01x09 - Nell's Ex

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gimme a Break!" Aired: October 29, 1981 – May 12, 1987.*
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Nell Harper is the no-nonsense housekeeper and surrogate mother for police chief Carl Kanisky's children: Samantha, Julie and Katie.
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01x09 - Nell's Ex

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Gimme a break, I sure deserve it ♪

♪ Gimme a break, I sure deserve it ♪

♪ It's time I made it to the top ♪

♪ Gimme a break, I'm looking forward ♪

♪ Get behind me, pull out every stop ♪

♪ I want a happy ending, I'm tired of pretending ♪

♪ Won't let 'em get the best of me ♪

♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa

♪ Gimme a break

♪ The game is survival

♪ Gimme a break

♪ And plan my arrival

♪ Gimme a break

♪ For heaven's sake

♪ What happened to my piece of the cake? ♪

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break!

Hello, george? Hi, this is julie.

Listen, the junior prom is coming up on saturday,

And I was wondering if you have a date

Or if maybe you'd like to take me.

Come on, george. I know it's you.

That is the worst spanish accent I've ever heard.

I hate this!

Julie, it's the s.

It's okay for a girl to call a guy for a date.

In fact, it's downright upright.

Katie, don't compare me

To that stupid woman on the commercial.

Hi, doug. This is stephanie.

How about coming up to my place for some expensive sherry?

Might be worth a try.


Forget the sherry.

Maybe it'll work with tab.

Hello, roger? Hi, this is julie.

Oh, she's still trying, huh? Yeah.

Maybe she ought to call dial-a-prayer.

I was wondering if you'd like

To take me to the prom on saturday.

Oh, I see.

Yeah, sure, I understand.

Okay, bye.

He's going to stockholm to pick up a nobel prize.

Well, it might be true.

Hi, honey.

When's dinner?

As soon as your father gets home from work.

You know, if you start washing up now,

You'll be clean by dessert.

How did your game go?


I struck out twice, grounded out,

And then popped up to the pitcher.

Oh, well, maybe you ought to drink more light beer.

Yeah, but if it keeps up,

The guys are gonna go back to calling me a girl.

Samantha, in a couple of years,

You're gonna need a whole new kind of chest protector.

Not me. I'm never going to be a woman.

Who could stand it?

Guys coming on to you all the time --

Hugging you, kissing you, pawing you.

Slow down.

That sounds better than the real thing.

Okay, todd. I understand.

You have a brother?

How old?


Well, is he a mature ?

Thanks anyway.

Hi, julie.

Don't start with me, sam. I'm not in the mood for it.

Take it easy, samantha. Julie's had a rough day.

Hey, why should I care about going to some dopey prom

And dancing to a bunch of dopey songs

With some dopey guy I barely even know?

You couldn't get a date, huh?

Where are you going?

I don't know. For a walk.

Hang on. I'll go with you.

I'd rather be alone.

Maybe I'll meet a mugger who can do the funky chicken.

Wait a minute, honey. Don't be gone too long.

Your father will be home from work soon,

And you know the last time his dinner was late,

He bit the mailman.

Poor julie.


This dance means a lot to her, doesn't it?

You know, it's really starting to bother her

That she doesn't have a steady boyfriend.

Poor julie.

Why are you saying, "poor julie"?

Even if she misses the prom,

She'll have a great time that night.

Yeah? Why is that?

Sonny bono's on "the love boat."

[ Video games beeping ]


Run out of quarters?

Yeah, just spent my last one.

Do you have a car?

You need a ride home?


I want you to run over me.

How about a free game of astro destroyer?

I could push the reset button.

You work here?

Yeah, I'm trying to fix maniac here.

It has a pretty serious problem.

What's wrong with it?

Blobbo the berserk beach ball isn't working.

Game's no good at all without blobbo.

Yeah, once you bust your blobbo, you're out of the ball park.

Gramps found that out.

Haven't seen you here before.

No. It's my first time.

Thought so.

All the regulars have bloodshot eyes.

Anything the matter?

The usual thing -- people, life...



Thanks for letting me spill my guts like that.

Hey, I understand.

Sometimes I wish

The whole world was just a bunch of computers.

Anything goes wrong, you shove in a new circuit.

Anybody hassles you, you zap them into hyperspace.

What an incredible philosophy of life.

Thank you... Whatever your name is.


I didn't want to seem like I was coming on to you.

You're a very thoughtful person,



Actually, it's arnold.

Arnold, that's very honest of you to admit that.

You know, you're kind of different.

I was hoping you wouldn't notice.

No, nice different --

Like, the way you talk and everything.

You're smart.

Most of the kids who come in here

Are always talking the same old stuff --

What's your sign?

How many pairs of calvins do you own?

Who does your hair?

Arnie, I don't know my sign,

Calvins give me thunder thighs,

And as you can see, I do my hair in a cuisinart.

All right! I don't believe it! A new record!

Hey, straight hours on froggy hop.


His mother's gonna have a vegetable for dinner.

Yep, froggy hop's a pretty tough game.

You have to get the frog across four lanes of rush-hour traffic

Before it gets squashed by a truck.

Not too many frogs make it.

It's not easy being green.

Could I ask you a question?


Would you like to go to a dance with me on saturday?

Oh, I don't know how to dance.

Oh. Me either. [ Chuckles ]

Well, I better be going. Bye.

I-i can walk.


I mean, I can't dance,

But I know how to, you know, walk to music.


Does that mean you'd be interested in going?

Yes, um, I'd be interested.

Wow, terrific.

I'd be interested, too.

Look, I get my break in an hour. How about if I take you home?


We'll go past forest lawn.


I have to get you a corsage.

[ Chuckles ]

"Once upon a midnight dreary,

While I pondered, weak and weary --"

What time have you got?

The little hand is on , the big hand is on ,

And you're on my nerves.

Are you sure that julie didn't say where she was going?

Chief, she was in kind of a bad mood and wanted some air.

There's plenty of great air right here.

And if she didn't like it, I could have sent out for some.

Look, you're driving yourself crazy.

Why don't you just relax?

Dad, julie can take care of herself.

Yeah, she probably just lost track of the time.

Don't you two have some homework

That you could be doing wrong?

You know why teachers give us homework?


So old people can get us out of the room.

Come on.

Do you know what's out there on those streets after dark?


Danger, that's what --

Creeps, muggers, perverts,

Punks, sickos, drunk drivers, rabid dogs.

k*ller moths. k*ller moths.

It's not safe.

You know, it's amazing, chief,

That you let your cops out on the street at night.

Look, she's only been gone a few hours.

Why did she ever have to grow up?

Why didn't she stay a baby?

Yeah, crying, drooling, spitting up, tinkling.

Yeah, but at least then she left a trail wherever she went.

Julie kanisky, where have you been?

I ran out of quarters,

And I met this electronics genius.

Honey, your daddy's been worried sick -- I got a date for the prom.

Oh, that's good. Sit down.

He's perfect, nell.

He's smart. He's witty. He's handsome.


Phil donahue is taking you to the prom?

His name's arnold.

Arnold sletskin.


With a name like sletskin, he better be good.

You know what he said when I asked him to the dance?

He said... "I'd be interested."


Julie, I just love raw, naked passion.


Hi, daddy!

Are you all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Good. Then I'm gonna k*ll you.


You're grounded for three months!

Dad, I just was out having a good time.

I met this really nice -- what the hell do you think you were doing

Staying out till all hours of the night like some tramp?!

Dad, please don't ground me.

Just let me go out this one saturday night.

Then you can ground me for the next three years.

You can lock me in the attic till I'm .

I'll eat mice.

You're grounded for three months, period.

Hey, chief, wait.

Doesn't she at least get a tin cup

To rattle against the bars?


Don't you think you're being just a little bit harsh?

Butt out, nell.

Grounding is not harsh.

Grounding is gentle but firm.

Harsh is when he puts bamboo sticks

Underneath my fingernails.

That's next.

Come on.

Don't you want to hear both sides of the story?

I know both sides of the story. I'm right, and she's wrong.

Daddy, please, just let me go this saturday.




No! And that's final.

Daddy, listen to me! I got --

Are you gonna let me eat my dinner in peace?

Aren't you gonna listen to what I have to say?

That's not fair!

You can't do that!

It's stupid!

It's dumb!

I hate you!


Well, this sure ain't "the brady bunch."

Any luck, honey? She's not with any of her friends.

They haven't seen her since school.

Maybe she joined a cult and shaved her head.

Yeah, by now she's at the airport, selling flowers.

Where could she be?

Maybe she has amnesia,

And she's with a band of roving gypsies.

She's not with a girlfriend,

And it's not like she's got a boyfriend or anything.

Maybe she's just out there walking around.

Yeah, that's what happens when you have amnesia.

Wait a minute -- boyfriend. Am I stupid?

Listen, julie came here all excited

About meeting some electronics genius.

Really? Yeah, and I think they have a date for that dance.

You're kidding. No, uh...

What else did she say?

Well, I think she met him when she ran out of quarters.

Electronics genius?

Ran out of quarters?

Nell, that could only mean one thing.

Right. Right. She met a guy at the laundromat!

No, at the arcade at the shopping mall.

It sure fits.

I mean, all the kids hang out there.


Any word? She turn up? Dad! Dad!


I drove through the whole town twice.

No sign of her.

Maybe I ought to notify headquarters.

Yeah, but tell your men not to sh**t

Till they see the pink of her bubble gum.

Listen, chief, I think I might know where she is.

You know?

Then why the hell didn't you say so?

I just figured it out.

Well, where is she?

Well, I'll tell you if we make a deal.

Well, what are you talking about?

What kind of deal?

First, you got to calm down and let her go to that dance.

That's blackmail.

I know that, but blackmail is beautiful.

Damn it, nell. You listen to me!

No, you listen to me.

You will not barge in on that girl

Like a one-man swat team.

She's got to be punished.

Chief, well, if you're gonna punish her,

Make her clean the garage or mow the lawn

Or iron your shorts -- that'll take a year --

But do not take something away from her

That is this important.

I can't believe that I'm standing here,

Plea-bargaining over my own kid.

Well, that's my offer. Take it or leave it.

All right, she can go to the stupid dance.

That's mighty white of you, chief.

Where is she?

Well, we think that she's down at the arcade in the mall.


You mean you kids knew about this, too?

Why didn't you tell me?

Dad, if you knew where luke skywalker was,

Would you tell darth vader?

Chief, one more thing. What?

When you get down there to talk to her

In that fatherly way of yours, give her this.

What's that?

Oh, it's a dime for her to call a lawyer.

Your dad is really sweet.

[ Video games beeping ]



[ Sighs ]

Mind if I play?

I guess not.


These games are pretty complicated.

You kidding?

You're looking at a man

Who spent his childhood in penny arcades.

Penny arcades?

That must have been a long time ago.

Yeah, my father used to drive me over

On the family dinosaur.


Yeah, they used to call me "fingers" kanisky --

Fastest flippers in glendale.


You're looking at two fingers

That never knew the meaning of the word "tilt."

Press the reset button. Oh, thanks.

Where are the flippers?

No flippers, dad.

How do you make the balls go?

No balls, either.

What a stupid game.

Where are the pretty girls

Whose buns used to light up when you made a double score?

This is a computer game, dad.

They're death ships and meteors.

You have to sh**t them down before they zap you.

No buns?

No buns.

Do you want to go first?

Yeah, why not?

[ expl*si*n ]

Attaway, "fingers."

What happened? You got zapped.

Well, I haven't even started playing.

The death ship knows no mercy.

My turn.

Hey, you're pretty fast.

Watch out for that big meteor.

I see it.

Dad, we're supposed to be playing against each other.

You're not supposed to help me.

Well, that's part of being a parent.

Sometimes I can't help myself.

I worry about you.

Dad, I can take care of myself.

[ expl*si*n ]

Your turn.


Now I'll show this thing who's boss.

[ expl*si*n ]

Well, now what happened?

You exploded again.

That seems to be my specialty.

I noticed.

[ Man laughs evilly ]

Who's that?

The machine.

It laughs?

Mm-hmm. It talks, too.

Well, you blew it again, comet head.

And how would you like a swift kick in the asteroids?

Dad, a kick isn't the answer to everything.

Neither is running away.

Why don't you ground the machine for three months?

Look, I'm sorry about before.

Maybe i... Did go a little crazy.

A little?

Don't push it, julie.

You wouldn't even listen to me when I tried to explain.

Look, honey, i-i just can't help it, julie.

I'm a cop. I know what goes on out there.

And I'm scared to death that something might hurt you.

[ expl*si*n ]

Back at the house,

I said some pretty terrible things to you.

I just want you to know that...

I didn't mean most of them.

So, tell me about this boy you're going to the prom with.

Did you mean what you just said?

I'm not grounded? I can go to the prom?

Yeah, but you got to iron my shorts.

Sounds like nell was in on this one.

Thank you, daddy.

You're really gonna love arnie.

He's really cute.

He's sort of a combination robert redford and al pacino.

I see, so, a tall, short, blond, brunette

Wasp-italian with one blue eye and one brown.

So, where is this marvel?

He's over there fixing froggy hop.

What do you think?

Well, I tell you, I can see the pacino,

But a little of the redford seems to be missing.

Anyway, come on. I want you to meet him.

Daddy, could we not say anything about your job just yet?

How come?

Well, it's hard enough

For a guy to meet a girl's father right off,

But finding out he's the chief of police?

You're right. We'll never say a word.

And when I drive you to the prom,

I won't even turn on the siren.

[ Indistinct talking ]
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