Cold w*r II (2016)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Cold w*r II (2016)

Post by bunniefuu »

(In response to the mysterious disappearance

of police EU van last year, )

(Hong Kong Police top brass

launched Operation Cold w*r.)

(Deputy Police Commissioner Sean Lau

worked covertly with ICAC)

(to uncover the mastermind

behind the disappearance)

(the son of fellow

Deputy Commissioner, M.B. Lee.)

(After learning the truth, Lee surrendered

his son and applied for early retirement.)

(Based on Security Bureau recommendations)

(Sean Lau was appointed

the new Police Commissioner.)

(But, the EU van is still missing.)

COLD w*r 2

Funeral services were held today to honor SSP

Albert Kwong, k*lled in the line of duty

during Operation Cold w*r.

Police top brass were all present.

HKSAR Government broke protocol

to allow the procession

to pass police headquarters

where Kwong's colleagues

bid their final farewells.

(M.B. Lee, Ex-Deputy

Commissioner, Operation)

We are public servants.

And public trust forms

the very bedrock of our authority.

The moment we take up

the mantle of law enforcement,

our duty is to serve the community.

As police officers, we are committed

to protect citizens with courage,

to defend the vulnerable with compassion,

and to uphold justice

without fear or favour.

Standing now before our fallen colleagues,

(Sean Lau, Commissioner of Police)

we have but one choice:

to honor their sacrifice

(Phoenix Leung, )

with respect and righteousness,

(Senior Assistant Commissioner, DMS)

with respect and righteousness,

(Alan Au, Deputy Commissioner, Management)

with integrity and selfless devotion.

(David Mok, )

with integrity and selfless devotion.

(Senior Assistant Commissioner, DC&S)

with integrity and selfless devotion.

(Stephen Han, Deputy

Commissioner, Operation)

May peace be found in our hero's

undying souls.


May I know who's calling?

Please hold.



Commissioner Lau, remember me?

Yes, I do.

Your wife Michelle Chan

owns the Sunshine Flower Shop.

Your 5-year-old daughter attends

Sunnyside Kindergarten.

Her name, Josie Lau.

What do you want'?

I want you to release someone.


Officer Ken Wong from G4.

Rachel Ma

We're here for your protection.

We've picked up your daughter from school.

She's safe.

But we haven't located your wife.

Alan, call the Secretary of Justice

and Correctional Services.

I need Joe Lee transferred to headquarters.

No need.

You're challenging the HKPD.

I'm not challenging the HKPD.

I only kidnapped your wife.

I'm challenging you.

Don't interrupt your boss.

Whatever you do to me, I'll do to her.

I repeat, 5100-1075.

Make the video call in 10 minutes.

Someone will tell you what to do.


Let me talk to him?


What will it take

for you people to stop?

You know,

the HKPD doesn't negotiate with t*rrorists.

Sean Lau is not like you.

Family is his top priority.

As long as I'm alive,

I won't let you get away with this.

You just spent 350 seconds in this room.

By the time I finish this sentence,

Sean Lau will have wasted 6 minutes.


You are no longer

in charge.

(Video call connecting...)

Commissioner Lau, listen carefully.

Come alone with Joe Lee for the exchange.

You have 20 minutes to prepare.


Don't do this yourself.

You're the Commissioner.

If criminals can boss our Chief around,

the force will be compromised.

You can't put yourself at risk.

Their goal is to free Joe Lee.

I'll handle the rescue operation.

Sorry, sir.

I must remind you all that

we've already broken protocol by

bringing Joe Lee here.

The media, politicians and internet

have their eyes on us.

One false move,

it'll blow up into a scandal.

If we can't even protect our families,

what's the point of law enforcement?

Even if the hostage was a fellow officer,

I'd do the same.

I'll escort Joe Lee myself.

Sir, we understand how you feel, but

I take full responsibility!


I hereby enact emergency measures.


serve as witness and Acting Deputy.


you're now the Acting Commissioner.


take charge of the Cyber Crime Bureau.

One more thing,

next time listen carefully to what I say.

I want advice,

not comment.

Man To,


They keep switching IPs.

We're still tracking.


our 3rd Generation Command,

control & Communication (C3) System

is equipped with invisible tracking devices

I suggest that you and Joe Lee

wear two identical sets.

(Man To, Director of

Information Technology)

Yes, sir.

The last time

I brought Joe to justice,

I wanted him alive.

He deserved punishment,

not death.

If something goes wrong,

will you spare his life?

I promise you.

He'll get a fair trial.

I take that as a yes.

Do you mind

if I stay hereto keep an eye on him?


Team 1, we are behind the Commissioner.

Team 2, situation normal.



Morning sir.

Sir, all five units are ready.

Everyone, I'm now at the

Cyber Crime Bureau.

The 2 sets of tracking devices are active.

The blue dot is the Commissioner.

The red is Joe Lee.

Commissioner Lau,

you have multiple vehicles with you.

Lose them

or your wife loses an arm.


The caller has a counter-tracking device.

Keep trying-

Team 1 breaking off.

Team 2 taking over.

You've got some balls.

You asked for it!

The Commissioner changed lanes.

He's on Johnston Road now.

Well done, Commissioner.

Now, head to Ship Street.

Team 1 to 3, new location: Ship Street.

Standby on Lun Fat, Tai Wong West

and Tai Wong East.

Team 4 and 5, head to Queen's Road East.

Mr. Lau,

I have yet to receive

the file you promised.

What do you mean?

The security detail for the Chief

Executive, 3 Department Secretaries and

'13 Bureau Directors

over the next 6 months.

You promised to send it

when you received the $50M two weeks ago.

Just tell me.

How much more do you want?

$50M wasn't enough?

Mr. Lau, don't get greedy.

Mr. Au, morale is crucial.

Joe Lee wanted to

sidetrack our investigation.

Don't get distracted, stay focused.

- Understand?

- Yes, sir!

Stop the car.

Go to the black SUV with

the flashing lights.

The b*mb

is to protect you and your wife.

The next stop is Sai Ying Pun MTR Station,

Platform 1.

How long before the b*mb squad arrives?

I'll find out.

Notify MTR officials

to enact emergency measures

at Sai Ying Pun Station.

Yes, sir.

No, ii can't be a b*mb.

They must know k*lling the Commissioner

comes with serious consequences.

Their sole purpose is to create chaos.

Mr. Lee,

we must be prepared for the worst.


the b*mb squad needs 10 minutes.

Seal off the station.

Enforce crowd control measures.

If chaos erupts at the platform,

we can still control the exits.

Crowd control measures could

lead to higher casualties.

I object.

I've given my advice.

You're the commander. You decide.

The train to Chai Wan is arriving.

Please lei passengers exit first.


There's a b*mb!

A b*mb!

Joe Lee escaped! After him!

Evacuate the platform!


- Thai way! Hurry!

- Keep moving!

What happened?

Fugitive heading to A1 exit.

All passengers, please stay calm.

Our staff will direct you

to the nearest exit.

Stand back!

You'd better leave.

Go out of here!


Don't move!


Don't move!

Over here!

Don't panic!

Team 1, proceed to East Platform.

Team 2, proceed to West Platform.

Team 3, guard the two concourse elevators.


Police! Move over!


Stay calm.


After sending you to hospital,

I'll bring Josie over, okay?

A b*mb expl*si*n took

place last night at 7:45

at Sai Ying Pun MTR Station.

A b*mb disposal expert was

injured during the incident.

Convict Joe Lee escaped custody

during the chaos.

The operation last night was

under my direct command.

For causing unnecessary

distress to the public,

I take full responsibility

for the operation.

What concrete action will you

take beyond an apology?

How has MTR management responded?

Did the police violate any protocol during

the operation last night?

Was the Security Bureau

informed prior to the operation?


This is M.B. Lee.

Connect me to Crime Unit's SP Yang.


(Peter Choi, Former Police Commissioner)

Yang, I'll call you back.

Joe has been working for me.

I've been wondering who Joe

has been working with.

I never guessed it was you.

I'm a good judge of character.

Your son is just like you.

Out of all the operation code names that

I set up while I was in office,

you picked "Cold w*r".

Interesting indeed.

Sir, we go back a long way.

Let's skip the small talk.

We won't tolerate anyone

who will thwart our plans for

succession in the police force.

We have always wanted you

to succeed the Commissioner.

Joe was our top pick

for the position in the future.

But he became a fugitive

in order to help you succeed.

What do you mean "we"?

Sean Lau is the confidant

of the Secretary for Security.

He's not one of "us".

Technically speaking,

you're still on pre-retirement leave.

Once Lau is eliminated,

I can ask the Secretary of Justice along

with other powerful officials

to support your reinstatement.

Mr. Choi

I doubt that you and your backers

have the power to appoint

the new Commissioner.

We don't, but

we can push forward candidates.

As long as it's one of our own,

whoever gets appointed makes no difference.

Think it over.


You've been wearing the

same glasses for years.

It's time for a change.

Operation Cold w*r had

many issues to begin with.

When the entire legislature plans

to impeach the Commissioner,

he's even lei a convict

loose during custody!

Since the founding of this city,

we've never had such a

ridiculous police chief.

If we don't hold him accountable,

how can we answer to the

people of Hong Kong?

(Isabel Au, Barrister)

Hi, John.

Who's in the study?

(Edward Lai, Secretary of Justice)

When Father Kwan passed away,

you asked for nothing but this plaque.


This is no ordinary model.

Monochrome camera

with 0.95 lens.

(Oswald Kan, Legislator, Senior Counselor)

Perfect match.

It's wasted on me,

but you like B&W photography.

Something bothering you?

Operation Cold w*r has

created lots of problems.

Many councilman have lost faith

in the police force.

What's your decision on

the P&P inquiry committee?

You come all the way here

for my advice on Council matters?



I hope you join the committee.

With you on board, I could ask

the Secretary for Security

to fully cooperate with the investigation.


For the common good, we must all

make compromises sometimes.


You are trying lo override

the legal system with judicial power.


is the art of negotiation.


Those words

are embarrassing even

for a first year law student.

Among all of my juniors,

you were the brightest

and most promising.

Head and shoulders above the rest.

What more do you want?

But real politics

has many unspoken rules.

Had I followed the "rules",

you would never have become

the Secretary of Justice.

"Digital" photography has its charms.

But my passion lies in "analogue".


No, thanks.


Your flight leaves tonight at 9:15.

Go home and reflect on you actions.

- Go.

- Thank you.

Master, you had promised Edward Lai?

They sent the Secretary

of Justice to lobby me.

It's a last ditch effort by the government.

Things may shift in the future.

If I don't step in, I may regret it.

Master, the sign up deadline is 5pm today.

Call them at 4:45pm.

By a majority vote, the Legislative Council

passed Security Panel Chair,

Chaplin Ma's motion

to invoke the Powers and

Privileges Ordinance

to investigate Police Commissioner

of Police, Sean Lau

for ethics violations during

Operation Cold w*r.

This is the first time since 1993

Legislative Council invoked the ordinance

to investigate a top government official.

We just received the inquiry schedule.

Lydia Wong will serve as committee chair.

Chaplin Ma is the vice-chair.

Other members include Alan Tam,

Emily Ng and Oswald Kan,

all top legal experts.

The first witness is

Mr. Lee, M.B. Lee.

Sir, in view of the P&P inquiries

over the last decade,

if Operation Cold w*r

fails to yield results,

I predict the Council will conclude

the inquiry with words such as "regret",

"denounce" and even "condemn".

You not only stand to lose your pension,

you may even face criminal charges.

All we can do now

is to publicize all the facts on

the Commissioner's behalf,

to gain public sympathy.


Instead of relying on the police force

for help, think about

how you can help the force.

(Billy Cheung, Principal Investigator)

(Independent Commission

Against Corruption (ICAC))

I've spoken with Mr. Mak.

How can I help you?

The rooftop firework incident

and the MTR expl*si*n

both involved black market expl*sives.

But so far,

we have no suspects.

I don't have a single lead.

I may have been kept

in the dark from the beginning.

Does MB. Lee still have

an influence on the force?

Don't just focus on the police force.

I want you to do a sand table exercise.

Expand your scope.

I want to form a clean team on the outside.

I want you to take the lead.

Happy birthday!

That's enough!

I promised to quit.

Just one drink once a year?

You know what I mean.

When I was 20, you said

it was the last time.

Then you'd let the past go

and stop mourning my dad.

You're becoming more like him.

Cantankerous, stubborn.

Back then we were poor.

Your dad and I often drank this swill.

Now I'm slowly discovering

how good cheap booze tastes.

That's enough!

Stop it.

If I was the one driving that day

I don't quite remember his face.

That's why cameras were invented.

Guess who I saw in my dreams last night?

Your father?


But his name was Oswald, not Oliver.

Promise, stop drinking so much, okay?

Madam Chairman

The last paragraph of the Operation

Cold w*r police internal report reads:

"This operation upheld

the core values of Hong Kong,

(First Hearing)

"setting a good precedent

for other common law jurisdictions.

"The Internal Review Committee

deems this operation

"the most successful failure

"since the handover."

First of all, Madam Chairman,

what do they mean by 'most

successful failure'?

The oxymoronic language is preposterous.

I completely disagree with

the findings of this internal report.

What about you, Mr. Lee?

Madam Chairman,

I did read the report,

but I was neither involved nor

had any input into it.

Mr. Lee.

According to the internal report's

attachment B2, page 17, Section B,

Sean Lau, then Deputy Commissioner

anonymously leaked a substantial amount

of classified information


in the interest of solving the case.

Were you informed of

this action beforehand?

I wasn't informed beforehand.

But Clause 6.01.22 of Police General Order

clearly stipulates that

"Police officers shall not send anonymous

correspondence as such action

"may be seen as conduct to the prejudice

of good order and discipline."

Mr. Lee,

do you think Mr. Lau

broke the law knowingly?

Mr. "Counselor".

Regulations are set in stone, not people.

I suppose we lawmen are out of your league

when it comes to dancing around the law.

Madam Chairman,

let's go back to page 57

of the police internal report.

On the evening of December 26 last year,

the following incident took place

at your residence, Mr. Lee.

Lau had got evidence to prove your son

of engaging in criminal activity.

It's admirable to uphold justice

at the expense of your own

family relations.

I want to ask Mr. Lee.

Did you ever question Sean Lau's integrity

and leadership ability'?

Madam Chairman

With respect to Commissioner

Lau's integrity,

I had no doubt.

But on the day of

the Sai Ying Pun Station incident

something else happened.

Commissioner Lau and Joe Lee had

a conversation inside a bugged vehicle.

Joe Lee hinted

that the missing EU van,

firearms and equipment

had not resurfaced because Commissioner Lau

refused to deliver on his promise.

Mr. Lee,

how did you learn of this information?

I was at the police headquarters.

I heard the conversation as it happened.

During that conversation,

did Joe Lee specify what Commissioner

Lau had promised him?

Joe Lee said

They agreed on $50M.

Commissioner Lau promised

to deliver the security detail

of the Chief Executive, the 3 Secretaries

and 13 Bureau Directors

over the next 6 months.

But Commissioner Lau was greedy.

He wanted more.

- Chairman!

- Chairman!

Mr. Lee.

Are you aware you're making

serious allegations?

You're suggesting to the chair

and all P&P committee members

that the Police Commissioner was

conspiring with Joe Lee and his cohorts

and threatened the safety of

Hong Kong's top-level government officials.

As a police officer for over 30 years,

I've learned

not to rule out any possibilities

until a case is solved.

Questions and answers in

previous P&P hearings

were all rehearsed.

M.B. Lee didn't follow the script ai all.

Don't you think Lee

had ulterior motives from the start?

What he said today was meant

to divide the police force.

Now that Sean Lau is so vulnerable,

what's wrong with putting him

out of misery once and for all?

Old school cops value honor.

Lee knew very well what he said

today was enough to ruin

the reputation that the force

built over the years.

We can't trust this man.

He can't be doing this just

to go after Sean Lau.

If Lee had other reasons,

who or what could convince

such a cunning old man?

He sacrificed his own

son to uphold justice.

What makes a person change suddenly,

almost always comes down to a few reasons.

Power, Money, Personal or Family.

To convince Lee to switch sides

requires someone with influence and power.

We can skip this.

With power comes money.

This person might have made Lee an offer

he couldn't resist.

Even though Lee still has

influence within the force,

my guess is that both father and son

are merely pawns in a bigger game

There must be

someone else behind this.

If someone is using me

to get rid of the Commissioner,

I would like to know who it is.

They're using every means

to force me to step down.

If I stepped down,

who would benefit the most?

Expect more contact between Lee

and the man behind this.

But it will be hard to trace.

Lee's every move from now on will

directly impact the rest of the hearings.

Find out what Mr. Luk thinks.

He's been too quiet. It's unlike him.

Alan, put Lee under surveillance.

All of you,

let go of your identities as lawyers,

serve as the senior assistants

of "Councilman" Kan.

Our b*ttlefield is inside the Council,

not the courtroom.

I hate being used as a pawn.

Since when did Oswald Kan start running

a surveillance business?

You drove a blue BMW, plate no. 6960.

You followed me here from my home.

What do you want to know?

Retired or not

no other high-level

official has ever publicly

betrayed his own people.

I have not.

Who did you meet before the hearing?

What did they offer you?

You know best.

What's your name?


Ms. Au, I'll answer you now.

On the 2nd day of my retirement,

the Big Four Developers

already sent negotiators.

They asked me to work for them.

They would pay any price.

I turned them down.

Anyone may try running

before learning to walk.

The question is, do you have the talent?

If not, take one step at a time.

You don't look like a corrupt cop.

The force has both good and bad cops.

Stick around for ten years, you'll see.

Please tell Mr. Kan

to mind his own business

and stop sending kids to follow me.

If he wants to know

something, just call me.

My number is the same.

I'll even make a personal visit.

Mr. Lee, thank you for coming.

Skip the formality.

Call me M.B.

Sit down.

Chaplin, Gilbert, Lydia

You've met.

But we don't know each other that well.

Mr. Lee, I hope we'll work well together.

Everyone is here tonight.

Perhaps I'll be privy to inside secrets'?

Secretary Lai decided to

run for Chief Executive.

Here are the key players

in the next administration:

Chief Secretary

Financial Secretary

Secretary of Justice

Hung Kong's future is sitting right here.

So you were playing kingmaker all along.

Mr. Choi lobbied most of

the political and economic: elite.

Still, the current government needs

a complete overhaul.

Secretary for Security Philip Luk

is the most likely contender

in the Chief Executive race.

However, once Sean Lau is eliminated,

it will be easy to remove

Philip Luk from office.

As Mr. Choi suggested,

Mr. Lee will serve as

interim Police Commissioner.

Once elected,

I'll get approval

to appoint Stephen as the Commissioner,

and you'll be promoted to

Secretary for Security.

Mr. Lee can handle any of your brushes with

either side of the law.

If all goes to plan,

I'll announce my candidacy by year-end.

Expect chaos and confusion

in the months ahead.

Some people will need to be consoled.

Others, I implore each

of you to make an effort

to keep them quiet.


there is no tougher job than

being Chief Executive.

You must have some powerful support.

Regardless of the changes

ahead for Hung Kong,

with everyone here on board,

we can only expect even greater

rewards in the future.




A former coworker who now works

at the Legislative Council

told me that Oswald Kan

didn't plan to join the committee at first,

but signed up just 15 minutes

before the deadline.

Are you sure about this?


Oswald Kan and Secretary

of Justice Edward Lai

both are alumni of Lincoln's Inn.

Both have chaired

the Hong Kong Bar Association.

Lai has publicly stated on

more than one occasion that

the police force needs reform.

You suspect Oswald Kan, Edward Lai

and M.B. Lee of working together?


Is the setup here capable

of bugging someone 24/7'?

We have the software but

lack the expertise.

I'll transfer someone here.

Mr. Mak will not agree

to putting Lai under surveillance.

Leave Secretary Lai for now.

Focus on Lee

and Kan.

No need to apologize.

At least we now know

we're on the same page.

With the police also watching him,

M.B. Lee will be extra careful.

You won't gain much

from tailing him.

But you won't stop me?

Would you listen if I asked you to stop?

Now that you suspect Lee,

will you change tactics dealing

with Sean Lau tomorrow?

I want to find out how much Lau knows

or if he's been left in the dark.

Very good.

(Second Hearing)

A crooked stick has a crooked shadow.

If the Commissioner breaks the rules,

how can we expect the 33,300 men under

you to enforce the law,

Commissioner Lau?

Madam Chairman.

Counselor Kan.

Extreme times

call for extreme measures.

But only those in power

decide what constitutes extreme times.

That's why

the law prohibits extreme measures

to be employed at all times!

You're at the Legislative Council,


Please answer the question!

Madam Chairman.

Breaking convention

and breaking the law

are two different matters.

Joe Lee was captured

because ICAC was involved

in Operation Cold w*r

Did I hear wrong?

Was Joe Lee recaptured?


do you have selective amnesia?

Please rephrase your answer.

Joe Lee may be at large at the moment,

but he can't escape

the long arm of law forever.

I already stated publicly

that I assume full responsibility

for the MTR Station incident.

In the last hearing,

Mr. M.B. Lee testified that

while you were escorting Joe Lee,

Joe Lee said the following

Counselor Kan!

I don't believe this

Council Chamber is the place

to bring forth unfounded

allegations against me

from a proven criminal.

Commissioner Lau.

Why do you have so many enemies?

I believe

it's because my appointment

jeopardized certain vested interests.

I'd like to take this opportunity

to state the following

Hong Kong,

is not a place where

they can have free rein.

He parked outside Fung

Shing Auto Body Shop.

Please take over.

Tin Man?

Sorry, sir.

That's strange.

M.B. Lee's phone was quiet all day.

Ken's protg has been

hanging around Tsuen Wan.

One EU van, five officers,

plus the equipment,

what's it worth?

How much will it cost

to make an EU van disappear?

Jammer included,

at least $20M.

$8M, if you gave me the job.

After leaving office, Mr. Choi has been

the network security consultant

for the US, South African

and Israeli governments.

Sean Lau overestimated his intelligence.

The 3rd Generation Police C3 System

was worth $540M.

He gave the contract to

8 independent suppliers in the end.

But the world of IT security is small.

No matter who he picked.

I can make them mine eventually.

You're saying it won't matter

whatever system the police uses.


Technology is just hardware.

What matters is the people.



Gary, when did you get back?

3 months ago.

You guys took the fall for me back in 1995.

I still haven't thanked you properly.

Don't say that, Sir.

You and Mr. Choi have taken good care

of us all these years.

We all want to serve with you again.

Dad, just one more step,

you will rewrite history.

Sean Lau won't win in the hearing.

A sinking ship is not worth bothering with.

Your tenure as Police Commissioner

starts now!


Mr. Choi arranged for me

to leave by sea tonight.


Go as far away as possible.

Don't let anyone know your whereabouts,

including me.

Take care.

It's time to go.

Stay far, far away from these people.

If possible,

start a new life.

I love you, Dad.

Master, I just saw M.B.

Lee meeting his son.

I'm tailing Joe Lee now.

Bella, come back now, we'll talk later.

I must find out who else is in his car.

Isabel Au just called Oswald Kan.

She's tailing Joe Lee's car,

southbound along Sun Tin Highway.

I'll get the model and

plate of her car now.

Inform Alan and ask for backup.

Mr. Choi, there's a car following you.

Yes, sir.

Police! Move over!


Ms. Au.

Ms. Au.

Ms. Au.


Boss, get in!


Au's phone and camera have been examined.

It seems like nothing can be recovered.

There were 3 sh**t in the tunnel.

The suspect with the shotgun

was blocked by the minibus.

CCTV didn't capture a clear shot.

The other one escaped

left fingerprints on his car.

We may ID him.

The 7-seater?

A same model car was discovered

at Cafe Old Beach half an hour ago,

completely torched.

Joe Lee?

Sean Lau!

- Sir!

- What did you promise me?

- How dare you act outside the law!

- Every one of my decisions

- You think you're king'?

- Was in the interest of the force.


- Did you ask him what he did?

I begged you to spare him!

- I never said I'd let Joe Lee go.

- He didn't deserve to die!

- He was hell-bent on k*lling me!

- Now that you're losing your job,

- you made him take the fall for you!

- I fired back in self-defense.

You call yourself a

Police Commissioner?

If he wasn't your son,

would you react so strongly?

Mr. Lee, don't do it!

All of you listen carefully!

If Sean Lau is allowed

to continue being your boss,

I'll f*cking change my name!

Are you two crazy?

The former Deputy used an illegal firearm.

The incumbent Commissioner,

guilty of obstruction of justice.

Sean Lau.

You know well that wiretapping requires

authorization from Customs,

Immigration, ICAC and the Supreme Court.

But you don't even have one permit.

Not one!


M.B. Lee.


I'm devoting the rest of my life,

to taking care of you.

Be my guest.

According to our records, the second gunman

is deceased.

His name is Roy Ho,

a former CID investigator.

He left the force in 1993

with a clean record,

and died in 1995 in a car accident.

The CID Director then

was M.B. Lee.

Do you suspect the gunman works for Lee?

Something else happened that year.

Special Branch was dissolved.

I always suspected

the Special Branch immigration program

for covert agents was misused.

Faking their deaths was just

part of the protocol.

Even after these agents left Hong Kong,

they remained on police

payroll as informants.

If your suspicions are correct,

Lee will strike back.



do you know why I asked you here today?

Because you're a sensible person.

How can I help you?

I've decided to return to the force.

But before that,

I need you to remove Sean Lau from office.

We have the power to

legally remove Mr. Lau.

As for your reinstatement,

No need not worry about that.

Technically speaking,

I'm on pre-retirement leave.

Once Lau is removed,

Stephen will be appointed

Acting Commissioner,

I'll take care of the rest.

I'm not the only Senior Officer vested

with the power to co-sign

the petition for his removal.

Alan is too close to Mr. Lau.

He can't be objective.

Everyone knows that

Chan never got along with Mr. Lee.

He won't agree to sign.

Phoenix used to work under you.

She'll do whatever you say.

If we pull this off,

I'll make you Deputy Commissioner.


My decision will have nothing

to do with your offer.

Let me repeat one last time:

You're a sensible person.


Mr. Han, I have loads of paperwork.

Please get to the point.

Phoenix, have a seat.

With respect to the sh**t

at Shing Mun Tunnel,

we've received over a hundred complaints.

In the past two days, every newspaper

and radio phone-in program

is critical of police for

not following standard procedure.

But Commissioner Lau captured Joe Lee.

Shouldn't we all adopt a fairer view?

A fairer view?

We're still unable to rule out

if any of the victims were hit by

Mr. Lau's b*ll*ts.

At least four of them

are filing lawsuits

against the Commissioner.

Everyone here wants what's best

for the police force

and the Commissioner.

But if we must

choose between the two,


I'm sure you know which side to choose.

Starling with Joe Lee's

removal from prison,

Mr. Lau has stated repeatedly that

he assumes all responsibility.

I want you to deliver this document

to Mr. Lau yourself.

You two decide

if the removal of the incumbent

Police Commissioner will come into effect.

I won't sign it.

I don't have the slightest

bias against Mr. Lau.

I'm doing this

to save the force.

I never guessed that

Mr. Mok would take the lead.

Neither Stephen nor Mok is at fault.


I forced Lee to surrender his authority

using the exact same means.

That's how they keep me in check as well.

It's a necessary mechanism

for preventing top officials

from abusing their authority.

If you don't sign it,

no one in the force

will listen to you again.

According to sources close

to the police management,

Commissioner of Police

Sean Lau has requested

a leave of absence for heath reasons.

- Deputy Stephen Han

- You're back.

Will serve as interim Commissioner.

Where is she'?


Staying here might not be safe.

Take the earliest flight tomorrow?

Take Josie to mother.

My home is where you are.

We're not leaving.


I'm already.

To me and our child,

you'll always be the Police Commissioner.


CCB found evidence that

the 3rd Generation C3 System

may have been compromised.

Stop using police tech

for our investigation.

- Sir.

- The clean team will follow the case.

From now on, keep your distance.

You must not be implicated.

Mr. Kan.

My protg left this for me.

How did you

Cloud storage.

Bella was very meticulous,

always prepared for the worst.

I never guessed that it was Peter Choi.

The Cold w*r inquiry gave me my first clue,

and Bella's death further

corroborated my theory.

Someone is exploiting

the power of the legislature

to purge political opponents.

Even though I disagree with your methods,

I believe you have the ability to

bring these people to justice.

But it's not yet time

to make a clean sweep.

Senior Officers may petition

the removal of the Commissioner

for dereliction of duties.

But I've never declared

a city-wide tactical alert.

According to the Police Protocol,

I have 2 weeks before the handover.

Let's locate the missing EU van

before the deadline.

Tie everything up by then

for any chance of winning.

Mr. Kan sent Wilson to help us

on the condition that

we share our findings.

The traffic camera videos revealed

that prior to her accident,

Ms. Au was parked on Wang Lung St.

M.B. Lee's car was also there

for more than 30 minutes.

According to the photo's file properties,

it was taken at 18:45.

Lee made a return trip to the body shop

within 30 minutes.

How far could he travel?

Sir, I don't think I follow.

Regardless of who the new Commissioner is,

the search for the missing EU van

must continue.

I formed a clean team outside the force.

For security reasons,

they change locations periodically.

Right now, they work from

the HKU Cavern Reservoir.

I ask that you ensure their safety.

In case I lose,


the future of the police

force depends on you.

- We found nothing.

- Let's go.

Nicole, fly higher.

Don't let them see us.


Set up a stakeout outside the junkyard.

We've confirmed the identities

of the men in the junkyard.

They all worked under M.B. Lee.

All had death certificates issued.

(One day prior to the transfer of power)


We confirmed your suspicions

about the C3 System suppliers.

We've found a lead,

but we need more time.

We may not be fully confident.

But tomorrow,

let's show them our hand.


officers are expecting you

at the conference room.


please proceed.


this meeting is held in response

to the joint petition

made two weeks ago by five Senior

Mok, please hold on.


Today's meeting

should be chaired by me.

There're still 4 hours left

before I step down.

I have one last mission

to complete before leaving.

Of course,

I hope to have your support,

especially yours,

Mr. Lee.

4 hours will go by quickly.

Who would dare defy Commissioner's orders?

I received a reliable tip

on the location of

the missing EU van.

These are Joe Lee's accomplices.

Someone here should be

able to recognize them.

This operation concerns

the honor of the force.

In terms of ability and experience,

the best man to command this operation

is Mr. Lee.

On one condition

I decide who to take with me.

Of course.

But I have a request.

When you brief your team,

do not disclose any

details of the operation,

until the moment you take action.

Too much is at stake, you understand.


you assist me.

Set up 3 teams with SDU and Crime Unit.

Everyone must have served with me before.


exclude anyone who joined

the force after 2005.

Mr. Lee.

I'll send Alan to back you up.


Phoenix, you come with me.

Mr. Lee, it's against protocol.

You're not in charge of this mission.

Alan, Mr. Lau, I'll go.

Mr. Lau,

no activity detected.

Do we just monitor these

5 Senior Officers' mobile devices?

M.B. Lee didn't disclose

any operation details during briefing.

Anyone who leaks any intel

will be implicated.

(Once we get out, inform Mr. Choi

to warn our men)

Sir, all units are moving to the target.


activity detected on Stephen Han's phone.


30 sec.


it's Stephen Han.


Han sent a message to a ghost phone.

The location is Ice House Street.

Ice House Street.

Be careful.

Attention all SDU present.

Updated intel:

The missing EU van

is located at the target junkyard.

Suspects may include former officers,

believed to be heavily armed.

Stay alert!

(Mr. Lee is about to raid the junkyard.

Warn our men now!)

Mr. Choi.

All units in position.

Fellow officers,

this is M.B. Lee.

On my command,


Code Red! Code red!

Bravo-one-zero, suspects in sight.

Watch and sh**t, watch and sh**t.

Bravo-one-zero, site booby-Mapped

with expl*sives!

Attack failed! Attack failed!

Attack failed. Over.

Alpha-one-zero, Charlie-one-zero,

Keep moving. Keep moving.


Casualties. Report casualties.

Report. Bravo team down.

sn*per team to Zero

Suspects in sight, moving, moving

Zero to Drone One,

6 suspects are moving to the vehicles.

Drone-Z reporting,

the suspects are headed north.

Sir, they'll pass Kam Tin Town Centre.

Drone-1 to Zero,

Large expl*si*n reported

at the main structure.

sn*per team to Zero,

one suspect down. One suspect down.

sn*per team to Zero,

two suspects down. Two suspects down.

Let's go!


Backup team to Command.

Two suspects exited their vehicle,

fleeing northbound on foot.

Green to sh**t.

Backup team to Command

The two suspects have

taken a woman hostage.

Repeat. The two suspects have

taken a woman hostage.

- Mr, Lee.

- You stay right here!

Finish today's report!

Ben, help her!


Back off!

Suspect is taking the woman hostage

into the convenience store.



Hold this!

Don't be afraid.

No! No!

Stay there!

My name is Cindy. I just want to help.

I don't want the situation to escalate.

My colleague will deliver

a cell phone lo you.

You can tell me what you want directly.

This is M.B. Lee speaking.

All units, hold your fire.

Sir, two suspects

armed with a Browning handgun.

One suspect is wounded.

There are at least 5 hostages inside,

including an infant.

I just gave them a throw phone.

Report to Zero. All suspects down.

Repeat. All suspects down.

Sir, congratulations!

Last time,

I told the four SACPs the same thing

that I formed a clean

team outside the force,

so that I could find the mole.

But this time I told only you

about the Cavern Reservoir.

Mr. Mok.

You said you wanted to

save the police force.

I think,

you'd better save yourself first.

Ceci, call the driver?

Yes, sir.

I'm fine.


Mr. Choi, this way.

He's in the VIP lounge.

Mr. Choi.

Mr. Lau.

I came to see you off.

I've forgotten,

did you ever serve under me?


I was lucky.

How rude!

We've both served as Commissioner.

Being too polite is a form of


Mr. Choi.

Take a look at what's inside.

Why don't you just tell me?

I've got good evidences to show that

the 3rd Generation C3

System used by the HKPD

is actually owned by you.

This is a photograph

of Mr. Lee, his son

and you.

You've come all this way.

That can't be all that you have.

Before I came here,

the Secretary for Security consulted

with the Chief Executive.

I was instructed to grant you leniency

due to the fact to stabilize the society

and to protect reputation

of the Hong Kong Police.

So here's the deal.

One: M.B. Lee continues

with his retirement.

Two: You must divest all your shares in

those system suppliers within a month.

Three: Don't ever return to Hung Kong.

If you can do all that,

the HKSAR government will

suspend its indictment of you.

Are you using me and Lee

as bargaining chips?

Do you think you can

keep your post this way?

I don't care what plans you

and your backers set in place.

This is my final order to you.


and get out!

You don't have what it takes to fight us.

Take one more step.

I'll declare w*r.

The rule of law is the foundation

for Hong Kong's success

as a global financial center.

As the head of Hong Kong's

finest disciplinary force, the HKPD,

I must ensure that

the decisions we make are never influenced

by the rich and powerful

for political gain.

It is my hope that each of us

will continue to defend

our values and beliefs.

God bless our homeland.
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