Children of w*r (2014)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Children of w*r (2014)

Post by bunniefuu »

'Man chanting Shloka'

Sanskrit chants

Sanskrit chants

Sanskrit chants

Panditji what are you doing??

Sanskrit chants

Sanskrit chants

This is my family.

I'm putting them to rest.

Peace be upon them.

Peace be upon them.

Peace be upon them.

In November,

the Indan Prime Minister

toured the world

to explain again the gravity

of the situation

In capital after capital,

she pleads the Bengali cause

In London she has asked

what can be done

to stop the refugee accidents

Well surely that the m*ssacre

there stops the r*pe stops

The burning of villages stop.

Can it not be

fair to put to you

that you are

contributing in a way

to the exodus of

the refugees by

your support of

Pakistan Guerillas.

And mustn't you,

in effect...

face the question of

having to reduce your support

for the Guerilla army which is

operating in East Pakistan.

Well, that means we allow

a m*ssacre to continue?

What happened first?

How many people

were k*lled according to

your correspondent

of British Newspapers?

Of American Newspapers?

Of French Newspapers?

Canadian Newspapers,

Arabian Newspapers.

The m*ssacre began long before

there was a single Guerilla.

But if the contribution

to quietening

of the situation

as I say--

No, what does quietening mean?

Does it mean

that we allow,

we support the genocide?

And do you think

it can be stopped?

Do you think people are

going to sit aside

and watch their women

r*ped in front of them?

And say that, no, we are going

to quieten the situation.

That's not quietness.

That is the worst possible

type of w*r

It is the worst

possible type of v*olence.

But how then without

something done to control

the Guerilla activity

in return for

greater discipline

by the Pakistan Army

can we secure this first step?

When Hitler was on the rampage

why didn't you say

let's keep quiet

let's have peace with Germany

and let the Jews die or

let Belgium die, let France die!

Would you say that was quiet?

- Joi Bangla!

- Joi Bangla!

- Joi Bangla!

- Joi Bangla!

- Joi Bangla!

- Joi Bangla!

But why Joi Bangla?

Why not Joi Bengali ?

Speak up.

Bengali is our language,

Islam is our religion.

But Bangladesh

is our everything!

Joi Bangla!

Joi Bangla!

Joi Bangla!

And that is why,

I am first a Bangladeshi,...

then Bengali

and then a Muslim

- Joi Bangla!

- Joi Bangla!

This may be my final message.

From this day onwards...

Bangladesh is independent!

I call upon the people

of Bangladesh!

Wherever you might be

and with whatever you have

to resist the army of

occupation till the last.

Your struggle must go on

until the last soldier

of the Pakistani occupation

army is expelled

fro in the so of


Final victory is ours

Joi Bangla!

From this day onwards

Bangladesh is independent!

I call upon

the people of Bangladesh...

How many times are you

going to listen to it?

Just a little while longer.

I am almost done.

Please play it or else

I won't be able to write.

You'll go mad!

See' the boy has already come

to take the article.


Wherever you might be...

and with whatever you have...

to resist the army of...

He won't come inside.

Say's he is in a hurry.

Your struggle must go on!

He's coming.

Last night' the president'

the Pakistani army..

The 'bindi'

really suits you'...

now you can listen to

whatever you like.


- Go quickly.

- Yes.

Were you expecting someone?


Let me check.

Don't go.

Ok go!

These people forced me to...

It's so noisy in here.

Turn on the lights.

Now we can talk in peace.

Thank you.

What do you want?


But you seem to

want freedom'...

isn't it?

You can do

whatever you want'...

but you can't stop Bangladesh

from becoming a free nation.

Do whatever you want?

These are strong words...

do whatever you want

and yet you use

them so carelessly...

I have a big house in Lahore

where my parents'

my brothers' sisters'

my two aunts'

uncles and their children

by god's grace

its a big family

and all of us

live under one roof

but if one day my brother

comes to me and says

divide this house into two

then I will divide

him into so many pieces'

that he will forget

how to count.


The mere mention of a divide

has brought

tears to your eyes.

- Scoundrel!

- Amir!

How had that

child wronged you?

How have we wronged you?

Not me

but yes

you have wronged Pakistan!

We haven't done

anything to anybody,

we have nothing to

do with your Pakistan!

'Your Pakistan'?

Then you will say 'your I slam'

'your Allah'.

There is only one Allah!

Islam is also one

and so is Pakistan!

That's why not yours,

not mine,

but ours.

You only explain to him...

You fool!

If only we had continued

this tte--tte...

you would've been

in a better position.

Remember, you are

the one to have ended it.


You have a lot of love

for your Bangladesh isn't it?

Now watch,

while I disrobe your love.


Leave her alone you animal.

Abbu, please play a song.

Open your mouth!

Abbu, he's looking at me!


- Kausar!

- Yes?

Where are Abbu and Ammi?

They have gone to get food,

must be on their way back.

When did they go?

While you were sleeping.

Will they come soon?

Is there anything to eat?

Eat a guava.

They have worms in them.

So what?

Not all of them are spoilt,

should I find you one?


- Can you see them?

- No.

Look properly.

I can't see them,

can't see anyone.

You come down, let me climb.

Come down, let me see.

Do you think they heard me?

Lets go and look for them.

What if they come

here while we are gone?

They told me to wait here.

It will be scary at night.


You're not a child.

Not like you are an old man.

Lets go find them!


They will come back here.






Your Radio!

What else did your teacher

tell you about demons?

That they are

made of fire...

And what does fire do?

It burns!

Has everything burnt to ashes?



Open it.

Take all these

women and wash them'

I don't like filth.

Yes Sir!

Get up.

Get up!

Make everyone stand!




Where is everyone!

Take them!



Stand here!



Clothes off, everybody.




What's your age?


Come here.

Come here!



Bloody Bengalis.


That side.





That side.





That side.


- Fida.

- Fida.


That side.

- Name?

- Nikhat.

Take them away.


Stand behind her.





Twenty Seven years old.



Eighteen years old.

Fourteen Sir.

Haseena Khatun,

Thirty Two years old.

- Fifteen.

- Wow!

Splendid Sir,

god has willed it.


Twenty Four years old.



Twenty Four years old.



Twenty Nine years old.



Yes Sir!

These women

are not here for you...

they are here to

serve our nation!

- Saleha...

- Hey!

The children that are born

from their wombs...

will be theirs

as well as ours.

God willing, they'll dissolve

the difference between

West and East Pakistan.

Yes Sir.

They will be

Pakistan's children.

Yes Sir.

So fifteen or sixteen?

Fif.. fif..

- Sixteen Sir.

- Tofail!

Yes Sir.


Or Sixteen?

Sir, I think...


You think?

You think?

The difference between

fifteen and sixteen

is not a mere number.

It's the difference

of an entire generation.

Yes Sir.

- Doctor.

- Sir.

Make sure all these women...

can have children.

And if possible'

more than one.

And those who can't

have no reason to live.


Yes Sir!

Then why the hell are

you still standing here?


Yes Sir!


Come here.

- Ok go.

- Okay.










Where are we?



Didi where am I?

In Hell.

They couldn't even

find Fida's body?

It's so dark in here.

Your friends are

here to see you.

I'll call them here.

Amir, It's good to see

you are recovering well.

Brother Amir,

we were just telling Mohsin

that he must move

out of this house.

We have already

discussed this matter,

why do you need to talk

about it in front of him...


I am not like an Ostrich

which buries It's

head in the sand

and thinks

that the danger has passed.

Amir is very lucky

that he is still alive.

You, him or I

might not be able to

survive the next attack.

And you know

that they are going

to attack again.

So you mean,

we should run every

time we see danger?

We can run,

but what about

those who can't?

We are not social workers.

We are journalists!

Our job is not to

stop these brutal crimes,

but to write about them.

Only if we are alive'

will we be able to write.


that's not the way.

If we write only

then will we be alive.

Otherwise our bodies

might live on,

but our conscience

will surely die!

Amir you have no idea what has

has been going on here

for the last three days.

You were unconscious...

- During this...

- I was unconscious,

but I am awake now.

I know

what we must do...

we must gather,

not just journalists,

we will include every one.

Munawar bhai, Selina,

Rashid Sahb,


Students, Teachers,

we must come together

and form a strategy,

and we will write,

we will report things.

I will be the first to write

and tell people

what I have gone through.


Am I not making

any sense to you?

Amir, wasn't I telling you,

in the last three days...

I couldn't even

recognize Selina's body.

Munawar, Rashid Sahb,..

Mannan, Zahirul,...


all of them have been...

I thought

I was the only one.

Even Fida wasn't the only one.

I know what I have to do.

Where is the phone?

The school children sang songs

and the principal praise

the efforts of the

American government.

One moment.


They are waging w*r.

Only you I know

can do something about it.

Amir, I understand.

But please realize, our powers

have been taken away.

I'm really

in no position to...

It will give me

a sense of pleasure

if you let me

see her body please.

Please do something.

I overheard

they've let some women live.

Please, help me find Fida.

I'll be indebted to you

for the rest of my life.

Are you listening?

Can we meet?

I can come to Dhaka

if you want.

Hey, get out!

Get of the bus.

Old man!

Get of.

I will k*ll you!



Look here'

this is 'pul-e-sirat'.

The bridge over hell.

H ell on this side

and heaven on the other.

Will you run?


Run now.




- What is it?

- Come quickly!


Come now!

You want to see something?

There is more here.

- So much!

- What?

So much rice!

Kaki knew so many stories.

We've buried everyone...

Uncle Rasool, Batulan,

brother Kamrul,

brother Akbar,

- Moulvi Sahb, Master Sahb...

- Only Abbu and Ammi...

...and we have cremated Kaki.

Now we can go.



we've buried everyone,

our job is done.

...but Kaki doesn't

have a grave.

Where should

we write her name?

Should we write

it on her house?

There, on that wall.

I'll write it.



No there are women too.

You go and hide.

Let me check.

Who are you?

What are you doing here,


This is my village!

Then where are the

rest of the villagers?


We are travellers,

we need a place to stay.

There is no place here.

- Listen...

- Let me handle this.

We are all very tired,

even the animals.

We all need rest.

Just one night?


we will leave with

the first light.

What will we get?

What will you get!

What can you get from us?

Then you can't stay.



We have rice...

He has eaten, just a handful

of rice after two long days.

I am his sister,

It's just the two

of us in this village.

We were afraid, the

Pakistanis were approaching.

We are like you son.

Whatever we have,

is all yours.

Come on!

Set the stove,

we have two guests

with us tonight.

This is Mariyam.

I am Kausar and this is Rafiq.


- Who was that boy?

- My brother.

Sister, sing a song.

Bengali Folk Song



What is this dear?

There is a tradition

in our village,

when a child is born,

we eat 'ladoos'.

...but so much rice!

Kaki left it behind...

...she will not mind.

Come, come.

Why are you crying?

Well done Rafiq.

I think he likes the song.

Our government has failed

to denounce

the suppression of democracy.

Our government has failed to

take forceful measures

to protect its citizens.

While at the same time,

bending over backwards

to placate the West Pakistan

dominated government.

And to lessen

any deservedly negative

international public relations

impact against them.

Our government has evidence

what many will consider

moral bankruptcy.

But we have chosen,

not to intervene.

Even morally, on the grounds

that the Awami conflict,

in which unfortunately

the over-worked term genocide

is applicable,

is purely an internal matter

of the sovereign state.

Private Americans have

expressed disgust.

We, as professional civil

servants express our dissent

with current policy

and fervently hope that our true

and lasting interests here

can be defined and

our politics redirected.

You know, I would really love

for you to stay here.

I know.

Thank you.

But I can't.

I need to write

what I have seen and

it might put you into trouble if

I write sitting in your house.

Thank you for understanding.

You know I will not give up

that easily.

I'll cause a ruckus in

the corridors of power.

There is hope, Amir.

Take this.

Meet him.

He'll know what to do.

Good-bye Kha-mi-da bibi

Good-bye Ba-arsh-in

You know son,

these people will

always be here,

in their own village.

You will be able to

find them whenever you want.

They don't need you anymore.

But we do.

Mariyam has a lot

to learn from you


And Razia also needs you

to help calm her baby.

Then a day will come,

when you will return

amongst your people.

We will also come with you,

en route our village.

We will come together.

Come with us.

Good-bye Ro-ona aapa

You know that we are

going to Charghat, don't you?

The same place you had

promised your father to go to.

Said bye to everyone.


Ok then,

may god be your guardian.

Kausar, why don't the two

of you also come with us?

Why do you want

to stay here alone?

Get up! Let's go.

Come on.

I will come along.

Rafiq! Come.

Please come.

In the darkness of our reality

we look for fragments of

our existence

In the darkness of our reality

we look for fragments

of our existence

With the touch of every breath

we hope for familiarity

We look for our reflections

and footprints in time

We look for our reflections

and our footprints in time

We are where we were

but our world

has drifted away

Our own shadows have left us

Our shadows have left us

to become one with the night

Would you extend a hand

and listen to the

woes of our hearts?

Soaked in tears

our faith is limp

In the darkness of our reality

we look for fragments

of our existence

The moon light

is drenched with

someone's sorrow yet again

The moon light

is drenched with

someone's sorrow yet again

Once again a lonely cloud

has wandered from its course

A song that was

not yet complete

A song that was

not yet complete

has lost its tune

along the way

A dream trickles from the eye

and shatters as it falls

Your memory is now

the only ray of hope

In the darkness of our reality

we look for fragments

of our existence

A part of my heart

still questions time

A part of my heart

still questions time

What disrespect did I show?

What was my sin?

The little story of our hearts

The little story of our hearts

still remains unfinished

Why was this sadness

forced upon our smiles?

Why does my heart

feel this piercing pain?

In the darkness of our reality

we look for fragments

of our existence

I 've said this

many times before,

I don't like filth!

And then...

what's wrong in

what I'm saying?


Abstain from anger.

Anger is a sin.

Anger is the

work of the devil.

Would you like to k*ll me?

I don't appreciate threats.

And I'm not

one bit afraid of death.

But who can trust

you and your mood swings?

A little annoyance and

game over!

Just divulge this one secret,

getting annoyed

at every little thing

getting displeased,

getting irked

where have you learnt

all these traits?

Swear to the gods

I tolerate a lot

of your tantrums.

Isn't it?

All right,

as you wish

I'm but a sl*ve

to your wishes.

No! Listen!

Now tell me,

what is it you like?

The waist?

Or would you like

to go through her heart?








Open it!

They are ashamed of this,

not of what they

do in broad daylight.

You know Amir,

there are three breeds

of men who come here.

First, the kind that imposes

his manhood at gunpoint.


those pretentious 'god men'

who call themselves

Al Badr and Al Shams

and then,

that patriotic snitch

who with all his loyalty,

betrays the country!

The Pakistanis

call them Razakars.

- What's the news?

- The informer is here.

- If you say...

- Listen to me.

If you don't give

me good news...

I will k*ll you.

By creating them, the

Jamaat-e-Islami in Pakistan,

had made it certain

that while the Al Badir

makes every night darker,

the Al Shams will

make sure that

every morning is stained

with the colour of blood.

Kushtiya, Jinjira, Chittagong

It's the same

story everywhere.

Sure the Mukti Bahini

is fighting but,

how do we fight against g*ns

and b*ll*ts

with just sticks and sickles?

We can fight with the pen.

They att*cked me because

they were afraid of

the power of my words.

Like me, they targeted

journalists, teachers,


scientists, thinkers

and all those who

they felt threatened by.


Because they knew these were

the real guardians of freedom.

We will have to instil this

fear within their ranks again.

We should take

out a newspaper.

We will tell the whole

world about their cruelty.

And what will the world do?

The same thing

that our friend,

Archer Blood's government did?

No one will listen, Amir.

The outside world

does not care

and will the people here,

read the newspaper

or save their lives?

The world is ignoring

us today because

we are not important to them,

but the day we k*ll

three or four of them

they will take note of us.

Our government

has been formed.


Last night in Boidanathola,

the Awami League

formed the government.

- Really!

- Yes!

Just got this information,

- great news isn't it?

- Good news indeed.

Bongabondhu has been named the

first president of Bangladesh

and have called for

Boidanathola to be

named Mujibnagar.


Even Zia is with us now!

Now tell me Amir,

can you form a government

in such a short time

with your pen?

Mojid Sahb!

Mojid Sahb!

Mojid Sahb!

Why Mojid Sahb?

What conspiracy

are you plotting

behind these closed doors?

Mojid Sahb!

I have told you so many times

to support true Islam,

support Pakistan.

Thirty years ago,

when I picked you up

from a dumpster

in Chittagong,

it didn't occur

to me that one day,

you will teach me

the values of Islam.

Mojid Sahb!

Your understanding

of Islam is quite apparent

by the methods your Pakistani

friends have adopted.

Do you think you own Islam?

Or does Allah belong

only to Pakistan?

When night falls,

flocks of birds return home.

For us it was a journey away

in the darkest period

of our lives.

My eyes were witnessing this

exodus for the second time

in their seventy

years of existence.

Just a couple more hours

and we will reach Gopalpur.

From there,

it's just two more days

to Charghat.

India begins and

our journey ends.





Hide, hide here

behind the trees.

You fool!

Leave them here and hide.

Who is it?

It's been days

since I smoked.


Lets find a Bengali guy.



Oi! Wait, wait, wait, wait...

Who is it?


Not a person in sight.

Where do you think

you're headed Mister?

Are you deaf?

Keep him quiet.

He doesn't say anything.

Speak up, devil's children.

Sir here, is a good man.

He will escort you home.

He will get us all k*lled!

Just look at his bones,

they are looking so weak.

Say! Milk and cream

is your wife's specialty...

I suggest you should

savor them every day.

Otherwise one day,

you might just disappear.

Disappear, my ass.

I bet they can still

run at a 100 miles per hour.

Are you wearing tin glasses?

100 miles per hour...

I don't think

they can even walk.


At best, they can crawl.

Really? Ok, let's bet.

For how much?

- 10 Rs.

- 10!


I say you're a wealthy man.

Leave the wealth,

you also take it out.

Come on, take it out.

- Here.

- Give me.

Now that's what

I'm talking about.

Now see, they won't

run at a 100 miles per hour,

they'll run at 200!

- Is it?

- Do you want to see?

- Show...

- Come,

Come, come, come...

make sure to run, yeah?

Look now

Somebody stop them!

Where did they go?

Run, you fools...


You lose every time.

Oh no!

What have you done?

I lost because

of these animals.


Let them be.

There are many more,

where they came from.

Lets go!



My parents house

no longer exists.

My hushand's house

burnt to ashes,

and my son died before

knowing what a home is.

Where are we going

in search of a home now?

Baba says, we will come back.

Come back and stay where?

Next to my son's grave?

Or my parents?

- Joi Bangla!

- Joi Bangla!

- Joi Bangla!

- Joi Bangla!

- Joi Bangla!

- Joi Bangla!

Son, go and call them quickly.


After spending the night

in Gopalpur, we thought

we would leave for Charghat...

...but that ill-fated

morning our hopes


to suffer yet another blow.

- Raziya!

- Raziya!

Between those

merciless beheadings,

squirting blood

and wailing women,

I saw innocence,

die an innocent death.


True to his word,

he did not let

anything happen to his sister.

These muted pathways

wailing walls

and shutters to a

window without a view

On annulled earth

He quivering gates

to the stench of burnt souls

The blood that flows

from a mother's breast

now lies lifeless

It will run through

the gutters

and eventually clot

Blood is after all blood

it will eventually clot

Words dripping with blood

and tongues that

brand these words

Whichever language it speaks

whatever faith it follows

blood is after all blood

it will eventually clot

The predators

were our very own

their faces and

their god our own

but where was this Lord?

Beyond the horizon

riding the clouds

making it rain blood


Oh Lord,

what have you created?

The earth is soaked in blood

Whose path is this?

Whose domain is this?

Where is that place

where my home used to be?

Where is that place?

Why have we lost

so many innocent lives?

Because of you!

I haven't done

anything Mojid Sahb.

I'm right here.

But your allies are all there!

It's a shame.

I can't believe that people

like you live in this country.

I had no one in my life,

I knew only you

and then,

the teachers in the Madrasa.

It was you, who put me

in the Madrasa, Mojid Sahb

I learnt whatever

they taught me!

What else could I

have done Mojid Sahb?

But after what

happened in Gopalpur...

Allah will never forgive me...

Mojid Sahb, he...

If this malingerer

wasn't like a son to me,

I might have

even forgiven him.

Mojid Sahb...

If you help us, innocent

lives can still be saved.

Give us the names

of all your allies...

Bhitika! My child!

What are you looking at?

Help me.

In about two hours,

two Pakistani officers

will pass by Kharkharia Mor,

and I have brought

some flowers

to welcome them.

It will take about an hour

to reach there.

Where? The camp?

Kharkharia Mor.

Oh! That means

we've lost this opportunity.

No, not yet.

But we will...

if your men don't hurry.

But you will not go alone...


These three will go with you.

Joi Bangla!

Joi Bangla!

I've never heard about you


It's best if you don't.

You are Amir, isn't it?

You know of me?

I used to read your articles

very fondly.

You write well.

Used to write...

I don't anymore.

If I hadn't read

your articles,

I would never have had

the courage to do this.

Where have you come from?


Don't mind.

I really have come from hell.

My father was also

very fond of your writing.

That day,

he was making breakfast

and I was reading out

the newspaper to him

when suddenly

the door bell rang and...


My father was a professor

at the university

and very fond of fish.

Watch your step!

Where is your father now?

In heaven.

Oh! I am sorry.


I am the one

who has come from hell.

Heaven is a good place,

isn't it?

Amir! I feel no shame

in sharing my story.

This is not just my story.

This is the story of

every woman in Bangladesh.

From here on, we are going to

write our story ourselves.

Will you pen our story?


I heard about you,

it distressed me.


her name was Fida.

She's alive.



I must go back.

Tell Mojid Sahb,

I will be back with more

amm*nit*on and information.

Bhitika, stop!

Where have you seen her?

Somewhere in Dhaka!

She was nothing

more than a living corpse.

Hope is a good thing Amir,

but it's best

to let this one go.

Done with your bath?

Can I go?

Ok go.

Don't bathe so much,

you'll grow old.

What? What are you looking at?

Bury her now,

and you'll do it alone.

She kept trying to wash

the stains off her body,

without water or soap.

She had forgotten that

the stains were not

on her body,

but had seeped

through to her soul.

How could they be cleansed!

Her soul could

only be cleansed with blood.

Just like the soil of


Come, eat something.

It's been two days,

since they've given us food.

Hurry up

or it'll be over.

Here, eat this stale bread.

Go, get lost.

What will you eat love?

This is my food.


Do you want to see

how they fight over bread?

Want to see?

Leave it!


Leave it!

- It is my bread!

- Leave it!

What about you?

I have eaten.

Eat a little more.

I saw your photograph today.

Keep eating.

We k*lled

two Pakistani officers today.


I haven't lost my mind.

No, not at all.

It's all right. Eat.

Look there.

The razakar at that gate,

stands watch every night.

Please him a bit...

and... he lets you go

to the river to bathe.



but only the cleaning women

like me.

I steal arms and amm*nit*on

from the armoury.

I haven't lost my mind Fida!

How do you know my name?

Amir told me.


He is the one who showed me

your photograph.

Amir is alive?

Thank God!

Amir is alive!

He is with the MuktiBahini.

It's for them,

I took the amm*nit*on.

Pakistan's days are


Does he know

that I am here?

Everyone is fighting

for Bangladesh

and he is fighting for you...


He will surely come.

Will you meet him again?

I don't know. Maybe.

Maybe not.

Get up.

Haven't you eaten enough?

Meal time is over.

I felt like

screaming my heart out.

We hadn't lost yet.

We were fighting.

Aamir was alive...

and looking for me.

What the...

You seem to be very happy.

Have you lost your mind?

Teacher used to say,

all Muslims are brothers.

Why don't you check

another guava?

I always knew he was lying.

No son, teacher never lied...

and not only Muslims,

all men are brothers.

He must have told you

the story of 'Adam and Hawa'.

We all are their children.

Not them.

They were demons,

disguised in flesh and blood.

And teacher said that

good always wins over evil.

I will fight them.

After the

Bangla music presentation

on the 1st in America,

people are concentrating on

the situation of Bangladesh.

That is all for today.


Look back

and see.

If you don't look back,

then how will you learn?

Look at what is happening.

See what is happening

around you and learn.

Otherwise, time...

will repeat itself.


Didn't I tell you to stop!

You think I am blind.

I can't see...

but don't forget who I am.

I am Durga. Durga!

My eyes

can see what you can't.

A shadow of doom...

Change it!

While you can...

Change it.

Who are you? What do you want?

Change it.

Why do you need to show

a g*n for that?

Who else is there?

Who else is there?


What did you say

is the name of your village?


Why don't you speak?

Yes, you.

How will I recognize you

when we meet again?

I have to go to Charghat.

Go in the morning.

Eat properly.


Today marks an important date

in world history,

because on this day,

our forefathers had

laid the foundations

of a beautiful nation.

It is very sad,

that a few of

our own people conspired

against our beautiful nation.

What can be more tormenting

to the souls

of our forefathers

that today, we are forced

to raise arms against

our own people,

in our own country!

But remember,

conspiring against the nation

will not be tolerated!


we had sworn,

that even

at the cost of our lives,

we will not let any harm

come upon our pure motherland.

And today,

we reiterate our vows,

that till the last drop of

blood flows through our veins,

the people who conspire

against this country,

the people

who betray our country

and the enemies

of our community and country

will never be allowed

to succeed.

By the grace of god,

victory will be ours!

Long Live Pakistan!

Long Live Pakistan!

We will be victorious!

We will be victorious!

- We will be victorious!

- We will be victorious!

- We will be victorious!

- We will be victorious!

We will be victorious,

because victory is our right!

Because justice is our right!

We will win undoubtedly,

because we have won before.


Ghulam Mohammad















I hope Malik's name

is on that list, Mojid Sahb.

This is now

your responsibility.

- Greetings, sir.

- What is it?

Go away!


Who are the Dhaka Guerillas?

How many members do they have?

Who all are involved?


You can't even find out

one name!

No, sir!

No, sir.


Anger is a sin.

Anger is a sin.

Anger is a sin.

Joi Bangla!

- Did he say something?

- No Sir.

Joi Bangla!

Who is your leader?

Bongabondhu, Sheikh Mujib.


Your Bongabondhu

is rotting in our jail!

(Making fun of Bengali)

You neither understand us,

nor our language.

Who are you?

Why are you here?

You fool!

Why are we here!

We are here, to show you

your rightful place.

It's your time today,

but tomorrow, it'll be ours.

The day we Bengali's

stand on your border

and urinate,

all of Pakistan will be


Speak in Urdu!

Speak in Urdu...

Then tell your Jamaatis

to go swim in it.

Don't be afraid,

these people are losing.

Bangladesh is coming!




A forest on the other side

of the river,

and Charghat just beyond that.


It's not too far now...





Why Charghat?

Who? Who are you?



We are all Bangladesh.

All us women!

And if Pakistan thinks

it can ravage Bangladesh,

the way they ravaged

our bodies...

then they are wrong!

We must get to India, son.




Bangladesh is everywhere.

Beside the river of pain,


beyond the boat of hope.

The Bangladesh of tomorrow,


young soldier's Bangladesh.

Have you lost your mind?

Stop screaming.

We have reached.

I hope no one saw you

coming here.


I'll go outside

and keep an eye.

Will Amir be there?

Maybe. If he is then

what should I say?

Don't tell him you met me.


I don't want him to accept me

out of pity.

What has happened with

you, me or anyone else,

is not our fault.

If he acts pitiful

or does not accept you,

then he was

never worthy of you.

Take my hair out.

Come back soon.



What are you doing?

Go on.


This is Pakistan growing

in your wombs.

You used to go on

about your Bangladesh.

Now tell me

if your Bangladesh will...

how do they say it in English?

What is it?



Even your family

will not accept you now!

Let's go.

- Yes Sir.

Move along.

You want to go again?

Why are you in such a hurry

to grow old?

I'll come soon.

By then you would have

grown old.

You are young now,

just right for me.

Let's go inside.

Won't it be better

if I am clean?

Don't throw tantrums.

Come inside.

- Let me go...

- Come on!

- You fool!

- Come here!

Who are you?

Get up!

- Bring him.

- Sir.

I didn't do anything.

Bring him here.

- Sir?

- Move!


What did I do?

What have I done?

What is going on here?

I didn't do anything Sir.

In fact, I am the one

who caught her.

I didn't do anything Sir.

I didn't do anything Sir!

Sir I didn't do anything!


Bring them all out,

let them learn.

Come on out everyone!

Hey, come on.

Do demons come from hell?


they had come from hell.


had come to rob us

of our freedom.

If they ever come

in front of me,

I will free them forever!

No son!

Don't think like that.

In a few days,

we will reach Charghat.

If anything happens to me

on the way,

don't stop.

Keep walking.

Don't ever leave your

mother and sister, all right?

What will happen to you Abbu?

Nothing will happen to you,

I am not a child anymore.

I won't let anything happen

to you.

Why don't you talk to me?

We are almost

about to reach India.

Do you think

we will be happy in India?

Baba had said...

I know what Baba had said.

H e used to say that

every girl gets married

and has to leave someday,

I have had to leave

before getting married.

I am with you.

I will get you married.


In India?


Who says we cannot come back?

You wait here,

I'll just come back...

Where were you?

Are you all right?

What will happen to me?

Should we leave?

Find out about these

Dhaka guerillas.

We don't have a single name!

How many members are there,

who are the people involved?

I am repeating my orders.

sh**t the rebels at sight.

Yes, sir.

Not even one person

should be left alive!

Where is everyone?

Go and check.

You are making a mistake.

Mr. Journalist!

You are still alive?

We will ask the questions


I will let you go.

Just tell me where my wife is.

In the same place,

where your Bangladesh is.

Neither will you get

your wife,

nor your Bangladesh!

Your reign is over.

You have lost.

MuktiBahini and

the Indian forces

have reached Chandpur.

Nothing has changed.

Who will save you

from your own people?



and the people of Pakistan,

have nothing to do with

your barbarity!

Don't you heartless people


that your power hungry leaders

Yahya, Tikka and Bhutto

planned all of this!

You thought you will scare us

into submission,

but the methods

you chose to use,

forced a journalist like me

to pick up arms!

You will surely be punished

for your crimes.

Nothing will happen.

The whole world will stop you.

You cannot punish

every soldier for the orders

given by a superior officer!

A soldier only follows orders.

Hitler's soldiers also

tried to

hide behind the same plea.

But even today,

they are being condemned!

Hitler did not have

the support of

the American Government.

Come out of your dream world.

Let's say,

your Bangladesh

comes to existence,


What will you gain?

In a few years,

your own leaders

will fight each other

for dominion.

In the race for power there

will be lobbying, politics,

bribery, corruption

will you be able to stop it?

Even if you catch

the small fish, so what?

What about

the real crocodiles?

That are hiding amongst you.

How will you find them?

What about

our Al Badr and Razakars?

They will continue to do

what they are doing today.

The bribery and the corruption

that you are talking about,

exists in every country

in some form or the other.

But we will make sure

to uproot the very seed

of moral corruption

that you tried to sow here.

For the last time,

tell me where Fida is!

Forget about her.

Don't you remember

two held her hands

and two held her thighs.

How she cried,

how she screamed.

But she was good

and many more after me...

Malik was right.

Even today,

forty-two years after

our independence,

we are not free.

Even today,

disguised amongst us

in flesh and blood,

the evil roams free.

Even today,

we live in hell.

And the gatekeepers

of this hell

are the same razakaars

that stole our paradise

from us forty-two years ago.

Chandipur, Jessore, Chittagong

have been liberated.

Tomorrow night at 9 o'clock,

One contingent

of the MuktiBahini

will attack the cantonment

from the front.

We will attack them

from behind.

What happens next,

will be decided there itself.

Your tea is getting cold.

I don't feel like it.

Are you still with us?

Or did your w*r end

this morning?

What do you think?

Amir, I understand

what you are going through.

This is the last push.

The last fight.

Once we have won,

we will all look

for your Fida.

We will surely find her.

The Bangladesh of tomorrow

will not wield weapons,

but a pen.

That will be

our real Bangladesh!

Then, let's go.

Dark clouds

are getting ready

to adorn the horizon.

Heart in hand,

steer your boat with

utter care,

o boatman...

so the boat sink not,

in trying to reach the bank.

The river bank

could not be reached.

Dark clouds

are getting ready to

adorn the horizon.

In the city of Dhaka

at the Rangbazaar,

where buying and selling of

colours takes place,

we are the financiers of

Madangunj today.

Tie not the boat

on those banks

we couldn't reach

the river banks.

Dark clouds

are getting ready to

adorn the horizon.

- O Radharaman.

- Sister, let's go.

- I went to the river,

- Sister.

thinking I would

cross the river today.

I had made up my mind.

But my day went past.

I couldn't find

- the other shore.

- Joi Bangla!

- Joi Bangla!

- Joi Bangla!

- Joi Bangla!

- Joi Bangla!

O Radharaman.

I went to the river,

thinking I would

cross the river today.

I had made up my mind.

But my day went past.

I couldn't find

the other shore.

Dark clouds

are getting ready to

adorn the horizon.

Dark clouds

are getting ready to

adorn the horizon.


Dark clouds


Are getting ready to

adorn the horizon.

Dark clouds

are getting ready to

adorn the horizon.

Abu, he's looking at me!

Dark clouds

Joi Bangla!



Its not about an eye

for an eye.

It's also not just

about revenge.

This is about justice.

The society, which does not

punish the guilty,

suffers the death

of innocence.

Till the m*rder*r is not

punished for his misdeeds

every nook and corner of

humanity will suffer.

I'm sorry,

but this is also not just

about m*rder.

This is about brutality,

This is about conspiracy,

betrayal and treachery

with the country!

These people have trampled

over the very concept of


These people have stolen

the dreams of the innocent.

They have divided us

by language.

They have even divided

our Allah,

into their god and our god.

Why should we not punish them?

Till the time

we don't punish them,

we will not be free.

Malik might have been right

in his belief...

but now,

it is time to prove him wrong.

H e had said that

their blood would flow

through this generation's


but he was wrong.


I am a Birangona's grandson

but their stale blood

does not flow

through my veins.

My blood is as red as it gets

for Bangladesh...

and my Bangladeshi blood

is screaming out for justice.

It wants

unconditional freedom.

The kind of freedom.

I have seen

in my grandfather's eyes.

And today I repeat to you

what he taught me,

I am first a Bangladeshi,

then a Bengali

and then a Muslim.

- Joi Bangla!

- Joi Bangla!

- Joi Bangla!

- Joi Bangla!

- Joi Bangla!

- Joi Bangla!

- Joi Bangla!

- Joi Bangla!

- Joi Bangla!

- Joi Bangla!

- Joi Bangla!

- Joi Bangla!

- Joi Bangla!

- Joi Bangla!
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