Punisher: w*r Zone (2008)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Punisher: w*r Zone (2008)

Post by bunniefuu »

First and 10 on the New York 32.

Malone hands off for a one-yard gain.

Can't establish their running game

because Washington...

- God will help you.

- God owes me a quarter pound.

Mince and mash the garlic into a paste.

- I seek...

- Go, Buster, go!

- reputed crime boss Gaitano Cesare...

... once again avoided prison when

a mistrial was declared today...

... in his eight-week long

RICO prosecution.

Allegedly responsible

for over 200 murders...

... Cesare has yet to spend one day

behind bars.

Mr. Eugene Gordlock...

... a witness who repeatedly asked

the judge to be recused from the case...

... was gunned down

just a few hours earlier.

We had the opportunity to speak

with Mr. Gordlock's mother.

They shot him right in our front yard.

My dear, sweet little boy.

The pained words

of a grieving woman...

... left all alone in a city outraged

by these developments.

But with no concrete evidence

of tampering...

... and with Mr. Gordlock

now dead...

Do I fix your makeup for you?

- What?

- Here's Billy the Beaut.

The captain should have sent me

out here with 30, 40 men...

...to raze this bloody get-out-of-jail party.

Instead, I'm stuck here with you.

Well, he might come out tonight.

As a matter of fact,

I'm sure he'll show up.

And what are you gonna do?

I'm gonna bring him in.

You know, you k*ll me, Soap. Let's just

say if you can make this happen...

...why would you?

He does to those bastards...

...what me and you

can only fantasize about.

Ink, keep your nose clean.


Sure thing, Pops.


Look, you know, it's just...

- Take it easy in there, okay?

- Nicky, what am I gonna do?

Give the old guy a heart attack?

- Go on, beat it.

- Give me uno minuto.

You handled

the witness situation perfectly.

No sweat, Uncle G.

- You look great.

- The hell I do.

I shit in a bag, for chrissake.

Hey, saves you a trip to the can, right?

You came to discuss a private matter.

Down at the docks!

Right. Yeah. Cristu Bulat.

I hear he's a sick f*ck.

Fresh off the boat.

Cristu's bringing in a shipment

and he needs a safe port.

I've arranged for my customs guy

Simmons to be on that night.

The union boys'll be there to unload.

Our cut's 10 mil.

- We won't break a sweat.

- Ten mil?

- f*ck's Cristu shipping?

- I don't know.

It's some kind of biological package.

A biological package.

I f*cking knew it.

Probably going up to the ragheads

in Queens.

- Cristu guaranteed it's leaving the city.

- We don't touch that kind of shit.

In case your memory's going

with your bodily functions...

...you might remember

I'm the top earner here.

- I'm not stupid.

- Stupid?

You're as shithouse crazy

as your brother, Loony Bin Jim.

I should have had the both of you

locked away.

One more word

about my brother, I swear to Christ I'll...

You'll what?

You make one move, you greasy f*ck.

Hey, let's just all calm down here,


I've put out a big spread out here.

So come on, boys, eat up.

We're not eating with the old shitbag,


Pittsy, pour me a drink.

What the f*ck?


Let's go.

All right, let's split up.

Shouldn't we wait for backup?

Police! Freeze!

Listen, Billy Russoti's getting away.

Silver Rover.

You might wanna head down

to the docks first.

Shit, that hurts.

- What happened to you?

- Your Punisher.

He disarmed me, held me at gunpoint

then he stole our damn ride.

- Where were you, huh?

- I knew he would come.

Hey, let me get your statement.

Come on, Saffiotti, tell me everything...

How did it go down, huh?

I'm sorry about your family, Billy.

- Well, maybe it's a blessing in disguise.

- What?

It was time for me to take over anyway.

Thanks to The Punisher,

I don't even get my f*cking hands dirty.

Where's your boss, then?

- What the f*ck's he doing here?

- Relax. I asked him to come.

My man. How are you doing?

- Who the f*ck are these finooks?

- These are couple of my colleagues.

They are very, very gifted delivery men.

No mountain too high,

no river too deep.

All right, all right, all right, enough.

- Pittsy, get me some money.

- Time to go to work.

We're running low, boss.

We picked up 200K

from the Lucciano construction site.

I had to launder it through the Pussycat

Lounge. Like you told me, remember?

Well, bring it back tomorrow.

- You got it, boss.

- Here.

That's 20 rolls of hundreds,

that's a grand each. All counted.

Head for the port, do your thing...

... get over the security fence,

hand out the money.

Where are you going?

Would it be all right

if I take the roof instead of the door?

- Whatever.

- You're a f*cking saint.

Hey, what's the matter?

Oh, f*ck.

What the f*ck was that?

Agent down. Repeat, agent down.


I'll check it out, boss.

- Pops!

- I'll take care of it. You get the guards.


f*ck, you bastard. f*ck.

f*ck you, Castle!

Come on, Castle!

f*ck you, man!

f*ck you, Castle, you f*cking...

f*ck you, Castle! f*ck!

My f*cking face!

Pittsy! Pittsy! Pittsy!

f*ck, my f*cking face!

f*ck! Pittsy! Pittsy! Pittsy!

There he is!

Move! Move! Move!

Up there!


Up there!


Up there!

- FBI. Drop your weapons.

- Oh, shit. Shit.

You two, up the stairs.

Team 1, on me.

Don't move!

FBI! Put your weapons down.

We got a live one!

Take care of those

five yards in every direction.

Billy the Beaut.

Yo, you say Billy the Beaut?

- Not anymore, huh?

- Bring him down, maybe he'll live.

- Wait a minute.

- Repeat, Nicholas Donatelli Jr.

Reach Donatelli's family.

Can you ask Miller if...

The Lord is compassion and love.

Slow to anger and rich in mercy.

He does not treat us

according to our sins...

...nor repay us according to our faults.

As parents have compassion

on their children...

...the Lord has pity on those

who fear him.

For he knows of what we are made,

he remembers that we are dust.

As for us, our days are like grass.

We flower like the flower of the field.

The wind blows and we are gone.

And our place never sees us again.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

Thank you.

Who compromised Donatelli?

Calm down, Budiansky,

it wasn't anybody's fault.

None of us could foresee Castle opening

up hunting season on La Cosa Nostra.

Come on.

All right, look,

Donatelli sent us a message.

Said something big was gonna happen.

He asked for Homeland Security.

We ran 24-hour surveillance

on Russoti.

Just as we're about to find out

what is happening, Donatelli got shot.

Believe me,

no one is more pissed off than I am.

How is it we're not all over

Frank Castle?

Because we have

a real national security threat.

And the last time I checked, that tops

trying to nab some crazed vigilante.


- Hey.

- Hey.

I'm gonna get this guy, Angie.

I promise you.

I heard the bureau

was sending a babysitter.


Thirty years on the force,

I still don't know what that word means.

We have a certain way of doing things

here, Special Agent Budiansky.

Like letting mass murderers run free?

Four years

this Punisher's been wreaking havoc.

And you haven't once caught a break.

I'm waist deep in shit around here

as you can plainly see.

Your buddies from the bureau

told me...

...the city

is under some kind of terror threat.

New Yorkers are a bit sensitive

about that, if you know what I mean.

I've got my men trying to find out...

...what your colleague came across

when he went under.

Maybe if you feds allowed us in on your

undercover operations once in a while...

...all of this could have been avoided.

- With all due respect, captain...


...is bullshit.

What if it had been your man

lying there?

In a pool of his own blood?

You Krispy Kreme m*therf*ckers would

be beating down every door in this city.


Captain, you know what?

The Punisher Task Force

could use an extra man.

Room 12.

The basement.

Agent Budiansky? Did I get that right?

The captain told me

you were coming in.

Welcome to The Punisher Task Force.

I'm Detective Martin Soap.


Make yourself at home.

You have a degree

in Behavioral Psychology?


That's okay. Most people are.

So, what do you actually do here?


This is ground zero.

I've shadowed his every step

for the last five years.

I've documented every m*rder

that fit his profile...

...and I've collected intelligence

on all known associates.

Take a look at this.

Six years ago...

...Frank Castle

was a Special Forces instructor.

And a simple family man.

One day, he takes his wife and kids

for a picnic...

...and by chance or fate,

depending on which you believe in...

...they witnessed a mob execution.

When they were discovered...

But Castle survived.

Since then, he's been taking down

one crime family after another.

I'm really close, Budiansky.

Only thing getting in my way

is some bad luck.

But I have a feeling

that's about to change.

You know, I've been waiting

for someone like you.

Take a look at some of the case files.

Get a lay of the land.

I'll get us a pie from Milano's.

Best pizza in the city.

Which drawer?

- What?

- The alleged Punisher murders.

All of them.

What do you want, Micro?

You ever heard of jihadi-blogger.com?

I'm posing

as a one-armed Wahhabi warrior...

...who took a crap in a cave

next to Bin Laden.

I think I can score you

a couple of rocket launchers.

What do you want?

Haven't seen you in a while.

Brought you some treats.

It's g*n show season in Virginia.

No background checks, no problems.

That's too much, Frank.

Call it a retirement package.

I know this thing with the fed

is eating you up...

...but that doesn't mean

you pack up your tent.

We all make mistakes, Frank.

You're fighting a w*r

against the assholes...

...who slip through the raindrops,

who get away with it.

In any w*r, there's collateral damage.

You know that.

Collateral damage?

I k*lled an agent in the field.

One of the good guys.

He had a family.

You didn't know.

I f*cked up, Micro.

Now, please...

...just leave me alone.

Where the f*ck's Nicky?


...didn't make it.

Nicky was a f*cking rat.

For the feds.

What about my money?

We already went to his place

and tore it apart.

No sign of a safety deposit key

or nothing.

Does he got any next of kin?

- Somebody to carry on the family name?

- Yeah.

Something about a wife and a girl.


Let's look there.

You got it.

Hey, doc.

Where you been?

- Am I glad to see you.

- Hi, Billy.

Should've seen those f*cking brascioles

at the clinic.

Must have bought their f*cking

medical degrees off the Internet.

How did you end up at a free clinic?

Insurance said I missed a payment.

Can you f*cking believe that?

Okay. Before we do this...

...I need you to understand the severity

of your injuries.

You shouldn't have been able

to survive this.

Well, that's why I'm here, doc.

I have the best plastic surgeon

in all of New York.

Your facial muscles, tendons,

bone structure, everything...

...was destroyed.

And there wasn't a single square inch

of skin left intact.

Just take it off already.


Let's do this.

I'm gonna need you

to sit forward a little bit.

All right.



...a few strategically placed

alloy plates...

...and just a little bit of horse hide.

A little bit of what?

I need to talk to my doctor alone.

Yeah. Yeah, of course, Billy.

The f*ck's the matter with you?

You can't control yourself?

You know how sensitive he is.

I'm sorry, Pops, it's just, I've...

Have you ever seen anything so...?

Just shut the f*ck up.

You okay, boss?

Much better. Thanks.

I'll be in the car.

No more distractions.

We need to focus on my goals.


We need to get my money back.

Two, we're gonna get rid

of Frank Castle.

But he took out, like, 30 of us.

I mean, how are we gonna k*ll him

before he'll k*ll us?

My brother will take care of that.

- Loony Bin Jim?

- Shut the f*ck up.

His name is James.

Not Loony Bin Jim, not LBJ. James.

I'm sorry. It's a good idea.

Really, it is.

Don't mind him.

He doesn't think before he talks,

just like his mother.

Sorry about that, Billy.

Billy is dead.

From now on...

...you call me Jigsaw.

He's mine.

Hey, Billy, f*ck you!


How are we doing today,

Loony Bin Jim?

Yummy, yummy.

So good.

- What?

- Dr. Basner. Open up!

Yes, doctor.


Is that you?

It is.

You look fantastic, brother.

Ink, cut these off, now.

Pittsy, go open the doors

of every other cell...

...lead everybody out the front door.

- Sure thing, Billy.


I'll take care of this guy.

Oh, no, brother.

Fatso's mine.

Of course.

I'm gonna get my applesauce back.

Did you know...

...kidneys and applesauce

are a delicacy in Sweden?

Did you know that?


Yummy, yummy, yummy

in my tummy, tummy, tummy.


What do you say, boss?

- Stuff might come in handy.

- What for?

Well, in case he starts,

you know, not feeling so good.

I think he's doing just great.

You're in my light.

For the next time

someone gets in your light.

Step the f*ck away from my little girl.

Mom, that's a dad word.

Go inside, Grace.

You're messing with the wrong family

on the wrong day, assh*le.

You, you're...

What are you doing here?

What makes you think

you could come here?

- You'll scare the girl.

- Shut up.

Shut your mouth.

- I'm sorry.

- I said shut up.

What's this?

Something to help out.


No, you don't get to do that.

You don't get to sh**t my husband

in cold blood and then stop at the ATM.

It's for your daughter.

This is what you deserve.

What you did to Nick.

Who punishes you?

He taught you how to sh**t.

A good agent keeps his family safe...

...but he couldn't always be here.

He took you out to the range.

He showed you what to do.

This is where you do it.


...don't pull.

I can't find my red pen.

Mom, I need it.

You take it.

Is this it, boss?


Nice, brother.

- Is it yours?

- Not yet.

Old Cesare used to rent it

to screw hookers.

Let's go inside

before I freeze my f*cking balls off.

What's the matter, Billy?

Just when I think I'm okay...

...I see my reflection somewhere...

...and I look horrible.

What has he done to me?

No, no, no, don't.

Don't cry, brother.

Everything is gonna be all right.

I promise you two things:

One, I will find Castle...

...and I will k*ll him slowly and painfully.

And two, you will never, ever

have to look at your reflection again...

...as long as you're with me.

You're not in Transylvania anymore,


We don't talk vampire.

It's Russian.

My man is concerned.

If Punisher can do this to your face...

...what might he do to our deal?

The tongue stretches further

than most people think.

Ask your man

how he's gonna talk that shit...

...when I pull it from his mouth.


The Punisher is not a problem.

The docks are mine.

My looks have nothing to do with this.


...from the local security

to international customs is in my pocket.

Quite frankly, this job doesn't get done

without me.

My most sincere apologies.

My father always say

never insult your host.

Sounds like a reasonable man.

You don't know of my father.

Three days.

It has to be 12 million.

We agree on 10.

We both know...

...that this biological shit

you're bringing in isn't leaving the city.

You're selling it

to the ragheads in Queens.

The ports have been crawling

with suits from Homeland.

Gonna take a lot of payola

to keep it quiet.

Always knew you'd be a good boss,


Thanks, brother.

Latin Kings.

Let him go, Frank.

You know this piece of shit?

Ex piece of shit.


He's a regular choirboy.

- f*ck you, cr*cker.

- Language.

It's a genius racket.

You know how the cops

always run those g*n buy-backs?

Except they never work.

Because what banger

is gonna trust a cop, right?

Well, these drive-by wack jobs,

they just love Carlos here.

They get one look at that ink...

...and they know he's for real.

We get the g*ns off the street to you.

Never once seen a banger

that could quit.

Too f*cking stupid.

He's straight, Frank.

Hey, Mom, Frank's here.

He says eat up, huh?

How's she doing?

Yeah, well.

As long as she's got her cooking shows,

she's good.

It's the only thing she notices.

But, hey, that's something, right?

Listen, I...

I just came around to tell you

that I'm going out of town for a while.

Out of town?

I'm sorry.

I never thought of The Punisher

taking a long weekend.

I'm not planning on coming back.

So I take it things didn't go so well

at the Donatelli home?

Are you aware

that Billy Russoti survived?

I heard.

Let the cops take care of him.

You and I know

they got nothing on him.

Their hands are tied.

This is where The Punisher comes in.

This is why I believe in you,

why I supported you all these years.

You want me to tell you when

something happens to Mrs. Donatelli?

That's what's gonna happen.

You don't think

he's gonna go for revenge?

It's not a question of if,

it's a matter of when.

- Pull a couple of Berettas.

- For what?




Russoti is the last one, then I'm done.

From your lips to God's ears.

You know where I can find him?

I don't have a fix on him.

You wiped out his associates

that are known to me.

I saw him with some new guys.

Leader was black, dreadlocks.

Did some acrobatic stuff over the roofs.

That's Maginty

and his urban free-flow g*ng.

He's a mean m*therf*cker.

He's on a constant meth high.

Well, come on.

You wanna find this guy or not?

You boys play nice.

- I've been looking for you.

- Agent Budiansky, take a load off.

I need to go see Castle.

Where do I find him?

Rats, you know, he just left.

Wait, wait, wait.

You know what I like to do?

I like to sit in my car...

...and listen to the CB radio

and follow the crime.

We might just run into him.

It's never worked for me in five years...

...but I'm not the luckiest guy

on the planet, y'know?

Let's go through the back door.

Maginty and his boys are planning to hit

a convenience store on 45th and 2nd.

Suspects are armed and dangerous.

I repeat,

suspects are armed and dangerous.

Let's do this.


Just drive the car.

Come on. Come on.

Oh, f*ck.



- Don't k*ll me.

- Russoti.

- Where is he?

- Your man, Jigsaw.

I was just with him. He was supposed

to give me some dough for a job.

But turns out...

...he don't have any anymore.

He forgot he gave a whole bunch

to that FBI rat bastard.

So he went to go see

Donatelli's wee bitch to get it back.

Something for something.

Mr. Punisher, sir.

So when did Donattelli go undercover?

We were partners in narcotics.

Unfortunately, most of the blow

we confiscated ended up in my nose.

Internal Affairs

tried to get Nicky to rat me out.

He wouldn't.

So they send him undercover.

He's dead because of me.

So you still skiing the old alps?


That's in the past.

- Holy shit.

- Shit.

Drive around,

meet me on the other side.


Hello, Mrs. Donatelli.

Or will you be calling yourself Miss

from now on?

What do you want from us?

I'm looking for my money...

...which your rat of a husband

stole from me.

We don't have it, I swear to God.

How about you, sweetcheeks?

Would you also like to swear

on an imaginary friend?

Make sure they don't move.

- We'll look for the money.

- Hey, kid.

Freeze, assh*le!

You're under arrest.

Stay out of my way.

Listen to me.

Russoti is headed

to the Donattelli house.

He's probably already there.

You have to let me go.

You have the right to shut the f*ck up!


Damn it. Cops.

- Evening, officers.

- Is everything okay in there?


Everything is not okay.

Follow me.


Oh, no, you don't.

Well, well, well.

This day was bound to come

sooner or later, wasn't it?

Have you heard back

from the patrol car?


I tried a couple of times.

There was no answer.

Listen, we gotta get out of here

before more pigs arrive.

- No!

- Where is my f*cking money?

My husband has a safe

upstairs in the bedroom.

I don't know if it's there

but I can give you the combination.

Oh, how cute.

Is that your dead husband's birthday?

Let me help you.

- Get him to the station.

- You bet.

Let me out.

You know, Frank...

...throwing you a tip now and again

is one thing.

Password to the crime database

et cetera, but letting you go?

- Soap.

- Fine.

How you doing?



f*ck that...

What was that?

Go check it out.

What the f*ck are you waiting for,



You, sit down.

I'm calling this in.

Put your hands behind your back.

g*dd*mn it, Castle!

Where do you think you're going?


I repeat, request immediate backup.

Don't worry, I'm here.

Give me your f*cking g*n.


Stay right where you f*cking are.

We did it, Budiansky, huh?

Would you mind explaining to me...

...how a handcuffed criminal

escapes custody...

...from the back of your locked car?

That Castle's a slippery one.

You'll be safe here.

We can manage on our own.

Just until we know

Russoti's been arrested.


Grace, we're leaving soon, honey.

She's smart.

Go ahead. Open it.

It belonged to my daughter.


Put that down, honey.


...was Lisa's favorite toy.

She got so angry when her little brother

used to hide it from her.

Does she care if I play with it?


You're gonna fry

for k*lling two of my officers, Billy.

- I want a lawyer.

- Oh, you'll get your f*cking lawyer.

But no lawyer's gonna get you

out of this one...

...you ugly piece of shit.

Agent Miller, what are you doing here?


- What's he got to do with the bureau?

- The case Donatelli was working on.

He says he's got some intel,

he wants to make a deal.

Anyone know where he is right now?

- Brought him into the observation room.

- Good.


Captain, Agent Miller from the bureau.

I believe you were informed

I'll be taking over this?

This perp k*lled two of my officers...

...and terrorized the widow and child

of one of your agents.

You keep that in mind, Miller.

You're lucky I came to you with this.

That I'm a patriot.

Just like you.

I shit red, white and blue.

The reason you came to me

is because you got caught.

So don't insult my intelligence, okay?

You tell me what you know.

If it's any good...

...I'll recommend life without parole.

This deal is going down tonight.

I know when and I know where.

So you're gonna give me

and my brother here the immunity...

...and the money...

...or you're gonna have to explain

to Wolf f*cking Blitzer...

...why you had the lead on the thing

that k*lled half the f*cking city...

...and you didn't do

a g*dd*mn thing about it.

I'll be right back.

Oh, and Miller?

There's just one other little thing.


Go, go, go.

Get them alive.

Homeland Security, put your weapons

on the ground.

Do it now!

You're a f*cking dead man.

My father will k*ll you, you hear me?

My father will serve your head

on a f*cking silver platter.

Walk down to your right.

Stand clear.

Agent Miller.

As agreed.

The other condition of our agreement?

Clear the area.

I hope to God he finds you

and you get what you deserve.

- How long was I...?

- A long time.

- You should eat.

- Grace.

- What is it?

- Egg and cheese...

...MREs, that's all I have.

What's an MRE?

Meal ready-to-eat.

Military food.

It's great for people who can't cook.

Look, Grace,

this one came with Chuckles.

That's the best one to get.

Not exactly a balanced breakfast.

Out of practice.

Not one more step.

- Where's Micro?

- His mother isn't feeling well.

- He didn't want to leave her.

- Damn it.

I need to talk to him.

This is Carlos.


...a friend of mine.

He's gonna hang

while I take care of some things.

- Hi, Carlos. I'm Grace.

- Hey, little girl.

We're gonna be homeys, right?

Yeah, we're gonna be tight.

This will all be over soon.

Then you can go.

Don't go.

I need you alert.

Don't make me regret this.

That was fun.

Now, let's go k*ll Castle

in his miserable hole.

No, not yet.

We're gonna have ourselves

a little bit of fun with this.

Next time he has to face us

and a f*cking army.

Where do we get the army from?

Just like Uncle Sam, bro.

We recruit in troubled neighborhoods.

Offer a hundred grand

towards a college education...

...they'll never get and promise

nobody ever has to go to Iraq.

Just as long as I get to k*ll Castle.

Don't worry, brother, you will.

Just making damn sure this time

he don't come back breathing.

Here we have garlic, onion...

... a little paprika rub

on a rare roast beef.

Hello, sports fans.

And how are you today, my friend?

Run! Get out of here!


I axed you a question.


You don't answer.

Guess I'll have to ax it again.

Here I come.


Bring them upstairs

and meet me back down here.

Let's see if we can talk

a few poor bastards into signing up.

Where are they?

I tried. I swear I tried.

g*dd*mn it.

Don't die on me.

I'm bleeding out.

I've seen this show before.

Shut up, kid.

You're gonna be fine.

It hurts real bad.

Hurts real bad, Frank.

Don't let me die like this, man.

Not like this.

See you in hell.

I see you anywhere near hell...

...I'll kick your ass out.

I haven't seen you in ages, Frank.

Whatever it is, it must be pretty bad.

Maybe I'm just here

to see an old friend, Mike.

Yeah, right.

- I haven't seen you since...

- The funeral.

I know.

I've been reading about you.

You've been a long a way

from the seminary, my friend.

I don't even remember that

as part of my life.

Why do you do this?

Somebody has to punish the corrupt.

For in the same way you judge others,

you will be judged.

And with the measure you use,

it will be measured to you.



I'm okay with that.

God be with you, Frank.

Sometimes I'd like to get

my hands on God.

Interesting choice for a meeting place.

I didn't take you for a religious man,


Yeah, well...

...an eye for an eye.

- If I remember right...

...they're not called

the Ten Suggestions.

Russoti's got Angela and Grace.

- How?

- Doesn't matter.

Maybe if you'd put them in protective

custody like you should have...

...we wouldn't be having

this conversation.

They'd be dead.

The law can't touch him, Castle.

Total immunity.

Unless you've got a videotape

of Russoti taking them.

We can't even give him

a parking ticket.

It's a f*cked-up system

you're sworn to protect.

Never said it was perfect.

He wants me in exchange for them.

I need you to secure the trade.


...but I'm doing this by the book.

What book do you think

they're going by, huh?

I took an oath, Castle.

- There are laws.

- No official police procedure.

You wanna come along?

Leave your badge at home.

- I have to think about it.

- Clock's ticking.

Gentlemen, gentlemen.


We're looking for a few good men.

And we'd like to offer you

the opportunity to be...

...all that you can be.

Now, we've all suffered loss

at the hands of The Punisher.

And because we don't

look like everybody else...

...and because we don't act

like everybody else...

...nobody does a g*dd*mn thing

about it.

Well, I say...

...he ain't the only one who can take

the law into his own hands.

So if you're as sick of this cocksucker

as I am...

...raise your armies.

You'll be well-paid...

...you'll be well-armed...

...and at the end of it...

...The Punisher will be dead.

Agent Budiansky,

just in time for happy hour.

You need to come with me.

Where to?

Your partner Frank Castle

needs help.

"Partner" is a little bit

of an exaggeration.

How did you know?

Oh, usually,

unless you've arrested Houdini...

...a handcuffed criminal

does not escape that easily.

You know,

you're not as stupid as you...

I didn't say that.

- Who are we looking for?

- Cristu's father.

I don't think this is a good idea.


We're looking for Tiberiu.

Cristu's father.

- Why?

- If I were Tiberiu...

...I'd probably wanna find the man...

...who was responsible for sending

my son to prison for the rest of his life.

- And how would you do that?

- I'd tell him when and where to find him.

What do you want from it?

I don't like him

and I want him taken care of.

No worries, my friend.

All right, lock and load. Lock and load.

- Let's knock him down.

- Get ready.

Here they are.

Oh, boy.

Take it easy, James.

He'll be here.

- You get it.

- f*ck that, man. You get it.

I'll get it.

- What you looking for?

- I'm here to see the Jigsaw.

You're out of luck. No Jigsaw here.

I'm here for The Punisher party.

Who's the old man?

It's Cristu's father.

Old-country genocidal maniac.

Figured he'd stir up a shit storm

for us.

Cops will be all over this place

once the fireworks start.

I wouldn't worry about that.

I called in a expl*sives permit.

Construction crew.

Said we'd be blasting dynamite all night.


...what's the plan?

I'm going in to get them.

You call that a plan?

It's all I need.

Well, I'm going in with you.

Never took the time to think about

where I was headed.

I'm far down that road.

You're not going there.

Thanks, Frank.

You know he's gonna take it out on me

when he wakes up.

If you don't hear g*nf*re

for longer than five minutes...

...the girls are not here,

set him loose.

Come on, get him. Go, go, go.

Quiet, fool.

It's time.

James, be careful.

Oh, for f*ck's sake.

Won't be replacing

that son of yours any time soon.

Blood in the urine.

Early indicator of kidney failure.

You should be seeing double

right about now.

That would be a torn meniscus.

- James.

- g*n.

Welcome, welcome, welcome.


- Please, help us.

- Shut the f*ck up.

Come on, Castle.

Don't be shy.

Throw down your g*n.

- Die, you bastard.

- No.

James, that's no way

to punish The Punisher.

Nice sh**t.


Let's play a game, what do you say?

You got one round left in there.

You sh**t one of these two.

I'll let the other one go free.

What do you say, Frank?

Who's it to be,

your fat friend right here?

Or that nice little piece

of jailbait over there?

Burn in hell.

Okay, then they both die.


She's a kid.

sh**t me.

Okay, f*ck it. k*ll her first.

- No.

- Stop.

He's made a decision.

Not looking too good for you, fatso.

After three, Castle.



You won't feel a thing, Micro.




Get out.

f*ck you.

Let me put you out of my misery.

This is just the beginning.

You okay?

- Where's Castle?

- Still inside.

And Micro?


Frank, are you okay?

You better get out of here.

Yeah. Come on, Frank,

I'll buy you a drink.



My husband...


We talked about you.

Argued about you.

He said you were one of the good guys.

You know, buddy.

Maybe it's time to quit now, huh?

I mean, you must get tired of this, right?

And I think you got

all the criminals in town.

If there are any left...

...they ought to

at least consider rehabilitation.

I mean, contrary to popular belief,

people can change.

I guess what I'm saying is...

...I'm just personally

not a fan of the death penalty.


Where did he go?


Give me your f*cking wallet,


You're kidding, right?

Do I look like I'm f*cking kidding?


Give me your wallet.

- Frank.

- Do you wanna die?

For the last time, give me your wallet.

Oh, God.

Now I've got brain splattered all over me.
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