02x05 - Angels on the Air

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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02x05 - Angels on the Air

Post by bunniefuu »

What is it I'm listening to?

The group is called Amphibians,
the Moist Screwdriver.

And it's a love song.

People listen to
this voluntarily?

Monica, one generation
never understands the music

of the following generation.

♫ W-G-O-S talk radio! ♫

Claire, it's 4:00.

Oh, no.

It's Sandy Latham time.

She's the greatest.

Hello, boring midwesterners!

Why don't you farmers just
stop watching that corn grow

for a minute, give us a call?

Yo! Somebody
pay that phone bill!

You're on the air.


You're on the air.

Hello, am-am I on the air?

Not anymore.


Folks, if you're not smart
enough to talk on the radio,

it's no wonder you're
losing those farms.

You all sound

like those guys that
call up my daughter.

I should probably
just buy that spot

in the trailer park
right now, get it o...

Hi, Claire.

You got a real funny mum.

Yeah, she's hilarious.

Nice jacket.

Yeah, I stole it.




If you want one,
I can get you one.

I don't know.


All right.

If you change your
mind, it's yours.

That's Sandy's daughter,

also known as Claire,

also known as your
next assignment.

What am I supposed to do?

Help her and her mother
understand each other's music.

But you just said
that never happens.

Well, you never say
never in a business like this.

Sometimes the things

that you think will
never happen do.

And they're going to
need each other then.

♫ Your heart ♫

♫ Your heart ♫

♫ Your heart... ♫

Ear Wax?

No, thank you.

♫ When you walk down the road ♫

♫ Heavy burden, heavy load ♫

♫ I will rise ♫

♫ And I will walk with you ♫

♫ I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Till the sun
don't even shine ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Every time, I tell
you I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♫

You're on the air.

Hi, Sandy, uh, this is Mel.


Uh, no.

Call back when
you're Mel Gibson.

Uh, Sandy...

Let's see what
else we've got here.

Whoa, speaking
of wasting my time,

my very own personal assistant,

Arlene, left a message on
my machine this morning

saying she wasn't
going to come in today.

So why don't we just find out

what this is all
about, shall we?


Arlene, where are you?

Oh, Hi, Sandy.

I'm sorry about today.

I am so bloated, I can't
even button my pants...

Arlene, we're on the air.

We are?

Arlene, I don't pay
you to get bloated.

I pay you to work for me.

But... Sandy, I'm sick.

You're fired. What?

Let's go to a commercial.

Are you trying to have a baby?

She fired her for being bloated?

Did she really do that?

You know, she's
getting weirder every day.

I, uh... I guess that's my cue.

Fly, Miss Wings, fly.

Did you know that you,

yes, you, can be part of
the Sandy Latham show?

That's right.

One masochistic listener
will become my cohost,

translate victim, for an
entire week of laughs,

mostly at your expense.

So just send that
last-minute postcard

to the "I Am Nothing,
Sandy is God" sweepstakes,

right here, this station.

Now, the lucky loser will be
selected at random tomorrow.

Okay, just one more commercial,

and then I'm going to
ruin the next listener's life.

Don't go away.

It's Omega's
economic forecast...

Where is everybody?

Sandy, there's
someone here to see you.


Hello, Sandy.

I'm here to
interview for the job.

What job?

The job as your new assistant.

Well, I just fired her
two seconds ago.

Ah, then I'm not too late.

Well, just come on in.

Hi. I'm Sandy.

Hello. Monica.

Have you done radio before?


There's nothing to it.

You just sit down in that chair,

and you talk on that microphone

and follow my lead.

Okay, stand by.

♫ WGOS, Talk Radio! ♫

We're back.

Change in plan.

During the commercial,

an obviously desperate
young woman came all the way

down here to the
studio to interview

for the recently vacated post

of personal assistant
to Sandy Latham.

What's your name, dear?


You're not from
around here, are you?


No, I'm not.

Well, good.

That's one thing in
your favour already.

Do you know how to
operate a backhoe?

Haven't the foggiest.


Here comes the big one.

Do you bloat?

Not at all.


What I need is, oh, someone

to arrange my
personal appearances,

file my fan mail, organize
the book I'm writing,

maybe a little light dusting,

just your general
all around sl*ve.

Are you up for that?

I think I can handle that.

Have you done
any animal training?

Do you have a dog at home?


A teenage daughter.


I think that'll be just fine.

Well, fasten your seat belt,
because you start tomorrow.

And we'll be right back.

You're listening
to WGOS, 107 FM.

Actually, Claire
is a terrific kid.

You are going to love her.

Eric was looking at you.

Do you have something to eat?


The prom is getting closer.

There's still time.

Well, he'd better ask you before
all the good tuxes get rented,

and he's stuck with
something green.

I told Jamie, get a black
tux, or I am not going.

Yeah, right.

Do you think he'll ask me?

I think he wants to.

I mean, it's either
you or Emily Short.

What if you just ask him?

Are you insane?

I'm not desperate.

Sure you are.

You've dreamed
about going to the prom

since your first Barbie doll.

Face it, girl.

It's a defining moment
of your life to date.

Your mother was so
funny yesterday, Claire.

Go away, Crystal.

You know,

I think if I had a
mother like that,

I'd k*ll myself.


It's all unresolved
sexual tension, really.

You see, divorced women
need a place to put their anger.

My mother picks
fights with the mailman.

Same thing.

Only it's not so... humiliating.

Shut up, Crystal.

Well, it is humiliating.

She makes a fool
of herself and you.

Take it back. No.

Take it back.

Miss Latham.


Let go of her head, please.

Great. You didn't even
hear what she said.

Let her go.



I take it back.

Okay, we have a winner

in the cohost contest,

although from what
I've seen so far,

I am using the term
winner very loosely.

Hi, Sandy.

It's nice to be here.

Wait, it's early.

This is Tess, and...

Well, Tess, you are a big woman,

aren't you, my dear?

Well, I have a big
heart, and it needs room.

Hey, it's got it and then some.

Well, I guess yours doesn't.

That's why you're such
a bony little thing, huh?

Hey, hey, hey.

Look out, Des Moines.

Tess is in town.

Tammy from Council Bluff,

you're on the air with Big Tess

and, uh, Little Sandy.

Hi, Tess, Sandy.

Uh, this is Tammy from...


Hello. I got your
computer fixed,

and I worked out a
whole new filing system

that I think you'll love.

And I tried to answer
your fan letter, but...

Just one letter?

It was strange.

Somebody asked for a recipe.

Oh. When I first
started at the station,

I was doing a cooking show.

I used to be a Home Ec
teacher, believe it or not.

So how did you...?

Turn into this?

I got divorced very badly.

I started insulting the
pot roast on the air,

taking it out on the guest chef.

The ratings zoomed, and
I got moved to prime time.

What's the recipe?

Lemon soufflé.


I'll look it up.

Anything for my public.


You must be Claire.

I've heard so much about you.

Who are you?

I'm Monica.

I'm your mother's new assistant.

I can't wait for us
to become friends.

If you're my mother's
new assistant,

we won't know each other
long enough to be friends.

Mmm. This is so good.

Monica cooked.

It's not even in
her job description.

Oh, well, I don't get the chance

to cook very much.

A couple of my friends
asked me to get an autograph.

Well, sure.

This is for Gabe and for Megan,

and I'm going on a field trip,

and you need to
sign the consent form.

It's in there, too.

Where you going?

I told you, on a field trip.

Don't get wise.

I forgot, that's
your job, right?

Just sign right there.

A field trip?

How lovely.

I've seen a lot of
really beautiful fields.

Let me see that again.

"Disciplinary report."

I got into a fight.

A fight?

Some girl was hassling
me about your show.

So, it's just
really all my fault.

Well, if it wasn't for you, it
never would have happened.

Why do you keep
talking about me like that?

I can't believe it.

And I can't believe

you fired Arleen
right on the air.

I did not fire Arleen.

Her husband got a job

and she's moving to Milwaukee,

and it was a bit we were
saving for a slow day.

So, what am I, a "bit," too?

Honey, just stop it.

It has nothing to do
with you, and you know it.

It's just... it's an act.

It's a character I play.

It puts food on the table, it
puts a roof over our head,

it pays for all your clothes

and it's going to
pay for your college.

Don't you remember

what it was like when Daddy left

and we didn't have any money

and we had all
those bills to pay?

You want to go back to that?

I don't.

It takes a little sacrifice.

And I'm the
sacrificial lamb, right?


Mom, I'm just sick
of all my friends

teasing me all the time.

Then I guess they're
not your friends.

Now about this...

you're grounded for two weeks.


One week for fighting

and one week for lying to me.

That means I miss the prom.

The only senior prom
I'll ever go to, ever.

Okay, you're grounded
except to go to the prom.

Then how am I going
to go buy my dress?

Fine, you're grounded
except to buy your dress

and go to the prom.

No one's even
asked me to go yet.

What are we talking about?



Excuse me.

But I think in order for Claire

to be asked to the prom,

she has to be somewhere
where there are boys.


That's right.

Okay, you're grounded
after the prom.

Daddy wouldn't ground me at all.

Well, you don't live with daddy.

I wish I did.

Well, today you're
living with me,

and as for this,

I'm going to check Box "B".

"Parent-teacher meeting
with homeroom advisor."

Why don't you just send the
lamb to the slaughterhouse now?

Get it over with.

Claire... Don't worry, mother.

It's just a bit.

WGOS News Time: 1:45.

Magazines, an
invitation to speak

at the Pessimists of
America Convention,

and something here
from a mortgage company,

marked "Second Notice."

Oh, it's a computer error.

I'll take that.

Good morning, Tess.

Nice outfit.

That's what she says now.

On the air, it'll be
a sack of potatoes.

She is so nice

but "nice" stinks on the radio.


Todd, hi.

This is Monica,
my new assistant.

Hi, Monica. Todd
Barber, station manager.

Hello, Todd.

It's a nice station
you have here.

It sure is, thanks to Sandy.

Which reminds me,

you and I need to powwow today.

Oh, I really don't
have any time today.

Neither do I.

How about right,
uh, before you go on,

say 3:00?

I guess.

Super, see you then.


The parent-teacher
conference is at 3:15.

I know.

Could you cover for me?

Oh, I don't know.

I'm neither a
parent nor a teacher.

Consider this in your job
description under "Please".

Thank you.


I'm looking for Mr. Richie.

Does he owe you money?


Jeff Richie, at your service.

Come on in.


My name is Monica.

Hi, Monica.

I have a parent-teacher

but it can wait.

Well, actually
that's why I'm here.

I'm Sandy Latham's
personal assistant.

Ah... Yeah, she always
sends an assistant.

Please. Thank you.

The one time she did show up,

she went on the
air the next day,

made fun of my tie and
I haven't seen her since.

It's a perfectly lovely tie.

Well, it wasn't this
tie, but thank you.

So how long has Claire been
having disciplinary problems?

Since her parents divorced
about two years ago

and her mum became
the mouth that roared.

The radio show.

Mrs. Latham is in the spotlight

and teenagers want to be
anywhere but in the spotlight.

They want to be able to fit in.

Claire can't do that.

She can't be like
her friends and fit in.

Her mother won't let her.

She's turning into a
very angry young girl.

It sounds serious.

She's a good kid.

Right now she's on the line.

She could go either way.

Move it, guys. You're late.

So what can I do
to help, Mr. Richie?

Well, for starters
you can call me Jeff.

Jeff... what else
can I do to help?

You could come to the prom.

Me, to the prom?

I don't think so.

No, no, as a chaperone.

Look, Mrs. Latham clearly
is not going to make the time.

I think it would be
very good for Claire

to know that somebody is
making time to support her.

So this is for Claire, then?

Oh, of course.

Jeff, you're very kind

but Claire hasn't
even been asked yet.

Well, word in the
teacher's lounge

is that Eric is either
going to ask her

or Emily Short, but
Claire, big favourite.

Well, in that case...
I'll see you there.



Come on in, Sandy.

Close the door.

Ooh, close the door.

What's up?

Sandy, haven't I always
been honest with you?

I have absolutely no idea.

Well, I have.

I've always been
there to kiss up to you

when things are going great

and I've always been there

to kick you when they haven't.

Is this a kissing
or a kicking day.

Your show is losing steam.

Calls are down 60%.

Been a bad ratings
period all around.

The other night,

the sports trivia guys
didn't get any calls.

They were asking
each other questions.

I'm getting pressure
from upstairs.

They're doing research again.

Oh, no... Oh, yes.

And either I get the numbers up

or my number is up.

Well, what do you want me to do?

Do what you were doing

when people were listening.

I think I am.

I can't make them listen.

You have to make them listen.

That is why you're here.

And if you want to stay here,

you need to come up
with something new, pronto.

Fine, I'll take care of it.

I got a whole bunch of
stuff I've been saving.

Good stuff?

Great stuff. All right.

That's my girl.


You're on in five.


See ya.

Bye, bye.

Do you want to go with us?

Hello, Claire.

Hi. What are you doing here?

I was filling in for your mum.

With Mr. Richie?

What a surprise.

I thought maybe we
could go shopping.

I've got to be at
work in an hour.

Oh, we have time.

I need to get a
dress for the prom.

So do you.

You have a date to the prom?

Boy, this is getting
really depressing.

No, I'll be chaperoning.

You'll be the one with the date.

Nobody's going to ask me.

Teacher's lounge has you

three-to-one favourite
over Emily Short.

You're kidding?

I'm going to die.

Come on.

♫ Take down to the ground,
turn yourself around ♫

♫ Ooh, get moving ♫

Oh, Claire, it's beautiful.

I know.

You're only missing one thing.


You know, a date?

Monica says I
have to have faith.

That's a nice dress, Claire.

You'd look awful hot
next to me at the prom.

Thanks, Jake,

but I'd rather impale myself
on the Washington monument.

Is that a no?

Don't you have a meeting

with your parole
officer that night?

Claire, watch this.

You can't do that.

Oh, no?

Who's going to stop me?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

See you around.

♫ Get moving, get moving ♫

Claire, don't look.

I said don't look.

Oh, God.

I really can empathize
with a bad marriage.

I will never know why I
married my ex-husband,

but it's a whole lot
like buying a couch.

It looks great in the store

until you get it home.


Let's go to the next call.

Let's see...

What is going on
in town this week?

Well, there's the pig races

and then there is
the oat-eating contest,

but let me tell you what the hot
topic around my house has been.

It is the upcoming prom.

Now, Tess...

did they have proms
when you were a girl?

It was just one
party after another.

Oh, I'll bet. I will just bet.

Oh, yes, the prom.

All you locals out
there are spiffing up

those formal overalls,
borrowing your dad's tractor.

How was your prom?

Oh, please, I didn't go.

Proms are pretentious,

they are expensive,
they are overrated.

Oh, nobody asked you, huh?

Here you go.


Mm, he's coming this way.

Don't leave me, Amy.

Yeah, right.


We just set a radio record.

It has been four minutes
since our last call.

Is there a power line
down, or something?

Okay, well...

I guess it's time to
announce the new contest

that we're going to have
right here at this station.

My daughter Claire has got
no date for that upcoming prom,

and she really,
really wants one.

So... we're going to
have A Claire-a-thon.


Now if you're male...
Sandy Latham Show.

Yes, and what's your name?


Or just butt ugly...
Sandy, that's wrong.

You're right, I am sorry.

I meant facially impaired.

Claire, you've got
to hear this. Uh-huh.

Hi. Hi.

Now, Claire is 16.

A solid seven out of ten.

Possible eight,

but granted I am her mother.

Her skin is pretty good. What?

Ooh, pretty fair dancer.

This I know. I have seen
her dancing around the house

in her underwear
a thousand times.

Listen, if she sounds
good, just give me a call.

I think I changed my mind.

Tell me why you would
like to take her to the prom,

'cause you do not want to
miss the Claire-a-thon. Eric?

♫ W-G-O... ♫

A group of conservative
private-sector economists

who follow the Fed's moves
issued a statement on Monday

warning that another
rate increase now

would run the risk of
tipping the U.S. economy

into a recession.

Administration officials
are worried that such...

Some show today, huh?

So I heard.

I'd hate to be that kid.

I can't believe she did it.

Desperate times,
desperate woman.

How could she do that
to her own daughter?

Sandy felt she had no choice.

It's hard to believe that
Sandy feels much of anything.

Well, don't you believe it.

Now, I'm not saying
what she did was right,

but she had her reason.

It wasn't a good one,
but if you weren't so busy

running around
acting like a teenager,

you'd see how desperate
a mother can get.

I'm not acting like a teenager.


What are you wearing
to the prom, Miss Wings?

There's a lot more

at stake here than a
dream date for Claire.

So you get your angel butt

back to business,
or you're grounded.

Now put that in your
halo and smoke it.

Have a good show.


Good night, Eddie.

Good night, Monica.

Bill, three minutes to air.



I know. I'm sorry.

I don't know what
I was thinking.

It... I just wasn't
getting any calls

and there was dead air

and I had to think of something.

Well, you sure did.

God, I hate you.

Oh, Claire...

You just don't give
a damn, do you?

Please, don't talk
to me like that.

You're my daughter.

I'm not your daughter.

I'm material for
your stinking show.

I'm a joke.

You used me.

You used Daddy.

You use complete strangers

just to get people
to listen to the radio.

The radio, Mother.

You crucify people
just to fill up air.

You know that's
not who I really am.

I don't care.

It doesn't matter.

Whoever you are,
you just ruined my life.

I didn't think the prom
was that big a deal.

Well, it's a big deal to me,

but that doesn't count.

You just don't care
how people feel.

I want to go live with Daddy.

Now I know why he left.

Hold it.

You want to know
why your father left.

He didn't want
the responsibility.

He didn't want the mortgage.

He didn't want the car payment.

And he didn't want a wife

who expected him to
give up his girlfriends.

Oh, yeah.

Your fabulous father
left me and you.

He traded us in
on a newer model.

You want to go live with him.

Honey, I'm sorry.

He didn't want you then,
and he doesn't want you now,

and it breaks my
heart to tell you that,

and do you think I'm a bitch?

It's nothing compared

to the bitch I have
every right to be.

Just because he hurt you,
doesn't give you the right

to make everybody
else pay for it.

Hi, it's me.

I'm okay.

I just have no life, that's all.

Look, you know that guy, Jake?

What's his last name?

I don't know, Amy...
That's why I'm calling you.

Well, ask around?

I've got to talk to him tonight.

I've got to get out of here.

Well, just find out.

Don't tell anybody.

I was going to the prom,
but my date got sick.

Hoof and mouth?

No, appendicitis.

I really want to go,
but if I went by myself

I'd be like a loser.

Well, if the prom dress fits.


Donna, baby, this is Tess.

Do you mind?

Go ahead. Knock yourself out.

Donna, this is your prom,

and you have a
right to be there.

Just keep moving and don't
dance with any boy more than once.

They're somebody else's date.


Just smile and have a good time.

God bless you, baby.

Wow. Thanks a lot, Tess.

Well, wasn't that
warm and fuzzy?

I'm going to get out of
here before I lose my lunch,

but keep those faxes
coming to the Claire-a-thon.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Remember, Des Moines...
You're not so good.


Todd was looking for you.

♫ WGOS Talk Radio. ♫

I'm sorry, Sandy, times change.

You got to change with them.

But the... the whole
prom thing is working.

We're picking up.

No, Sandy, you're
dying out there.

People are tired of abuse.

They want some relief.

That contest winner's getting

more calls than you are.

You're not hiring her?

I don't know.

I got to do something.


I can tone it down.

I can be warm and loving. I can.

What do you want me to do,
bring you back as Mother Teresa?

You just sold out your own kid.

Nobody's going to forget that.

I'm sorry, Sandy.

You were flavor of the month.

The month's just changed.



You've got a telephone
call, line three.

Take a message.

It's Claire's school.

They said it's important.


This is she.

She's my daughter, yeah.

Whoa, whoa. Wait, wait, wait.

What do you mean, "missing"?

It's right in here.

Yeah, we can get you
fixed up, no problem.

You'll be on your way to,
uh... wait, where you going?

L.A. I think.

I thought your dad
lived in Chicago.

I can't go there.

All right, look, just, uh, just
be cool with Monte, okay?


Yeah, it's me, man.

Well, we're going to chitchat.

We're going to talk business.


I hear you got
access to new CDs.

Access? She's almost
assistant manager.

What are you, the agent?


You get me five CDs a day for
three months, a thousand cash.

Three months? I thought
I could do this once.

Yeah, I know. Look.

The thing is, Monte,
uh, I did tell her that.

She needs to get out of town.

She's looking for
an airfare out of here

and she can get you 200, new
in a package, one-shot deal,

and, you know, I said okay.

Oh, you said okay?

Yeah, man.

Get out of here, man.

Hey, forget I said anything.

No, I'm serious.

Get out of here. Me and her,

we're going to
negotiate this ourselves.

Look, I think I changed my mind.

Hey, don't worry about it.

He's waiting right outside.

He'll make sure you get
home okay and everything.

Really, never mind.

Hey, hold on.

I wouldn't waste any energy

trying to figure out
what just happened.

Because you're going to need
all of it to find your way home.


Are you all right, Claire?

I... I don't know.

What happened?

Monte won't be
bothering you anymore.

Tell me there's a scientific
explanation for this.

God doesn't need
science to explain Himself.


I'm an angel, from God.

You're an angel?

That is really hard to believe.

I know.

But you see, Claire,

sometimes you just have
to look inside your heart.

When an angel speaks to
you, they always speak the truth,

and the truth comes
from your heart

in a way that
another's words cannot.

The truth I'm going
to tell you, Claire,

is that you love your mother

more than you can express,

and the last thing you
want to do is leave her.

But you don't know
what else to do

because you've never
felt so alone in your life.

I don't know what
I'm doing here.

It just hurts so bad, I
had to do something.

I wanted to make her
hurt as much as I did.

And you succeeded.

But do you feel any better now?


Claire, bad things
are always going

to happen in this life.

And people will hurt you.

But you can't use
that as an excuse

to fail or to hurt
someone else in return

because you just hurt yourself.

God loves you and
he loves your mother,

and it hurts to see both
of you in so much pain.

Both of us?

Your mother has been
hurting for a long time.

She's been trying so
hard to provide for you

and protect you,

that she's pushed
her own pain aside.

Yes, she has to learn to
understand what you're feeling.

But you have to try

to understand what
she needs as well.

I never thought of her
as being in pain before.

The day comes in
every daughter's life

when she sees her
mother not as a mother,

but as another woman with
a heart that can be broken.

This is that day for you.

It sounds like my mom's
the one who needs an angel.

She has one.

I cannot wait 24 hours.

She is missing now!

No, she didn't run away!

Of course we have problems.

She's a teena... Oh,
my God. I don't know.

Yeah, well... No,
it would be here.

She'd call me here
because I usually work late.


No, no, no. I'll
wait right here.


Would you like a little
advice from your co-host?

No, thank you.

Well, how about a little
advice from an angel?

Tess, I'm just not in the
mood for jokes right now.

The night your husband left you

for the younger,
thinner, firmer, blonder...

I think Debbie was her name...

You stood in your room
and you made a vow to God.

You said, "I'm never going to
let anybody hurt me anymore."

"I'm going to be strong.

"I just won't feel anything

and they're never going to
see me cry, I swear to God."

You have to be careful
what you swear to God,

because he hears you.

And I'm here to tell you
that feeling something

is exactly what you need to do.

I don't believe in God.

Well, that's too bad
because He believes in you.

He knows how bad
you've been hurt

and He wants you to let it go.

It's time.

Why would God
send an angel to me?

Just to let you know

that there's somebody who's
never going to leave you.

He's going to love you always.

That's His promise.

Let it out.

You don't have to hide anything

from anybody anymore.

Let it go. Let it go.

It's all right. It's all right.

I really loved him.

And when he left, it just...

made me feel like nothing.

And so I had to find something

that would make me so
busy I couldn't feel anything!

There's quite a world out there.

Disposable careers, disposable
wives, disposable faith.

But God is not going
to let you throw away

this gift He's given you.

Claire is safe, Sandy.

Thank God.

Now, you've had some bad times

and you're probably
going to have some more,

but you've got to
decide right now

whether the rough
times are going

to bring you two closer
together or pull you apart.

There will be another job.

But there will never
be another Claire.

I'm sorry, Mommy.

I'm sorry. Can you
ever forgive me?

We've got a lot
of talking to do...

off the air.


I heard about your job.

Are you okay?


I'll think of something.

I can always teach
home ec again.

I can waitress.

Whatever it takes.

You are going to that prom.

Whatever it takes.

It's going to take a miracle.

♫ I don't ever want to feel
any better than tonight ♫

♫ I got a right to want to
say that a man's gonna be ♫

♫ So let me get it right ♫

♫ Let me get it right ♫

♫ Let me feel all
right this one night ♫

♫ Please don't ever go because
my feelings are too strong ♫

♫ Well, I've got a
right to be this strong ♫

♫ So let me be right,
let me get it right ♫

Monica, you are breathtaking.

No, Claire is breathtaking.

She is, isn't she?

♫ Let me be right,
let me get it right ♫

So how do you like chaperoning?

It's great.

Kids come by to spike the punch,

when they see me, they
beg me to call them farmers.

You are so beautiful.

Why aren't you
wearing your corsage?

I asked Eric not
to put it on me.


I wanted you to.

Very carefully.



We're going to go dance.

♫ Until the end ♫

♫ Don't have to pretend
that the moment's... ♫

Hear that?

They're playing our song.

I didn't know we had a song.

Oh, yeah, this is it.

Thank you for
this, it's beautiful.

Oh, you're welcome.

Proms are a very
good thing, I think.

Yes, they are.

And picnics, picnics
are a really good thing.

How about next week?

Oh, Jeff, I'm sorry, but
I'm leaving town tonight.

When are you coming back?

I'm not.

I've got a job waiting for me.

Well, then I guess we'd
better have the last dance first.

♫ And together
we'll understand ♫

♫ That we will never
be the same again. ♫

Hello. Hi.

Everybody dancing

to the same music in there now?


Well, that's good.

Look what I brought for you.

Oh, baby, baby, baby.


do you think we'll
ever get back here?

Maybe in 100 years,
you never know.

No, you never know.
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