03x15 - Forget-Me-Not -

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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03x15 - Forget-Me-Not -

Post by bunniefuu »

( light, graceful theme
playing )

Hey, Ms. Perkins?

Mutiny on the Bounty
still checked out?

Let's see.

No. It came back yesterday.

Check the third aisle, one, two,
four shelves down and two over.

Okay. Thanks.

Aye, aye, sir.

MONICA: You know, Tess,

if I could be anything
besides an angel,

I think I'd like
to be a librarian.

Well, why would you want to be
anything other than an angel?

Well, of course I wouldn't,

but if I were anything
besides an angel,

wouldn't it be wonderful
to be a human

teaching other wee humans
to read?

It's like giving a child
a key to her future.

And look at that lady,
how she does it

with such style and creativity.

TESS: That's Charlotte.

MONICA: She should
be a fun assignment.

Well, I wouldn't
exactly say "fun."

And I wouldn't say
she's your assignment,

because she's not.

She's the mother
of your assignment.

Well, why am I meeting
my assignment's mother?

Because you've got to know
where you're coming from

in order to understand
where you're going, angel girl.

Parents and children think
about the past very differently.

There's a whole section about
it over there in aisle seven.

( Door opens )

Never mind.

That's your assignment.

( Whispers ): Hi, Sara.

What are you doing?

I am posting an ad

for a new assistant
in the studio.


What did I do now?

Oh, come on, Mother.
We have talked about this.

I'm trying to make plans
for the future,

my own plans.


I really appreciate everything
that you have done for me.

But... Oh?

But I...

I don't want your help anymore.

This is my studio, my career,

and I would really like
to do it myself.

That was the first sentence
you ever said as a baby.

"Do it myself."

Yeah, well, maybe it's time
you started listening.

Oh, Sara.


Believe me, this is the right
thing to do for the both of us.

I am not firing you. I am just...

You are firing me.

But, hey, it'll leave me
more time here at the library.

GIRL: Hi, Ms. Perkins.

Hi, Julie!

You are the very first one
for story time.

And you know what that means.
You get to wear the hat.


You know, our story this week

is all about
the American Revolution.

Mother? It... Yeah?

I really need to go. I have
six rolls I need to develop.

But I would like
to discuss this later.

Sure, sweetheart.

We'll discuss it
when you are swamped,

have nobody to turn to,
nobody to trust,

and you realize you shouldn't
have fired your mother.

This is my daughter.

She's just declared
her independence.

( Clicks tongue )
( laughs humorlessly )

Come on. Let's get a good seat.
Say goodbye...

TESS: Do you remember
what happened

when the colonists declared
their independence

from the king?

There was a w*r.


( Della Reese & The Verity
All-Stars' "Walk With You" playing )

REESE: ♫ When you walk ♫

♫ Down the road ♫

♫ Heavy burden ♫

♫ Hea-ea-eavy load ♫

♫ I will rise ♫

♫ And I will walk with you ♫

REESE: ♫ I'll walk with you ♫
CHORUS: ♫ I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Till the sun
Don't even shine ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫
♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Every time ♫

♫ I tell ya I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Believe me
I'll walk with you ♫


( Sara murmurs )

Come on, don't go limp
on me now.

Give me perky, sexy, perky.

Maybe a little sassy.

Hi. Can I help you?

Hello. I'm Monica.

I'm answering the ad
for the assistant's job.

Wow, that was quick.

Okay, well, um, I'm Sara.

( laughs )

What kind of experience
have you had?

Uh, well, none, you know,
with a camera,

but I'm a really good organizer:

Uh, phones, coffee,

filing, bookkeeping,


I'm a very quick learner.

Well, I don't mind that

you haven't had any experience

with the camera.

See, my last assistant thought

that she knew everything, so...

Do you mind if I continue?

She started out
as my silent partner,

but before I knew it,
she was here all the time,

you know,
negotiating with clients

and demanding payments

before they were even due.

Generally just driving me crazy.

So finally I just had
to let her go.

But there are other things
that she's better at.

Like being a librarian?

Oh, you met my mum, then.


Aye, she, uh...

She saw me looking at the flier
on the bulletin board

and gave me, uh, kind of
a pre-interview.

Actually, she told me
to tell you that she approved.

( laughs )

You wanna know something crazy?

She's probably right.

When can you start?

When do you need me?


You see, I am taking a break

from the unspeakable glamour
of print advertising

and I'm...
I'm going to Bosnia soon

to work for
a journalist friend of mine.

He, uh...

Well, Jeff works for most
of the major magazines,

and he's working on the
International Rescue Committee

and wants me
on this assignment with him.

He's been after me for years
to get into the real world,

and it's what I've always
wanted to do, so...

Why did you wait until now?

Uh... Do me a favour.

Don't tell anyone
about this trip.


And remember.

I'm the one you work for.

Not my mother.

Come on. I got some film
in the soup.

I had the inclination
and the time to volunteer.

It's sort of like a calling.

Yes, exactly like one.





Now, how many times
have I told you,

if you can't reach something,
use the encyclopedias.

They're so much sturdier.

These little books
are gonna fall right over.

Which was it, this one?


Here. You check it out
and be on your way.

Thank you.

You have quite a way
with children, Charlotte.

Your daughter must have had
a wonderful childhood.

That's exactly
what I keep trying to tell her.

( laughs )

So your mother
brought you up alone?

Oh. Yeah. Yeah.

Things changed pretty much
after Dad left.

Mom just kind of flipped out.

I mean, she never even
had a job in her life.

She did manage
to get this dead-end job

answering phones
for a portrait photographer.

I have these memories of doing
my homework in the waiting room.

( laughs )

I can never smell
developing fluid

without thinking
of English papers or algebra.

But the good news is that

that's what got me interested
in photography

in the first place.

Mother even bought me
a little camera

just to keep out of her hair.

MONICA: I don't think
she flipped out at all.


How about this one?

Oh. Perky and sexy
industrial tape.

Did your mother ever work
when you were a kid, Monica?

I don't have a mother.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Ah, no. It's okay.

I do have someone
who looks after me.

It's very nice.

Oh, nice, huh?

They must live in another state.

Ah, yes. A totally
different state altogether.

Oh, well, you see,
that's the key.

You keep the people
that you love

as far away from you
as possible.

This was Sara's first camera.

It's just like the one
my father gave me.

I bought it for her

by saving up the change I would
have used at the Laundromat.

I washed clothes by hand
for a year.

Oh, my.

Yes, and then we taped up
the windows of the bathroom

and built her a little darkroom.

Well, it seems to have paid off.

Oh, yes.

I helped her become
a stable businesswoman,

even if she doesn't know it.

Let me show you
my favourite thing

in the whole library.


Do you see this signature?

Robert Frost once
checked this book out.


He held this very book
in his hand,

turned the pages

with the same fingers
that gave us his great poetry.

Why, this little piece of paper
is a museum piece.

But history like this
gets forgotten...

now that everything
is computerized.

Nothing meaningful
is ever really forgotten.

It's always there

for the people who are willing
to look for it.

That's right. Yes.

Charlotte? Yeah?

I think you wanted to keep this.

( Gasps )

Oh, how stupid of me.

Thank you, Tess.


I have been doing things
like this a lot lately.

Yesterday, I put my mail
in the refrigerator.

Can you imagine?

( Closes zip )

MAN: Excuse me?

I'm looking for the great
hardware catalogue photographer.

I gotta get a bell
for that door.

BOTH: Hey!

Monica. Hi. I'm Jeff.

Hello, Jeff. I'm Monica,
Sara's new assistant.

You fired your mum?

My big, brave girl.

So how was Charlotte
about Bosnia?

Oh, you haven't told her.

So much for my big, brave girl.

All right, quick,
let's slink out of here

before Charlotte's radar
locks on and sh**t us down.

You're leaving for Bosnia now?

Uh, well, yeah,

but you can hold down the fort
for a week, can't you?

I mean, it's really
just the phone.

I... I suppose so.

Great. Well, I'd leave you
a number, but we don't have one.

And whatever you do, do not
tell my mother where I've gone.

If you uphold your end
of the bargain,

I will bring you back
a nice piece of shrapnel.



Ah, great!

You are an angel. Come on.

JEFF: All right.

Got the bags packed,
the reservations are made...

SARA: I can't believe
I'm really doing this!

TESS: My, you're a fast reader.

I think you're ready
for the Young Adult section.

Aisle nine, honey.

Someone's not quite so happy.

TESS: Well, she's worried
about her daughter.

Sara, call me, please.

This past week
has really taken its toll.

That girl could tell
her mother something

so the poor woman
doesn't worry so.

It's just common courtesy.

Nobody likes to feel

they always have to report
to somebody, Tess.

Oh, really?

Well, all I'm saying is

that Charlotte should understand
that Sara has a life of her own,

and she shouldn't have
to hide it.


are you the same
when you're not with me?

I mean,

what do you do
when we're not together?

First of all,
I love you, angel girl,

but I am not your mother.

I'm your supervisor.

Secondly, how I act
on my own time

is my own business.

Third, we have an assignment
here about those two,

not us two.

Andrew. Is Sara...?

No! No, no, she's fine.
She's fine.

She had a close call over there,

but she's on her way home,
and she should be here tonight.


Andrew, what do you think
that Tess does

when she's alone?

You know, when she's
not supervising us.

Well, I don't know, Monica.

I guess she just sits
in a corner

and waits to be needed by us.

Oh, seriously.

I asked her, and she told me
in so many words to butt out.

What should I do?

I don't know.

How about, um...

butt out?

( Sighs )

( murmuring )

Oh, hey...

Hey... Oh!


Welcome back.


I'm glad you're here.

Oh? Really!

Oh, I know you're upset,

but, listen, just try
to get past it for a minute

because I have some great stuff
to show you.

It has changed my life.

I feel like everything
that I've done up until now

has been nothing.

How could you leave
for two weeks

and not tell me anything?

( Camera shutter clicks )

Well, because if I would
have told you I was going,

you would have found a way
to stop me.

I went to Bosnia.


As in "the w*r in Bosnia."

Oh, dear God.

I wanted to do something real.

I didn't get into photography

to take pictures of things
that don't look back.

I've found
I love photojournalism.

Oh, stop that!

Passion does not
pay the bills, Sara.

Now, what's really
going on here?

My life. I think I found it.

In Bosnia?

Oh, Mother,
just listen for a minute.

Do you remember Jeff
from college?

You're not going with him again?

( laughs )

Well, he's got
some major assignments,

and he wants me to be
his photographer full-time.

No. No.

No! No!


( Groans )



( Moans )




( Whimpers )


( Dials )

Hello, Tess.

This is Charlotte.

I'm coming to the library
to see you, okay?

And, uh...

Maybe you should have Monica
drop by the studio.



( Indistinctly radio chatter )

MAN: Right, let's go.

Sorry, ma'am.
You can't come this way.

You need to go to the lobby.

Caucasian female, head injury.

She's got a possible hemorrhage
in the left eye.

I'm here for Sara Perkins.

Did you know about this?

I don't know what this is.

I just dropped by
to see you this afternoon,

and then I got
the message to stay...

and wait.

ANDREW: I'm not sure
who I'm waiting for.

I can do this. It's okay.

It's okay.

( Whimpers softly )

It's okay.

We need help here.

TESS: It's all right, honey.

TESS: Can you hurry?

NURSE: Yes, ma'am, of course.

So you've been there,
what, 20 minutes?

Did you know your daughter
had been att*cked?

My baby?

You had blood on your hands
when you came in here.

Why did you wash that off?

The nurse did it.

How else were they supposed to
know if she had been injured?

She did come in here
to get examined, detective.

What happened to my baby?

Well, the doctor's
still with her.

She'd been lying there
a long time, Mrs. Perkins.

Is that your daughter's
dried blood on your hand?

Do you know anything

about what happened
to your daughter tonight?

She's a very successful

And you didn't
see anything either?

I wasn't there.
I just found her.

What happened to my baby?
Where is she?

Where is Sara?
Where did she go now?

The doctor... Where is she?

The doctor's taking very good
care of Sara, honey.

Let me see what I can find out.

Mrs. Perkins,
why are you getting so upset?

I think that's enough for now,
don't you?

Yeah, well,
I'm just doing my job.

And I'm doing mine.

She's awake, Detective Wilson.

I'll be right back.


I... I love my baby.

Of course you do, honey.

She's conscious,
and they're taking x-rays.

Oh, good.

Somebody better get her
a lawyer.

Mrs. Perkins,
you're under arrest

for the attempted m*rder
of your daughter, Sara Perkins.

What? That can't be right.

I have a witness that saw her
come out of the studio,

plus a positive ID
by the victim herself.


TESS: This lady doesn't
need to be arrested. She...

( people exclaim )

MAN: Get her into Psych, stat!

NURSE 1: Clear the way!


DOCTOR: We don't wanna hurt you.

Don't worry, Charlotte.

No one's going to hurt you.

No! No! No!

( Screams )

NURSE 1: Take it easy.

No, no!

NURSE 2: Let's go.

Clear, please. Coming through.

Charlotte and Sara
have been a time b*mb

waiting to explode for years,

and it finally did.

What do we do now?

Not we, angel girl.
I gotta stay right here.

But there is something
you can do.

TESS: I want you to go
back to the library for me

and find something.

An old camera.

MONICA: Sara's camera?

I saw it. The old Brownie.

TESS: But there's another
camera there too:

A special camera, hidden away.

Her mother's.

MONICA: Charlotte
was a photographer?

TESS: Charlotte was many things
that Sara doesn't remember.

JEFF: Charlotte was always
pretty tightly wound, but...



She's done some
pretty lousy things,

but I never thought
she'd try to hurt me.

And my eye. Of all the things
to do to me.

Oh, Sara, your eye
might be just fine.

She's a lunatic.

Sometimes when the people
who love us try to hurt us,

the only way to find out why
is to ask questions.

You know, maybe you just need
to look a little deeper.

I don't need to dig
a little deeper.

I need a restraining order.

Charlotte's clearly insane.

You saw her.

SARA: My mother saw

how happy I was

doing something that she had
absolutely nothing to do with,

and she went crazy.

End of story.

Why was Charlotte so upset
about Sara pursuing her dream?

I don't think Charlotte
ever wanted Sara

to have her own success.

Charlotte didn't seem
to have any of her own,

and she's afraid
of being left behind.

That's so strange,

because Tess said that all
Charlotte ever talks about

is how proud she is of Sara

and how all she ever wanted
was for Sara

to be in control of her life.

Maybe, but all Charlotte
ever wanted

was to be in control of Sara.

That's a shame, Monica,
because Sara is so talented.

I can't wait to see the stuff
she shot in Bosnia.

She's got a real eye.

My God. I hope she can still...

Oh. One thing at a time.

I think I'm gonna
go back in there.


All that film she brought back,

it's safe, isn't it?


I know what you're thinking.

Well, it wouldn't hurt,
would it?

I mean, seeing all
the pictures Sara took

might make her feel better.

Or worse?

Maybe Charlotte needs to see
what comes out of Sara's camera.

And maybe Sara needs to see
what comes out of Charlotte's.

This is the part where you
tell me everything, isn't it?


( EKG machine beeping )

WOMAN ( over PA ):
Mr. Hersh to Medical Records...

( knocking at door, door opens )

( phone ringing )

Hi, Jeff. Hello, doctor.


Sara. Mmm?

I'm sorry to wake you,

but there's a couple of things
we need to talk about.


All right, first, the good news

is that once the swelling
goes down around the eye,

you should be fine.

Your last operation

created some scar tissue
under the skin around the eye,

which actually helped
to protect you in this instance.

My operation?

Mm-hm. Someone did
a remarkable job.

Oh, I... I don't know what...

( dreamy theme playing )

Wait for me here, honey,
and don't worry.

Everything's gonna be just fine.

( Pager beeping )
DOCTOR: Excuse me.

I'm sorry.

( Sighs ) ( pager beeps)

Has anybody been in here

to explain
your mother's diagnosis?

There is nothing you could
tell me about my mother

right now

that is of the slightest
importance to me.

Uh, maybe you should
hear him out.

I don't think this can wait.

DOCTOR: She's right.

Now, the diagnosis was confirmed
just a little while ago.

Sara, your mother has
a massive brain tumour.

W-what does that mean?

That it's life-threatening,

and it needs to be removed
right away.

Now, the operation is tricky,
and the outcome is uncertain.

There's also
a better-than-average chance

that your mother
wouldn't survive the surgery.

And what if she does survive?

There would likely be
a significant impact

on her mental
and/or motor skills.

She'll probably need
some form of long-term care.

Now, I understand
this is overwhelming,

so I'll give you some time
to digest this.

But, Sara, a decision
has to be made quickly.

I'm so sorry.

This is unbelievable.

It'll be okay, Sara.

No, Jeff, I-I don't think
it will be.

My mother may die

or she may...

She may live and be a stranger.

And if she dies, I lose her.

And if she lives, I lose her.

Sara, because of the nature
of your mother's condition,

we need this consent form signed
by the next of kin.

( Sighs )

How long has she had this?

DOCTOR: Probably six
months to a year.

Maybe that would explain
her unusual behaviour last night.

There is a precedent
for tumors like this.

Glioblastomas can create
violent behaviour

in otherwise passive people.

If there's one thing
my mother has never been,

it's a passive person.

Nevertheless, she would never
hurt you like that on purpose.

Then Charlotte wasn't
responsible for her actions?

Probably not.

The neurosurgeon is studying

your mother's charts.

Page me if you want to proceed.


Your mother needs your help.

God, why is this happening?

I don't know what to do.
I don't know what to do!

JEFF: Sara.

I don't know what to do!


If Charlotte makes it
through surgery,

she's gonna need more care

than you can give her
on your income.

You won't have any choice
but to come to work for me.

And if she doesn't,

well, then, there's no one
to stop you from...

Stop me from doing what it is
I've always wanted to do.

Is that...?
Is that what you're...?

That's what you're
saying to me, Jeff?

"I'm sorry about your mother,
but at least it's convenient"?

No, Sara, of course not.
It's just that...

It's just that
if my mother dies,

that would make
my life easier, right?


Oh, God!

I have actually thought that.

Oh, God, forgive me,

but it's actually
crossed my mind,

and now it's really happening.

SARA: All my life,

my mother has managed
some minor illness,

some coincidental accident:

Colds to keep me home,

headaches to make me guilty.

Just enough drama in my life

to keep me
from having my own life.

As a matter of fact,
one of my earliest memories

is of me sitting
in the hospital waiting room.

( dreamy theme playing )

Seems like I was always living

through one
of my mother's dramas.

I wonder if this is
going to be the last time.

( Sentimental theme playing )


My baby did these?

That's what she was doing
in Bosnia:

Taking pictures you can't pose.


She has the talent
I always knew she did.

Then why wouldn't you
let her explore her talent?

This is art.

I wanted her to have
something more stable.

You wanted her to be with you.

You wanted her to live the life
that you never had.

But she couldn't do that
at your side.

She had to go off on her own
to find it.

But I had to protect her.

Well, she feels
like you smothered her.

I did what I had to do
to take care of my little girl.

What do you mean?
What did you have to do?

TESS: I'm not here to judge you.
I just wanna help you.

I got married
right out of high school.

I didn't have any skills.

I couldn't even type.

When her daddy left, I...

I didn't want to just survive.

I wanted to do things for her.

I wanted to spend time with her,

not make her feel abandoned
and forgotten.

But I needed money for that,
and free time.

So I...

I took a job
as a photographer's assistant.

( Bitterly ): Yeah.

That's what the ad said.

But that's not what it was.

I did things
I shouldn't have, Tess.

Things I was ashamed of.

You did these things
to help your baby.

I was determined
that she would have

all the things I never did:

Training and equipment and...

So she could be
behind the camera,

so she could decide what
the picture would look like.

So she could have the control
I never did.

Does Sara know the sacrifices
you've made for her?

She knew I worked hard,

But she never knew
exactly what I did.

I tried hard to keep that
from her.

But when I see these,

I know I can live
with what I've done.

Oh, she is a good photographer.

Whatever happens to me,
I know she'll be all right.

She's got her talent,

and she's got her eye.

And she's got her mama.

Thank you.

When I was little,
I used to have to sit

in the lobby of the photo studio
where she worked.

You know, just sit there.

For no reason.

Just sit there,
just like in the hospital,

waiting for Mother.

Have you seen this before?

Hey, that's...

That's hers.

That's my mother's camera.

This is the only camera my
mother would never let me use.

Why not?

I don't know.

I don't know,

but it suddenly became the only
camera I absolutely had to use.

She was very generous
with her things, then?

Yeah. I guess she was.

What else do you remember?


I remember that I hated
waiting for my mother

while she was working.

Ugh. But I just
had to wait there.

Yeah, you don't seem
like the kind of person

who could sit and wait
very well.

No, I'm not.

As a matter of fact,
one day I got so bored,

I decided I was going
to sneak a peek at my mother.

( suspenseful theme playing )

You know what? Um...

I don't wanna think
about back then.

Why not?

( Camera shutter clicks )




You know, my mother has made
some really stupid decisions.

You may have thought
she made poor decisions,

and she probably
would agree with you,

but she was always there
for you.

Oh. Oh, yeah.

She was... She was
there for me, all right.

My mother was there
in the back room, naked.

My mother was a cheap, trashy
calendar pinup girl.

TESS: Excuse me?

Are you suggesting

that your mother
was a cheap, trashy woman?

Uh, well, I'm ashamed to say it,

but, uh, yeah, maybe I am.

Shame has no place here,
Miss Sara Perkins.

Is that why you've been
looking at your mother

through the wrong end
of your camera

all your life?

I know what I saw.

Honey, you don't know nothing.

Well, I-I know
that I would never do

what my mother did.

TESS: She made a mistake.

I'll give you that.

But she doesn't deserve
your judgment,

because everything she did,
she did out of love for you.


MONICA: The memory that you have

of that night in the hospital...

You weren't waiting
for your mother to come out.

You were waiting
to be checked in for surgery.


TESS: You were awfully little.

But you were born with something

that made it hard
for you to see,

and you needed surgery
to correct your eye.

And your mother made sure
that you got it,

so that you could have
a life behind the camera

or any place else you wanted to.

She sacrificed her self-esteem
and her future

to make sure that you got
that operation.

I... I don't know
what you're talking about.

Monica, what is happening here?

We are angels, Sara,

and God has sent us here

to help you find peace
with your mother.


For my... For my mother
and myself.

I'm sorry. I don't understand.

God loves you, Sara,

and he knows that you're afraid.

Afraid that your mother
will live

and you don't know
what that will be like.

Afraid that
your mother will die,

and you'll never really know
who she was.

What's this?

Oh, my God.

Oh, these are incredible.

Where did... Where did you
get these?

Those are your mother's.

I developed them from an old
film I found in her camera.

Vietnam demonstrations...

Oh, she... She had an eye.
She really did. She really did.

But I... I don't get it.
She just quit?

Well, she gave that life up

because she didn't think
she had any options.

But she always hoped in her
heart for a better life for you.

And she did everything
within her power

to assure you that life.

Many children never get to see

the depth
of their parents' love.

God has blessed you.

TESS: Sara.

Your mother was not a nobody.

She had talent,

and she had dreams of her own,

the same dreams you have now.

Why didn't she tell me?
Why wasn't she honest with me?

All parents make mistakes.

The only one who hasn't is God.

He gave the right daughter
to the right mother,

and the best way to thank him
is to honor her.

I have been so blind.

TESS: Ah, but now you see.

Amazing grace, isn't it?

Sara, your mother's had
a seizure. She's in a coma.

Oh, no.

We're gonna have to operate
right away,

so I need your permission.

Will you give it?



Okay, let's get going.

Oh, no.

Oh, no, it's too late.

She'll never know.

It's too late.

It's too late.

Thank you.

We'll be taking her into surgery
in a few minutes.

Um, doctor?


How soon are we gonna know
about her memory?

Let's just get through
the surgery first, okay?

WOMAN ( over PA ): Mr. Merritt
to Volunteer Services.

So, uh...

So, what was that all about
in there,

that little light show
you put on?

I don't understand.

She wants to know
if we're really angels.

And, yes, we are.

And you know we are, Sara.
Your spirit knows that.

Yeah? Well, then,
what was that all for?

What was that?

Some sort of sick trick
that God plays on people?

"God loves you. Here's the truth
about your mother.

"But, oh, surprise!
It's just too late.

Well, that's too bad, isn't it?"

God does not play tricks
on people, Sara.

And he doesn't give 'em
brain tumors, either.

And he definitely never thinks
it's too late.

There is no time in God.

Yesterday, today and tomorrow
are his right now.

And he's willing to give 'em
to you this instant,

if you'll accept him.

What do you mean?

Your mother's mind is in a coma,
Sara, but her spirit is not.

It's there waiting for you
in that room,

and so is forgiveness,
for you and for her.

Whatever else happens

in this hospital today,

that'll be the most
healing work of all.

By the way,

God says you can take
that bandage off now.

How many angels do you see?


( Both laughing )

( shaver buzzing )

Excuse me.
Could I just have a minute?

( Turns off shaver )



( Sighs )

You know, I... I don't know
if you can hear me or not,

but, well, you're gonna laugh.

There's a couple of angels
out in the hallway

who say that you can,

so I figured
it can't hurt, right?

( Sighs )

Mom, I'm sorry.

You just made me crazy,
you know? I...

I know you loved me so much,
and I was all that you had,

and it scared me.

I wanted you to have
something else in your life.

I didn't wanna be
everything to you, and...

But you were my mother,
and I loved you,

and I didn't wanna hurt you.

Oh, God.
Is this making any sense?

( Cooing )

I think they're wonderful.


The doctor says
that I might not have any memory

when the surgery is over,

if I make it
through the surgery.

Although, frankly,

there are a lot of things
I'd just as soon forget.

I wish I'd known you.

You do know me, Sara.

You know me better
than anyone else on this earth.

I know that I've hurt you
many times.

The awful thing,
sweetheart, is...

the thought of forgetting you.

And if you're not gonna be there
when I wake up,

what's waking up for?

Oh, no, no.
I'm gonna be there, Mama.


I want you to go.

I know what I've done to you.

I tried my best

to make you independent
from the rest of the world,

but I couldn't let go of you

so you had to sneak off
to be who you really are.

I'm so sorry.

But now you have the chance to
go out there and live your life

and not worry about
those apron strings

that would pull you back.

It's what you've wanted,
and it's what you've needed.

Oh, no.

No, Mama.
That's not what I want.

I know what you've done for me.

I used to think of it as
what you'd done to me, but...

But I couldn't see then.

I can now.

I... I was a kid.

I didn't know how hard
it was for you

or how lonely
you must have been.

But thank you.

It was a privilege.

Oh, I love you, Mommy.
But I'm scared.

I always pushed you
out of my life

because I knew that
you would still be there.


I'm so afraid.

I'm so afraid that now...

Now you're not gonna be there

when I need you the most.

Oh, I'll be there.

I may not live, sweetheart,

or I may come back into
this room without any memories.

But you'll have them,
and that's where I'll be.

Right here.
You'll remember for me.

Remember all the wonderful
things that happened...

and forget all the rest for me.

Oh, Sara...


If there was only one thing

that you would want me
to remember,

what would it be?


Oh, it would be the day that...

The day that you bought me
my first camera

and how happy we were back then.

I remember that day.

The little Brownie camera
with the handle?


I'll try to hold on to that one.

I'll really try.

DOCTOR: All right, Sara.

It's time to take her.

( Tender, sentimental theme
playing )


( Whispers ): Thank you.

She's talking.



( Whispers ): Goodbye.

Well, hi.


You know, I...

I remember the day
I gave you this little camera.

We went to Laurel Park and...

And took pictures

of all those ducks.

You almost fell into the pond
because you had to make sure

to get close enough
to get a good shot.

Yeah. I felt so grown-up.

I thought I could do anything.
I knew the world was mine.

And it was.

You gave it to me.

I'll never forget that day.

But, dear, I...

I don't remember who you are.

( Poignant theme playing )

I'm... I'm Sara.


That's a beautiful name.

Thank you.
My mother gave it to me.


What happened to your face?

Oh, that was an accident.

Maybe I'll tell you about it

I don't know why,
but I like you.

I think we're going to be
good friends.

Well, I think we already are.

We just didn't know it.


They're amazing, aren't they?

Humans? Oh, yeah.

That's the beauty of free will.

You just never know
what's coming.

They adapt.
They learn. They forgive.

They have secrets.

You are not asking me
about Tess again, are you?

Oh, no. Well, since
you brought her up...

I didn't bring her up.

Is she different
when she's alone, Andrew?

I think...

I think everyone's different
when it's just them and God.

But that's not exactly true
in her case.

What do you mean?

Well, come on. What does
Tess do when she's not workin'?

Andrew, tell me.

If I tell you,
will you leave me alone?

You are impossible! Honestly!


I am an angel of God,
and I'm telling you to speak!

Lord, give me strength.

This dog is disobedient, and I'm
about to lose my patience!


You have a wee dog.

Well, I don't have a dog.
We have a mutual understanding.

I'm his trainer,
and he's my pupil.

It's a very simple arrangement.

I instruct him,
and he disobeys me!

This is what you do for fun?

Well, that's what I thought,

but it's not turning out
that way.

Oodles of angels
hang on my every word,

and I can't get this dog
to give me the time of day.

( Whimpers )

I'm through with you!

What's his name?

He doesn't get one

till he learns how to obey me.

( Barking )

Now you speak!

( Barking )

( barks )

( heartfelt theme playing )
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