02x09 - The Big Bang

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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02x09 - The Big Bang

Post by bunniefuu »

♫ ♫

4:59. Just in time.

Good afternoon.
Chamberlain Bank.


Next, please.


Here you go.

I hate to pry,

but what are you doing
in here, Miss Wings?

I'm returning this.

Benji never wore
his hair like that. Oh.

Well, I thought I'd put
it in the lost and found.

Angel, baby, you are so
cute when you are naive.

Chamberlain Bank.

All right, then shut
down the factory.

Call Jacobs.

You tell him I want
the whole operation

up and running in Mexico
by the first of the year.

What? What?

How many?

Do we have anything in writing?

Then lay 'em off.
Lay them all off.

Period. End.

They want to play
hardball with me...

Where was I?

Oh. The divorce.

No divorce, Elizabeth.

It's not a good time.

I'm in delicate negotiations.

Oh, I'm sorry

it's inconvenient for you, Max.

I'd hate to interrupt
you with something

as petty as our marriage

while you're busy ruining
other people's lives.

That's right. You want a family.

Well, I'm willing to negotiate.

Next year, one child, one nanny,

schools in the city,
summers out on the island.

I get to pick the schools,
and you get to pick the camp.

When did you get like this, Max?

Nick, please, pull
over right here.


Think about what you're...

I am not gonna stand here
and beg for your love, Max,

and I will never let a
child of mine beg for it.

It's over.

I don't want you in my life,

and I don't want you to
be the father of my children.

Go ahead and answer it, Max.

I'm sure it's much
more important than me.

All right, have it your way.

Let's go, Nick. We're late.

You really put up a
fight, didn't you, Max?

Excuse me. Did you lose this?


Watch yourself.

People get very strange
when it comes to money.

I don't know why
they put so much faith

in that little piece of paper.

It's because they can smell it,

touch it, and hold it in
their hands. That's not faith.

That's just smelling,
touching, holding something.

How much faith do you have?

Well, that's a silly question.

I'm an angel.

Well, what would
you do if I told you

you didn't have any
faith at all? What?

Sooner or later every
angel finds that out.

Sooner or later.

♫ When you walk ♫

♫ Down the road ♫

♫ Heavy burden ♫

♫ Heavy load ♫

♫ I will rise ♫

♫ And I will walk with you ♫

♫ I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Till the sun
don't even shine ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Every time ♫

♫ I tell you, I'll
walk with you ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♫

Be right with you.

So how are you two holding up?

Oh, I'm fine, but
somebody's a little restless.

Oh, I'm sorry.

We're no longer
accepting any deposits.

The bank's closing next week.

I've got to pay my rent
and my computer online bill.

We just closed.

Well, look, it's good.
It's from the university.

I'm sure it is,
Mr. Ketter, but as I said,

The computer's not
accepting any more deposits.

Don't blame the computer.
I know computers.

They don't do anything
they're not told to do. I'm sorry.

Get your sucker? Sure did.

I'm gonna get one, too.

There you go. Have a
nice night. Good night.

Evening, Mr. Chamberlain.

Mr. Chamberlain.

We've been expecting
you. Follow me, please.

I'm going to need a
minute alone, please.

Chamberlain for Bargher.

Listen, I've got to
cover these checks.

I've been banking
here for three years.

You've never
turned it down before.

Isn't that funny? A bank turning
away a customer's money.

Well, maybe not funny,
but certainly slightly amusing

in an ironic sort of...

Listen, I've gotta
cover these checks.

I'd like to accommodate you.

What we can do is give
you a cashier's check,

but there's a fee.

I don't want to pay a fee!

What is the matter with you?

I've never gone through
this before with a teller.

Please, step aside.
I'll get the manager.

And Howard, I want you
to pull out the prenuptial,

take a look at it
and get back to me.

Get back to me.

Mrs. Crespo, I'm ready.

I want the monthly
report... gross, net.

Absolutely. I have it
all here. Excuse me.

If you'd like, we can
take a look at this

in the other office. The
vault. I'm already late.

Oh, fine. Very good. Good.

All right, everybody...
Don't do it!

Don't do it!

You, over here right now!
g*ns on the ground, now!

Seven bucks an
hour is not worth it.

Kick 'em over here.

Come on, over here!

All right, everybody
else, over here!

Let's go! Let's go! Move it!

You two, out there now! Now!

What is this? We got all day?

I want everybody on the ground

with your hands on
your head, especially you!

Oh, you didn't have to do that!

Shut up!

Ladies, do you mind?

Grab some rug, baby.

Get your hands behind your head!

What language do you speak?!


If I let you stand, I gotta
let everybody stand.

Well, this is as close
to the floor as I get.

All right, no one
moves, no one gets hurt.

Keep that in mind. There's
gonna be a quiz later.

Excuse me?

Get back down!

You don't want to sh**t me.

There's a part of you
that doesn't want to do this.

You know, you're right,

but there's a part
of me that does.

Now sit down!

I'm not afraid.

Everybody's gotta be a martyr.

Okay, well, maybe
you wouldn't mind dying,

but how would you
like it if I k*lled her? Ohh!


No, please, don't.

Come on, come on, come on.

Get down. It's
gonna be all right.

Any more heroes?

You can have the money.

Excuse me?

Take the money. It's
okay. I own this bank.

Do what he says.
Take the money and go.

Leave everybody alone.

Well, you know, that
was the plan, sweetheart.

I mean, there I
was standing in line,

minding my own business,

waiting until it was my
time to hold up the bank,

and in walks a celebrity.

That's right, folks.

He is an owner.

He owns things,
like banks and ships

and factories
and people like us.

And then he sells us all out

and just gets richer!

Ladies and gentlemen,

the owner of the bank... On
whose floor you now grovel...

Mr. Max Chamberlain.

Just take the money and go.

Sorry, Max.

That won't do.

You walked in, and
suddenly I realized

this really wasn't about money.

It's between you and me.

Do I know you?

No, but I know you, pal.

And that's why we're all here.

Look, if you have
a problem with me,

let's talk about it.

Just let everybody else...

You take me
seriously, Chamberlain,

or you will be sorry.

Tess, we can't just sit here.

Shh! Listen to what he's saying.

He's not here for the money,

and we're not here
to protect the money.

He's here for an
altogether different reason,

and we can't do anything

until we find out
what that reason is,

so cool it, cool it.

You're obviously
a very bright man.

Well, thanks. I like your suit.

I mean, you know,
not so much now,

but when you came in.

Well, my point being
is that you're too smart

to do something
stupid. Do not...

do not attempt to handle me!

Okay, Maxwell?

Now, Max, for those
folks playing at home,

would you care to tell us

what you're doing in
this nice little bank?

Not especially.

Wrong answer!

My father built this bank.

Oh, I see.

So you're here for
sentimental reasons. I see.

Oh, go on.

He gave me a safety deposit
box when I was six years old,

and I intend to empty it
out before I close this bank.

Note the visual aid, folks...

Late, great dad, bank founder.

Greedy, selfish,

scummy son, bank closer.

I don't see anybody
taking notes here!


Now, Max, I got plenty of time.

I, for one, would love to see

what's in that
safety deposit box

and get to know you
a little better before I...

I'm getting a little
ahead of myself.

Who else would love to see

what's inside
Daddy's deposit box?

Who wants to be class helper?

What does this have
to do with anything?

A volunteer!

You are the assistant manager.

Am I right?

You have the keys to
the safety deposit box.

Is that right?

Now... for the jackpot,

will you give them to me?

You and you, empty the vault.


You don't have time for this!

Max, you and I have an
appointment with destiny.

Do not be a clock-watcher!

The police will be
here any minute.

Well, you know, little Alison

was a little busy. She
didn't quite have time

to hit that panic
button, did you?

Now move.

Okay, one more volunteer.

You, bigmouth,

go help them
clean out the vault,

and if they don't do
exactly what I say,

you can talk 'em to death!

It's okay, baby. Go ahead.

Would you mind
moving it along here?

I got dinner reservations.

Well, you said you
weren't... Shut up!

Stop talking!

Go, baby, go. Just go, go, go.

Are you all right?


Come on, people!

I don't want to lose my table!


You're okay. You're
okay. What happened?

Maybe it was an earthquake.

Earthquakes rumble.
This exploded.

Whatever it was,
it's over, all right?

Everyone, just keep still.

Oh, you can't be serious.

The whole world just blew up,

and you're still
trying to do this?

I'm not trying. I
am. Now shut up.

What about Alison?



I can't get a signal.

I've had nightmares

about being locked in here.

Come on, sit down,
just for a minute.

The phone's dead.

Well, at least we have air.

It's not so bad.

You know, you're right.

We could be on that
side with that lunatic.

Okay, people, let's go!
Down here, come on!

Let's go, move it!

Come on, let's go! Let's go!

Step right up!
Everyone's a winner!

Come on, come on! Don't be shy.

Move it, move it, move it!

We're gonna move a
mountain here, huh?

Move a mountain?

Well, there must be
something we can do.

I'm telling you,
it's not opening.

Well, let me try. I
know a little trick.

It only opens from the outside.

I don't understand.

I mean, I'm supposed
to... Monica? Monica?

Don't worry about
what you can't do

or why you can't do it, baby.

God can use you in there.

Don't escape
from it. Deal with it.

Looks like we're
gonna be here awhile.

Why, you got
another bank to close?

Why is it nobody
ever likes the guy

who signs the checks, huh?

So how long have
you worked here?

Five years, next month.

How come we never met before?

We've only met
about a hundred times.

Five years.

Back to my father's time.

I liked your father.

He knew my name.

It doesn't surprise me.

My father had a
soft spot for people.

He was a good man.

My father, the sweetheart,

the one who remembered
your name, couldn't say no.

Gave loans to
every hard luck case

that came into this bank.

He almost ran this
bank into the ground.

You're all lucky I
carried you this long.

Please, all this arguing isn't
going to get us anywhere.

And who are you?

Do you work for me, too?


Just an innocent bystander, huh?

Okay, boys and girls, we
are gonna open that door.

There's no time
to move the door!

Hey, hey, hey, did
I ask you to talk?

The ceiling's coming
down! Hey! Shut up!

Okay! Now let's go, let's go!

I'm not leaving till I get
what's inside of there.


We lost one.

Father, if you are
ready to send me a sign,

I am really ready to receive it.

Hi. I guess you got lost.

Next time we'll use
the buddy system.

What you ought to do
is clear that front door.

It's the only way outta here.

Out to what?

We don't even know
what's out there.

We don't know what's happened.

I mean, an earthquake

or a b*mb or a nuclear w*r.

We don't know.

I mean, I don't hear any sirens.

Maybe there's nothing out there.

Of course there's
something out there.

How do you know?

The whole world
might just be gone.

Well, it's not. I promise.

What is it?


When is your due date?

Next week.

You're not gonna have
that baby in here, are you?

And let the first thing my
baby ever sees be you?

I don't think so.

This whole building
could come down on us.

We're not leaving those people in
there. When did you grow a heart?

Nobody wants to leave them,

but if we don't, we
could die ourselves.

Poor Alison.

All right, shut up!
Just shut up, all right?

She's not dying, and
we're not leaving her.

We can't.

She's my wife,
and that's my baby.

That pregnant lady in there...

She's your wife?

I can't believe Alison
would have anything to do

with somebody like you.

Yeah, well, you
know, I didn't start out

being somebody
like me, all right?

Somebodies like me aren't born.

They're made, and
then they get replaced

by a computer.

Well, the Lord does
work in mysterious ways.

Why don't you get your
mysterious ways moving, lady?

Lord, give me patience,

and give it to me right now,

and satisfaction soon.

You hate me, don't you?

No, hate has caused a
lot of problems in this world,

but it's never solved one yet.

I know you don't like to
think yourself capable of it,

but admit it... You hate.

You sound like an
expert on the subject.

Oh, yeah, yeah, but
you see, I'm selective.

I only hate one man...
The man in that vault.

Mr. Chamberlain?

What's he ever done to you?

The same thing he's
done to you, you idiot!

Or haven't you noticed?

Chamberlain likes to call it
consolidation, downsizing.

See, I call it throwing
people out of work

and cutting off their insurance

and condemning unborn
children in the process.

You're gonna be
out of a job soon, pal,

and so is my wife.

And who do you think is
responsible for that, huh?

Stealing his money's
too good for him.

He deserves worse, a lot worse.

And I've been given the
power to give it to him.

So are we digging so
you can get to Alison

or to Chamberlain?

Did I say stop?

Whenever I get
really stressed at work,

I come in here

and imagine what
might be in these boxes.

I think there's a
diamond tiara in here.

And there's a dozen dried roses

and love letters
in one over there.

And, um,

this one has a drawing
that Picasso made

on a restaurant napkin.

He used it to pay his check,

and ever since it's
been passed down

from family to family.

Family to family.

I wonder if we'll ever have
anything worth passing down.

Your love.

Love won't pay the insurance.

Have you had any
more contractions?

A couple.

Look, what I do with my work

isn't intended to hurt you.

It's just good business.

Did your father
teach you that...

About business?

My father?

My father was the worst
businessman in the world.

He lacked the one thing
you need to succeed... guts.

Ah. Too bad he only had a heart.

And how would you know?

Well, you were saying
that he gave loans to people

who otherwise wouldn't
have gotten them.

Obviously he put his
faith in people, not money.

I tried faith, once,
and I got burned.

Faith is for losers.

I don't hope things happen.

I make things happen.

That must come in very handy.

Come on!

It's locked!

Hello! Are you okay?!

Hello in there! What's
the combination?

I don't know. Only
the manager knows.

It's gotta be stored somewhere.

I don't know. KETTER: I wonder.

It's gotta be in the
bank's computer.

There's an encrypted
password, but it's gotta be in there.

I can access it on my computer,

break the code
and open the vault.

Hold it!

Hang on a second!

Would you rather sh**t me?

All right, go.

Everyone else, stay put.

Why isn't anybody coming for us?

Everything's gonna
be all right, you know.

Yeah, that's what
people always say

when they don't really know.

"You're gonna be fine.

"Everything's gonna be okay.

Trust me."

That's what my
husband always says.

"Trust me."

What's your husband like?

Tell me about him.

He must be very
worried about you.

He said I could trust him.

He never said it was
gonna be like this.

He said nobody would get hurt.

Who's your husband?

Who is your husband?

The guy.

The guy outside with the g*n.

Oh, my God.

He was just gonna walk in

and wave the g*n around,

take the money and leave!

That maniac outside
is your husband?

He's not crazy.

He was just gonna take enough

to make up for what
we were gonna lose.

It's all right, Alison.

Just explain.


What the hell is
there to explain?!

I get laid off on Friday.

No maternity
leave, no insurance,

no job to come back to.

So Jackson got
furious, and he said

he would just take enough money

to make up for the
insurance and the rent

and everything until I
could get another job.

Oh, that sounds real reasonable.

It makes a lot of sense to me!

He's not crazy. I don't
know what happened.

He saw you come
in, and he snapped.

I saw him.

You know, people
like you fired him

and replaced him
with a computer,

and people like you
closed the factory

we used to work in

and wrote it off as a
loss on their income tax.

People like me?

I work my butt off to succeed,

and I owe him something
because he didn't?

I don't know, I don't know.

All I know is that when
somebody's winning,

somebody else is always losing.

Yeah, well, that's
not my problem, lady,

and you got a hell
of nerve lecturing me.

You and your psycho husband
take a bank full of people hostage.

God knows how many

he's k*lled out there already!

If we hadn't been
locked in here,

he was going to
k*ll me, wasn't he?

Wasn't he? No! No!

Don't lie to me! Wasn't he?!

I'm not lying! Don't lie!

Please, stop it! I'm not lying!


I don't know what happened.

It wasn't supposed
to be like this.

He was just gonna get us even.

He was just gonna get us even.

It's okay. It's okay.

It's okay.

Oh, your husband is gonna
get a lot more than even.

Do you smell that?

It's gas.

He's gonna k*ll us.

All of us.

I smell gas.

Oh, my God. He's right.

A gas expl*si*n...
That's what happened.

So we have got
to get out of here.

This whole thing could blow
any second. All right, shut up!

We're getting
into the vault first.

Come on!

In an area this confined,
it won't take long.

If I die, will my baby die, too?

I don't want my baby to die.

Shh. It's going to be all right.

Oh, please, if you say
that one more time, I...

You'll what? You'll k*ll me?

Would you rather I believed
that it wasn't going to be all right?

I'd rather be realistic.

Oh, I forgot.
Faith is for losers.

That's right. Those who can do,

and those who can't make
up something to believe in.

That's why I don't
believe in anything.

Sure, you do. You believe
in power and money,

but what good are
they to you now?

And what good is
your faith to you now?

All right, you want me
to believe in something?

I believe we're going to die.

That's what I believe.

First, we get into the vault.

Then we can dig out the front.

Natural gas is 92% methane.

It's highly combustible.

Well, thank you, Mr. Science.

Any kind of spark
could start an expl*si*n.

Which means if you use
that g*n, you'll die, too.

But not before
you take the b*llet.

Now keep going.

Come on, come on.

This might not help much.

But it just might
buy us a little time.

There, there.

Alison, is this your first baby?

Well, don't worry.
We'll figure it out.

You need to concentrate on
somethin' besides the pain,

you know, focus on something.

Like, um, ooh,
you know, the box.

Box 872, remember?

The roses and the letters?

Who do you think
wrote them? I don't know.

Oh, come on, try.

Okay, I'll start.

Um, a young man gave
the roses to his sweetheart

just before he left to go where?

Look, I know what
you're trying to do,

and I appreciate it,
but I think Max is right.

We're probably gonna die.

I'd rather just face
it than pretend.

Just before he
left to go... to w*r.

And the letters...
The love letters...

They don't have any
postal mark on them

or any stamp because
he wrote them when...

when he was a prisoner of w*r,

so he couldn't mail any of them,

but he wrote to her
every single day,

and he always knew that somehow

he'd bring them
home to her in person.

You see, because he
never lost the love...

Here it comes... The "F" word.

I beg your pardon. Come on.

It's like being entombed
with Tinkerbell.

It's just that it seems to me

faith is all we have
left to work with now.

Maybe, but I'm sorry.

I didn't inherit
my father's faith.

Well, I would like
to think you wouldn't.

I mean, it's not
something in your genes

like your mother's eyes or
your grandmother's nose.

No, faith is something you've
got to work out for yourself,

and it doesn't happen
in the good times.

Your father forged his
faith one failure at a time.

And what did he
have to show for it?

A deposit box full
of worthless IOU's?


I can't see the roses
behind this box,

but I know that someone's
special treasure is in there.

Max, what do you suppose

is in your father's
safety deposit box?

I mean, you can't
know what's in there,

but you know it
was precious enough

for him to keep it there,

and he intended
for you to have it.

Whether you open it or not,

it's still goin' to be
there waitin' for you.

I have the key.

Box, uh, number one.

♫ ♫

♫ ♫

Come on! Come on!

I'm working as fast as I can.

The possibilities are endless.

If you knew anything
about mathematics,

you would know that.

Move it in over here!

What was that? Oh, my God.

Quiet! Quiet!

We're getting closer!

We're saved!

No, not yet, you're not.

What now, Mr. Robber?

Well, if they get in here
before I get in there...

you just better hope they don't.

The door is about to open.

You have a chance
to lay down that g*n

and step into the light.

Not before I take care of
my business in that vault.

And your business is
to k*ll Max Chamberlain,

is that right?

You know, I didn't
realize before,

but that's why I'm here.

An eye for an eye...
That's what it says

in the Bible, right?

No. You will not
use the Good Book

for your dirty business.

God decides on rewards

and punishments, not you.

I've got the g*n.

That makes me God.

You may have turned
your back on God,

but he's still facing
you, welcoming you.

Oh, here we... A
religious nut. Here we go.

You think you're God,
and I'm the religious nut?

You know, you people
crack me up, you know that?

I mean, you're
afraid of the dark,

and so you create
this thing and call it faith

and then to pretend to
believe what you can't even see.

But the reward of faith is
that you see what you believe.

I have faith in myself.

Well, that's your loss.

Oh, these humans.

Come on!

Now I lay me down
to sleep... Shh.

If I should die before I wake...

Shh. Alison, get some
rest while you can.

Go on, close your eyes.

I'm so tired.

That, um, that
picture in your pocket,

what is it?

"Max's first haircut."

My dad took me to get
it on my third birthday.

Day before my mother left us.

My first lesson in
faith, and my last.

Your mother didn't come back?

"That's okay, son.

Everything is
gonna be all right."

And so it was.

She never came back.

But that wasn't who
your father put his faith in.

Faith doesn't get you
around trouble, Max.

Faith gets you through it.

In my business,

your father's what
we'd call a man of God.

And what business would that be?

I'm an angel. We
recognize these things.

My God.

An angel?

Uh, you've been locked
up in this vault too long.

An angel.

"Now I lay me down to sleep.

Pray the Lord my soul to keep."

But your father didn't say,

"If I should die before I wake,"

did he, Max?

What did your father say

before he tucked
you in each night?

What were the words of
faith that he wrapped you up in

before he said good night?

"Now I lay me down to sleep

"I pray the Lord
my soul to keep.

"Thy love will guard
me through the night.

And wake me with
the morning light."

My father...

he always believed
there'd be a morning light.

It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay.

You're stalling!

Don't try to pull that!

All right, in ten seconds,
I start sh**ting people.

Ten, nine, eight,
seven, six, five,

Wait, wait! Four,
three, two, one.

Zero. Oh, my God!

I got it!

All right.

Oh, thank you.

Thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you.

It's time to start
pushing, Alison.

I am pushing!

Oh, what's the use?

We're gonna die! Oh, no! Shh.

Well, the baby's not comin'.

Come on, you have
to try harder, luv.

Oh, you know it, I know it,

even the baby knows it!

We're gonna die! Oh, no!

No, he doesn't.

He doesn't know that for sure.

How much faith does
an angel have, Max?

I don't know.

I guess more than anybody.

No. No. We don't have
any at all. Absolutely none.

You see, we don't
need it, but you do.

That's what makes you strong...

Believing today

in the light that doesn't
come until tomorrow,

and that's why this
wee one must be born...

To become strong
and the not knowing

to find his faith.

Oh, little one, have
I a message for you.

God wants you to be born,

and the world that
is waiting for you

was created by Him,

and it is nothing to fear.

Yes, there will be
rivers for you to cross,

but when you walk
through the water,

He will be with you.

And, yes, there will be
mountains for you to climb,

but when you can't
take another step,

He will carry you.

And there will be
people to cherish

and hearts to change,

but He will hold your hand

every step of the way

if you just will come
out into the light

and have faith.

I'm through!

Hello?! Is anybody there?

Look, there's nothing
else that we can do.

Can we go now?

Go ahead.

Go run for your miserable lives.

Oh, my God.

I got news for you, pal.

Neither one of us is God.

The expl*si*n, I was
locked in the vault

with the... With
the, uh, two ladies,

and later on, the baby...

Oh. He's beautiful.

Thank you, for everything.

It's not over yet, you know.

You'll have to answer
for your part in all this.

I know.

But at least now I'll have
some answers to give.

I know you will.

You think they can rebuild this?

I thought you
were closin' it down.

My father built this bank.

Maybe someday I'll have pictures

to put in box number one.

going to be all right.

Thank you.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

You did real good, angel girl.

You kept that faith.

Or maybe you found it?

It wasn't easy.

Well, if it was easy,

anybody could do it. Come on.
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