01x04 - Fallen Angela

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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01x04 - Fallen Angela

Post by bunniefuu »

Just pick a point on the
horizon and stare at it.

What horizon?

I don't believe this.

How can you be seasick?

You mean to tell me,
all that time you spent

on Search and Rescue

you never spent any time at sea?

Well, how did you swing that?

I'm afraid of the water.

Say that again.

I never had to work
near lakes and oceans.

I always asked to be
excused from those, and I was.

Bad memories of
the flood, I guess.

This is ridiculous.

What is the first
thing an angel says?

Fear not... be not afraid...

Except for large
bodies of water.

Is that what you tell people?

I know there's
nothing to be afraid of.

I know it doesn't
make any sense.

Well, actually, it
makes good sense now.

The thing you are terrified
of is something she loves.


Your next assignment:
Angela Evans.

She's fighting a terrible fear,
the kind that comes in the night

and whispers in
your ear till dawn

and then sends you
running to the sea

just to get the voices to quit

for a little while.

But Angela's voices won't quit,

not until her own
voice drowns them out,

and it's your job to
help her speak up,

because if she doesn't,

this will be the worst
mistake of her life...

and her last.

♪ When you walk down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden, heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise and I
will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell
you I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

As a young man growing
up in this beautiful state,

there were unpolluted
rivers where I could fish,

safe streets where I could walk,

quality schools where
I could lay a foundation

for a real future for
myself and my family.

As senator, I make
this commitment...

Hold it up a minute, guys.

Hey, it's sounding
good, but you look like

some real estate guy
trying to sell the house.

Look, Carter, what
it needs... is Angela.

She's not going to do it.

Just have her stand
next to you and smile.

All right. Let me try.


Since when did you
ever go fishing in a river?

Hey, well, my dad took
me fishing a couple of times.

My mom made me stop
after I caught that trout

and left it in the
back seat of the car.

Well, how come I can't get you

to go in the boat with me?

Oh, you can.

I'm just not interested
in fishing, that's all.

Hey, I tell you what.

I'll make you a deal.

I'll go fishing with you

if you come with me
and stand over there.

Hmm? No.

Carter, I told you. No.

Come on, baby. Look. No. No, no.

You won't even
have to say anything.

Carter, these guys
are on a schedule.

Okay, okay.

All right.

When I was a young man

growing up in
this beautiful state,

there were unpolluted
rivers where I could fish.


Safe streets where
I could walk... Hi.

You need some help there?

You our new neighbor?

Brand-new. Welcome.


Angela Evans.

Oh, Evans as in senator.

Well, as in Evans the
almost-senator, we hope.

This house has been
empty for months.

When did you move in?

Last night.

Oh, gosh, I've been so busy,

I didn't even notice.
I-I would have helped

or something.

Ah. Well, you still can.

So I was thinking
of planting a garden,

but I was wondering

what the weather is
like this time of the year.

Oh, well, it's,
um... kind of dry.

There's, there's not a
lot of rain, you know?

Which is kind of
bad for gardens,

but it's, uh, good for fishing.

Ah, so you're a fisherman?

Well, no, I just kind
of like to sit in the boat

and think, you know?

I like the way the water
makes the boat rock, you know?

Back and forth
and back and forth.

It's the most peaceful
feeling I know.

I go out almost every afternoon.

Would you like to join
me sometime, maybe?

Sounds lovely.

How do you have time to fish
if you're running for senator?

Oh, that's not me. That's,
uh, that's my husband.

Oh. Yeah.

One politician in the family
is enough, believe me.

Yeah, I, um...

I write funding grants for
children's programs in the city,

and I volunteer at a center
for disadvantaged preschoolers.

Oh, I'd love to see that.

Well, we need volunteers.

And I need to be needed.

I love your accent.

You must be from
the Old Country, huh?


Very, very old.

All I'm asking for is
a little support here.

I am giving you all
the support I can.

I've given up everything
except preschool

just to work at headquarters.

What more do you want, sweetie?

You know exactly what I want.

I mean, anybody can answer
the phone and stuff envelopes,

but only you can be my wife.

You don't need a wife to win.

I need you to make
winning matter.

It matters. You know, I
really don't understand.

I mean, if it were you, and
the situation were reversed,

I'd be standing right
there by your side.

Hell, you're as qualified
as I am anyway.


Is that it? Hmm?

Are you a little jealous
because it's me and not you?

Yeah, right.

Don't even try to start
a fight with me, buddy.

You know how proud I am of you.

It's just that I like
staying in the background.

That's all.

Uh, what are you wearing?

I'm going to the boat.

We've got a fund-raiser here!

What did I just say?

Angela, you can't
even just put on a dress

and just sit there and smile?

No, I can't.


I love what you've
done with the place.

She's going to the lake.

I heard her.

What about you?

Why couldn't she be a hiker

or an aerobics
freak or something?

So then I thought
about sending her a card.

You know, "Happy
birthday. Love, your dad.

But then I thought, well, maybe
she'll take offense, you know?

Is that enough
for the first time?

I mean, I want to start
slow, not scare her off.

Mm, you know, Lundy,
after all these years,

she doesn't want to hear what
some greeting card writer thinks.

She wants to hear
what you think.

Why don't you
write her a letter?

I haven't seen her
since she was three.

I don't know what she
likes or what she thinks.

Why don't I just put
some money in the card?

Lundy, you coward.

I'll tell you what,

you write her a letter,
and if you want me

to read it first, I will.


On the house.


♪ ♪

What do you think's going on?

People only carry on in the dark

when they don't want you
to see what they're doing.

Do you think they're
having an affair?

And then this little tiny bean,

we put it down there

and make sure that it's in
there really good, sweetheart.

This little bean sleeps in the
ground for a long, long time,

and then it grows
into a big, big...

beautiful plant.

What kind of plant?

Well, a bean plant, silly.

I hate beans! You hate beans?

How could you hate beans?

Well, you wouldn't hate
them if you knew them.

Maybe we could give
your bean a name.

How could you hate
a bean called Oscar?

Hi, Oscar.

What's my bean's name?
Your bean's name is Seamus.

Now, why don't you all
go and water your beans.

Why don't you all run
over and water your beans,

and I'll be over
in a minute, okay?

You were great today. Oh,
I'm loving every minute of it.

Well, I've got some bad news.

I wanted to take you on
the boat today, but I can't.

Oh, that's too bad.

Yeah, Carter finally talked
me into one of those awful

campaign fund-raisers.

You really don't enjoy
this campaigning, do you?

I'd give anything if
he'd drop out of the race.

Truth of the matter is,

the last thing I want to be
right now is a senator's wife.

I think I'm a little out of
my element here, don't you?

I need an escort.

What you need is straps,
that's what you need.

Where's your faith, my friend?

Just don't make any
sudden moves, Monica.

Ooh, the Angel of
Death is a prude.

My, I'm learning a
lot in this new job.

Good evening,
ladies and gentlemen,

and welcome to
the Colston Hotel.

Please take your seats.

We're ready to introduce
our guest of honor.

You know him as one of this
state's strongest crusaders

for environmental issues,

a powerful advocate
for children's rights,

a leader in the
fight for education,

and the man who
will bring this state...

I'll be right back.

That's what they all say.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Carter Evans.

Thank you, thank you.
Thank you very much.

I can show up anytime I want to.

What are you doing in my room?

Get out of here!

All right, then.

You won't go?

I will.

Monica, what are you doing here?

I saw you leave
the dinner with that...

Marshall. Marshall.

The man who did this to you?

Oh, Angela, how could you

be in love with a man like that?

Is that what you think?

I'm not in love
with him, Monica.

He's blackmailing me.

I guess I finally got
what I deserved, huh?

Nobody deserves that.

Let me get some help.

No, no. Please, Monica.

Don't tell anybody about this.

All right, I won't tell anyone.

But, you know,
you can talk to me.

No. I don't want
to get you involved.

Let me be your friend, Angela.

Whatever it is,
you can trust me.

Funny, but... I
think that I can.

When I was growing up,

my father was a fry cook.

We had nothing.

I thought I was nothing.

But he made me
study really hard,

so I got a
scholarship to college.

But it wasn't enough,

and I thought I was
going to have to drop out.

Until I met Marshall.

Were you in love with him?

He pressed all
the right buttons.

He had money,
class, self-esteem.

He had it, I didn't.

He could lift me up or
take me all the way down

with just a look.

Then he started taking
me to these parties.

These pretty wild parties.

And he started to introduce
me to these other men.

And I don't know how it
happened but, all of a sudden,

I was sleeping with these men,
and they were leaving money.

Oh, Angela.

Marshall summed it all
up with this easy philosophy

about how I was using them
as much as they were using me.

I guess I just went dead inside.

And I told myself that it...

it didn't really matter
how I got the money.

How long did it last?

About a year.

Then, one day, I
was in a bookstore,

and I recognized one of the
men that I had spent the night with.

He was just staring at me.

Then I realized that he
wasn't seeing Angela.

He was wondering what a
whore was doing buying a book.

So I disappeared
after graduation,

and I moved out of state,

and I got my law
degree at night.

And I thought this
was all behind me.

I never dreamed that
Carter would run for senator.

But he did.

And when he did,
there was publicity,

and then there
was Marshall again.

And now he's blackmailing you.

So far, Carter hasn't noticed
the drain on the finances.

But, Monica, if this ever
got out, it would ruin him.

It would ruin his
whole campaign.

Oh, wait a minute.

Forget about the campaign.

What's at jeopardy
here is your marriage.

The worst thing Carter
could lose is you, Angela.

How am I going to
walk back in there

and explain all of this?

Oh... You got a
mirror or something?

You don't need a mirror.

That bad, huh?

Let me see what I can do.


I am basically
tired of politicians.

Well, I am not a politician.

I am just a man

who can only make
you one promise:

That I will protect and serve

the people and
the state that I love.


Carter Evans.

Sorry to call so early.

No, no, no, it's okay.

I need to speak with Mrs. Evans.

Yeah, sure, just one moment.

It's for you.



We're not finished yet, Angela.


Thank you. I will.

You bet you will.

That was a... a
parent at school.

Angela, there's a press
tour at the children's hospital,

and, uh... well, I think
you would fit in perfect.

Why don't you...?


Please, Carter. Don't
make me do this again.

I don't fit in.

Angela, when are we
going to talk about this?

We are talking about it.

And I'm not going to go.

I'm going to the boat.


Yes, alone.

How did you sneak
by me this morning

and I miss you?

Oh, I hit the water early
this morning, Lundy.


How's the letter coming?

Ah, I'm not much of a writer.

Be honest.

This is beautiful, Lundy.

If I were your daughter

and I got a letter like this,

I would definitely
want to meet you.

So you think I should mail it?

Mail it.

Well, that's the problem.

If I put my return
address on it,

she may tear it up
before she even reads it.

If I don't,

how will I know
it ever got there?

Deliver it yourself?

I can't do that.
She lives in Idaho.

You know, there's
great fishing in Idaho.

I don't know.

Let me tell you
something, Lundy.

I lived with my father my
whole life and I never knew him

because he was too
afraid to get to know me.

Don't make the
same mistake he did.

What are you going to
do for bait while I'm gone?

Can I tell you a secret?

I don't really fish.

I know.

By golly, I'll do it.

Good for you.

When I get back,

I'll re-rivet the
bottom of that boat

so it doesn't leak so much.

Great. That's your
department, Lundy.


Well, hi. Hi.

I hope you don't mind.

I was worried about
you and thought I'd try

to track you down.

What a beautiful place.

Now you know my
secret. Another one.

What did you really
come here for?

I wanted to talk to
you about Marshall.


Forget it. No trouble
talk on the lake.

Those are my rules.

Come on. Let's
go out on the boat.

No, I can't.

Why not?

I'm afraid of the water.

You're kidding.

No, I'm not.

I don't know why. Ang...

I'm not supposed to
be afraid of anything.

Well, everybody's
afraid of something.

Come on.

Just, just touch it.

Take a little step over here

and put your toe in it.

Come on, Monica. No.

Come on. Monica's a chicken.

Come on. No, I can't.

Monica's a chicken.

Come on. Come on.

It's just water.

Come on. See?

It's just water.

I'm not drowning.


Mrs. Evans?

Hey, sweetie.

When is it going to grow?

We have to be
patient, sweetheart.

Give it some time.

Will it grow before you leave?

What do you mean?
I'm not leaving.

My daddy says you're going to go

to Washington,
D.C., and move away.


Well, we're not sure
about that, Gregory,

but if I do, it won't
be for a long time.

Just let me know, okay?

I promise.

What are these
kids going to think

if this ever comes out?

You can stop it before it does.

No, I can't.

Yes, you can.

I took a step in the
water. Now it's your turn.

Oh, but I know
Marshall. He'll never quit.

He'll keep showing up
just when I'm not looking.

You know, like last night.

What if you find him first?

You know, catch him by surprise.

Some public place where
you feel safe and tell him

that you're not going to
give him any more money.

I can't even find him.
He always finds me first.

But if you could find him,
you could do it, Angela,

meet him on your terms,
take the control away from him.

He's got the control because
he's got the information.

But it's your word against his.

Believe me, people like that

will only go as far
as you let them.


Okay. I'll do it. But
I've got to find him first.

That can be arranged.


I have friends in
very high places.

You ruined my shot.


How'd you find me?

I've come to tell you that
this business of ours is over.

We playing golf or what?

Give me a minute,
huh, guys? I'll catch up.

Are you crazy?

I told you I'd find you.

Well, I found you.

And I'm telling you, you don't
have control over me anymore.

I'm not giving you another dime.

I'm taking control now.

You've been reading

those self-help books
again, huh, honey?

I own you, Angela...
Don't you ever forget that.

It's just your
word against mine.

That's all you've got.

Well, actually, I have a
lot more than my word.

I like to have some
insurance for days like this.

Remember that party
we had on the north shore

during that mayors convention?

Maybe that's why you
love politics so much, huh?

Yeah, remember?

I didn't know there
was a camera.

Well, I'm a
farsighted kind of guy.

Oh, my God.

I hate you.

You can keep the pictures.

I have more.

I think the best way to
handle this in the future

is to double next
month's payment, okay?

And don't ever try
to find me again.

Hey, cheer up.

Polls are looking good.

This'll never end.

Good afternoon.

I'm calling on behalf
of Carter Evans.

He's running for senator.

Have you considered...

Yes, ma'am, he's done
more for environmental issues

and inner city kids than any
candidate in the last two years.

Angela, phone call.

Of course I know
what I'm talking about.

He's my husband.

Great. You won't regret it.

Well, to be honest,

I'm rather apolitical myself,

but I do encourage you to give
Carter Evans fair consideration.

Yeah. Bye.


Angela Evans.

I want the money now, Angela.


I'll meet you at the
bank in ten minutes.

I understand.

I'm gonna head
out for some lunch.

How does Chinese sound?

Ooh, Chinese food.

Do they have potstickers?

Potstickers... Is
that what you like?

I don't know, I've
never had them.

I just like the word.

Okay. Potstickers it is,

and when I get back, I'll help
you out with the envelopes.

Oh, thanks, but I've finished.

How did you do that?

I'm ambidextrous.

Angela, I've got a call
from the children's hospital.

They're expecting
you there tomorrow

for the press tour.
Sully, I told you,

I've got my own
way of helping out,

and public appearances is
not one of them. Look, Angela,

Sully. I got to tell you,

just between you and
me, he can't win this thing

without you.

Now, I know you love him,
so why don't you help him?

You do love him, don't you?

Of course I do.

Who's Marshall?

"Thinking of you"?

I have no idea.

Did you get the flowers?


I hope no one
got the wrong idea.

There's only $9,000 here.

I can't withdraw the full
amount, or they'll report it.

I'll have the other
thousand for you tomorrow.

I hate waiting,
Ange. Make it $2,000.

Marshall, I can't.

After this, there's nothing
left, I'm all tapped out.

Maybe we should
think of something else.

Maybe I should
volunteer on the campaign.

Yeah, if Carter wins, I'll
be closer to the power.

Leave Carter out of this.

I want the money
tomorrow, Angela,

or I'll ask Carter for it.



So... how was the boat?

It was fine.

How was the reception?

What do you care?

I do care. You know that.

I don't know what you
care about anymore, Angela.

Carter, I want to help,

just not the way you want me to.

You've got to let me
find my own way, okay?

Yeah. Look, Sully's
got to put together

a campaign disclosure report.

We need a complete
rundown of our finances.

You think you can put our
bank statements together?

Y-You need the bank statements?

Yes, I need the bank statements.

You think you can do
that for me, Angela?


If you do that, I promise,

I won't ask you for
anything else, okay?

Hi. Hi.

I-I saw your lights
on. Come on in.


Thank you.

Carter has to release
his financial statements.

How about some coffee?

That would be great, thank you.

Marshall wants more money.

And he's threatening
to tell Carter.

Carter will barely
even speak to me.

All he wants is
the bank records.

I'm sorry to drag
you into this, Monica,

but you're the only
one I can talk to.

That's what I'm here for.

How much do you take?

I've never actually
made coffee before.

Here, let me help you with that.

You know, it's funny, you
seem to have all this wisdom,

but you don't know how
to make a cup of coffee.

That's the spice
of life, I think.

Everyone's on a
different schedule.

Maybe this is the night

I'm supposed to learn
how to make coffee.

And maybe this is the night

you're supposed to
tell Carter the truth.

You know, I've rehearsed
that moment a hundred times.

Sometimes I
write it in a letter.

Sometimes I say it at the door
with my bags already packed.

And sometimes I just
say it on the phone

because I can't
bear to see his eyes

when he looks at what
it is he really married.

But no matter how I practice it,

it always ends in good-bye.

Oh, you've got to
trust his love, Angela.

How can I expect
him to forgive me

when I can't even
forgive myself?

I was supposed to be
this dynamic activist...

and now all I do
is, I sit in my boat,

and I thank God that
another day has passed

and my secret is still safe.

You can't spend your life

sitting in the
boat staying safe.

That's no life.

Listen to you.

At least I'm in the boat.

You can't even
get your feet wet.

So I'll, uh, see you at
preschool in the morning, then.

If I couldn't teach anymore,

would you consider
taking my place?

That won't happen.

I'm glad I met you, Monica.

Me, too.

Good night.

This is a very
serious situation.

What do you mean?

Stay close to your
friend, Monica.

Her decision is at hand.

What decision?

Well, there's no telling what
decision a woman will make

when she doesn't
respect herself.

happening to me, Tess.

I'm afraid.

Like being afraid of the sea?

Sometimes we're afraid
of what we can't control.

But Angela is going
to make her decision

to let her secret free
or to bury it deeper.

I wish I could make
that decision for her.

That's not what love does.

I've never had a friend before.

Well, what am I, chopped liver?

You know what I mean.

The more I get to know
about human beings,

the more I get to
know about myself.

Well, while you're learning
about human beings,

I wish you'd learn to
make a good cup of coffee.

E, F, G, H, I, J, K...

Sully, have you seen Angela?

I wish.

Adam, I'm looking for
Angela... have you seen her?

She forgot her life preserver.

No, no, she didn't forget it.

Damn, I hate suicides.

They're the hardest
part of my job.

Has she?

Not yet.

Then there's still time?

You can't interfere.

Come on, Monica, you know that.

It's her decision.

Adam, If I could

just make her see
what she's doing.



Mrs. Evans is not going to
be your teacher anymore.

Did she go to Washington, D.C.?

No, she went to a
place a little farther away.

But, but she was going
to help me make this grow.

Angela... Look.

I knew there was something
wrong with the bottom of that boat.

I was going to re-rivet
it when I got back.

I never had a woman who
was a friend before, you know?

I think I just lost
my best friend.

Oh, Angela, think
of what you're doing.

If she changes her mind,

you won't have
much time, you know.

The water is very cold.

I know.

What about your husband?

Evans withdrew from
the race last week

after his wife's body
was found on the shores

of Mystery Lake.

The victim of an
apparent boating accident.

A close college
friend of Angela Evans

suggests that her death

was in fact a su1c1de.

A failed effort to cover up
the preschool teacher's past

as a high-class call girl.

It's one of those things,
kind of a double life.

I tried to get her
to come clean.

It's always better
that way, you know?

She was just afraid of
what her husband might do.

She confided in me many times
that he had been quite violent.



God, help me.

It's all right.


I've got you.

Don't be afraid, Angela.

Hold on.

Adam, is she...?

Alive and back on schedule.

Oh, thank God.



Are you...?

Shh, shh, shh. Just relax.

You saved me out there.


Are you?

I am an angel.

Like... like a real angel?

Sent by...?

Sent by God, Angela.

I knew there was
something about you.

Something so strong,
something so fearless.

Something, something
I always wanted to be.

Shh. Look at me.
Look at me, Angela.

You are strong.

You had the courage
to make a sacrifice

to save someone that you loved.

And you taught
me a lesson today.

That love erases fear.

For when I saw you out there,

I would have dived into the
deepest ocean to bring you back.

It might not have
been such a good idea.

You made the choice, Angela.

You want to live.

You just don't
want to live like this.

But I can't change the past.

Can you?

But all you need to
know about the past,

is that no matter
what has happened,

it has all worked together to
bring you to this very moment.

And it is this
moment, right now,

when you can choose
to make everything new.

You know something
about almost dying?

No, actually I don't.

Well, all of a sudden,

there's not a whole
lot more to be afraid of.


She's the one who
substituted today.


Tess, this is Angela.

It's awfully nice to see you.


Especially since we were

walking around
this block 45 minutes

waiting for you to get here.

Mrs. Evans, I missed you.

I missed you too, sweetie.

And what do we have here?

It's Oscar. He grew.

That's Oscar?

He did grow, didn't he?

Well, we all have our
little idiosyncrasies.

You don't like water and
I'm not much on patience.

It's amazing, huh?

Sit down, I need to talk
to you about something.


I would never do
anything to hurt you.

You know that.

And I've been
staying in the shadows

because there's something
about me that could hurt you

if it ever got out.

Go on.

Oh, God.

Carter, do you remember
when we first met?

Do you remember
how long it took me

before I could let
you make love to me?

Do you remember that?

Remember when I cried

when you told me
that you loved me?

When I finally believed
that you loved me.

Well, that's because

you were the first man...

Carter, I put myself
through school as a call girl.

I was desperate for money,

or I thought I was,
and I just did it.

I just did it.

I closed my eyes and
my heart and I just did it.

It only lasted for a year,

but when you
started campaigning,

the guy that got me into all
of that started to blackmail me.

And that's why
I've been so distant.

I'm sorry.

And I thought you
were having an affair.


I thought you didn't
love me anymore.

I love you so much.

I would leave if I
thought it would help.

The most important thing in
my life is not being senator.

It's you.

Loving you.

Who you are, who you
were, who you want to be.

I guess I should have
told you years ago.

I would have married you anyway.

Hey... Tell me about this guy.

Oh, he's out of control.

I've completely
tapped out the savings.

And I think if he
can't scare you,

he'll just go to the press.

What do you think if
we go to them first?

I think if it comes out,

better it comes
out on our terms.

That's what I'm thinking.

Are you up for it?

I'm not afraid anymore.

Here they are.

Ladies and gentlemen,

thank you all for coming out.

I realize it's a
little last minute,

but I have an
announcement to make.

As we gear up for the last part

of this campaign,

there is something
my wife and I feel

is necessary to share with you.

A few years ago, during a
very difficult time in my life,

I made a big mistake.


I'm doing it.

All I see is your little angel
butt sitting on that seat.

You know, Tess, sometimes
you can be really pushy.

That's what friends are for.

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