01x13 - The Reunion

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Waltons". Aired: September 14, 1972 – June 4, 1981.*
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A popular, long-running drama about a close-knit family in rural, Depression-era Virginia, sharing their trials and triumphs.
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01x13 - The Reunion

Post by bunniefuu »

[Car horn blowing]

(John-boy) walton's mountain had
been in our family for generations,

A silent witness

To all the bright and
wonderful days I knew as a boy.

If mountains remember events,
then surely it must treasure, as I do,

The memory of that day
during the depression

When my sister, mary ellen,
got into a fight after school,

And the events that followed.

[All shouting]

It's mary ellen.
She's fighting again!

[Children shouting]

Mary ellen, just calm
yourself down now!

Let go of me!

You want to get
expelled from school?

Just quit!

I'm not finished with
you, frank winston!

You better watch your step.

I'm not... I'm not afraid
of you, mary ellen.

You better be!

Mary ellen, just come on.

Cut it out, frank!


You know, you could
have stopped this, jason.

I would have. But
mary ellen was winning.

You're just a fighting
fool, aren't you, mary ellen?

He started it!

Made jim-bob cry.

He said jim-bob
wears girls' clothes.

And I am.

Well, you look all right to me.

Where'd you get them anyway?

Mama made it out of the
top of erin's old dress.

I spilled ink on the skirt,

So mama used the top
to make jim-bob a blouse.

Boys don't wear blouses.

Boys wear whatever
they can get these days.

You just better come along home,

And have myself
a look at that eye.

Maybe mama could fix up
the collar or something.

Where's john-boy?

Right here, daddy.

(Grandpa) uh-uh-uh.

Lord, we ask
blessings on this food

And pray that this
depression will be over soon,

And that you will lead
us into better times. Amen.

(John) amen.

[All chattering]

Mary ellen, you got
something to tell us?

No, sir.

She's been in another fight.

It's time you started
behaving like a lady, mary ellen.

(Elizabeth) what does a black
eye feel like, mary ellen?

(Ben) she ought to
know. Third one this year.

[All laughing]

Mary ellen.

Now, jim-bob, you responsible for
giving your sister that, uh, shiner?

No, sir, but it was my fault.

Frank winston was teasing me
and mary ellen jumped on him.

Why was he teasing you?

He said I was wearing
girls' clothes.

There's not a thing wrong with
the clothes you children wear.

They're homemade and
hand-me-downs, but they are clean.

Now, sit down, jim-bob.

Have some greens.

(Grandma) livie, will you
please sit down and eat?

I ate while I was cooking.
Saves time that way.

That keeps... Keeps
you skinny, too.

Don't you know I like a woman

With a little fat on her bones?

John, you are a disgrace!

Can't you think of anything
except hugging and kissing?

Can you think of anything
better to have in mind, old woman?

Enough of this foolishness.
Let me get back to my wash.

(Grandpa) john, when
our ship comes in,

Can't you buy livie a
good washing machine?

(John) when that happens, maybe.

Right now all I can do
is put food on this table.

(Livie) oh, I wouldn't know
how to work one anyway.

(Jason) you could learn,
couldn't you, mama?

Oh, I reckon I could, jason.

What's the use of wishing
for something you can't have?

Now, you come on over here
and sit down with your family.

John, I've got work to do here.

Come on. Just come on.

[All chuckling]

Pass me the butter, please.


Why are you eating so fast?

I've got to get
back to the sawmill.

But you already
put in a day's work.

Not enough.

[Machine whirring]


Look, mamie, 2
lemons and a cherry!

Ladies don't operate
those machines, sister.

Sometimes, I'd just as soon
I hadn't been born a lady.

[Bell ringing]

Howdy, ike.

Hello, john-boy.

Ike, can you remember that
secondhand washing machine

You had for sale one time?

Yeah, sure. It's
right over there.

How much are you sellin' it for?

Why, are you thinking
of getting married

And, uh, setting
up housekeeping?

No, for my mama.

Well, how's $35 sound?

Right steep to me for a
secondhand machine, ike.

$30 As is.

$20. I mean, I don't even
know for sure that it works.

$25 Is my rock-bottom price.

$20, Ike.

$20. It's yours.


How would it be with you
maybe if i, uh, worked it out?

I mean, I could come here
every day after school,

And I could do odd jobs
for you and make deliveries,

And I could work for
you all day on saturday.

I'd like to accommodate
you, john-boy,

But I'm short of money,
just like everybody else.

I've got to find a job.

(Emily) john-boy.

How would you
like to work for us?

Miss emily? Oh, well, i...

Let me get my sister.

We'll discuss your employment.

How's it feel to
be a working man?

Ike, mama would skin me alive.

Everyone knows those 2
ladies make bootleg whiskey.

But they don't know
what they are doing.

They're just following
their papa's recipe.

But sometimes they sell it!

Well, yeah, but they're
just like 2 little girls

By a roadside selling lemonade.

Just take the box and
box up them groceries.

John-boy, I'm so delighted
you're going to help us out.

Well, miss mamie, I
tell you, I don't really...

Help from heaven, just
when we needed it most.

We have a guest, you see.

4Th cousin homer lee baldwin
from buckingham county.

Oh, that's why you've been
putting in the extra provisions?

Cousin homer has
a hearty appetite.

We hadn't heard
from him in years.

Somebody said he'd
gone into politics.

The baldwins always excelled
in politics, don't you know?

Suddenly, one morning, opened
the door, there was cousin homer.

Well, are you sure
you ladies need my help?

I mean perhaps your cousin
would be able to help you out.

Did you hear that, mamie?

Cousin homer and physical labor

Have never made each
other's acquaintance.

(Emily) a perfectly
charming gentleman,

Don't you know, but delicate.

He got it from his mama.

She wasn't a baldwin.

What do you expect?

Now, john-boy, when
will you report for work?

Well, miss mamie,

I guess whenever you say.

No time like the
present. Come along now.

[Emily exclaims]

(Godsey) john-boy, you can start

By putting groceries in the box.

You'll hold on to that
washing machine for me now,

Won't you, ike?

Well, I will, unless somebody
comes along in the meantime

And, uh, plunks down
cash on the barrelhead.


Maybe I can earn enough to just
put a little down payment on it?

That depends on how
big a down payment.


I'm coming, miss emily.

Now don't you tell a soul. Shh.


Here's to my cousins.

I swear the two of you get more
beautiful with each passing year.

Oh, listen to homer lee
and that silver tongue.

Reminds me of ashley longworth!

Ashley longworth, ashley...

Oh, he's the young man your
papa had to sh**t, was he not?

Oh, papa never shot.

He just shook the g*n at
ashley and suggested he leave.

And he left like a flash.

But he had taken
liberties, had he not?

He kissed me.

Out there, under the maple tree.

And, uh, no talk of marriage?

None whatsoever!

I still think he would
have gotten around

To a proposal sooner or later.

[Door opens]

Well, got everything stored.

Is there anything else I can do?

Why, yes. You can
come in and meet

Cousin homer lee baldwin
from buckingham county.

How do you do,
sir. How do you do.

That's john-boy walton.

He's going to be a writer.

A writer indeed!

Well, I've always held the
journalism profession in high regard.

Thank you.

What line of work
are you in, sir?

Well, uh, lately I have
been, uh, a traveler, sir.


Well, I didn't know
that, homer lee.

How anybody could bear to leave

Buckingham county is beyond me.

Oh, it's been 20 years since
I've been in buckingham county.

I vow!

20 Years away from buckingham
county and we never knew.

You must be dyin'
to see everybody.

Well, uh, yes.

Mamie, why don't we
have a family reunion,

So cousin homer lee
can see everybody?

Are there any baldwins
left after all these years?

Cousin cora moved
to washington, d.c.,

Or some such outlandish place,

And a good many of
the others are dead.

But never you mind.

We'll round up what's left.

And we'll make just
oceans of the recipe.

You'll help us,
won't you, john-boy?

(John-boy) I reckon.


Now, someone help
me find my purse

So I can pay this young man.

No, no, no.

[Bell ringing]

Howdy, everybody.

Howdy, john-boy.

How you been keeping, john-boy?

Fine. Just fine, sheriff.

Keeping on the
right side of the law?


Well, sure. I reckon so.

Glad to hear that.

I wouldn't want to
arrest the only writer

We've got in this
part of the country.

Ike, could I see
you for a minute?

Yeah, sure.

Don't move any
balls while I'm gone.

Ah, you can trust
me, ike, you know that.

Ike, I'd like to make a
deposit on this machine.

I got $1.

Well, that's wonderful.

I'll give you a receipt.

You're going to hold on
to it for me, aren't you?

John-boy, if times were better,

I'd be happy hold on
to this till doomsday.

But I've got to sell to the
first bidder that comes along.

But I've paid $1 down.

All that means is
there are $19 to go.

Business is business, john-boy.

[Grandpa coughing]

You've had enough, grandpa?

I was ready to quit
more than an hour ago.

Daddy, can I borrow the
truck for a little while?

What you want the truck for?

I've got to haul
something in it.

How far?

Well, not very far.

Son, I don't mind you driving
these back wood roads,

But you go streaking down
the highway, with no permit,

The sheriff's going
to pick you up for sure.

Oh, it's not far.

How far?

Well, just up to
the baldwin place.

Now, they just bought a whole
load of supplies from ike godsey,

And I need the truck
to deliver it to them.

If your mama knew

That you're doing business with
the old ladies she'd have a duck fit.

Would she have to know?

I wasn't planning on
bringing the subject up,

But, no, son, it's too far
to drive without a permit.

John, I could go
along with the boy.

If anybody says anything to
him they'd have to answer to me.

Grandpa, are you interested in
those ladies getting their supplies,

Or you want a touch
of that old recipe?


All right, son, looks like
you've got yourself a truck.

Thank you.

(Mamie) oh, that's
fine. That's fine.

Oh, emily, our ingredients
are here, and company, too!

(Emily) what a treat!

Oh, how nice of you, john-boy,
to bring your grandpa.

Nobody ever appreciated
the recipe like mr. Walton.

Miss mamie, where would you like me
to put the sugar and the cornmeal?

Oh, just put them right here
in the storeroom, john-boy.

And, mr. Walton, do come on
in the recipe room and meet

4Th cousin homer lee baldwin
from buckingham county.

Cousin homer lee, may
I present mr. Walton?

Mr. Walton, how do you do, sir.

It is a pleasure indeed, sir.

Oh, it's so nice to
hear men's voices

Around the place once again.

Mr. Walton, we're all
having a little sip of recipe.

Care to join us?

Indeed, yes.

Mr. Walton.

Mr. Walton, it's just been ages

Since you've paid
us a little visit.

My boy john and I have been busy

Cutting and sawing
wood most every day.

Oh, times are hard.

Business has been
bad everywhere.

You a businessman, sir?

(Emily) cousin homer
is a self-made man.

Left buckingham county with
nothing but the clothes on his back

And look at him now.

Well, the secret is volume.

That's what I always
say. Buy low and sell high.

Did you ever.


Oh, mamie, serve cousin
homer some more recipe.

Serve everybody
while you're at it.

See anything of them, livie?

Not yet, grandma.

Don't worry, they'll be along.

I can't help worrying when one of
my children is out there in the dark.

(John) he's not a child anymore.

And besides, he's with grandpa.

What harm could he
come to with grandpa?

♪ Give me some time
to blow the man down ♪

♪ Blow the man down,
sailor, blow the man down ♪

♪ Hey, way, blow the man down ♪

♪ Blow the man down,
sailor, blow the man down ♪♪

Oh, mr. Walton!

I never knew you
were such a cut-up.

Mamie, more recipe.

[All laughing]

(All) ♪ since first you
were my bonnie bride ♪

♪ The roses all have
left your cheeks ♪

♪ Your voice is sad
when e'er you speak ♪

♪ And tears bedim
your loving eyes ♪

♪ Oh, I ♪

♪ Will take you home, kathleen ♪

♪ To where your
heart will feel no pain ♪

♪ And when the grass
is fresh and green ♪

♪ I will take you to your home ♪

♪ Again ♪♪

Grandpa, don't you think maybe
we ought to be getting along?

Where, john-boy?


Don't go. The
evening's early yet.

Uh, as a matter of fact, we...
We do have plans, remember?

Oh, another time, homer
lee. We can go another time.

We're... We're
having such joy here.

Now, cousin mamie, I'm not
going to let you back out.

Do you realize
how long it's been

Since these 2 ladies saw
a motion-picture show?

Oh, papa took us to see
mr. Chaplin in the gold rush.

Papa loved the part
where charlie ate the shoe.

(Homer) but that
was a silent movie.

I'll wager you two have never
seen a talking motion-picture show.

But we thought the
silents were just fine.

Don't judge until
you've heard a talkie.

Now, come along.

We don't want to have to come
in in the middle of the picture.

All right.

John-boy, I reckon we'd better
be moseying on home, too.

Now, mr. Walton, you
come and see us again

When cousin homer lee isn't
rushing us off someplace.

I surely would love to do so.

Ladies, we've had
a fine evening.

Oh, well, it's been a
pleasure having you.

Come along.

Come along.

I've got to get my gloves.

I do wish you and
john-boy would come along.

Wouldn't that be jolly, sister?

Oh, my, yes,

And we must all remember to keep

An eye out for ashley
longworth, too.

He was the young gentleman
who came courting some years ago.

He must be a real nice man.

Oh, he is.

Nice visit.

(Homer) nice meeting you all.

(John-boy) nice
to meet you, sir.

(Grandpa) good night, ladies.

[Ladies giggling]

[Engine sputtering]


Sounds to me like
your battery's dead.

Are you sure we've got gasoline?

If not, we can use
some of the recipe.


[Engine sputtering]

Oh, no, I'm afraid you ladies
aren't going anywhere tonight.

Your battery's
dead as a doornail.

The recipe would
work in that, too.


I just wish this idea
had never come up.

I had my heart set on
seeing a motion-picture show.

Uh, well, now look here.

You ladies are going to
charlottesville after all.

With me.

But, grandpa, they're
expecting us at home!

Well, they can be
expecting us, all right,

But they can expect us late.

[Ladies chuckling]

Ladies, you'll
fit right in here.

(Emily) isn't this
a treat, mamie?

(Mamie) you can always
depend on the walton men!

Yeah, we're going
after all. All aboard?


You haven't changed your mind

About coming with
us to the talkies?

Uh, n-no, no,
no. I... I'm coming.

Grandpa, are you sure
this is such a fine idea?

Sure, I'm sure. I'm sure.

We're all going to the talkies.

You're gonna have to
drive 'cause it's getting dark.

All righty.

Can I give you a
hand with that, sir?

No, no, no. I'll
get it. I'll get it.

Just some dirty laundry
I'm taking into town.


[Ladies chuckling]

[Engine starts]

All aboard!

Any sign of them yet?

I wouldn't worry, liv.

Worry! How can a body not worry?

Which of them was driving?

I sure hope it wasn't zeb.

That old man can't
see in the dark.

They're probably off in
a... In a ditch somewhere.

Now you two are a couple
of worrisome old hens.

Not that I'm the
least bit worried,

But I'll go have
a look for them.

I'm going with you!

(Emily) oh, I just love the
bright lights of a city.

(Mamie) now, sister,
watch your purse.

Remember what papa
used to say about city folk.

(John-boy) grandpa, what are
we gonna do about money?

Don't worry about it, son.

I think I got enough
for all of us.

Just think of it, sister.

We're finally going
to see a talkie.

[Both chuckle]

You know something?

This picture is
3 or 4 years old.

(Mamie) but we haven't
seen it, homer lee.

(Emily) and we're so
looking forward to it.

Well, I've seen it many times,

And I'm just afraid I can't
sit through it one more time.

Well, then,

I guess there's
nothing else to do

But turn around
and go back home.

No, no, now just
hold everything.

Just sit tight.

4, Please.

But what about you, homer lee?

We just can't have you stand
out here on the sidewalk.

Don't you worry about me.

I'll find something to
do to occupy my time.

Now, uh, john-boy, see
the ladies to their seats.

Yes, sir. Thank
you for the tickets.

Oh, my pleasure.

Uh, the man at the door.

Oh, thank you very much. Ladies.

(John-boy) I got them.

[Knocking on door]

(Daisy) I'm closed
for the night.

I-i-it's me, homer
lee, daisy. Open up!

Precious thing!
Come in the house!

(Daisy) you're still
my precious thing.

Now come over here
and give us a big kiss!

(Homer) no time for
that now, daisy.

I've got something to show you

And I've come to see you
on a matter of pure business.

[Daisy chuckling]

Homer, I love you to death, but I
wouldn't buy anything from you.

Look at that.

Snake water? Some
new miracle cure?

Taste it.

Go on, go on. Taste it.



Precious thing.

You have got something
here like I never tasted before.

And there's more of that
where that came from.

Honey, come sit down
and take a manicure

While we talk business.

To business.

Oh, wally, how can I let you go?

(Cowboy on screen) it
won't be long, honey.

Just till springtime.

You promise?

♪ When it's springtime
in the rockies ♪

♪ I'll be comin' home to you ♪

♪ Little sweetheart
of the mountains ♪♪

(Livie) I don't see why
you think they'd be here.

(John) liv, you might
as well know it.

Last time I saw john-boy,
he was delivering supplies.

You allowed my son to help
those old women make whiskey.

[Knocking on door]

Miss mamie!

You know, it's a hobby with
them. It keeps them busy.

Miss mamie.

Why would they be there?

Why wouldn't they
be in the main house?

This is the recipe room where
they spend most of their time.

You certainly seem to
know your way around.

I don't know where
those old ladies can be.

(Grandpa) ♪ when it's
springtime in the rockies ♪

♪ I'll be coming back to you ♪

♪ Little sweetheart
of the mountains ♪

♪ With your bonny eyes of blue ♪


♪ Once again I'll
say I love you ♪

♪ While the birds
sing all the day ♪♪

[Tapping on door]

[Grandpa whistling]

I'll have a word
with you, old man.

Yeah, we will talk later.


How you been keeping, john-boy?

Mighty fine.

Glad to hear it.

Been over to
charlottesville lately?

Yes. We... We were
over there tonight.

We went to a picture show.

The boy was with me all along.

He's been up to no mischief.

Y'all had yourselves
a good time, eh?

As a matter of fact, we did.

With never a thought
of the folks at home

Worried sick about
where you might be?

Have you had the sheriff
out looking for us all night?

(Grandma) no, but I should have.

Where have you two been?

We've been scouring
these hills for you.

Mama, we went over to
charlottesville for a little while.

I hope you have a
good reason, son.

Now before anything
goes any further,

I want you to know
it was all my fault.

I'm listening, old man.

(Grandpa) the baldwin sisters,

They had their hearts
set on going to town,

And... And their old car
wouldn't work, busted down.

So we went in our truck.

Oh, I don't know about
these walton men.

One's too young to
be sowing wild oats,

And the other one's
too old, but, oh,

That don't stop them.

Now, if there's any wild
oat sowing being done, son,

Maybe you ought
to tell me about it.

Daddy, we went
to a picture show.

It was billy-jack bibb
in the crooning cowboy.

Sheriff, thank you
for bringing them home.

I didn't bring them home.

I've been sitting here waiting
for them to come home.

The word I get from charlottesville,
the law over there says

That somebody's
suspected of transporting

Bootleg whiskey
in your truck, john.


I'm surprised you
both didn't land in jail!

(Jim-bob) is john-boy
going to jail?

I don't want you to
go to jail, john-boy.

What are you children
doing out of bed?

We just wanted to see
what's going on, mama.

Well, get back
to bed, all of you.

[Children protesting]

We can't even see what goes on.

We never get to stay up.


Do you know about anybody
selling whiskey from my truck?

Daddy, we were in the theater
the whole time, all of us.

Everyone of us, except
for cousin homer lee.

Cousin homer lee baldwin
from buckingham county?

(John-boy) yes, sir.
He's visiting the ladies.


What does that mean?

Cousin homer lee
baldwin has a record

That would stretch
from here to rockfish.

Oh, my.

(John-boy) you think maybe we
ought to tell miss mamie and...

(Sheriff) son, what
I'd rather you do

Is just keep an eye
on cousin homer lee.

And I'd rather he didn't spend

So much time with the baldwins.


I'd sure appreciate it if
you'd change your mind.

It just might be the best
thing in the world you could do

For those two old ladies.

Spending all that time up there?

Next thing you know
he'll be drinking whiskey!

Oh, liv, maybe they need help.

Besides, he's old enough
to make up his own mind.

(Elizabeth) is john-boy drunk?

Are you feeling kind
of wobbly, john-boy?

Get back to bed this instant!

[All murmuring]

John, keep an eye open.

First sign of any
funny business,

I want you to call
me on the telephone.

Sheriff, we don't even
have a telephone here.

Old ike's got one
down at the store.

If you have trouble, he'll
show you how to work it.

So long, everybody.

Night, ep.

Sister, I'm afraid we're
gonna run out of containers.

Then we'll just have
to order more, mamie.

[Recipe bubbling]

How about people
outside the family?

It's a family reunion, sister.

Who do you have in mind?

Ashley longworth.

You don't even know where he is.

He attended the
university of virginia.

Surely they must
have kept track of him.


If you want to see him
again after all this time,

You go right ahead.

[Knocking on door]


Right on time. Regular
as the evenin' star.

You ladies have any
jobs you'd like done?

Oh, my, yes.

The fire needs some more wood.

And we need 12 dozen mason
jars from mr. Godsey's store.

And as soon as we finish
these invitations to the reunion,

You may mail them for us.

We think this is the best
recipe we've made in years.

Certainly the most.

Cousin homer said fill
her to capacity, and we did.

There. That ought to find
ashley longworth wherever he is.

He had such lovely cheekbones.

Do you remember ashley
longworth's cheekbones, mamie?

No, I don't remember
ashley's cheekbones, sister.

He had nice eyes though.

One was green,
the other was blue.

Think of it. If I had
married ashley,

This place would be overrun

With a whole passel of
children with blue-green eyes.

Sometimes, young man,

Would you bring all those
brothers and sisters of yours

Over for a visit, huh?

Oh, c-c-c-certainly, of course.

Well, then,

Let's get these invitations
in the mail posthaste!

All righty.

[Bell ringing]

That's a right
old machine, ma'am.

That's just an old,
secondhand job.

Ike, I don't know why
you don't put a sign

On that thing saying it's sold?

John-boy, there's
a slight difference

Between being sold
and a down payment.

Well, look here. I've got $5 more
to add to the $1 I've already paid you.


Well, I'll make
you out a receipt.

And then I want
127 3-cent stamps.

Go on, now.

No, I mean it. For the reunion.

They've invited every
baldwin in the whole country.

127, Eh?


Ok, here's 50, 100, and...


Now remember, I just
sell them, I don't lick them.

That's what I'm
getting paid for.

Is there anything else you want?

Well, yeah, I want, uh, 12
dozen quart-size mason jars.

12 Dozen!

At the rate they're going,
they're gonna have enough,

Uh, for 10 reunions.

I know.

I'll go get the mason jars.

Oh, by the way,
that's $3.81 in stamps.

Daddy, can I borrow the
truck again tomorrow?

I cleaned out the baldwin ladies'
yard, I need to haul some brush.

You've got no more
license than a blue jay.

Sheriff's sure to pick you up.

No, he won't, mama.

I wish I'd never let you all talk
me into this in the first place.

How long is it gonna go on?

I'm sure they'll let me go
tomorrow, right after the reunion.


It's all right with me, son.

(Grandma) how many are
coming to the reunion?

They sent out 127 invitations.

Lock the door
and hide the silver.

Oh, mama!

Don't you "oh, mama" me.

Thank god we are baptists
and can deal with evil.

♪ Then I'll say I love you ♪♪

Hey, john-boy.

Big day!

It's gonna be a day to remember.

Where's miss mamie
and miss emily?

They're putting the finishing
touches on the house for the party.

Hey, you might go up to see
if you can give them a hand.

Yes, sir.

I do hope cousin cora comes.

Remember how sweet she was
to come and stay when papa died?

Oh, cousin cora's bound to come.

Washington, d.c.
Isn't all that far away.

The one I'm dying to
see is cousin tyrone.

I thought he was the
one they had to confine.

Oh, cousin tyrone was
perfectly harmless.

It was just all those nosy
neighbors who were so suspicious

Because he built that chariot
and drove it about the place.

I would love to have
ridden in a chariot.

Well, don't you give up hope.

Maybe cousin tyrone will drive
his over from buckingham county.

[Both chuckle]

Anything else I can do?

Oh, john-boy, we
need branch water.

Papa always took his
recipe with branch water,

And a good many of
the baldwins still do.

Branch water comin' up.

Papa always got
his in a special place.

I'm afraid I wouldn't know
where that is, miss mamie.

It's quite a ways upstream.

But you'll recognize it

Because there's a cup hanging
from the branch of a tree.

I'll find it, ma'am.

And, john-boy,

Papa always put his
in an earthenware jug

You'll find out in the garage.

Cousin homer?

Cousin homer?

I do hope everybody
brings their children.

It wouldn't be a reunion
without children.


John-boy, did you
get the branch water?

Yes, ma'am, I did, but my
daddy's truck is missing.

Oh, I was going to
tell you about that.

Cousin homer lee borrowed it.

But there's nothing
to worry about.

He'll replenish any
gas that he uses.

Did he say where
he was going in it?

You know how thoughtful
cousin homer lee is.

He decided to check the
train station over in town

To see if any of the baldwins

Had shown up early
for the reunion.

Miss mamie,

You know those 144 jars
of the recipe that you made?

Safe in the storeroom.


Well, maybe we just ought
to check on that for sure.

Don't stand there
like a ninny, sister.

What's in there?

Nothing, sister.

Every jar of recipe
has simply vanished.

Ike, can I use your
telephone for a minute?

Right there on
the wall, john-boy.

Thank you.

I don't know how it works.

Where have you been
all your life, john-boy?

Oh, we've never had a
telephone in the house!

I never worked one
of the things before.

Ok, I'll show you
how to work it.

First thing you remember,

You should take the receiver
in your left hand like this.

Look, ike, I don't
have all day long.

I didn't know it was a
matter of life and death.

Ok, now you take
the crank over there

And you turn it a couple times.

Then you talk to
miss fanny tatum

And then she'll
listen to every word,

No matter who you're talking to.

Like that?


Miss fanny? John-boy
walton here. Could...

Oh, mama's fine, thank you.

No, we didn't buy a phone.

I'm just... I'm just calling from ike
godsey's general merchandise store.

Do you think you...

Oh, he's fine.

Yeah. Hold on just a minute.

Um, miss fanny tatum
said to tell you hey.

Tell her I appreciate it.

Ike appreciates it.

Um, do you think you could let me
talk to sheriff bridges, miss fanny?

Thank you.

The sheriff?

Sheriff, john-boy walton here.

Remember you told me to call you

If cousin homer lee baldwin
pulled anything funny?

Well, he did.

Well, cousin homer lee and 144
quart mason jars of the recipe

And my daddy's
truck are all missing.

Um, uh, about half
hour, I reckon.

I was gone a long time.

I was up on the mountain
fetching some branch water and...

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir. Thank you,
sheriff. I appreciate it.


That's it. Now you
put it right up there.

Ok, now you turn
the crank up a little,

To let fanny know
that you're off.

She ought to know. She
was listening the whole time.

John-boy, what is
your daddy gonna say

About his truck being missing?

I'm gonna find out soon enough.

[Both chuckling]

That's not funny.

They got 127 people coming

And not a drop of
recipe in the whole house!

Well, let me remind you
that your truck is gone!

My truck is gone.

Well, I'd like to know
what you're gonna do now!

That's what I'd like to know.

I'm gonna sit right here
and work on this machine.

That old truck is
such an eyesore,

Homer won't get 20 miles
without being picked up.

Are you gonna stay
and help us, john-boy?

Well, I'm gonna help the old
ladies at their reunion right now.

So excuse me.

They're gonna need some help,

With 127 baldwins and
not one drop of recipe.

Oh, god!

Oh, god!

I was just sure ashley longworth
would have arrived by now.

Sister, you haven't seen
ashley longworth for 35 years.

Still, it's not like ashley
not to favor us with a reply.

Well, if he did, it
would be in the mailbox.

Mamie, what a splendid idea.


♪♪[Music playing]

[Knocking on door]

Miss mamie?

Miss mamie?

Oh, I didn't hear you
come in, john-boy.

Well, I knocked but
nobody answered the door.

You happen to see any
baldwins lost on the highway?

Someone asking to
find their way here?

No, ma'am. I'm afraid I didn't.

We just can't imagine what's
happened to everybody.

They're way past due.

I wouldn't give up hope.

[Mamie sighs]

Oh, you just can't imagine

What a happy
house this once was.

All the relatives
used to gather here.

And children...

Children would fill the
yard and the house like,

Like darts of sunlight.

Well... (Emily) sister,

Most of them seem
to have been returned.

"Deceased. Return to sender."

"Insufficient address."

"No forwarding address."

Is the one there we sent
to ashley longworth?

"Address unknown.
Return to sender."

Imagine that splendid
young man having no address.

I would think you
could address it,

"Ashley longworth, the world"

And it would
eventually reach him.

I had so looked forward
to singing around the piano,

And the sound of
the children's voices.


(Livie) hello, john-boy.

(John) afternoon, son.

I want to ask you all something.

Mama, you're not gonna
believe what I'm gonna ask you.

Well, ask anyway, john-boy.

There's not going to be
any reunion at the baldwin's.

Sheriff close the place down?

No, ma'am. Nobody came.

All the invitations
were returned,

'Cause except for miss
mamie and miss emily

Everybody was either
dead or unknown.

The poor, old darlings.

They tried not to show it,

But I can tell they
were both really hurt.

What were you gonna
ask us, john-boy?

Well, they're all alone
in that big, empty house,

And couldn't we just maybe
put on some nice clothes

And go over there and
spend the evening with them?

I'm sorry, john-boy.

I hate to see 2 old people hurt,

But I've got the
children to consider.

I just can't take them over
there with that old recipe.

Mama, there's not a thing in the
house stronger than lemonade.

And they love children.

I really don't know how the
rest of you feel about this,

But i, for one, intend on goin'.

Well, so am i. Just to
keep you out of mischief.


You think my gray
dress would be all right?

Sure, sweetheart,
it would be fine.

Let's round up the children.

[Knocking on door]

Mr. Walton! John walton!

Miss mamie. Miss emily.

We thought we'd drop by.

Did you bring the children?

Yeah, all 7 of them.

Oh, come in!

Come in.


[All chattering]

I'm so glad to see you.

It's nice to see you. Come in.

How do you do, mrs. Walton?

So nice of you to come.

Oh, hello.

[Mamie chuckling]

Oh, john-boy.

♪♪[Piano playing]

♪ Let me call you sweetheart ♪

♪ I'm in love with you ♪

♪ Let me hear you whisper ♪

♪ That you love me, too ♪

♪ Keep that love light glowing ♪

♪ In your eyes so blue ♪♪

Thought you'd
like to know, john,

Your truck's been recovered.

Where did you find it?

It was abandoned

In the back of daisy
burgess' beauty parlor,

Over in charlottesville.

And what about, uh,
about cousin homer lee?

He'll be picked
up in the morning.

[All chuckling]

Thank you.

Everybody, everybody, I
want to propose a toast,

A lemonade toast,
to john-boy walton,

Without whom we would never
have known this present joy.

To john-boy!

(All) to john-boy!

[All laughing]

That's good lemonade.

All right, just close
your eyes, everybody.

(Jason) feel like
an idiot doing this.

(Ben) oh, this is silly.


Ok, daddy. Come on in.

I vow, I can't imagine
what's going on here.

Just keep them closed.

When can I look?

In just a minute.

Grandpa, you're peeking.

Ok, mama, now!


[All exclaiming]


You didn't go buying
that on credit?

Your son bought
it for you, livie.

Where did you get the money?

Working for the baldwin ladies.

Well, now, just because
I went there once

Doesn't mean that I approve
of what those old ladies do.

Mama, I never actually
made any of that recipe.

Will somebody please show
me how this thing works?

(John) come here.

(John-boy) when we were
living through them,

We called them bad times

And thought that we were poor.

Only after we had all
grown up, were we to realize

What good times they had
been, and how very rich we were.

Often in memory, I
return to that house

And to the echoes
of those voices.

(John) you asleep?

(Livie) not yet.

Thinking about today?

I was thinking about them all
growing up, getting married,

Leaving us.


We can't keep them forever.

I know.

Good night, livie.


(Male narrator) in a moment,
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