01x24 - Fromage Here to Eternity

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Electric Company". Aired: January 19, 2009, to August 27, 2012.*
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A comedy series that teaches basic phonetic and grammar concepts using live-action sketches, cartoons, songs, and Spider-Man episodes now known as Sesame Workshop.
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01x24 - Fromage Here to Eternity

Post by bunniefuu »

- Here are your five words.


A capsule is a small container

that holds something inside.


To orbit is to revolve

or move around something.


A monitor is the

screen on a computer.


Slightly means

just a little bit.


To navigate is to figure out

how to get somewhere

and then get there.

Okay, so we have

capsule, orbit, monitor,

slightly, and navigate.

Watch out for them

in today's show.

- Your name is Dexter

Bluster Blooperment.

Wait, did I spell

that right, Dex?

- Yes, very good.

- Great, and I just

wanted to thank you again

for letting me write an article

for the school newspaper

about how you make

cheese on your planet.

- Well, what your readers

may find interesting is

that we send our

cheese into space.

- Really?

- Yeah.

- Into space?

- Yeah, that's right.

- Oh Dex, this is going

to make a great story.

- I'm excited.

I can't wait to

show this to you.

- Oh, I can't wait to see it.

- The Esclecian way of making

cheese is so interesting.

- Uh huh, I can't wait either.

- Look on this monitor.

You can see my ball of

cheese in a capsule in space.

- Oh, I see.

The cheese is floating

around inside the capsule

which is like a

little room, right?

- Yes, and here's a view of

the Earth from the capsule.

- [Lisa] Oh.

- My capsule steering

wheel suitcase.


- But tell me, why do you

send the cheese into space?

- Well, it's like when

you make cookies and

you put them in the oven and

they come out golden brown.

Well, we put our

cheese in a capsule and

since there's no

gravity in space,

the cheese floats around and

comes out nice and fluffy.

- Nice and fluffy.

- And now I'm going to

have to navigate the cheese

back down to Earth.


- So you drive the

cheese back to Earth.

How do you do that?

- Oh, well, I use this monitor

to see where I'm going and then

I steer with my remote

control cheese steering wheel.

Oh no! My steering

wheel's missing!

- And the words on the

side of your suitcase

have been scrambled.

This looks like the

work of Annie Scrambler.

- But how will I get the

cheese down from outer space?

- Hey you guys!

Come on, yeah

Seek the power,

feel the power

Feel the power,

you can plug it in

It's electric,

electric company

You're connected,

electric company

It's electric,

electric company

Electric, electric company

Yo the power we perfected

is electrically connected

So use it as directed and

expect to be respected

Turn it on and you will see

That you belong

in the company

Feel the power,

feel the power

Oh feel the power

You can plug it in

Plug it in


Electric company

Electric company

Electric company

The Electric Company

- Why would Annie Scrambler

steel my steering wheel?

- Because I was picked to

write for the school newspaper

and she wasn't.

- Oh.

- You know what I don't get

is, where is the cheese?

- It's orbiting

around the Earth.

- Get out.

- Well, it's true.

I'll show you on

my capsule monitor.

- Yeah, I remember you

explaining to me this process.

It's so cool.

See, here's the capsule

orbiting around the Earth,

just like the moon

orbits around the Earth.

- And if you look at the screen,

you can monitor the

cheese'S orbits.

Show him, Dex.

- Okay.

- Oh, okay, so it's like

there's a cheese camera

inside of the capsule so you

can keep an eye on the cheese.

- Yeah, but if we don't

find the steering wheel,

the cheese will

be stuck in space.

- That is tough, I know.

- No, you don't know.

My grandmother's

birthday is tomorrow and

I was going to give her

the cheese as a present.

She loves cheese.

She's crazy for cheese.

It's unnatural how

much she loves cheese.

I could have made her so happy.

Where's Annie Scrambler?!

- Don't worry Dex, we'll

find Annie Scrambler

and we'll get that

steering wheel back.

Don't you worry Dexter


We're gonna get you

out of this predicament

Have no fear,

don't you worry

We are here, don't you worry

Listen Dex, here's the deal

We're gonna find

that steering wheel

You're gonna fly

that ball of cheese

Right on back to Earth, hey!

It'll be here just in time

For your granny's birthday

We're gonna serve it up

with crackers on a tray

And I can hear what

your granny's gonna say

She'll say, Dex you'

know I've always been

Something of a cheese freak

And Dex you have

made a cheese

That has made your

granny's knees weak

I love this cheese

It's so fluffy

I'd like more please

Fluffy fluffy,

it's yummy cheese

And it's not plants

I love this cheese

And my grandson, I love you

And your fluffy, and

your fluffy cheese

- Oh, now let's go

find that cheese.

Jess, Keith, Hector,

go search the neighborhood

for Annie Scrambler?

- Okay, cool.

- Okay, let's go.

- We'll text you if we find her.

- Good, let's go

back to the park

and see what we can find there.

- Okay.

- I'll tell you one thing.

- What's that?

- When I write my

newspaper story,

I'm gonna tell the truth

about Annie Scrambler.

She is not gonna like it.

- Yeah.

What time is it?

It's time to have some fun

What time is it?

It's time to have some fun

Fu u u u u un

Fu u u u u un

The time is right

to have some fun

Cause the short U

sound has just begun

If you want that walk

to pick up speed,

Then bust out the

uh and watch it run

When you munch on lunch

and you need a treat

The uh's got your back

with the sticky bun

If you just can't wait

to jump from your seat

Then unleash the uh

and have some fun

Uh uh, uh uh, uh uh

Uh uh uh, uh uh

What time is it?

It's time to have some fun

Uh uh uh, uh uh uh

You know I'm a fan

of having some fun

Uh uh uh, uh uh uh uh

- Cupcake.
























(beeping signal)




- [Announcer] Today on

the Big Face Face Off,

it's Jessica versus Francine.

- In this duel, I

will use the uh sound.

- I will use the

uh sound as well.

- Too much sun.


I have an umbrella!

- I will build a hut

to shut out the sun.

- I will cut a hole in your hut.

- I will climb onto

the hump of this camel

and we will run to

the tub of icy water.

Ah, and the water is

cool as a cucumber.

- Oh yeah, I will jump into

my own tub of icy cold water.


This is not my lucky day.

- So, what has happened so far?

- My special cheese

is inside a capsule.

- A capsule? In space?

- Yes, we make our cheese in it.

The capsule has to

orbit the Earth,

you know, circle around it.

- [Man] Orbit.

Orbit, orbit.

- I need my steering wheel to

bring the capsule down

to me and it's gone!

- Hey you guys!

- Dex, you seem slightly upset.

- Slightly upset?

No, slightly means a little bit.

I'm not a little bit upset.

I'm a lot upset!

- Who would want

your steering wheel?

- Annie.

- Annie?

Dex we will save

your orbiting cheese

First we'll find Annie

Follow me please.

- I'm really worried

about finding this cheese.

- We're is Annie Scrambler

and that steering wheel?

- Well, at least nobody's

going to be able to

drive the capsule

without my monitor.

(beeping signal)

- What's going on?

- Somebody's driving the

capsule without my monitor!

- Oh, and whoever it is,

isn't much of a driver.

- Manny, maybe I'd better drive.

- You promised that if I

helped you I could drive.

- Yeah, I know, but--

- And didn't we use

my technical genius

to figure out how

to attach my monitor

to this steering wheel so we

could drive in the first place?

- Yes, Manny but--

- And aren't we now able to

keep track of the cheese capsule

by monitoring on the monitor?!

- Yes Manny, but you see,

now that we're here and--

- But what?

- You are a terrible driver.

- I'm figuring it out!

See, look.

Nice and steady.

- Yeah, real steady.

Ah, Manny.


There's um, there's a

button on the steering wheel

that says instructions, yeah.

Why don't you, I don't know,

push it and get instructions!

- Instructions are for people

who don't know

what they're doing

and I am a technical genius.


- Hey genius, look out

for that satellite!


- It's flying out of control.

Oh no.

- What?

- It's no longer in orbit.

- [Woman] That's uh, bad.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah,

that's, that's bad.

Look, the Earth's gravity is

pulling it towards the ground.

It'll crash and it will

be smashed to smithereens.

- Smithereens.

(dramatic orchestral music)

Hey look at what I found

I want to share it with you

Transform my H

I can't wait to show you

all the things it can do

When it comes behind

the letter C, S, and T

It changes up the sound, stick

around and see what I mean

C all by itself

makes a hard sound KA

Transformer H comes around

with a new sound CHA

It turns cat into chat

Case into chase

Cow into chow

I think you got it now

S oh yes, you

don't have to guess

When it's all alone, it

makes a sound like a snake

But add the H and it's

a whole different thing

Sake turns to shake

Same turns to

shame, whoa yeah

And last but not

least this is the T

By itself, I tend to

think it is hard as can be

But when you add

the H, you will see

Tick becomes thick

And tree becomes three

Whoa, transformer H



Transformer H

- Of all the letters

in the world,

I think the letter H

is the most powerful.

In fact, if Manny Spanbonie

were to be a letter,

I would definitely be an H.

You will see how

some letters bend

at the mere will

whenever the H is near.

Let's take the letter T,

which thinks it's so great

just because it

makes the Tuh sound,

but add an H after it, and

it magically transforms

into the TH sound.

Not so tough anymore, huh T?

With an H, ten becomes then.

Tick becomes thick.

t*nk becomes thank.

And then, let's not forget the S

which thinks it's so

smart and sassy because

it makes the SSS sound.

But then H comes along

and sack becomes shack.

Sort becomes short.

Sell becomes shell,

which is why Manny Spambonie

would definitely be an H.

I got a pocket full of H's

that I'm not afraid to use.

I keep a couple extras

in the laces of my shoes

When I run into a cat,

I can have a little chat

If a bat is in my path,

I can make it take a bath

I've got a pocket full of H's

that I'm not afraid to use

I've got a pocket full of H's

that I'm not afraid to use

(panting using the H sound)

And if I see my buddy Gus,

I can always make him gush

One summer up at camp, I

made him beat the champ

I've got a pocket full of H's

that I'm not afraid to use

I've got a pocket full of H's

that I'm not afraid to use

I love using my H's


- I use this to

get myself clean.

B A, ba, oo, check it out,

that T has a

transformer H after it,

so together they

make the TH sound.

So it's ba, th,

bath, bath, T, U,

well, that's how the

U would sound if there

were a silent E at the

end, but there isn't.

So that U just

makes the uh sound.

Bath, tu, buh, bathtub.

- Oh no, we've left orbit.

We're out of control!

- That's it, give me the wheel.

- But--

- Manny, give me the wheel!

I'm driving!


Now, for some instructions.

Pull hands slightly back, okay,

so just a little bit back.


See? I too am a

technical genius.

Soon the cheese will be mine

and maybe I'll write a

little story of my own.

- Come on guys,

we'll find her soon.

Come on.

- Where is that Annie Scrambler?

- I don't know, but I hope

she doesn't have the cheese.

- Me too, I am ready for some

fluffy cheese from outer space.

- Yeah, come on, Ed.

- Who isn't?

(whirling and beeping)

- [Lisa] Look, she pushed

the instructions button.

- Oh no, now she can

navigate the capsule

wherever she wants

and take the cheese

and there's nothing

we can do about it.

- Now hold on.

She's doing whatever the

computer tells her to do.

- True.

- So, what if we tell

the computer to tell her

what to do.

- Okay Lisa, now we're going

to navigate the capsule

straight to us.

Tell Annie to turn a little

to the right, just slightly.

- Okay, here goes.

Oh, a little smaller.

- Yeah, yeah.

- [Lisa] Turn slightly right.

- Turn slightly right, okay.

- It worked! She's turning.


- Okay, what next?

- Okay, have her push

slightly forward.

- Push slightly forward.

- It worked again!

We've navigated the

capsule straight to us.

- Look, there it is.

- Great, okay, have her

press the hover button

so the capsule stays

still in the air.

- Mmhmm.

- Press hover button? Okay.

- Uh, hey, Annie?

- Yeah?

- Shouldn't we be able

to see the capsule?

- Now, have her press the

open cheese door button.

- Press open cheese door. Hmm.

- Wait!


- [Annie] That looks

like Lisa and Dex!

- Don't touch that button!

They've tricked you

into flying the cheese

right into their hands.

- She's not opening

the cheese door.

- Oh, I'll send it again.

- Okay.

- With an exclamation point.

- Press open cheese

door, ha! Phooey!

Gimme some room.

I'm gonna fly this

baby out of here.


- [Echo] Yeehaw!

- That's the voice

of Annie Scrambler.

- This way.

- Come on, run.

- Oh no.

- They must be on to us.

- All is lost.

- Quickly!

- To the cheese!

(ringing phone)

- I just got a text from Hector.

They've found Annie and Mannie.

Let's go.

- The capsule should

be above head,



- Wait, there it is!

- And there's Mannie and Annie.

- Oh, I have a new

respect for you.

I can not wait to

read all about me

in your newspaper article.

- Thank you.

And now for the cheese.

- [Electronic Voice]

Cheese door opening.

- Oh no.

- Look.

- Run Mannie, run!

- [Electronic Voice]

Cheese released.

(dramatic orchestral music)

- Oh no.



- Sorry Mannie, this

cheese belongs to Dex,

his granny, and everyone who

believes in fluffy cheese.

(frustrated grumbling)

- We'll take that

steering wheel, Annie.

- This is not how it was

supposed to turn out at all!

- You can read all

about how it turned out

in the newspaper, Annie.

And it's quite a story

and you're in it.

H transforms T into TH

H transforms T into TH

H transforms T into TH

H transforms T into TH

Think of all the

people you can thank

There's your brother and

your mother and your father

Think of all the things

that you can think

There's mathematics

or athletics

Or a theory you can

fathom, it's authentic

La, la, la, la, la, la la

Thank the Earth for this

feather and the weather

This path and that rhythm

This growth in the forest

Thank them both in the bath

H transforms T into TH

H transforms T into TH

H transforms T into TH

(upbeat percussion music)

- Th, th, th, th, th, th






Py th

o, n, on.












(sirens sounding)


- I can't go in

there without you.

- Why not?

- Because it's a haunted house.

It's scary in there.

- Surely you can go

in there without me.

- No way, I go through

life without socks,

without deodorant, without

all my teeth, please, please.

- All right, all right.

If you can't go in

there without me,

I'll go in there with you.

- That was fun, wasn't it?

- The next time we go in there,

there's one thing I

want to take with me.

- What?

- My mommy.

- What's the problem?

- We've got to cheer for

the football team tonight,

but we've lost

some of our signs.

We can beat and won't win?

It doesn't make any sense.

- You just need a

they and a them.

Cheer chickens!



- We can beat them

and they won't win.

That's it! That's perfect.

Thanks so much Captain Cluck.

Do you want to

stay for the game?

- We might have to.

They don't know how to get down.

- I'm Special

Agent, Jack Bowser.

Not only am I stuck

in this cheesy place,

it's about to explode and I

can't crack the code to get out.

Help me read this.

They both think

that cheese stinks.

No cheese for them!

They both think

that cheese stinks.

No cheese for them.

Woo hoo!

- [Announcer] Meet astronaut

Zippy Johnstone's mother.

- Hey!

I wonder what this one does?

- [Announcer] Now she's

orbiting the Earth

and he has to navigate

her back home.

- Zippy.

- Mommy!

- You have got to navigate

me home right now.

- Just enter the

code. It's , --

- Zippy, I need to

hear the rest of it.

Huh? Zippy!

Five, three, seven.

- [Electronic Voice]

That entry is invalid.

Please enter the valid code.

- I don't know the valid code.

If I knew the valid code, I

would have put it in there.

- [Electronic Voice]

Please don't yell at me.

- Oh, what's this button do?

- [Announcer] My

Mom Is In Orbit.

- And that is how the

Electric Company and

their good friend Dex

overcame the pranksters

to save the fluffy and

delicious cheese from space.

Lisa, that was

really well written.

I'm proud of you.

- Oh, thanks.

Well, I'm proud of Dex.

This cheese,

mm, it's delicious.

- Oh, thanks.

They're coming, they're coming!

- Oh, okay.

- [Granny] This

is so mysterious,

where are you young

people taking me?

- Right this way Granny


- [Group] Surprise!

- Oh goodness, oh!


Oh, is this?

- Yes it is, granny,

and I made it myself!

- You did?!

Oh, you know this

is my favorite.



- Well, happy birthday.

Give it a try.

- Oh, oh, oh, oh.

- Yeah, eat it up, eat it up.

- Oh!

- Tastes good, right?

It's fluffy.

(upbeat rock music)

That you know,

I've always been

Something of a cheese freak

That you made a cheese has

made your granny's knees weak

I love this cheese

It's so fluffy

I'd like more please

Fluffy, fluffy,

fluffy cheese

It's not flat

I love this cheese

And my grandson, I love

you, love you, love you

Love this fluffy,

fluffy cheese

- What are you doing?

Go online now to pbskidsgo.org

and play some Electric

Company games.

You can win points for all

of your favorite people

or your most favorite

person, me, Mannie Spambonie.

Now go, because the

next time I see you,

I better have more points.

(beatbox beats)

- Come on.

The time is now,

the day is here

The rhythm that you're

feeling, the music in your ear

The charge is a light trick,

you know you gotta do it

Where's the plug, get it

A plug in it

Just imagine a world where

everything around you

Every sight and sound

will astound you

Surround you and

before you know it

Even you have the power

to bring a word to life

That's right

That's right

It's what we do with

the Electric Company

Inviting all of you to

all the possibilities

Learning to write

and learning to read

We have a good time

while we plant the seeds

And once you get it,

you have to share it

Discovering your power, you

own it, you wear it proud

And you shout it out loud

Electric Company

is in town, oh!

- [Group] Electric Company.

- [Man] Rolling the camera.

- Go Hector.

- Go Hector!

- You can do it!

- Go, go, go, go!

- You can do it!

- Go, go, go, go!

- You're almost there.

I need that cheese,

buddy, I need the cheese.

- Get this, Mannie,

but you see--

- But, bu, and didn't

we know how to cut the--


- Woo!

Oh, I threw my neck out.
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