02x24 - Statute of Limitations

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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02x24 - Statute of Limitations

Post by bunniefuu »

So Michael, you're saying

you'll break up with Catherine

unless she pierces her body?

MICHAEL: Yeah, well, I mean,

who isn't pierced
these days, right?

Maybe, maybe

Barbara Bush?

"Who isn't pierced?"

The answer to that question
and more, when we come back.

I'm Morgan Bell.

Everybody tells me the truth.

( Applause )

All right,
now we're in commercial.


why would anyone put a
ring through their nose?

Believe it or not, they're
just trying to fit in.

Teenagers do
the craziest things.

But at least they
grow out of them.

Well, sometimes they do
and sometimes they don't.

Look at Morgan.

MONICA: Morgan?

She looks so together.

What's keeping her together

is what's going
to tear her apart.

ANDREW: Okay, okay. We're back.

In five,

four, three, two...

Welcome back
to The Morgan Bell Show.

( applause )

Today, "Get Pierced
or Get Lost."


WOMAN: What attracted you...

What attracted you to Catherine?

Well, at first, it was like

different stuff, you know?

Just... like her attitude
and I don't know,

stuff like that.

She was just really
out there, you know?

I thought she was like,
fearless, man.

So you were attracted
by her attitude?

Well, yeah,
and also by, you know,

kind of, you know?

WOMAN: You don't want to know.

We don't want to know.

Do you still think
she's fearless?

So, Michael, do you still
think Catherine is fearless?

Well, she could prove that
by getting pierced.

Wait, wait. Row Six.

Let's move out to the audience
and get some comments.

Nose ring woman. Go to her.

Uh, the young lady in the back
with the nose ring?


Why is she so interested?

You seem to have a lot
of interest in this.

WOMAN: This kid's got
a thing for Michael.

Nail her. Do you know our guest?

Do you know our guest?

WOMAN: Is that why you're here?

Is that why you're here today?

MICHAEL: Hey, back off.

WOMAN: Girlfriend. Bingo.

She's your new girl, isn't she?

( Audience murmuring )

Oh, man.

Yeah, kinda.

GIRL: Kinda?

You lousy...


Michael, what?

Just relax, Catherine.

( Sobbing )

Ginger, just sit back down.

All right? Just chill.

"Oh, I love you, Ginger.

You're the best, Ginger."

WOMAN: Okay, now
go to commercial.

I'm Morgan Bell.

More truth after this.

Good girl. I'm proud of you.

Now that's television.

♫ When you walk down the road ♫

♫ Heavy burden, heavy load ♫

♫ I will rise ♫

♫ And I will walk with you ♫

♫ I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Till the sun
don't even shine ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Every time, I tell you
I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Believe me,
I'll walk with you. ♫

I want to thank
all of my guests,

but especially Catherine here.

She learned
an important lesson...

That sometimes love
is only skin deep.

See you next time.

And we are out.

Where you going?

The show is over.

Not for you, it isn't.

Now remember,

the camera only shows you
what it wants you to see.

And if you need me
I'll be at the mixing board.

I just love
punching them buttons.

But, Tess, I don't know
what I'm supposed to do.

Hi. You must be Monica?

Uh, yes.

It's really nice to meet you.

Oh, same here.

Um, the agency says

you have lots of experience
doing this sort of thing.

"Experience" is my middle name.

If I had one, I mean.

That would be it... Experience.

You understand, she has
very special needs?

When it comes right down to it,
who doesn't?

I like that attitude.

You're hired.

Here's the, um, address.

Tomorrow, 10:00 sharp.


Good luck.

Thank you.


So how'd you like the show?


The best bit was seeing

the angel of death
running around with a T-shirt

and headphones.

What's the matter?

I was just trying to imagine
what you would look like

with a safety pin
through your lower lip.

Andrew, what are you doing here?

I know that I've got
some unfinished business.

I don't know what it is yet.

But there's something
about Morgan.

I don't know.

She looks awfully familiar.

I have a job with her sister.

Claudia? Really.

Doing what?

I don't know.

That ought to be something
to write home about.

What do you mean?

She's the invisible producer.

She's like the Wizard
of Oz or something.

She runs the whole show.

She calls all the sh*ts
from her apartment

and no one's ever seen her.



( Doorbell rings )

( knocking )

Claudia, I'm stuck
on this next segment.

Do we treat this guy
like he's really an alien

or like he's a nut.

WOMAN: There's a
girl at my door.

I saw you talking
to her yesterday.

That's Monica,
your new assistant.

I thought...

Stop thinking.

That's my job.

Claudia, you can't do it
all by yourself.

( No audio )

( knocking )


We're gonna go back in 15.

Uh, Claudia?

You heard him. We're back in 15.



Is this working?

Okay, I'm sorry, Claudia.


Don't hang me out here to dry.


four, three, two...

Claudia! What am I gonna do?!

Oh, my God! We're gonna die!

CLAUDIA: Snap out of it, Morgan.

Morgan, come on. Let's do it.

Wake up. Let me see that smile.

( Show theme begins )

Welcome back.

All of our guests today believe

they have been sent
to Earth from other planets.

Ask Zorox,
"What's your earliest memory?"


tell us your earliest memory.

Now some of you may not believe

these pizzas were
delivered by an alien.

I say, hey, as long
as they come in peace.

And no anchovies.

And no anchovies.

See you tomorrow.

( Applause )

( sighs )

What do you think you're doing?

Uh... Hello. I'm Monica.

Your sister sent me.

I don't need an assistant.

You hear me?

An assistant.

Oh. Are-are you sure?

Yes, I'm sure...

and the a*t*matic door
is broken anyway,

so stop hanging around.

Broken, huh?

Yeah. Must be
a short or something.


Well, maybe I can help.

I'm very good
with mechanical things.

No, no.

That's okay.

The workmen are coming tomorrow.

There we go.

Hello, Claudia.


How did you get that door open?

Uh. Um...

Open your mind
and you open a door,

I always say.

Well, there's been a mistake.

I don't need any help.

( Phone ringing )


No, no mistake.

"The American Dream,"
that's Friday's topic.

Happy families.

Sit down. Don't bother me.

You got a problem
with happy families?

Yeah, make sure there's a guest

seated on the aisle, row two.

Her name is...

Melissa Lukas.

Row two. Aisle.

Uh, so how about if I started
cleaning up around here?


Whatever my sister said,
I don't need anybody.

My sister's always
trying to take care of me.

That's funny.

I heard you were
always taking care of her.

Maybe that's the secret
of our success.

Look, I understand if you're
not comfortable with...

around somebody who's...

Around someone who weighs

a few hundred pounds
less than I do?

No, I didn't mean that.

It's just that
I understand how you...

Don't patronize me.

Nobody understands.

Trust me.

Get out.

I mean it. Get out.

And if you think

I'm sitting around here
feeling sorry for myself,

forget it.

I'm happy, hear me?

Very, very happy.

I've got my life just
the way I want it.

( Sighs )

That's what I'm afraid of.

Good night, Andrew.

Hey, hold on a second.

I'm just gonna finish up here
and I'll walk you to your car.

Oh, no, that's okay.

I'm parked right by the door.

I've had no success
getting close to Claudia.

She won't even let me
clean her house.

Morgan won't even let me
walk her to her car.

Each one seems to be close
only to the other.

As if they were two halves
of the same person.

Morgan the face,
Claudia the brains.

And each one

needs the other one if they want

to make the show a success.

That's too simple

an explanation.

God wants every person
to be a whole person...

A completely unique individual,

not half of somebody else.

And whatever made them start
this secret club of theirs,

isn't healthy

for either one of them.

And it's gonna start

to hurt other people,
unless we can get

these two women apart and
yet somehow keep them together.


The Times will love
tomorrow's show.

Your story will
write itself, believe me.

Don't miss it now, okay?


I brought dinner.

Please, don't wear
your hair that way.

What's the story on this
"American Dream" show?

You're always

complaining about
the sensational stuff.

This is uplifting.

This doesn't sound like you.

Thank you.

Why do you keep

sending me twits
like this Monica?

( Sighs ): She's not a twit.

I don't need help.

You ran her off, didn't you?

What am I going to do with you?

I guess we're stuck
with each other.

Who would've thought?

Could be worse.


( Audience applauds )

Mr. and Mrs. White,

tell the audience
how long you've been married.

We've been married for
a quarter of a century.

And we've never spent
a night apart.

She still turns him on?

She still turns you on
after all these years, Jess?

( Door opens )

You were fired yesterday,
go away.

I just came by
to leave something.

Put it by the door
on your way out.

Yes, ma'am, she sure does.

( Chuckling )

MORGAN: Wouldn't you like to
see more shows like this?

Morgan, keep on track.

Ask him

if every night
has been a good night.

So I suppose
the next question is,

has every night been
a great night?

Well, there was
that one long night.

( Audience murmurs )

Well, well, well.

I think we've got
something here.

Oh, no, not prom night again.

MR. WHITE: Lizzy had
a curfew of 1:30.

Have fun, kids.
Be home by midnight.

LIZZY: Mom said 2:30.

It was special, cause
it was prom night.

Okay, Morgan. Snap out of it.

It was prom.

You're okay, Morgan.

Forget about it. Just move on.

Anyway, that was probably
the worst night we ever had.

( Audience chuckles )

You're fine, Morgan.

Now go to the girl sitting
in the second row on the aisle.

Just do what I say
and you'll be fine.

Do you believe this family
is really happy?

Do you believe this family
is really happy?


Why not?

Whenever somebody
says they're that happy,

they've got to be
hiding something.

What's your name
and why do you think that?

What's your name and
why do you think that?

My name is Melissa Lukas,
but my real last name is Jersey.

Your real name?

Jersey is Mrs. White's

maiden name.

I'm her daughter...

the first one.

Claudia, don't do this.

Don't give up now, Morgan.

Tell us your story.

Come on, come on, Morgan.

Just say it, Morgan.

Just say it.

What's your story?

Come on, ask the question.

Tell us your story.

She had me when she was 18.

I grew up in a bunch
of foster homes

and she got herself
an all-American family.

Claudia, stop this. It's wrong.

What do you think, Mrs. White?

Is this your daughter?

What do you think, Mrs. White?
Is this your daughter?

( Sobbing )


MORGAN: Mrs. White?


( Choking ) Are you okay?

She's having a heart attack.

Joanna! Joanna!

Somebody help, please!

Okay, cut! Cut the feed.
Go to commercial.

No, don't go to commercial.

Go over to her. Go on.

( Dialing )

Hello? Yes, there's an emergency
at The Morgan Bell Show.

Thank you.

I don't know,
I don't know what to do.

What should I do, Claudia?

Tell me.


Help me, Claudia.

I-I don't know what to do.

The highly-ranked tabloid show
has made its reputation

breaking taboos,
taking no prisoners,

and leaving broken hearts
in its wake.

However, this time,

their muckraking style may have
broken Mrs. White's heart

for real.

Mrs. White remains
in critical condi...

We asked her
how many children she had,

and she lied,

and we are
in the business of truth.

But she took that risk
when she abandoned her kid.

( Scoffs )

She was racked with guilt,

and it catches up with you
sooner or later.

It just happened to be
on our show.

Yeah? Fine. Do that.

And take a look at the ratings
while you're at it.

You don't think guilt's
gonna catch up with you

sooner or later?

Look at this.


"Bell is no stranger to tragedy.

"As a teenager,
she was the sole survivor

of a fatal car crash."

Old news.

Well, not to me.

I carry it around
with me every day.

And if you think you don't,
look in a mirror.

Morgan, don't you
walk out on me!

You make me sick.



( Phone rings )

This is Claudia. Make it quick.

( Beep )

MAN: This is WMLW news,

and we'd like to request
an interview with your sister.

( Phone rings )

This is Claudia. Make it quick.

( Beep )

MORGAN: Claud, it's me again.

Come on, answer the phone.

I'm sorry.

You know I didn't mean it.

Well, I did, kind of.

Look, we have to talk.

Would you pick up?

Okay, I'll call you tomorrow.

And-And we're gonna talk
before the show, okay?

( Projector reel clicking )

( sighs )

What are you doing here?

I was worried about you.

You didn't answer your phone.

Don't you get it?

I have a right to my privacy.

If you don't mind my saying so,

you've been private
for 30 years.

I do mind, and I'd like to know
what you're doing here.

I thought a few happy memories
might cheer you up.

( Quiet sigh )

What's to cheer up?

You think I'm losing sleep
over some pathetic gal

who couldn't handle the truth?

Yes, I do.

Honey, the turnip truck
just left without you.

Aren't you even a little...?

MAN: Come on, now,
give her a kiss.


There you go. That's great.

All right, kiss her back.

Kiss your mum back. Oh.

Come on, just gi...

No, Dad, please.

We got to go.

All right, fine.

Jonathan, yeah, the corsage.

That'll be great.
MOTHER: Oh, honey.

We're running out
of film. Hurry now.

MOTHER: Oh, they look so cute.

I'm gonna die.

Not after I paid 46 bucks

for that dress, you won't.

MOTHER: Oh, honey.
Honey, come on.

All right now, kids, come
on, smile for the camera.

Oh, you look so cute!
Jonathan, head up.

That's it. That's great.
Here you go.

All right, you
kids have fun now.

MOTHER: Oh, have fun!

FATHER: Just remember
to be home by midnight.

Daddy, get real.

MOTHER: Drive careful!

Be safe!

CLAUDIA: Turn it off!

( teary ): Turn it off!

( Quietly ): Turn it off.

You didn't go to the prom.

Must have been

very hard for you
to be left behind.

I don't want to talk about it.

That's a funny attitude
for a talk show producer.

( Sighs )

That's right, I'm the producer.

I don't have to talk.

But why shouldn't you?

You're so creative,
you're so clever.

You could be the host.

You would be so...

Pretty if I lost weight?

Been there, heard that.

Get out.

I was going to say
you'd be so popular.

There's something so
familiar about all of this,

but I just... I can't
put my finger on it,

but I know I've
seen Morgan before.

Okay, what do we have here?

We have two women
who should be living

two lives instead of one.

I just can't believe
that Mrs. White's life

had to be ruined in the process.

You just leave Mrs. White to me,

'cause you're not nearly done.

Now let's think about this.

Morgan is controlled
by her sister.

Claudia is controlled by...?


Well, she's angry at herself

for gaining weight
and missing out on life.

No, baby. She's not angry
because she gained weight.

She gained weight
because she's angry.

At something
or somebody, or some time

that she can't forget.

Well, okay, we ought to be able
to narrow that down, then.

Um, how long
has she been like this?

Well, I know that Claudia

wasn't at all large
when she was younger.

How do you know that?

I saw her home movies.

You know, Andrew, maybe
you should look at them.

They might help you
remember something.

Oh, yeah. Well,
there's nothing I enjoy more

than sitting around watching
somebody else's home movies.

Claudia didn't like it either.

Especially prom night.


That mean something to you?

Yeah, maybe. Um...

Was Morgan wearing a pink dress
with those little...

TESS: Spaghetti straps.

How did you know that?

And the boyfriend was
in a really ugly blue tux...

Uh, Jonathan something.

Andrew, what?

Oh, wow. I can't believe it.

I remember everything now.

Claudia's problem
didn't start with anger.

It started with guilt.

Serious, serious guilt.

( Phone rings )

( answering machine clicks )

This is Claudia.

Make it quick.

( Beeps )

MORGAN: Okay. I'm really

getting worried now.

I know you can hear me, right?

Please, Claudia, just let
me know you're all right.

I should have checked on you.

Listen, everything is
falling apart around here.

The new stage manager,
the Andrew guy,

he's missing in action.

For some reason,
all the guests have canceled

an-and we're scrambling through
the audience for replacements.

I swear, Claudia,
if you're not there for me

when we go on the air,
I... I don't know how I'm...

( device beeps in studio )

MONICA: Claudia?

What is it with you?

If you need a job,

I'll make some calls.

But you've got
to stop hanging around.

And you.

You'd better get your tail

over to the set, or you're

gonna be looking for a new job.

Actually, we both
already have jobs.

We're angels.

Look, we've done
angels to death.

"My Mother-in-Law's an Angel."

"Angels in the Public
School System."

Angels, angels, ang...


do you remember me?

I remember you.

1966... prom night.




Can He see me?



Oh, no.

I-I can't let Him
see me like this.


God sees you exactly as you are,

and He sees you more perfectly
and truly than people can,

than even angels can.

And He loves you

much more than
you could ever imagine.

No, no. No, He doesn't.

He knows. He knows.

ANDREW: Yes, He knows.

And so do we.

Do you remember
that night, Claudia?

You screamed for him,
"God, help me," and He did.

But you forgot to let him
keep on helping you.

You forgot him, Claudia.

But he didn't forget you.

And there's something else
that he wants you to see.

It's that one.

Hello, Claudia.

The sound engineer, too?

Now stay with me here, Claudia.

I've just had a very interesting
conversation with Mrs. White.

I explained to her that her
heart attack isn't exactly

the way God wanted her
to deal with her past.

But since you beat us all
to the punch,

I thought you should be

in on how this
has all worked out.

She looks wonderful,
doesn't she?

All right, baby,
go ahead. You're on.


Just look anywhere. It's fine.


I feel fine now.

I think...

I know it was a miracle.

I'm not the all-American
mother, Claudia.

I always felt so guilty.

And that guilt
turned into anger,

and I started taking it out
on everybody...

even my own kids.

In some funny way,

being on your show
might just be the best thing

that ever happened to me.

( Sobs )

( sighs )

And I feel... free.

Tess says God loves me.

He wants you to know that, too.

( Sobs )

Any questions?

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

She knows that, baby.

And God knows it, too.

Back to you, kids.

Remember that angel show?

"My Mother-in-Law's an Angel"?

I thought that guy was a nut.

But it made good television.

I still think he's a nut.

But that day on the show...

I wanted to believe so hard.

I didn't even dare to.

But I knew if somehow

I could just meet
an angel, a real one,

everything would be okay.

We don't make
anything okay, Claudia.

We just introduce you
to the One who can.

Well, I'm ready.


Yes, you are.

( Claudia crying )

Okay, one minute!

Okay, folks.

Now, when I wave my hands,

I want to hear some

serious clapping here.

All right?

I can't do it.

She's cut me out,

and I can't do it without her.

Sure you can.

You've always been
able to do it.

That's because we've always
been there for each other.

We're like...

One person?

One frightened

16-year-old person?

Claudia hasn't
cut you out, Morgan,

she's given you
a chance. Take it.

And you can start
by losing this.

There's another voice
you need to be listening to.

But I...

You didn't die
that night, Morgan.

But you might as well have,
because ever since then,

you've just turned your life
over to somebody else.

Take it back.

It's you.

Yes, ma'am.

In five,

four, three...

But what do I do?

Wing it.

( Show theme plays )


We're going
to have a great show today,

and we have a fascinating guest
who's going to talk about...

Well, it's a secret.

As a matter of fact,
it's a secret to me, too.

I hope it's Mel Gibson.

( Audience chuckles )

So let's have our mystery guest
enter and sign in, please.


Uh, ladies and gentlemen,
this is my sister

and the producer
of the show, Claudia Bell.

CLAUDIA: It's okay.

I know
what you must be thinking.

But I'm positive you don't know
what I'm thinking.

And I guess
it's time to tell you.

First of all, I love my sister.

And I know she loves me.

And for the first
time in my life,

I know that God loves us both.

That's the only reason
that I have the strength

to come here and tell you
what I have to say now.

Maybe you all heard

what happened Friday
to Mrs. Joanna White.

She's okay,

but that doesn't take away
from what I did.

I've been doing dirty tricks
like that all my life.

Since I was 16.

It's okay.

I wasn't always like this.

When I was 16, I carried
the weight of a normal teenager.

And then,

then something happened.

And well, I guess

I've been carrying three people
around with me ever since.

But I'd better back up.

It was 1966 and my sister had
been invited to the prom.

No, Dad, please.

We got to go.

All right, fine.

Jonathan, yeah, the corsage.

That'll be great.
MOTHER: Oh, honey.

We're running out
of film. Hurry now.

MOTHER: Oh, they look so cute.

I'm gonna die.

Not after I paid 46 bucks

for that dress, you won't.

MOTHER: Oh, honey.
Honey, come on.

All right now, kids, come
on, smile for the camera.

Oh, you look so cute!
Jonathan, head up.

That's it. That's great.
Here you go.

All right, you
kids have fun now.

MOTHER: Oh, have fun!

FATHER: Just remember
to be home by midnight.

Daddy, get real.

MOTHER: Drive careful!

Be safe!

( laughing )



I got you guys something.

What is it? All right!

For the prom.

Way to go, clodhopper!

How'd you do this?

Fake I.D.

I've got the key to the new copy
machine in the library.


I-I was wondering.

I did all the decorations,
you know?


Yeah, and I thought
it'd be so cool

if I could just go and see
what they look like,

you know, with people and all.

You think you could just give me
a ride there?

I could walk back.

Oh, Claudia...

Look, thanks for the booze.

You're great, but...

The car's...

I mean, there's no room.

I'm sorry, really. Let's go.

See you, Claud.


Thanks for the booze! Whoo-hoo!

( Kids laughing )

BOY: We're out of here.


( Rock music playing in car )

( tires screeching )

( car crashing )

( dog barks in distance )



Three people died that night

and it could have been four.

All because I tried
to be somebody I wasn't.

I gave a bunch
of teenagers alcohol

just to get some attention.

After that, I decided

I didn't want any attention

ever again.

And as you can see,
I made sure of it.

But I never got over the guilt.

The harder I tried
to hide the truth,

the bigger and sadder I got.

And I know now that I made
so many people hurt,

just because I didn't have
the courage to face my mistakes.

So I'm here to say

I'm sorry.

Please forgive me, Mrs. White,

and anyone else who has suffered

at the hands
of The Morgan Bell Show.

Tell them the rest.


( Sniffling )

I can't let you do this alone.


Uh, ladies and gentlemen...

there is more to this story.

See, sometimes people
call me and my sister

two halves of the same coin.

One thinks, one talks.

But there's a reason
we... were inseparable.

We've shared each other's lives,
careers, and...



Oh, God; God help me.

( Small expl*si*n )

( expl*si*n )

( shrieking )

( sobbing ): Where's Jonathan?

( Sobbing ): He's dead.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God, I was driving!

I was driving!

Oh, my God, Claudia,
what am I going to do?!


Stop it!

What am I going to do!? Shut up,

( sobbing ): Okay?

Listen to me!


You were not driving,

do you understand me?

You were not driving!

Say it!

Morgan, say
you were not driving!

I was not driving.

( Sirens approaching )

( sobbing hysterically )

MORGAN: But I was driving.

And my sister has been
protecting me ever since.

Now, I know
that when you look at Claudia,

you see someone
you can't understand.

But I understand her.

She's just like me, only

she wore her guilt
on the outside

instead of the inside.

But we're both guilty.

And we let that guilt poison
not only our lives, but...

the lives of innocent
strangers on this show,

and for that, I too...

am deeply, deeply sorry.

I think this is a good
time to say good-bye

and begin to make amends to you,

and each other.

And to the families
of our lost friends.

And finally, to the God
who knew the truth all along...

And loved us anyway.

Four, three, two...

( applause continues )
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