03x07 - Groundrush

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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03x07 - Groundrush

Post by bunniefuu »

And that one's an elephant.

TESS: Where's the trunk?

You gotta have a trunk
to be an elephant.

Looks more like
a potbellied stove to me.

( Monica laughs )

That one looks

just like a submarine.

A submarine sandwich, maybe.

Everyone sees something
different in a cloud, Tess.

Because people project
all kinds of things

on a big piece of fluff.

They love to put heroes
way up above 'em, like a cloud.

But there are some real heroes,

like the pilot of that plane,
Scott Walden.

TESS: It's a dangerous thing

to put your assignment
up on a pedestal, angel girl.

Humans have a way
of slipping off of them

and landing right smack-dab
on their patooties.

( Monica laughs )

MONICA: Patootie.

Well, I suppose, then,
you can say we're in

the "Pick ya up off your
patootie" business, huh?

Well, you could say that.

Ah, you know, Tess, Scott's
patootie seems just fine to me.

As a matter of fact...

Don't say that anymore.
Just don't.

All I'm saying is,
look at the life he lives.

You know, he flies medical
supplies to rural hospitals

without charging a penny.

He serves meals at the local
soup kitchen twice a week.

And just last week,
when he heard that his neighbour

couldn't afford to fly down
to her own son's graduation,

he flew her there himself.

He's a good man, Tess.
What does he need an angel for?

Good works do not necessarily
make a good man.

And good angels
ought to know that.


Watch your head.
MONICA: Look at that.

Scott and Jeremy took a patient
from the nursing home

out for an airplane ride.

Scott told me he'd rather be
helping somebody else than...

TESS: Are you listening to me?

There is a storm coming.

I don't know in which direction
it's coming from,

but it is coming.
And you better bundle up.

( Della Reese & The Verity
All-Stars' "Walk With You" playing )

REESE: ♫ When you walk ♫

♫ Down the road ♫

♫ Heavy burden ♫

♫ Hea-ea-eavy load ♫

♫ I will rise ♫

♫ And I will walk with you ♫

REESE: ♫ I'll walk with you ♫
CHORUS: ♫ I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Till the sun
Don't even shine ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫
♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Every time ♫

♫ I tell ya I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Believe me
I'll walk with you ♫

TESS: Cyber-Susan?

What kind of name is that?

It's a computer handle,
sort a code name

so you can send people
messages on the Internet

without anyone knowin'
who you really are.

So you don't actually
know Cyber-Susie, huh?


She could be a 20-year-old
teacher from Phoenix,

or a 90-year old
grandma from Palookaville.

That's the beauty of e-mail:
Total anonymity.

TESS: What a world.

You push the wrong button,

and you might just erase
all your friends. Huh!

( laughs )

JEREMY: This stupid
thing won't work.

Well, it won't if you
don't untangle your lines.

I got most of 'em.

Then most of your chute
will open,

and most of your body

won't look like
buttermilk pancakes

when you hit the ground.

If you want to jump out of
airplanes someday, Jeremy,

you can't take any shortcuts.

You gotta pack your own chute

so that you know it's gonna
open for you when you need it.

Isn't that right, Tess?

That's right.

Because nobody graduates
from my class to that plane

without doing it right.

Have you ever heard
of groundrush, Jeremy?

No, ma'am.

Well, it's when you're
free falling in the sky,

and you look down
and the ground is rushing up

faster than you can imagine.

You don't want
that happening long.

You want your chute
to open all untangled...

so you can enjoy the view.

You can do that. Come on.

Come on, let's try it again.

Well, look at you.

I never knew a wrench

and a pair of coveralls
would make you so happy.

Hey, Tess, you didn't know
I was so handy

with a pair of wings, did you?

Well, you're one surprise
after another.

Now, I've got a surprise
for you.

Did you know that Scott
coaches Jeremy's soccer team

and he tutors adult reading
classes at the library?

You are not listening to me.

It's great to see

such a happy family. You know,

I can't imagine
what they need an angel for,

let alone two.

Make it three.


You got a little grease
right here.

Don't look now,
but Andrew's coming.

Andrew? What's he doing here?

Well, seeing as he's
an angel and all,

I assume he was sent by God,

like you were sent by God.

Remember that?

You're the angel, not Scott.

ANDREW: Come on.

A twin engine plane slips
across the border at night

with no flight plan.

What are they supposed to think?

I mean, the only way you can
make this look more suspicious

is if you painted
the word "smuggler"

on the side of the plane.

Can't you just tell them
that it was a mistake?

"I forgot" is not exactly

a compelling legal defence,

Guys, the FAA take
their flight-plan rules

very seriously.

And their friends in Immigration
and Drug Enforcement,

and the customs
on both sides of the border,

the U.S. and the Mexican, they...
They tend to like 'em too.

Tony, what were you thinking?

It was an accident.
I wasn't paying attention.

They are gonna have
a lot of questions,

and we have got to have exactly
the same number of answers.

Or you're gonna go down, Tony,

and the owner of the plane

is gonna go down with you.

Now, guys, whatever is said here
is protected

with attorney-client privilege.

But just tell me,
so I can help you.


The truth is...

The truth is, it was my fault.

I told Tony he could
take the plane up

anytime he wanted to after work.

Build up his hours.

He said he was going up
that day,

and I told him I'd file

the flight plan for him,
but I... I plum forgot.

I'll take full responsibility.

All right.
If that's what happened,

then I think I can
clear this up pretty quickly.

So where do you keep

your tach records
and your logbooks?

In the office.

Let's go.

( Whispers ): Thanks, man.

( Solemn, ominous theme
playing )

You in some kind
of trouble, Scott?

No, nah. I, uh...

I guess I just stepped
on somebody's red tape

a little bit, that's all.

( laughing )

They sure do love talking
to people on that computer.

SCOTT: Yeah.

Yeah. They don't
have much choice.

What with the economy
being so lousy everywhere,

I've had to drag 'em
all over the country with me

since we hooked up together
six years ago.

They haven't had a chance
to make any real friends.

You've only been a family
for six years?

Jeremy seems so much older.

Jeremy's 11.

His real father
abandoned him about...

Oh, about eight years ago.

Poor kid was really messed up
about that for a while.

Takes a special man to step in
and fill a father's shoes

and call the child his own.

Couldn't love him more
even if he was my own.

( laughs )

Look. Looks like they found
the Arthur Murray website.

Jeremy's first dance
is tomorrow.

( Dance music playing
on stereo )

May I cut in?

Sorry, kid.

The first time you ever put
your arms around a girl's waist,

"it's like falli" into a dream.

You remember the first time
we ever danced?

It was a slow two-step
to a Van Morrison song

in a little cafe in New Mexico.

That's right.

ANDREW: Excuse me.

I hate to break up the party,

but I think that this
is gonna be enough

to convince the FAA that it
was an innocent mistake.

Well, that's great.
Heh. Thanks, Andrew.


Seems like you and Jocelyn
were made for each other.

( laughs )

She's a gift from God.

Those are the best ones.

If you could do anything
different in your life...

I mean, well, you know,
improve things.

What do you think it would be?

There's only one thing
in my life

that's missing right now,

and I've been putting it off
for a long time.

But maybe, uh...
Maybe it's okay now.

Maybe it's time
to do the right thing.

It's always time
to do the right thing.

I'm gonna do it.

Oh, great.
What are you gonna do?

I'm gonna fly Jocelyn
down to Mexico and marry her,

and the sooner the better.


Well, it's...
That's a lovely idea.


MONICA: I had no idea, Tess.

I thought that Scott and Jocelyn

were already married.

They seemed like...
Like such a perfect couple.

They seem like a lot of things.

Well, he has it all worked out.

He's gonna fly
Jocelyn down to Mexico

for the surprise wedding.

You know, that must be it.

You see, I had a feeling that
I was sent here to help Scott

make this decision,
and for once, my job was easy.

I've helped create a family.

You got a feeling?

You got a nose,

and ten toes and a cute
little mole right there.

Do you depend on them

for your marching orders too?

You better change channels,
Miss Wings,

and make sure you're tuning in
to the real thing.

I don't know how I let you
talk me into this.

I can't wait to see
the look on Jocelyn's face.

I wish you could see
the look on yours.

I don't think
you get it, Monica.

We're in the middle
of an assignment here,

and you're acting
like the president

of somebody's fan club.

Well, maybe that's what angels
are sometimes, you know?

I mean, sometimes we do have
to deliver a serious message.

"Get your act together.

God wants to help you
straighten things out."

But sometimes, maybe we're
just here to say, "Great job."

Keep up the good work, fella."

I wish I had
your confidence in the guy.

Well, you're his lawyer.

You're supposed
to believe in him.

But there's something

not right

about Scott's explanation
of that Tony Portino incident.

But didn't you say
everything was okay with that?


I think he's
holding something back.


TESS: Watch your step. Step up.

What are you guys up to?

It's not even my birthday.

You're gonna love this, Mom.

Almost there.

( Tires screeching )

Scott didn't invite any guests.

These don't exactly

look like
the "dearly beloved" types.

They're not.

Agent Bradford, FBI.

William Grunwald,

you're under arrest...
for m*rder.

What? This is not funny.

Scott, what's he talkin' about?

I don't know. My name
is Scott Walden. I...

I don't know
who William Grunwald is.

Yeah, well, we got a warrant
that says otherwise.

Excuse us.


Mr. Wonderful
has got himself a problem.

They've got the wrong man.

( Car engine starts )

SCOTT: Why is this happening?

It all goes back to when Tony

went joy riding in your plane.

Government grabbed it.

They searched it
for fingerprints,

and yours ended up
matching this...


You gotta get me outta here.

This is a m*rder charge!
There's no bail.

And even if I could
talk it down,

you're a major risk to run.

This warrant is 18 years old.
It's out of my hands.

Andrew, please.

There's nothing I can do.

They are going to run

a final fingerprint analysis.
Now, if it matches...

It won't match.
They got the wrong man.

Have you seen Jocelyn?

Yep. She's pretty shaken up.

Would you tell her
that I love her,

this is all a mistake

and everything's gonna be okay?


Ask him, Andrew.

Ask him. He'll tell you.

( Inhales deeply, sighs )

Are you William Grunwald?

I don't know who that is.

( Knocks on desk )


Is Tony William Grunwald?

What are you talking about?

Tony Portino.

He borrows your plane,
it comes back

and William Grunwald's
fingerprints are inside of it.

I mean,

why was Tony really in Mexico?

What difference does it make?

I know... I know that
you are protecting Tony.

But you have got to let me
protect you.

Tony's younger brother
is dying of cancer.

Poor kid doesn't have much time.

So he begged to see
his parents one more time.

Tony has been trying
to get permission

for his parents to come
to this country,

but he keeps getti"
tied up in red tape,

and his brother
keeps gettin' worse.

So Tony flew to Mexico

and he brought his parents
into the country illegally.

He'd already flown them back.

Customs got him
when he was coming back

across the border.

Do you see what kind
of a man he is?

All right. All right.

So how did Grunwald's
fingerprints get in your plane?

It's gotta be
a computer mistake.

MONICA: Andrew,

they've got the wrong man.

I wasn't even in New York City
when the m*rder happened.

I could prove it if I could
just get outta here.

For now, you have to be patient.

And if the prints don't match,

you've got nothing
to worry about.

Scott Walden is actually
William Grunwald

from New York City.

He's been dodgin'
a m*rder warrant for years.

k*lled a high-school kid
during a fight.

Any of this ring a bell?

Scott's not from New York City.

He's from a little town
near Niagara Falls.

He's taking us there
next summer.

Good, you can send him
a postcard.

Those prints we found
in his plane,

those are the first
traces of William Grunwald

we've had in almost 18 years.

But Scott wasn't even in
New York City 18 years ago.

Oh, you mean he told you
he was innocent.


And if you knew
what a wonderful man he is,

then you'd realize how wrong
this whole thing is.

Look, I'm not trying
to be insensitive here.

You see a wonderful man.

I see a guy who's a poster child
for a fugitive profile.

Always on the move,
no documentation,

no paperwork.

Everything in his life
is disposable.

You're wrong.

Doesn't matter. One way
or another, he's on a plane

back to New York City
by the end of the day.

Well, Scott is innocent.
You have to believe that.

I want to.

But what that agent said
was true.

All of those characteristics
describe Scott.

Yes, but they could describe
a lot of other people too.

You have to have faith
in what you know,

and who you know.

That's the question.
Who do I know?

Scott never talked
very much about his past,

except to say
that he was an orphan.

I always thought that was
why taking care of Jeremy

was so important to him.

You know that he loves you both.

He wants to make
your family whole.

I thought our family was whole.

I'd already been married once,

to Jeremy's father.

It was a very
unhappy time in my life.


a ceremony was never really
that important to me.

I thought it was
just a piece of paper

and it didn't really matter.

But maybe Scott knew
exactly what he was doing.

If he lied about one thing,

he may have lied
about everything.

You know he didn't lie
about his love for you,

or his love for Jeremy.

I'm trying.

It's hard.

Jeremy! Playtime is over.

Where are you?



What are you doing here?
This is my secret hiding place.

I won't tell a soul.

Yeah, well, when you see
this tire laying on the ground,

it means "do not disturb."

I got it.

Is Scott back?

Not yet, honey.
Are you all right in there?

Yes, ma'am.

I brought you a little something

to help you pass the time.


My favourite!

Scott gets me these
when he flies to Phoenix.

How'd you get it?

Well, I have my connections
in the superhero world.

Scott used to be my hero.
I don't know anymore.

Well, maybe you don't
need to know right now.

You stick with the truth,

and the truth is Scott loves you

and you love Scott.

And you don't have to be
a superhero to do that.

SCOTT: You've got the wrong guy.

Why won't anyone believe me?

I'm innocent
and I can prove it, I tell ya.

( Keypad beeping )

( starts engine )

( tires squealing )

What have you done?

I'm giving a good man
a fighting chance.

MONICA: Andrew, he said
if he could get out,

he could prove he was innocent.

They wouldn't even
listen to him,

and they were taking him away

before he had a chance to do it.

ANDREW: This is not our call,

and you know it.
Now, there are rules here,

laws that we're supposed
to follow

whether we like them or not.

I understand what you're saying,

but I believe in my heart
that I did the right thing.

Scott Walden
is not William Grunwald.


The final
fingerprint analysis is in.

Scott Walden
is William Grunwald.

Well... Well, just because
they're the same person

doesn't prove
that he's a m*rder*r.

Monica, believing in the guy
is one thing,

but helping him
to escape police custody,

that's not just illegal,
it's wrong!

Jocelyn, have you heard?


The fingerprints match.

He said he was innocent
and that he can prove it.

Give it up, Monica.

Oh, no.

And there were
witnesses, Monica.

There's an explanation
all right:

Scott did it.

Ah, Jocelyn,

don't give up on him now,

not when he needs you the most.

It all makes sense.

Why we moved all the time,

why he never opened
a checking account,

why he never wanted to marry me.

But he was going to marry you.

That was what the surprise was,
a trip to Mexico.

Mexico. Of course.

No blood tests,
no birth certificates,

no questions.

I don't believe it.

I do.

God help me, I do.


( Sighs quietly )


Sit down, Monica.

Please, let me explain.

Sit down!

You're about this close

to being pulled off
this assignment.

But I have to help Scott
prove that he's innocent.

You're supposed to help the man

face his life,
not run away from it.

But you decided that Monica
knows better than God,

and you've turned him
into a hunted fugitive.

He's not running.
He's on his way here.

I don't care where he's going.
He's still running.

I don't know why,
and neither do you.

But I do know this much.

The man's been running
for 18 years,

and thanks to you,
he's still running.

But when I find him...

You're not finding him,
Miss Wings.

I'm giving you a direct order.

You're not to help
that man escape justice

in any way, shape, form
or fashion. You got that?

Yes. You got that?!


I just hope we're not too late.

( Sighs )

( officers conversing
indistinctly )

OFFICER 1: Attention back here.

OFFICER 2: Come on, gentlemen,
keep your eyes open.

I need you to open up
that storage closet for us.

Why? There's nothing
important in there.

Then humor me.

The sooner you open it,
the sooner we'll be gone.

( Ominous theme playing )

( grunts )

( lock turns )

See? Told you there was
nothing interesting in there.

All right,

I'm gonna leave a couple
of deputies here tonight.

You see anything,
you let 'em know.

You okay?

Yes. I'm fine, thank you.

What's he doing here?

He... He works here.

You know anything I should know?

I wish I could help you,
but I can't.

( Indistinct police radio
transmissions )

Must've been a bum lead.

We had this place
buttoned up tight.

Your plane's been preflighted,
but it was too risky to refuel.

You're a little low.

SCOTT: How low?

You have enough.

Just follow the Tombstone VOR.

Slip under radar at Bisbee.

I marked your charts.

And of course, you got a chute.

Thanks, Tony.
I really appreciate it.

No. Thank you, man.

Why are you running, Scott?
You didn't k*ll anyone.


You said you were innocent.

You said you could prove it.

Monica, the truth is...

I did k*ll him.

TONY: Come on, man.
You gotta go.

I'll take the truck.

( Tires squealing )

( sirens wailing )

OFFICER ( on radio ): We have an
unauthorized plane on the runway.

( tires squeal )



Monica, where are you?

You just let the man

get away again.

( Inhales, sighs )

( sobbing quietly )



Well, I have an eternity.

I can wait.

Hello, Sam.


I must be in awfully big trouble
if they sent you.


He lied to me.

Sam, he told me he was innocent,

but he's a m*rder*r, you see.

And all the time, I thought...

I know what you thought, Monica.

I know what you felt.

I also know what you've done.

But I don't think
you know that yet.

I helped him get away.

That was bad judgment.

But what you've done
is much worse, Monica.

Something so serious

that your existence
as an angel is threatened.

You lied.

The officer asked you
a direct question

and you lied to him.

Well, I didn't really lie.

You didn't really
tell the truth, either.

Of all the gifts God
could have given an angel,

he gave you the gift
of telling the truth.

And you didn't use it.

I was just trying
to help Scott, Sam.

I was just doing my job.

Our job... is love.

And truth is our stock-in-trade.

And if an angel from God
utters one single untruth,

that angel no longer
represents the Almighty.

God is the truth,

and anything that is false
is not of him.

Now, you're walking a very
dangerous line here, Monica.

I thought Scott was different.

Heh. You know the problem

with making humans into heroes?

That when they eventually
act like humans,

we're so disappointed.

And that's not really
fair to them, is it?

Well, I think you know
where you have to go.

How long will I have
to stay there?

Oh, you'll know.

But remember, Monica.

This is not a punishment.

This is a lesson.

We all learn them,

because God is good enough
to teach them to us.

( Poignant theme playing )

Andrew, what is this?

What's going on?

I'm an angel, Scott.

( Chuckles )

And I've been sent by God
to help you.

( Chuckling ): Man!

You lawyers sure
think highly of yourselves.

How else would you explain
my presence here, Scott?

( Inhales, sighs )


So... this mean I'm gonna die?

Is this my punishment
for running again?

God sends angels
for many reasons.

Sometimes it is
to help with death.

Sometimes it's
to help with life.

And this would be... which?

This would be life.


Well, tell him thanks,

but I don't need him
showing up now.

If there is a God,
he bailed out too long ago.

No, Scott.

God did not bail out on you.

You bailed out on him,
and you bailed out on the truth.

You didn't trust God
or man to handle it.

So God knows the truth, huh?

'Course he does.
He knows everything, Scott.

That's what makes him God.

( Alarm beeping )

What the...?

What the...?

We've got a fire.

We're gonna
have to jump, Andrew.

Where's your parachute?

I don't have to jump, Scott.

You do.

( Cord rips )

( cord rips )

SCOTT: No! Open, please.

Please help me, God.
I can't die yet.



Please, God!

( Loud booming )



What are you doing here?

Well, I... I, uh...

I don't remember landing.

I, uh... I...

Where am I?

This is God's country.

Yeah, well...

Pretty well fits
with the rest of my day.

I just jumped out of a plane

right after my...

cockpit caught fire

and my lawyer
told me he was an angel.

( laughs )

I don't expect you
to believe any of it, but...

I do believe you,
because I'm an angel too.

An angel?

I think.

I hope that I still am.

You seem kind of depressed
for an angel.

Well, I might be
relieved of my duties.

Where does an angel go when...

you're not angels anymore?

You don't want to know.

A place far away from God,
far away from the truth.

A place where lies live.

Whew, boy.

It sounds like my address
for almost 20 years.

What really happened, Scott?

If I told you,
you wouldn't believe me.

It doesn't matter
what I believe.

What matters is that you
face the truth.

What is the truth?

I had a...

I have a sister. Karen.

When I was a senior
in high school,

she was a freshman.

I was voted
"Most Likely to Succeed."

( chuckles )

She's the one

that really deserved it.

She had a smile like...


She's so smart,
and she's so pretty.

( Sighs )

Go on.

The night of my senior prom,

she was so excited,

'cause she had a date.

Her first date.

A guy named Brian.

We were on the football team

I thought he was a good guy.

But I was wrong.

He r*ped her.

He r*ped my baby sister.

I'm so sorry.

There was a place way out
on Riverside Drive,

near the bridge.

All the kids used to go there.

So when I saw Brian's car there,
I didn't think anything of it.

I didn't want to seem like
overly protective big brother.

But I didn't see any harm

in just going over
and saying hello.

So I walked up to the car.

And that's when I...
heard her screaming.

I tore that door off that car
so fast, Monica.

And... And then
I just went crazy.

I didn't wanna k*ll him.
I just wanted him to stop.

Why didn't you tell all this
to the police?

'Cause all the kids
were jumping out of their cars

to see what was going on.

All they saw
were two guys fightin',

one guy going down.

I tried to explain, but...

I saw the look in Karen's eyes.

She was terrified.

Terrified that I was gonna tell.

You see,

back then...

people wanted to always
blame the girl.

If she got r*ped,

probably 'cause
she was asking for it somehow.

So it wouldn't
have been just me.

It would have been
me and Karen up on trial.

So I ran away.

'Cause if I told the truth

about what happened
that night...

in that car...

Karen's life never
would have been the same.

Her life was never the same
anyway, Scott.

Except, not only did she
lose her innocence,

she lost her brother as well.

And you lost yourself
in 20 years of lies.

( Sighs )

And I almost lost
myself in one too.

You see, every time we ignore
the truth, we ignore God.

Because God is the truth.

And when it's not true,

he doesn't want
to have any part of it,

because he... He can't.

You see, it's just not
who he is.

I always thought
I was doing the right thing.

So did I.


( sniffles, sighs )

What do we do now?

We ask forgiveness.

We ask for truth.

Will you pray with me, Scott,

and ask him
to take away our lies?

Here we are.

Your child, Scott,
and your wee angel, Monica.

We are sorry.

We are so sorry.

Please forgive us.

We are f... Falling.

Lift us up.

We are frightened.

Comfort us with your peace.

We are lost.

Come and find us,
Father, please.

Here we are.

( Gasping )

There he is.


you are one slippery character.

( Indistinct police radio
transmissions )

You too?


REVEREND: I now pronounce you

husband and wife.

You may kiss the bride.

Hold it.

You didn't bother to look
for him for 18 years.

You can sure wait
two more minutes

till they finish
their business here.

When I get back, I'm gonna
look into buyin' a house,

planting some trees.

Better be some mighty big trees

after all
we've been through, huh?

The biggest.

Kind of a tough time, huh?

What did you do, Scott?

Something happened
a long time ago.

Something terrible.
And I'm responsible for it.

I thought it'd just go away
if I didn't look,

but the truth doesn't go away.

It keeps coming after you
until you turn around

and face up to it.

So that's what I'm doing now.

So you're in trouble
because you lied to somebody?


It was much worse.

Somebody died.

Something happened, Jeremy.

I got angry. So angry,
I lost control of myself.

You remember when Tess was
telling you about groundrush,

being in a free fall
with the ground

coming at you
faster than you can imagine?


that's how I felt that night.

I got so angry, I couldn't see
what I was doing.

So I just ran away.

But that didn't help, 'cause
everything spun out of control.

It's time to pull that rip cord

and stop that free fall.

You know, the thing
about truth is,

it doesn't change,
and it doesn't go away,

no matter how fast you run.

I want you to remember that,

But is it still okay
if I call you Dad?

You better, bub.

Is that... my sister?


Oh, God!

I think they're
gonna be all right.

Count on it.

Yeah, thanks to my
stellar legal advice.


Don't you get too big

for your wings, angel boy.

Speaking of wings.

( Monica screams )

I think this is really exciting!

Are you ready? Yeah.

You two go ahead.

I'll catch up with you later.

Oh, come on, Tess.

I don't think so.

( laughs )

You've never done this
before, have you?


You taught everyone else,

but you never did it yourself!

Besides, what are you
worried about, honey?

It's not like you're gonna
have a bad landing.

I just don't feel
the spirit leading me

in this direction.

ANDREW: Woo-hoo-hoo!

TESS: Oh, Lord!

MONICA: Now, that wasn't
so bad, was it, Tess?

TESS: I think something
just flew up my nose.

ANDREW: She likes it.

I told you she'd like it.

( Bright, up-tempo theme
playing )
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