Dauntless: The Battle of Midway (2019)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Dauntless: The Battle of Midway (2019)

Post by bunniefuu »

- And under the sunrise

I think

I will have to rise

And I know

we will meet again

But I'm hoping we shared

The things mattered

and no one cared

I just want to see

your face again

- Norman Francis Vandivier.

Right where I left you.

- Didn't you promise never

to walk through that door again?

- Yeah, well,

you make a lot of promises

when you're puking up

a gallon of Mai Tais.

- Good to see you.

- Good to see you too, Jim.

Back from your exile

in Panama?

- As a matter of fact, I am.

We asked the Navy real nice

if we could come back to Pearl.

Surprisingly, they said yes.

- Yeah. You always

were persuasive.

- It wasn't just me.

When I told the brass

that Norman Vandivier

wasn't having

any fun without me,

they signed the orders

right away.

- Well.

- Yeah.

Wish I had known

about my amazing

influential name before.

Welcome home.

- It's damn good

to be back.

I swear, Panama must be

what hell is like.

- Hmm.

- It's hot.

There are mosquitoes

the size of birds.

And crocodiles.

g*dd*mn crocodiles.

- Hmm. So where's your band

of misfits?

- Uh, well, they hit

the Hotel Street

as soon as we hit the dock.

I came here

on account of the fact

that you owe me

so many drinks.

Well, you're way behind.

- What'll it be, Lieutenant?

- Let's get

a whiskey and soda.

- That I can do.

- Who's the letter to?

Some beautiful hula girl?

- Aw, shucks, Lieutenant,

I'm just writing my ma.

- Hmm. Yeah.

- The only girl in my life

is the Big "E".

- Right. Big "E".

She is one hell of a lady,


She's got men inside of her

24 hours a day.

- Ah. Jealousy,

such an ugly thing.

- No. No. It's not jealousy.

- It's just that I happen

to have a new lady

in my life as well,

thanks for asking.

- Ooh.

- Yeah.

- Okay.

- Brand-new PBY Catalina.

- Well, congratulations.

- Thank you.

You know, she's a real beaut.

Faster and sexier

than the old model.

- Hmm.

- Who's jealous now?

- Well, the Dauntless

is no speed demon, but...

I'm pretty sure

you wouldn't wanna race me.

- I'm sure

she's fast in the dive,

but how fast is she

in the water?

- Well, let's hope

I never find that out.

- Agreed.

- ...att*cked the Wake Island.

- Cheers, bro.

- And this morning,

the Japanese att*cked

Midway Island.

The United States of America

is suddenly

and deliberately att*cked

by naval and air forces

of the Empire of Japan.

I have,

with the Congress, declare

that since the unprovoked

and dastardly att*cks

by Japan

on Sunday,

December 7th, 1941,

a state of w*r

has existed

between the United States

and the Japanese Empire.

- You tell the ladies

you're a helldiver,

and they just swoon.

- I haven't flown a biplane

since training.

- That's not the point.

They hear helldivers,

and they think of the movie.

They think of Clark Gable.

Then you're in.

- I don't even know

what this movie is about

besides helldivers.

And I can't dance.

- There wasn't no dancing in it.

You're thinking of Gene Kelly.

- No, I'm not.

He danced in that movie.

That big number

with Norma Shearer.

"Idiot's Delight"?

You saw a stinker like that,

but you didn't see a classic

like "Hell Divers"?

- I guess not.

- That's a damn disgrace

of a naval aviator

who hasn't seen "Hell Divers."

- Prepare to launch plane.

Prepare to launch plane.

- We've completed our turn

into the wind, sir.

We're ready to launch

on your word.

- Get the planes in the air.

- Aye, sir.

- Yes, sir?

- Launch. Launch. Launch.

- Aye, aye, sir.

- Clear the flight deck.

- When we get back to Pearl,

I'll have to catch

that Hell Diver flick.

- You'll love it.

You'll be using it to pick up

the clean girls in port

before you know it.

- Can't wait.

Good hunting, Ramsay.

- Good hunting.

- Pilots, start your engine.

- Morning, Lee.

- Morning, sir.

- Don't tell me you've been

sitting here since reveille.

- No, sir.


not entirely, sir.

- So you did

the preflight checks then?

- Twice, sir.

- Why twice?

- There's been

some mechanical problems

with the SBDs this morning.

I didn't want to be

one of them.

- That's good thinking.

I'd hate for us

to get all dressed up

and have nowhere to go.

- Looks like we're up, sir.

- You ready?

- I'm excited, sir.

Just a little nervous.

- Yeah. That's totally healthy.

I'll never forget

how nervous I was

the first time

I did a night takeoff.

- You serious?

You took off a carrier at night?

- Not exactly.

A night takeoff is when

you throttle up off the deck

with your eyes closed.

- Really?


- Hold on.

This is always the worst part.

- Launch plane. Launch plane.

- Just remember,

if anything happens,

don't panic, all right?

If we end up in the drink

on the takeoff,

there's a beautiful

destroyer there

waiting to pick us up.

- Aye, sir.

- Here we go.

- Woo-hoo!

What a thrill, huh?

- You'll always remember

your first time.

- Absolutely, sir.

- Be hell a lot better

once we see some Jap carriers.

Falling into formation

with VB-6.

- Does it--

Does it always take this long?

- No.

That pompous ass Browning

probably hasn't crawled

out of bed yet to give us

the go-ahead.

- Yeah.

I don't--

It looks like more mechanicals

down there to me.

- Probably.

But I like my version better.

- Either way,

it's better we're up here

than down there.

It's gonna be a shitty day

to push planes.

- You're damn right, sir.


I'm ready for some action.

- As long as the Wildcats

are doing their job,

we probably won't see

a whole lot.

- Sir?

- I see it.

And so does McClusky.

Pulling into formation.

- Where--

Where are the Wildcats

and Devastators at?

- Huh.

Must be a no-frills operation.

Don't worry.

Brass knows what they're doing.

If all else fails,

that's what those shiny g*ns

are there for, right?

- Aye, sir.

- Please, dear Lord,

let the brass know

what the hell they're doing.

- Sir. Look.

- Reducing altitude.

- Ah.

- Good news.

We can come off the O2.

Best is taking us in.

- Thank God.

How long were we up there?

- About an hour and change.

- Oh.

Yeah, an hour and change

of my face itching

and my head swimming.

Don't let one

of the heavy bomber boys

hear you whining

about the O2 masks.

They got to keep them on

eight, twelve hours.

- Yeah.

Better them than us, though.

- Maybe.

Those big sons of b*tches

certainly stay up

a hell of a lot longer

than we do.

I'll tell you,

all that circling

and reduced altitude

sure didn't do us any favors

in the fuel department.

That's what I like

about you, sir.

You always seem to find

the dark clouds inside the

silver lining.

Just keep your eyes

peeled for Japs

and enjoy the flight.

- Aye, aye, sir.

- Hey, Vandivier, sir?

- Yeah.

- I got, uh...

a stupid question,

but it never came up

during gunnery training.

It's about the plane.

- What's that?

- Where's the head?

- Does it look like

there's a head in this plane?

No, sir.

It's just that I've been staring

at this water for hours,

and I had a bit too much coffee

this morning, that's all.

- Well, you have two options.

You can either hold it,

or if you look down

below your seat to the left,

you'll see a tube.

- Found it!

- Be careful at this altitude.

You don't want little Keaney

accidentally touching

anything metal.

- Know what?

I think I'll just hold it.

The mental image

just dried me up.

- What's going on?

- Best just turned his ship.

- I'm seeing wake!

- I see it.

- Best sees it too.

He's taking us in.

Now get your ears on and be

on the lookout for Zeros.

- VS-6 and VB-6,

I have spotted

an enemy carrier group.

- Sir!

McClusky is reporting

enemy carrier group sighted.

This is it!

- What's our target?

- Hold on, sir.

I'm getting a lot of cross talk!

- Put it on.

- All divisions prepare

for attack.

Carrier to the left.

- Best, you take the one

to the right.

- All divisions commence attack.

- Did you catch any of that?

- Sort of!

- What's our target,

the front or the back?

- I don't know!

- Shit.

- Wait, wait, wait!

Best isn't diving!

He's waggling his wings!

- Already committed!

- No. No, no, no!

- Hold on!

- Scratch one flattop!

You okay back there?

- I seem to have urinated,


- Stop bragging and g*ns up!

We got more than soggy drawers

to worry about!

Zeros incoming!

- Contacts!

Three! I see three!

- Sir,

they're getting closer!

- Well, discourage them!

- What?

- sh**t them

with the f*cking g*ns!

- There's Zeros everywhere!

- Guess we found out

where their combat air patrols

were hanging around.

- Two more!

Three o'clock high!

And they're really pissed off!

- Well, we did just sink

their carrier.

- What?

Whose side are you on anyway?

- Hold them off of us!

- I'm dropping to the deck.

- You're gonna what?

- Go, go.

- I didn't sign up

for this, sir!

Oh, no! My God!

- Hold on, Lee!

They're almost ripe

for picking!

- We're hit! We're hit!


- You okay back there?


Lee, you with me?

- I'm okay.

I'm okay. I'm okay.


- I'm rattled...

but I'm not hurt.

What's the damage?

- I don't even...

know where to begin.

- Oil pressure is dropping.

I'm fighting the controls!

- How far are we from the "E"?

- I don't know!

Far. Why?

- Fuel leak!

- Relay and transmit!

- Go!

- This is SBD...


Open t*nk and dead stick.

We're making a water landing

10 miles west

of enemy force.

- Sent!

- Hold on.

This is gonna be rough!

I'm reliving the day that -

You're right beside me,

holding me dear

I'm rarely feeling lonely,

you are always there

I'm day dreaming -

- What the hell?

Which one of you jokers

glued my rations shut, huh?

- Oh, yeah. Very funny.

Word of advice.

You all better sleep lightly.


- Hey.

- Picking up some chatter.

- Did they get another flattop?

- Yeah, hold your damn horses.

I'm listening.

- It's chatter from some SBDs.

They can't find their carrier,

and they're all low on fuel.

- Sounds like things

went a little pear shaped

and now they're gonna

have to ditch in the sea.

- Which carrier

and how far from it?

- They didn't say.

Japs could be listening,

I guess.

- Well, let's get in the air.

- You got it.

- Nus, see if you can figure out

where we think

the Jap fleet was

and where the carriers are.

Best guess.

We'll see if we can find

these guys.

- Aye, sir.

- All right, boys, listen up.

Lunch time's over.


report to Midway Station

that we're gonna continue

our scouting operations

for Jap forces.

- On it.

- Nus, I want you to plot

a course in such a way

that we might be able

to find one of these guys.

- You got it.

- Mansfield,

I want you to keep

those ears on, all right?

I want you to write down

anything that you pick up--

names, positions, anything.

- On it, sir.

- Nus, I need a heading

and waypoint soonest.

- Uh-hmm.

- Smokey, let's go.

Did you miss me?

- Always.

- Open the tail flaps.

- On it.

- Everybody's accounted for.

- Contact.

All right, everybody,

heading out.


- Sir!

Get out of the plane!

- Shit. Shit, shit, shit.

- Get out! f*ck.

Get out!

Let's go! Let's go!

- Come on!

- You ain't destroying.

- Shit! The raft! The raft!

- Shit!




- Did you think...

we got it, sir?

You think we hit the flattop?

- Yeah.

There's no way I missed.

There's no way.

- Win-win, then. Yeah?

- Yeah.

- We stuck it to the Japs,

and I don't have to clean up

a piss-soaked

gunnery compartment.

- I'm sorry about the raft.

- It's okay.

About a dozen planes

saw us go down.

We'll just float here

and watch the show,

and we'll get picked up

by breakfast.

- Breakfast, huh?

What do you think

they'll be having?

Shit on a shingle,

that's my favorite.

What about you?

- Got to raise your standards,


I'm thinking steak and lobster.

- Steak and lobster.

Let me see that wound,

- Yeah.

I don't know. Oh.

- All right.

Let's get you patched up.

- All personnel,

incoming friendly aircraft.

- Incoming aircraft,

starboard, 301 on approach.

- Initial reports

are very promising, sir.

We sunk three carriers.

1400 hours, and enough time

to refuel, rearm,

and send out a second sortie

to finish the job.

- We have men in the water.

- Yes, we do, sir.

- Sailor, did you see

that plane go down?

- Aye, sir.

- Redirect the Phelps

to collect that crew.

- Aye sir,

redirecting to Phelps.

- We've been very successful

so far, sir,

but we can't let ourselves

be distracted

with rescue missions.

- Successful?

We launched 32 planes.

All of six have returned.

- And that is unfortunate,

but what an excellent ratio

of return for three carriers.

- Yorktown reporting

inbound enemy aircraft.

Battle stations.

Battle stations.

- This complicates things

a bit.

I'm gonna go

adjust the op plan.

- Unidentified aircraft


- Tell the bridge I'm on my way.

- Aye, sir.

- All hands, general quarters.

General quarters.

- That's what I'm telling you,

there isn't any

radio navigation beacon

from anywhere but the island.

- Right. And then

so we use the island,

find where we are, and then

where the enemy fleet is.

- Which we don't know

because they ain't filing

no navigational plans

with us.

We know where they were,

so that's where we're going.

- But we don't know

where our carriers are.

How are we gonna triangulate

with only two points

of reference?


is that even a thing?

- Just gonna have to go

in a search pattern.

- Search pattern?

There's got to be,

like, 200 miles of water.

- Every damn day.

- Pags, could you hop down here

before I put my 45

in my mouth, please?

- You got it, sir.

- All right.

Why don't we just ask

where to search?

- We're already outside

our mission search area.

If we ask where to search,

they're just gonna tell us

to search

the mission search area.

Besides, if the beacon's off,

they ain't gonna answer anyways.

- Christ, Mansfield, will you

shut up and make some coffee?

Listening to you is making

everybody in this boat stupider.

All right, Nusbaum,

where's the enemy fleet's

last known?

- Right here.

- Right there?

If we sunk three carriers,

we're gonna see smoke,

we're gonna see debris,

we follow the party,

we head back to Midway

in circles,

we won't see any Jap carriers,

but we might find

a pilot or two.

- Good idea.

- I'm full of them.

- Be a doll, send the coffee up

when it's done, yeah?

- On deck, starboard 1.

Leave the wheel

and look out.

- The situation on Yorktown

is still developing,

but they've taken at least

two torpedoes amidships

and listing to port.

Buckmaster's considering

abandoning her.

- That'll be up to Fletcher.

What about her planes?

- They took a shellacking,

same as us.

But luck would have it

Fletcher sent the remaining SBDs

out on patrol

right before the attack.

- Well, obviously

there's a carrier or two

still lurking about.

- Let the scouts

find the enemy.

McClusky did not have kind words

to say about Captain Browning.

- No, I don't expect he would.

I want the planes on standby,

ready to go.

- Scouting 6 and the rest

of the Bomber remnants

are being fit for action.

Earl Gallaher is eager

to get in the fight.

- When the scouts find them,

I want you to point the "E"

into the wind

and get the planes

in the sky.

- Aye, aye, sir.

- All stations report

when manned and ready.

- Hey, Bennett, sir,

turn to starboard 30 degrees.

The guys are spotting

oil slicks and debris.

- Yeah, I see 'em too.

- All right, boys,

keep your eyes peeled.

Look for anybody

happy to see us.

- Lee, wake up.

Lee, get up.


wake up, buddy.

- I got two more minutes


- Wake up, buddy, come on.

- Wait your turn.

- Sorry. Sorry.


- I'm sorry.


- I was having a dream.

I was in a bath

with a beautiful Hawaiian girl.

- No kidding?

- It was hot...

with bubbles.

- You're in a piss-warm

ocean with me.

Let me get that patched up.

No offense, sir...

but I'd prefer my dream.

- I liked your dream better too.

- I'll have what you're having.

- Any sign of a pickup?

- No. I saw a few aircraft

flying overhead,

but I think it was just a PBY.

I don't know.

- No Japs out looking?

- No, we sunk their carriers.

They got bigger problems.

Well, the Japs never know

when they've been licked,

though, so...

we're gonna have to just sit

here tight for a while, okay?

- Okay.

- The aid kit went down

with everything else.

We got to make do.

- It's fine

until the salt hits it,

and then it burns down

to my fingers and toes.

- All right.

I'm gonna tie it up

real tight, okay?

- Okay.

- All right?

- Okay.

- All right.

All right. Here.

Bite down on this.

All right. All right.

This is gonna sting

just a little.

All right.

All right on three,

here we go.



- Aah!

- Okay. Is that better?

Feel better?

- Mm-hmm.

- You okay?

- Think they'll let us go home

after this?

I just--

I just want to go home.

I just want to see

my mom again.

- You will.

They'll send us home.

A little shore leave,

we'll be good as new.

They'll send us back...

we'll have a parade.

There'll be hula girls...

poker chips.

There'll be leis

all the way down Hotel Street.

It's gonna be great.

- First round...

is on me.

- Nah, nah.

To hell with that.

First round's on McClusky.

- He owes us that much.

- Fine, then.

- Are those ours?

- Definitely. Definitely.

At least 20 of them.

- Hey!

- Lee, Lee, Lee.

- Down here!

- Hey.

Lee, Lee!

They're too high.

They can't hear us.

They can't see us.

They can't hear us.

They're probably too busy.

- Another flattop, you think?

- Yeah.

I hope so.

- They got it.


- They got it.

- They got it.

- They got it.

- And the home

Of the brave

- Holy Christ

on a T-bone steak!

Hey, boys,

I think we got one.

- English, Mansfield.

- Man in the water

floating on his back.

We just flew over them.

Boys are cheering

about needles in a haystack.

- One of ours?

- Uh, it's hard to tell.

- Spread the word.

Turn her around

and bring her down.

- It's a little too rough

to set down.

- Yeah,

I'm thinking the same thing.

Let's do over-under.

- Yeah.

Not good. I just hope

we don't hit those swells

like a sack of crap

against the wall.

- I'm not particularly


leaving that guy behind.

- Me, either.

Just pointing out

we might not be taking off

for a while

once we pick him up.

- It'll give you a chance

to work on your tan.

I'll let the boys know.

All right, boys, listen up.

Water is looking a little

rough down there.

- Break.

I got some bad news too.

We got a bogey back here,

coming right up our tailpipe.

- What is it?

- Don't know.

It's flying slow,

might be a Dave.

- Oh, that's a biplane.

Can you not tell

that's a biplane?

- It's in and out of clouds.

Hold on.

- It's a Zero.

It's a Zero.

- Nus, mark where we are.

- Got it.

- Mansfield,

make yourself useful

and drop that guy a boat

and some crackers.

- Aye, aye.

- Everybody else hang on,

whatever prayers you were

saving for a special occasion,

now would be a good time

to use them.

- Oh, Jesus Christ.

- I can't see him.

Bogey coming on at six,

- I can't get a bead on him.

- No. I can't--

I don't know where he is,

I can't see him.

- Smokey, you got him.

- He's gaining on us.

- How's that boat coming,


- Working on it.

Just make another pass.

Boat's away, skipper.

Not sure

if we dropped it anywhere

near that poor bastard.

- That's why they invented

swimming, Mansfield.

- We may be racing him for it

if we don't get the hell

away from that Zero.

- God damn it, where is he?

- I just spotted him

headed upstairs.

That assh*le's gonna hit us

from above.

- That's not good.

All right, boys,

eyes to the skies.

You see a meatball, you set

your sights right on him.

- Whoo! He's breaking off!

Way to go, Smokey!

- Hey you scared him off,


- Champion machine gunner

of Honolulu,

you're damn right I did.

- Skipper.

We took a few rounds

in the wings,

maybe a pontoon.

We should check it out

while we still got sunlight.

Set us down, yeah?

- I'll get some distance

to put her down.

- Banks, you okay?

- Yeah.

Got any clean drawers

back there?

- I'll take a look.

Hey, Champion Machine Gunner

of Honolulu

ain't got d*ck to do with that.

That Zero had us dead to rights.

He chose to go play

somewhere else in a real hurry.

- Oh, yeah, we know.

But let Smokey have his moment.

- If you say so.

- What's that noise?

- I don't know.

Maybe a ship alarm.

It sounds that,

kind of, funny on the water.

Sound travels real far,

and I'm not sure.

- I wish it would stop.

- Yeah. Me, too.

- Sir.

- Norman.

- What?

- Call me Norman.

- Norman.

- Yeah.

- I'm thirsty.

- Me, too.

I guess we know what

the Ancient Mariner felt like.

- Who?

- It's a poem.

It's about this sailor

who sh**t an albatross.

This bird leads him

out of the Arctic,

and he sh**t it

with a crossbow.

- Well, why did he do that?

- You know,

it's not particularly clear

why he does it in the poem.

The rest of the crew

gets pissed at him

because they thought the bird

brought the wind with it.

They tied this albatross

around the neck of the sailor.

He wears this

rotting bird around,

hoping it'll bring back

the wind with his suffering,

but it doesn't come.

Instead, the crew

starts dying one by one...

until he's the sole survivor.

I know it doesn't sound

like a good story,

but it's a parable of sorts.

In the end, this poor bastard

suffers and suffers.

In his suffering,

he's redeemed by God

and rescued.

Hang in there, Lee.

You're gonna be okay.

We both are.

- Admiral, sir.

- Good morning,

Captain Browning.

- Last night,

the submarine Tambor

reported the location

and bearing of several contacts.

I can send word to Commanders

McClusky and Gallaher

to ready their pilots

to launch at first light.

- Let them sleep.

Midway has their scouts

in the air,

and if that turns out

to be a landing force,

we will need to stay put

to cover the island.

- And if it is

a fifth carrier?

- We will engage,

once we get confirmation.

I will not make the same mistake

as yesterday and overextend.

- Yes, sir.

- Oh, good.

They remembered

my wake-up call.

I haven't seen

the room service to...

bring me my pancakes,

orange juice--Lee, Lee.

Lee! Lee!



Don't go running off on me

like that, Lee.

Scared the crap out of me.

- You know me,

always running off

chasing tail.

- Yeah?

You found some tail out here?

- Mermaid.

- Let me check that wound.

- Hmm. It's okay.

- I'm okay.

No, it's fine.

It's getting better.

- Let me check

the damn wound, Lee.

Yeah. You're right.

It is getting better.

- I told you.

- Keep those eyes open,

all right?

I need you to help me

spot our pickup.

I'm no good

without my coffee.

So I'm counting on you.

- I'm on it.

I'm on it, sir.

- You got to be cheating.

You beat me four times.

The odds are not in your favor.

- Caroll, you--

- Good morning, fellas.

- Morning, Nus.

- Morning, Nus,

The boys watered and fed?

- Aye, sir.

You ready for another day

of being shot at by Zeros?

- Nope.

- Hell, nope.

- All right.

Well, boner appetite.

- Okay.

This--Are you even--

- Do you even hear it?

- Hey,

NAS Midway

just sent orders our way.

We're to scout and report

any and all enemy surface ships

we come in contact with.

Relay positions.

- We're already doing that.

- And now we're still

doing it,

and we got a search area


- All right. Well, tell the boys

to weigh anchor.

And, Nus, you just...

just keep on doing your thing.

- Okay. Here we go.

Possible main body

fleet sighted

700 miles,

92 degrees off Midway

bearing 262 degrees.

Two carriers,

four light cruisers,

two heavies,

six destroyers,

eight troop transporters.

Bring 'em all,

bring 'em all

Bring the long and the short

and the tall

- Bring the long

and the short

- Sharks. Sharks.

- What?



- It's behind you.

- Oh, God.

Please, no, please.

- It's a ray.

- A ray shark?

- No.

Manta ray.

- Does it eat humans?

- Not that I'm aware of.

They're all over

the waters off Pearl.

When we get back,

I'll take you snorkeling,

and you can see one up close.

- Thank you.

But I respectfully...


You see,

I just saw one

too close for comfort,

and I think I'm gonna

swear off all things

H20 after this.

- You say that now,

but no one likes a landlubber.

- Hey.

I'm from Sandusky, okay?

Grew up on Erie.


is gonna call me

a landlubber...

not even you...


- That's a lake, Keaney.

It doesn't count.

- Aren't you from Mississippi?


River boy.

- Hell, no.

I'm from Hawaii.

And so are you,

if anybody asks.

- Yeah.



- That's the spirit.

Now where were we?

- Bring 'em all,

bring 'em all

Bring the long

and the short and the tall

Bring 'em all

Bring 'em all

Bring the long

and the short and the tall

- Obviously

you don't understand.

Let me try and explain it

again in simpler terms.

su1c1de Mission.

Earl and I did the math

the second we got these orders.

- Gentlemen, clear the room.

Commander McClusky,

is there a problem?

- They're objecting

to the mission, sir.


a heavily damaged carrier

with no ability

to launch aircraft

is proving to be

a formidable foe.

- Maybe so,

but I believe I was asking

Commander McClusky.

He has us flying 240 miles

to the target

with thousand-pound bombs.

- The ordinance is to assure

destruction of the target.

- Lugging a thousand pounder

that far,

you're sentencing those men

to ditch in the sea.

We don't have enough gas

to get home.

- Per the specs

of the Dauntless,

you'll have enough fuel

to complete the mission.

- Sure, if the carrier

sits there quietly

and allow us

to slowly fly up,

drop our payload,

and slowly fly away,

but what the hell

are the chances of that?

- Commander McClusky

and the pilots

know the planes

better than anyone.

And I'm as eager as the next guy

to sink another carrier,

but not at the expense

of more men in the water.

Will you work the plan?

Allow the planes

to land on the deck,

not the ocean.

- Aye, sir.

Get your men

ready for action.

- Thank you, sir.

- Yes, sir.

- No.

No. No.

- I'm here, Lee.

I'm here.

- I don't wanna...

I don't--

I don't wanna...

be in the--

in the water anymore.

- I don't, either.

- I can't--

I can't wait anymore.

He-help me.

- All right.

- I'm trying to, Lee.

I'm trying to.

What can I do

so you don't drop?

Please tell me.

- God, I wanna--I wanna go.

- Come on, Lee,

just hang in there, man.

Just hang in there, buddy.

Just hang in there.

- I-I need to go.

- Just hang in there.

- I don't need to wait.

Back home...

to my mom.

- Don't leave me.


- Hey.

Is anybody else seeing this?

- Yep! Looks like

a couple of dissonance SBDs

and some Wildcats.

- Guess they found

those carriers

they're looking for.

- I think that's our cue

to go back to Midway.

Fuel's looking a little low.

- We got some Jerry cans

left with gas,

but showers and real chow

are sounding mighty

good right about now.

- Yes, sir.

Let's come around and head home.

- Lee.


Lee, they're gonna fly

right over us.

Lee, they're gonna see us.


Hey. Help!


We're down here! Hey.


We're down here! Help!

They saw us, Lee.

They had to.

They flew right over us.

Good. Good.


No, no, no, no.


Hey. We're going home.

We're going home.

We're going home now.

We're going back.

Come on.

Come on. Get up.

Get up. Okay.


Lee, we're safe.

We're going home.

Look, Lee. Please.

- Lee, I'm sorry.

Don't leave me alone, Lee.

Don't leave me out here alone.

- Next tug up at 2130.

- Thank you, Petty Officer.

- Yes, sir.

- Admiral on the bridge!

- Henson,

turn on the running lights.

- Belay that.

Admiral, we cannot turn on

the running lights.

These waters are thick

with Japanese submarines.

We'd be broadcasting

our location

to every eye for miles around.

- Including our pilots.

- Who are not experienced

or trained to land

on a carrier in the dark.

- Henson,

light the whole ship up.

- Yes, sir.

- Petty Officer,

light the ship

full deck and bow.

Summon the Captain

to the bridge.

- Yes, sir.

- Henry, light the ship

full deck and bow.

Yes, everything.

- There they are.

Thank God.

- I hope you realize

what you're doing.

- I'm giving our pilots a chance

to land rather than crash.

Thank you for your advice,

Mr. Browning.

You are dismissed.

Good night.

- Good night, sir.

- Okay, sailors,

keep your eyes open.

We have planes

struggling to get home.

- Looks like the island

took a few licks.

At least

the dock's still here.

- Yeah. It would be

damn easy to find,

even without a radio beacon.

- I think even some

of the airfield was on fire.

- Eh, the island was a shit hole

even before the Japs anyway.

It looks like

we're all tied down.

You boys need anything else

for me?

- No. I think we're good.

We're just gonna see

what the skinny is

on the situation.

Go get yourself some grub.

- I wouldn't want to miss

Smokey's story

how he took on the whole

Jap Navy on his own, right?

- I expect the full reenactment

from you.

- Yes, sir.

- Gentlemen. Boys. Skip.

- Boys, see you in the AM.

- Sir. Good to see you.

- Sir.

- Good evening, chief.

We've been out sightseeing.

We miss anything big?

- Not really.

Just a little trouble

with the neighbors next door.

- Hmm, those little guys

with the bad

decision-making skills?

- Yeah. Them's the ones.

- So what the hell

happened here?

- Eh, the airfield's wrecked,

but it could've been held

a lot worse.

- The Marines flew every fighter

they could get in the air

and messed up

their formation up there,

chased them off.

They haven't been back since.

- And the more current events?

- That's a mixed bag

of good, bad, and FUBAR.

- It sounds about par

for the course.

- The good news is the Navy

scratched four Jap flattops.

Bad news is the Yorktown

got blown to shit.

She's still afloat,

but that's about it.

- And the FUBAR?

- Carrier planes

were slaughtered

after they dropped their bombs,

especially the ones

from the Enterprise.

- How bad?

- Let's just say that there's

not enough pilots

left on the Big "E"

to field a baseball team.

- You know, we were in the thick

of it earlier,

and we saw plenty of SBDs

in the air then.

- Those were Hornet

and Yorktown birds

flying off Enterprise.

Are you okay, sir?

- Uh, yeah, I'm...


Thanks for the info, chief.

- You got it.

Thank you, gentlemen.

Got it covered here?

All right. Take it easy.

- Sailor,

make fast these lines.

- Are you all right there,


- Um, yeah.

I have a lot of friends

on the Enterprise.

Half of them were in my class

in Pensacola.

- Is that right?

- Yeah.

Tom Schneider, Frank Weber,

Bill Ramsay...

Norman Vandivier.

- Vandivier?

- Yeah.

- No. I know Vandivier.

He and I got into some, uh,


over darts and billiards

back in the good old days

at Pearl.

- Yeah?

Back in the good old days

before the Japs bombed us?

- Yeah.

Didn't know you two were

in the same class together.

How did you guys

become friends?

- Um...


it was a positively frigid

Florida Christmas afternoon.

We had just been given

holiday shore leave,


like all good pilot cadets,

we ended up at the closest bar

to celebrate

the spirit of the season.

- A time-honored tradition.

- Oh, yeah.

The place was packed.

There were aviators


and, as it happens

in such situations,

me and old Norman, well,

we got to know each other

the old-fashioned way.

- Bar fight?

- No.

Whiskey, a little sugar,

some bitters around the rim.

Come on.

- You're a g*dd*mn laugh riot.

You know that?

- Hey. It's true. It's true.

Yeah. We hit it off.

We had plans to do our time

and then fly

beautiful, rich women

around the globe

in a seaplane.

- Globe?

- Of course he's gonna scare

the hell out of the passengers

if he brings his dive bomber

experience to the endeavor.

- So I'm thinking you make

a better flight engineer

at this point.

- Yep.

- Which means you can have

the co-pilot seat

if you can still stand me

after the w*r.

- What about Pags?

- We'll need a stewardess.

Oh, Christ.

- Shit, man.

It wasn't supposed to happen

like this,

everything going to shit

in one day.

- Those Dauntless bombers

are tough.

We've seen them hit rough seas

at a hundred knots,

and the pilot and gunner

swim out without a scratch.

- They've been out there

for three days,

and we're taking hot showers.

We should be out there

looking for them right now.

- It's night. We're not gonna

find them in the dark.

Besides, we need

to provision up, refuel,

take a look at all

the b*llet holes in our wings

and all that's gonna happen

tomorrow morning.

- Just doesn't feel right.

Look, go get some chow

and a stiff drink.

I'll go report in,

see if I can't pump the RMs

for some intel.

Maybe they know where

some of these guys went down.

- All right. But I'm serious.

I want to be in the air

the second we're cleared.

- I hear you.

I'll see what I can do

on the clearance side.

You get everybody drunk

and convince them

to sleep on the boat.

- Deal.

Thanks, Caroll.

I mean it.

- Aw, skipper,

getting me all misty eyed.

- I always wanted

to be a pilot.

I wanted to see

the whole world.

So I joined the Navy.

When I went to Hawaii,

I knew that I was in paradise.

I never wanted to leave.

Was gonna do my time

for Uncle Sam,

fly around beautiful women

to exotic places.

This was not

how it was supposed to be.

- Still,

there are worse places to die.

Crystal clear ocean

under the beautiful stars...

with a friend.

- See you on the other side,


- Admiral.

- Hmm.

Hornet reports completion

of their sortie,

having struck two heavy cruisers

with thousand-pound bombs.

- That's good. Launch two scouts

to take photographs

of what remained

to the Japanese fleet.

- Aye, sir.

- George, any thoughts?

- We are running low on fuel,

and we'll need to slow

to allow the Oilers to catch us.

- When does Wake

become a threat?

- On our current course,

we could potentially be in range

of their land-based aircraft

by sometime this evening.

- I don't feel the need to risk

any more lives or planes

to sink two heavily damaged

Japanese ships.

- I concur.

- Remain on course at speed

till we collect our planes,

and then break our pursuit.

- Aye, sir.

- Sir, perhaps--

Aye, sir.

- And there was a Jap flag

painted on the b*llet shield.

- What the hell?

- No, like a--like a k*ll.

Like, how the Wildcat pilots

paint kills

on the nose of their planes?

It was like that.

- Huh.

- Yeah, so,


the Japs hit a hangar,

took out a few planes

on the ground.

Some Marine dumbass

lugged one

of the salvaged dual fifties

from, uh, one of the planes

over by the latrines

and set up shop.

Shot down a Zero.

Crashed on Sand Island.

- Bullshit.

- Hand to God. Saw it myself.

- Mansfield, Nusbaum,

focus on the job.

- Aye, sir.

- Sorry, skipper.

We're on course.

We have a fair amount

of mileage to eat up

before we course change.

- Keep me posted.

- Look, I'm sorry.

I'm still sorry.

- Not your fault.

- Well, certainly seems

like my fault.

- We were

the first plane back.


bad luck, I guess.

- We didn't have

to be first back.

I could have checked it

in the morning,

but I was so eager

to get clearance.

- That's all right, Caroll.

It's all right.


Pappy Cole found a TBD pilot

in the water yesterday, so...

I'm sure

they're gonna be fine.

- Yeah, I'm sure.

Still, it feels

like a bullshit order.

- You mean the bullshit order

that has us following

a crippled Japanese fleet

back to Wake Island

with no intention or capability

of actually attacking it?

- Yeah.

- What, you don't think this is

a damn fine use of our time?

I mean, what if these damaged

battle-wagons leaking oil

and traveling at about 15 knots

in gentle waters,

somehow by the grace of God,

turned around,

made a run from Midway?

- I'm sorry, skip.

- You have control?

- I have controls.

Just fly the damn plane.

Don't worry about it, man.

- Please.


- Skip, they see us now.

- What, they raise a flag

or something?

- No, watch. They're zigging.

I bet they think we're spotting

for a sub or something.

- I wish. Nus, you think

they're changing destination?

- No way, skipper. There's

nowhere else for them to go.

- I wish they'd get to where

they're going in a hurry.

They are crawling.

- Yeah, they got damaged ships

they're attending.

Fleet's only as fast

as the slowest ship, after all.

- Well, get comfy, then,

because at this rate,

we've got a long flight

ahead of us.

- You have controls?

- I have controls.

I'm gonna get some shuteye.

- Hey.

Sweet dreams, Sally.

- Ah ha ha!


f*ck you, ocean!







- Pulling back from a fleet.

Looks like they've picked up

a little steam

and patched up some damage.

They might even take

a pot shot at us.

- Copy. They probably ran

their bunkers down to fumes.

- I'll keep my distance.

- Probably a good idea.

- All hands, eyes on port side.

- What do you see, Nus?

Ah, shit. Another one!

Starboard side.

- Oh, hell.

We've wandered into range

of Wake's air strip!

- Dinner's over, boys!

- At least we got some

altitude this time.

- Does give us

a couple more options.

I don't know what those options

are right now,

but we'll think of something.

- A little weather right now

would be fantastic.

- Good idea.

Let's find a squall.

Hang on, boys!

Keep him off our backs,


- I'm on it, skip.

- Left, left, left,

coming through, coming through!

Here he comes. Climb low.

Watch it, though.

He's still behind us.

- And where the hell are they?

- I can't spot them!

Oh, going low, going low!

- I'm going up high,

going up high!

Now where the hell are they?

- A brace of them

on the west side!

- Where the hell are they?

I can't spot them!

- You got get eyes on them?

- I think we lost them.

- You're a damn jinx, Mansfield.

Shut your damn pie hole

and get back here!


Oh, here he comes again.

Six o'clock level.

Torch it, Smokey!

Get that son of a bitch!

- Yeah, we took a piece off him!

- Hopefully

that'll slow him down.

- Down.


- Drop in the water

and play hole in the sea?

- Getting awfully dark outside.

I'd rather hide than hope

he gets bored and goes home.

- Agreed.

- We've completed our turn

and are en route back to Pearl.

The galleys are serving

something special tonight

for the aviators

and the flight deck apes.

I'm sure

they can save you some.

- I've got a fondness

for Yankee pot roast.

- Admiral Fletcher

will be taking command

to the Saratoga tomorrow

when she arrives

with replacement aircraft.

- Yes, I know.

I saw the dispatch.

- It's a tragedy

to lose a tough girl

like Yorktown.

I wish we would have had

the planes to help defend her.

- We lost a lot of planes

sinking those carriers.

But we could've lost

a lot more.

You were true to the men,

and they won't forget that

anytime soon.

- I hope Fletcher

doesn't use them all up,

listening to overeager men

like Browning.

- I certainly will drink

to that, Admiral.

Well, why don't you

get started on the toasts?

And I'll begin the reports.

See you, George.

- Lee.

I'm thirsty, Lee.

I can't...

This albatross

around my neck.


I have no water.

But I won't die.

I won't die.


But I'm not your puppet.

You hear me, God?

I'm not your Job.

And I can't suffer anymore.

I'm not gonna suffer.

- Hey.

- Hey, welcome aboard, Doc.

- Yeah, welcome aboard.

All we have is Mansfield there.

He's only got two techniques

for medicine--

aspirin and stitches.

- I'll try and teach him


- Good luck.

- All right, boys. Listen up.

There's at least a hundred men

out there

from the Enterprise alone,

waiting to get picked up.

We've got supplies,

so let's go.

We never did go look

for that poor SOB

we dropped a boat to.

- Oh, yeah.

No, they picked him up.

Hand to God, a destroyer

picked him up yesterday.

Nearly ran him over.

Marine aviator. Go figure.

- Well, we're gonna keep

on looking.

- I'm all for looking,

but, uh,

how long can someone

on the water last?

- Doesn't matter. We've been

nearly shot down twice

since the Japs came to town,

and I sure as shit would want

somebody out there

looking for us.

We've got orders

to search and rescue,

so we're searching

and we're rescuing.

And when we run out of fuel,

we'll come back here,

we'll get some more,

and we'll do it again.

Our brother's been out there

long enough.

It's time to bring him home.

- I don't know, uh...

I don't know.

- Norman Francis Vandivier.

- Didn't you promise

never to walk through that door?

- We had plans to do our time

and then fly beautiful,

rich women around the globe.

10,000 a year to start.

It's three times more

than what we get paid

flying for Uncle Sam.

- I still got four years in,


- That's the beauty of it.

So am I.

In those four years,

we will log enough hours

to get a job like that.

- They're gonna want

to hire us?

- Pan Am is huge.

They're opening up routes

to China and Australia,

all right?

They're hiring tons of pilots.

They're dying for us.

- I don't know.

Uh, four years is a long time.

- Mm-hmm.

- I was kind of thinking about

settling down here in Hawaii

when I get out.

- Are you still seeing

that, uh, that hot number?

What's her name, um, Ellie?

So it's getting serious?

- I think she's a good fit.

- It's perfect.

Free vacations for her.

- Less competition for me.

It's a win-win.

- I'll give you a maybe.

- Like I said before,

that's perfect.

A maybe is three Mai Tais

away from a yes.

- It's a parable of sorts.

Hey, Lee.

Poor bastard.

Suffers and suffers.

And in the end, because...

of his suffering,

he is redeemed

and restored by God's mercy.

- You know, you only mentioned

one poor bastard.

Not two.

- I only--

I only meant about us.

- I know what you meant.

- I'm sorry, Lee.

- It's okay.

See you on the other side,


- See you on the other side,



Jim, I'm here.

I'm here.


- Hey.

- All right. Setting her down.

- Easy. Easy.

- Huh?

- Hey, Doc, you're on.


you feel like taking a swim?

- Machine g*n champion

and Olympic class swimmer,

you know me.

- I got control.

Let's get him.

Go get him.

- Let's go, boys!

- You got him.

- Come on, Louie.

- Be careful, man.

- You got him.

Norman Francis Vandivier,

I thought I left you

back at Pearl,

black-out drunk under a table.

You still owe me,

like, 10 drinks!

I have an IOU

that says otherwise.

- Less talking,

more swimming.

- Come on, come on, let's go.

- We got you. We got you.

- Come on, Smokey.

- Hey, you're in shock.

You're in good hands now.

- Thank you. Thank you.

- Yeah. Welcome aboard.

We're gonna take you home.
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