02x17 - Out of the Darkness

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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02x17 - Out of the Darkness

Post by bunniefuu »

Come on, guys.

Come on, guys.
Come on. I can't see.

Come on. Do I look
as stupid as I feel?

Absolutely, but don't blame me.

It was your husband's idea.

Partners at work.
Partners at gift giving.

Okay, Bonnie. Ta-dah.

What are you two up to?

The Yellow Pages.

Well, who says you
guys don't know how

to make a girl feel special?

Page 82.

Oh. That is such a great ad!

Thank you. Thank you.

I wrote that.

You did not.

Where's, uh, where's Jesse?

Well, he's probably playing

with that stupid toy
piano you bought him.

Well, I'd like to
buy him a real one.

We just bought a house.
We're not buying a piano.

I can go back to work.

You have a job. It's
taking care of Jesse.

I know what my job is.

Then why do we have to
keep having this conversation

over and over again?

Ahem. You know, I
don't hear Jesse at all.

You know, when
he gets this quiet,

it's not a good sign.

He's probably
breaking something.

When you have kids, man,

lock them in their
room till they're 21.

He's joking, right?



Jesse, come on out.



Come here right
now! Honey, come on!

Come on, it's... Just
come in here, Jess!

Jesse, don't do that!


Call 911.

He fell off the roof.

Hi, Mommy.

Oh, baby! Ohh! Oh, baby.

Oh, are you okay?

Swear to God, Jesse, what
do you think you're doing?

I'm sorry, Daddy.
I'm very sorry.

Oh, it's all right.

We're just happy you're okay.

Great job of watching him, Mom.

Not now, Steve.

The lady caught me.

What lady?

The lady in the white hat.

Are you sure you
didn't hit your head?

Come on, let's go inside.
It's freezing out here.

I was flying. No, you weren't.

You were falling, and you
could have really gotten hurt.

Jesse, I want you
off that roof, okay?

I'm gonna get Jesse
some ice cream.

It's not every day
you fall off a roof

and get caught by
a lady in a white hat.

It makes me crazy to think
of what could have happened.

Well, I think he's young.
His bones are flexible,

and he landed right,

and I think we were
very, very lucky.

No, no ice cream.
I'll go pick some up.

Jesse loves chocolate chip.

No, he doesn't. You do.

Want me to come with you?

No, I'll be right back.

Jesse, you gave me
the scare of my life.

Oh, everything's
okay now, sweetie.

Yes, I remember that
day very well, in fact.

I was still in
Search-And-Rescue then.

Oh, it was a wonderful day
to be able to help that family.

Uh-huh, well, you
saved little Jesse all right,

but the family didn't live
happily ever after, I'm afraid.

The father Steve... he
had a very bad car accident.

Good morning, Mr. Bell.
It's a beautiful day today.

How are we feeling?


Hmm... Mr... I didn't think so.

He's in a coma.

The doctors say
it's irreversible.

What a sad ending
to a beautiful story.

Oh, we're not even
close to the end, angel girl.

When did this happen?

The day you were there.

But that was...

I know. It's time
to get to work.


But how could I help
someone in a coma?

You can't.

It's time to wake up.

I am really hungry.

Mr. Bell?

How long have I been here?

Counting today?

About five years.

Five years?

♫ When you walk ♫

♫ Down the road ♫

♫ Heavy burden ♫

♫ Heavy load ♫

♫ I will rise ♫

♫ And I will walk with you ♫

♫ I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Till the sun
don't even shine ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Every time ♫

♫ I tell you, I'll
walk with you ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♫

You may have some
memory lapses for a while,

but it should all come back.

In long-term coma cases,

we almost always see
adverse physical effects,

but you seem perfectly fine.

You sound disappointed.

No, not at all. Just... stunned.

You're stunned. I went to sleep
and woke up five years older.

I'll go call your wife now.

I still don't see why I
can't call her myself.

Well, in situations like
this, getting a phone call

from somebody's who
been in a coma for five years

can be pretty traumatizing.

All right, here we go.

Whoa. I've been parting my
hair on the right for five years?

Whoa. Hey.


Hello there. You've
had quite a nap.

Yeah, I guess so.

Although there haven't
been any breakthroughs

in hospital food
since I've been gone.

I'm Dr. Tess.

I'm the facility's
resident counselor.

Counselor? You must
have the wrong room.

Well, Mr. Bell, the
world is different

than when you left it,

and I'm just available to talk

in case you need help
making the transition.

Okay. Thanks.


This is Monica. She's
your physical therapist.

Well, everything seems
to be working fine.

Well, I'm sure it is,

but you haven't
walked or run or lifted

or moved at all for five years,

and so your muscles are
gonna have to be retrained.

That's where Monica comes in.

Yes, I'll be, um,
physically therapizing you.

So, uh, where to begin?

I guess I'd better stretch
out before I try to walk, huh?

Stretching. Well,
that's good, yes.

We, uh, we should
stretch some things.

Please remember that his
system has had quite a shock,

so we want to bring him
back slowly in every way.

So it might be best if you
didn't try to catch him up

on five years all in
one day, all right?

Are you ready?


You ready?


Look who's here.



I am so glad to see you.



Oh, Steve.

Oh, Steve!

Bon, I have dreamed
about you every night

for five years, I swear.

Oh... What happened
to little Jesse?

I got bigger.

You sure did. Do you
even remember who I am?

Yeah, I watch videotapes
of you all the time.

Do you remember when
mum put icing in your face

for my birthday?

Yeah, yeah, sure, I do.

Come here. Oh...

Looks like a happy
ending after all.

No, baby, you're just
reading the introduction.


Okay, I got it all planned out.

First day I get home, I
get up, and I take a run...

or maybe a walk.

Then the three of us
drive up to the mountains,

and we breathe the air,
take a walk around the lake...

If I can remember
where the lake is.

And then it's back
home for pizza from...

What's the name of the place?

Nick's pizza. That's right.

Extra cheese and pineapple.

Sounds like quite a day.

Wait till you hear day two.

Hey, you're the health
care professional.

When exactly will day one be?

Well, perhaps a
week, perhaps less.

It depends on your progress.

Progress? You
want to see progress?

Well, here you go.

Mom went to the ladies' room,

so she'll take about forever.

You know how women are.

Right. Do you know
how women are?

Not really.

Well, we'll get to that in time.

So, have you been
doing plenty of guy stuff

since I've been in here?

Yeah, Matthew
comes by the house.

Oh, Dad, I drew
some pictures for you.


Do you want me to get the spoon?

Yeah, get the...
spoon and the fork.

Pick up whatever you can.

Don't worry. I-I got... I
got plenty of food here.

Dad, I told some
of the kids at school

that I'd bring you
in for show-and-tell

when you get better, you know.

Come here.

I missed you so much, Jesse.

You okay, pal?

Yeah. Good.

Mom said there's some
stuff that you didn't remember.

Yeah. It's, uh, coming
back slowly but surely,

but I remember you.

That's what's important, right?


So, uh... now that you're awake,

um, everything's
gonna be okay, right?

Oh, yeah.

So, what is it I've
missed in the world?

Well, let's see. Was
the Berlin Wall still there?

There's no more Berlin Wall?

Yeah, they tore it down,

and now they're selling
parts of it in Bloomingdale's.

They're selling the Berlin
Wall in Bloomingdale's?

Yeah. Oh, and remember
the soldiers in Kuwait? Right.

They're gone.


But they're in Bosnia now.


What's Bosnia?

Oh, and, uh, Dad,

I've got really bad news
about O.J. Simpson.

I'm feeling good.

I'll be doing the
lambada in no time.

I don't think they
do that anymore.

No? Oh, did you see these?

Jesse made these for me.

Look. Uh, this is us at home.

This is, this is Bon.

That's Jesse and that's me.

Very nice, although
you don't strike me

as the suspenders type.

I'm not. That's artistic
license, I guess.

Ah. Nice piano.

We don't have a
piano... or a dog.

Well, it looks like you do now.

I'm just gonna go
and get some lotion

so I can massage
your neck, okay?

Orderly with a
wheelchair to Maternity.

Orderly with a
wheelchair to Maternity.

Come on, come on.
Bell & Tracy Architects.

What's happened?

What is going on?

I'm sorry I took so
long, but I had to... go...

Thank you, sir.

Where'd you come from?

Well, I figured you'd come here,

and my cab was
faster than your cab.

Where did he come from?

That must be the dog
from Jesse's pictures, huh?

It's been a long time.


There's no car in the
driveway, and I don't have a key,

but I do remember we
used to keep a spare key

in a fake rock.

I can't even
remember where it is.

See? It's all coming back.

A piano.

I'd say so.

Bonnie gave up on me.

No. She accepted
what was and went on.

That's all you can do.



Gosh, it's so good to see you.


You never were a good driver.

Bon, things sure
do look different.

I wasn't expecting
to see you here.

I live here.

Steve, we need to talk.

Well, talk. We'll talk.

We've got plenty
of time to talk.

What's the matter?

The doctors said you
would never wake up.

The doctors were
wrong. I'm back!

That's the problem.

What are you saying?

We're not married anymore.

I got a divorce last year.

You divorced me?

When I was in a coma?
How can you do that?

Since I had your
power of attorney,

the court appointed
me to represent you.

Well, you didn't
do a very good job.

It's not Matthew's fault.

Steve, I waited for four years.

The doctors said that
you would never wake up.

I... I had to get
on with my life.

Get on with your life?

I may have
forgotten a few things,

but I clearly remember
a vow you made

to be with me in
sickness and in health

till death do us part.

Now, I'm not dead.

As far as I'm concerned,
you're still my wife.

No. She's not.

What the hell is going on here?

Just tell him! I can't
stand this anymore!

We're engaged, Steve.

We're getting married
in three weeks.

You stole my wife?

That is not what happened.

I took care of her
after you were gone,

and we came together
because we both

cared about you.

Well, excuse me for
not saying thank you.

Steve... Does Jesse
know about this?

No. I haven't told him yet.

This is unbelievable!

How could you do this to
me?! You were my best friend!

I still am your best friend.

Like hell you are.

You stole my wife.

You probably ran my
business into the ground!

I can't even afford an
ad in the Yellow Pages!

There is no business.


We sold it to pay
your medical bills.

You sold my business?

Our business.

And we had no choice.

No choice.

Bon's right.

No one calls her Bon but me.

Steve, look, I
know this is difficult.

Difficult? The only
difficulty I have

is the minute I turn my
back, you stole my family!

Turn your back?
You were in a coma!

Yeah, and completely unable
to defend what was mine!

It wasn't like you and Bon
weren't already having problems.

Oh, geez! Oh, my God.

Oh, my... Matthew,
are you all right?

Oh, my God...

Steven, you can't just go
around whacking people like that.

Yeah. You definitely
are back, aren't you?

Get some ice for that eye.

Honey, I'm so
sorry. Are you okay?

Yeah, yeah.

Where are my car keys?
Or did you steal my car, too?

Your keys to your car
are still on the key rack.

I can't believe this. This
is how this all started.

What do you mean?

Thanks, Monica.

Five years ago,

Steve was gonna take
that big boat of a car of his

to get some ice cream.

Steve went to get his keys,

but he couldn't find them.

So, he took my
little car instead.

The police told me he
would have been okay

if he had been
driving his own car,

but mine just crumpled
like an empty soda can,

and all because he
couldn't find a set of keys.

Life is very cruel.

Would you excuse me?

I like this place
much better now.

Tess, it's all my fault.

Steve was in a
coma because of me.

He lost five years of his life
because of one thing that I did.

Please don't go
overreacting on me.

I'm not overreacting.

It couldn't be clearer.

Oh, Tess, what have I done?

Oh, don't worry. It's
gonna work out all right.

Don't worry.


I had to get out of there.

Then I realized, "Where
am I supposed to go?"

I've got no wife... no house,

no business, no best friend.

Steve, there's something
you need to know.

I know, I know. Keep stretching.

No, it's not that.

I know this will be
hard for you to believe,

but I'm an angel.

Right. I got the Easter
bunny in the backseat.

It's true.

Prove it. Make the
windshield wipers go on.

We're not fairies.
We don't grant wishes.

But it's always good
to check your wipers.

Give me a million dollars.

You're not listening.
This is not about proof.

It's about the truth.

Five years ago, I
was sent by God

to rescue your
son from the roof.

I don't believe this.

Do you remember Jesse talking
about the woman who caught him?


The lady in the white hat?

How did you know about that?



I did something
else that day as well.

I lifted up your keys

to look at a little angel
on the chain, and...

that was why you
couldn't find them,

and that's why you were
in the wrong car that day.

Because of you?

I shouldn't have
done it, but I did.

If there's something
we should know,

it's how delicate life is

and that little things
cause big things.

This is your fault?

It wasn't supposed to happen?

I'm sorry.

I don't know why this has
happened to you, Steven,

but God does,
and... No, Steve, wait.

Why, so you can put
me in another coma?

I'm so sorry.

Let's go past the
meaninglessness of apologies

and get straight to a solution.

You give me back my wife,
my son and my business,

we'll call the whole thing even.

I can't do that.

Sure, windshield
wipers you can do.

I'm sorry. Look, I
know you're upset.

You're damn right I am!

You listen to me.

You got me into this,

and you're gonna find
a way to get me out,

and until you do,

you and your God can just
stay the hell away from me.

Get out of my car.

Now you keep up
with your walking.

If I find out that you haven't,

Dr. Tess is gonna come
and run you ragged.

Don't make me put
on my Air Jordans now.


The doctor's in.

I haven't seen you this down

since the time the
cappuccino machine broke.

That was a joke, by the way.

I want off this case.


Send me back to the choir.

Now, just hold on.

I was selfish,
curious, undisciplined.

I took those keys, and
three lives were ruined.

How could I do that?

That was five years ago,

and you've learned
a lot since then.

So has Steve.

Oh, please, Tess, just fire me.

Oh, now you stop this
right now, Miss Wings.

This is where you're
supposed to be, trust me.

I do trust you.

It's myself I don't trust.

I don't know what I'm doing

and I don't know
what to do about it.

I've made a mess
that I can't clean up.

So you're just gonna...
walk off the case

without permission, huh?


All right.

Hi. How are ya?


Baby, this is somebody
else's department.

Is this a crisis?

It is now.

Monica, is it?


I'm Al, Crisis Intervention.

How are you, Tess?

Hello, Al.

You're an angel?

I'd like to think of myself
as an angel's angel, yeah.

She does, too.

I'm with Internal Affairs.

I work solo, angel
to angel, exclusively.

Don't do people.
They're too human.

I'm confused.

Of course you are.
That's why I'm here.

We need to have a little powwow.

Tess, darling, you don't
mind if I use your office

for a minute, do you? Yes, I do.

Always the kidder.

Baby... this is out
of my hands now.

But I will be praying for you.

Sit, sit.

So, you messed up, huh?


Oh. And you're feeling lost

because you think angels
aren't here to mess up, right?


Right, right.

Well... That's not true.

Now, back to work.

Excuse me.

What, something's
not clear, my dear?

Yes, everything's not clear.

Look, I'll spell it out for you.

We mess up sometimes.

You haven't exactly thrown
him for a loop, you know.

He can handle
it, so get over it.

That's it?

That's it? Get over it?

You repented?

Any plans to play with other
people's key chains again?

Okay, that's it.

Well, I'm sorry, Al,
that might be it for you,

but it's not it for me.

I have a commitment
to these people.

And I have a 4:00 appointment
in Bermuda, thank God.

Look, stew a while,

beat yourself up a little.


Think about what I said.

I'll catch up with
you later, okay?

Have a good one.

How did she get this job?

I think she knew somebody.

I don't understand.

Jesse, you know that
I love you very much,

and Matthew loves you, too.

Yeah, but he's not my dad.

Honey, no, of
course he's not, but...

but he has been around
since you were very little, and...

and Matthew and I
want to be a family now.

But we already have a family.

Jesse, this is very difficult
for a kid to understand.

Give me a break.


Look, maybe this is something

that you and your mum
need to talk about alone.

Jesse, Matthew has
been like a father to you.

I already have a father.

Mom, I thought when Dad woke
up, you were gonna marry him again.

Oh, honey, I know
this is very complicated.

Well, I'll try and
understand. Try me.

You were just a little boy
when your dad had his accident,

and you don't
remember a lot of things

about that time,

about a lot of the problems
that were going on.

And now your dad has
come back all of a sudden,

and-and you're really
excited about that, but...

I think you're remembering
some things about him

that may not be true.

This is complicated.

I know.

Mom, do you love dad anymore?

I love that he gave me you.

We need to talk.

I can't. I'm late.

You owe me this much.

Bon, I really
need to talk to you.

I know, but... I just
wish it weren't here.

I don't know what
happened while I was gone,

and I don't care; I just
want us to be together.

It's too late.

It's not. You're
not married yet.

Are you kidding me?

You think we can go
back to the way it was?

You actually think
I would want to?

Steve, for months,
I sat by your bed.

I talked to you.

I read to you from
magazines, and...

and after a while, I started
telling you things about me,

that I never would have
trusted you with before.

And for the first
time in my life,

I wasn't afraid to
tell you who I was.

It's funny, isn't it?

Steve, I don't want
to hurt your feelings,

but the truth is,

those were the happiest
times I ever spent with you.

And the hardest thing
to face was that if,

by some miracle
you ever woke up,

nothing would have changed.

You'd walk out of that hospital

the same man you were the
day you walked out of this house.

Bon, don't do this.
Jesse needs me.

You stay away from him.

What are you talking about?

You know exactly
what I'm talking about.

I don't.

But whatever it is,
we can work it out.

There is nothing to work out.

In a couple of weeks,

I am gonna have the wedding
that you wouldn't let me have.

I'm gonna have the marriage
that you wouldn't let me have.

I'm gonna have the happy family
that you wouldn't let me have,

whether you like it or not.

You think so? Let me
make you a promise.

That wedding will never happen.

I will do whatever I
have to do to stop it.

Listen, if you're thinking

about getting back on the case,

well, kiddo, it's now or never.

Ohh. I hate the cold.

That's why I hate
taking human form,

because you have
to feel what they do.

That's the same reason
I love taking human form.

Ah, so you will
go back to the job.

I didn't say that.

I know. I did.

See, your assignment is Steve,

but my assignment is you,

so if you'll just
go back to Steve,

I'll catch the next cloud home

and be back at room temperature.

Al, I'm here to help people,

and I've hurt
someone really badly.

I don't know how to
come back from that.

Just do what I do.

Pretend your mistakes
never existed. Poof!

But God knows
that I've made them.

He knows that I've made
them, too, but He forgives me.

I guess I just don't know
how to forgive myself.

Oh, excuse me. If God
is willing to forgive you,

who are you not
to forgive yourself?

You think you know
better than God?

No, not at all.

Listen to me.

When God gave us free
will, He knew we'd mess up

with it sometimes, right?


You tell this stuff
to people every day.

How come I gotta remind you?

God's got a plan.

It's like the wind.

Just because you can't see it,

doesn't mean it's not there.

I'm sorry. It's just
that I don't feel like

I'm doing God's work.

You know, it's as
if He has a plan,

and because of me,
everything went astray.

Oh, Monica, if my
face wasn't frozen,

I'd laugh out loud.

Do you really
think that you have

the power to mess
up God's plans?

I mean, do you really think
God is up there now saying,

"Oh, no, Monica
messed up my plans."

"What am I going to do?"

No. I-I suppose you're right.

Monica, God loves
all His creations.

That includes you
and that includes me.

And He would never
leave us when we mess up.

That's when we
need Him the most.

But I still don't know how to
help Steve get his life back.

Do you know why God puts faces

on the front of the body
instead of the back?

I give up.

It's not a joke.

That's a question.

And I'll tell you this.

Once you figure out the answer,

you'll have solved
your problem, hmm?

I spoke with Mrs. Fanning.

Candles down both
aisles will be no problem.

Now, then, did you want
an arbor at the altar, too?

They're very
nice, very lovely...

unless you're too tall.

That sounds wonderful.

Fine, fine. Now...

this is where we'll stand.

You'll be switched, of course.

I will begin the ceremony
and I will say a few words.

And then I will ask
if there's anyone

who knows why you
should not be married.

Let him speak now or
forever hold his peace.

And I'll say, "Yeah, me."

And who are you?

I'm her husband.

My ex-husband.

Not anymore.


I had a lawyer look
over the settlement

you negotiated for me.

When I told him that the
man with my power of attorney

was marrying my ex-wife,

he lit up like a
pinball machine.

Best-case scenario... it's
called conflict of interest.

conspiracy and fraud.

It's gonna take the
judge about ten seconds

to invalidate the
deal and the divorce.

In the meantime...
I have an injunction.

Oh, my.

You jerk.

Bonnie, wait! Wait!

I hope you're happy.

Thanks. I hope you're not.

Same old Steve.

Five years or no five years,

you treat everyone like garbage,

and you expect them to like it.

What are you talking about?

Bonnie doesn't want you.

And Jesse wouldn't
if he remembered

how you used to treat him.

We'll refile the divorce.

We'll make a new settlement.

You can have everything,
but you can't have Bonnie.

Steven Thomas Bell, God
has sent me to help you.

Yeah, you've been
really helpful so far.

Well, sometimes
the help that we need

is not always the
help that we want.

Do you know why God put faces
on the front of people's bodies?

No, I can't say that I do.

I figured it out.

Faces are on the front

so that people can
see where they're going,

not where they've been.

We have to go
forward, not backward.

I won't let this stupid
accident ruin my life,

and I am not gonna
lose my family.

Steven, you lost them
long before the accident.

That's a lie!

I'm sorry to say that it's not.

You've made some
terrible mistakes.

Now, God will be there to
help you and forgive you,

but you still must bear
the consequences.

What mistakes?
What consequences?

Do you know what that is?

A spoon?

The spoon.

I-I scooped ice cream with it.

It's funny.

Most people don't use
a wooden spoon for that.

I think you kept it
around for something else.

I can't remember.

You can remember.
You just don't want to.

It's kind of an
antique, isn't it?

It was my grandmother's
and then my father's.

It's just... one of
those dumb things

that gets passed down, I guess.

I think they passed something
else along to you as well.

Steven! Who in the hell
do you think you are?!

I'll teach you to
touch my things!

Where's that spoon?!

Get that spoon right now!
I'm gonna tan your hide!

Did you hear me?!
Bring it to me now!

Steven, bring it to me now!

Do you remember now
why Jesse was up on the roof

five years ago?

I'm afraid to.

The truth will hurt,
but it's nothing to fear.

Steve, come on.

Okay. Let's... Uh-oh.

Hang on. Don't move.


What are you doing?

I was looking for
some ice cream.

You get out of there!

Why are you always
into everything?

Why can't you
learn? Are you stupid?

Every time I turn around,
you're into something.

Get the spoon.


No problem.

You clean this mess up,

and you go up to your
room; I'll be up later.

Steve, what is it?

Nothing. I'm coming.

But he didn't take
the spoon that day.

This time he wasn't going
to wait for his beating.

This time he decided to hide.

So that little boy
went out on the roof.

Jesse. Jesse, come on out.



Come here right
now! Honey, come on!

Come on, baby.
Come on. It's okay.

Come here. Just
stop right there.

Jesse, don't do that!

Come here, Jesse.

Come on, baby.

Come here.

Because of me?

He was up on the
roof because of me?

Your grandmother
punished your father

again and again with
this wooden spoon,

and then you were
beaten with it by him,

and all of your rage
and all of your pain

boiled inside you for years

until you had a helpless
child of your own

to pass it on to.

So now God is gonna punish me?

He's gonna take away my family?

No, God is not taking
something away from you.

He's giving you
something. It's a gift,

the chance to start over.

Oh, my God. What have I done?

What have I done?

God will forgive you

even if you can't
forgive yourself, Steven.

I've seen it happen.

I don't deserve to be forgiven.

Well, He will forgive you
anyway if you'll just let Him.

Steven, you can't
change who you were,

but with God's help, you
can change who you are,

and today you can start over,

right now, right here.

Let it all go. Walk away.

Oh, Jesse.


Oh, Jesse.

Oh, Jesse.

I don't know when the
invitations are going out now.

Everything's on hold.

Look, can I call you
back tomorrow? Thanks.

Jesse's asleep.

Come here.

I called my friend downtown
about a restraining order.

He comes anywhere
near any of us,

he goes right to jail.

Thank you.

Get out, or I'm
calling the police!

He means it, Steven. So do I.

You were an abusive
person before the accident,

and five years later,
you're still a dangerous man,

but I'm different.

I didn't have the strength
to stand up to you before,

but I do now, and I am not
gonna let you hurt us anymore.

You're right. I-I-I just need to
say something to both of you,

and I won't blame you if
you don't want to listen,

but I hope you will.

I know... that I was
a horrible person...

The person you saw
at the chapel today.

I treated both of you
and Jesse very badly.

And if there's any way I
could take that back, I would.

I'm not gonna...
contest the divorce.

I won't stand in the
way of your wedding.

It's the only way
that I can prove to you

that I'm not such a
bad guy deep down...

Way deep down, maybe...

And I want you
to know... that...

I didn't know who I was before,

but I know who I am now.

And I'm asking
you to forgive me...

if you can.

I forgive you, Dad.

Oh, Jesse.

I'm so sorry.

I love you so much.

I love you, too, Dad.

Not bad. Not bad at all, girl.

Well, I learned from the master.

Hmm. The master.

I think I like that better
than "angel's angel,"

don't you?

Dearly beloved, we
are gathered here today

to join Bonnie and Matthew
in the vows of matrimony.

They are here on
their own volition

and in the sight of God.

If there is anyone who knows

why they should not be
joined in the sacred bond,

let them speak now or
forever hold their peace.

Bonnie, will you have
Matthew as your husband

to live together in the
covenant of marriage?

Will you love him, comfort him,

honor and keep him in
sickness and in health,

Oh, I just love weddings.
And forsaking all others,

will you be faithful to him
as long as you both shall live?

I do.

And, Matthew,

will you have Bonnie
to be your wife,

to live together in the
covenant of marriage?

Will you love her, comfort
her, honor and keep her

in sickness and in health,
and forsaking all others,

be faithful to her as long
as you both shall live?
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