Warrant, The : Breaker's Law (2023)

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Warrant, The : Breaker's Law (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »




MARSHAL McKOSKY: So, that's it,


You just gonna leave us.



Your orders were to

protect that bank.

Stop Yule Bronson

and his men

and protect this town.

Orders got changed.

Once night falls...

you know they're gonna

descend on us

like the plague.

COLONEL DREDGE: Come with us

then, Marshal.

Got a nice, cushy seat

with your name on it.

Nothin' cowardly about living.

Isn't that right, Judge?

You can lead a horse to water

bunch of fools.

Saddle up, boys!

CHARLOTTE: Inexcusable.



Almost there.





It's starting!


That is enough!

[g*n COCKS]




Oh Marshal McKosky...


Hey, McKosky.

Over here!




Show yourselves!


Well, that's awfully brave

of ya, Marshal,

especially for a man

without an army.

I hope you burn in everlasting

fire, Yule Bronson.


that's harsh, Marshal.

And here I am wanting you

just to stop breathin'.



Come on boys.

Let's go get that gold.


Not one more step,

Yule Bronson.


Since when did you turn in

the gavel for the trigger?

Gavels or triggers...

justice is justice.

How men do you want to spend

to keep me

out of that vault?

JUDGE: As many as it takes.

That's quite a high price.

Nobody said anything

about cheap.

What about you, Judge?

What's your life worth to ya?

All that gold?

I think you're one barrel

too few.

[COCKS r*fle]



Oh, it'll be you.

Trial later or trigger today.

Well, that gold right there...

that's my purpose.

Killin' you...

and you...

and you...

that's my plan.

And we're prepared to die

for what's right.

All right, relax.

They won't sh**t me

in the back.

That's why they'll lose.



Don't smell right.

It's the lack

of trees.




we got company.

BUGLE: I see 'em.



Sheriff John Breaker?

It's "marshal" now.

Well, you're a long way

from Missouri.

JOHN: Yep.

A long way, just to deliver

a murderin' fiend

like that one you got there.

You the town marshal?

The marshal sent me.

Told me to take this

burdensome prisoner

off your back.

So you can head on back home.

I expected the marshal.


You were expecting the marshal.

Well, it gets busy out here

for the tin stars.

With the Comanche,

the Apache,

the banditos to boot.

I expected the marshal.

And I expected to witness

a legend.

But you'll get used to

disappointments out here.

Thought I'd be taller,

did ya?



Well you see,

that's the problem

with always bein'

the last man standing.

you get old.



[DRAWS p*stol]








You're plugged.

They nicked me.

Welcome to the West, marshal.

These men are dead

because of you. Why?

These men are dead because

they came after me.

Glad you're on my side.


How many more like this?

How much further we

gotta go?




You waitin' here

for the marshal?

JOHN: Can't afford to wait.

Not if we want to get home.

JOHN: Here we go.





I'm looking for

Marshal McKosky.

Well, he's indisposed.

What do you want?

He put out a warrant

for Henry Bronson.

Aka Deadeye.

And uh...

I have his man right here.


You brought in Henry Bronson?

JOHN: Yes, sir.

And who are you?

Marshal John Breaker.


The John Breaker?

If I get that battle right,

I think I was...

just over that ridge.


Yes, you were,

I remember.

Sergeant Major John Breaker...

stands alone against

the grey tide.


hardly alone.


This is Deputy Marshal

Bugle Bearclaw.

He was on the ridge beside me

the whole time.

Henry Deadeye Bronson.

You're even uglier

than your poster.

Lock him up

for me.

I'll take him from here,


You've come too many miles

to worry about the last inch.


- When's the next train?

Oh, about an hour.

See the quartermaster.

And you can get your deputy

patched up by the doc too

while you're at it.

To the famous John Breaker.


I guess it's not too healthy

in your line of work...

bein' famous.

I don't think it's healthy


Well, at least in the army,

the more famous you become,

the farther you get

from the front.

But you lawmen...

they keep pushin' you deeper and

deeper into the troubles.

Sir, what's gonna happen

with Deadeye?


we have ways of dealin'

with the likes of him.

JOHN: With all due respect

sir, he gets

a civilian trial,

not a military court martial.

Well, the county judge

is in the same mess

as the marshal is, down there

in Absolem's Hill.

And I don't expect to see

them any time soon.

And we are pullin' out,

headin' north up to the


The trouble up there...

trumps trouble down here.

But don't worry.

Your man's gonna get

what's comin' to him.

Well, we had plenty of hangin'

trees in Missouri.

Trials are a luxury.

It's not a luxury.

It's the law.


I have been fighting for this

Union my whole life...

I am not gonna compromise

the Constitution

over your bottom of the barrel


Thank you, sir.

And uh...

You travel safe now.




Is this the moment where I'm

supposed to ask you

if you're okay?

No wonder you were

never married, Buge.

Who says I was never married?


You never asked.


JOHN: Well... old flames

are hardly our topic

of choice now are they?

What are you talkin' about?

I've heard more stories about

you courtin' Bonnie

than there are legs on a


Oh, you can hardly call Bonnie

an old flame.

She's my wife.

You know, you could've offered

up a few stories

yourself along the way;

it's called conversation.

You should've asked!

- Well, you never asked

about me and Bonnie, did ya?

Oh, so what does that tell ya?


[b*llet HITS TRAY]

You're loadin' b*ll*ts.

But you're countin' bodies.

It's hard to swallow

killin' a man.

Especially when it's for the

likes of someone like Deadeye.

That's always been

the job, John.

Our job.

Our whole lives have been

pockmarked with

shallow graves, Buge.

And for what?

It's never been easy.


But hard's easy when

you know what's right.

BUGLE: What's not right?

We delivered the warrant.

That was our job.

Did we?

BUGLE: You don't trust

the Colonel. That's it.

JOHN: I think we should head

down to Absolem's Hill

ourselves and deliver Deadeye

that last inch.

Absolem's Hill?

More like Hell's Hill.


- Almost done.

You said you went down

to Absolem's Hill?

I pulled more lead out of more

men comin' from that town

than I had in all of Vicksburg.

How do you think I got this?

What's the ruckus?

Can't fight what you can't see.

Night fighters.

Shadow sh**t.

Murderin' reavers.

JOHN: And you boys

are just

gonna leave 'em like that?

Well you got...

raids on the innocent settlers

in the Badlands...

or a town with the most stubborn

old judge

you're ever gonna meet.


He makes a mule seem like

a mercy.

You know, they say he's the last

man standing down there.

Yeah, he and his daughter.

It can't be him.

What's his name?

I don't know.

He's got a scar.

It's him.


How would you know?


I gave him that scar.




Get the horses!

We don't have any!

Find three!


Ready your r*fles.



I said, Wait!

We can't take him with us and we

can't leave him here.

Fine. I'll take him

with me.

What are you talkin' about?

I'm heading to Absolem's Hill;

I'll take Deadeye with me.

That's impossible.

It's idiotic. It's su1c1de!

My job is to deliver that

prisoner to Marshal McKosky.

McKosky has got

way bigger problems

than your bottom feeder.

I know the judge.

I can talk to him.

Maybe I'll get him

out of there.


Good luck with that.

Ready your r*fles.

You order that fire,

and I'll have you

court martialed so fast

it'll make your head spin.

Deadeye is my jurisdiction.

Court martial?

You don't have the clout.

Oh, you forgot.

I'm famous.


At ease.


You got to be kidding me.


It's the only way.

BUGLE: The only way

to what?

To do what's right.


There goes home.


Eh, so what's

the plan, Marshal?

Over which new horizon

lies justice for me?

Absolem's Hill.


I'd rather be buried

back there with them.

Well, that can be arranged.

Now, there are a few rules

I travel by.

DEADEYE: I- I know the rules.

I talk, you gag.

I run, you sh**t.

I snore, you sh**t.


That's Bugle's rule.

You snore, I sh**t but I might

sh**t you anyway.


JOHN: Let's get going if

we're gonna go.

Come on.



Buge, you think it's time

for a little music?

In the cavern,

in the canyon

Excavatin' for a mine

Dwelt a miner,


DEADEYE: Can you just sh**t

me now?

BUGLE: Death would be the easy

way out.

JOHN: All together.

Oh my darlin',

oh my darlin'







JOHN: Hmm.

BUGLE: Been a while.

JOHN: Hmm.

Sounds like Charlotte's still

with him.



You two were awfully close

once upon a time.

When was the last time

you heard from him?

Probably not since

Charlotte's husband died.

Charlotte's husband died?

JOHN: Hmm.


Ah, good night, Buge.

Ol' Deadeye's breakin' the


- Shut up.

Are you seriously

tryin' to escape?


you're gonna...


Hand it over!

You just gotta know,

you can't escape.

I ain't goin' back

to that town.

Well, look at you.

You're hobbled from

head to toe.

Where are you gonna


I'd rather die in the desert

than ride back into that hell


Give me the rest of that.

Come on.

What's that?

Give me that too.

What's that?

You ain't getting that.

Give me the r*fle, then.

All right.

Here, I'll trade you the


You're all heart, kid.

Now, you come after me,

better pray you don't find me.

I spared your life.

You better give me one hour

head start.


How long you think

he'll last?

There go the horses.

JOHN: Oh yeah.

What do now?

JOHN: Chase after the man,


BUGLE: It's been more than an

hour, John.

JOHN: Just a second, Buge.


- Yep.

What are you doin'?

I've literally got

somethin' up my sleeve.





Huh? Huh?

It was literally

up my sleeve.


That's the surprise?

JOHN: Yeah.

Ah well...

no, no.

I get it, yeah.

So, what's uh-

what's it gonna do?

Give him lead splinters?


Bonnie gave it to me.

In case of emergency.

Ah no...

I suppose that qualifies.

JOHN: Qualified?


I think it's great.



Hey, your wife.

What was her name?

Which one?

Wh- wh- which one?



Oh, you stink.

Your face.


You think you

know a man.

It was a long

time ago, John.

Before I even knew

what a bugle was.

Her name...

in English...

Water Lily.

Water Lily.

I'm not the man

I used to be, John.

I used to

be faster.

More alert.

Deadeye should never have

gotten the jump on me.


None of us are the men

that we used to be.

That can be a good

thing, too.

I don't know what's

going to happen when

we get into this town.

But once we

deliver Deadeye...

your job is done.


As long as your

job's not done...

neither is mine.


BUGLE: Where is that dirtbag?

Get up!

At least they let you

keep the eye patch.

Still rather die

in the desert?

Yeah, just get

me outta here.

They rode me out here

and left me for dead.

Where'd they go?

That way.

How many?

BUGLE: Five, mounted.


There was seven.

But I filled two

of 'em with lead.

Well, what are

we waitin' for?

My decision.

- What decision?

- JOHN: Whether I save you

again, or is this

justice enough?


Just cut me loose.

They may come back.

I buried two men

because of you.


JOHN: I don't know what you

did before me...

but I know what I've done

on account of you.

I can't even find

the rightness in ya.

And now I'm having a hard

time finding it in me.

Yeah, well that's

'cause there ain't none.


Go on, do it Marshal.

What'd I say?

BUGLE: That's enough

outta you.


BUGLE: Get up,

let's get moving.

None of this was on the way

to Absolem's Hill.

Shh, shh...

What are we

even doing?

- Guess.

- We're going after 'em?

You took on seven and k*lled

two; they can't be that tough.


I had g*ns and a horse.

Well, now you have

the two of us.


Hey, hey!

- JOHN: Surprise!

Drop it.

U.S. Marshal.

Hey Buge...

It worked.

Hand over the r*fle, son.

Mornin' fellas.


Whoa, whoa...

U.S. Marshal.

We're not here for you.

Just here for

our things.


You'll have to excuse us,

Marshal, we're--

little bit touchy.

Lost good men last night.

So I heard.

Is this the man

who ambushed you?

ROGUE: Well, when a man stumbles

across a rattlesnake

was he ambushed?


But you k*ll it before

it kills you.


- JOHN: But you didn't k*ll him.

You left him out to roast.

ROGUE: Yule feels that death

is a mercy, for

a man like that.


ROGUE: That mercy's

gotta be earned

real slow.

He said he k*lled

two of you.

Why do I see

three graves?

Oh, I thought maybe I'd throw

you in one of them.




Give 'em what's theirs.



[MIMICS g*nsh*t SOUND]


BRIG: Oh look c'mon, he just

came up on me,

just outta




Please have

mercy Mr. Watson.


but I am.

- No!!!


JOHN: Why do these men keep

trying to k*ll ya?

DEADEYE: My brother.

BUGLE: Your brother?

You mean,

there's two of ya?

Good grief, that's all

the world needed.

Wait... you mean Yule's

your brother?

You've heard of

Jacob and Esau?

Ha, more like Cain

and Abel to me.

JOHN: I reckon we better get

into town before nightfall

or trouble's gonna find us.

Let's go, hyah.

ROGUE: Hurry up, boys.

They can't be too far ahead.

I'll get the others;

meet at Absolem's Hill.



BUGLE: It's a ghost town.

Your brother, huh?

Why does he

want you dead?

Because I'm him,

and not him.

First, he's

a prisoner.

Now he's a poet.

Explanations later,

right now, we survive.

All right, I'll head up

the main street.

You two go around the back,

and I'll meet you at that bank.


I'll see you

on the other side.

DEADEYE: Hey, easy Bugle.

That's Deputy Marshal,

to you.


- MAN: Who are you?

[g*n COCKS]

Who are you?

State your business.

U.S. Marshal,

John Breaker.

Your son.


Hello, father.

John, it's you!


- Oh, hello sis!


John, I never

would've hoped-

Well, it's good

to see you, Char.




John, get inside.

ROGUE: There they are hyah!

Get ready, boys!

Bugle's out at the back.


- Help me!

- Yeah.

- John...

- JOHN: Bugle's out back, dad,

with a prisoner.

- Prisoner?

- C'mon.

What's going on?


go to the door.

I'll cover you.

I'm going upstairs.

MAN: The old man, sh**t him!

They're already there.


They gotta be close.






Cover me!

[COCKS g*n]




[g*nf*re CONTINUES]



C'mon, John!


BUGLE: Go, go, go!

Get in there!




JOHN: Almost there.


It's Yule!


[COCKS g*n]


No, don't-

[g*n COCKS]


Let's regroup

at the livery!

- What happened?

- Yule!

It's his brother;

it's not who you think it is.

This is your



Chuck, up front.

Hmph, watch out

front, old friend.


Not to say I'm ungrateful son,

but please consider my surprise

when I ask...

what are you doing here?

And with him?

Serving a warrant.

So you bring him here?

To a Marshal McKosky.


Henry Bronson?

It's uncanny.

- THADDEUS: Well, you really...

put a snake in our barrel, John.

We now have

the twin of the

meanest, evilest

most vile man-

No, monster,

that I've ever met.


Oh, we're just

learning on the go.

By the way, good to

see you again, Buge.

It's good to see

you, Judge.

Buge, you remember Char,

of course.

- Hello, Charlotte.

- Hey, Buge.


THADDEUS: Never in a million

bets would I have bet on

the idea that you'd ride up

into all of this.

Likewise, dad.



CHARLOTTE: Food's ready,

come and get it.


- JOHN: Eat.

- Oh, I could bite

the head off a turkey

vulture, I'm so hungry.

So that's what

everyone's dying over?

My brother didn't give

a penny about the gold.

At this point

he just wants to make

that judge pay.


pay for what?

For standin' in his

way, of course.


Yeah, my dad dealt with...

every type of outlaw.

But he always talked about

their misfortunes and their...

humanity despite their sins,

but your brother...

He calls him, a monster.

DEADEYE: A monster, huh?

He'd take that

as a compliment.

Wanted to k*ll

this town.

Then, the county.

Burn down the whole state.

He wanted people to fear

his name across the nation.

He wanted your grandkid's

grandkids to remember

his name.



Why are you

two at odds?

DEADEYE: I'm just small time,

my ambition extends from

my hand to my mouth, my pocket

to my glass of whiskey.

What would I want

with a dead town?

As soon as I was out of his

sight he started

murdering people in my name.

Blamin' it on me.

I couldn't go 100 miles

without seeing 100 wanted

posters, "Wanted Dead or Alive."

JOHN: So the warrant

that I served

should've been for your

brother, not you.

DEADEYE: The whole thing

fell apart when ah-

some drunk in St. Louis

forked me in the eye, but-

Why didn't he just sh**t you

when you were in the desert?

DEADEYE: Hey, well...

for Yule...

dead is dead.

It's mercy.

The torment is over.

If you can string someone

along to the brink...


Now, that's the game;

at least the one he plays.

JOHN: If you

claim to be the man

that you are, innocent.

Well, I didn't say

I was innocent.

I said I'm

not my brother.

JOHN: So then,

why don't you just

level with the law?


Level with the law.

Level with the law.


Level with the law.

Tell me you did it

to yourself

and I'll be impressed.

DEADEYE: Yeah, I done wrong.


But the greatest crime

I committed

was just lookin'

like my brother.

Follow me.

Look for any weakness, boys.

DEADEYE: Keep me safe,


JOHN: The vault is

the safest place.


DEADEYE: Nowhere's safe.

JOHN: I think the best plan

of escape is to leave at

the dark hour just before dawn.


That's smart, son, less

trouble to be had then.

Do you have any horses?

No, not anymore.

JOHN: Ours ran away.

Bugle hid theirs,

that leaves us two.

Why don't you and

Charlotte take them?

As soon as we clear this

place out you can get some help.

- John...

- What do we do with him?

What about him?

Well, you knew who he was.

- THADDEUS: Him and his brother

came over the border

half a year back.

What I gather, they came over

together but quickly grew apart.

His brother wants

him dead.

Hmm, they're the opposite

sides of the same evil.

They attract bad

but repel each other.

I suppose family's tricky

enough without being a

pack of murderers.

- He's a burden.

No, he's an asset.

Or could be against

his brother.

That's up to Marshal

Mckosky to decide.

Where is he?

He's dead.

You know, John,

I gotta stay.

- Father.

- THADDEUS: No, you leave your

prisoner with me.

You did right

to bring him here.

We all go together,

that's final.

- I'm sorry, no.

- Father!

- Father...

Father, father.

Son, how many times do I gotta

tell ya to call me pa or pops?

If you're feeling especially



No... just call me Judge.

Anything but "father."

I'm not as Old Testament

as all that.

What is this fight

all about, for what?

The vault?

- The vault?

Is it worth dying over?

For you, your daughter,

my sister?

Yule wants

the vault!

We, your sister and I,

are fighting

for this town.

What it stands for.

What losing it would mean.

It's a bunch

of buildings.


w*r is a real

estate business.

You of all people, know that.

- Dad...

THADDEUS: How many times have

you risked your life for a hill?

Won it?

Then marched away

the next day, huh?

The hill isn't

the point.

The point is showing

the enemy

that they can't

always win.

This bank is my hill.

Oh, this is about



It's about what's right.

No, it's

a lost cause.


that gold in there is

meant for farming,

for churches, for families,

for life!

There's a monster out there

that has

k*lled or driven off every

God-created creature

in this man-forsaken town.

I mean, the army is gone,

the marshal is dead.

And I will not

amputate this place

from the land of the living.

I will not leave it

to a pack of murderers.

Well you, and

Charlotte and...


Chuck Leftfoot.

On account of my limp

on my left foot.

And Mr. Leftfoot...

You can't stop what's coming;

you know that.

You're barely

in their way.

Barely's better

than nothing.

I'm sorry to hear

about your husband.

It's been a while

back now.

Years ago.

It's hard to lose

someone you love.

It's losing a part

of yourself.

JOHN: I will not leave if we all

go together, that's final.

THADDEUS: How stubborn

can you be?

JOHN: Look in the mirror, dad.

Brother, rock

and father, hard place.

They held out longer

than I expected.

THADDEUS: I thought you of all

people would understand

what I am trying to do here.

No, me of all people know

that the cost of a human

life buys you nothing.

Since when has my son

considered righteousness

a price too high?

- JOHN: Righteousness?

All I see is stubbornness

from a stubborn old Judge.

And where are all

the men in this town?

I bet the banker will be

really glad to hear that you

were willing to die

in his stead.

CHARLOTTE: I'm the banker.

And if you think we don't

know the price of a human life

we know it all too well.

Everything that's left of

my customers

is out that window.

Six feet under

in a pine box.

I, Uh...

I bought this off

a woman making

wood carvings at

the train station.

It's a gift...

for my grandchild.


I'm a great grandfather?

So, here's my question:

Would you rather

her know the man or

know the legend?


It-- It's a her?

I mean a-- a little girl?

Well that's what Bonnie

thinks, so we'll find out

when I get back.

- Oh.

I would want my great

granddaughter to know...

that the price for doing what's

right is never too high.

RUFUS: Yee-Hoo!

They're comin' back.

Marshal John Breaker.



Where you goin'?

To count the cost.


Bugle, when I say

run, run.

Yule Bronson!

I want to talk!

BUGLE: John,

you should know-

I know, you're in love

with Charlotte again.

How did you know?

Heck of a time for

this conversation Buge-

I just didn't want you

complaining later about

not getting a confer.

- Consider it conferred.

It's just that I never

thought I'd see her again.

Well, you may not

unless you're focused.

Let's go.

It true what they

say about 'im?

'Bout to find out.

Just be ready.

RUFUS: I told the boss

you're a stubborn man.

Didn't I, fellas?

Like father, like son,

I suppose.

Don't think I didn't

see him up there.

JOHN: Well, I was hoping to have

a little talk with your boss.

But I guess he's

too big of a

[SHOUTS] coward!

Sends his peons

to parley.



He knows you're just a lot

of bark, bark, bark

from a corner dog.

- Did he just call us a dog?

- Yep.

RUFUS: You're not the first

law man to

make demands.

JOHN: I won't have

any demands.

Just a question.

If I get the old man to walk

away, will you let us

pass peacefully?

And leave the gold?

JOHN: You can keep the rocks.

Just no more death.

RUFUS: The thing is I'll be

willing to oblige.

The boys and I...

well, we get excited

about all that gold.


But Yule...

He gets excited about...

k*lling your daddy.

And your sister.


John Breaker...

And now all the boss

can talk about

is having the famous

John Breaker within his reach.

Any old outlaw could make

history off the death of you.



JOHN: Well, you tell

Yule Bronson

that the marshal and

the deputy are here to stay.

And make sure he knows that

these cornered dogs

would do a lot more than bark.



It's time, Buge-


Time for what?


To run.



[g*nsh*t, GROAN]

sh**t 'em, get 'em!

[g*nf*re CONTINUES]

C'mon Buge-!

Get 'em!


BUGLE: Get in here.

RUFUS: Just sh**t 'em!



See those other two?

[b*ll*ts RICOCHET,



JOHN: Dad, he's about to

light the bank on fire...

around the corner!

Oh, no you don't.

[COCKS g*n]






Got him.


Just sh**t 'em!


He just missed me;

I'm invincible.

[g*nf*re CEASES]

THADDEUS: They're running.


The rain falls on the just

and the unjust alike.




No, no.


It's still in there.

The b*llet is still in there.


JOHN: Buge, help me move him.

Chuck, help me find a knife

and some bandages.


Who's gonna do it?




Ooh, didn't you pull a b*llet

out of Buge way back when?


But I was mad at

him at the time.


JOHN: Well, don't look at me.

I can't even pull

a splinter without hacking

off half my thumb.

Stop drinking the blade cleaner.

Char, you gotta do this.

You're the only one

with experience.

I sew, I don't dig.


Nobody wants to do it.

But somebody's got

to do it all right.

I dug for gold

half my life.

Guess I can dig

for lead, too.





...fell into

the foaming brine

In the churchyard,

in the canyon

Where the myrtle

doth entwine

There grow rosies in

their posies

Oh my darlin' Clementine

You sure have been good

to dad since mom died.

She was his anchor.

I guess that's what

I've become.

Can't say it

hasn't been good

for me too.

I just hate seeing you

caught up in all his mess.

John, his mess

is my mess.

The people of this town

have supported me

for a very

long time.

They're my family

now, too.

And I will fight

for them.

I'm a Breaker

after all.

JOHN: Oh, I did...

miss my sister.

See anything?

All those graves.

CHARLOTTE: Those are

the bank's graves.

Miners mostly,

who came to us.

BUGLE: Miners?

CHARLOTTE: If you're a miner

this bank is the first

sign of safety.

It's the only hope

for miles.

Haven't had much through

here though in a while.

Not until you and John.

How did you and John meet?

He had a warrant

for my arrest.

For what?

I stole

from a farm.


What happened?

He arrested me.


Those Breaker boys are

one of a kind.

Our families had gone west.

But... Water Lilly and

me, we loved the east.

So, after she...

got sick...

and after she...

I was lost.

I was real lost.

But John, you know...

He saw through me.

He saw that I wasn't bad.

I was desperate.

So instead of jail

he took me to that

farmer I stole from.


I worked for that man until

I paid for what I took.

I paid for what I took.


here I am eating beans

with John's sister

on a beautiful day.

CHARLOTTE: In the middle

of a siege,

in the middle of a desert.

With little hope

of escape.

It's a helpless feeling

to not be able to save

the ones you love.

Mark, my Mark...

You never met him, did you?


You're very different

men but I...

I believe you

would've loved him.

Every once and a while when

a man fell sick Mark would

lend a hand down at the mine.

And out here in a new town

everybody depends on everybody.

And one day...

the mine came down

on itself.

And it just so happened it

was the mine where Mark

was lending a hand.

I waited until they

cleared all the rocks

away to be sure, but...

As soon as it happened,

I knew.

It's a helpless feeling

not to be able to...

save the ones you love.

Makes it hard

to love again.

Hard but not


JOHN: All right, we hit him


Harder than expected.

They've been slow to

get up, so we know

they're gonna get us tonight.

At this rate of fire

we've got one fight,

maybe two before we're

out of b*ll*ts.

We've got another day tops

till we're out of food.

Two for water.

What about

the judge?

CHARLOTTE: No fever, no problem.

I think we've got the

bleeding under control.

All right, let's give

him a g*n.

John, dad needs to rest.

We can't depend on

him right now.

I'm not talking

about dad.

BUGLE: No way.

JOHN: His fight is our fight.

- You can't be serious.

CHARLOTTE: He'll sh**t

us in the back the first

chance he gets.

- JOHN: We die, he dies.

That was proven to him

in the desert.

BUGLE: He's got nothing to gain.

He's a dead man walking,

whether we win or lose.

It's a mistake to think that-

- CHUCK: Shh!


Oh my darlin' Clementine


It's Old Bill Shoemaker.


Oh my darlin',

Oh my darlin'

He'll never make it.


They're already here.



ROGUE: Look what

we got here, boys!

JOHN: All right...

you go upstairs, stay down,

and don't fire

unless they head this way.

Buge- you and I will go out



you stay here.

And if they come

through that door

you blast them to kingdom come.

ROGUE: Hand over

the gold, old man.


Leave me alone!

I worked hard for this gold.

ROGUE: You hear that, fellas?

This old boy worked hard.


All right, enough.

[g*n COCKS]





[g*n COCKS]


CHUCK: I heard a shot.

Tell me he made it.

Murdering, theivin'

sons of nightriders.

He never had a chance.

THADDEUS: What's all

the sh**ting about?

Anybody hurt?

- Dad.

Dad, dad!




Dad, you're burnin' up.

CHUCK: Another miner, judge.

Another grave for nothing.

Another man scratchin'

his life away...

just to be shot in the back.


He's bleeding again.

He needs to see

a doctor fast.

Where's Bugle?

ROGUE: Hey, Marshal?

Got something of yours.

Where's Bugle?!

ROGUE: Is that his name?

Is he alive?

Yule Bronson don't strike deals.

ROGUE: He's alive for now.

He's alive, dad.

- He's bait.

He's my brother.

ROGUE: Parlay at midnight.

Be alone.



You've got quite a family.

Well, you haven't met

the half of them.

Where's Bugle?

ROGUE: With the boss.

Where's the boss?


JOHN: Where is he?

I haven't had the pleasure.

I would love the chance...

Chance to what?

Just return the gold and

we'll release your friend.

If you hurt him...

You got till sunrise or we'll

drop that deputy's body

right here in the street.

Try to get him

before the buzzards.

They can be nasty.


JOHN: That's it... we're

trading the gold for Bugle.

John, we can't.

If we don't they'll

k*ll him, dad.

- THADDEUS: Son...

- JOHN: No, no, no.

This is not negotiable.

It's a human life

for a bunch of rocks.

Show him

the vault.





- JOHN: Char, I don't-

- Charlotte: Shh!

Let's talk outside.





JOHN: All this v*olence

for an empty vault.

THADDEUS: We never...

said there was gold

in the vault.

All the men that I've k*lled

to bring Deadeye here!

All the men that I've k*lled

for an empty vault!

And now my dad's shot and

my best friend's about to die!

We all chose this

dance, John...

so don't be surprised

the band's not free.

If you weren't prepared to die

you shouldn't have stayed.

JOHN: Your fights are my

fights, dad.

THADDEUS: Then this is the


This is the fight.

Remember when you

gave me that scar?

The scar?


That rustler--

What was his name?

The man was gonna k*ll him

and he can't remember his name.


remember the names

of all the men that

tried to k*ll you?

Jackson Flint, he had

a knife to your throat.

THADDEUS: You were twelve,

You had an old

coyote k*ller that I gave ya.

And I'm glad I did

because you saved my life.

And I...

gave you that scar.

Well, I'll...

I'll take this one over the one

Jackson Flint intended to give.

What's your point dad?

- THADDEUS: Doing what's right

comes with a cost, every time.

You know, breaking the law,

giving up, that's easy.

But sh**ting a man to save

your dad, knowing you're

gonna hit your dad...

that's hard.

But it was right.


What do we do next?

I don't know.

That's not the answer

I was looking for, dad.

THADDEUS: I know what

you are gonna do.

You're gonna wrap that

in a box and you are gonna

deliver it yourself.


In a box.

Deliver it in a...

Do me a favor.

Hold that for me, would ya?


I got a plan.



What's happening, John?

- JOHN: It's a risk.

But it's all we got.

You and you

are getting

in the chests.


- JOHN: Listen, we lug you up

there, they're gonna

think you're gold.

They're gonna bring up Bugle

and when they open the chests

you come out g*ns a'blazin.

We'll draw with ya.

- That's the plan?

Char, fighting them like this

is the only chance we have

to getting Bugle back

and dad to a doctor.

All right.

I'll do it.

- Well that sobers my manner.


ain't like I ain't used

to dark, cramped places.

Let's go.


[g*n SHOT]

You're out of time, Marshal.




What-- what's happening?

JOHN: I need your help.

If you ever wanted a chance

at redemption...

this is it.


What's the plan?

Help me move these.

What you've given up,

you're giving them the gold?

Something like that.

I told ya.

Yule don't care

about the gold.

Yeah, but I bet

his men do.


ROGUE: Last chance, Marshal.


Unload 'em.

I said...

unload them.

Where's Bugle?




They brought the gold?


Yule couldn't make it?


[g*n COCKS]


what are you doing?

Deadeye never made

it out of the desert.


DEADEYE: Just you

wait, brother.

You've gone and stepped

in it now, you--

You don't even know!

John Breaker's like a train.

Once he's on your track

he doesn't stop till

he gets where he's going.

And he's coming for you.

You don't even know it.


Yeah, that bank, that judge.

Once he gets his teeth

sunk into you...

He's comin' for y'all.

All of y'all-

[g*nsh*t, HORSE NEIGHS]


Give me that eye patch.

YULE: Your mercy

precedes you, Marshal.

Which means you're gullible.

Trusting, which

means you're weak.

I knew you were gonna

lead me to this bank.

Just had to...

bide my time waiting for

just the right moment.

Like this.

[g*n COCKS]


Drop the w*apon,


I said...

drop it.

Say the word.

[g*n COCKS]

Good choice.

How about where are

them other two?

They're with

my father.

Oh yeah?

Still alive?


Stubborn Breakers.

It don't seem quite right.

You take the deputy and

them crates on inside.

If it's not gold...

k*ll them.

That wasn't part

of the deal.

Since when are you in a

position to make a deal?

We open the chests


We exchange the gold here.

Gold for Bugle.

That was the deal.


All right.

Get movin'.

Don't do anything stupid.

You ever seen the Pacific?


I have.

My brother and I worked

on a fishing vessel

before uh...

before the w*r.

You fish?

I hunt.


YULE: So at the end

of each day we'd...

clean our catch, you know?

The guts and the blood,

we would just throw it

in the water and

that's when the...

you oughtta see

it someday Marshal.

That's when

the sharks appear.

Come out of the depths

of nowhere and just

swarm and rip the

water to shreds.



Killin' a whole town...

that's reward enough.

Killin' you...

killin' your father,

your deputy...

your sister...

that's a bonus.


You were right about

my men though.

My men don't find...

gold in those chests...

they will rip you and yours

apart stem to stern.

And I'm gonna start

with your sister.




[g*nsh*t, GROAN]

[g*n COCKS]

[g*n sh*ts]


k*ll him!








RUFUS: It has to be here.


Where is the gold?

[g*n COCKS]

Where's my gold?

Don't do it, kid.

[g*n SHOT]


You know the difference

between men like my father

and monsters like you?

They die as cowards...

every time.

YULE: Man or monster...

Dad is dead.

They say it's mercy.


Oh, was that

the g*n I gave you?


Yule Bronson, you're under

arrest for the m*rder

of your own brother.

- THADDEUS: And the m*rder of

Marshal McKosky and

his deputy.

JOHN: And for all the men

and woman you m*rder*d

and all the graves I had

to dig on your account.

THADDEUS: And I assure

you, you will

hang by the neck

until you are dead.





- JOHN: Bugle, Chuck.

Lock him in the vault.

John, he's dying.

- I'll get a doctor.

John, he can't ride.

Then I'll bring a doctor back.

THADDEUS: I told ya.

I wasn't leaving this town.

I know you're stubborn.

Now show me how stubborn

you really are.


Then the miner,

forty niner

soon began to peak and pine

thought he ought'er

join his daughter

Now he's with his Clementine

Oh my darlin'

oh my darlin'

Oh my darlin' Clementine

You are lost

and gone forever

Dreadful sorry


You are lost

and gone forever

Dreadful sorry



JOHN: Doc!



The judge, he's hurt real bad.

DOC: I'll be

right behind you.

Let me fetch my bag.

JOHN: Char!


Hyah, hyah, hyah!

Char, Char!


Doc, he's inside,

let's go.

How is he?

Char, how is he?






CHUCK: Miners will

be coming back now.

Coming back for what's theirs!

A coffin full

of gold.

A graveyard

instead of a vault.

CHARLOTTE: Every number on

a cross is an account

-- a bank account.

And this is mine.


CHARLOTTE: Every number

corresponds to a name

in a book inside.

Just like any bank.

Not like any bank

I ever heard of.

You kept me in the dark

the whole time, didn't ya?


have a softy like you

trading our hope

to save our lives.

You're as hard as

the old man.

THADDEUS: You'll get there, son.

Just keep on being

the last man standing.


JOHN: I thought

you miss the trees.

BUGLE: I do.

I thought you

hated the heat.

I'll warm up to it.

- Mmhmm.

Well, I guess the good

thing is I traded a--

traded a deputy

for a brother.

We've always been

brothers, John.


I suppose so.

THADDEUS: We leavin' or what?


Give that great grandbaby

a big kiss for me, okay?

I'm gonna miss you,

little girl.

Take care of

my daughter.

Take care of this town.

I'll uh--

I'll see you

around, Sheriff.

You know, there are

few rules I travel by.

You run, I sh**t.

Please, by all

means, run.

JOHN: You talk...

we gag.

You've learned

that already.

And lastly, you snore-

- I sh**t.

Let's go, hyah!
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