01x03 - Escape/Cinderella Girls

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fantasy Island". Aired: January 14, 1977 – May 19, 1984.*
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Guests are granted so-called "fantasies" on the island for a price.
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01x03 - Escape/Cinderella Girls

Post by bunniefuu »

The plane! The plane!

Today it's you
who is almost late, boss.

Not likely, Tattoo.
Not likely.

Ah, it's going to be
a glorious day.

Would you permit it
to be another way?

Smiles, everyone.

We want our guests
to feel welcome.

Could that be little Peter
grown so tall?

Little Peter?
Well, all things
are relative, Tattoo.

The last time I saw him,
he was no bigger than you.

That was at his late father's
summer palace in Anatolia.

Anatolia? Then he's
Crown Prince Peter.

Soon to be coronated
as one of the last remaining
ruling monarchs in the world.

Then he's also one of
the richest men
in the world.

Must your mind always work
like a cash register?

I was just wondering.

With all his money,
why does he need us
for any fantasy?

[ Roarke ]
For the one fantasy...

all his money
can't buy in his world.

It's called, uh,
the common touch.
The common touch?

Every nobody
would like to be a prince.

Every prince would like
to be a nobody.


Mother Goose.

Is he one of
the prince's bodyguards?

Oh, no, no, no, Tattoo.
I insisted that the prince
come to our island alone.

But you are very close
to Mr. John Burke's occupation.

He is a detective
on the New York City
Police Department.

He looks like he's here
to arrest someone.

Only himself, Tattoo.
Only himself.

He's a man who wants
to go back to a time...

when justice
and law and order...

were handled on a more...
simple basis.

And we are gonna give him
that chance, boss?

Oh, yes, Tattoo.

We are going
to give him that chance,

that and a lot more.

My dear guests,
I am Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.

[ Whinnies ]

Well, Mr. Burke, there it is.

Your town.

It's amazing.
How did you manage it?

Uh, there are many secrets
on Fantasy Island,
Mr. Burke.

And as with most secrets,

the answers are sometimes
best left unanswered.

[ Chuckles ]
Even this looks like
it came from the Old West.

Well, it should.
Wyatt Earp said...

it gave him many years
of good service.

Earp said--

You mean
according to legend, right?

All right.
Those people down there, uh,
where did they come from?

I mean, uh,
they're not robots
like in that movie?

Oh, no, no, no, Mr. Burke.

No, I assure you.
They're quite real.

Yours is not the only fantasy
about living in the Old West.

Others also long
for the good old days.

In fact, it's
our best-selling fantasy.

Some have been here
for many years,

others for just a few days.

What about law and order?
Is there any law there?
Not yet.

Right now, that town
is ruled by the six-g*n.

Law and order is
nothing more than a dream.


how do I look?

You look fine.

Mr. Roarke, I couldn't have
asked for anything more.

Except maybe
the Larson brothers,
Detective Burke.

What do you know about
the Larson brothers?
They've been here for two weeks.

You think the Larson brothers
k*lled your partner,
don't you?

I don't think, Mr. Roarke.
I know they did.

It took me a long time,
but I finally nailed 'em.

And some judge released 'em
on a technicality.

My partner's lying in his grave,
and the Larson brothers
are walking the streets.

I don't think, Mr. Roarke.
I know they did it.

Well, if they
break the law here,

it will be
strictly up to you,

Marshal Burke.

Now remember, you are
the only law that town has now.

You are the police,
the judge and jury too.

It's your town.

Take care of it.

[ Whinnying ]

Your horse, Marshal Burke.

[ Engine Starts ]

This weekend is
very important to me.

My last chance to be me,

not a royal "we,"
so to speak.

Now I shall be a plain,
ordinary, workingman.

Mmm! A plain, ordinary,
hardworking man.

Hard work
does not frighten me.

I'm sure it doesn't.

And now, if you'll please
empty your pockets.

I beg your pardon?

I'm going to have to ask you
for all your identification.

Well, after all, your fantasy
is to try to become...

a plain, ordinary, working--
uh, hardworking man.

You can't very well
do that, Peter,
with papers in your pocket...

identifying you as one of
the handful of royal princes
left in the world.

You have a very
good point there.

Thank you.

You'll find your work clothes
laid out in your room
for you, Peter.

Oh, uh, Tattoo,
why don't you
present Peter...

with the royal scepter
he'll be using
during the weekend.

[ Door Opens ]

- My pleasure, sir.
- [ Forced Chuckle ]

Scepter? More like
a fisherman's gaff.

Well, that's precisely
what it is.
And if you know that much,

at least you won't be
starting from scratch.

♪♪ [ h*nky-tonk Piano ]

And two cans of peaches.

And two cans of peaches.
Yes, sir.

- There. Anything else?
- No. That's it for now.

[ Clerk ]
All right. Let's see.

That's six dollars and--
and 50 cents.

Just put it on my account.

But... you don't have
an account with me.

- I do now.
- I don't even know your name.

Maybe you'll remember now.

Yeah, sure.

Been a pleasure
doin' business with you.

You're my kind
of storekeeper.

What's going on here?
Why didn't you stop him?

Like Jake Armstrong
over at the hardware?

He tried to stop
one of 'em last week.
Left a widow and three kids.

But you people outnumber him
four to one,

and you let him
steal you blind.

Like I told you,
none of us ever
should have come here.

It was a mistake that's
turned into a nightmare.

Well, maybe if you had the guts
to handle punks like that,
it wouldn't be a nightmare.

He'd have k*lled us.
You saw that.

All I saw was a man
bluff you into submission.

He saw that you were afraid,
and he took advantage of it.

We're alive.
That's a certainty.

Maybe he was bluffing,
maybe he wasn't.

Right now,
I'll take the certainty.

Is this whole town
full of brave citizens?

What's it to you?
Like Logan says,
we're just tryin' to stay alive.

If it means losing
your own personal dignity,

it's a hell of a price
to have to pay.

You the new marshal?
That's right.

Name is Burke,

and I aim to uphold the law.

[ Man Groans ]

You know, Peter,
I was just thinkin'.

Yeah? What about?

what you're doin' here.

Well, I'm earning
a day's pay,
just like you.

Not just like me.

I've been doin' this
since I was 10.

Me too. I started young.

Not likely.
Look at your hands.

We've only been out
a couple hours.
You got blisters all over 'em.

You gonna work,
or are you gonna talk?

Look, I ain't
a nosy guy.

I work with
a lot of deckhands.

They mind their own business,
I mind mine.

Then why pick on me?

Maybe because you're different.

- I still don't see why.
- You don't belong here.

The blisters on your hands
tell me that.

Look, if you're in trouble,
maybe I can help.

You would help me--
a stranger?

Why not?

♪♪ [ h*nky-tonk Piano ]

And you should've seen
their faces.

They were so scared,
they were afraid to move.

So you just left, huh?
That's it.

Just walked right out.

Not quite, cowboy.
I don't recall inviting you
into this conversation.

So-- Marshal.

You got business with me?

I was in the general store
when you walked out
without paying your bill.

You're going to jail,
wise guy.
Go ahead! Pull it!

Pull it!

This might be your lucky day.

Well, you gonna
let him take me?

This man broke the law,
and he's going to jail.

This is a wide-open town.
That's why we all came here.

Well, that's too bad,
because this is my town now.

That's why I came here.

And anybody who breaks the law
is going to have to deal
with me personally,

and you can
pass that along.

Let me see.

I've seen worse,
but I can't remember when.

Gotta admit it, Peter.
I never thought
you'd make it through the day.

[ Chuckles ]
To tell you the truth,
neither did I.

Hey, take a break, huh?

All right.

- Oh, hi.
- Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to disturb you.

That's all right.
I was just
looking at the view.

- It's beautiful, isn't it?
- Mm-hmm.

The more you look,
the prettier it gets.

You work around here?

Yeah. I'm a hand
on that trawler.


I envy you.
Out at sea all day
with no one to bother you.

I bet you love your work.

Mm-hmm, I do.
My name is Peter.

I'm Chris, and my mother
always told me
to watch out for sailors.

You are very beautiful,
you know?

Uh, look,
we were just out for a drive,
and my friend had a flat tire.

I just thought I'd take a walk
while he was fixing it.

That doesn't make you
any less beautiful,
even if I am a sailor.

[ Chuckles ]
Mom was right.

[ Car Horn Honks ]
Oh. I gotta go.

Well, no, wait.
It's been nice
talkin' to you, Pete.


Whew. Pretty, huh?

She's beautiful.

Where do you suppose
she lives, Jamie?

She's a guest at
the fancy resort hotel.
I've seen her before.

How do I get there?
You don't.

Those people don't have
much time for hundred-a-week

Just point the way, Jamie.
That's all I ask.

- Buy me a drink?
- Help yourself.

Haven't made yourself exactly
popular in here.

[ Chuckles ]
I didn't intend to.

It's a lonely life.
A long ways to come
just to be lonely.

What did you come
a long way to do?

[ Man ]
Hey, boys, how you doin'?

[ Chattering ]

Frank, bring us
a bottle of rum.

Larson brothers.

You know them?
You might say
I've been waiting for them.

Tom, over there
in the corner.

That's Burke.
What's he doin' here?

Take it easy, Ed.
There's two of us,
and just one of him.

Well, I don't like it.
That Roarke--
he tricked us.

Here's your drink.

You got nothin'
on us here, Burke,
so stay loose.

That's where you're wrong.
This is my town.

You see, I'm the law here.

There aren't any softhearted
judges or liberal D.A.'s
to take you off the hook.

I run the whole sh**ting match,

and you two boys are my target.

We didn't k*ll
your partner, Burke.

I give you two days
to make your move,
choose your ground.

Because if you don't,
I'll choose it for you.

- Choose our ground for what?
- To die.

'Cause the next time we meet,
that's what's gonna happen.

Now get out of here!

♪♪ [ Disco ]

[ No Audible Dialogue ]

How did you get here?

Believe me, it wasn't easy.
I must've gone through
this hotel twice...

before I finally
spotted you sitting in here.

May I sit down?
You know,
you're really incredible.

Well, thank you very much.

If you're looking
for your date, I think it'll be
at least 10 minutes or so...

before he realizes
that urgent message
I sent him was a phony.


Look, Pete, it was fun talking
to you on the pier and all,
but I don't think that, uh--

- Will you have dinner
with me tomorrow night?
- No, of course not.


Well, why should I?

Well, for starters,
maybe it's because nobody's
ever called me Pete before.

And I want you to.

And you always get
your way, right?

Well, of course.

Well, then,
this will be a first for you.
The answer is no,

and I'm afraid
I'm gonna have to ask you
to please leave my table.

[ Sighs ]
I don't think I'm
handling this just right.

What's wrong with me?

There's nothing
wrong with you.

It's just that I-I didn't spend
all my savings to come
to this island and this hotel...

to-to end up with a--
with a deckhand
on a fishing boat.

[ Laughs ]
Wait a minute.

You think I'm a fisherman?

And what are you
gonna tell me you are,
the shah of Iran?

Well, no.
But actually, I'm a--

Is money really
that important to you?

Well, isn't it to everyone?

And I don't like
being laughed at.

Look. I'm sorry.

I didn't mean
to laugh at you.

While I am not a shah,
I am a prince,

and I'm to be crowned
in a couple of months.

Let me guess.
From the smell--

Of course. You must be
the next King Neptune.

I can prove it.
I'll be right back. Mr. Roarke?

I would like for you
to explain to this young lady
exactly who I am, please.

I'm sorry. I'm afraid
you have me at a disadvantage.

Oh, come on.
It's me.

It's Peter.
Prince Peter.

I'm afraid, young man,
I've never seen you before
in my life. Tattoo?

He's a new one on me, boss.

Oh, come on.
You can't do this to me.
You must explain who I am.

Whoever you are,
we do have a dress code here.

And until you are ready
to comply with it,
I'll have to ask you to leave.

But this is not fair!
Wait-- Wait a minute!
It's just not right!

I'm sorry if you were
inconvenienced, Miss Malone.

- They won't hurt him,
will they?
- Does it matter to you?

Well, I don't like to see
anyone hurt.

Oh, I see.
No, he'll be treated gently.

I hope you enjoy your evening.
Excuse me.

Quite a young man,
but too impetuous.

Too wild.
You wanna do the Hustle?

Ah, Prince Peter.
How are you?
Oh, sure. Now you know me.

Well, of course.
Why shouldn't I?

Because an hour ago, you--
Oh, never mind.

I have never been
so humiliated in my life.

I am terminating my fantasy
right here and now.

Are you?
Because of that girl?

Yes, I suppose
she's part of it.

I want back my clothes,
my identification and my money.

Oh, I'm afraid
that's impossible, Peter.

Impossible? Look, I don't mean
to sound pompous, but I am
used to getting what I want.

Well, in your country,
I'm sure that is the case.

But this is my country,
my realm,

and here,
I am to be obeyed.

Yes, but--
There are no "buts"
about it, Peter.

Remember that you paid
for three days
of complete anonymity.

Three days of being just
an average, hardworking man.

Look, I worked
on that boat today.
I proved I could do that.

Oh, my dear Peter.

You have so much to learn,
and so little time to learn it.

But if you want to learn
anything about the people
you are to rule,

then you must learn that
it is not the physical labor...

that challenges the average
man and woman, Peter.


It's the constant assaults
on their spirit
they must learn to endure.

Assaults on the spirit?
Oh, yes.

The violences against the soul
are the ones that hurt the most.

The dreams that slip away
into middle age.

The drudgery of the same job
year after year.

The day-to-day compromises.

The boss who yells at you.

The waiter who looks
down his nose because you
are wearing the wrong clothes.

A thousand tiny att*cks
that people like you or I
never experience.

Oh, yes.

Your fantasy was a worthy one,
Prince Peter,

or I never
would have allowed it.

Because to try to become
an average man...

is to try to become
one of the most overlooked,


yet noblest creatures
of all.

Your, uh, fishing boat
pulls out at dawn.

If you are going to get
any sleep at all,
you'd better be on your way now.

I really don't know
what to say.

There is one thing.

I know it sounds crazy,
but the girl--

I only talked to her twice.

I really like her.

I think I love her.

And you're afraid she won't
like you as yourself, huh?

No, I know she likes me,
but the clothes, the job,

uh, turn her off.

Miss Malone is a young girl
who's had some rough years,

Her father died while
she was still in high school.

She had to quit
to help support her family.

Yes, I'm afraid she's determined
not to get involved
with a poor man.

Then at least I should
be able to tell her
who I really am.

I was under the impression
you already had.

for her sake and yours,

if you really care for her,
don't try to win her
with your money and title.

Win her with your most
important asset--


Well, that is something
I've never really had
to do before.

Good night, Peter.
Good night.

And, uh, good luck.

Thank you.

[ Door Opens, Closes ]

[ Chris ]
Who's there?
It's me.

Who's me?
Me-- Peter.

Go away.
I gotta talk to you.

I don't wanna talk
to you.

If you don't talk to me,
I'll-I'll wake up
the whole place.

- Can't you take no
for an answer?
- No. Neither can you.

Look, if you don't
get out of here,
I'm gonna call for help.

It's 6:00 in the morning.

Will you have dinner
with me tonight?

Dinner? I haven't
even had breakfast yet.
Look, I told you--

Wild orchids.
The best I could find.

Thank you.
Now, good-bye.

Um-- Tonight?

Look, I appreciate the effort,
and the flowers are beautiful--
Look, look.

I know you could get me
in a lot of trouble here,

and I could lose my job
on the fishing boat.

Now, you wouldn't want that
on your conscience, would you?

[ Chuckles ]
That's a great line.

Then you will
have dinner with me?

Okay, but one condition.

After this, you'll please
stay out of my life.

I'll pick you up
around 8:00.


Marshal! Marshal!
Good morning, son.
What's on your mind?

- It's the Larson brothers!
- Larson brothers?

All right, take it easy.
What are they doing?

It's Mr. Ben
at the general store.

[ g*nf*re ]
They beat him up
and took his money.

They started
bustin' up the place.

Well, I guess
they chose their ground.

Any sign of Burke?

Not yet.
Not as tough
as I thought he was.

He's got to have heard
that shot.
Then where is he?

Right here!

Get out of here!

That was some trap
you suckered him into. We're
gonna get ourselves k*lled!

Shut up!
We gotta get out.

- Where?
- The door.

- I'll never make it!
- Suit yourself.

Hold it!
That's far enough!

Don't sh**t!

Don't sh**t.
[ Drops g*n ]

Please, Burke,
don't sh**t me.

Get up!
Get up.

This time, you two punks
are goin' to jail.

Faker! Faker!

Everyone said
you're gonna k*ll 'em.

You're supposed to k*ll 'em,
you faker!

[ Crowd Shouting, Murmuring ]

[ Man ]
You faker!

Hey, come on!
[ Peter ]
In a minute! In a minute.

Hey! See?
I told you it'd fit.

Mmm, yeah, I guess,
sort of.

Okay, it doesn't fit
so good.

It's the best I could borrow
on such short notice, okay?


Hey, in case you need
some extra bucks, okay?

I don't know
what to say, Jamie.

Say you're gonna
give it back to me someday.

You're a real friend.

I guess the first
real friend I've ever had.

I'll think of a way
to repay you one day.

Hey, someday when you're rich,
you can buy me
my own fishing boat, okay?

You got it.

It's nightfall.
You hadn't been in
all day to eat,

and I thought
you might be hungry.

Well, thanks.

You certainly surprised
a lot of people today when
you didn't k*ll those two men.

So I noticed.

They're holding a meeting
over in the bar.
A kangaroo court.

They're drinkin' up
a lot of whiskey
and gettin' their courage up,

and then they're gonna
come right over here and try
to hang your three prisoners.

Mmm! This stew is terrific.

Are you gonna do something
about it? They intend
to lynch those three men.

They deserve it, don't they?

You really don't intend
to do anything about it?

Why should I?

For the same reason that
you couldn't g*n 'em down
on the street this afternoon.

Because in spite of
all of your hatred and need
for the Old West,

you're a civilized man,

You can't do it.
They haven't had a trial.
They have their rights.

Rights? What about
the rights of the people that
were robbed, beat up and k*lled?

What about their rights?
The only rights my prisoners
have is what I give them!

If you let them hang,
that's m*rder.

It's not m*rder.
It's the law.

No, it's justice. I'm the law.
That's the way it was done
in the West.

Well, that doesn't
make it right, does it?

Now, look--
No, you look.

That badge you wear gives you
the power to enforce the law.

It isn't a hunting license.

[ Clatters On Ground ]
That's where it belongs, because
that's what you've made of it!

[ Door Opens, Closes ]

♪♪ [ Soft Jazz ]

It's been a wonderful evening.
I hate to have it end.

It doesn't have to.
We're just starting
to get to know one another.

That's just the trouble.

Peter, don't you see I can't?

I-I won't get involved.


You like me.
You know you do.

Must money mean everything?
People must matter
more than things.

Well, that's a lovely
storybook idea,

but it just isn't true.

If I really were a prince,
as I've been telling you--

Then I'd believe in Mary Poppins
and fairy tales,

and-and we'd live
very happily ever after.

Then money really is
everything to you,
isn't it?

When you haven't got it,
it's the only thing.

I feel so sorry for you.

I feel very sorry
for both of us.

[ Chattering, Shouting ]

Well, boys,
looks like your fan club
is comin' to pay you a visit.

You can't let 'em get us.
We got rights!

My partner's wife and kids
had rights too--

rights to a father
and a husband.

We didn't k*ll him.
How many times
I gotta tell you?

[ g*nsh*t ]

The next one won't be
in the air, Marshal!

We want those prisoners!

You can't do it, Marshal.
You're the law.
You owe us.

Owe you what?

I don't owe you
a thing.

[ Man ]
We want those prisoners!
[ Crowd Yelling, Shouting ]

[ g*nsh*t ]

You might as well
all go on home, boys.

There isn't gonna be
any hanging here tonight.

[ Voices Overlapping ]

- You can't stop us, Marshal.
- Yes, I can, Mr. Logan,
and I will.

Because when I start sh**ting,
you're the first one
that I'm gonna be aiming at.

Now come on, boys.
I'm sorry about this.

I really am.
But, uh,

the law is the law,

and some fool
has to uphold that law.

Now those men in there,
they're gonna be
held for trial.

What happens after that
depends on a real judge
and a real jury.

[ Groaning, Muttering ]

So why don't you all go on home
before somebody gets hurt?

I thought the streets
of New York City
were dangerous, but, uh--

Where are you from?

What'd you do there?

Same thing I do here.

You, um--
You wanna come in and talk?

I-I like the way you talk.

I don't think
I'm the kind of girl
you wanna know.

Oh. If it weren't for you,

I'd have had them hung.

Why don't you come in?

It's kind of lonely
in there.
I'm tired of bein' lonely.

My name is Julie.

I like that name.

All is well that ends well.

Oh, I would say
it's just the beginning
for Mr. Burke and Julie.

Tattoo, how would you like
to live in the Old West, huh?

I don't think so, boss.
Nothing exciting
ever happens here.

[ Chuckling ]
Come on, partner.

Let's go thataway.

[ Imitates g*nsh*t ]
Got you.

[ Both Blowing ]

[ Both Laughing ]

Would you put the bags
in the plane, please?

Thank you.

Mr. Roarke, I don't know
how to thank you.
Oh, no thanks are needed.

I assume your, uh, fantasy
was a success,
Captain Burke, huh?

Yes, in more ways
than one. It's like
starting all over again.

I found out what
it was really like to be...

judge, jury and cop
all rolled into one.

It's a tough road.

You might be interested, then,
in a cablegram
I received this morning.

It's from your
chief of detectives.

They've arrested the man
really responsible
for your partner's death.


The Larson brothers
were innocent
just like they said.

Well, of that crime

Well, looks like
I owe a certain person
a lot of thanks.

- Enjoy your trip.
- What about the town,
Mr. Roarke?

Who's going to be
the new marshal?

Oh, he probably will be
on the next plane.

As I told you,
it's our best-selling fantasy.

Well, thank you very much.


I'm sorry you feel your fantasy
didn't work out, Peter.
But it did really.

I learned what I had to.
I guess I can't ask for
much more than that, can I?

And, uh,
you've given up hope
for Miss Malone?

I had to.


I think we should try.

But last night, you said--
I know.

I said a lot of things
last night, Peter.
We both did. But you were right.

People do have to be
more important than things.
I see that now.

I'm glad.

I stayed awake the whole night
thinking of what my life
would be like without you.

I hate fish,
but I love the fisherman.

[ Roarke ]
Your plane is leaving.

Oh, before I forget.

Jamie asked me to express
his gratitude for the new
fishing boat you gave him.

It arrived this morning.

Fishing boat? You gave him?
I don't understand.

Explain it to her
on the plane, Peter.
You'll have plenty of time.

And we expect to be
invited to the wedding.

Do you think
they'll be happy?

Princess Grace is.

Who is Princess Grace?

Grace Kelly,
the princess of Monaco.

What's Monaco?

[ Sighs ]
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