02x12 - The One That Got Away

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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02x12 - The One That Got Away

Post by bunniefuu »

I love weddings.

You know, when
love is in the air,

you can almost
reach out and touch it.

Yeah, and
sometimes it hits back.


Well, not all love
is as pure as ours,

Miss Wings.

Have you heard that
expression that love is blind?


Well, sometimes
it's stupid, too.

Hi, I'm Gale H. Harper. Hi.

And, uh, well, this is
my girlfriend Dolores,

but don't say
anything to the bride,

because, well, I wouldn't
want her to get jealous.

Where is Wendy?

Well, the bride and groom

have already gone
up to the lodge

to get ready for the ceremony.

Oh. Porter!

Yes, sir.

I thought this was a day trip.

It is, but you
would be surprised

at the baggage that people
carry around with them,

especially the
kind you can't see.

And half the time,
it's filled with the past,

and looking inside can be
the most frightening thing

that a person ever does.

Keep the change.

Thank you, sir.

Well, lookie here, Mark Monfort!


How long's it been?
What, six years?

I can't believe you made it
all the way from... Tanzania?


Right, right, some
backward foreign place.

Yeah, right. Excuse
me one second.

Well, it was good to see ya.

We'll talk later!

We used to be best
friends in law school.


Hi, I'm, uh, here
for the wedding.

Hello. Monfort.

Mark Monfort. Yes, welcome.

Thank you.

The train will be leaving
in about 15 minutes.

Great. Thanks.


He did come a long way.

Oh, he's not here
just for the wedding.

Mark is on a mission to
correct a terrible wrong.

Ah, and that's where I come in.

You make sure he
rights the right wrong.

You understand me?


There's Susan...
the old girlfriend.

The one that got away.

Mm. He's on the
wrong track already.

♫ When you walk ♫

♫ Down the road ♫

♫ Heavy burden ♫

♫ Heavy load ♫

♫ I will rise ♫

♫ And I will walk with you ♫

♫ I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Till the sun
don't even shine ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Every time ♫

♫ I tell you, I'll
walk with you ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♫

You takin' lessons or something?

How are you?

Better now.

Well, good.

Let's go.

Well, hello. Welcome.

Can I get your name?

Susan Duplain.


Um, hors d'oeuvres
and the bar are up ahead

in the Sweetheart Car.

There's a band
in the Cherish Car,

and there's a lounge
right down at the very end

in the Happy-Ever-After Caboose.

I would not go through this
for anybody other than Wendy.

Believe it or not, this is the
wedding she always wanted...

Trains, trees and a lodge.

30-degree temperatures.

Didn't she ever hear
of a June wedding?

Hey, hey!

Does your mama know
you have all of that?

You save some for somebody else.


You know, it all started

when I tripped on a roller
skate at my uncle's house.

Sued his pants off,

and now I am the number
one personal injury lawyer

this side of the Mississippi.

That's great, Gale, I guess.

Oh, you're darn
right it's great.

I got ads running
all over the tube.

I got 30-second spots
running in every major market

in the Pacific Northwest.

Oh, look, there's George.


Hey, hey, how's
this for my slogan?

Call Gale H. Harper.

It can't hurt any
worse than this.

Wow. Thank you for that.

So is there a Mr. Susan?

No. I never met the right guy.

Actually, I did,

but he moved to the
other side of the world.

So, is there a Mrs. Mark?

No. My life's been
mostly business

for the last six years.

I haven't been in a serious
relationship in a long time.

Hey, cutie!

Lisa. Hi.

Hey. Still gorgeous
as ever, I see.

Same to you. Oh, yeah.

Susie, you have to help me

with this clip
thing for my vest.

I look like a hippopotamus.

Oh, you don't,
Lisa. You look great.

You're gonna be a
beautiful maid of honor.

Excuse me. Do you know
anything about computers?

I know a thing or two.

I'm having a terrible
time with my computer.

It has the itinerary
and the guest list

and everything on it.

All of a sudden,
I can't get into it.

Well, let's sit down someplace
and have a look. Thank you.

Okay, let's see
what we got here.

I really appreciate this.

I'm just no good with computers.

I'm just no good with computers.

This is the first time I've
had to take a test on one.

No, it's pretty simple.
Just, uh, sit down.

Type in your password.

Go ahead. I won't look.


Pretty impressive, huh?

Okay, you want to take
an exam, so type "3."

And you want to take

your first year contract
exam, right? Right.

I'm not even
ready for that test.

Why are you taking it?

I just don't have anything
better to do than study.

Oh, well, maybe I can
help you with that, too.

Hi. Doug Richards.
Don't worry about the test.

It's a breeze. I blew
through it in about an hour.

No way.

Yeah, but I like tests.

You could be very valuable.

Some girlfriends of mine
are starting a study group.

You guys want to be in it?


I'll be in it. How ya
doin'? Gale h. Harper.

Thank you.

Isn't that amazing?

I have to log the wedding gifts.

What do you think
I should call this?


Look at this. I practically got
steam coming out of my mouth,

and we haven't
left the station yet.

By the time we get
to the mountains,

the cake is gonna be frozen.

You go to a lot of weddings
up in Kathmandu? Pakistan.

I want it up.

Everybody else
has their hair up.


You did it. Thank you so much.

Like a Juliet sort of a
thing, goes around...

What are the odds of all the
people from our study group

getting married to each other?

Really bad if you think
Wendy's gonna marry you.

Oh, and why is that?

You went on one date.
She forgot your name.

Oh, like that never
happened to you guys?

Come on, Dougie. You're
supposed to back me up here.

I've got a theory.

Some people were
just made for each other.


I can't believe that you and
Susan never got married,

but then Wendy and
I drifted apart, too.

Huh. So where is Doug?


I've seen Lisa,
but where is Doug?

You mean you didn't
hear? You don't know?


Don't tell me they got divorced.

Doug's dead.


Yeah, it was a real
shock. He was... Lisa!

You look terrific.

How's work?

Uh, busy. My dad's law firm.

What's the matter with you guys?

Lisa, I just heard about Doug.

Yeah. It's been
six years, but, um...

I Guess... not long enough.

Excuse me.

Are you okay?

How'd it happen?

Doug committed su1c1de.

su1c1de? Oh, man.

I am so sorry.

I thought you knew.

Lisa found him in his dorm room.

He hanged himself
on graduation day,

and she's never
been the same since.

They never even got married?

You'd already left
for that job in Europe.

Didn't you get my letter?

Oh, I can't believe it.

Yeah, apparently,

he cheated his whole
way through law school,

and then he got caught.

We don't know that, Gale.

But we do know that
Doug was our friend.

To Doug.

How am I supposed
to sing happy songs

about love and marriage

with all this
deception going on?

Looking at them like
this, it's hard to believe.

Well, believe it,

because evil is just
around the next bend.

All aboard!

Are you okay?

Oh, I still can't believe
it. He wasn't a cheater.

Well, he plagiarized his
last exam, and he got caught.

What would you call it?

Oh, come on.

Let's not talk about it now.

This is supposed to
be a happy occasion.





Go on inside. You
can sit anywhere.

It's not formal.


Psst. Hey!

Where is he? This is k*lling me.

Those interviews are tough.

He probably met
someone, needed to unwind.

Gale's available, though.

So, Wendy, babe,
you playing our song?

No. I, uh, actually, I don't see

"get out of my face,
you nightmarish cretin"


By Friday, you or
Doug will have a job

at the U.S. Attorney's Office.

No offense, Susie, but I
really hope that Doug gets this.

He's been wanting it so badly,

and I'll get away from
my dad's criminal practice,

and we will live happily
ever after on the Honeybunny.

On what?

That's the boat Doug's

always dreamed of having.


Yup. He calls me that sometimes.

He names everything after
me. His car is called "Lisa."

Ooh. I'm not sure naming
that old clunker after you

is such a compliment.

Lisa. Hey!

What happened?

Don't tell me.

Tell me.

I got the job!


Whoa! All right!

All right! Way to go.

I'm sorry, Susan.

Don't. Nobody deserves it more
than you, Doug, not even me.

Drinks are on me, but I
can only afford beer, okay?

A toast to Doug Richards!

May he rise from
shaking the taste

of lowly law students

to shaping the
course of a nation!

♫ Make him smile... ♫

Over here.

♫ This man I love with... ♫

♫ Fluffy puppies ♫

♫ That's his style ♫

♫ This man I love with ♫

♫ He brings joy ♫

♫ To every day ♫

♫ Our nights of love ♫

♫ Are filled with play ♫

♫ He is love ♫

♫ In every way ♫

♫ I've found my home... ♫

Do you like to dance?

You're asking, I'm dancing.

♫ This man I love with... ♫

It must be nice to see
everyone again, hmm?


Some more than others.

So when was the last
time you saw Susan?

Oh... I guess a week
before graduation.

♫ When summer's smoldering... ♫

I was really proud of
the way you handled that.


I know how much
you wanted that job.

When I interviewed for the job,

they told me I was a contender,

but I really was
hoping I wouldn't get it.

The problem with
being a U.S. attorney

is that you have
to work in the U.S.

Well, what do you mean?

Well, I was thinking

since you're gonna
be working in Europe,

maybe I should look into
international law firms, too.



Never mind. I, uh... Forget it.

I didn't say that.

This is embarrassing.

No, it's just that, uh,

you know, I thought
you wanted to be a judge.

Don't you want to... Uh... no.

The truth is, I am not ready.

You know what? If we don't...

if we don't just
end it, it'll get ugly,

so let's just say it's over,

and it was beautiful
while it lasted

and I'll never forget you.

And maybe someday...

May I cut in?

I've always wanted to say that.

Of course.

Oh, there's one left. I'm
gonna take care of this one.


There has got to
be one meatball left

in this wilderness,

and you are
gonna find it for me.

That boy.

I mean, it's right
there on the screen.

"Hi. I'm Gale H. Harper.
I'm Gale." I say that.

"I'm Gale." And they still
call up looking for a woman.

It's no wonder these
people get in accidents.

I heard there was a slip
and a fall in the kitchen.

I think it's whiplash.

Excuse me, won't you?

Whew. Thank you.

Mark and Susan sure
do have a lot of chemistry.

Well, one chemical by
itself can be harmless,

but you mix them together,
and they can be deadly.

So you keep your eye on them

and someone who
is not on the guest list.

You really ought to make
that trip to Europe someday.

This time I promise...

Mark, I've been nominated
to the federal bench.

You did it? Congratulations.

Next stop, Supreme Court.


I feel a little sad
about it, though.

Every break I got
came from the job

Doug was supposed to have.

No. They had to replace
him with somebody.

Susan, they couldn't have
picked a better person.

Thanks. You always
were my biggest fan.

I still am.

You must be the uninvited guest

I've been expecting.

I'm Monica. I'm Andrew.

Angel of Death?

At your service.

Sorry I'm late.

I had to escort Mrs. Arnsdorff.

She's 92, and she still
wanted to hang around to see

her great-great
granddaughter being born.

Hello, Mr. Halo!

Where you been?

Oh, you know, here,
there, everywhere.

Oh! Have you met Monica?

Oh. Oh! Yeah. Tess tells
me that you're the best.

She does?

Oh, yeah, she tells me
about all of her trainees.

You do?

And how is my angel boy?

Oh, good.

I want to tell you,
you are looking good!

Now, baby, you know
that you're the one

who looks good.

Come on, baby.
We got work to do.

All right.

I'm so glad to see you!

Good to see you, honey.

This song is for my friend Andy.

♫ Some say love ♫

♫ It is a river ♫

♫ That drowns ♫

♫ The tender reed ♫

♫ Some say love ♫

♫ It is a razor ♫

♫ That leaves ♫

♫ Your soul to bleed ♫

♫ Some say love ♫

♫ It is a hunger ♫

♫ An endless ♫

♫ Aching need ♫

♫ I say love ♫

♫ It is a flower ♫

♫ And you ♫

♫ The only seed ♫

♫ It's the heart ♫

♫ Afraid of breaking ♫

♫ That never, never
really learns... ♫


I'm Monica.

He was my fiancé.

He was the greatest,

sweetest, kindest, smartest guy.

He k*lled himself.
Did you know that?

I'm so sorry.

Everybody thinks
that... he cheated.

You know, that's
all they remember,

that he was a cheater.

But he wasn't.

He was not.

Is that what Doug
said in the note?

Yeah. How'd you
know about that note?

The note? From Doug.

Yes, that's the one.


Anyway, I keep it
with me all the time.

It's right here.

It's the only thing I have left.

You know, he could
have gone all the way.

He had... he had
the... the guts,

he had the brains,
he had the heart

to go all the way to
the Supreme Court.


Look at me. I'm sorry.

I'm-I'm really sorry.

There's no need to be sorry.

But you are a bit mussed up.


Lisa, you okay?

I loved him so much.

I really did.

Lisa, Lisa, honey, come on.
Let's go get you cleaned up.

Thank you.

Come on.

I'm afraid she's
had a hard time.

She told me.

This is a... a
difficult letter to read.

I suggest you skip
to the third paragraph.

"I've lost more than my
law degree and my job."

"I've lost my
reputation, and worse,"

"I've lost the only thing I
know I was born to do..."

"be a fair and honest judge."

"How could you live with
a man branded as a cheat?

"How could I live with you

"watching me grow
more and more bitter?

"Just remember, I'm innocent.

"Computers don't lie,
but somehow that one did.

"But I can't prove it."

"I love you."

"Good-bye. Doug."

Doug was meant to be a judge,

and he would have made
a fine and good judge

just as he was a
fine and good man,

but all that was
stolen from him.

Do you remember
the final exam, Mark?


That was the last
time I saw Susan.

What's the matter?

I don't know what I did.

I pressed something wrong,
and it shut me out of the test.

Were you finished?

No. I had about a half
an hour left on my time.

This is my final.

Half my grade depends on this.

I'm gonna fail.

No, you're not.

Reboot your terminal.

I'll get you back in
through the safeguards.

But that's cheating.

Technically, maybe.

Look, I can get you back in.

What you put in the
exam is up to you.

I'm just giving you the chance.

Nobody's gonna know.

Thank you so much.

You don't know what
this means to me.


You're all set.

I gotta go pack.

I leave in a couple hours.

Um, drop me a line.

Tell me how graduation goes.


Is that all you can remember?

Yeah. It was a pretty
messy way to say good-bye.

You felt guilty

about not asking her
to go to Europe with you.

Yeah. Guilty enough
to help her cheat?

It wasn't cheating.

Well, I mean, sort of.

I'm not proud of it,

but it's not like I
gave her the answers.

You gave her
something much worse...

Time and access to
the computer system.

To finish her test.

She had time left.

Running into her that day
wasn't an accident, Mark.

She knew you'd be
there taking your test,

feeling guilty about her
and ready to be used.


Remember what
Doug's letter said?

"Computers don't lie."

Think about it.

Thank you so much.

You don't know what
this means to me.


You're all set.

I gotta go pack.

I leave in a couple hours.

Um, drop me a line.

Tell me how graduation goes.


Wait a second.
I didn't see that.

How can I be seeing that now?

What's going on here?

Mark, don't be afraid.

I've been sent here to
help you see the truth.

Sent here?

I'm an angel sent by God.

Are you crazy?

Doug didn't cheat.

Susan used Doug's password
to get back into his exam

and insert plagiarized material

that his professor
was sure to catch.

That's ridiculous!

Doug had the job
that Susan wanted,

and she used you to
take it away from him.

No way. She loved me.

She wanted to marry
me, and I hurt her.

That's what she
wanted you to think.

And when she was
finished using you,

she knew exactly
how to scare you

into running away
and out of her life.

Lady, you could
not be more wrong,

and I don't know who you are,

but this is nuts.

Your friend took his
life because of her.

God just wants you to see
how dangerous Susan is.

I want you to back off!
And stay away from me.

This wedding's over.
I got a train to catch.

All these years.

Mark has been blaming
himself for hurting Susan,

when it was Susan who hurt him.

I hope I can get through to him.

Well, you'd better.
His life depends on it.

I've been looking for you.

Doug k*lled himself because
somebody got into the computer

and altered his test.

Who told you that?

I was there, Susan, remember?

I helped you do it.

He was our friend.
He was my best friend.

I'm so sorry.


I had no idea he would
do something like that.

Oh, Mark, please.
I was desperate.

I felt like my whole
life was falling apart...

The job, you.

I was feeling like

I was starting to
lose everything,

everything that was
important in my life.

I don't know. I guess
I just went crazy.

When I found out that Doug...

I almost followed
in Doug's footsteps.

When I-I...

When I...

When I realized that I was
the cause of his death, I...

I didn't want to go on.

Oh, Mark.


Oh, please.

Please forgive me.

Oh, Susan.

Susan, it's okay.


Listen, I handled a near
miss a couple of weeks ago,

and I found out something

that might make all
this a lot easier for you.

I'm doing just fine
by myself, thank you.

Did we get off on
the wrong track here?

Look, I'm just
trying to help you.

You know, my first couple
years as a caseworker

were pretty rough, too.

I may be a rookie,

but I'm certainly
not incompetent.


Don't you "Tess"
me. Andy is my friend.


Oh, is that it?

You thought you were the
only angel in the universe?

No, I didn't.

You know I love you,

and you know I'm proud of you.

And I love Andy, too.

Love is like air.

There's plenty of it to
go around for everybody.

I know that,

but Andrew keeps telling me
how to handle my assignments.

Sweetheart, we're
all on the same team,

trying to win the game together.

Don't you forget who's
calling the plays for all of us.


I just wanted to say

that my pride got
the best of me,

and I apologize.

It's okay.

You know, Tess taught me

a whole lot about
pride, too, so...

but I can help
you, and so can he.

Just go ask him about
his most recent case,

and I'll do the rest.

Hello, Gale.

Been looking everywhere for you.

You have?

How utterly enlightening.

And you know me. That's
just the way I handle things.

It's a gift.


I'm busy.

Susan? Susan!

Oh, my, my, my. How are you?

How are you, huh?

Do... do I know you?

No, no, but we have so
many friends in common,

we should catch up, over
here, maybe. Come on, come on.

Excuse us.

Gale, why don't you tell Mark
the story you just told me?

I just told that story.

Ah, but you tell it so well.

Oh. Okay.

This is all strictly
confidential, of course,

so don't tell anybody.
Case I'm handling now...

Brilliant lawyer, nominee
for the federal bench.

He's a lock for the job.

Then he gets caught up in
some kind of a weird scandal.

He has a spotless record,

yet he is totally,
totally discredited.

So, he tries to k*ll himself

by driving down
a residential street

at 120 miles an hour
and slamming into a tree.

Now the future judge
doesn't quite make it,

and his latest mailing
address is vegetable city.

When did this happen?

A couple of weeks ago.

So, anyway, this guy, he's...

Are you sure it was
the federal bench?

Yeah, yeah, I am, but
the story's not about him.

It's about me.

So, now, here is
the interesting part.

My client, he...
Another life ruined.

So it wasn't just a one-time
thing with Susan, Mark.

You weren't the first choice
for that appointment, were you?

The first choice just happened
to get his reputation ruined.

I want some answers.

He was crooked.

Like Doug was crooked?

You've been manipulating
people your whole life

to get what you want, Susan.

What do you care
how I get there?

The important thing
is, once I'm there,

there's plenty for both of us.

Think about it.


I lost it.

Lost what?

The letter.

Doug wrote me a letter...

You know, I just don't
understand what happened.

I mean, I know
he was devastated,

but why didn't he come to me?

We could have
handled it together.

We could have handled
anything together.

But he didn't come to me.
He just ended everything...

Not just his life
but... our life.

No. What are you talking about?

You moved on.

You've got your law practice.

There is no law practice.

I didn't even take the bar.

I couldn't.

You don't run
your father's firm?

I'm a secretary, Mark.

I run for coffee.

Oh, Lise.

There's a lot of people
who care about you, Lisa,

including me.

And I know how
much Doug loved you

and how devastated he would be

if he saw you like this.

Be right back, okay?

Do you believe me now?

Where did you come from?

If you won't listen to an angel,

then listen to Lisa.

She's living proof of the
nightmare caused by Susan.

An angel? You weren't kidding.

Why didn't an angel stop
Doug from k*lling himself, huh?

Why didn't an angel
stop me from k*lling Doug?

Mark, you didn't k*ll Doug.

I helped Susan do this.

I helped her destroy Doug's life

and Lisa's in the process.

I'm just as guilty as she is.

No, the only thing
you're guilty of

is trusting someone
who didn't deserve it.

Human beings have the
power to make choices,

and some of the worst
choices are made in darkness.

You made one there. So did Doug.

I wrote him letters.

All these years, I
wrote him letters

from England, Germany,
Tashkent, Pakistan.

I sent them to his parents.

I never figured he'd write back.

I was always travelling.

I wrote about such stupid stuff.

"The weather was bad."

"Work is good."

"How are the Mariners doin'?"

But it just felt good

to know that I was sitting alone

the other side of the world,

talking to my best friend.

Except I wasn't.

He was closer than you knew.

You have a responsibility
now to Doug, you know,

and to all the lives this
woman could destroy

should she remain a judge.

I don't know.

You came back today to
right a wrong, didn't you?

Yeah. I came to finally
do the right thing by Susan.

Well, you're here to
do right by Doug, too,

in more ways than you know.

You know in your heart

what the right choice
to make is, Mark.

Don't be blinded by what
you've mistaken for love.



We need to talk.

I was crazy to think I
could tempt Mr. Clean.

You were always
way too honorable.

It's one of the things
I loved about you.

You're right, of course.

I don't deserve the
bench, and I won't take it.

I will ask one favour of you...

That you will allow
me to back out quietly

so that I can save whatever
reputation I have left.

Oh, is that right?
What about Doug, huh?

What about his reputation?

Doug's disgrace k*lled him,
Susan. Well, you know what?

You're just gonna
have to live with yours,

and I'm gonna
see to it. Good-bye.

Good-bye, Mark.

No! Help me!


No... no, please!

You know in your heart,

what the right choice
to make is, Mark.


Please don't drop me.

How horrible. Are you all right?

I'm fine. I'm just fine.

Just get in the front of the car

and expect trouble
when we get off.

Don't thr*aten me,
you weak little man.

I'm gonna bury you.

You're gonna be back
working at the gas station

just like the day I met you.

You'll never be anything,
'cause you don't have the guts.

I've got guts
enough to make sure

you don't get in a
position of power again.

That's enough.

You were right.

So were you.

Well, it's not
going to be pretty,

but the truth is out
now, and it'll stay out.

Can you help her?

When she's ready, there'll
be an angel there for her.

She's not gonna go down easily.

No, not easily,
but it will happen.

Just be strong.

I just wish the truth
wasn't too late for Doug.

He was the best guy I knew.

You know, that's what he
always said about you, Mark.

God never created
anything stronger

than the power of real love.

It lives forever.

And you never know where
it's gonna come from next.



You have a good heart, Mark.

You should share it with
someone who knows how to love.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

All I said was "hi."

That's enough.

Well, Miss Wings,

Did we learn
anything here today?

Yes. I learned three things.

Oh, my. This is a
grand day. Go on.

If you want to be a judge,

don't go around making
up your own laws.

That's one.

Don't go judging
the Angel of Death

until he's saved your halo.

Now, that's the two
I was thinking of.

What's number three?

If you really, really,
really love somebody,

always bring them
back some meatballs

from the wedding.

Oh, Miss Wings, I
have trained you right!

Don't be shy, baby.
Come on. Dig in. Ooh, yes!
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