03x23 - Have You Seen Me?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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03x23 - Have You Seen Me?

Post by bunniefuu »

JAKE: Go on now, boys. Eat your breakfast.
We gotta get to school.

AMY: Yeah, your lunches
are almost ready.

NOAH: Hank, leave me alone. Ew. Hank!
What? I'm not doing anything.

Hank. AMY: Hank.

He gave me a wet willie.

Hank. Hank.

We're out of milk. AMY: Well,
I'll pick some up on my way home.

Hey, Noah, what do you wanna
do for your birthday?

Have a party?

Yeah, right. Who'd come?

Hey, of course
you can have a party.

All right, come on.
Let's get a move on.

Time and school wait
for no man, or boys.

These are the Monroes.

They seem like
a very happy family.

Well, they are, for the moment.

Are they my assignment?

No, just Hank over there. He's yours.
The parents are mine.

Huh? What about the wee boy?

Noah? Whose is he?

That's yet to be determined.




I hate elevator music.




So, um, is this them? Mmm-hmm.

And they work in the
same office building?

And they live
in two different worlds.

TESS: His name is Ray.
He needs you to help him

unburden himself
of a great secret.

And this is? His name is Grant.

He has a secret, too, and more
guilt than any one man deserves.

He's had some hard times, and
they're about to get harder.

Okay. Now what?

Push the button.


MONICA: Here you go.

Thank you.


Hello there.

My name is Monica, and
I'll be your server today.

Hi. And you are?

My name? Uh-huh.

My name is Hank.

Hank, what can I get for you?

What's the special?

Ah, well, actually, the special
isn't very special at all.

Um, I'll have
a chocolate sundae.

Great. That'll be right up,
and I'll be right back.

MONICA: I need one snow-covered
black cow with a siren on top.

There you go.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

You looked the other way.

When people look the other way,
you can lose a French fry,

or something
a lot more precious.

Maybe even their soul.

MONICA: Hello there.
Sit down here, Angel Girl.

Now this is going to be
one nasty case.

We've got six puzzle pieces

and we've got to fit them together
and make a pretty picture,

and I'm not just talking
about puzzle pieces,

I'm talking about
six human lives.

Now we've got
six hands between us,

and we're gonna have to use
each of them on this case.

♫ When you walk down the road

♫ Heavy burden, heavy load

♫ I will rise
and I will walk with you

♫ I'll walk with you
till the sun don't even shine

♫ Walk with you, every time

♫ I tell you I'll walk with you

♫ Walk with you

♫ Believe me
I'll walk with you ♫

When's Mom coming home?

Oh, any minute.

She has a new partner at work and
she's showing her the ropes.

Dad, I know what
I want for my birthday.

Great. What? A little brother.

No. No more little brothers.
They're a pain.


And, Noah, your Mom and I aren't
having any more children.

It's not fair. Hank got me.

And you're all we can handle.

Well, I either want a little
brother, or some paints.

Paints we can do.

Hey, Noah, paint my picture.


Hank. What?

AMY: Hello?

Hi. This is Tess,
my new partner.

This is Jake and Noah and Hank.

Nice to meet you, Tess.

Well, I'd shake your hand,
but, uh...

That's quite all right.

Hello there, little one.

I'm gonna be nine on Saturday.

Well, I've heard that boys are
at their smartest at age nine.

Can you stay for dinner, Tess?
Yes, I can, and I will.

Set another place,
would you, Hank?

I'm already on it.

Tess sold three houses today.

You're kidding? That's great.

I've never seen
anything like it.

Beginner's luck, huh, Tess?

I think not.

Hank, could you
pour the milk, please?

It's in the bag on the counter.
Oh, all right.

Thank you. Oh, you're welcome.

No, it's not. Thank you.

Oh, I forgot the milk?

No. Look under
the lettuce, baby.

Oh, yeah, there it is.

Hey, Noah, you look just like this dorky
kid who's lost on the milk carton.


No, I'm serious. Look.

Hank, stop it.

All right, all right.

There you are.



It's a nice day.

I'm new in the building.
My name's Andrew.


And, and you are?
Getting off here.

Strike one. Morning.

Hello. How are you doing, son?

I'm fine. Great, great.

Nice looking jacket. Where'd you get that?
Didn't pay retail, did you?

Tell me you did not pay retail.

Uh, no, no, no.

I, I don't buy my own clothes.
They're given to us.

Oh, a perk. Good, good,

but if you ever need something
like that you let me know

'cause I got a guy.

You got a guy? Got a guy.

You're new in the building,
aren't you? I'm Ray.

Andrew. Ray Bishop.

Glad to meet you.
If you ever need anything,

or if you know anybody needs
anything, you let me know because...

You got a guy. I got a guy.

Ray, I got a question for you.

Good talking to you. See you
again sometime, Andrew.

(SIGHS) Strike two.

All right, it's begun.

No, it's too soon.
Tess, we're not ready.

We're ready when we have to be,

and right now we have to be.

Morning. Hey, how are
you doing, Andy?

Yeah, it's Andrew, and
I'm good, I'm good. Hmm.

I was wondering, what, what
kind of work do you do?

A little this, a little that.
How about you?

I thought that we were
talking about you. We did.


Hi, Ray.

Hey, how'd you do that?

You know,

usually I spend a lot more
time than this on a case,

but I just don't have much
on this one, that I know.

What are you talking about?

You're not gonna
make this easy, are you,

so I'm just gonna
hit you with it all at once.

Don't touch me.

Ray, I'm an angel.

And I have been sent to you
by God to give you a message.


God. Uh-huh.

God knows what you've done, Ray,

and he wants you to remember this.
The truth will set you free.

Mmm-hmm, well, whoever set
you free made a big mistake.

Talk about cutting to the chase.

Tess, I just don't
have the time.

You have less than you think.

Okay, then I'll go find Grant.

I'll find his office.

Grant doesn't
come to work anymore.

Uh-oh. You said it.

He's in apartment 761.

ANDREW: Grant?

Grant, are you home?



Closing time, Hank.
You all right?

You haven't said a word
since you got here.

I don't know what to say,
or who to say it to.

Well, how about your friends?

You know, there are some things you
just can't talk to your friends about.

Well, how about your parents?

Usually, yes. This time, no.

Well, you can talk to me
if you like.

I saw one of those milk cartons.

You know, with the missing
kids faces on the back.

And one of them looked just
like my little brother Noah.

I see. And you think
that it might be Noah?

I don't know what to think.

I went through our photo albums

to look for
his baby pictures and...


There's none of him
when he was born and stuff.

What do you think that means?
It means it's weird.

But I don't know
what that means.

Does it frighten you? No.

Maybe a little.

Hank, go home.

Tell your parents how you
feel and see what they say.

You think? Yes.

Now go on. I have to
clean up in here.

I could help you.

You're very sweet, but I'll
have it done in no time.


MONICA: Good night, Hank.

Good night.

Got it? Yeah.

What kind of party
do you want, pal?

The kind where I get presents.

Well, that's my favourite kind,

All right, get lost, squirt.

Hank, be nice. Sorry.

All right, get lost,
squirt, please.


Come on. I'll be out
there in just a second.

Dad, I need to make
a family tree,

so I'm gonna need baby pictures.

Oh, that shouldn't be too tough.

I can find everyone except Noah.


Where are his baby pictures?

Why aren't they
with everyone else's?

Ah, you know, maybe you should
ask your mother about this.

I did. She told me to ask you.

Oh, she, she did?

Well, um, when we moved into
this house from our old house,

the moving company
lost about eight big boxes

and Noah's baby pictures
were in there.

That's probably why
she told you to see me.

She's still so mad
at that moving company.

All you have to do is mention those
pictures, she gets hysterical.

Okay, I won't say anything.
Good idea.

Especially on your hands,
it makes them cramp all up.

Mom, I need to talk to you.
Just a second, Hank.

That's all right. I'll wait
for you at the office.

Hello, Hank. Hi.

All right. I won't be late.

Something wrong? Kind of.

I need to make a family tree
for civics class,

so I need baby pictures.

Baby pictures. Um, yeah.

I could find a lot of me, but
I couldn't find any of Noah.

I don't know, honey.
Maybe your Dad knows.

I asked him and
he told me to talk to you.

Well, all I can think of is that
they've been put away somewhere.

Put away?

Yeah, well, I might be able to find
some, but it could take a while.

JAKE: Let's go.

Oh, jeez,
where does the time go?

All right, Hank,
do you want a ride?

No, that's okay.
I'll ride my bike.

Are you sure? All right. Have a good day.
I'll see you tonight.

Have a good day, Hank.
Come on, let's go. Bye.

Noah's all dressed and ready to go.

You ready? Yep.

Bye, sweetie.

AMY: I've just got to get my blazer.
I'm sorry. Be right back.





I'm coming. Coming.

Why do I get the feeling you didn't
get the answers you were looking for?

No answers. Just more questions.

And what's all this?

Looks like a bunch of junk.

I'll be right back.

It's time to fit
some of the pieces together.

Andrew and I
are handling our side.

It's time for you to move
to the next level now.

All right, but how?

Hey, look what I found.

What is it?

It's an old check,

for $25,000 made out to
Pioneer Legal Services.

That's not just a check, Hank.

That's a clue.


Are you all right? Not really.

Is that because you're afraid
you won't find something out,

or you're afraid that you will?



RAY: Sweetheart, is that you?

My fee is $300 an hour

for anything legal, and I will
absolutely not do anything illegal.


What do you need?
Oh, we need to find the truth.

What kind of truth?

How come my parents
gave you this money?

(CHUCKLES) All people do anymore
is ask me a lot of questions.

Now, kid, it looks like I did a job
for the Monroes and that's the truth.

Thanks for stopping by.
Sorry, I don't validate.

Mr. Bishop, do you handle
adoption cases?

I handle all kinds of cases.

Would you handle an adoption
case in which corners are cut?

Absolutely not. Yeah, right.

Why aren't you in school?

We need to know what happened.


The truth will set you free.

That guy in the elevator,

he wasn't kidding.
That's what he said.

He was, uh...

He is, and so am I.

Get outta town. It's true.

How else would I know about
that toe you shot off

so you wouldn't have
to go to Vietnam?

Hey, that was an accident.

Tell the boy the truth, Ray.

Okay, you want the truth,
here's the truth.

I did an adoption
for the Monroes.

Noah's not my brother?

I'm sorry, son. Your parents
should've told you.

Where did the baby come from?

Okay, that's enough truth
for one day.

You wanna go searching for a missing
baby, you look someplace else.

I'm not looking for him.
His father is.

Oh, my God. Out! Get out!


Where is he? Where could he have gone?
JAKE: I don't know.

(DOOR OPENING) Hank, did you take
something out of your mother's closet?

Where's Noah?

I sent him to Billy's house.
Honey, where have you been?

Why didn't you tell me
about Noah?

What about Noah?

Don't lie to me.
Don't lie to me any more.

I saw Ray Bishop.
I talked to the lawyer.

You, you did, you did what?

I know all about it.
Noah's adopted.

Oh, Hank.


Oh, honey, I'm so sorry.

We should've told you,
and Noah. It's just that...


We just couldn't. Why not?

Noah came from a terrible home.

His mother was a drug user.

One day she overdosed and died,

and his father's in prison,

and probably will be
for a very long time.

That's why we couldn't
say anything.

It would k*ll Noah to know
where he came from.

Yeah, I guess it would.

And it still can. 'Cause his dad's
not in jail anymore. He's out.

And he's looking for Noah.




Good arm.


I've seen you. You're the, you're
the guy from the elevator.

How'd you get in here?

Grant, don't you think that enough
things have been broken around here?

Get out.

This is very beautiful.

Jenna did it. My wife.

She was a wonderful woman.
Yes, she was.


You knew her?

We met once.

She used to sit at her easel and
paint with the baby in her lap.

You know, sometimes I,
I smell her perfume

and I think she's
still here somewhere

in the other room painting

or feeding the baby, but
then I go in there and...

This is, uh...
It's a beautiful boy.

He was.

And sweet.

And he looked just like Jenna.
Exactly like her.

Why am I telling you this?
What, what are you doing here?

Well, I hope that I can
make you feel better.

I don't wanna feel better.

I don't deserve to feel better.

That is not true.
Yes, it is true!


We went running some errands.
We went to the mall.

He was laughing and playing
and, and having a good time.

And then he dropped his
ball, and I went after it.

I left him, and I went
after his ball.

Grant, you and your son
were victims of a crime.

This is not your fault.

Oh, no? Well, Jenna
thought it was my fault.

She wouldn't even
look at me after that.

So, I lost her once then,

and then I lost her another
time in the accident.

If that's even what it was.

It was an accident, Grant.
It was.

You, um, you should believe
me because I know.

Jenna's brakes failed,
and she died instantly.

There was no pain

and it was an accident.

Yeah, well, that's what
the police said.

Maybe it's the truth.

But even if it wasn't,

I don't blame her.

I wish I had the guts to do it.

And then after that I was completely alone.
I had no one.


So I... I tried to
find Johnny again.

I put his face out there again

thinking maybe somehow someway
somebody would find him

and bring him back home.

But they never did.

(CRYING) I looked away...


What the... Hello, Ray.

Couldn't quite tell the
whole truth, could you?

So what are you gonna do,
Mister Angel, send me to hell?

That's not the plan.

Good, 'cause I've been there.
Believe me.

Ray, I am not here
to punish you.

I am here to help you,
and to help you help others.

You're the only one who can
fit all the pieces together.

What pieces?
The Monroe adoption.

I don't wanna talk about this.

I know, but God does.

What am I doing here?
What are you doing to me?

You're here to tell the truth.

RAY: Who's he?
His name is Grant.

He's the father of the little
boy on the milk carton.

Oh, no. I can't do this.

Ray, sooner or later
the truth always comes out.

It just so happens
that now, this time,

it's sooner.

ANDREW: Grant?

Oh, no. What do you want?

I'm an attorney.

I specialize in adoptions.

Seven years ago this couple came to me.
They had a little boy

and they couldn't have any more
kids and they wanted another baby.

Well, the waiting list was very
long and the price was very high.

And they could afford it and my
people went out and they found a kid,

a little boy. A little boy?

Go on.

I didn't ask any questions because
I didn't want to know the answers.

I took the kid, I gave him away.
I cashed my check.

I did it once,
I never did it again.

And I haven't spent a day
without thinking about it.

Grant, the little boy
is your son.

You sold my son?

I didn't know.
I didn't know he was...

You knew he was someone's son!
Yes, yes, he knew.

But he didn't care.

No. He's right.

I'm ashamed to say it.
I didn't care.

I hate that I did it.

But I did it, and I can't undo it.
I wish I could.

Grant, there's something
I should tell you.

I'm an angel,

and I've been sent to you
by God.

He wants you to know that he is
sorry that all this has happened

and he is saddened by your pain,

but I bring you great news.

Your son is alive.

And he's here. He's here?

Yes, just a few miles away.

He lives with a family

who has taken very good care
of him for all these years

and who love him very much.

Where is he? I want to see him.
I want him back.

Ray? RAY: Ray?

Oh, no, no, no.
You're the angel.

You leave me out of this.
You tell him.


you are a piece of this puzzle.

If you can tell Grant
where to find his son,

then you will have
done your part.

Please. I'll lose my license.
I'll be disbarred.

This is not about your job. This
is about saving two families.

And, Ray, believe it or not,
this is about saving you, too.

Good night, sweetie. Good night.


Mom, are you crying?

No, honey.

I just got something in my eye.

Hey, pal, did you have fun
at Billy's house?

Yeah. We played on the swings and
we played soldier and we had pizza.

I'm really glad you had
a good time, sweetie.

You wanna hear something funny?
JAKE: Sure.

Billy's mum, she said I looked
like the boy on the milk carton.

JAKE: Good night.

Start packing.
We leave in the morning.

All right, we'll take what we
need, put what we can in storage.

I'll call Tess
to sell the house.

Ought to take her
about five minutes.

Hello, babies. Tess.

Forgive me
for letting myself in.

I've got a message
for both of you,

and the message is, if you
run away from this now,

all of your lives you and your family
will be looking over your shoulder.

Who sent the message?

It was the father, right?

Yes, but not the father
you're thinking of.

I'm an angel sent by God,
the father of all fathers.


What is this,
some kind of a trick?

God doesn't play tricks.
He deals in truth.

Well, there's only one truth
right now, and that is that

we're not letting some
drug addict convict

take Noah back
into some horrible life.

God is not asking you to.

You're a good man, Jake,

and you only want what's best
for your family.

But you're making a decision
tonight based on a lie.

Noah's father
was never in prison,

and his mother
was never an addict.

She did die in a car accident

a few years
after her son was kidnapped.

Oh, my God.

Noah's father's still alive.

His name is Grant,
and he's a good man too.

With a heart every bit
as broken as yours.

I can't believe this.
He may have another father,

but he is a stranger.

We've raised Noah. We love him.

He loves us. He belongs with us.

Noah doesn't belong to you

and he doesn't belong
to his biological father.

God is Noah's father,

just as he's the father of every
man, woman and child on the earth.

As parents, you're custodians.

God has trusted you
to raise your children

the way he wants them
to be raised.

With love and compassion
for all,

not just for those
who share your blood.

And not just for those
who share your house.

This is all my fault.

What are you talking about?

I heard about a lawyer
who could make things happen

for a price, and I told myself

it was a legal adoption, just
cutting through the red tape.

'Cause that's what
I wanted to believe.

We didn't check him out.

We didn't ask any questions.

We just looked the other way.

One man looked the other way
when a child was stolen.

Another man looked the other
way when a child was sold.

A couple looked the other way when
a child was placed in their arms.

Seems to me it's time for people
to stop looking the other way

and start looking toward
doing the right thing.

And you know what that is.



What are you doing?

I just want you to know that it's
okay that you cracked up my bike.

It is?

Yeah, and I'm sorry I called
you all those bad words.

I mean, I was mad.

It's okay.

I'm sorry I told Mom you
called me all those bad words.

That's okay.

One more thing.

No matter what happens, you'll
always be my little brother, okay?


All right, go to sleep.

Monica? Hello, Hank.

Are you okay? Yes.

I'm an angel. An angel?

Like a guardian angel?
Just like one.

And I've been sent here by God to
make sure that you're all right.

God? You know God?

Yes, I do.

Is God not mad at me
for what I did?

No. No, he's not mad.

You sought out the truth.

The truth is sometimes
hard to face,

but you will rise above it
and be freed.

I don't understand
what that means.

I know you don't,

but God will help you
to understand.

You love Noah very much,
don't you?

He's all right for a squirt.

Hank, when you love someone,

you don't have
to keep it a secret.

I do.

God knows that
and he loves Noah too.

And that's why, whatever
takes place here today,

God will always be there
for Noah. I promise you that.


HANK: With the pass.

Oh, man. You missed it.

How are you holding up?

Are you sure we shouldn't
just tell him, Tess?

I mean, maybe we should've just
told him everything first.

You can't jump to the
second floor right away.

You have to climb step by step,

and today is the first step.

It's gonna be okay.



This is Andrew.
He's here for me.

And this is Grant.

He's here for you.


Come on, Andrew.

Jake Monroe.

This is my wife, Amy.

So, can I see him?

He's outside...

He's outside with his brother...

Our son, Hank.



I never thought
I'd see him again.

His birthday, Christmas,
Father's Day. I just...

I would hold on and wait for the
day to end so that I could forget.

We loved him as though
he was our own.

I can see that. Thank you.

Hold on,

I'll bring him in.

We didn't know.
I know. It's okay.

Everything's all right now.



Come here for a minute.

There's somebody
you should meet.

Noah, wait up a second.

You'll be all right.




I wanna take this slow.

Yeah, I think
that's a good idea.



Hi, guys. Hi, Mom.

Noah, uh, this is...

This is your... Grant.

Hi. Nice to meet you, Noah. Hi.

So, you like to play ball? Yeah.

Me, too. Cool.

Noah, Grant's a new friend.

Why don't you go up and show
him your room, sweetie?

Okay. Come on.

Come on.

It's okay.


Did you paint these?


I like to paint.

You're very good. Thanks.

I used to know someone who liked
to paint just as much as you do.

You look exactly like your mum.

No, I don't. She has brown hair.

Why do you paint these?

I don't know. You can
have it if you want.



You're welcome.

Come here.

It's supposed to be a surprise
and I'm not supposed to know,

but I think I'm getting some paints
and maybe an easel for my birthday.

Hmm, in September.

No. My birthday's tomorrow. Oh.

Hey, um, I've got a whole
bunch of canvasses at home.

They're yours if you want them.

I can have them?

Cool. Thanks.

I'll make a painting for my mum and dad.
They love my art work.

That's great.

I guess you're pretty lucky
to have grown up here.

Luck didn't have anything
to do with it.


Are you...
Uh-huh. We're with Andrew.

This is our son, Hank.

Hi, Hank.
Are you gonna take my brother?


GRANT: No, it's all right.

I know this must be hard
for everyone.

I guess it must've been hard for
God too, if he sent angels.

I spent this morning
painting Johnny's room.

Johnny is what his
mother and I named him.


I was planning on

how I was gonna tell Johnny
who I was.

And I planned on all the great things
Johnny and I were gonna do together,

and I even planned on where I was
gonna send Johnny to school.

But I didn't plan on this

because I realize now that
he's not Johnny. He's Noah.

He's mine...

And he's not.

And I can't take him home
because he's already home.

He's staying? Noah's staying?

GRANT: I want him
to know the truth.

I want him to know
the whole truth

but not all of a sudden.

And maybe in the meantime

I can just start
to get to know him a little.

I wanted him to be
a part of my family again,

but maybe the best way
for me to do that

is for me to become
part of yours.

You are. You always have been.


Uh, he's talking to you.

What's up, champ?

Can Grant come
to my birthday party?

Well, I, I don't know.
Why don't you ask him?

Will you?

I think I've missed
a few too many already.

Is that a yes?

That's a yes, yes.

Hey, Noah,
you wanna play soccer?

You and me
against Grant and Dad.

Yeah, what do you think?

I think we can take them.

And, Monica, you wanna watch?

Where'd they all go? Who?




A little reward
for a job well done.

A reward or a punishment?

What all is in here?

Well, just a few
of my favourite things.

Cherry cola, a chocolate sundae,

mocha latte, and a few French
fries for good measure.


Angel Girl, some things
are better together

and some things
are better by themselves.

And everything in here
is much better by itself.

But we three
were better together.

You got that right.

We had six hands and we
needed every one of them.
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