07x206 - Library Panic

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x206 - Library Panic

Post by bunniefuu »

I can't claim to know

exactly what's happening.

But a situation such as this one

troubles me to say the least.

[MAKAROV] Hm. And the first

sign was them not answering

when you called?



[YUKINO] A contract

between a celestial wizard

and their spirit is an

unbreakable, sacred bond.

So this sort of thing shouldn't

happen. It's unheard of.

I'm afraid this means something

extremely serious is going on.

With them ignoring you

and trying to hurt Lucy,

something major's gone down,

but what could it be?

I got no idea.

But when I see Loke again,

I'm gonna beat some

manners into him!

Why don't you take us back

to the beginning, Lucy.

Maybe we can figure out

where things went wrong.

[LUCY grunts]


They want total freedom?

But you have such a good

relationship with them.

Loke's like the head honcho

of all the zodiac

spirits, isn't he?

Maybe he's just being

super rude and trying

to stir up some kind of trouble.

Exactly, that's why we

should go with my plan

and beat the snot

outta that jerk!

Beating someone up

isn't a plan, you idiot.

Well at least I

thought of something!

How are you gonna fix it?

Shut up.

I fear it's more than

defiance. It's a revolt.

But why would it just

happen so suddenly?

That's not it. I refuse

to believe they'd do that.

Yes, I don't want to

either. But still...

I know. I'll call

Grandpa Crux again!

[HAPPY] But when you

summoned him earlier,

Virgo beat him and then

forced his gate to close.


I know he'll find a way.


Gate of the Southern Cross!



Wait. What?

I summoned Crux, not you!

[HOROLOGIUM] "Coming here

is extremely dangerous,

so I had this gentleman

bring me." He says,

through continuous snoring.

Well, the others may have

roughed him up a bit,

but at least he

gets to sleep it off!


Library Panic

We're back!

Please tell me

the kitchen's open.

I could definitely use a

bite to eat after that gig.






Is something wrong, you guys?



Grandpa Crux.

Can you please tell us what's

going on in the celestial world?

[CRUX] At first, everything

was so peaceful. And then,

all of a sudden, rebellion

began to spread like wildfire.

Contracts between Zodiac

spirits and their key holders

became null and void.

There was no warning for this,

much less any kind

of reason given.

[CRUX] They've been

running amok ever since.

Destroying the celestial world,

and sending us silver keys into

hiding, fearful for our lives.

Well what about

old mustache face?

Can't the Celestial Spirit King

restore order somehow?

[CRUX] Perhaps he could,

if anyone knew where he was.

He's disappeared without

any kind of trace.

You mean you haven't even

seen him since? That's bad.

Leo the Lion is

the official leader

of the Zodiac spirits,

so we can assume

they're acting

under his command.

And he had the nerve

to pretend like

he didn't even know who we were!

The only thing he

wanted to talk about

was how they were tryin'

to get "total freedom."



What does that mean?


I brought this with me.

I had a feeling this book had

something to do with all this.


What is it?

Would you mind if I take a look?


Now, let me see here.

This seems to be a magic book

written in ancient Meridisian.

Quite a few entries on

"Liberam."Reading through this,

I think it's more like

an encyclopedia instead.

We can always count on you.

Let me ask you something.

How did you know to

find this specific book?

[YUKINO] Well, I did a little

research on my own,

and came across this title.

But that's about

as far as I got.

I thought someone here could

help me find out more.

[CRUX] I must admit, I wasn't

aware that such ancient writings

still existed in

the human world.

But I can tell you that

the word 'Liberam' refers

to a certain ritual the

celestial spirits can perform.

It's a ritual?

What all do you know about it?



All I know is speculation.

But the story goes

that a spirit can obtain

this freedom Leo spoke of

by performing the Liberam.

This part looks

important you guys.

It says here that "The Liberam

requires a celestial globe

to free the spirits

from their chains."

From their chains?

Is that really how

they feel about it?

It can't be.

They're our friends.

[NATSU] I guarantee pouting

about it won't solve anything.

[HAPPY] Yeah, you're just gonna

give yourself frown lines

if you keep that up.

[LUCY sighs]

[NATSU] I'm the only one

with a real plan here.

And that's kickin' Loke's

butt till he's back to normal.

At least you care. Thank you.

This celestial globe

that the ritual requires.

Do you know where

it can be found?

[CRUX] I'm afraid I do not.

Hopefully, it's not already

in the hands of those

rebellious spirits.

That could be tragic.

It seems like we would know

if it was in their possession.

Aye sir.

[DROY] If they had it, I don't

think that they would have

revealed themselves to Lucy.

Yeah, they probably

would've already

started the ritual by now.

That is a valid point.

There's no reason for them

to show up if they're

really independent.

[ERZA] Have you been able

to find much information

on the Liberam in there, Levy?

Actually, there are pages

and pages of stuff on it.

But the ink is way

too old and faded

to tell what most

of it even says.

[ERZA] I wonder if we

can find another book

that can tell us more about it.

Wait a sec.

I have an idea.



We should check out

the Library of Sorcery

to see if we can

find something there!

Hm. Perhaps we may even

discover that these bizarre

weather phenomena

we've been experiencing,

and the disruption in the

spirit world are related.

But we need evidence.


I volunteer.

We need as much

reliable intelligence

on the subject as

we can possibly

get our hands on, and quickly.

And then we can make our move.

I trust you can

handle that, Erza?

[ERZA] Right! We'll

split into teams of two.

[ERZA] Cana and I, Wendy

and Carla, Gray and Juvia,

Gajeel and Lily,

and Mira and Elfman.

If we spread out we

can cast a wide net

for any relevant information.

Once Warren returns,

we can use his telepathy

to relay what've found

amongst the teams.

[ERZA] Lucy, Natsu,

Yukino, Levy, and Happy will

head to the Library of Sorcery.

Aye, Sir!

I love being a bookworm!

Are you fired up, Natsu?



He's gone!

[HAPPY] So are the clock

and the sleepy old man.

No. He didn't!

That nitwit will

be the death of me!


Hey listen. Thanks for the help!

You guys rule!

[HOROLOGIUM] "I'm more than

happy to be of service.

But I can't say that it's

very intelligent of you

to go against the

redhead's orders like this"

He grumbles disparagingly.

[NATSU] If you know me, you

know that I don't let anybody

get away with hurting

Lucy's feelings!

[HOROLOGIUM] "I admire your

loyalty, but information should

always come before action."

He advises contrarily.

Well, it's too

late for that now!

[NATSU growls]


Alright, ya bunch of star jerks,

you've got some

'splainin' to do!

Whoa! You two should find

somewhere safe to hide.

[CRUX] We will,

but please be careful!

[TAURUS] Welcome to the

celestial spirit world, mortal.


Taurus? What's with you?

I thought you were supposed

to be all wacky and pervy.


Then you would be wrong.

I may have once behaved

so boorishly, but no more.

[NATSU groans]

[TAURUS] I pride myself

on gentlemanly manners.

Even as I destroy you.

Is that so?

I'm gettin' kinda

worried about Natsu.

Don't forget that

time works differently

in the celestial world, so even

though it's been a while,

he's probably just

now arriving there.

Yeah, good point.

We're all a little worried.

But our team needs to

focus on finding clues

to help us stop the Liberam.

[HAPPY] There's gotta

be something promising

in all these stacks of books.

Have you guys found

anything that looks useful?

[LEVY] Not yet.

And we are gonna need

every single book on

that list I gave you.


Aye, Sir!


Listen to this.

"There are stories

from long ago that tell

of the Liberam ritual

being performed.

But they're just legends,

and cannot be verified."

[LEVY] "The name

'Meridies' means 'south'

in the Meridisian language."

Duh, I know that already!

[YUKINO] According to this:

"The Liberam can only

be performed in a

specific location.

Known as the Astral Spiritus."

[LUCY] Does it happen

to say where that is?

Can we go there?

[YUKINO] It only says

what it is, not where it is.

Maybe there's an atlas

in here that can tell us.


What about you?

Finding any info on

the celestial globe?


No such luck.

And all these books are

worn and faded out, too.

But it's gotta be in

one of these old things.

[BOTH gasp]


What's happening?

[LUCY] Unfortunately. I think

I recognize this feeling.

[ALL gasp]


Uh- oh!

[ALL scream]


Huh? What the heck was that?

Man, that hurts.


Are you doing okay, Levy?

Yeah. I guess so.

That was a major fall.

What do you think caused it?

What, do you see something?

Keep your guard up, everybody!

[ALL scream]


It's you.

As soon as I felt that rumbling

I was sure you were behind it!


What do you want, Virgo?

Who? Me?

To give you

punishment, of course.


Oh my gosh!

Has Virgo gone totally

nuts or something?


Yeah, but I don't know why!

[VIRGO] Aw. Can't a girl

have a little fun?

And what's more fun

than punishment?

Hope you're ready.

Because I really

wanna take my time

and enjoy every second of this.

Solid Script Magic...


You deserve a good

spanking for that!

[LEVY gasps]

Virgo, stop this!

Not gonna happen.

And although you might

think you can thr*aten me

with your little

Fleuve d'étoiles.

It's a toy compared to mine!

[LUCY screams]


Hang on, I got ya!



You're not getting away from me!



Whoa! Where'd that come from?

I've been doing combat training

ever since I

rejoined Sabertooth.

I'll hold her back while you

look for some more clues!


That's on you Levy,

kick that beautiful

brain into high gear!


Got it!

Yukino's gotten super scary.

Remind me to never get

into a fight with her.

[LUCY] Why would you fight

her in the first place?

[VIRGO] Although it's

true that I love pain,

I prefer inflicting it so

much more than receiving it.

Well, that's just

too bad for you.

This would be a lot

easier if I actually knew

what I was looking for!

Wait. What is that?


Could prove to be helpful.


[VIRGO] And now! I get to

punish you for hurting me!

[YUKINO gasps]


That was close!

Virgo, I'm ordering you to stop!

Oh are you? This is exciting!

Hearing you bark

out orders like that

really gets my blood pumping.

Okay. I knew she was

into some weird stuff

but this is crazy!


I don't get it Virgo!

I thought we were friends!

Why are you doing this?


Where are you going?

I just hope that

my hunch is right.

She's not running away is she?

There could be more

celestial spirits around here.

Make sure Levy doesn't

run into any by herself.


I will!

I know you're having

a lovely little chat.

But don't turn away from me!

Because I really wanna

see that beautiful

face of yours,

all twisted with pain.


Man, that hurt.

[TAURUS] It seems as though

that hit wasn't quite enough.

Alright, I know you

owed me one for when

I thought you were a monster

and kicked your butt.


So, I suppose we're even now.


I don't recall such a moment.

[NATSU] Maybe you just need

me to give you a reminder

of what that felt like!

So come on!

[TAURUS] That would

prove udderly pointless,

in my opinion.

This new smarmy

attitude of yours

is really gettin' on my nerves!

Fire Dragon...


Major owie.

[HAPPY] Your big ol' fat butt

is gonna squeeze my insides

right outta me.

That is so rude.


Think about how I feel.


Where'd Virgo go?


Oh no!

I bet she ran off

to try and find Levy!

Where are we going? Did you

find some sort of clue?

Yeah, a list of donations.

And what we're

looking for is on it!

Are they donations that

were made to this library?


Most definitely!

Which means the celestial globe

is somewhere in this building!


That's great news!

[LEVY] Apparently it was

discovered at an archaeological

dig site. I don't

think they realized

its true importance,

so they donated it here.

Besides magic books, this

library houses many artifacts

discovered in Fiore.

It's gotta be here!

[YUKINO] But, this place is

huge, do you know where it is?

[LEVY] Not yet, but

I bet we can find it!

There's bound to be a place

they keep those kinda things!


Virgo, wait!

[VIRGO] Do I look like

the type of person

who waits for anything?

Get outta my way!

[HAPPY] This is way

worse than Lucy's butt!


Please, Virgo, stop!

Oh yes.

Keep begging.

The more you plead,

the more excited I get!

So let's make it really tight.

She's gonna rip

my head right off!

Whatever I may have done

to make you mad, I'm sorry!


I'm not mad at all!

I can't remember ever

feeling this happy!

Well, Happy's

feeling really bad!

[LUCY screaming]



Oh my gosh!

I don't think you can bend

Lucy like that for much longer.

You're gonna

snap her in half!

Let's talk about this!

Please Virgo!

[VIRGO giggling]

[NATSU yelling]


Listen, cow!

You've been Lucy's celestial

spirit for years now!

Whenever she's in trouble,

she turns to you for help!

You helped her

take down Nirvana!

Don't you remember her at all?

How could you forget her?

[TAURUS] I have no idea

what you're talking about.


Then I'll remind ya!



I don't see anything

that resembles a globe.

[LEVY] Maybe it's not

in this warehouse.

But I'm afraid that checking

all of them would take days

or maybe even

weeks to get through.

Hm. There's gotta be some

kind of clue hidden around here

that I'm just not seeing yet.

This is the most amazing

punishment I've been

lucky enough to be a part of!

I don't know if I can take it!

[BOTH screaming]

[HAPPY] Tell me when

the room stops spinning.

[LEVY] I just have to

stay calm and think.

I can find it!

[YUKINO] I'm worried

Virgo's not far behind.



[YUKINO] Whenever you found

the list she looked your way.

She was watching you.

[LEVY] If that's the case,

why didn't she follow us

down here earlier? She

could've caught us by now!

That's true, but I'm

wondering if she's just

waiting on you to

find the globe first

so she can take it from you!

[LEVY] You may be right.

We should hurry!

[BOTH gasp]

You'd better pump those legs

of yours faster than that

if you really wanna

get away from me!

This is not really a good

time to pass out, Happy!

[HAPPY] So many yummy

kinds of fish to choose from.

Are you actually dreaming?

[VIRGO laughing]

Yes, that's it!

Makes perfect sense!

Where're you going?

[LEVY] Sorry. Just

checking something out.

This one's the

East Warehouse.

[YUKINO] Okay. What's

the importance of that?

[LEVY] Well, if there's an

east, then there's probably

a west, north,

and south one too.


Right. Any of them significant?

The book you brought

was in ancient Meridisian.

And Meridies

translates to south!

So we should check

the south one.

Are you sure?

Yeah. But...

[LEVY] It would help if we

knew what floor it was on.

[YUKINO] I guess we'll have to

check them all until we find it.

[LUCY, HAPPY scream]


Oh no are you okay?

No more falling today, please.


Death by fat butt.

Did you guys have any luck

in finding some clues in here?

Yeah, I think

I know where it is!


I think we may have finally

lost the crazy maid.

[LUCY] If you wanna find

the south warehouse,

I've got just the

thing for that!

Now open,

Gate of the Silver Compass!


[PYXIS squeaks]

Good to see you again.

Do you happen to know where we

might find the south warehouse?

[PYXIS squeaking]



Looks like we're

heading that way.

Thanks, Pyxis!

[PYXIS squeaks]

[YUKINO] It seems that we're

closer than we thought.


Let's hurry!

[HAPPY shrieks]

She was watching us!

That's so creepy!

Go on and see if

you can find it, Levy.

Don't worry, she

won't get past us!

Thanks, ladies. I'm off.


Please be careful!


There goes little Levy McGarden.

On her way to find the

celestial globe, I'm sure.


Are you ready, Yukino?


I am.


I'd love to stay and hand out

more delicious punishment.

But that's not really why

I came all the way out here.



Gonna be feelin' that one.

[TAURUS] I must say, for

a human, you seem to have

an especially tough hide.


And you got a thick skull!

And I'll keep

beatin' sense into it

until you remember everything!



Now that you mention it

further, I do seem to recall

having contracts with humans.

As absurd as that sounds to me.


You do?


But those relationships mean

absolutely nothing to

me now. I've mooved on.

What'd you say?

[NATSU] Think about how

horrible Lucy would feel

if she heard that!

[TAURUS] I have no idea

whoo you are talking about.


Oh yeah?

Well, maybe this will

jog your memory!

Fire Dragon Sword Horn!



[NATSU screaming]

Aw man!


Thanks for the visit.


Holy crap! That's gotta be it!


Levy, are you here?

Yeah, and I've got

the globe with me!

Nice work!

Now we should be able to stop

the ceremony from happening!

We need to back

to the guild ASAP!

I knew that you'd

eventually find it for me.

[LEVY] Let go!

[LUCY] Levy!

[VIRGO] No thanks!

[YUKINO] Hang in there!

[LEVY screams]

Feels so good, I may

have to punish myself.



Please, you can't

go through with this!

[VIRGO] Sorry, but it's

mine. And as thanks,

I'll fill Magnolia full

of holes, just for you.

Listen. Before you guys go

through with the ceremony--

[VIRGO] Right, before that I'll

fill the Library full of holes!

[HAPPY] I don't think

she's gonna listen.

[NATSU screaming]



[NATSU groans]

That was the longest fall ever.

What are you guys doin' here?

And where is "here"?

[HAPPY] We're in the

normal world, Natsu!

In a library!

But I bet you've never even

heard of one of those, have ya?


She's gone!


And she took the globe!

It's gone for real.

How in the heck are

we gonna get it back?


Get what back?

[LEVY] So. What I was

gonna tell her...

There's a catch

with the ceremony.

I was trying to tell

her what it was.

[LEVY] I saw a note in the

catalog that listed the globe.

Celestial spirits can use

the Liberam to gain freedom,

but it comes at a heavy price.

Their lives will only last

days once it is done.

[ALL gasp]

Are you serious?


It's going to k*ll them?

[HAPPY] It's not really freedom

if you're not alive to enjoy it.

[HAPPY] Oh man, this

fish smell is amazing!

It's making me so hungry!

[NATSU] But it's the magic

ghost fish, not the kind ya eat!


So what?

[NATSU] So, is it

really a fish if it talks

and does other stuff?


Sure why not?

Show me one rule that says

fish aren't allowed to talk!


I see your point, but--

[HAPPY] If they can talk,

it's even better!

They can tell me how

delicious they are!


Now that's advertising!


Next Time: Hisui Rises!

[HAPPY] Maybe they'll have

some great slogans like,

"Eat me!" or "Fish is love!"

[NATSU] Yeah, those

are totally awesome.
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