01x09 - Fear Not

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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01x09 - Fear Not

Post by bunniefuu »

Don't you just love the
way the sun pours through?

But they got the nose all wrong.

Well, they did their best.

People have been
painting pictures

and writing songs
and making movies

about heaven and all, ever
since they could breathe.

And they never come close.

Poor love.

It gets so dusty up here.

♪ Mm-hmm, oh, yeah ♪

♪ Mm-hmm, love that sky ♪

Now, Serena's music,

that comes pretty
close to the real thing.

Yeah, she and Johann Sebastian

have a lot in common.

You give them a little
glimpse of heaven

and they're off and singing.

But some people,
you can put heaven

right smack in front of them

and they still can't see
anything to sing about.

Thanks, Wayne, I forgot that.

Think, Joey.

Well, why don't
you come with us?

I have to go to
work, you know that.

But... Joey, I'll
see you at 5:00.

Well, come back before
5:00, 'cause it gets dark at 5:00.

You got to stop
this, you know it?

Come on, Joey.
We're going to be late.

So he's afraid of the dark, huh?

The only light in that
little boy's life is his friend.

But light is a
powerful thing, baby.

And the light from
that little girl is going

to reach into all the
dark corners of Joey's life.

It's going to
strengthen his faith.

It's going to illuminate
his brother's soul.

That light has got
to shine brighter

than it's ever shown before.

Before it goes out.

♪ When you walk down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden, heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell
you I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

♪ Hallelujah, hallelujah ♪

I told you this thing
would die before I did.

Ah, just keep going,
I'll get everything.

I can't keep going, fool.

And we're not waiting on you,

we're waiting on this
old, broken down...

Excuse me.

We're from the
Seraphim Organ Service.

We didn't call any service.

You should check
with the pastor.

Deacon Jamison, did
Pastor Mike mention

anything to you
about organ service?


But this is covered by
a service agreement.

But this organ's 100 years old.

Ah, but it was a
lifetime guarantee.

Well, you're too late.

No, I hope not.

It's going to be a beautiful
Christmas pageant.

Except now, there's no music.

Oh, you just leave that to us.

Okay, folks.

Shepherds, back to the
field; wise men, places.

Uh, the shepherds
were over here,

and the wise men
were over there.

Back, by the altar.

No, they were to the
west of the manger,

and Balthasar was in the front.

Say what?

There was Balthasar,

there was Melchior
and there was Gaspar.

And the shepherds
were just sort of...

cowering right about here.

Is this from your imagination

or from memory?

Honey, you'd be surprised
what I can remember.

Well, sister, if you think
you know what's happening,

then why don't you
just lead the band?

Well, if you insist.

All right, uh, wise
men go over there,

shepherds come over here.

And get closer together.

Altos, not so high.

Here, let me help you with that.

These things can be tricky.


Oh, you're going to make

a beautiful angel, Serena.

I can't wait.

Okay, you can go
home now, Mommy.

Why, sweetheart?

It's a surprise.

You can't see
it until it's real.

Well... Please, Mommy?


When should I come get you?

Can Serena come to my house?

Yeah, I'll go home with Joey.

Yeah, and we can make macaroni,

'cause she makes
really good macaroni,

and I promise I'll take

really, really good care of her.

I know you will, Joey.

Say hi to Wayne for me.

I'll pick you up
tonight at Joey's.


Places, please.

Are you sure you've
done this before?

Oh, it's going to be
just like being there.

Give me the notes.

Now, choir, we're going
to do this a cappella

until I can get this
organ in shape.

Better be in shape
by Sunday night.

Just give me the notes.

♪ Hallelujah... ♪

You can sit down.

♪ Hallelujah... ♪

Come on.

You mean this is
going to be at night?

Sunday night at 7:00.

And maybe you can
get your brother to come.

Come on now.

♪ Hallelujah ♪

Choir, we're going to have
to have a little more feeling.

And shepherds...

I want you to think "awe."

A heavenly host has
just appeared before you.

I want you to think "wonder."

Think "awe."



Yeah, yeah, that's
good, that's good.


"And lo, there were,
in the same country,

"shepherds keeping watch
over their flocks by night.

"And behold, an angel
of the Lord stood by them

"and the brightness of God

"showed round about them,

"and they were greatly afraid.

And the angel said unto them..."

Fear not, for I bring you
good tidings of great joy,

that shall be unto all people.

Serena? Serena!


Harry, bring her down.

I can't.

That's it. That's it.

You got her?

Oh, piece of cake.

Good job, Harry.

I can't breathe.

Oh, here, give her some
air, give her some air.

I was scared, Serena.

I was scared.

You're going to
be all right, honey.

You want me to call your folks?

I'm okay.

It's going to work, isn't it?

Oh, sure.

I'm not going to let
you down, honey.

I got to fly.

She has to be the angel.

Oh, you'll fly, honey,

'cause you're the
only angel we got.


That rope scared me.

I know, Joey.

But I'll be okay.

I don't think you
should go onto that rope

'cause it's too scary.

I have to, Joey.

It's my only chance
to be an angel.

Well, you can do it next year.

I'll be too big by then, Joey.

I have to do it now.

What do you mean
the pipes are dirty?

I mean they're dirty.

A whole lot of hot air

has been blown
through those things.

Serena, look what you forgot.

Mr. Beans! Thanks.

Is someone coming to
give you two a ride home?

Yeah, before it gets dark,

'cause I have to be
home before it gets dark.

It's not getting dark, is it?

No, not yet.

Wayne's coming
to pick you up, right?

I think so.

I said, "I'll see you
before it gets dark."

Oh, I can't remember.

What if it gets dark
and he doesn't come?

I have to be home
before it gets dark.

It's not that he's
afraid of the dark,

he just doesn't
like it very much.

Why don't I give you
a ride home, Joey?

And Tess can wait here just
in case your brother shows up.

You see that big,
red boat over there?

That's my car.

And not everybody

gets a chance to ride in that.


It's hard, sometimes, Tess.

Knowing the what

but not always knowing the why.

Knowing more than human
beings, and less than God.

When life keeps
you in the dark, baby,

that's when you start
looking at the stars.

Come on, Serena!

Come on! Come on!

Hey, Wayne!

Hey, Wayne, I'm
home. Don't pick me up.

What are you doing here?

I just beat the dark.

I was just coming to get you.

What if I'd missed you, huh?

Why don't you ever listen to me?

Well, Monica gave
me a ride, Wayne.


Hi, Wayne.

Hey, Serena.

Joey and I are going
to make some macaroni.

Okay? Okay.

Come on, let's go.

Uh, would you like to come in?

I'd love to.

Could I get you something?

Ah, no, thanks.

Hey, Wayne.

Wayne, the stable fell over.

Can you fix it?

'Cause you got lots of wood

and hammers and stuff.

Come on, Joey.
Let's go. Come on.

I have a lumberyard in town.


You don't mind me asking,

what are you doing around here?

I'm working on the
organ at the church.


I hadn't been
there in a few years.

That old thing still pumping?

Just barely.

We're hoping to have it fixed

in time for the pageant.

Are you going?

No, I'm not a
Christmas kind of guy.

Everybody loves Christmas.

Well, we keep it kind
of low-key around here.

What do you mean?

We don't make a
big deal out of it.

When our folks were alive,

you know, our mom
went all-out every year.

But I don't have
time for that stuff.

What about St. Patrick's Day,

or the Fourth of July,

do you celebrate those?

You know what I celebrate?

Serena, you got
everything you need?

Everything's under control.

I celebrate every
day that goes by

that Joey doesn't
break something,

or spill something,
or rip something,

or hug somebody too hard,

or scream his lungs
out 'cause it gets dark

when he wasn't looking.

That's what I celebrate.

And when it happens,

it usually doesn't
last that long.

Thank God for Serena.

At least she takes him off
my hands once in a while.

She doesn't let
anybody tease him

or hurt him.

She's probably the only person

that can really handle him.

And maybe that's
something to celebrate.

Wayne, I learned something
about Serena today

that I think you should know.

Her heart, right?

I heard about it.

Some sort of defect.

It's a viral disease.

It's incurable.

Do I put it in here?

But I thought it was
just a childhood thing

you grow out of.

Well, some children
live longer than others,

but in Serena's case...

Joey is going to lose
his best friend very soon.

Just kidding.

You tuning?

I'm testing.


Well, look, nobody touches
that organ except me.

My Grandma Edna played it,

my mother Edna played
it and this Edna plays it.

It's an Edna thing.

How can I fix this
organ if I can't try it out?

Well, you can fix it.

I just don't want you lingering,
you know what I mean.

I have it on very
good authority,

that angels don't
normally carry dolls.

Mr. Beans is not a doll.

Well, maybe Mr. Beans
could qualify as a cherub.

What's that?

A baby angel.

Mr. Beans is not a baby.

He's older than I am.

In fact, I promised him
that he could fly with me.

An angel keeps her
promises, doesn't she?


I don't know about this pulley.

It seems dangerous.

Serena's got her heart
set on it, you know?

You can't give children
everything they want, Harry.

That's right, I can't give
her everything she wants.

I can't give her
a healthy heart.

I can't give her
another year to live.

I can't even give
her another month.

But I can give her Christmas.

Hallelujah, hallelujah... ♪

That sounds horrible.

Well, they're just rehearsing.

In the end, it will sound...

it'll sound better.

Can't they sing "Silent Night"?

That's my favorite.

That's my favorite, too.

We'll sing "Silent
Night" at the pageant.

Well, I'm not going
to-to the pageant.


Oh, Joey, you've got
to come to the pageant.

You've done so much
to make it happen.

Well, no one told me when it is.

Don't you know when it is?

You mean because it's
going to be at night, right?

Don't worry, Joey.

We'll figure out something.

Why isn't Wayne here?

It's getting dark.

I can't go outside
when it's dark.

Joey, what is it about the
nighttime that frightens you?

People that go out at
night don't come back.

Hey, Joey, ready to go?

You're late.

I'm sorry.

I had a big order to get out.

And I have to get back
down there, so let's go.

No, no; it's dark. I can't go.

I don't have time
for this tonight, now.

We'll hop in the truck, we'll
be home before you know it.

Excuse me, Wayne, I think if
you just give Joey a minute...

Excuse me.

I've been giving Joey
a minute for years.

We go through this all the time.

Now, let's go, Joey.

No! No! No, Wayne.

Damn it. Come on, Joey.

What's wrong with you?

No! No! No, Wayne!

No, I don't want to go!
Please, don't make me go!


Go like this.

Come on. Come on.

Now, you see?

It's not really like, you
know, night out there,

or dark or anything.

It's sort of like
"Silent Night."

♪ All is calm, all is bright. ♪

Get it? All is bright.

Okay, now hold on.

Watch your step.

You haven't told him
about Serena yet, have you?


I don't know what
he'll do without her.

Or what I'll do.

I'm mad at my mind.

It forgot to tell
me to get glue.

I need to get some glue
and put it into my jacket

so I can have some for tomorrow.


Joey, sit down. We need to talk.


Let's talk after we get glue.

It'll only take a minute.

I have to tell you something.

No, no.

We have to go.

No, you have to hear this first.

No... No, no, Wayne.

What's wrong with you?

Last time you said that, it
was about Mom and Dad.


They went out into the dark
and weren't coming back

and weren't coming back
and you said, "Sit down,

I need to talk to you."

Sometimes things
are hard to hear, Joey.

But I need to talk to you again.

No! No! No! No! No!


♪ King of kings ♪

♪ And Lord of lords ♪

♪ King of kings ♪

♪ And He shall reign ♪

♪ For ever and ever ♪

♪ And ever ♪

♪ For ever and ever, and ever ♪

♪ Hallelujah, hallelujah ♪

♪ Hallelujah... ♪

Cut it.

♪ Hallelu... ♪



♪ ...jah! ♪

That sounded better, didn't it?

It sounded good to me.

How'd it sound to you out there?


Uh, truly, joyful
noise onto the Lord.

Oh, my narration sounded better,

this time, didn't it, Tess?

Did you like the
little thing I added?

Petting the cow?

We're getting there.

We're really getting there.

So take five and I'll
have some notes for you.

Serena, can we go
now, before it gets dark?

Okay, Joey.

Hey, silly, you forgot
to take off your halo.

I like it. It could be my hat.

Hey, Joey, let's make angels.

I don't know.

It's okay, we'll be to your
house before you even know it.



I'm sorry about
yesterday, Serena.

I made myself embarrassed.

That's okay, Joey.

We're all afraid of something.

What do you do
when you're scared?

I close my eyes,
try to be very quiet.


Are you okay?

Are you okay?

Okay, let's get you home.

Hold on, Serena. Hold on.

Hold on.


Hold on.

Almost there.

Hold on, hold on, hold on.

Wayne! Wayne! Help!


Take her in your room,
put her on the bed.


What do we do? What do we do?

I don't know. You got
to help her, Wayne.

I don't know, Joey.
Get out of here.

Go to the porch and
watch for her mom and dad.

I called an ambulance, too.

Help her, Wayne!

Get out of here, Joey. Go!

I don't know what to do.

Serena? Serena?

Come on, now,
don't you die on me.


God... what can I do?

You know, I'm glad
you two are here.

I thought she'd appreciate
a familiar face or two.

Serena, baby.

This is our friend Adam.

He's come to take you
to Heaven, very soon.

It's going to be a
beautiful trip, Serena.

You won't feel any more pain.

Yes, that's right.

There's going to be some tough
times between now and then,

but your angels are
here with you now

and you will not be alone.

Fear not, my little angel.

Her favorite song
is "Silent Night."

♪ Silent night ♪

♪ Holy night ♪

Dear God... ♪ All is calm... ♪

This is Joey.

My heart wants to
tell you something.

Please, please, don't let
Serena go into the dark...

'cause if she goes to Heaven,

who's going to love me?

♪ Holy infant, so
tender and mild... ♪

Please help.

Love, Joey.

♪ Sleep in heavenly ♪

♪ Peace... ♪

♪ Sleep in heavenly peace. ♪

Honey... look who's here.

Hi, Serena.

Don't forget, Joey,

we have to be
very still and gentle.

Okay, okay... Shh.


How come you have a new bed?

You don't have to whisper.

How come you have a new bed?

Well, I have to
lie here for awhile.

Your Mom says if
you just wait awhile

someone's going to
give you a new heart

and then everything
will be okay.

I don't think so, Joey.


The other day, I saw angels.

Monica and Tess,
the organ ladies?

They're real angels.


Real angels?!

Well, they don't
look like angels.

They did when I saw them.

They're beautiful, Joey.

I-I want to see the angels.

You have to do something
for me, Joey, okay?



Okay. Okay, I promise.

You have to take good
care of Mr. Beans for me.

Mr. Beans?

Wh-Where is he?

I think I... left
him in the snow.


You have to take him to the
Christmas Pageant tonight, okay?

I promised him
that he could fly.

No, no. No.

No, see, you're
going to be the angel.

You're going to take him
up and fly like an angel.

I'm afraid I can't
do that, Joey.

But you can.

No... no, I can't.

It's going to be at night.

It's going to be dark there.

I can't do it.

You have to come with me.

It's okay.

But you see, I can't take you
through the dark anymore, Joey.

You have to do
it all by yourself.

No, no, no... You can do it.

Fear not.

Excuse me...

Have you seen the angel?
Have you seen Mr. Beans?

Have you seen him?

Have you seen Mr. Beans?

No. No.

Let's go!

No... No, no.

Dear... Dear God,

This is Joey again, and, uh...

I have a p-problem.

I'm so scared.

Serena is so s-sick.

And I can't find Mr. Beans.

I prom... promised
her that he could fly.

And the Christmas pageant
is at night and I ca-can't go.

That's an awful lot
to be afraid about

all at once, Joey.

Are you an angel?

'Cause Serena says
that you're an angel.

Yes, I am.

You don't look like an angel.

Well, sometimes I do.

I made a mess.

Yes, you did.

But I understand why.

Wayne, he's going to k*ll me.


I'll talk to him.

Serena's going... to-to Heaven.

Yes, she is.

I'm going to miss her.

Because I'm going
to be all alone.

Oh, no.

No, you won't be alone.

You'll have Wayne.

Wayne hates me.


I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Wayne, before you say...

What the hell do you
think you were doing?

Do you have any
idea what you've done?

You know what you've done?

Wayne, please,
would you just listen?

Listen to her, Wayne.
She's an angel.

Shut up, Joey!

It's a mess over there.

You're lucky they're
not going to arrest you.

He was frightened.

He reacted the only way he
knows how. That's no excuse.

Yes, it is. He's your brother.

He needs some understanding.

Who the hell do
you think you are?

She's an angel.

This whole place is nuts.

I'm sorry, Wayne.

You don't leave this
house. Do you hear me?

And you, get out of my house.

If I stay inside, I guess I
can't go to the pageant.

There's not going
to be a pageant.

I'm sorry, Wayne.

I'm sorry.


We're closed.

How's Joey doing?

He's not.

He can't sit still.

He barely talks.

He walks around the
kitchen counting spoons.

He's in a lot of pain.

And he thinks you're an angel.

It's true.

No, it's not.

And I'd appreciate it

if you'd just stay
away from Joey.

Joey needs hope from someone.

What the hell does
he have to hope for?

He has you.

Don't remind me.

Joey needs you.

All Joey does is need me.

He can't even button his
shirt without needing me.

When I get angry, I
ask God for patience.

Now, what did
God ever do for me?

He gave me a brother like Joey

and then took my parents.

So I'm stuck with him.

Ask God for patience, huh?

It was God who did this to me.

That's not how God works.


Oh, yeah, yeah, I forgot:

You're an angel.

You know these things.

Joey's my friend.

Joey's everybody's friend.

Trouble is, he's nobody's
responsibility except mine.

Responsibility is a privilege.

You have been entrusted
with a beautiful soul

who loves you,
who's loyal to you,

who'll never hurt you.

Why won't you love Joey?

He thinks that you hate him.

You know...

when I was a kid,

I used to pray
for a little brother.

And when I finally
got one, well...

every morning, I'd wake
up expecting a miracle.

Hoping I'd walk
through the door,

he'd be at the breakfast table

all fixed, fine.

But a miracle never happened

and I stopped believing in them.

Joey really needs
you now, Wayne.

He's losing Serena
and he knows that

an-and when he loses her,

he-he's gonna lose the
faith that has kept him going.

You're talking to the wrong man.

I got no faith left.

You help Joey find his and I
promise you, you'll find yours.

Oh, hi, Wayne.


Sorry about all this, deacon.

Oh, well, don't worry
about it, Wayne.

The boy was hurting.

The truth is, he did what
most of us wanted to.

You know, I was thinking

that I could put a hand to those

and get them fixed
up for the pageant.

That's sweet, but there's not

going to be a pageant, Wayne.

I mean, I think we were all

just doing it for Serena's sake

in the first place.

Well, then isn't that a
good enough reason

to do it now?

Maybe Serena can't be there,

but promises were made.

Shouldn't they be kept?

Well, the organ still
isn't fixed, you know.

Did you hear that?

Did I fix that sucker or what?


I need to apologize to you.

I'm really sorry.

I know you're hurt inside

and I know you're
worried about Serena.

She's going to Heaven.

We don't know that for sure.

Hopefully somebody's
going to give

a new heart real soon.

I don't think so.

You have to have hope,

because she is your best friend.

She's been a lot better
friend to you than I have.

She never tried to change you...

and, Joey,

I'm not going to try to
change you anymore...

'cause I love you
just the way you are.

Where you going
with-with your suit on?

To the Christmas pageant.

But I-I broke everything.

I know it.

But I put it back together.

It looks pretty awful,
but it's standing.

Would you like to go?

I know it's awful dark out there

and... I'll just tell everybody

you said hello, okay?

Hello, Joey.

Merry Christmas.

Wayne is at church.

I know.

It's Christmas Eve and
he's gone to the pageant.

Why don't you come?

No. No. I can't.

I know that it's
dark out here, but...

you did make a
promise, didn't you?

Do you remember the promise

that you made to Serena?

But I lost him.

I can't keep the promise,
'cause I lost Mr. Beans.

Sometimes it takes
a lot of courage

to keep a promise.

Serena knows that
you have courage.

You've already been through

the darkest place
you can imagine.

Now it's time to start
looking for the stars.

♪ O little town of Bethlehem ♪

♪ How still we see thee lie ♪

♪ Above thy deep
and dreamless sleep ♪

♪ The silent stars go by ♪

♪ Yet in the dark
streets shineth ♪

♪ The everlasting Light ♪

♪ The hopes and
fears of all the years ♪

♪ Are met in thee tonight. ♪

"And so it was that
while they were there,

"the days were accomplished
that she should be delivered.

"She brought
forth her first son,

"and wrapped him
in swaddling clothes

"and laid him in the manger

"because there was no
room for them at the inn.

"And there were, in the
same country, shepherds,

"abiding in the field, keeping
watch over their flock by night.

"And behold, an angel
of the Lord stood by them,

and the brightness of God
showed round about them..."

"And they were greatly afraid.

"And the angel
said unto them..."

"Fear not..."


"I bring to you..." good tidings

"of great joy..." that
shall be to all men.

Fear not."

I'm proud of you, Joey.

You did good.

Hey, Wayne.

Guess what.

What's that?

You love me.

Yeah, I do.

And I love you, too, Wayne.

♪ Hallelujah! Hallelujah! ♪

♪ Hallelujah! Hallelujah! ♪

♪ Hallelujah! ♪

♪ For the Lord God... ♪

I'm really glad you came.

I think that Mr. Beans
needs an angel.

♪ Hallelujah! Hallelujah! ♪

♪ Hallelujah! Hallelujah! ♪

♪ For the Lord God
Omnipotent reigneth ♪

♪ Hallelujah! Hallelujah! ♪

♪ Hallelujah! Hallelujah! ♪

♪ For the Lord
God Omnipotent... ♪

You crazy?

♪ Hallelujah! Hallelujah! ♪

You're too heavy.

It'll never hold.

Trust me.

♪ Hallelujah! Hallelujah! ♪

♪ For the Lord God
Omnipotent reigneth! ♪

♪ Hallelujah! ♪

♪ The kingdom of this world ♪

♪ Is become ♪

♪ The kingdom of our Lord ♪

♪ And of His Christ,
and of His Christ ♪

♪ And He shall reign... ♪


♪ ...for ever and ever ♪

♪ And He shall reign
for ever and ever ♪

♪ And He shall reign
for ever and ever ♪

♪ King of kings ♪

♪ For ever and ever ♪

♪ Hallelujah! Hallelujah! ♪

♪ And Lord of lords ♪

♪ For ever and ever ♪

♪ Hallelujah! Hallelujah! ♪

♪ King of kings ♪

♪ For ever and ever ♪

♪ Hallelujah! Hallelujah! ♪

♪ And Lord of lords ♪

♪ For ever and ever ♪

♪ Hallelujah! Hallelujah! ♪

♪ King of kings ♪

♪ For ever and ever ♪

♪ Hallelujah! Hallelujah! ♪

♪ And Lord of lords ♪

♪ King of kings
and Lord of lords ♪

♪ And He shall reign...
and He shall reign ♪

♪ And He shall reign ♪

♪ And He shall reign,
for ever and ever ♪

♪ King of kings ♪

♪ For ever and ever ♪

♪ And Lord of lords ♪

♪ Hallelujah! Hallelujah! ♪

♪ And He shall reign for
ever and ever and ever ♪

♪ King of kings
and Lord of lords ♪

♪ King of kings
and Lord of lords ♪

♪ And He shall reign
for ever and ever ♪

♪ For ever and ever ♪

♪ For ever and ever ♪

♪ Hallelujah! Hallelujah! ♪

♪ Hallelujah! Hallelujah! ♪

♪ Hallelujah! ♪
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