02x07 - Reunion

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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02x07 - Reunion

Post by bunniefuu »

You know, some days I
don't even think about it...

and sometimes I think
about it all day long.

I need that strength
of yours, Mom.

I don't think I can get
through this without you.

I miss you, Mom.

A little more.

Watch out for the angel wings.

Down, down...

If I were going to
write a poem, Tess,

I'd write it here
in Woods Ferry.

It's beautiful here.

Clarice Mitchell can
write a poem anywhere...

On a porch, on the beach.

Do you know, I have
even seen her write a poem

in the middle of Yankee Stadium.

I've always fancied myself

something of a
poet too, you know.

Oh, really?


I can see

exactly what needs to
be done with her already.

Oh, you can, can you?

Sure. Hardly anything rhymes.

Well, for your information,
Clarice is my assignment.

Promises fulfilled
on the wings of night.

And now, you...

On the wings of night
rest you now in its shade.

On the wings of night
rest you now in its shade.


What time is it here,
two hours ahead?

That's right.

Well, I'm all settled in.

Did you finish the poem?

Just now.

Well, looks like nothing's
changed around here.

Oh... everything has changed.

You hang in there, Mom, okay?

Megan is late.

She'll be here.

If this is your assignment,

what am I doing here?

I don't know, but He told
me to bring you along.

Well, if that was the plan,

sure can't be wrong.


Now, you stop this right now.

This is a very solemn occasion.

Clarice's poetry has
transformed souls

and inspired entire nations.

Her gift has become
a national treasure.

God gives her the words,

and often I've been
privileged to deliver them.

However... the next
message she receives...

won't be from God...

but from the grave.

Hey, everybody.

Hey, how you doing?

That's the, uh,
grieving daughter.

She must be your assignment.

♫ When you walk down the road ♫♫

♫ Heavy burden, heavy load ♫

♫ I will rise and I
will walk with you ♫

♫ I will walk with you ♫

♫ Till the sun
don't even shine ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Every time, I tell
you I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♫

You see, Megan, your
mother spoke to me.

She said she would like
to have a simple ceremony.

But this is simple.

I mean, we come here,
we share some things,

we celebrate life... What
could be more simple?


I didn't expect to see you.

That's why I'm here.

Megan, you look beautiful.

I'll bet you say that
to all the mourners.


Hello. Hello.

Uh, we're looking
for Clarice Mitchell.

Hello, I'm Sam.


My name is Tess,

and this is my friend, Monica.

Hello. We were
hoping to register

for the poetry workshop.

Are you a poet, too?

Oh, no.

Professor Mitchell is my mother.

I'm sorry, I thought
we contacted everyone.

The workshop has been postponed.

You see, there's been a death.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

Clarice, you should
still give the workshop.

Megan, you should
show more respect.

But Mom always said she
wanted to go out with a bang!

My God!


Clarice, come on.

Remember when Mom
decided to cook for Thanksgiving,

and she put cayenne pepper
on the turkey instead of paprika,

and she told us to be thankful
we still had mouths left?

Everybody's got
a story like that.

I remember when she stole
the frogs from the biology lab

to keep them from
being dissected.

Come on!

Come on, who else?


I-I remember when
Dottie told you, Clarice,

about a little boy
who needed a home.

That was the best
tip she ever gave me.

I'm Katherine Wentworth.

You might not remember
me, Professor Mitchell,

but I took your poetry
class my freshman year,

and I had your mother

that same year for physics,

which I knew
absolutely nothing about.

But somehow, Dr. Brooks
made physics seem like poetry.

Who else?

I remember when Sam and
Megan went to the senior prom,

and Dottie thought
they might elope,

so she sent me in
a car to follow them.

I never knew that.

The only lawyer
Dottie ever trusted.

Well, I lost you two that night,

and Dottie almost had my hide.

I love you, Clarice.

"Future days,

"Promises dreamed
on the whisper of hope,

"Hold us.

Forever in your gaze."

To Dorothy Louise
Brooks, in celebration.

Thank you, thank you.

You look beat.

I'll go get your suitcases
from the porch, okay?


So, did you and Sam
ever really try to elope?


Sam went off to Arizona State,

and I went to Boston University.

I met a wonderful
man, and I married him.

Oh, is he here?

I don't think I met him.

No, he, um, he
died over a year ago.


Here we go.

I, uh, I set up a very
special room for you.

As long as it's not the attic.


We had our very
first kiss up there.

And our last.

Well, hey, now, you never know.

Yes, I do.

Excuse me, Monica.


You were wonderful.

Oh, thank you.

You did wonderful.

Thank you.

I'm not sure about
that, uh, workshop,

but I do have two extra rooms.

That's a great idea.

And I am an excellent cook,

and I'll fix us
something to eat.

And talk about that workshop.

Uh, if I could just have a
minute of your time, Clarice.

Of course, Howard.

Before Dottie died,

she gave me this to give to you,

and she specifically asked

that you not read it until...

well, until after the
memorial service.

I'm not sure why she didn't
just give it to you herself.

She knew me.

She knew I'd be too
impatient to wait, but...

but this time, I... I'll wait.

Thanks, Howard.


It is a beautiful guest room,

but I miss the
mess it used to be.



I've missed you, Meg.

Really? Guess that's
why you stopped writing.

Well, I was... stupid then.

Yeah, well, that's old news.

I'm tired of old news.

I really think I threw
Clarice for a loop today.

I should have warned her
about that band and everything.

It's just that, uh...

I'm just so tired of
crying all the time.

I think she understood.

You know, when Matthew died,

I had my mother to talk to.

Now she's gone...

and I... And you have me.

Well, that's why I came.

Well, that is news.

Come here.

♫ Wade in the water ♫

♫ Wade in the water, children ♫

♫ Wade in the water ♫

♫ God's gonna
trouble the water ♫

♫ Wade in the water ♫

♫ Wade in the water, children ♫

♫ Wade in the water ♫

♫ Wade in the water... ♫

Well, why did you stop?

It sounded lovely.

Well, parts of it did.

Hey, Megan, listen.

Mr. Bishop.

Is he still running
that ice cream truck?

That man will never stop.

Let's go.


Megan told me

they were high
school sweethearts.

Well, Dottie and I
always used to joke

and talk about
sharing grandchildren.

But you can't choose your
children's lives for them.

In the meantime, the
workshop starts in the morning.

No, I've canceled that.

There's nobody here.

Well, what are
we, chopped liver?

Monica and I

are here, and a lot
of people at the party

said they'd come, too.

Well, maybe... maybe I'll do it.

It might be just what I need.

This is beautiful.

Where did you get it?

Frank and Dottie.

She said, "Nothing special."

She said I just
needed a crystal bowl.

I'm sorry.

I'll, uh, I'll start the dishes.

It's all right.

See... this is from Dottie.

I know I'm supposed to read it,

but I-I just can't do it.

Would you read it for me?

Of course I will.

"My dear friend," You
thought you'd heard

"the last of me, huh?

"Don't ever think I'm
gone away from you.

"We've shared too much of life,

"and that's what
this letter is about...

"the life I've left behind.

"I need you to look after

"my little girl, Clarice.

"Don't let that happy
face of hers fool you.

"She's in a lot of pain.

"Not just because of me.

"Her husband didn't
have cancer, Clarice.

"He died of AIDS,

and Megan has
the virus now, too."

Do you want me to stop?

No, go on.

"Clarice, please
don't let her know

"that I've told you.

"You know, Megan,
she's very private,

"and when she's
ready, she'll tell you,

"but I want you to be prepared.

"She thinks she can
do it alone, but she can't.

"I need you to be
her guardian angel.

"I don't know which is worse...

"to have your child
die before you,

"or to die knowing that you
can't be there when your child

"is going to need you the most.

"Clarice, you were there when I
delivered Megan into this world.

"You held her in your arms
even before her father did.

"Now, I deliver her to
your care once again.

Love, Dottie."

Oh... Oh... sweet, sweet baby.

Sweet baby.

It's going to be all right.
It's going to be all right.

Oh, yes, it's going
to be all right.

Yes, darling, it's
going to be all right.

Good morning.

Good morning.

Good morning.

And a beautiful morning it is.

Did you see that sun rise?

Do you know what
it takes to do that?

Is that all your
breakfast? Just those pills?

Oh, it's just vitamins.

I've been kind of a
health nut, you know?

Good morning, everybody.

Good morning. Morning, Sam.

Good morning.

Well, it looks like you've
been out already, huh?

Yeah, I've had my run,

and now I'm going
to tackle the garage.

Howard sold Dottie's house

when she first went
into the hospital,

and all of her things
are stored in the garage.

Well, you going to go through
your mother's stuff alone?

It's now or never.

Let me help.


Uh, but you've
got to take that bus

if you're going to
get to that plane.

Well, we'll just do what we can.

Remember when Dottie
used to read this to us?

The Five Little Peppers
and How they Grew.

You know, you should keep this

and maybe read it
to your kids someday.

No, you keep it.

At the rate you're going,

you'll probably have
kids way before me.

What's that supposed to mean?

Oh, Mom and Clarice
have kept me up-to-date

on your little dating schedule.

Let's see, there
was, uh, Lynn...

Too perky.

Debra Jo.

Not perky enough.

Uh, Kate, the writer.

Oh, okay, okay,
let's face it, Meg.

None of them were you.

Sam... why did you stop writing?

Well, we were so young, and...

God, I was so crazy about you.

To tell you the truth,

it scared me to death.

Then you married Matthew.

I figured I'd lost you for good.

I told Clarice I'd
take Sam to the bus.

Where is he?

I don't know.

What rhymes with
"gossamer," Tess?

What are you doing?

My assignment.

I'm working on my poem.

Might as well do
something constructive.

Well, you can start by
forgetting "gossamer."

It's overdone and unrhymable.

But rhyming is my forte.

Oh, give me a break.

Where is that boy?

He's going to miss his bus.

Oh, I think that's
them up in the tree.



Oh! Oh!

You're going to miss your bus.

Mom, you're always complaining

about how I never
spend enough time here.

Now that you've got me,
you can't wait to get rid of me.

No, it's just... I just don't want
you to jeopardize your job.

I mean, make your boss angrier.

Mom, I am the boss.

Yeah, well, what
about that girl?

Your girlfriend in Phoenix.

Dana or Danna,
something like that.

She's going to miss you.

Now, that's been
over for months, okay?

I just want to spend
a few extra days here.

You know, I think we should all

spend some time
together, how about it?

Well, of course.

Of course.

Resolve, and yet listen
for the voice that is still.

Be still.

Very pretty.

Thank you.

And what about you, Monica?

Roses are red,
Angels are gossamer.

Hold onto your souls,

And make sure you
floss some more.

Floss some more?

Floss some more?!

That's not a poem,
that's a prescription.

Sit down.

Excuse us.

We were just on our
way to having a picnic.

Wait, uh... would you
take Monica with you?

Just show her some
of the countryside.


Woo! That is a sheer beauty.

Oh, and such a lovely colour.

This thing hasn't
been driven in years.

I think the last time I
was in it, probably was...

The prom!

Poor Howard.

Oh... All right.

Well... it was a good idea.

Why don't you let me try?

Go on, pop the hood.


Edsels are old, the
Packard's Jurassic,

but don't lose your faith,
'cause the T-bird's a classic.

Hey. All right!

All right.

You know, I've heard
that three is a crowd, so...

why don't you both go off
and enjoy the car, hmm?



That sounds good.

Here we go.

I wonder if this thing can, uh,

can make it to Phoenix.

I'd probably need a
copilot on the trip, though.

You're still going to fix us
something to eat, aren't you?

You know, Megan, that's...

that's what I love about you.

You're such a romantic.

You always used to say that.

Why do you say that?

What? That you're a romantic

or that I love you?

Sam, you said that 15 years ago.

Yeah, well, some
things never change.

You left me.

I'm not blaming
you. I got over it.

It's just that we can't go back.

At least I can't.

Look... I know you
still miss Matthew,

but you've got your
whole life ahead of you.

And I want us to be together.

Oh, really?

Since when?

I knew when you married Matthew

that I made a huge mistake.

Sam, you have no idea.

Okay, maybe it's too soon.

It's not too
soon... It's too late.

It's too damn late!


Matt didn't die of cancer.

He, uh...

before I knew him, he
got into dr*gs and, uh,

shared needles.

He, uh, kicked the habit

long before we got married,

but what he didn't know,
and what I didn't know...

Sam, Matt died of AIDS,

and I tested HIV positive
about two years ago.

I, uh, I only have
the-the virus so far.

Sometimes I... I don't
really think about it.

Like today.

Sam... say something, please.

I don't know... what to say.

It's okay.

Nobody ever does.

Do me a favour?


Uh, take the car back.

And I'll just...

I just feel like walking.

Okay... okay.


Hi, I... I was
worried about you.

I just went for a walk.

Did Sam get back yet?

Megan, Sam left.


He came back,

he said he was taking the
car to Phoenix, and he left.


Megan, we can glue
those back together.

You have some good
memories with Sam, don't you?

I was, uh...

going to be Queen
of the United States.

And, uh, Sam was going
to be an intergalactic pirate.

Megan, I know those pills
you're taking aren't just vitamins.

I don't want anybody to know.


Are you sure?

It's better if everyone just
finds out when it's over.

Is that fair to the people
who care about you?

They can't handle it.

Sam couldn't.

But I can... and
I'll be better off

if I can just get
through this alone.


I don't think you will.

I got as far as the
Pennsylvania Turnpike.

You know, I was stupid enough
to let you get away once, but...

I love you, Megan. I mean...

I mean, I've loved you
ever since the second grade,

and I will always love you.

Don't, Sam.

Marry me.


How can I say "yes"?

If you didn't
have this illness...

But I do have it. I do.


but if you didn't,
what would you say?


I would say "yes."

Okay, then, what
are we talking about?

Hey, hey.

I want to marry you.


it wouldn't be fair to you.

You know, look, I don't
know how long we have.

I mean, who knows?

I mean, I-I could get
hit by a bus tomorrow.

You know, probably
the very same bus

you're going to leave town on,

because I'll
jump in front of it.

Look. I know things
are going to be tough,

but I want to be there.

Sam, look...

I appreciate everything
you're trying to do.

I do, I do.

But if you want to do
something for me...

be my friend.

I'm not trying to do anything,

and I am your friend.

But a friend can't be there
for you like a husband can.

And I will love you...

and I will care for you.

Till death do we part.

Well... that's the
vow I want to make.

When I saw that old clunker
on the road, I couldn't believe it.


It drives beautifully.

Well, that's a miracle,
it's all I've got to say.

One I thought I'd never see.


it seems like anything
can happen these days.

Right, Clarice?


I'm sorry, Howard.

What were you saying?

Well, Meg and Sam. I saw
them on my way over here.

Looks like love to me.

Well, that's wonderful!

w*r and famine...

plagues have wiped
out entire civilizations.

But love... love has
never been wiped out.

Hello, everyone.


What are you doing back home?

Yes, I'm home.


I'm glad you're here
so that you can enjoy

some of this champagne with us.

Champagne?! What's the occasion?

What is this about, Sam?

About patience, Mom, patience.

We have all been waiting
a very long time for this.

I'd like to propose a toast

to Megan Eileen Ellison,

the woman I've
loved all my life,

who today has made me
the happiest man in the world.


My bride-to-be.


Now, Mom... you can

give us your blessings now,

and we'll take your poem

later at the wedding.

No, no, no, no, no!


I know that you
have the AIDS virus.

Your mother told me.

In her last letter.

Oh, my God.

How can you do this, Megan?!

She asked me to keep it secret.

To protect your privacy, but...

but how can you do this?!

How can you be so selfish?!


Dottie was my oldest
friend, my dearest.

She gave you to
me when she died.

She asked me to
look after you, Megan.

Megan, I'm going
to look after you.

Not for Dottie but for
myself, because I love you.

But I have already
lost Dottie...

and I know I'm
going to lose you.

But I will not lose Sam, too!

I will not lose my only child!

I will not!

I will not!

I will not!

Megan... this doesn't
change anything.


No, Sam.

She's right.

How dare you?

I can't believe you,
Ma, I can't believe this.

Son, I took no pleasure
from saying what I said,

but somebody had to say it.

As a matter of fact,

no one had to say it,
but you said it anyway.

But, Sam, I told the truth.

It was hard to hear, I know
it, but that was the truth.

Look at you.

You have your whole life
stretched out in front of you,

and you're getting ready
to make a sacrifice of it.

There is no sacrifice.

I'm not going to get AIDS.

There are precautions,

there's safe sex, no
sex, whatever it takes.

I have a second chance
to have her in my life.

And I'm taking it.

What kind of chance is this?

A chance to watch her die.

I'm not going to lose her again.

Oh, Sam, you will lose her.

You will lose her
as you feed her.

You will lose her
as you wash her.

You will lose her as you
just sit there looking at her.

You will lose her

when you see her
wither away, Sam.

With screaming
pain... you will lose her.

And then finally, baby...

when it's all over for her,

it could just be
beginning for you.

I love her.

But love won't save her now.

I am using my love
to try to save you.

Can't you understand that?

This is real, son.

I know.

There was a poem
you were trying to write

when you were 17,

sitting all alone in
your daddy's barn.

But there was a word missing.

An image that you just
couldn't quite put your finger on.

And you tilted your head,

and you listened to
the wind in the rafters,

and I whispered
one word... "Joy."


It's your voice I've
heard all my life.

Oh, no, I was only
the messenger.

The words have always
come from the poet.

I'm an angel, Clarice.

And it has been my
privilege to deliver to you

the inspiration of God
to direct your words

and to fulfill your gift.

From God?

Oh, words have flowed
from Him to you and on into

the hearts of the
mighty and the meek.

You've used your
words to uplift...

and to restore.

Now that God wants to restore

you and your family,

you've closed your heart.

I could yell the words of
God till the cows come home,

but you wouldn't hear.

Not until you let
go of your fear.

I have every reason in
the world to be afraid now.

Clarice... you have
given fear the power.

The power to make you fearful.

And now you want to pass that
on to the two people you love most

in the world.

But this is a matter
of life and death.


This is a matter
of life or death.

There's a time to live,
and there's a time to die.

And this is Sam and
Megan's time to live.

To love.

And you?

You've got to let them.

I don't think I can.

I don't think so.

No, not now.

All you see now
is death behind you

and death in front of you.

Stop listening to fear.

Open up those ears of
yours and listen to the poet.

Maybe you don't want to
give them your blessing...

but He does.

I want to save them.


there's nothing you can do...

but love them.



Anybody up there?

Oh, there you are.

Is this a private party?


Here, let me help you.

Thank you.

Welcome to my special place.

When I was a little kid,

I used to come up
here to mull things over.

Well, did you ever
mull over getting another

special place?

I guess I had too many
other things on my mind.

Like now?


Sam, I got
something to tell you.

Now, I'm not a poet
like your mother,

and I'm not typically exciting
on these revelation things.

Monica lights up like a
Christmas tree half the time.

But I've always put stock
in plain, old-fashioned facts,

even if sometimes they
do come out a little rough.

I guess you're
only human, right?

Well, that's my point.

Actually... I'm an
angel and so is Monica.

Clarice took it pretty
good, but she's a little artsy,

and she's sort of
prepared for the unusual.

But you've had your
fill of the unusual

recently, huh?

You want to go back
to that angel thing?

God loves you and Megan
and He rejoices in your love.

Don't let each other go.

Listen, Tess...

whether you're...
an angel or not,

I-I really appreciate
the thought.


I'm... confused.

I mean, am I... being naive?

I mean, is it too dangerous?

Well, there's nothing
more dangerous than loving.

Unless it's not loving.

Sam, He didn't say it
was going to be easy,

but He says it's surely
going to be worthwhile.

God said this?

Can I have it in writing?

It's on the way.

I'll leave you with
your thoughts.

Let me help you.

No... I think I'll take
the back way down.

And after you finish that,

come on down here,

there's somebody
waiting to see you.

I know now.

I know I'm going to die.

But Mom, how...
how am I going to live

without... the only
family I-I've got left?

I don't want to die alone.

I'm afraid.

Megan, Clarice and
Sam are your family.

And they must make
their own choices.

But whatever choices they make,

I promise you, you
will not die alone.


There are all kinds of
angels in this world, Megan,

but tonight you
needed the real thing.

I am an angel.

An angel?

Yes, Megan.

And God sent me
here to be with you.

Then let me just
ask you one thing.


Why did He do this to me?

What did I do to deserve this?


Megan, you've done nothing.

This is not a punishment.

God hasn't done this to you.

God didn't set this
journey in motion.

He's just as angry as you are

that you have to walk this road.

But He promises you this, Megan:

He will walk this road with you,

and He will be there for you
when you reach the end of it.

God loves you.

That's why He sent me here.

Then... can you stay
with me through this?

For as long as it takes?

I think I would just
get in Sam's way.

Sam is gone.

Clarice is gone.

No, they're not.

God has kept all of
us very busy this night.

The love has always
been there for you.

All any of you needed

was the courage
to hold on to it.

We, unaccustomed to courage,

Exiles from delight,

Live coiled in
shells of loneliness.

Until love leaves
its high holy temple.

And comes into our sight.

To liberate us into life.

Love arrives,

And in its train come ecstasies.

Old memories of pleasure,

Ancient histories of pain.

Yet, if we are bold,

Love strikes away the
chains of fear from our souls.

We are weaned from timidity.

In the flush of love's light.

We dare be brave,
And suddenly we see.

That love costs all that we are.

And all that we hope to be.

Yet it is only love
which sets us free.


And may God and his angels
look after you and over you,

forever and ever and ever
and ever and ever and ever.


I don't see why we
couldn't stay for some cake.

You know very well why.

It's not such a bad poem, Tess.

I'm sure they
would appreciate it.

Roses are red,
Napkins are handy...

That's my cue.

Weddings are nifty,

'Cause they give you free candy.

Oh, God, why don't you help me?

Please, help me with this child.
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