03x25 - Missing in Action

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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03x25 - Missing in Action

Post by bunniefuu »


TESS: His name is George, but
he calls himself the Colonel.

MONICA: I know.

He joined the forces
back in 1940.

George has served in World
w*r II, Korea and Vietnam.

Well, well,

some little angel's
been sticking her halo in

where it doesn't belong.

No, Tess, I just wanted
to save you the trouble.

I thought I'd check it out,
do some homework,

get the facts straight.

The Colonel is a big w*r hero.

That's what all
those medals are for.

He fought side by side
with General Patton.

You know, Old Blood and Guts.

Where did you hear all that?

I heard it at the retirement
home where he lives.

He was tellin' this old lady.

She must've been over 80
and a wee bit hard of hearing.

Yes, I know what
my assignment here is.

Is that so?

It's obvious, Tess.

George has been kicked out
of six retirement homes

in the last couple of years.

He's angry,
he's unhappy, he's old,

and it's my job to help him
find the joy in living again.

Watch this.


I love children.

When it comes right down to it,

I think we're all children
at heart, don't you?

What a lively little battle.

A lively little battle?

w*r is not fun and games.
w*r is hell.

I didn't mean...

Oh, that's the trouble
with you young people today.

You haven't been around long
enough to know what you mean.

I was just trying
to make him feel better.

Well, maybe he doesn't
wanna feel any better.

Maybe he wants to feel understood,
and for that to happen,

you're going to have to stop
looking at him as old,

and he's gonna have to stop
thinking of you as young.

I think both of you need a push.


Tess, what's happening to me?

Don't worry, baby,

you're still the sweet angel
girl you've always been.

The only way you can get
George to face the truth

is with a face he can trust.

Oh, the hearing,
always the first to go.

♫ When you walk down the road

♫ Heavy burden, heavy load

♫ I will rise
and I will walk with you

♫ I'll walk with you
till the sun don't even shine

♫ Walk with you, every time

♫ I tell you I'll walk with you

♫ Walk with you

♫ Believe me
I'll walk with you ♫

All right, dear, come along.

This way. Easy does it.

Welcome to our new room.

I beg your pardon?

Oh, I said
welcome to our new room.

Oh, we're looking
a little tuckered out.


This is your bed,
right next to the window.

Oh, the last resident
complained that the sun

comes up too early
through these curtains,

but there's nothing
I can do about that.

This is an east facing window,

and it's the only room
I have available right now.

Ah, well, don't you worry
about me, Mrs. Hancock.

I love the sunshine,

and sure, isn't it
very good for the

plastic plants?

We win bonus points
for cheerfulness.

Now, Monica,

this is the button we press
if we fall out of bed.

Oh, we're gonna have to get you
some nice crepe-soled shoes.

Oh, meanwhile, we can use this.

Ella won't be
needing it anymore.

W-W-What happened to Ella?

Ella isn't with us anymore.

Ah, you mean she died?

Oh, we don't use that word.

It's the same reason
we use plastic plants.

Life ever-lasting, and all that.

It's very natural for people
and plants to live,

to grow, and to die.

Oh, we're busy now, George.

You will address me as Colonel.

Who are you? Monica,

meet George,
our resident troublemaker.

Hello, Colonel.

How do, ma'am?

George, Monica's a brand-new
guest here at Spring Valley

and she has a good attitude.

I look forward
to making your acquaintance.

No, you don't.

As do I, ma'am.

I, uh, I bought a book for Ella.

It's the best book I ever read.

w*r and Peace.

Might I recommend the Bible?

Not so big on w*r,
but it's just full of peace.

(CHUCKLING) Oh, well, I wouldn't
know about that, ma'am.

I'm an Army man.

Yeah, I spent my life fighting
in the forgotten country.

The Second World w*r up to...

George, spare us
the Battle of the Bulge.

We've gotta get Monica unpacked.

I'll just leave this
for Ella on her bed.

Uh, where's, uh, Ella?

She's not with us
anymore, George.

But, but...

She was a real trooper.





Statistics show that the presence
of animals gives people hope.

Unless they're allergic.

God bless you. That's the whole
theory of animal therapy.

Did you know that
people who keep pets

actually live longer than
people who live all alone?

I'm sorry, but I hope you
won't mind my being blunt.

Oh, I'm a big fan of blunt.

Here at Spring Valley
we try to give our seniors

a quiet, peaceful environment.

Nothing that would
excite them too much,

nothing that would
get in the way of...


My, my, we are blunt.

Mrs. Hancock,

I couldn't help but notice
that it's visitors' day

and there's nobody visiting.

No one to show these good, fine
people that they're loved,

cherished and remembered.

And you think that a few animals
are gonna do the trick?

Well, it sure worked for Noah.

It's nice to have a little
extra help in the kitchen.


you okay?

You hear about Ella?


and I happen to know
that she died in her sleep,

peacefully. Peacefully?

GEORGE: You know,
when a person dies

someone ought to have
the decency to play Taps,

for heaven's sake.

You miss the Army, don't you?

No, no, I miss being useful.

I miss serving my country.

Got nothing
left for me to serve,

except cheese and crackers.

There you go, Edgar.


I had a puppy once,
long time ago.


She wouldn't bark,
so, uh, we named her Cal,

after "Silent" Calvin Coolidge.

He was the President, you know.

Yes, I do, and it certainly is
good to see you smiling, Edgar.

How you doin' there, Mildred?

Oh, Tess,

he's such a cute
little bunny rabbit.

He reminds me of something.

Of what?

I... I can't remember.

Oh, don't worry about it. It'll come back
to you. Don't be so hard on yourself.

Okay, everybody, it's time
for some refreshments.

Hey, Tess. I want you
to meet the Colonel.

Oh, how do you do? Nice to
meet you, nice to meet you.

And how 'bout meeting the
sweetest dog this side of heaven?

I've seen sweeter.

You know, General George
Patton gave me a dog.

Yeah, I called him Ike
just to get his goat.



ANDREW: Hello.

You must be new here.
My name's Andrew,

and I think you look
very, very nice today.


What's your name?

Andrew, it's me.


Wh-what, what happened to you?

Oh, nothing.

I'm the same angel
I always was, just a,

a few more wrinkles and a
few more aches and pains.

Oh. Whoa.

Andrew, allow me there.
Here, I got the girl.

Here, take, take the dog.
Oh, Okay.

And I got the little lady.

Now, you all right? Thank you.

All right? Thank you.

Huh? Yes.


You got a bit faint there, eh?

Thank you. You're all right?

you're a perfect gentleman.

(LAUGHING) Oh, I'm just
doin' my duty, ma'am.

Monica. Monica, Monica, that's it.

Over here. This... this
is where I come to sit

to think about
the good old days.

Oh, well, why can't these
be the good old days?

Oh, those days
ended for me a long,

a long time ago.

Well, why?

Life has a lot to offer.

Oh? You have a lot to offer.

Yeah, well,
I... I used to believe that,

ah, but,

you... you know, it... it used to be

that when someone died the
world showed a little respect.

You're talkin' about Ella
now, aren't you, Colonel?

Ah, yeah.

She was a good woman.
A wonderful girl, wonderful.

Treated everybody
as if they were somebody,

just like you.

Do you think you could call
me George and drop Colonel?


George, of course.


I like that. It's wonderful
to have somebody

who understands
what you're sayin'.

Are you gonna drink that coffee?

You know, George, I never thought
I'd hear myself say this, but...

I can't drink coffee anymore.

It doesn't agree with me.

Ah, tummy problems, huh?

And eyes, and knees.

The whole kit and caboodle.

(LAUGHING) I know. I've been there.
I had 'em all.

Makes you feel like you just want to
give it all up and quit, don't it?

Oh, no, not at all.

A good soldier never surrenders.

Don't give up, George.

You keep fighting
the good fight.

So you're an admirer

of Old Blood
and Guts Patton, are you?

So am I,

and you're right,
you're right. It's time.

Time to sound the charge.

You're a good soldier,
Miss Monica,

and I salute you.




tomatoes, milk.

Okay, so that seems pretty good.

Now how we doin'
on butter and eggs?

Um, I'll go to the store
this afternoon.



Monica, oh, never sneak up
on a soldier like that.

Where are you goin'?

Well, thanks to you,
I'm finally taking action.


Wh-What kind of action?



No time to surrender now.

Oh, Lord, give me strength.


What are you doin'?

What do you think I'm doin'?

Lowering the flag
to half mast for Ella.

Well, can I give you a hand?

Now, now, what would
a ponytailed hippie like you

know about how
to treat the flag, huh?

George, I have folded a lot
of flags in my career.


George, what do you
think you're doing?

STEPHANIE: Answer me.

(SIGHING) All right, George,
this is the final straw.

You're out, and I mean today.

Mrs. Hancock,

please, ma'am,
with all due respect,

don't you think
that's a little harsh?

Would you like to join him?

Colonel, um,

is there anyone I can call?

Any... any family?

Never had any family.

Only family I ever had
was my Uncle Sam's Army,

and I guess that
tour of duty is over.


MONICA: You can't throw George out.
Where would he go?

STEPHANIE: He can go to
the Veteran's Hospital.

He was honoring a friend.

Look, this is not
the first time.

The man has been nothing but
trouble since the day he got here,

and I'm responsible for the
welfare of all our residents,

not just one.

Then I'll be responsible
for this one.

You? You'll take care of him?


Why do you care about him?

What makes you
such a good Samaritan?

Because I know that
underneath all that bluster

there's a good man.

STEPHANIE: No offense, Monica.

He's a senile old man
whose dull old w*r stories

don't even make sense anymore.

You don't have to
defend me, ma'am.

This senile old,

dull man can defend himself,
thank you.

Even from a sn*per.


Oh, boy.

What's that one for?

Oh, um,



What a wonderful word.

Not heard very much anymore.

It's like that other word,
uh, "honor."

That's one of my favorites.

Yes, yes, mine, too,


people don't care very much
for that word "honor," today.

I mean, they care for fame, they
care for money, but honor...

I care.

That's why I defended you.

Could... could you get that picture
up on top of the bureau, please?

Thank you.


Well, there's not much honor

in just gettin' old.

There used to be.

Yes, there used to be.

Yeah, when I was
a little snot-nosed brat,

we were taught to honor
and to respect

our elders.

Me, too. You know, when
we were little kids,

do you remember how much fun it used
to be just to jump on the swing?

(LAUGHS) Feels like yesterday.

Yeah, like yesterday.

Yeah, where... where
did the time go?

A whisper,
and a year has gone by.

But the darndest thing is

I still feel
like that little kid.

On the inside.

That's right, on the inside.

I feel like I could jump
right on my bike

and race down
to Mr. Johnson's candy store

and blow
my whole week's allowance.

So what's stoppin' us?



Just these old legs, I suppose.

Can they get you
to a bus stop, huh?

Tell you what. Tomorrow we're
gonna go to the botanical garden

and smell the flowers,
you and I.

But what about you leaving?


Oh, oh, I'm goin' next year.

No, let me get rid of this.
I'll put it in my locker.

And don't you forget.

Tomorrow afternoon, 1400 hours.

It's a date.

That's 2:00 for you civilians.

Oh, Tess, isn't it wonderful?

He needed joy
and I'm helpin' him find it.

I feel so much
closer to him now.

You just be careful
how much closer you get.

ALL: ♫ Don't sit under
the apple tree

♫ With anyone else but me

♫ Till I come marching home ♫

Hold it just a minute,
hold it just a minute.

Stephanie, Stephanie, you know,
this would sound so much better

if we could get in that piano.

Oh, I think we sound about
as good as we're going to,

and, uh, that key
has been lost for years.

Did you ever hear
of a locksmith?

That was real good.

That was really good.

Now I want you to remember
tomorrow to bring your spoons,

'cause we're gonna do Babaloo.


Mr. Hersh to medical records.

Mr. Hersh to medical records.


Oh, George,

I know you didn't get these
in the botanical gardens.

Oh, what do I look like,
a flower thief, huh?

You look like
a million bucks to me, honey.

I'm the new roomie, Lorraine.

Not like the quiche. Not French.

Oh, no. Straight out of Queens.


I'm Monica, roomie.

Oh, listen to that brogue.

Isn't it heavenly?

Don't you just love it,

Oh, and you, doll,
where did you sprout from?

Oh, I just jumped from
army base to army base.


just like my husband, James.

He was k*lled in the w*r.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

In Ardennes.

Well, we were so close
to the finish line,


Yeah, um,

would you...
Would you ladies pardon me?

George, thank you
for a lovely afternoon.

Oh, yes, it was my pleasure,
but, yeah.

Your boyfriend is a doll.

Oh, he's, he's not my boyfriend.

Oh, the way
he was looking at you,

that ain't no...

What's that other, not romantic.

What's that other word?

Oh, yeah,
that word, that word...

What is it? Bubonic?


I used to say it all the time.

Harry and I are just catatonic?

Oh, Monica,

you know, we're going to be
here all day at this rate.

We'll miss bingo.

Come on, let's go.
I'll finish unpacking later.

You and me, sweetheart,
we're going to be friends.

Platonic. That's it.

We're platonic.

Oh, not if George has his way.


Oh, I forgot my glasses.

You go ahead
and I'll catch up with you.

I'll save you a spot
next to George.

Now that's a woman with life.

Lorraine and George
have so much in common.

I think she'll do him
a lot of good.

She'll do him a heart attack.

That man has a lot of work to do
before he's ready for a relationship,

and he ain't never
gonna be ready for you.

What do you mean?

I've been tryin' to warn you. You're
heading for dangerous waters.

Oh, Tess.

Old George wants
a different kind of joy

than an angel
is supposed to give.

Tess, he's 80 years old.

And you're over 80 centuries
old, but it's not stopping him.

Wasn't that the plan?

He's smiling and he's friendly

and he hasn't caused
trouble in days.

You think
that's what this is about,

to keep the man happy
and out of trouble?

That's the kind of plan
humans make for older people,

but that's not God's plan.

George still has a difference
to make in this world,

and he cannot do that if he thinks
he's got a date with an angel.

You think that he's
really interested in me?





(LAUGHING) Oh, I always
knew you were winner.

Oh, I love this game, George.

It really concentrates the mind.


Yes, I'm concentrating, too.

Call out your numbers, baby.

We have a very special treat.

I found out that we have
a musician in our midst.


And I have the key to the piano.



Come on, people. Don't you know
dance music when you hear it?

TESS: Come on, come on.

Don't you try to sneak past me.

You were right, Tess. I... I think
George has a wee crush on me.

It doesn't seem
like a wee crush to me,

and it's not
a wee crush to George.

You've got a lot to learn about
the human heart, Miss Wings,

and lesson number one
is it's breakable.

Now you've got to
stop this right now,

before all kinds of
things get broken,

including your halo.

Would you care to dance?
Not too close.

I've never
been happier than now,

with you here in my arms.

it shouldn't be like this.

Oh, but it is.

Have you ever been in love?

George, I have somethin'
I need to tell you.

Well, uh,
do... do you need to sit down?

No, I need to...

Oh, oh, my dear, what?

Oh, oh, my dear.

Are you all right, baby?
Here, sit down.

Sit down.

What is going on in here?
And who unlocked that piano?

Oh, my God.

Monica, are you all right?

I'm all right.
Oh, I'll call a doctor.

No, no, I... I just got a bit winded.
I'm okay.

All right.

I want to see you
in my office immediately.

It's all right, baby. Take care
of our little angel, will you?

Of course.

I'll, I'll take her back to her room.
Come on. There we go.

You know, Colonel, I think
that I can take it from here.

Bye, George.

I'll be all right.

Are you sure?

Yes, yes, I'll be okay.

Well, I'll, uh,

I'll check in later.
Ah, be lovely.



oh, these human forms
are full of surprises.

What happened to you out there?
I don't know.

I was on the dance floor,

and my heart, it hurt.

I... I was feelin'
so badly about George.

I know. I know,

and everybody can see
how he feels about you.

Oh, Andrew,
when he knocks on my door

he... he brings
more than just flowers.

He brings me his hopes
and his dreams.


And I don't know
what to do with him.

I had no idea it would hurt this
much to break someone else's heart.

It feels so strange
to be loved like this.


Human love is very complicated.

And God's love is very simple.

I don't think Monica's going
to be with us very long.

Maybe you're right.

Whatever made you think those people
could handle all that activity?

You make these people feel
that their lives

are about as real
as that plastic plant.

Water them.
Let them have some life.

Music never hurt anyone,
did it, Mrs. Hancock?

Give me that key.


You are making a big mistake.

I'm sorry to make you worry.

Oh, what, me, worry?

I gave that up a long time ago.

Back when my James
was in the Army,

I used to worry
about him every day.

I worried, would he come home?

And then,

the telegram arrived.


"Missing in action."

I don't know how or why.

I only know what was on
this little piece of paper.

"Missing in action."

And a big piece of my heart's
been missing ever since,

but we have to carry on,
don't we?


You can lock up that piano,

but you can't lock up all the feelings
you've been hiding all your life.

No one can.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Oh, yes, you do.

There are a lot of changes
going on in this place.

Don't you think it's time
to make some of your own?


I'm... I'm not
disturbing you, am I?

No, George.
I've been waiting for you.

Oh, you have? Really?


Ah, well, I... I know what it's like
to be, um, restricted to quarters.

George, there's something
I need to tell you.

Of course, I haven't been
restricted to quarters

since the Battle of the Bulge.
That was...

George, I have
something to tell you.

I am an angel sent from God.

Oh, I know you're an angel.

Listen, before you came
to this place I...

No, George.

It's time that we told
the truth about ourselves.

The truth? Oh, no, no.

No, Lorraine was right.

I should let you get some rest.

Oh, I love you, girl.

MONICA: George?

George. Oh, no.


MONICA: George,

don't be afraid.

I really am an angel.

Oh, I believe
you're an angel. Oh, yeah.

Yeah, uh, in the...
In the w*r, guys would,

kept telling me about all
the angels they saw and I,

I... I... I never did.

I was always hoping
that maybe I could

meet one of my own.


you have now.

Yeah, but why did it
have to be you?

I love you, you know.

I guess there's not much
future in bein' in love

with an angel, is there?


well, I must've been nuts
thinkin' anybody

could fall in love
with a guy like me.

Why? What kind of a guy are you?

I'm, uh, pretty worthless.

I don't think so.

Neither does God.

You're the girl who sat
on this bench with me

th-that other day.

Yes, I am.

I was supposed to bring you joy.

Oh, you did, you did.
Not that day.

I had to understand you first,

but I have found so much joy

in understanding
what it feels like to be old.

Joy bein' old?

Yes, joy.

The joy from knowledge
that comes with age.

The people in your rest home, George,
should look back with pride.

Yours is the generation
that fought the good fight.

Oh, yeah.

You were the winners,

and the only losers are... are
the young people

who don't take advantage of the
golden wisdom that lives there.

You have so much to share.

Things that people need to know.

Things that you've
been afraid to share.

You know...

You... You know about me.

You know the truth
of my life, don't you?

Yes, I do, George,
and so does God,

but he loves you, and
he wants you to share

what you've been hiding
for years.

Well, what difference can that
make after all this time?

All the difference in the world.

Fight this one
last battle, George,

because you can't truly live
until you live in truth.

I'm a tired old man.

You have more strength inside you
than you can possibly imagine.

You see,

there is peace that
you fight for with g*ns.


And there is peace that you
fight for with your soul,

and if you face the truth
and fight the fight,

then you will have a victory

that may be called triumphant,

and you will have peace

that may be called lasting.

STEPHANIE: Everybody's
here except Monica.

That's all right, George.
Go right ahead.

What's all this about?

It's about unlocking things.

Just hold on. You'll see.

Well, I'm... I'm glad that
you all could come today.

I... I have something
to tell you, uh,

that I want everyone to know.


I'm here...


I'm here to tell you the truth.
I'm not a colonel.

Never have been.

I'm not a hero. Never was.

I'm a phony.

I've been lying
and lying and lying,

right down to my jacket
and my medals

which I bought in a,
uh, thrift store.

You weren't in the Army?

Oh, no, no, I served,
but never in the front lines.

Never, never there.

I was in the Mess.

Well, to you civilians
that means.

I was the cook.

Why did you lie, Colonel?


Well, you know, after the
w*r, with civilians,

I mean,
who cares about the cook?

See, I didn't... I didn't think

what I did mattered,

and till...

Until somebody told me that
telling the truth mattered,

even after all this time.

Well, I... I... I don't
suppose this...

It matters to any of you here,

but, uh,

by golly, it sure is
a... a weight off my chest.


Thank you for listening.

So who did you serve with?

Patton's Third Army,
Sixth Armored Division.

Oh, George, hold up, please.
Don't leave.

Oh, could you just
wait a minute, sweetheart?

Darling, w-would you
run to my room?

There's a little
wooden box on my side table.

Would you bring it
to me, please?

Yeah, of course.

I believe
you're lookin' for this.


It's, uh, it's going well.
Are you coming?

You go ahead.
I'll... I'll be right in.

You said you were
in the Sixth Armored.

My James was in
the Sixth Armored.

I want to show you something.

This is from him.

Would you read it
out loud, sweetheart?


"Dear, Rainbow."

That's what he called me.

He always said
after a storm when the...

"It's cold and wet and we
just marched three days"

"to get somewhere colder and
wetter than where we started."


"There's been just one good
thing happening around here."

"Our cook made pot..."

"Our cook made pot roast.
I don't know how he did it,

"but, uh, that pot roast
was just like you,

"the ones you made me
on Sunday nights.

"I took one bite
and for half a second

"I felt like
I was at home again."

"Home with you."

"Home in our little dining
room on Wilson Street,"

"looking at each other
across your mother's table."

"I love you."


You should know that, George.

In the middle of all that hell

you gave my baby
one moment of joy.

Maybe his last.

Well, anyway, this is the last
letter that I got from my Jimmy.

My James McCully.

Was he ever called
"Flat Top" Jimmy?

You knew him?

Yeah, I knew him.
I was there when...

Then you know
what happened to him?

It was just before dawn.

We never saw them coming.

It was as if the clouds burst

and rained on us,
but it wasn't rain.

It was b*ll*ts
and lead and g*nf*re.

Men were running everywhere.

I stepped out of
the, uh, mess tent

and I saw Jimmy across the
way in the hospital tent,

he'd just stepped outside and he
didn't know which way to run,

right or left,

and at that very moment
a grenade landed at his feet.

He looked down
and saw it and stared at it.

I yelled, "Run, Jimmy, run!"

He must've realized then
that there were wounded men

just behind him in the tent,

because he made a choice.

He fell full weight
on top of that grenade,

and an instant later,
it exploded.

He saved

many, many lives,

including mine,

by that very brave action.

Thank you, George.
You're an angel.

Without you
I never would've known.

You've lifted such a
great weight from me.

Now I have peace.

That's, uh, what
angels bring, peace.

Colonel or no colonel,
you're my hero.


Ah, no...


Isn't that beautiful?

(SIGHING) Yes, it is.

It's been a great day
for truth telling.

Don't you have something
you want to say?

How do you know all this?

Well, with age comes wisdom,

and I've been around
a long time,

and so have these wonderful
people who look to you

to give them your very best.

Why don't you do that, baby?

They have so much
to give back to you,

if you'll just
give 'em a chance.

Go on.

You remind me of my old piano
teacher, Mrs. Cadegan.

I'll take that as a compliment.

I had no right to take this
pleasure away from you

just because someone
took it away from me.

I've always resented people
who could play the piano

because I loved
playing it so much,

but I wasn't very good,

and my father refused

to waste any more of his hard
earned money on lessons.

He said it wasn't worth it.

He said I wasn't worth it.

And you believed that?

I guess I did.

Oh, sweetheart,
let me see your hands.


They're beautiful hands,

and beautiful hands
mean a beautiful heart,

and beautiful hearts
make beautiful music.


It's 325 for 30 minutes.

No, 20 at 400.

I read the cookbook.
I should know.

I lived that book, son.

I think I can trust
my own judgment.

Don't look at me, angel boy.


You know, I... I believe
that Monica is an angel,

and, as obviously,
you are, too, Tess,

but as for you, Andrew.
The way you cook,

I'd never believe
you're an angel.

Well, in Andrew's defence, let me
say this is not his regular gig.

Oh? Well, what's that mean?

I'm the Angel of Death.

Oh, yeah, sure.
I can believe that.

I mean, you really know
how to k*ll a stew.



is this farewell?

Yes. We have a new
assignment, just like you.

All of you?


But there is someone waiting
to say goodbye to you

on a park bench.


Andrew said I'd find you
here if I wanted to...

Say goodbye.

I can't even say the word.

Don't worry, George.

I'll be seeing you.

In the meantime,

don't let that heart you've
discovered go to waste.

Oh, no, I won't. I'm... I'm fine.

When Lorraine
returns to her room

she'll have discovered
that I'm gone.

I left a note for her.

May I share with you
what it says?

Oh, please do. Yes.

"Dear Lorraine.
I don't have much time left.

"But do not mourn for me,

"for I have gone
to a better place.

"A place where there is
no sorrow and no parting.

"A place where all of our
questions are finally answered.

"Please, can you do
me one small favour?"

"Can you share
that precious gift"

"you've always
had for living with George."

"For I knew him not long,"

"but I loved him well."
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