02x08 - Chapter Sixteen

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Perry Mason". Aired: June 2020 to present.*
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Legal drama based on novels and short stories penned by Erle Stanley Gardner..
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02x08 - Chapter Sixteen

Post by bunniefuu »



But what's Camilla's motive?

The same as all the others.
G... Money and power.

But who's to say Lydell isn't lying?

Della, the man had a g*n to my chest.

It wasn't the other way
around. He's not lying.

It was his son, his cargo ships,
his trying to stop you...

- PERRY MASON: You're in denial.

- You're in...

Oh, Della, my wife, Clara.

DELLA STREET: How do you do?

Wha... Can we bring you something?

A smoke would be nice.

DELLA: Here.


What Clara snatched
from inside the house.

Maybe this will make you believe Lydell.

Melville Phipps.

PAUL DRAKE: His wife,
Constance, she's our junkie.

Constance Barbour? The pianist?

Went down just like Ozzie said.
Clara and I saw it all.

More than I needed to.

But Camilla's...


Who's Camilla?

She's who Phipps works
for. He's her attorney.

She ordered Phipps to
arrange the m*rder.

PAUL: So, how do you want
to play this with her?

You can't play this with
her. She's too smart.

She's... She's not gonna be intimidated.

I think we should take
everything we have

- and go straight to Burger.
- PAUL: I agree.

We might need another way.

Della, there isn't another way.

Durkin is ruling tomorrow morning.

There's a reason Burger
won't deal with us.

And that is?

I can't say.

You can't just tell us the one person

who could possibly save this trial won't

and then not explain why.


Burger's being blackmailed,
and now we all know who by.

What's she got on him?



Come on.

Okay, your word that this
never leaves this room.

You've got it.

Photos of him...

No, you're gonna judge him. I'm not...

With another man.


PERRY: Durkin is ruling in eight hours.

What the f*ck are we supposed to do now?

PAUL: We need more time.

that some of the language

in the brief could be a little stronger,

but it'll get the job done.

Have you decided who you're
putting on the Broderick case?

Not yet.

It'll be a good follow-up
once this is done.

I think I've more than earned it.

Although, I did promise Mary and
the kids a couple days at the beach.

- Can I ask you something?
- Sure.

How'd you find out about the g*n?

Had one of our snoops
break into Mason's office.

I hate to admit it, but you
were right about Mason.

He is shrewd, boy.

Well, clearly not as shrewd as you.

That's why we're gonna win this thing.


And I'm glad about that.

But it was a risky move on your part.

You could have jeopardized this office.

Yeah, but I didn't.

It's the job, isn't it?




That, uh, that book you were reading,

- The... The Good Earth.

Was it a... a happy ending?


You'll find out in my
chambers in half an hour.

- Of course.
- Yes.


Can I speak off the record?

I'm not a fan of ex parte
communications, Mr. Mason.

I know, I know... I know that.

I... I also know you've put up with
a lot of crap during this trial,

and I just wanted to say how grateful
I am to you for being so fair.

Well, if you didn't know...

being fair is a small
detail of a judge's oath.

I think you see the benefit of
allowing this trial to continue

for these boys with competent counsel.

Well, be a bit difficult to include you

in that category currently,
wouldn't you agree?

I still insist that
I'm their best option,

because no public defender will
fight as hard for them as I have.

However, I also believe that I deserve
some other kind of punishment

that the court sees fit.



This one, he needs a little polish.



- Hello?
- CAMILLA: Phippsy, where have you been?

- I looked everywhere this morning...
- Camilla, I'm sorry,

I was up half the night.

You left out several
points on the Ulrich deal

- which we need to discuss.
- I don't have the Ulrich file

- in front of me.

I can ask them that.

And where's the copy of the covenants?

Yeah... Yeah, let me get a pad and pen.



- Go ahead.



And I won't blame you if you run.

That's what a punk does.

PAUL: Never took you for one.

We both know the street's got rules.

I broke them.

- Got what's mine.
- Yeah.

Game ain't never gonna be fair.

Not for us, down here.


Is what it is.

You're right. You're right.


That it, then?

No, no, no. I got one
little piece of business.


Why would I help you?

PAUL: You'd be helping yourself.

Well, I was prepared
to declare a mistrial,

but I have reconsidered.

The trial will continue.

The g*n will be admitted with no mention

- as to how it was obtained.
- THOMAS: Your Honor,

in lieu of mentioning the g*n was locked

in Mr. Mason's safe, I'd like to
provide a location for the jury

that connects the g*n to the defendants.

That's not in the brief.

THOMAS: Has she completely taken
over the practice now, Mason?

DELLA: Why, does that scare you?


Mr. Milligan's request seems reasonable.

Where did the g*n come from, Mr. Mason?

- The Hooverville.
- THOMAS: Any more specifics?

No, that's specific enough.

Once the trial is concluded,

Mr. Mason will plead guilty
to Penal Code ,

concealing evidence,

and be sentenced to four
months in county jail.

Your Honor, that charge
seems a little excessive.

I think it's fair and fit,
don't you, Mr. Mason?

I do.

JUDGE DURKIN: The state will be
granted two additional witnesses.

Let's keep this thing short and sweet.

Mr. Mason, it should go without saying

it's likely in your best interest
to avoid cross-examining

either of these witnesses, huh?

Does this plan suit the prosecution?

It does, Your Honor.

JUDGE DURKIN: Can you line up
witnesses for the top of the week?

- THOMAS: I believe so.

We're back in session.

Monday morning, : a.m.

DELLA: Perry.

- What you just did in there...
- Yeah.

- It was...
- Don't. It's okay.

It... It buys us some time
to get those pictures.


Come on.


Let's get her into a bath.

- I'm sorry.
- Oh.

- It's all right.
- PERRY: Phippsy.

- Did you hear something?

PERRY: Oh, Phippsy.

MELVILLE PHIPPS: What are you doing?

We thought you might be busy,
so we let ourselves in.

I have a g*n.

Yeah, so do I. Look, mine's right here.

How far away is yours?

- Well?
- We know everything.

And we'd like the photographs
and the negatives

- that you have on Burger.
- Excuse me?

We know Camilla is blackmailing him.

And we have Ozzie Jackson,
who's agreed to testify against you.

All it took for Ozzie to agree

was the same persuasive
tactics you used on him.

You're amateurs.

It will never stick.



- you're grasping.

PAUL: Your wife doesn't sound too good.

Seems like she might need you around.

You shut your mouth!

- CONSTANCE: Darling, please!

Come on.


I'm not a m*rder*r.

I was just doing my job,
like I've always done for her.

You've clearly been nothing
but a loyal advocate to Camilla.

PERRY: But where's that
loyalty got you, Phipps?

It got you here, fully exposed,

about to be indicted, and
no one here to protect you.

Or Constance.


Work with us.


What does that mean?



How are you both holding up?

Okay. Anxious.

DELLA: Monday will probably
be our last day in court.

So, we just wanted to fill
you in on the proceedings.

The g*n will be admitted,

but they don't know anything
about Twist renting it to you.

That won't come up.

DELLA: Which means they can't
directly connect the g*n to you.

This is a good thing.

Can I ask you something?
About if we lose...

- We can appeal.

not about that. Just...

Do you know how to write a will?

Uh, yes. We... Well, We... Yes,
we have experience with that.

Can you do one for me?

Of course.

I just had wishes for Maria.

RAFAEL GALLARDO: I want one, too.

Just saying you make sure
our bodies are brought back

to our family after we're hung.

That way they have something to
visit instead of some mass grave.

We can write up whatever you want.

Thank you.



- PAUL: Good morning.
- You got a minute?

Not really, no.

You kept your word.

You kept out of sight during my trial.

You like our neighborhood?

Could be better.

Well, I'm looking to change that.

I want to build a...
a park, a public pool.

Give us our own utopia.

Why are you telling me this?

Because to do any of that,
I need a man of your skills.

You need a man with my
set of skills to do what?

PERKINS: These are the home addresses

of all the city councilmen
that stand in our way.

Dig up whatever you can.

Help persuade them crackers.

- PERKINS: Get zoning permits.

Do good for our people.




THOMAS: Officer Champlin,
what department do you work in?

CHAMPLIN: In the evidence

Would you please read for the jury

the location in which
this g*n was found?

On the corner of th
and Lou Dillion Street.

th and Lou Dillion. And what's there?


The same Hooverville in which
the Gallardo brothers resided.



No, uh, no... no questions, Your Honor.

How many tests did your laboratory
conduct on the g*n, Mr. Farkas?

We did a series of firings of the g*n

in a controlled environment.

THOMAS: What did each
of these tests reveal?

LAWRENCE FARKAS: The ballistics
from every single b*llet fired

was an exact match for the b*llet

that k*lled Brooks McCutcheon.


Thank you.

THOMAS: Brooks McCutcheon
didn't m*rder himself.

The defense made a desperate
and unsavory attempt

to paint him as a villain,
but regardless,

no matter what opinions you
may have formed about him,

we are here right now
because he was a victim.

Rafael and Mateo Gallardo m*rder*d
Brooks McCutcheon in cold blood.

Two Mexicans, resentful
of the more fortunate.

So bitter that they ripped the
life from Brooks McCutcheon

and then discarded it

with as much indifference as his wallet.

Guests in our country,
they were too lazy

to work their way out of hardship.

A hardship that we've all endured

during these trying times,

because law-abiding Americans,

we know something...

that the Gallardos never will.

America is a great country,

and it takes care of those who
are not afraid to work hard.

Now, there are enough
substantiated facts to prove

that the Gallardos are guilty.

Eyewitness testimony,

the evidence of a m*rder w*apon,
and where it was found.

It is your duty to make an example

of those who take the easy,
hateful, and destructive way out.

Return the verdict of guilty.

Thank you.


JUDGE DURKIN: Mr. Mason, you may
proceed with your closing argument.

A... A very well-established
attorney here in Los Angeles

once said to me...

"There's no such thing as justice.

There's only the illusion of justice."

Now, this case has been
laid out before you.

You have all the information
you need to reach a verdict.

But if... if we're gonna
be truthful, honest

w... with each other for just a moment,

you, l... ladies and gentlemen,
had predetermined views

when you swore an oath to be impartial,

and that's not an indictment.

That's merely a... a fact.

Because every instant
of our life, our wealth,

our poverty, our race,
our... our... our passions

predetermine how people
perceive us and our actions.

Now, if that is true...

is real justice possible,
or is it just an illusion?

All I ask is that you bear that
in mind in reaching a decision.


For the reception,
I want the citrus supreme

and the broiled filet.

I want an assortment
of citrus this time,

not just the grapefruit.



CAMILLA: I didn't think
you were coming today.

Just getting the new contracts
to review at home.


Did you reach our friend
at the federal office?

All files related to the Brooks
McCutcheon investigation

have been taken care of.

And the chatty employee?

Same as the files.

How's Constance?
Has Dr. Evans been helpful?

I don't know that his treatment
has been helping much yet...

CAMILLA: Don't get dismissive so soon.

Dr. Evans may be unconventional,
but that's why he's effective.

It's not as if anything else
you've tried with Constance

has worked, has it now?

- No.
- You should have seen this coming.

She always gets like
this before a concert.

It's selfish in a way, considering
how much goes into these evenings.

It was the only bright spot for me

with everything else that's going on.

Well, hopefully we can salvage it.

They're ready to fit the dress on you.

Thank you, Louise.
In the Blue Room, yes?

LOUISE: Yes, of course.

Do you remember the
name of those orchids

Ambassador Debuchi brought me?

- Tiger's Mouth.
- Of course.

I think I'll order some for the recital.


Mr. Phipps called six
times in the last hour.

These are all pictures of Burger?


PERRY: Who doesn't she have pictures of?


DELLA: That's everything
Camilla had on you.

We made sure of it.

I thought I made it clear, Della,

I did not want your involvement in this.

I know, and I'm sorry.

But... you're free.


Oh, you know better than that.

So now you know.

- I don't care.
- I do.

The pictures and the negatives
are yours no matter what.

We also have proof

that Camilla's behind Brooks's m*rder.

PERRY: A direct line
from her to the brothers.

- DELLA: And with the federal investigation,

which has yet to even scratch the
surface of the real conspiracy.

This is all yours to open
up whatever investig...

I'm... grateful for what you did for me.

But I'm still the DA of this city.

A city that has been
reminded of this crime

on the radio, in the papers, every day.

Someone has to pay for it.

Ham, we are handing
you this on a platter.

You could open up a massive
criminal investigation.

At the center of which
would be the woman

who tried to own you with blackmail.


All right.

Only one of them pulled the
trigger... so if he confesses...

I'll drop the charges on the other.

Fifteen years for the
one who pleads guilty.

- Life.
- Thirty.

But no parole. That's the best I can do.

- DELLA: Twenty.
- Della. Okay, all right.

We'll talk to the brothers.

Thank you.



Hello, Ms. Street, Mr. Mason.

DELLA: Hello.

It's nice to see you all together.

Uh... We know you're in
the middle of your visit...

But we need to talk to you now.

The DA has come back with a...

- much better deal.
- How much better?

He's agreed to drop the
charges for one of you.

- One of us?
- PERRY: Yeah.

And the other one?

Plead guilty with a -year sentence.



- You're gonna get out of here.
- RAFAEL: No. It should be you.

You have Sofía, you have Maria.

I'll still have them.


It's time to end this.


- Verdict come in yet?
- No.

Okay. Why did you want to see me?

I'm taking you off the Gallardo case.

You're not needed anymore.

The jury is a... is about
to deliver a verdict

- in our favor.
- Verdict is irrelevant now.

I made a deal with Mason.

I'm sorry, you made a deal?

Mateo Gallardo is pleading guilty

with an agreed-upon sentence.

Rafael Gallardo is going free.

- Is this some sort of joke?
- Hardly.

Why would you go behind my back?

I'm the DA.

And I won the f*cking case.

Goodbye, Tommy.

This is bullshit.





JUDGE DURKIN: It has been
brought to my attention

that the defense and prosecution
have reached an agreement.

Mateo Gallardo, will you please
stand and address the court?

Mateo Gallardo, you've
previously pled not guilty

to the m*rder of Brooks
McCutcheon in the first degree.

How do you wish to plead now?

- Guilty, Your Honor.

Your Honor, my client would
like to give a brief statement,

- if that's possible.
- Go ahead.

Today I stand before you
to let it be known...

that I alone shot and
k*lled Brooks McCutcheon,

and I alone shall pay the price.

it, Bake. We're not out of this.

- CRIPPEN: Brooks...
- BROOKS: We can have the Governor,

invite them out. Do a whole tour.

Make it first class,

have the owners see
it all for themselves.

- Sure.
- Yeah, might turn the trick.

We'll talk about it.


(WHISPERS) Hey. Hey.

- We don't have to do this.
- I got it.

- No, no. No. No. f*ck!




MATEO: I know there's no
excuse for k*lling a man.

Do I wish things had
been different for me?

Of course.

More food to eat. A real home.

But none of those things can compare

to the feeling one gets from
the love and loyalty of family.

We may have come from
different worlds...

but I think it's the one thing

that we can both agree is
the most important in life.

I am truly sorry for
robbing that from you.

If you will remain standing.

Will the other defendant please rise?

Mateo Gallardo,

you are hereby sentenced to
years in state prison.

- Pursuant to Penal Code ...

... you will be taken to the warden

of the state prison at San Quentin.

Rafael Gallardo, you are hereby
dismissed from this proceeding...

It's okay. It's all right. It's okay.

... and immediately
discharged from custody.

This court is now adjourned.


SOFÍA: (CRIES) Mateo...



HAMILTON: My office is very
satisfied with the outcome.

We set out to ensure
that justice was served.

Today, it has been.

It is my great hope that
Mateo Gallardo's conviction

will bring the McCutcheon family
some much-needed solace.

PERRY: I don't think an
internal investigation

into the planting of Rafael
Gallardo's fingerprint

- in evidence is out of the question.
- Are you upset about losing?

I honestly don't see it as a loss.

We did what we had to do.
And we did it as best we could.

But none of this would
have been possible

without the real star of this trial,

which was Ms. Della Street.

Ms. Street, how did it feel to expose
Brooks as a woman strangler?

- It's not a pleasant truth,

but I'm glad we were able
to speak up for Ms. Lawson

and the other women he mistreated.

Did you find it difficult
to be taken seriously

with Councilman Taylor?

Do you find it difficult to be
taken seriously as a reporter?


Miss Street, my sources tell me
you've been seen out on the town

with a special someone.


WILMA WEXLER: You've been on
the arm of the district attorney

on more than one occasion.

We're old friends.

WILMA: Well, can you tell the readers,

is there anyone who's more than
an "old friend" in your life?

Currently? No.

But future husbands are
a topic for another day.


Well, Mr. Mason, that completes
our business together.

- Yes. Paul, I will be back.
- I don't need you to be.

Look, this case, Perry,
I sacrificed too much.

With Clara, with Lucius,
and none of it was for them.

I think It's time I start
taking care of my own.



Now, you watch out.
She's better at that than you.


I finished up those contracts

for the new Sunny Markets properties.

You just have to sign
them before you go.

♪ We made a lot of money out of Sunny ♪



You know what you said in court
about justice being an illusion,

did you mean that?

What I asked was if real
justice was possible.

DELLA: Perry, look at what we had to do.

We... We hid a m*rder w*apon,

we pre-arranged a witness,
a cop, to lie on the stand.

Well, that was more like half-truths,

- but go on.
- Mm. And stopped a blackmail

with another blackmail.

Does any of that add up to real justice?

It... It's like Sunny's melons.

Excuse me?

Well, we both know he pumps
his melons full of water.

And no one knows what he's
doing in the back room,

but they still get to walk
out with a juicy melon.

It's not justice that's an
illusion, it's the system.

Okay, so...

what are we supposed to do with that?

We... We fight.

- DELLA: Fight?
- Mm-hmm.

- What?
- Nothing.

Is there any place you
want to go tonight,

your last night?

My treat.

Right here is just fine.





I'm headed to jail today.

It has to do with the g*n.

Turns out the prosecutor had, uh...

Well, had someone break in to my office.

I know.

(SIGHS) Wh... What was that
thing you said about Los Angeles?

No one tells you what was...

Only what can be.

Maybe, eventually,
you could see me that way.




When did you say you're getting out?

Four months.

GINNY: So, it'll be autumn then?

I suppose.

They say Yosemite's
lovely that time of year.



What a lovely surprise.

I just have a few more laps

- if you don't mind waiting a moment.
- I won't take up much of your time.


Could you hand me a towel, dear?

DELLA: There's power in the truth.

Isn't that what you said to me?

And what is the "truth" you
came all the way here to share?

I know who you really are.

Your impression of me is too simple,

- I can assure you.
- Brooks McCutcheon.

It was you, Camilla.



the way Brooks abused
those women was atrocious.

And what you did in court,

exposing him for all the world to see,

that was very important.

- I'm proud of you...
- I acted on behalf of my clients.

Don't pretend you acted
for the greater good.

Brooks was malignant.

He was a spoiled boy

who ravaged everything he touched.

He had to be taken care of.

And the truth about him
had to come to light.

You simply finished what I started.

I can't believe I ever admired you.

I'm nothing like you.

CAMILLA: Oh, get off
your g*dd*mn high horse.

You know, you can say the word "husband"

to the press all day long,

but that is not going to protect you.

You, more than anyone, should understand

the hard choices we have to make

and the dangers that
ripple out from them.

They ripple and ripple
until it catches up with you

and you're drowning.

FBI AGENT: Camilla Nygaard,
Bureau of Investigation.

We'll meet again, I'm sure.

But until then, good luck to you.

Good afternoon, gentlemen.
If you'd like to step inside,

I'd be happy to answer
any of your questions.

Have you eaten?

Thinkin' about your skills?



You're gonna need something to trade on.

Yeah, you keep saying.

What was yours, again,
when you were locked up?


- Sewing?
- Yeah, my mother taught me.

You can laugh, but in
the joint, it's gold.

Got me a lot of goodwill.

PERRY: Yeah, I think, uh, being
an attorney will be an asset.

No, no, no. No.

If you go blabbing about
being a lawyer in there,

you're gonna have every hard-luck
case knocking on your cell bars,

begging you for help.

Huh? That's what got you here.

You got me here, Pete.

PETE STRICKLAND: Yeah, fair enough.

Look, I'll make sure I start
your bike once a week.


I tell you I pissed in Milligan's
beloved cognac bottle?

One way of handing in your notice.

À la victoire, assh*le.

I better go.


Hey, take these.

Actually, you got any Beech-Nut?


So long.

Yeah, I'll see ya around...


Give him your bag, empty
your pockets in the tray,

take off your watch.

♪ Grab your coat ♪
♪ Grab your hat, baby ♪

♪ Leave your worries on the doorstep ♪

♪ Just direct your feet ♪

♪ On the sunny side of the street ♪

♪ Can't you hear that
pitter-pat, babe? ♪

♪ That happy tune is your step ♪

♪ Life can be so sweet ♪

♪ On the sunny side of the street ♪

- ♪ I used to walk in the shade ♪

♪ With those blues on parade ♪


♪ But I'm not afraid, baby ♪

♪ My rover crossed over, yes ♪

- ♪ If I never have a cent, babe ♪

♪ I'd be rich as Rock-e-fellow ♪
♪ Yes ♪

♪ With gold dust at my feet ♪

♪ On the sunny side of the street ♪

♪ And get your coat ♪
♪ Grab your hat ♪

♪ Leave your worry on the doorstep ♪

♪ Just direct your feet ♪

To my brilliant Anita

and cameras rolling on her latest opus.

- Well done, darling.
- All thanks to my muse.

You two should come visit set.

That could be fun.

We'd introduce you to Cary Grant.

I can introduce Cary Grant to you.

Picture of the happy couple?


♪ Oh, on the sunny side of the street ♪

♪ I used to walk in the shade ♪

♪ Yes, with those blues on parade ♪

♪ Not bothered ♪
♪ No, I'm not afraid, baby ♪

- Paul, Mr. Perkins' office.

- PAUL: Okay.
- ♪ And if I never have a cent ♪

Raise that.

♪ I'd be rich as Rock-e-fellow ♪

- ♪ Hey ♪
- Yeah.

♪ With gold dust at my feet ♪

Okay, okay, got it.

♪ On the sunny side ♪

Heading out now.

♪ Of the street ♪

- Gotta go.
- You be careful with my husband.

PAUL: Mm-hmm.


I'll see him tomorrow after class.



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