07x216 - When the Stars Fall

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x216 - When the Stars Fall

Post by bunniefuu »

[OPHIUCHUS] The Celestial

Globe serves as a conduit.

It channels power from the

constellations of the zodiac

to my king.

The ritual we set out

to perform's sole purpose

is to grant him

the zodiac's strength.

It's called the "Liberam Verus".

Becoming an

Eclipse spirit did endow

the Celestial Spirit king,

who was already the

strongest being in his world,

with power greater

than he had ever known,

but it also gave him

an appetite to match.

Fearful of his mighty hunger,

the zodiac spirits attempted to

flee the celestial world.

They strove to be free of him.

But their celestial

bodies pulled them back

to the stars.

To resist was to suffer,

and to give in was to die.

The setup was perfect.

With the false hope

of the Liberam,

I set them and you

to work at granting my king

the power he craves.

The Celestial Spirit King

was that affected?

We thought we were

fighting to protect the spirits,

but we ended up putting

them right into harm's way.

To think we've been

banishing them to the very place

that they were so desperately

struggling to escape.

A world ruled by a

power-crazed monster.

How awful...

I can't believe this crap!

That isn't the

worst of it, either.

If this demented Celestial

Spirit King goes unchecked,

if his rampage can't be stopped,

then the celestial spirit world

will collapse in on itself.

Ya mean the whole damn place?


Princess Hisui's prediction

may well come to pass.

[growling noise]

Didja hear that growling?

It sounded like a wild animal!


Time to move!


[OPHIUCHUS laughing maniacally]

Enough of your noise!

You and your king

seem pretty desperate

to get yourselves hurt.

Ya don't need to destroy

the whole world for that.

I got your pain right here!


completely out of options.

There is absolutely

nothing you can do

to save your precious zodiac.

I don't give a

crap about my options!

I'm gonna stop you

no matter what!

[HAPPY] When the Stars Fall!

Listen. I got this.

I can handle Ophiuchus.

Take out that globe!

[OPHIUCHUS] I've already

told you, human.

There's no stopping me now!

Wish I had a jewel

for every time

someone said that to me.

Right before

I kicked their butts!

[flute playing]

[HAPPY, NATSU yelling]


What happened?

[LUCY] No idea.

All she did was play

something on her flute.

I'm not sure,

but it looked like

The Serpent's Dance of Death.


But what does that mean?

[HISUI] It allows her to

control any object or substance

in her sight,

merely by playing that flute.

[ERZA] This doesn't bode well.

[PANTHERLILY] Things must be

getting rough up there.

That's right.

Just one more reason

not to stand around waiting!

Let's get moving.

Natsu and Wendy are

gonna need some backup!

Yeah, but which

way should we go?

We can hear their voices,

but there's no telling

where they're comin' from!

Gray, darling!

I think we should

look for them over there.

just the two of us,

you and me, alone!

[GRAY] Drivin' that in

kinda hard, aren't ya?

[JUVIA] I don't know

how else to do it,

but I'm willing to learn.

This is hardly the time

for you two to get cozy!

We're not!

Let's just pick a

direction and start moving!

Can everyone please calm down?

Check it out!

Did you find something useful?

It has to do with

the term "Trinitas".

[CANA] Trinitas, huh?

Kay, what about it?

[LEVY] I had the entire passage

translated except for that word.

But I think I've got it now!

[flute playing]


"Trinitas" means "trinity".

And in the context

of this ancient language,

a trinity is comprised

of parent, child and spirit.

Which spirit?

What are you saying?

The parent's Ophiuchus.

And the snake...

No, Astral Spiritus

itself must be the child.

Which means "spirit"...

...must refer

to the shining light

that's pouring out

of the Celestial Globe!

Yeah. That would

make sense to me.

So what does that

have to do with anything?

The three are much

stronger when they're united.

So it looks like the only way

to stop Liberam Verus now

is to destroy each

piece of the Trinitas at once!


[flute playing]

[ERZA] We might not

be able to find Natsu,

but we can still assist him.

We'll leave the snake charmer

and the globe to his team

and deal with the serpent

of Astral Spiritus ourselves.

[CANA] You want us to fight

the thing we're standing in?

How would we even start?

[ERZA] I have a theory about

the source of all these tremors.

This might sound odd,

but I believe they're

caused by the serpent

shedding its skin in

order to alter its structure

as a kind of survival mechanism.

And if I'm correct,

then I say we

should help it along

until it's got

nothing left to shed.

So your plan is to tear

the monster apart from within.

[GAJEEL chuckles]

You tellin' me I can

smash whatever I want?


That is the Fairy Tail way.

We'll teach the

snake girl a lesson.

If you sit on a

three legged throne,

it's far easier

for us to kick you off!

Let's do this!

[ALL] Yeah!

Look out! Sky Dragon...

...Crushing Fang!


Arcadios, are you hurt?

Fear not, princess.

He's all right,

but what about you?

I'm fine.

Never mind me, we need to fully

focus on destroying the globe!

Its defenses

are quite formidable.

Wendy, let's see what happens

if we attack it together,

all right?

Yeah, sure!

Fleuve d'étoiles!

Sky Dragon Wing Attack!

How are we supposed

to deal with that?

[flute playing]

[HAPPY] Here it comes!

What do we do?

We can't back down!



A mere human,

soaring through the sky.

How arrogant.

[flute playing]

[NATSU] Damn you!

[HAPPY yelling]

[OPHIUCHUS laughs]

A lowly human can never

reach the level of the stars,

but if you really want to

fly, I'll help you.

[flute playing]

Cut it out! Crap...

Just hang in there, Happy!

Yeah. Don't worry abo--

--[flute playing]

--Whoa... whoa!

You okay?

We won't back down, right?

[HAPPY] Our heads are

thicker than she thinks!

That's right! Let's go!

[HAPPY] Aye, Sir!


I've never seen

a wall fight back before.

Doesn't matter.

It can't take

both of us at once.

[ELFMAN] Whatever you do,

keep on attacking!

[MIRAJANE] Don't stop while you

still have magic left!

[JUVIA] What is this?

Looks like the

obligatory dungeon trap!

Well guess what?

There isn't a

trap in this world

that can put an end

to the two of us.

Finish it!

Right. Leave it to me.

Water... Cannon!

[PANTHERLILY] Get ready.

Iron Dragon Club!

There any metal here?

I'm sick of all

this friggin' rock.

Don't count my cards out yet.

They're sharper

than you'd think!

Solid Script Magic: Drill!

[LUCY] It's kicking back

everything we throw at it.

Still, there

has to be something.

Let me take a crack at it.

Go for it!

Hey there.

This is Deneb,

the White Swan!

[DENEB] Go on.

Stop staring and ask me

why my wings aren't white.

I know you want to.


Nice to meet you too, Deneb.

D'you see that globe?

Destroy it if you can.

[DENEB] All right, fine.

There's certainly

nothing better to do.

"If you can," she says.

Maybe I would try harder

if my wizard believed in me!

You've got this!

I believe in you!

If you must humor me,

don't wait until

I've screwed up first!

Come on!

Break, ya damn orb!

Can't something

work out my way for once?


[DENEB] You were right.

I'm just as useless

as you think I am.

Sorry I'm not better.

[YUKINO] Deneb, no!

[WENDY] Uhh...

[LUCY] He's actually

a pretty tough spirit.

But he's got some

insecurity issues.

He vented practically all

of his angst on it, though.

How did it survive?

Uhh, Yukino?

How does that surprise you?

Requip! Heaven's Wheel Armor!

Circle Sword!

Fire Dragon... Brilliant...

[flute playing]

You sound like crap--Agh!


Fight through it, Natsu!

[OPHIUCHUS laughs]

What a pitiful sight you are.

Be gone!

[HAPPY] C'mon, bud!

[WENDY] They haven't

given up and neither will I!


That's the spirit, Wendy!

We can do this!

You can do this!

Give it everything you've got!

[WENDY] I will.

Dragon Slayer Secret Art!

Shattering Light: Sky Drill!

Good job, Wendy.

This should do it!

Wow. That just might work!


You're nothing more than ants

crawling in my sugar.

It's like you're

asking to be crushed.

[flute playing]


Arcadios, you saved me!

You're still in danger.

Please run!


Okay. Now you get out, too!

We have to help him!

What do we do?

[WENDY] Sky Dragon...

[WENDY] ...Roar!

Don't you worry,

I can heal you!


Are you all right, Princess?

I am, thanks to you.

But please stop throwing

yourself into danger!

[WENDY] It's okay, Princess.

He'll be fine.

You take care

of the globe! Hurry!


Okay, I'll do whatever I can.

But I'm...

[ALL scream]

I'm useless.

I've only made things worse.

No. Fight for today.


That light's getting stronger!

This doesn't look good.

We gotta stop it. Fast!


As you can see,

the Liberam Verus has entered

its final phase at last.

Soon its red light will

fill the Astral Spiritus,

draining the life force

of every member

of the Zodiac but me.

And when it does,

the Celestial Spirit King

shall acquire

more power than

you've ever imagined!

If you sh**t that

much power into him,

he'll probably explode!

Lucy and the others...

They're bound to their spirits.

And I don't mean by contract.

They've put their

hearts into those bonds.


[HAPPY] He's right!

They're all connected!

Those bonds mean

everything to them.

And I won't let you cut 'em!

I'm bored with

the Dance of Death.

How's this?

It's The Death Penalty.

[NATSU grunting]


Didn't even feel it.

Stop worryin' about us!

Focus on the celestial globe!

We can take her!

But you gotta

break that thing, quick!

We haven't even

put a scratch on it yet!

There has to be a way.

We can't have come

this far for nothing!

The demolition's going well,

but what's our exit strategy?

Don't think anyone

thought that far ahead.


Figured as much.

You did good, Juvia.


And it was worth the effort

to get alone with you

beneath this open sky.

Oh, darling!

Catch me if I faint!

You'd better not count on it.

Keep dodgin'!

[HAPPY] Aye, Sir!

Don't give up.

I've got a plan!

Without that flute,

she can't do crap!

If we can take it out,

the rest should be easy!

[HAPPY] Who said

anything about givin' up?

Oh yeah! The flute!

Geez man, you sure did take

your time figuring that one out!

Less time than you!

Get us in closer, will ya?

[HAPPY] Aye, Sir!

It isn't working!

I think the light's

blocking my healing magic!

Be strong, Arcadios.

[ALL gasp]

Libra and Virgo

must've felt this pain.

Yet they kept on

fighting until the end.

To be free.


First the Eclipse Project.

And then those keys.

I'm the reason

we're all suffering!

[LUCY] No one blames you.

There's no way

you could've known!

[HISUI] I deserve this pain.

A thousand fold.

I've earned it.

That isn't true.

You screwed up,

but you tried to make it right!

Listen. It's okay.

Everybody fails.

That's just part of being human.

Yes, but...


We don't have time for regret.

We have to make a stand!

[HISUI] A stand for what?

A stand for our spirits!

That globe can take

the magic from the stars.

Now tell me what you are!

I am a... I'm a

celestial wizard, like you.

We have to stop this.

In fact, the three of us...

We are the only ones

who possibly can.

[HISUI] There is a way.

And it will hurt.

We must make the stars

in heaven rain down.

[LUCY] How is that possible?

There's a spell.

Long forgotten hyper-magic.

It was known as Gottfried.

There's no choice.

Start it.


Hands of the welkin.

Clench thy mighty fists.

I bid the star's descent!

[CARLA] Wendy!

If he can last,

so can I!

Hurry, please!


Your efforts are futile.

The light of the Liberam

will fill this place soon.

Why can't you understand

that you came too late?


Don't let them distract you!

You're fightin' me!

[HISUI] Shine down.

Break the land upon your light.

Cleanse it with

your hands divine.

Let there be no

place left for darkness.

Fall straight and true.

I bid thee.

Bring empyrean

crashing down upon us!

Shine down! Gottfried!


I can sense it.

One final blow and it's done.



Black Fire Dragon mode!

What's that?

Dragon Slayer Secret Art!

Pitch-Black Phoenix Sword!

[HAPPY] Hey, Natsu.

Whaddaya think this

evil Celestial Spirit King

is gonna be like?


Maybe he talks super-fast now!

[HAPPY] Yeah!

A bunch of other spirits did

turn into their total opposites!

I mean, look at Loke!

He stopped likin' girls!


I bet the king's gone bald!

[HAPPY] Seems likely to me!

[NATSU] And he was huge before,

so what if he's tiny now?

[HAPPY] Let's see then.

He must've turned into a bald,

fast-talkin, ant-man!


Well I hope he can fight.

[HAPPY, NATSU] Next time:

Celestial Spirit Beast!

[HAPPY] What?

This is the

Celestial Spirit King?
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