07x205 - Signal of Rebellion

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x205 - Signal of Rebellion

Post by bunniefuu »

[LUFFY sighs]

[NARRATOR] Earthland has

been afflicted by a series

of strange phenomena.

These mysterious disruptions

to the natural flow of life

have done great harm not

only to the creatures

of Earthland, but

also to its people.

A region once

gorgeous and lush

with greenery now suffers

from unrelenting drought.

A once beautiful beach,

known for sunlit skies

and temperate weather,

lies blanketed in dark clouds.

A scorching desert that

once stretched as far

as the eye could see has

transformed into tundra.

[BIRDS screeching]

[NARRATOR] Disoriented by

these anomalies, a vast number

of creatures have

begun to migrate.

All have felt these

changes. However,

as of now, there is not a

single person in this world

who comprehends

their true significance.

[All gasp]


The whole place is cleared out!


Weird, where'd everyone go?


It's like a graveyard in here.


Signal of Rebellion

Is everybody else

out workin', or what?

Yeah. Between this weather

and the natural disasters,

folks have been

hurting out there.

[KINANA] So naturally,

the guild's been just about

buried in job requests.

Hey, I'm great at

disasters, let me at 'em!

Giddy up, man, I wanna

check out that request board!

This is perfect!

My celestial spirits

were pretty much

born to put nature in its

place. They'll rock this!

Just point me to a

town that's overheated

and I'll have Aquarius flood

the place with cool water!

There was a place like that,

but Juvia and Gray

beat you there.

[GRAY] This place is hotter

than I thought it'd be.

[JUVIA] We only just got

here and it feels like

I'm being cooked alive.


Well, let's get to it.

I'll follow your lead,

darling. Go ahead.

Ice Make Geyser!

Water Slicer!


It's so refreshing!


I should've brought my coat!


Finally, I can get...

[GRAY] Well, That should

last 'em for a while.

I'm cold now, warm

me with your body!

Gah, keep your

grabby hands off me!

[LUCY] Hm...

Okay, is there anywhere around

that needs to have repairs done?

'Cause I bet Taurus

could rebuild

a whole town singlehandedly!

Yeah there was, but Erza

has it covered by now.


Come on men, get a move on!

Work like you give a damn!

[FOREMAN A] And if you

need some inspiration,

take a good look at her.

[ERZA yells]

Dig for glory!

She's my hero!


Yeah, mine too!


My work here is done.

I'll assist the others now.

I'm in your debt for

exposing me to such

an excellent workout routine.

[LUCY laughs]

Let's see here.

Oh yeah, Wendy and Carla

are off helping a ship

that got stuck in the

open sea for lack of wind.

[MIRAJANE] Laxus and

the Thunder Legion went

to protect this city with

a broken lightning rod.

[CROWD cheers]

[LUCY sighs] So are Elfman and

Lisanna helping out as well?

They're dealing with a

farmland pest problem.

My brother's probably

scaring the spots off

some leopard boars as we speak.

[LUCY] Gotcha. Wait,

is Nab out there too?

[KINANA] He read some

scary books and now

he's afraid to leave his room.

Sounds like him.

But, just about everybody

else was able to find

something that suited

their abilities.

That wall was covered in flyers.

But at this point,

the pickings are slim.

[HAPPY] Seriously. The only

ones left are all gross or lame!

[NATSU] Lawn work, book sorting.

Tricks at a birthday party?

Who do they think I am?

[LUCY] Don't knock those

till you see this side.

This is your fault Lucy.

If you hadn't spent half the day

in the bathtub, we'd be

wrapping up by now!

I have a morning routine.

You might not care how

you look or smell, but I do.

Don't you worry! I saw

a job that had "Lucy"

written all over it,

so I snagged it for ya.


Did you really?


You're our savior, thank you!


Oh, stop it.


Take a look!

There's a little coastal

village called Seabellus

that needs help with research.

There's a pretty

hefty reward, too.

[NATSU] Sounds legit.

Let's get a move on!

If we make it back before Gray

does, we can call him a slacker!


Job after job.

You never see it coming.


Does it help to lay like that?


I gotta get off this thing.

Just throw me out

the window. I'll walk.

[LUCY] Walking isn't an option.

It'd take us days to get there.


Wow, he turned a new color!

[NATSU groans]

How long till the pain ends?


Around two hours or so.

[NATSU groans]

[HAPPY] This job is

perfect for ya Lucy,

I mean no one else

from Fairy Tail can do it.


Mm-hm! celestial wizard wanted.

Assistance is required

investigating a disturbance

amongst the celestial spheres.

This is a possible cause

of recent changes seen

in the climate

throughout Earthland.

Maybe you can fix the weather!

Celestial wizards

really are super hard

to come by these days!

This job and I are a match

made in the heavens,

my feline friend.

[HAPPY] If your head

keeps growing it'll pop.

[LUCY] So I was thinking,

if the client can afford to do

this kind of research,

I'll bet they're like a scholar

with a royal grant or

a government agency.

[HAPPY] The flyer

doesn't say who they are.

But, I guess we'll find

out when we get there.

So, uh...

This is it. Or it should be.

[HAPPY] I don't know

how to it break to ya,

but there's nothin' here.


Yeah, I noticed.


"Just two hours left," she said.

Bull crap, it felt like days.

[NATSU sniffs]

That smell. What is it?

[LUCY, HAPPY gasp]

[LUCY, HAPPY scream]


What is that thing?

[LUCY] It's a sea slug!

A really frickin' big one too!


Is that a kind of fish?

'Cause if it is,

then we can eat it!

Crazy as this sounds, I think

he's hungrier than you are!

Okay fine, what's your plan?

I've got this!

It actually works out

that we're by the sea.

Open, Gate of the

Water Bearer! Aquarius!

[LUCY] Uh.

[HAPPY] Pop it open, now!

This is so not right.

Hey Aquarius.

What's the matter with you?

[LUCY] C'mon, Open,

Gate of the Water Bearer!



What happened?


Pretty please? I need your help!

[HAPPY, LUCY scream]


Fire Dragon Iron Fist!

[LUCY screams]

It downed him

like a roast pepper!

I'll try this one.

Just hang in there, okay?

Open, Gate of the Golden Bull!

Come on!



What's the deal?

[LUCY] Why won't any of

my spirits come help me?


Fire Dragon...


[NATSU screams]


You're alive!

[LUCY] At least one

of 'em's gotta work!

Loke! Get your butt out here!

What's wrong with me?

I need some help!

Sagittarius! Please! Virgo?

Anybody out there?

Don't let me get eaten!

One, two three, heave!

I'm good! Lucy isn't

usin' her spirits?

What's the deal?



Hit the sand, Lucy! Fire...

Dragon Roar!

[LUCY screams]

Eat your fill.

Lucy, run! She's gonna blow!

[LUCY screams]

[NATSU] Yeah, I don't

think it's comin' back.

Hey Lucy, you okay?


My celestial spirits won't come.

I say the words. Then, nothing.


It's certainly strange.


Yes. To say the very least.

Come on. Is nobody else

gonna be real with her?

As your friend,

I'm obliged to say it.

This ain't your look.

I find it ironic, getting

fashion advice from a nudist.

Cover yourself please

Excuse me. But what is it

that you said was strange?

The job that Natsu's

group just took.

Seabellus village

doesn't actually exist.

But, how could it not exist?

[ERZA] I've done a number

of jobs in that region

and it's quite deserted.

If there were a town there, it'd

be populated by giant sea slugs.

[GRAY] If the town isn't

real, we can assume

the job was faked too.

[MIRAJANE] But who would

do something like that?

And what are they after?

I have a bad feeling about this.

Unfortunately, it seems far

too elaborate to be a prank.

If they're heading for a trap,

then we should warn them!


I hope I'm not too late.

It's Yukino.


You're soaking wet.


You must be freezing!

I have to speak with

Lucy, where is she?

[ERZA] Tell us what's happening.

Why are you so flustered?

[MIRAJANE] Hold on a sec.

I'll go grab you a towel, okay?

There isn't any time.

I need to find Lucy

as soon as possible!

There's something important

I have to tell her!

Alright then.

Now Open, Gate of the Ram!

Come Aries!


Open, Gate of the Twins!


[HAPPY] I'm sure they'd

come if they could, Lucy.


All ten keys are broken?

[LUCY] I don't understand

what's wrong with them!

Maybe they're all

out doing some

important celestial

spirit stuff.

No. Even if that

were the case

they'd still give

some kind of response.

What could've happened?

I can kind of picture

Loke or Aquarius

blowin' you off, but Virgo and

Aries wouldn't do that to ya,

they take things too seriously.

[LUCY gasps]

There's one way to find out.

I still haven't tried

my silver keys!

Open, Gate of the

Southern Cross!


It worked!

Wow, you did it!


Long time, no see, Grandpa Crux!

[CRUX groans]


Grandpa Crux!


Whoa man, you okay?

I'm afraid not.

You're badly hurt.

Talk to us, what

happened to you?

Just tell us what their name is.

I'll take care of the rest.

Something awful's happened.

In the celestial world.

Wait, what do you mean?


Miss Lucy. Heed my words.

If that which has been set

in motion isn't stopped,

then both the celestial world

and the human world

will end up completely--


Watch out!


Who att*cked us?


Maybe those moles had kids!

I know that scent.

Natsu? Where's Grandpa Crux?

[CRUX screams]

[NATSU, LUCY gasp]

[CRUX] Miss Lucy.

Please run while you can!


Shut your mouth.

The punishment for

chatting up humans is severe.


Hey, who are you?


Scent doesn't lie. We know her.



She would never hurt

a friend of mine--


I like to hurt things.

It's the best part

of being The Maiden.

Oh yeah!

[ERZA] Those are the

keys of the Balance

and the Two Fish, aren't they?



I use these keys to

summon Libra and Pisces.

Unfortunately, the last several

times I attempted to use them,

my calls went unanswered.

You must be so worried.

Those spirits

are special, right?

Yeah, they're two of the

Zodiac celestial spirits.

There are many beings

in the celestial world,

but those are

uniquely powerful.


I don't understand.

Are celestial spirits even

able to disregard a summons?

I thought they were

bound to obey the wizard

to whom they're contracted.

Is something interfering

with the keys?

[YUKINO] I've been looking

into it, but nothing's come up.

But, that's why I

must find Lucy,

to find out if

her zodiac spirits

have gone silent as well.

[CARLA] First we learn she's

taken a false job, and now this?

[WENDY] Without her spirits,

she could be in real trouble.


Don't worry, she's with Natsu.

Did I just say that?

[MIRAJANE] We could try

to get in touch with her

telepathically, but Warren's

out on a job right now.

I hope she's okay.

Please. Help me!

Your cries of pain are giving

me the shivers, old boy.

Hey, let him go!

That can't be her. Can it?

[VIRGO] Go back where

you belong, traitor!

[CRUX screams]

She forced the gate to close!


Tell me. Are you actually Virgo?


Who else would I be?


I don't know, but the real Virgo

wouldn't do this stuff!


Mm-mm. No, I'm sure of it now.

You don't even look the same.

But you're her.

[LUCY] Whatever happened,

you're still Virgo.

There's no doubt about it.

I know my friends.

You've worked

that out, have you?

Well done, I'll reward

you with pain.

That's not how rewards work.

[VIRGO grunts]

[ALL scream]

You wanna fight me? Let's go!

Let's see what

your guts look like.

[NATSU yells]


Stop fighting, please!


How come?


I have to deal with this myself.

I'm the one she made

her contract with,

so it should be me

that enforces that pact.

[VIRGO] In that case,

you must be Lucy Heartfillia.

I'm told that I used

to be a sl*ve of yours.


sl*ve? We were friends!

What do you mean "told?"

Don't you remember?


Sure don't.

The days I spent serving

you have gone dark.

That's crazy.

You forgot that much?

I'm bored talking, let's get

straight into the pain!


I'll make you remember!

[HAPPY] Lucy's barely

keeping up with her!

[NATSU] Virgo was trouble

enough when she liked us.

[VIRGO gasps]

Take this!

[VIRGO gasps]


[LUCY whimpers]

You just showed

mercy to a sadist.

Bad move!

[LUCY screams]



Stay back. It's my fight.


But why?

Something's taken her memories,

but that doesn't mean

she's not my friend.

I have to find

a way to help her.

Weakling! You coward!

Suffer, master!

Screw this.


Natsu, stop!

If you really wanna help,

then stay out of this one, okay?

[LUCY screams]

The look on your face

is quite exquisite, Lucy.

But you can scream far louder

than that and we both know it.

[VIRGO cackles]

[LUCY screaming]

[VIRGO] And that means you've

been holding out on me!

How dare you!

You're a glutton for

punishment, aren't you?

I said louder! Cry for help!

You're pathetic!

I'm not gonna

watch this anymore!


Lucy! Snap out of it, c'mon!

[VIRGO] Come back later, you

can have her once I'm through.


You'll pay for this.


Why're you being so mean?

Can't see a thing!

What's goin' on?

It's burning through my eyelids!

Golden light.


No way! Are they all here?










Why do they look so different?

[HAPPY] I guess

whatever freakified Virgo

got ahold of them too.

Greetings, old master.

We thank you for

that introduction.

We also ask that you excuse us

for our ill-mannered entrance.

We weren't plannin'

to beat you up till later.

She's not right.

[NATSU] Okay spill it,

why do you all look so weird?

[LOKE] Perhaps we once

took on forms designed

to please you humans,

but no more.

Loke. Is that you?



Is that what you

used to call me back

when I was one of

your pet spirits?

Hear me well.

I am as through with that

name as I am with you.

[HAPPY] Did you really

just snub Lucy's love?

That's crazy, I mean you've

been hittin' on her for years!


Silence, cat. I am Leo the Lion.

The Leo she tamed with a

key and a whip is no more.

In light of this new reality,

I'm free.

The contract I once

signed with you is void.

[LUCY gasps]

[LOKE] That goes for each

of us. We serve ourselves now.

[SAGITTARIUS] We lured you

here in order to inform you

of the termination

of our contracts.

[AQUARIUS] That fake job

flier we made tricked you

pretty good, huh?

[TAURUS] We decided to let

you see your utter inability

to control us for yourself.



So was that Sea Slug

attack a part of your plan?


Sure was!

We wanted to let you know

that you can't call us

to do your dirty work,

even with those golden keys.


Please. No.

It's so creepy when she

tries to act cute like that.

Can we talk about this?

Listen, please.

I understand that you

don't remember making

your contracts with me.

But you did, and it was

because you wanted to!


I was never your master.

I was your partner, your friend!

I still am. it's just

that you've forgotten!

Crying. My, what a pitifully

human sight to behold.



You and I have been together

since I was just a little girl.

My whole life.

And now you're saying

that you don't remember

anything about me?

Honestly, you don't

look too familiar!

I've moved on, Lady, you should

probably try to do the same.

Times are changing.

[TAURUS] Any more questions

before we take our leave?

This can't be.

Please at least try to remember!

You've been with me for so long.

Good times and bad, I was

never alone because of you.

I just. Want my friends back.


Think she means it?

[TAURUS] It matters not.

We've delivered our message.

It's not our fault if she

refuses to understand.

[AQUARIUS] Yeah, humans

are dense like that.

[LOKE] Well if the girl won't

be convinced by our words.

Then let's give

her a demonstration.

Let's prove our bond is broken.

[LUCY gasps]

The hell?

[HAPPY] Good thing you

got her outta there.

That blast was huge!





You three look awful thirsty!

[ALL grunting, screaming]



My aim is true.

[ALL screaming]



[TAURUS] Yes. If you'd

be so kind as to leave.

[ALL screaming]



This'll be fun. Let's go!

[NATSU grunting]



That'll do.

'Kay. I'm fired up now!

Wait, Natsu!

I know they're acting like

jerks, but it isn't their fault.

they're just not themselves.

If we could

somehow find a way

to bring their memories back.

They'd stop.

I've got an idea. Happy!

Keep an eye on Lucy!


Aye, Sir!


Where shall I stick them?


Oh no!!

[NATSU yells]


Natsu! Be careful, will ya?

Don't hurt them!

They're still our friends okay?!

Yeah. Don't worry 'bout it.

I'm just gonna pound on 'em

till they remember who I am!


the raw power of a

celestial spirit unleashed!

Cool! Give me

everything ya got!

[NATSU] I'm kind of glad

this happened, Loke!

'Cause I still owe yo two

whacks from awhile back!

[LOKE] Are you saying

I've defeated you before?

[NATSU] No you sucker-punched

me, doesn't count!


Ha! You'll have to hit harder

than that to put

a dent in my armor.

[NATSU] Look man.

I'm sure it's good armor,

but is it worth lookin'

that dumb, Loke?

That's not my name!


Points for hanging in there.

But Leo's gonna tear him apart.


Well, he's only human.

[LOKE] It's time to give up,

because you're beaten.

No mere mortal can defeat an

unshackled celestial spirit.


Cut it out with the braggin'!

It ain't like you, Loke!

I told you not

to use that name!

[LOKE] This taste of freedom

has left us craving more.

Complete freedom will be ours.



[LOKE] There's no point

in explaining it to you.

It is something far

beyond your comprehension!

[NATSU grunting]


Let me down, Happy!

I had him right

where I wanted him.

Who's side are you on, cat?


You eat too much.

My little arms are

gonna pop right off.

He says they want

"complete freedom." But.

[LUCY] Weren't they free

already? What does he mean?

[HAPPY] You're like

two sacks of bricks.

[NARRATOR] The celestial

world's current state.

[AQUARIUS] Lame! I can't

believe we let 'em escape.

We totally had 'em too!

[TAURUS] Ignoring the

winged cat was a mistake

for they couldn't have

retreated without him.

[SAGITTARIUS] Their escape

does complicate things.


We'll deal with them later.

In the meantime, there

are more pressing matters

that require our attention.

[LOKE] There are many tasks

and obsticles before us.

They'll forge the

path to freedom.

[HAPPY] Okay! Time to

buckle down and research

why the celestial

spirits got so weird!


Perfect! That's my specialty!

[HAPPY] I said

"research," not "rampage."

[NATSU] Hey, for all you

know I could be a natural!

Ain't no tellin'

till I give it a try.

[HAPPY] This is how all your

great failures begin, Natsu.


Just you wait!

I'll tear this book

apart in three sec--


Wow, knocked him right out.


Next Time: Library Panic!

[NATSU] Ah, crap! Did I

just get KO'd by a book?

[HAPPY] Yup. Still

think you're a natural?
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