03x08 - Nell's Friend

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gimme a Break!" Aired: October 29, 1981 – May 12, 1987.*
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Nell Harper is the no-nonsense housekeeper and surrogate mother for police chief Carl Kanisky's children: Samantha, Julie and Katie.
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03x08 - Nell's Friend

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ I'm putting a new face on the old one ♪

♪ Ready for anything

♪ Playing with fate, not a moment too late ♪

♪ I'm showing the whole world nothing can get me down ♪

♪ O-o-o-oh

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break!

Is samantha back yet? Not yet, daddy.

Now, come on, joey, concentrate.

Otherwise you're not gonna pass your geography test.

Now, where's guatemala?

I hate guatemala.

You don't even know where it is.

That's why I hate it.

Guatemala is in central america.

It borders mexico on the north and el salvador on the south.

Daddy, I'm impressed.

I always was terrific at geography.

Joey, you study real hard,

And you'll grow up to be like me.

Who wants to be a cop?

Listen, it's an honorable profession.

You show me a cop, and I'll show you a guy with intelligence,

Pride, and dignity.

Hiya, chief.

Simpson, you just blew my entire police-recruiting program.

Don't worry, chief.

Tonight I'm busting out of my bowling slump.

Hiya, julie.

Hi, simpson.

Special delivery from nell at the laundromat --

Your bowling shirt, daddy. Oh, thank you.

Nell thinks she got all the beer stains out.

What a time for the washing machine to break down --

On my bowling night.

Hey, it's gonna be a great night, chief.

You're gonna be proud of me.

Simpson, I could never be proud of you.

But I expect to bowl a perfect game.

I got lofty goals, chief.

I watched randy lightfoot on "championship bowling,"

And I got his technique down perfect.

I stood in front of the tv,

And every move he made, I made.

It's all in this here wrist.

You now have another lofty goal --

To buy me a new television set.

Um, I'll go on ahead and tell them you're coming, huh, chief?

[ Doorbell rings ]

I'll come back some other time for my ball.

Nell harper?

No, I'm not.

Can I help you, young lady?

Yes, I'm addy wilson,

An old friend of nell's from alabama.

The girls will take care of you.

I got to run. I'm late for a m*rder.

Good luck!


Hi. I'm julie. This is my sister samantha.

Hi. Hi.

Come sit down.

Hey, katie, this is addy wilson,

A friend of nell's from alabama.

Oh, terrific.

How long have you known nell?

Oh, I've known nellie ruth since childhood.

"Nellie ruth"?

Yes. Nell is her nickname.

Her real name is nellie ruth.

She doesn't like it very much.

Great. Wait till we hit her with that one.

Yeah, I've been waiting for a way to get even

Ever since she called me needlenose.

That -- that thing on your lapel.


That! That's a phi beta kappa key.

[ Chuckles ] oh, this. Yes.

A phi beta kappa key?

Oh, boy, you must know everything.

Well, not everything.

For instance, how did that bowling ball

Get in your television set?

Well, what happened?

Simpson was here.



Wait till nell finds out that her old friend from alabama

Is a phi beta kappa.

That's really special.

[ Chuckles ] thank you.

But it's not that special.

I'm only one of thousands of today's black women

Who are out there making it.

It wasn't easy, but thank god we finally put to rest

That old stereotypical image of the black woman

As nothing but an aunt jemima.

I'm home.




[ Chuckles ]


You look so...


Wonderful. [ Both chuckle ]

Addy, addy, addy.

Lord, lord, it has been years.

Uh, what are you doing here -- I mean, in glen lawn?

Oh, well, see, I was back home for a visit,

And I stopped in to see your mother.

Oh, how is mama? She's just fine.

In fact, when she found out I was coming out here,

She asked me to stop by, say hello, and bring you this.

Ain't she sweet?

I think it's some mementos from your childhood.

Oh, did you meet my girls?

All hi, nellie ruth.

You met my girls.


I think you should know... I hate that name.

We know.

We plan to use it a lot.

[ Laughs ]

Come sit down.

Okay, nellie ruth.

You know, um, girls,

I think you should know that when we were in high school,

Addy and i...

Well, how do I put this delicately?

We hated each other's guts.

[ Both laugh ]

Well, we did have our share of disagreements.

Disagreements? Oh, please, girl.

Do you remember the time in mr. Anderson's class,

He called on me, and I turned to you, and I whispered,

"Addy, what's the answer?"

And you said, "mr. Anderson,

Should I give nellie ruth the answer?"

Do you remember that?

Nell, see what your mother sent you.

Yeah! Let's see.


Hold that.

I don't believe it. It's my old miniskirt.

You actually wore that?

Oh, honey, I used to stop traffic in this.

Must not have been too many cars in your town.

I run a tight ship around here.

They step out of line, honey,

I just jump right in and show who's boss.

You know, even after you ran away from home,

I followed your career.


It's too bad you didn't make it in show business.

But, then, nobody back home really expected you would.

Got a minute, honey? Excuse us.

I'm gonna take my best girlfriend into the kitchen.

See ya, nellie ruth.


Oh, good old, reliable addy.

You're still at it.

What? What do you mean?

You're still putting me down,

And now you're doing it in front of my kids.

Oh, I'm so dumb.

Nell, I apologize.

I should have known how embarrassing it would be

To have me walk in and find you this way.

What way?

Oh, hey, hey, hey.

Wait a minute, wait a minute. Wait, wait.

Look, honey, unh-unh.

I was rolling my hair when I had to run to the laundromat.

Of course, nell. No, really.

You know how when the warranty wears out on the -- on --

Nell. Nell. Nell!

Honey, you don't have to explain to me.

You know, after all the disappointments,

I think it's wonderful that you found your niche in life

As a maid in a white household.

For your information, I happen to be a very happy woman.

I give lots of love, and I receive lots of love.

This family needs me, and that's --

That's all that matters, lady.

Okay. I mean, there's nothing wrong with being a maid.

But, nell, I do hope that you haven't forgotten

That there's a whole new world out there just --

Just waiting for the modern black woman.


[ Sighs ]


Let's not keep that sucker waiting.

World, here comes a modern black woman!


Modern black woman!

Where's addy? She's out in the world.

What are you doing?

I'm looking up the number for glen lawn high school.

I'm going to night school and getting my high-school diploma.

[ Chuckles ]

Isn't night school exciting?

It sure is.

You got a date for the prom, mama?

I came here to learn, not to teach.

Hi. Hi.

What are you supposed to do with these cards?

Just fill it out and hand it in at the end of class.



Good evening, students.

I'm your teacher, dr. Wilson.

Uh, nellie ruth?

This class is not finished.

No, but you are.

Are you gonna finish that chop, joey? How come when you want something done around here,"],…}

You have to do it yourself, huh?!

Daddy, do you think it would be bad timing to tell nell

That we haven't finished eating yet?

Pots in the sink, the counter is a mess,

And what really ticks me off is that washer is still broken.

Bad timing.

Look, girls, I think that one of you better go in there

And find out what's bothering her.

Julie, you go talk to her.

I'm not going in there.

I wear glasses.

Somebody's got to do it.

I'm not going in there.

Come on, joey.

All you have to do is go in there

And call her your aunt nell.

Yeah, she melts when you call her aunt nell.

Now, come on.

There's nothing to worry about.

It's only your auntie nell.

Aunt nell?

Nell what?!

The chief wants to talk to you.

Dessert is on. Everybody, sit down.

Come on, babies. [ Smooches ] sit.

You wanted to talk to me, chief?


Is, uh, something bothering you?


I dropped out of high school... Again.

There are / million high-school teachers

In this world...

And I had to end up with addy wilson.

Those are the same exact odds I have of getting leprosy.

That's it?


That's why you kept the whole family terrified

For the last hour?

You dropped out of night school because of addy wilson?

Nell yes!

Oh, good. I'll drop out, too.

Nobody drops out of the first grade.

Boy, kids never get a break.

Nell, addy wilson is a very smart woman.

You should be honored to be in her class.

Did you know she has a phi beta kappa key?

Did you know that you have pie on your needlenose?


Nell, don't be upset at samantha.

It's not her fault that addy makes you feel dumb.

Excuse me.

Did you know that you have pie on your glasses?


You asked for it.

Joey, are you gonna finish that pie?

I-i-i'll get some more pie.

There's some more in the kitchen, okay?

[ Doorbell rings ] chief, i-i'm sorry.

I want to apologize to the whole family.

I don't know what came over me,

But I tell you, I'm all right now.

Everything is all right, okay?

Nell! No! Don't!

Nell, I'm coming in here whether you like it or not.

Well, come on in, hon. You're always welcome here.

Here. Have a piece of pie.

Are you coming in?

Is that woman still here?!

Yes, and I'm not leaving until you come in.

I'm in.

Now you can leave.

[ Door closes ]

[ Door slams ]

Please excuse this interruption, but this has to be settled.

Nell harper, how dare you?

How dare you walk out of my classroom

And make a fool out of me in front of my students?!

Make a fool out of you?

What about me?

How do you think I felt going back for my high-school diploma,

And you walk in as my night-school teacher?

I'm not a night-school teacher.

I'm doing it as a favor to the principal.

My actual position

Is chief educational curriculum supervisor

For postgraduate students

Who are studying for doctorates in history,

English, and economic geography

Under the california university system.

That's a big job. Don't louse it up.

Nell, why are you so hostile towards me?

Why?! I'll tell you why!

I haven't seen you in over years.

You walk in here, and the first thing you tell me,

I am an uneducated housekeeper!

And then you go so far as to tell me

I am a failure as a modern black woman!

I was a happy black woman

Till you walked your modern black butt in my house!

Well, you know, you shouldn't think of yourself as a failure.

A what?

And I wanted to be like you!

Look at all those books.

I've read so many books, I can't even count them!

I read "w*r and peace."

Well, not all of it, but I read it! Nell!

I read hemingway, faulkner, alex haley.

I read all of it!


I even read sidney sheldon!

I have always felt inferior to you.

I still feel inferior to you!

That's a bible!

Oh, I love it!

Nell, you still have the book of poetry that I sent you.

I happen to like the book in spite of your inscription.

Well -- well, what's wrong with the inscription?

I'm surprised it got through the mail.

[ Sighs ] what are you talking about?

Look, I don't mind you calling me black,

Because you're black, too,

But you have no right to call me illegitimate.

Let me see that.

That's "blockbuster."

[ Laughs ]

Well, for a phi beta kappa girl, you got lousy handwriting.

[ Both laugh ]

Well, it's a good thing I'm a housekeeper.

Look at this mess.

Oh, nell, I envy you so much.

Blow it out your ear, addy.

No, I'm serious.

You know, you even have fun when you're miserable.

I was so jealous of you when we were in school.

Oh, yeah, you were happy, you were popular,

Had all the boyfriends.

Plus you had guts.

You wanted to be a singer, so you left town and tried it.

I never had the guts to do anything.

Oh, please, dr. Wilson.

Dr. Wilson.

Call me dr. Dull.

You know, I'm -- I'm very proud of my accomplishments,

But I never had any fun.

Addy, please.

Had dull high school, dull college, dull marriage.

Married a dentist.

I even had a dull divorce.

[ Sighs ]

At least your teeth aren't dull.

That's the only part of me he ever worked on.

Next time marry a chiropractor. They work on everything.

Do you want to know the real reason

Why I took the job teaching night school?


Because I don't have a damn thing to do at night.

Well, you're pretty good at cleaning up.

Do you want to be our upstairs maid at night?

[ Laughs ]

It's not the worst idea.

You know, I can see why you stay in this house --

All the love and the fun.

Guess I'm still a little jealous.

You can have some fun, too.

I mean, all you need is a friend,

You know, somebody who's, like,

Going to night school to get their high-school diploma.

Are you coming back to school?

I didn't say that.

But I do have an in with the teacher.

She just may give me all a's.

What can I tell you?

Oh, nell. [ Laughs ]

Oh, girl, you know what?

It's time you had some fun.

Let's go down to the skating rink and meet some men.


Nell, I haven't been on skates in years.

Don't let that bother you.

Honey, I ain't never been on them my whole life.

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break
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