

No thanks.

Drink?...Only the good stuff. It was the

best of times, It was the worst of times.

You got coffee?

Confiture..Sugar? Cream?

Powdered...all we can do.


Black,Okay...Anna, would you mind making

the Mayor,a cup of coffee please.

So, Major Gatling.

Retired..I presumed you're with

some kind of a paramilitary.

Private. / Is there a difference?

/ There p*ssy's.

I'm an arsehole.

So, what do I do? / Don't

be an arsehole, bro.

Hey.. thank you very much for that

Uh,ancient chinese

wisdom.that's..that's beautiful...

I could have used a man

like you a couple of

months ago,Major...You

weren't here then were you?

How long? /

14 days.

Must come in from above,

The only safe way.

Gone through a.. lot of

trouble for one man.

Must of been more,Huh..A team?

I say,there all gone?

Huh..Last man standing Major.

Why are you here? /

The girl.


What is so special about her?

/ Somebody wants her.


Couldn't say.

Just her? No one else? /

Nothing personal.

The city, outlined area's all still

completely infested,but you found that out.

Blockade, remote surveillance, tanks.

Troop positions. This is good.

Should be,paid for it in

blood..Bloody useless.

Might as well be... a map to Shangri La.

Damned if we do...Damned if we don't.

I know what you're thinking, Major.

It can't be done.

Maybe you could. /

We've tried everything.

Every possible route.Each

time we came back fewer.

It's impossible...There is no

way out of the infection zone.

All we can do is survive.Outlive the virus.

You'll might as well get used to it, Major.

Any other idea's will just gets

people k*lled. Like your man

I won't lose any more people.

You understand, Major?

Get out!


Please...don't tell him.

We..Don't normally stand in ceremony

here,But..this is a special occasion.

To our lovely chefs.

To the French for inventing canned food..

and there wine.

.. And to new friends,and fallen comrades.

Awesome, let's eat.

Where your from, Major?


You k*ll a lot of zombies ? / What's

your problem? / I'm just asking.

They're not zombies.

The Infection invades the sediba and

may kills the Hydrocordian functions.

Brain dead. / Yeah, but mostly

there not walking around..

Gentlemen .. /

Zombies ..

When are we leaving?

Nobody is going anywhere. / Why not?

/ Nothing has changed.

Bullshit... Tell him, Max.

Major Gatling knows only too well.

/ I don't.

Didn't he tell you? His

men, they didn't make it.

Oh no, Jude.

You heard the man. No

spa's, no pedicures.

What would poor Bambi and Thumper do?

Hey screw you. /

Okay everyone, calm down.

What matters...Is that were safe here.

Oh..Safe? It's.. ground zero of a pandemic.

That can end human life as we know it.

But maybe I would't call that "safe".


Oh,by the way, where going shopping..

tomorrow for fuel.

I hope, I can count on you Major?

Why not?

What are you doing?

Take me when you go.


Why did he come for you?


So he says. /

I don't know.

I think you do.

Were not going, so .. / ...In

time, you must believe that.


You can talk to me.

You know that.


Who are you?



You're were gone,and I..I just freaked so.


Jude... Hey, what's wrong?

What is it? What? /

My father sent him.

Major Gatling?

He is sending for you,not..not us?.

/ Your a d*ck,right!

So,do the others know about,you know.

/ He won't tell them.

Now I don't feel so guilty about

sleeping with the boss his daughter.

No guilt,nothing.

Where did you even find that guy?

Super Soldier factory? Or what?

Are you intimidated?

How big is his bike? /



Maybe Duke's wrong.

He's keeping us alive this

long,we've got to trust him.

You don't want to go. You love

It,you think your a warrior.

I am a warrior.

They say a swordsman that never

draws his a true master.

They don't know shit about zombies!

We had good luck with the SOV

Force,So that's where were going.

Pick up some more can's.

Now I got some extra muscle,I wanna

get as much fuel as possible.

Jude, I didn't ask you to come along.

/ Like I stayed behind!

Anything to add,Major? /

It's your show.

Let's go.

Elvis, you fill !

Four corners.


What's going on? / Were

getting out of here!

What about the others? /

There not coming,Come on.

I can't leave them! /

That's not my mission.

So what? / Do the math kid. Duke

is not gonna stick with the plan.

Even if the others decided against him.

there a liability..We've

got to be invisible.

You lied. / Never said I take them.

You said you were alone. /

I am.

We can do this easy or hard.

Your'e going home, Jude..Home...


No,Let go!

Hey,take your hands of her!

I would have come this way too.

What's going on? Duke.

You're too dangerous, Major. You

won't stop.You won't give up!

It's been a bind.

I know the feeling.

You think you're the first?

They've been others like you.

Plans, weapons.

And they all died.

You think you're different?

You think your better?

You didn't listen Major?

I won't let any more of them die.

I won't let you take any of them.

Not one,not any.

I can save them.

It's not that.

What's wrong?

Nothing, It's just stress.

I'm Listening, Duke!

We can work this out.

I'm not going to k*ll you.

/ then,get these off me.

I said,.. I'm not going to k*ll you!

I know something you don't?


But I tell you what? If you're still

here in the morning. I let you go.

Fair enough?

You're gonna burn.

Do you really think there is a

hell worse than this, Major?

It's no joke.there gonna torch the

city,Duke...Burn the infection out

You're Lying. / Any day now.

I take you with me.

You're desperate, Gatling.

They've been discussing it for weeks.

/ Who?

My government. Their government.

/ How do you know?

The girl, father's company

who created the virus.

He sent me to get her out. / But she ran

away from you. She doesn't wanna go.

I didn't tell her. /


Well If that's the best you got,Major.I'm

afraid I have to love you and leave you.


What's happening? /

well, she's sick.

I'm fine,just wanna clean up.

I'll go.

Oh, No!

Hey don't look so good.

Where's Max? /

He's gone.

He's dead?

Major Gatling.. chose to go his own way.

/ Why would he do that?

It was his decision.

There is nothing more to say.

Is there, Jude?..More to say?

Like what?

That's what I thought.


What are you ..?


Reese! /

You stay here.

What are you doing? / Stay here.

Please. just..just stay.

You f*cking told him !

Holy shit!

The axe!


Can you walk?

My gear.


I didn't know that they were gonna..

Well, I had a pretty

good idea.So you know..

I,don't expect you to forgive me and all.

Listen, I need to know something.

/ There it comes.

Can you really get Jude out?


What changed? /

She's pregnant.

Okay,I didn't know.I only just find out.

So,she can't have it here.Okay,not in this.

I help you,Anything you know.Look..look.

You don't even have to take me

with you.I don't give a shit.

Can you do it?

Do you believe in God?

Maybe there is..

And this is really Hell.

Do you believe in anything?

/ I believe in my mission.

Do you got any kids?

Look,you gonna have to go

outside,if you wanna keep this up.

You know what,I tought someday...but

not so soon..A career and..

I'm a Lab- Geek. I

do bacteria,not babies

Zombies everywhere you look, and

you're scared of dirty diapers?

They're not zombies.

She didn't tell me.

Maybe she doesn't even wanna have the kid.


Now shut up.

Where are you going?

Out. /


He's out there.


Come on, this way.

Hold up. /

What..what is it?

Let's take a look.

So, let me get this straight.

Now it's Reese who's gone

missing,and you who want

to go look for him.I mean

what is it with you two?

Oh please,no you stay put. /



What's going on? /

He didn't come back.


I forbid it!

You really do believe

that dom title,don't you?

Listen Jude..this is little f*ck!

Duke, she is pregnant!

Shut your f*cking mouth!

That's why you ran away from Gatling.

You wanted to be with the father.

Oh,sweet f*cking jesus.


Where they come from?

Where are they going?

Come on !

Oh, no, no ..

What's wrong ?

He said, there going to burn the city.

/ What are you talking about?

They are going to burn this

city and everbody in it!

Maybe there rescue robots.

Bad boys.

I think I know what they are.That..that..

Huge refinery disaster,you remember.

They had a bunch of

prototype robots working.

They all went berserk,sh**ting

people and tearing them apart.

No one got out alive.

It's got to be them.

Zombies ... k*ller robots?

Nice town you got here!

Why didn't you tell us? /

Obviously, I though he was lying.

Where is he?

Where is he, Duke?

Tied to a post.

You f*cking k*lled him?!

To protect you, would you say

as much about your own father?

Wait. Who?

Oh yes, there's more.

It's appears,that's Jude's father..cooked

up this delightful plague of ours.

Gatling was coming for her,he was

never going to take anyone else.

You didn't give him a chance.

He would have left us,all to burn.

What do they look like to you?


What do they look like too you?



What just happened?

Don't move.

Good..good doggie..

Say what?

Do you require medical assistance?

What, what..what do you mean?

/ Are you injured?


Okay so,now what?

What are you? /

Advanced utility robots.

Where do you come from?

These models where assembled at Midora

Industries,Robotics home.. Tokyo.

How did you get here? /

We walked.

Are you dangerous? /

I do not understand.

Are you.. gonna hurt us? /


Did you ever hurt anyone? /


Did you ever k*lled anyone? /


Why did you do it?

The operating code of all

models in service on

the Midora deep crescent

location was corrupted.

Causing a system wide execution error.

You got that?

So, what happened? / The

error was corrected.

What about them? /

I do not understand.

Well there dead?

You k*lled them.

They are not people. /

How do you know that?

Sensory devices indicate normal

thermal values are too low.

They are not people.

It means there too cold.

Can I touch you? /


Woo, serious nerdrgasme

So, what's your mission? /

We are awaiting instruction.

Well.. I think we gonna

get along,just fine.


Jude! /


Is it true?

That my dad created the zombie apocalypse.

What can I say,worst Disney land dad ever!

/ You should have told us!

I have too find Reese.

You're not going anywhere.

/ Leave me.. alone!


How did it get inside?

I check the gate.




There inside the gate.

There everywhere!

What are we gonna do?

What, we gonna do?!

What's that?


You brought robots? /

It's Cool,huh?

Say hello, boys.

Hello. / Hello...Hello.

Who is your commander ?

/ Major Max Gatling.

What do we do zombies? / We f*cked

them up.,we f*cked them up.

That's right.

Who wants to get the hell outta here?

Me! /


Let's go.

Bring what ever you can carry, the deadlier

the better.We move out in thirty minutes.

I did it.. to protect them.


Wait, wait..I need to know When

we get through this, do you ..?

It was a mistake,I should not have

left you out there. / It's too late.

Your taking him?

Well he's the wingman, you're the Duke.

Who the f*ck finds robots,who

the f*ck finds robots anyway?!

I'm open to possibilities.

See you around, Duke.


Wait, wait ..

I can help you.

I mean, the map? I can read

the map,I'm the only one.

I mean..I've been out there. I

know what's going on out there.

You got them,but.. they got a army?

Get in!

You won't be sorry.

Got,the love baby!


Keep moving.


Why are we stopping? / We got

work too do,Cover the gate.

You two, up there.

Let's go.

Right,so.. that should keep them

out for a while..And us in.

Hey you..brought..brought Duke? / Were

best friends. /Hey Listen..Listen.

Are you sure about the fire bombing?

Jude's father told you?

Are you surprised?


It's the right thing too do.

Major, generator.. powered up if you want.

Here or here.

These are where the lines, the weakest.

Your call.. Show me the

best way too get there.

Still the matter of the ground troops?

How do you propose we do that?


The robots!

What do you think?

I like it.


We'll go tomorrow.

Hanging with your friends?

He never blink, you know.

Machine.. versus.... machine.

Who will win?

You lose if you have a heart, right?

Don't worry, I can keep a secret

So I hear.

Can't even tell, except when

I'm spewing all over myself.

I bet your sorry,you took this mission.

I'm sorry,I didn't ask for more money.

Yeah,me too...My Dad,totally

bribed me too come for the summer.

You don't seem like the science type.

I,m..well.. One more strike

I'm out..type.

My mission,had I chosen,to accept it ..

Was to get serious about my future.

You think,getting knocked up counts?

You can handle it.

How do you know?

Iv'e been around,kid.

I'm thinking about hugging you, Max.

/ Not in front of the robot.

What are you looking at?

Okay, let's see what we got here ..

What is it?

Assuming Alpha 3-3. / Huh?

Automated return function.


Unit malfunctioning. /



f*ck you ! You f*cking can opener!

There still out there.The robots are

holding them off,on the street.

Times up!. /

Is that the fire bombing?

Were dead!

They start in the centre

and work there way out.

Come on!

There still out there!

Get in! Come on! Do it!

Where is he?

You're okay?



There is no engine!

Duke! /

He is dead.

Are you sure? /


No, no, no ..

Where were going? / We

need cover,so we go deep.

Ghost City! /

Not helping.

No.We gotta go Ghost City.

It's real old,It's been sinking in

the mud forever..It goes real deep.

Betrayal !!

I saved them! Max!..I saved them..

You hold them back.

There getting closer.

Look for stairs!

Guys, Check it out!

Come on!




Careful, there might be more!


Lynn, He's gone!

Guys,Guys they're coming!

Let's go!

Wait,you see that?

Up there.

There everywhere!

Hey, It's you again.

Find Jude.


Hey!..Down here!

Reese, where's Jude?



Look out!


You Stupid son of a bitch!

Where is he?

It's over.


You made it!

You know, don't you?

How did he find out,that it was me?

What is your mission, Major Gatling?

Rescue the girl ..

..k*ll the whistleblower.

And that way the company can deny,

Everthing that happend here..Blame

it on someone else....

There won't be anyone to say any different.

That's why you did it?

I had to say something..There was

still a chance to stop it before..

It's some pile of shit.


What are you guys so serious about?

Hey..Come on, Max. You did it.

Mission accomplished.

Now what?


Now we get you and little

Max,Back where you belong.

Whoo..Whoo..Who said anything

about naming him Max?

A boy needs a good strong name!

Not bad...I think she likes it, just fine..

Hey, buddy, Why don't

you go get me a coffee?
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