07x218 - Believe

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x218 - Believe

Post by bunniefuu »

[GRAY] What the...?

[GAJEEL] Looks like it's

startin' to transform.

I think I liked him

better how he was before.

Everyone, keep your guard up.

He's bound to attack soon.

Why would he do this?

He'll destroy the

whole realm before long!

[ERZA] He well may,

so we can't sit back

and wait for Natsu and Happy

to tear their way

out of his innards.

I say we take him down now

and hope Natsu does what

he must and escapes quickly.

I'm a gambling man,

and I like those odds.

So what, he might get injured?

Yeah, sounds like a

risk I'm willing to take.

[HAPPY] So... Natsu?

It's cool that

we made it in here,

but now it's too dark

to see anything.

Where do we go?

[NATSU sniffing]

I can smell Loke

and the other spirits,

but I can't tell

where the scent's from.

[HAPPY] Uh oh.

Could that mean

they got absorbed?

[NATSU] Maybe, maybe not.

Look, this is

just a gut feeling,

but I think they're alive.

[HAPPY] His belly's huge!

It's like he's got a

whole universe inside it!

No wonder this guy's

so friggin' hungry.


Hey Loke! Can you hear me?

Where are you?

[HAPPY] Believe!

[NATSU sniffing]

[HAPPY] Well?

Yeah, I still can't

tell where they are.

I can smell 'em,

but it's like the scent's

comin' from all over.

[HAPPY] Then how're

we supposed to find 'em?


Same way we do everything.

We're gonna fly around breakin'

stuff until we get what we want.

I bet those things woulda hurt.


Good thing I dodged 'em!


They've got us surrounded!

[BOTH yelling]

[NATSU] Screw this!

Fire Dragon Wing Attack!

[HAPPY] Hey, something's

glowin' down there!

Do you see it?

[NATSU] Yup, and I can

hear somethin', too.

Yeah, that's

Loke's scent all right.


No point in waiting, then.

Let's move out!

[NATSU] Crap,

we can't catch a break!

I just realized...

This thing's immune system

is attacking us

like we're like some

kind of bacterial invaders!

[NATSU] Well, he's about

to get one hell of a fever!


[GRAY] Damnit!

He keeps knocking us back.

How do we get in

close enough to hit him?

[ERZA] Well...

The blasts are charging

from those green spikes,

so target them first!


Looks like he's in pain.

Then again,

he might just be annoyed.

It's Natsu.

Ol' Salamander's

tearin' it up in there.


Look! Behind us!

[NATSU] This is gettin' old!

Fire Dragon Iron Fist!

I think the att*cks

are getting stronger.

[NATSU] They are.

As if it wasn't hard enough

to fight in the dark like this.

Huh? That's new.

[HAPPY] They're moving

like they're alive.

That was close!

[HAPPY] They're only toying with

us, man, just look at 'em go!

[NATSU] So we're not germs!

[NATSU] I'm tired of dodgin'!

Let's trash these stupid rocks!

Fire Dragon... Brilliant Flame!

[HAPPY] Two more!

[NATSU] Got 'em!

Fire Dragon Roar!

[GAJEEL] Got somethin' for ya!

Iron Dragon Club!


Hey! Take a look at that.

I put a crack in it!

[GRAY] Let's keep

attackin' the same spots!

Screw weak points,

we can make our own!

Gajeel! Gray!

[ERZA] Lucy!

[LUCY grunting]

[ERZA] Just one more blow.

We did it!

And we can do it again.

There's one spike down,

now let's get the rest.

[ERZA] This fight

is far from over. Let's go!


[HAPPY] Hey, Natsu?

Might just be me, but it seems

like it's getting brighter.


Yeah, we haven't been att*cked

by any weird rocks

lately, either.

[HAPPY] Who knows?

Maybe the others found a way

to beat him up from the outside.

[NATSU] Could be!

Watch out! He's starting

to charge up again!

Take cover, now!

Yeah? Where, exactly?

Now you've pissed me off.


Iron Dragon Club!

His shockwave att*cks

have weakened considerably

since the start of this fight.

Our hunch was correct.

Those spikes are key

to his attacking power.

Let's hit them

'til there's nothing left!


Hang in there.

We're on our way.


Well, that looked painful.

You all right?

Yeah. Honestly,

that kinda tickled.

[HAPPY] Look, it's getting

brighter even faster now!

[NATSU sniffing]

Over there!

Dunno what changed, but

I can follow that smell now.

Loke's gotta be that way.

[HAPPY] Cool! Let's get him!

[NATSU] Aye, Sir!

Hey, are you okay?

I'm fine.

I've had it way worse than this.

Plus Natsu's still

wreakin' havoc in there.

There's not a chance in hell

I'll let that stupid

punk have all the fun.

Hey, Natsu...

Whaddaya think

that light could be?

That's the spot.

Bet the whole zodiac's in there.

[HAPPY] It's so bright!

And my feathers are melting!

Just get me in as

close as you can, okay?

[HAPPY] Aye, Sir!

[GRAY] Ice Impact!

We've taken out

almost every spike.

Any sign of Natsu?


Think he's still inside.

What the hell is he doin'

in there, takin' a nap?

Come on...

What the heck is this?

That isn't possible... is it?

[NATSU] Mustache face.


Well if the spirit beast

is as hungry as we think he is,

he'd try and

eat himself for sure.

That orb must be its stomach.

[NATSU] Wait, so where

d'you think we are?

[HAPPY] We're right above

the center of the spirit beast.

His belly.

[NATSU] Hey, big guy!


Wake up, will ya?

[HAPPY] That can't be good.

What do we do?

[NATSU] Keep him from gettin'

dragged into that mess.


[HAPPY] Aye, Sir!

It's those chains

that're pullin' him in.

If we can break 'em,

we'll be good!

Sure thing!

Fire Dragon Crushing Fang!

Fire Dragon Roar!

[HAPPY] They didn't even budge!

You were just

holdin' back, right?

Well yeah, I can

probably burn through 'em,

but it'll take a minute.


Too bad we don't have one!


Damn it. Gotta think fast.

[HAPPY] If he sinks too deep,

he'll get digested alive!

[NATSU] Plan B!

Fire Dragon Grip of Steel!

Put your back into it!

Flap those wings like you've

never flapped 'em before!

[HAPPY] Aye, Sir!



They're electric, too?

[NATSU sniffing]

What the...?

Loke, is that you?


This doesn't concern you, human.

Be gone.

[NATSU] It is you!

[HAPPY] If Loke's in that chain,

then what about--

Uh, Natsu?

There are thirteen chains around

the Celestial Spirit King.

[NATSU] Lemme guess. One for

every member of the Zodiac.

[HAPPY] If ya count

the snake lady, yeah.

But why would they do this?


All for the sake of the king.


All for the sake of the king.

[HAPPY] And I thought

they were weirdos before.

What the heck is

that thing up to now?

It doesn't have any

spikes left to hit us with.

True, but it seems to

be regaining power somehow.

Hey! Salamander!

Wake the hell up

and do somethin'!

[ERZA] Looks like the start

of a second transformation.


Attack before it can finish!

[HAPPY] They're gonna

shove the real king

into that thing's stomach

unless we stop 'em.

But what can we do?

[NATSU] Drop me in.

[HAPPY] What?

Plans are overrated,

don't need one.

I'll know just what

to do once I'm in there.

[VIRGO] Do not

interfere in this, mortal.

[GEMI] All for

the sake of the king.

[MINI] All for

the sake of the king.

[SAGITTARIUS] You're neither

needed nor wanted here, so go.

[HAPPY] Do you really want me

to drop you, or is this a test?


Course I do! Go ahead.

[HAPPY] Bombs away!

[NATSU] Hey. I know you

can hear me, so listen good.

I don't care how

sweet your dreams are.

I will tear you from them.

Then I'll make ya fix this mess.

'Specially the bit with Lucy.

You made her cry.

Put so much as a quiver

on her chin again,

and I will shave

your 'stache with fire.

Good talk.

But what are ya gonna do now?

Do you think Natsu's all right?

No way to be sure. But--

We gotta attack while

we still have a chance!

C'mon, Salamander,

you've gotta get

the hell outta there, now!

[NATSU yelling]

Are you crazy?


How dumb can you be?

I thought you learned

your lesson last time!

You got super sick

off of Loke's magic,

and that stuff could

melt right through ya!

[ERZA] Come!


What're you doing?

He'll crush you!

[ERZA] I haven't heard

or seen them.

But I believe

they will prevail!

Natsu and Happy!

For that belief, I fight!

[ERZA] They're coming back,

both of them!

And when they do,

you will fall!

[HAPPY] I gotcha!

"Watch what you eat,"

I said, but ya didn't listen!

You should make "nom first

and ask questions later"

your new catchphrase!

[NATSU chuckles]

Now that I've eaten,

I'm all fired up.

No way!

[NATSU] Get back in there!

I'ma tear those chains apart!

[HAPPY] Aye, Sir!

[HAPPY] Hey! Check it out!

The light just

got a little dimmer!

[NATSU] That's awesome!

Dragon Slayer Secret Art!

Celestial Fire

Exploding Flame Blade!

[NATSU, HAPPY yelling]

Natsu! Hang in there!

[NATSU] Lucy...

[ERZA straining]

Come on!


That was quite

the entrance, thanks.

It's the Spirit King!

[HAPPY] Amazing!

I almost forgot how pretty

the Celestial World could be!

[NATSU] Me, too.


Thank you so much, Natsu!

You too, Happy!

No problem.

Right back at'cha.

I do what I can.

But hey,

how reckless can you get?

I'm just glad to

see everyone is safe.

Haven't felt this bad

since the last time

I rode a train.

Ya leapt into an

Eclipse spirit's stomach acid.

What the hell'd you expect?

Just had to hog

all the fun, didn't ya?

[NATSU] Some of us

were trapped in the stars.

[JUVIA] And now we're back!

Thanks to you!

Yes, thanks.

I wouldn't have

lasted much longer.

Did you miss me, Gray?


I found life as a constellation

surprisingly pleasant.

I liked it, too!

But I couldn't live in the stars

without you, so come with me!

A real fighter doesn't twinkle.

Hey, Carla!

You should've seen me and Natsu

beatin' down that spirit beast.

It was super tough,

but I did it for you!

So has anyone seen

the celestial spirits?

[NATSU] Oh, yeah!

They gotta be

somewhere around here.

They would be...

So long as we were

swift enough to save them.

But if every human

was returned to normal,

then why wouldn't

that be true for spirits?

Are you seeing this?


[YUKINO] So this is it.

The real Celestial World.

It's just so beautiful.

[LOKE] Hey, what's up?


Look! There they are!

[YUKINO] Pisces! Libra!


You're all back to normal!

I wasn't sure I'd ever get

to see you like this again.

[LUCY] Virgo!

I'm so glad you're okay.

I missed you.

Well, thank you,

but I must admit that

your tears perplex me.

Did I miss something, Princess?


Never thought

I'd be this glad

to hear that word.

Seriously, though.

Do you not remember anything?

At first I was confused about

why you'd visit our

world for no reason,

but then I looked ya up and down

and realized you came by

to show off that bod.

Yeah, no.

How strange.

I didn't realize that there

was an impending celebration.

[NATSU] What's up, Loke?

Not a whole lot.

Long time no see, man.

[NATSU] Did you forget?

I saw you earlier today, dude.

You sure 'bout that?

So you don't remember

talkin' all high and mighty

about your spiritness

and avoidin' girls

like they're the plague?

No way. That's crazy.

Come now, I love women,

they love me. Right?


So much for rubbin' it

in his face that we won.


We'll take the high road.

[ALL chattering]


Lucy Heartfilia. My old friend.

[LUCY] Your Majesty!

I guess you've forgotten

everything that happened, too.

[NATSU] Good to see ya,

mustache face!

By the way,

you nearly ate yourself!


Shards of memory.

Tattered recollections

of a black and vile dream.

And the few bits of cogent

thought that remain

slipped my mind

a few minutes ago.

I suppose that's

part of getting older.


Well he almost remembered.



I need no memories

to sense that your arrival

and the destruction of my

black dream are intertwined.

And in the place of

whatever evil you've removed,

the white wind of

rejuvenation now soars

through my world.

The specifics are

of little consequence.

Let it suffice to say

I am deeply in your debt.

And I intend to repay

every last one of you.


Now's your chance, princess.

[HISUI] Agreed.


Celestial Spirit King!

My name is Hisui E. Fiore

from the Kingdom of that name.

And as the princess

of that country--

No. As a celestial wizard

who failed her charge,

I offer you my deepest apology!

I was reckless.

And that nearly got you k*lled!


is for the selfish and craven.

You acted only to save

my old friend's world

from catastrophe.

Then you faced your

failures to the last.

There is no shame in that.

And do not hunt for

culprits in the shadows.

The fault in this

belongs to all.

For each of us

were held prisoner

by the frailty

of our own hearts.

[HISUI] But still...



Even this took place beneath

the guidance of the stars.




If you have no other business

that needs to be settled here,

then I shall return you to your

own world in no time at all.

[VIRGO] Princess...

[LUCY] Your key!

I got it back somehow,

but it belongs to you.

Please accept

my service once again.

[VIRGO] Thanks!

I hope you call upon me soon.

And if I'm ever

late to work, whip me.

Hey! You should

take back our key, too!

Call us anytime, okay?

Every one of us is

ready to rush to your side.


Yes indeedy, my good lady!

[TAURUS] You're hot

and a rockin' boss, too!

Since you've begun to weep,

I could recite a poem

to brighten your mood.

[LUCY] Thanks. I'm good.

Is everything okay?

[AQUARIUS] It's just that

if I'm gonna cause you trouble,

I'd like to remember.

[LUCY laughs]


I don't know what I did,

but I feel guilty. It's gross.

I don't think it'll stick.

Thanks a lot!


Once we got back to Magnolia,

we found out that

every nearby instance

of problem weather

had suddenly stopped

in its tracks.

And it turned out that

when the Celestial Spirit King

said he'd get us

home in no time at all,

he meant it.

He dropped us off

at the exact time we left.

We all appreciated that.


It was perfect.

Everyone was able

to make it back

to the times and

places they belonged.

Things calm down as fast

as they start around here.

In fact, for all the chaos

the eclipse spirits caused,

almost nothing

in our world changed.

Except for one thing.


[LUCY] I wouldn't have thought

it was possible before,

but my love for

my spirits grew stronger!

Well? That true?

[HAPPY] Hey, Natsu!

How come we barely ever

get to hang out with Asca?

[NATSU] She's a busy girl,

but you're in luck!

Bisca came by and

asked us to watch her!

[HAPPY] No way!

She must've been

all kinds of desperate!

[NATSU] Asca's gonna

have the time of her life!

[HAPPY] You are good with kids.

[NATSU] Well yeah,

they look up to me!

[HAPPY] Yeah, right.

The only reason

little kids like you

is because you're

on the same level as them.

[NATSU] Hey now!

What the heck is that

supposed to mean?

[HAPPY, NATSU] Next Time:

What a Pure Heart Weaves!

[HAPPY] It means that I'll

look after both of you,

since I'll be

the only grownup there.

[NATSU] Asca's gonna

be a piece of cake

compared to raising you!
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