05x03 - Stiix and Stones

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu". Aired: January 2011 to present.*
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"Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu" revolves around the adventures of six ninja: Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane, Lloyd, and Nya.
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05x03 - Stiix and Stones

Post by bunniefuu »

ANNOUNCER Previously on Ninjago:

ANNOUNCER Previously on Ninjago:

You must train to become The Master of Water.

JAY How are we supposed to fight a ghost?

WU The Scroll of Airjitzu

is well-guarded in the ancient library.

ZANE It was recently stolen.

COLE Ronan. Ronan's most likely

hold up in the village of Stiix.

♪ They say go slow ♪

♪ And everything just stands So still ♪

♪ We say Go! Go! ♪

♪ You're gonna see us Rip into it ♪

♪ Just jump up, kick back Whip around and spin ♪

♪ Ninja, go! Come on ♪

♪ Come on And do the weekend whip ♪



Welcome to Stiix. Uh, watch your step.

Oh, I caught one.

It's a big fella. Ugh, whoa. Whoa!


MAN Dangnabbit. Uh, ah.

I didn't know you were afraid of heights.

I'm fine with heights. It's water I hate.

Didn't seem to have a problem before.

Before I could make a fire dragon at will.

Since Moro's taken over Lloyd and our power's gone,

I haven't felt... Aah!


Now that we know ghosts don't like water either,

at least we should feel safe surrounded by it.

JAY Ugh, what a dump.

You'd think the thief who stole the Scroll of Airjitzu

would have better taste.

Ah, this is Ronan we're talking about.

He'd steal the sea if it were worth anything.

We just have to figure out which rock he's under

and get to the scroll before Moro does.

Let's split up and start looking.


Wait a minute, this is my dad's Blade Cup Trophy.

What's it doing in a pawn shop?

Selling stolen goods?

Ha, sounds like we might have stumbled on the right place.


Ronan. Going so soon? Huh?

If this is about our last encounter,

it was only business.

You left us in the mouth of a-- So you're still upset.

Let me make it up to you. Aha!

Uh, that was a mistake. I can explain that.

COLE Argh, nothing here is legit, including you.

Yeah, I bet your airship's not far either.

What do you call it again? Rilo? Ruby?

Rex. And could you have a little sympathy?

Sold her so I could buy this place.

As you can see, I'm trying to make an honest living.

Honest enough to steal the Scroll of Airjitzu?

The Scroll of Who-whatzu? Airjitzu.

It can make a Spinjitzu Master fly.

Yeah. So hand it over or we can make you fly.

Whoa, cool down, fellas. Even if I had such a thing,

it sounds pretty old and important.

Definitely not something I'd keep on site.

And definitely too much for you to afford.

Maybe I can interest you in some unique weaponry?

I've got jade blades, obsidian armor.

Have anything that can vanquish ghosts?

Hmm, ghosts you say?

Yeah. They hate water,

but we're not looking for water balloons.

We need something reliable.

Hmmm, what you're looking for is an Aeroblade,

forged by deepstone,

an aquatic material mined from the bottom of the ocean.

Very unique. Even more expensive.

Argh, can't you see he's giving us the runaround?

We want the scroll, Ronan. What do you want for it?

Two hundred. What? Two hundred?

We don't have that kind of dough.

Come on, you guys once had the Golden Weapons.

You honestly telling me you've never pinched anything?

No! We don't pinch!

And we don't even have pockets.

What if we were to tell you all of Ninjago depends on it?

Well then, that changes everything. Four hundred.

Argh, you can't just double the price.

My shop, my rules.

All right, so my gut says.

What do you think, Zane?

What, my opinion doesn't matter?

We don't listen to your gut anymore, Kai.

Zane's the leader. You just get us lost.

Well, I say we give him what he wants.

I sense if we won't, Moro will.

All right, but let me negotiate.

Two hundred. Four hundred.

Three hundred. Four hundred.

Three-fifty. Four-fifty.

Deal! Oh!

Nice negotiations, Kai.

I didn't see you do any better.

ZANE Now to figure out how to make some money.


Your training to become the Master of Water begins now.


To become water, you must find its qualities within yourself.

While earth is strong and air is fluid.

Water can be both, strong and fluid.

Over time, it's strong enough to carve this rock.

Or if I use my cup to stop its flow.

It can adapt. It's flexible. Shapeless.

You put water in a cup, it becomes the cup.

You put it into a teapot, it becomes the teapot.

Be water, Nya.

On your hands!


Very good, your mother would be proud.

I hate to break it to you,

but sometimes elemental powers can skip a generation.

Maybe you're wrong about me.


If the ninja so desperately need my help,

isn't it best if I'm Samurai X?

Samurai X cannot do Spinjitzu.

And Samurai X cannot unlock her own elemental dragon.




You never told us you could do that.

A sensei never tells.

Besides, water is the only w*apon against a ghost

for though they can pass through solid objects,

they cannot pass through what never stands still.

What's flexible to us is rigid to them.

And since the ninja no longer have their elemental powers,

it's all but imperative that you go with the flow.

One hand! NYA Unh! Oh.

WU To find your full potential,

we must find what makes you weak,

for in your weakness... Lies strength?

Yeah, I got it.

And I don't mean to boast,

but I'm pretty good at most everything I pick up.

Can you even count the times I've had to rescue the boys?

Yes, Nya, your merits don't go unnoticed,

but by the end of the day, we will find your flaw.

Before then, the bucket test.

The bucket test?

Simple fill it with water.

When it is completely full, your training today is done.


WU I said it was simple, not easy.

Go with the flow.

Oh, glad you four showed up.

Even with a hundred coin a head,

couldn't find anyone willing to go out there

and complete the dock.

Er, I don't know, we have to work over water?

Ain't the water you gotta be careful of, it's strangleweed.

Grabs a hold of you and doesn't let go.

But I could use a good team. How about it?

Just remind yourself after we complete this,

we'll be able to buy the scroll.

We'll do it!

Keep your eyes on the price!


Let's bring it in slowly.

Come on, guys. One team, one dream!


Let's do it again! [IN UNISON] Hey!

There's nothing to it! Let's do it!


ZANE Ha, ha! Oh. Would you look at that?

What a team.



What is that supposed to mean? You want me to swing it.

Okay, you're the leader.

Zane, look out!



It appears your entire

language database is damaged,

and there's nothing I can do.


What's wrong with him? I don't know.

I think he's talking backwards.

Slow down! We can't understand you!


Ah! Strangleweed! It's got me!

You want me to drop it? All right!





So, heh, how about getting paid?


Ah. His voice mod's on the fritz.

I can fix it, but it's gonna take time.



Sorry, Zane, you tried to lead,

but I guess it just didn't work out.

Ah. No money, no scroll.

And it couldn't have happened at a worse time.

What are you, a bunch of quitters?

Sure, we can't understand Zane but did we ever?

And Kai's the last person I'd want to follow.

Hey. But now I'm in charge.

We may not have the money to buy the scroll,

but I say we don't need it.

And why's that?

'Cause we're gonna steal it!

Jay, we're ninja, not thieves.

Yeah, but we're stealing from a thief.

Haven't you ever heard, two wrongs make a right.

Uh, Jay, I don't think that's how it goes.


Shut it, Mush Mouth.

I'm the leader and what I say goes.

After Ronan locks up tonight,

we steal the Scroll of Airjitzu!


You summoned me?

Ugh, I need help to procure the first clue

that will lead me to the tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master.

Ronan has the Scroll of Airjitzu.

Ronan? Hmm, he owes me a large debt.

But he's on Stiix.

The village built on water?

This armor, it weakens me.

At the same time, Lloyd is fighting my possession.

Then let my bow give you strength and point the way.

Tonight, we will take what's ours.

LLOYD Master will be pleased.


Ugh, there. Bucket's full! Not so hard.

The bucket is not full. Try again.


This is impossible!

This is not impossible.

This is about thinking outside the bucket.

Going with the flow.

Finding where you are weak.

I'm not weak! This bucket is weak!


I've been trying to fill the bucket all day,

it's never gonna happen!

Face it, I'm not a Water Ninja, I'm a samurai!

This is pointless! I filled the bucket!

It appears the day was a waste.

On the contrary, I've finally discovered her weakness,

feeling weak.

I'm good at everything else,

why do I have to be good at filling buckets?

Go with the flow? I'll show you how I go!

She's good at so many things,

but when put in a position to fail, she gives up.

And because of her temper, she didn't even realize

she's successfully completed the task.

Her bucket is full.


Remember, I'm in charge.

We're not stealing the scroll,

we're returning it to the Library,

after we learn Airjitzu.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

And we're ninja! Let's keep it quiet.

ALL Ninja, go!


Whoa! WOMAN Aah!

WOMAN Get out of here, you blue weirdo!

Let's try to be a little more quiet, shall we?

Last I remember, we're ninja.


Huh? Soul Archer. I thought I was gonna have more time.

I'm a little short.

I'll return for your debt later,

but for now, I came for something else.

Uh, if this is about our last-- Aah!

Lloyd, you're a little late. Your friends were just here.

Or should I call you by another name?

The ninja. They were already here?

Where's the Scroll of Airjitzu?

The Scroll of Who-whatzu?

Hey, love the armor. A little dinged up,

but I'll make you a fair offer.

Aah! I'll tell you what I told the ninja, it's not here.

But I can get it for ?

KAI You're supposed to pick the lock, not try to bite it off.

JAY If I had my powers, I'd zap it, after I zap you!


Hide. Let them find it, then take it!


Great, now we're already on the hook

for breaking and entering.

KAI I don't like sneaking around in the dark any more than you do,

so let's just find the scroll and get out of here.

Hey, when you guys were leaders,

you never heard me complain.

And if you don't like sneaking around,

why become a ninja?

And leave no stone unturned.

Ugh. Not a word.

JAY The faster we find the scroll,

the faster we can work on the next clue

that will lead us to the tomb. Then we can save Lloyd,

and it will be all because of me.


COLE Ah, I found it!

Aah, you found the scroll?

No, but I found my father's trophy.

I'm taking it back. He danced hard for this.

Aah, Holy pipes! The organ's got me!

Uh, it's possessed by a ghost!

I forgot what we're supposed to do.

Water! Water!

I got water! Argh! Hey, these flowers are fake!

JAY We're on a village built entirely over water.

Please, take your time!



I think he said "another one of Moro's friends."

And there's more where that came from!


We're gonna need more water.

Cut me free.

Not until you give me the scroll.

You're not the only one who can make a deal.

Then at least take an Aeroblade

and get rid of a few of these ghosts.

You said they were hard to come by.

I'm a businessman, that was business.

Whoa. This is personal. Now cut me free.

Not before we check out the merchandise.

Huh? They work! Try these!



Now who's scared of who?


Where is the scroll? You'll never find it! Whoa!

ALL [IN UNISON] The scroll.

Only one of us shall possess it.

Yeah. Me.



Ah, I told you his ship wasn't far!

RONAN Sorry to leave you hanging,

but since this scroll's so important,

I can't just give it away.





Run, run, run away. My arrow will find you anyway.



Right. Unh, that was close.

LLOYD But so am I.


Ah, no!

Moro's got the scroll.

We can't let him get away!

COLE He won't outrun the four of us.

WOMAN Aah! Not again!

Scratch that, guess it's just the three of us.



Come on!





Looks like it's just the two of us now.





Go, Kai!


Ah, great, more water.







What's the matter, can't swim?




Looks like the better ninja won.

Looks like you could use a lift.

Uh-uh-uh. Nothing in life is free.

You slimy, money-grubbing thief!

I don't have any money! I don't even have pockets!

Everyone's got something.

'Cause of you, my shop's destroyed.

We didn't destroy it, you did!

Okay. Your loss.


Wait! There is something.


Ha! Like I said, everyone's got something.

Ugh, so after all this, Moro gets Airjitzu

and we're left with zip?

I hate being leader, but I hate losing even more.


We didn't lose everything. At least Kai's okay.

Tomorrow, I'll take command, and we'll figure something out.

Thanks for the pick-me-up.

Remember what I said about second chances,

and I'm gonna hold you to that deal.

So long, and I hope you get your friend back.

Second chances, what did he mean by that?

We may have lost out on the scroll,

but he thinks there may be another way to learn Airjitzu.

We're still gonna fly? Really, another way?

Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Wait a sec,

Ronan only makes deals in his favor,

and you're a horrible negotiator.

Kai? What did you give him?

I sort of gave him... my shares of the tea farm.

Along with all of yours. You what!

Wu's gonna flip!

I did what I had to,

and for Lloyd, I'd do it again.

COLE You're right. But I have to ask,

if Moro has the only scroll,

just how are we gonna learn Airjitzu?

KAI Let's just say, it's not gonna be easy.

We have a ghost of a chance.

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