07x242 - Tartaros Chapter – To Let Live or Die

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x242 - Tartaros Chapter – To Let Live or Die

Post by bunniefuu »

What was the source

of all that shaking?

Our Fortress had a stronger

than expected reaction

to the unsealing of Face.

So, you did unseal Face?

Then, does that mean

you k*lled Jellal?


No. We did not.

We did break the seal however.

After finding a

different method.

What exactly are you

trying to achieve?

[ERZA] Activating Face

would purge all magic

from this continent.

Why would you want that?

What would it

accomplish for you?

Everything we've done...

...we've done so that

we may return to Zeref.

What do you mean

"return" to him?


You're such a fool!

[KYOKA] These restraints are

designed to inhibit magic.

But they have no effect on

curses, thus no effect on me!


So, you're all

followers of Zeref.

"Followers" would be

an understatement.

No, we're more

like his children.

We were all born of

the sacred books.

Born of the Books of Zeref!

It's only natural for us

to have faith in our Creator.

I have no problem with

faith in others.

But it can't justify what

the heart knows is wrong!


How could a human understand?

[ERZA] Humans have beliefs

of their own, and faith too.

And we need that, but

we mustn't let it blind us.

We think for ourselves,

and we stand for our beliefs.

What's the deal?

They're all frozen in place.

[ZEREF] You've come

quite a long way, Natsu.


I always hoped you would.



[ZEREF] This is Tartaros,

the library of Zeref.

Where all my books reside.

[ZEREF] Have you enjoyed

your visit so far, Natsu?

I hope my creations haven't

been too hard on you.

It's you again.


Strange, isn't it?

Given the right motivation, even

beings of chaos can collaborate.



A collection of my finest works.

Of course, I can't take any

credit for their organization.

Apparently, that belongs

solely to Master E.N.D.

You must be so proud of him.

[NATSU] This E.N.D., he's the

one Igneel tried to k*ll, right?

It would be more accurate to say

that Igneel couldn't k*ll him.

Then I'll have ta finish

what he started.

Beginning with you!

Then your monster!



[NATSU gasps]

I have no doubt that you can.

[ZEREF] But first, you should

consider why Igneel failed.

The answer might

surprise you.


E.N.D. is my most powerful

creation. My legacy.

You'll face the same

choice as Igneel.

To let live, or to k*ll.

Either way, I look

forward to it.

I've enjoyed our conversation.

[NATSU] Hold it!

You're not making any sense!

[ZEREF] Tartaros is only doing

this so they can meet me.

They should get the chance

to see it through to the end.

If I waltzed in

here prematurely,

it would spoil all the fun.

Who will reach me

first, I wonder?

You, or E.N.D.?


Until then.

What's your game, Zeref?


It's Erza!

Thank goodness you're safe.

There's gravity?

You're here.

Well done. You've

opened a path for us.

My pleasure.

Question. Why are

we upside down?

Sorry, but we don't have

time to play catch up.

I say we storm the hole

Erza made and wreck shop.



Natsu and Lisanna are okay.

That just leaves

Mira and Elfman.

You can take me

off that list.

I'll save you, Mira.

I swear it.

Go! You know what to do!



[ALL yelling]

Don't forget the blood sample

with Bane Particles.

I need it to heal them!

You let me worry about that.

We'll be back. Until then,

just keep them alive.



That's why I'm here, isn't it?

[MAKAROV yelling]

Erza. Come. I'll treat you.

I'll be fine.




Forget me! Go!

I can handle things

here on my own!

Stop them from using the Face!

You heard her, let's move!



I guess one dose of gratitude

wasn't enough for you.

I like you.

You'd make a fine demon.

Get outta the way!


[SOLDIERS gasping]

I'll take care of this rabble.

All right, who wants

to be crushed first?

[SOLDIERS chuckle]


[MAKAROV yelling]

Yeah, how do you like

that? You scared yet?

I would be if I were you.

We're just gettin' started.



Where are you? Please, answer!


You're okay!



Thank goodness!

[LISANNA crying]


Why are you here?

Big brother and I

were their prisoners.

Then Natsu and Erza

were captured as well.



Natsu and Erza are fine now.

But I'm not sure what

happened to Elfman.

[SEILAH] Your brother is

nearby, but he's no c*ptive.

Be careful. She can

control people at will.

She used her power to

capture Elfman and me.

You should get

behind me, Lisanna.

Elfman was my latest pawn.

I sent him back to Fairy Tail

to wipe it off the map.




Thanks to him, your guild hall

is nothing but a pile of embers.

But every single member of

Fairy Tail still breathes.

His mistake is my failure.

I was humiliated.

In front of Kyoka, no less.

All because of that man.

Now my glorious tale

will never be realized.

He will pay, and the blood of

his sisters will be the price.

You're right. There is

a blood debt to be paid.


Well now, this is an

unexpected turn of events.

The Face is in a totally

different location.

How could we have been

so far off the mark?

I mean, I knew there would

be some margin of error.

But not this much.

--[door opens]

--[FRANMALTH gasps]

This room feels important.

[HAPPY gasps]


Look at all of the writing.

And that big floating

sphere in the middle.

Doesn't it look like a globe?

[CARLA] This must be some

kind of command center.


How could they make it this far?

Those worthless guards couldn't

be more pathetic if they tried.


Hey. D'ya see that?

[WENDY gasps]

I had hoped Erza was wrong,

but it looks like the Face

has been unsealed.

How do we stop it?

Could we use this magic circle?

Maybe it could seal

it all over again.

Perhaps. But there's no

way for us to operate it.

We're locked out.

Hold on.

If I'm reading this right,

the Face can only be activated

by its on-site controls.

We might be in luck here.

It's already started?

[FRANMALTH chuckles]

[FRANMALTH] You sure

work fast, Ezel. Well done.

Oh no!

[LUCY gasps]

I don't wanna jump

to conclusions,

but this looks like a countdown.



There's only more minutes.

Then all magic on the continent

will be purged from existence.

What do we do? What do we do?

It's every cat for himself!

Fly! Run away!

Head for the hills but...!

Freaking out isn't

going to help us.


Should we wreck the place?

[WENDY] I don't think we can

stop it unless we go to it.

[HAPPY whimpering]

We don't have time to

tell the others about this.

It's in our paws now.

It is?

[BOTH gasp]


Ee! Perfect timing!

[MAN] The prayers of

these woeful maidens

resonate like the bitter

toll of hell's bells.

The Demon Light shall shine with

the radiance of a morning star,

and breathe new life

into the land.

[MAN chukles]


Oh fairy maidens who have fallen

into the netherworld, may you

wander Purgatory as corpses.

[BOTH whimpering]

Is that... a skeleton?

It's just a mask... I hope.

There's no time. We need to

get out of this place, and fast.


Stopping the Face

is all that matters.

If we don't,

there will be chaos.

Hate to burst your

bubble, but it's too late!

Sorry, ladies!


There's another one!

Don't you worry, I got this.

Open! Gate of the Golden Bull!

And Gate of the Ram!


Moo! Someone order beefcake?



I'll do my best, Lucy.

Don't worry!


Rip these demonic

creeps a new one.

--[ARIES] Okay!

--[TAURUS] Moo!

Fluffy-Fluffy Wool!

Maximum fluffiness!

[FRANMALTH screaming]



Wool Typhoon!

[FRANMALTH screaming]

This is our chance!



Let's go, Wendy!

You know where we're

going, don't you?

To Poison Jelly Valley.

Face is in a cave there.

Taurus! Aries! Cover us

while we make a break for it!

'Kay! We'll hold

them off for you!

Moo! Thanks for the sweet

view of your rump roast! Mooo!

[yelps] Eyes forward!



Let's hurry!



[ALL gasp]


No way!

[LUCY] How? Didn't we just

leave him in that room?

Maybe he went through

a secret passage.

We're gonna have ta

punch through him, Happy!


[KEYES] Behold.

The star of misfortune--


Can it!



Good work!

Hold on a second,

where you goin'?

There's no time to explain!

Thanks for the save, though!


Yeah, sure.



You are Silver's.


If we keep going straight,

there should be a hole

in the wall that we can use

to get out of here unnoticed.



You're not going

anywhere, ladies!

[LUCY screams]


What is Aries' wool doing here?

Are you okay?

We'll save you!

No time! We'll be

fine! Get going!

Carla! Be careful!

Good luck!



Leaving so soon?

Look out, Carla,

he's coming after us!



[CARLA] Don't worry,

child, I'll lose him!

You can do it!

Keep your claws off Carla!


Almost got ya, little one!


[BOTH gasp]


What happened?

[CARLA gasps]

Back off, eyeball.

You're dealin' with me.


You again?

Figures. Showing up in the nick

of time is kinda your thing.

Natsu! I'm so glad you're okay!

We owe you one! Thank you!


They'll be okay now! Let's go!

Well, they blasted outta

here pretty quickly.

Where are they goin'?

By the way, what are the two of

you doing all the way up here?

Face is already counting down,

and we can only stop it on-site!



Not good. We still need

to save Mirajane, too!

No choice, then.

Wendy and Carla will have to

stop the Face themselves.


Time to face the

revolution, kids.



Why does he look like cow man?

Did he absorb Taurus

and Aries somehow?

Yes, I did. Thanks for summoning

such tasty souls for me to eat.

They allowed me to perform

a rather potent revolution.


There's a hefty fee for making

me lose those little rats,

and I'll make sure that

you pay it with interest.

Wow, you're dumb.

Wendy is a human, not a rat.

Yeah, I know that!

I may have only one eye,

but that doesn't mean I can't

see you clear as day!

I called her a rat 'cause

she sneaks around like one.

It's really not a hard

concept to grasp.

[NATSU] Oh, and so we're

clear, Carla is a cat.

Uhh. Okay, now you're

just being annoying!

You will release

Taurus and Aries.

In your dreams, pig tails.

They're part of my

precious collection now,

and I have no intention

of giving them up.


Fine by me.

It'll be a blast ripping

them out of you.

Rat bastard!

Oh, so it's okay

for you to say it?




[NATSU gasps]

No fair!


I can't hit him.

That's fightin' dirty!

I bet your soul is top notch.

I can't wait to add

it to my collection.

Too bad it's not for sale!

Please don't roast

my tender loin!

Taurus, no!




I can hit you!




I understand where he's

comin' from, but still.

You brat! I'll k*ll you!

Well, if the small fries

aren't going to cut it,

I have no choice but to show

you my most powerful soul!

You asked for this!

[FRANMALTH groaning]

No way.

I don't believe what

I'm seeing. What is this?

Why does he have his soul?

[LUCY] After unleashing

his hidden power,

Franmalth att*cks Natsu, Happy,

and me in an atrocious form.

Meanwhile, Gray,

Erza, and Mirajane

continue their intense battles

with the demons of Tartaros.

Elsewhere, Wendy and

Carla race against time

to stop the Face from

destroying Fiore.

But the shadow of the enemy

isn't far behind them.

Next time: "Tartaros Chapter

Wendy vs. Ezel."

The fate of the continent rests

in the hands of one girl.
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