01x14 - The Minstrel

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Waltons". Aired: September 14, 1972 – June 4, 1981.*
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A popular, long-running drama about a close-knit family in rural, Depression-era Virginia, sharing their trials and triumphs.
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01x14 - The Minstrel

Post by bunniefuu »

[Car horn blowing]

[Birds chirping]

(John-boy) when I was growing up

Back in those distant
depression years,

I always seemed to
be a year or 2 younger

Than I wanted to be,

And a year or 2 older than
my parents thought I was.

It tried my patience
for a long time,

Until one day, something
happened to my sister mary ellen

That helped me understand
those feelings in myself.


Oh, I'm sorry.

Hi there. I'm jamie.

Mary ellen walton.

You a stranger around here?

Well, I'm travelin'
through. You ok?

I think so.

You live nearby?

Up there.

Where are you from?

Oh, here, and there,
and everywhere.

I'm a traveling minstrel.

I'm tryin' to see as much
of this world as my 2 feet

And this sad excuse for
a burro will take me to.

You just travel
whenever you want to?

I'm tryin' to set down on paper

All the old songs I hear
from all over the world.

Now and again, I sing a
song or 2 for my supper.

I'm late for mine. Goodbye.

I'm traveling, too. I'm
going to virginia beach.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

(All) hey, daddy!

[All laughing]

Apple cobbler
tomorrow, everybody.

(Ben) yeah.

Liv, have I got news for you!

[All laughing]

And how's your love
story comin', john-boy?

Well, I tell you,

I know how the
hero feels, all right,

But I'm havin' a little trouble

With how the girl
feels when he kisses her.

I thought maybe you could
help me with it a little bit.

I'll tell you all about
it later, john-boy.

Liv, I spent the afternoon
with old man pickett.

Owns those apple
orchards over in earlysville.

I didn't think even
you could charm

That old grouch out of anything.

I made a deal with
him, a business deal.

He's got an orchard
full of ripe apples.

He contracted a railroad
car to haul them away,

All the pickers are busy
over in cumberland county.

It'd be a shame if all those
apples rot on the trees.

They won't.

We're gonna pick them.

Now, what are
you all lookin' at?

Turn around and eat your meal.

Once you finish,

Get yourself a good night's rest

Because tomorrow,

We're gonna pick us an
orchard full of apples.

(Ben) can we keep
some of the apples?

You can keep all
you can eat, ben.

Oh, boy. Apple cobbler.

[All laughing]

Daddy, how're we goin' to pick

A whole orchard full of apples?

Mighty fast, that's how.

And it's a lot of apples,
a whole lot of apples.

And I'm gonna need
every one of you.

It's hard cash on the
line if we deliver on time.

But that pickett's a shrewd one.

He put a little
hook in the deal.

What's old pickett done?

[All laughing] glued his
apples onto the trees?

He doesn't believe we
can fill that contract.

So he's giving us
a 10-cent bonus

For every bushel we pick.

And you all get to keep
every cent of that bonus.

[All chattering]

Money, ben.

But what happens if we
don't pick them in time?

If we don't, I owe him 50 cents

For every bushel
we leave on the tree.

That's an awful
gamble, isn't it?

No gamble at all,
liv. Just look here.

We got a whole
houseful of waltons

Who are very good
at pickin' apples.

I'm gonna pick a
million bushels.

I'll bet you are.

I'm sorry, but you can't.
You're just 13 years old.

But caroline keswick is 16,

And her cousin,
nancy sue, is almost 18.

She lives in richmond
and she owns her own car.

I just don't think it's suitable

For 3 young girls to be alone

For a whole week away from home.

But we have it all planned.

Have you planned your
share of the expenses?

It's only $9.

That's more than we can
spare right now, child.

Mama, I'm not a child.

I'm growing up, but
nobody wants to let me.

Don't you understand
this is the biggest,

Most important thing
that's ever happened to me?

You'll have plenty
of chances, honey,

When you're old enough
to make your own decisions.

And right now, you got a
chance to make some money.

That bonus I
talked to you about.

Buy yourself a new dress
or anything you want.

Besides that, you'll
be helpin' the family.

Don't you see, I want to get
away from being stuck here.

Travel someplace. See
people and places different

Than what I've seen and
done ever since I could talk.

When will I ever get a
chance like this again?

What I'm sayin' is not
to be mean to you,

But to do what I
think is right for you.

How would you know?

I want to see the ocean,
taste it, listen to it.

And you're so dumb
you think I'd be happy

To give that all up
just to pick apples!

Now listen here, young lady,

If there's one
thing I won't allow,

It's a disrespectful child.

Now you go on off and think
about what we've both said.

Go on, go on now!

If I could, I'd run
away from home.

And as soon as I
can, I'm going to!

Now listen here.

Let her be, john.

Words like that shouldn't
be allowed to fester, liv.

She needs some time to be alone.

Good evenin'. Hello.

You wouldn't happen to have
a few extra mouthfuls of hay

For a hungry burro, would you?

And something
tasty for his master?

I can only sing for my supper.


Well, sure, help
yourself to the hay.

We've already eaten
supper, but, uh, let me see

If mama's got
somethin' extra for you.

Ok. Come on.

[Crickets chirping]

[Water splashing]

♪♪[Guitar playing]

(Jamie) ♪ I want
to see an ocean ♪

♪ Know if it tastes of salt ♪

♪ Swim an unnamed river ♪

♪ Running wild ♪

♪ Live in a city of strangers ♪

♪ Where neighbors
don't know my name ♪

♪ Where I am me ♪

♪ And not my parents' child ♪

♪ Some need roots to grow on ♪

♪ But I'm a blossom man ♪

♪ Never saw a firefly caught ♪

♪ That smiled ♪

♪ Rainbows die at sunset ♪

♪ And laughter has no sea ♪

♪ My name is now ♪

♪ Won't be tomorrow's child ♪♪


Hi there.

It's a beautiful song.


Did you sing for your supper?

I wasn't worth it. Your
mama's a good cook.

The stars are like
diamonds on velvet tonight.

The moon's up, too.

Gonna be here in the mornin'?

For breakfast.

Good night.

Good night, mary ellen.

How long have you been
travelin' around seeing things?

Since I was 15.

What's it like?

Every day is so different
from the one before.

Good night, jamie.

Maude gormley.

She lives way out in the sticks,

But she's the person
that you'd want to see.

You think she might sing
some of her old songs for me?

I mean, my being a stranger.

Well, maybe if one
of us went with you.

Oh, and you're all busy.

And you probably want
to get a good night's sleep

Before tomorrow, too.

It sure has been nice
talking to you all.

I haven't been on a front
porch in a long time.

Good night.

Good night, jamie. Good night.

He said that, uh, when his
ears are tired of listening

And his eyes are
tired of seein',

Then he just might
settle down someplace.

You think he's lazy, john-boy?

He helped me with the
chores without my asking.

Sure is full of wanderlust.

Well, a lot of young
people would like

To travel these
days, if they could.


Mike hackett, he
travels 40 miles a day

To get a job that pays
less than 50 cents an hour.


I know, hard times. I
said, "if they could."

I guess jamie's just
busy doin' somethin' else

Than we're accustomed to.

Like writin' down
old maude's songs.

You think her songs
need writin' down?

He thinks they do.

He's a nice-mannered boy.

Ready for bed, mary ellen?


I just wanted to
say I'm sorry, daddy,

For sassing you the way I did

And bein' disrespectful.

That's all over with.

Can I kiss you good night?

Oh, I couldn't get
to sleep without it.

You're gonna be all grown up

Before you know it, mary ellen.

I was lookin' at the stars.

You know, the stars
are so far away

That by the time the
light from them gets here,

They're all blown up.


That's how I feel about
seeing things I want to see

And doing things I want to do.

By the time I grow
up, they won't be here.


Good night, john-boy.

Good night, mary ellen.

Daddy, maybe mary ellen

Could take jamie up
to maude gormley's.

I'm sure that'd be a
real treat for her.

Can't do that, son.

Got a whole orchard full
of apples just waitin' on us.

Yeah, I'm gonna turn in, too.

Good night, mama.
Good night, john-boy.

Daddy. Good night.

You know, daddy,

I know what mary ellen
means about those stars.

Good night.


Why don't you let her go?

I'll tell her in the mornin'.

(John-boy) we're gonna
be one short tomorrow

At pickin' apples.

Daddy's letting
mary ellen show jamie

The way over to maude gormley's.

Wish I were gonna
hear maude sing.

She'd sing all day if
anybody would sit and listen.

(Maude) ♪ I was born ♪

♪ In east virginia ♪

♪ North carolina I did roam ♪

♪ There I met a fair
and pretty maiden ♪

♪ Her name and
age I do not know ♪

♪ Her hair it was ♪

♪ Of brightsome color ♪

♪ And her lips of ruby red ♪

♪ On her breast ♪

♪ She wore white lilies ♪

♪ There I longed ♪

♪ To lay my head ♪♪

[All chattering]


I think I broke it.




Best get to the
doctor right away.

Take this. Careful. Take him up.

Easy. Come on.


Pa, you take him in. Come on.


I'm sorry, daddy.

All right, step back. Step back.

Hold on, john-boy.

We'll be at the hospital soon.

It doesn't really hurt so bad.

How long have we got

To finish pickin' those apples?

The day after tomorrow.

♪ Johnson boys
were raised in ashes ♪

♪ Didn't know how
to court a maid ♪

♪ Turned their backs
and hide their faces ♪

♪ Sight of a pretty
girl makes them afraid ♪

♪ Sight of a pretty
girl makes them afraid ♪

♪ Johnson boys
eat peas and honey ♪

♪ They have eaten
them all their life ♪

♪ Makes the peas
taste mighty funny ♪

♪ But it keeps them
on their knife ♪

♪ But it keeps them
on their knife ♪♪

[Both laughing]

You heard maude
sing that just once

And you already know it.

It takes practice.

Now, you just stay right there.

I want to sketch you.


Just relax. But
don't move around.

[Birds chirping]

[Chattering] winter's coming.

The squirrels are
gathering their hazelnuts.

There's a lot of people
like that. Too many.

What's wrong with
saving for a rainy day?

Today is what's wrong.

So many people are worried
about tomorrow's rain,

They're afraid to
enjoy today's sunshine.

My parents are like that.

Not you?

I don't want to be.

At night I watch the sun set,

And I wonder
what it's like to be

Where the sun is comin' up.


Are you like that?

I've been from
sea to shining sea

And I've watched your
sun slide beneath the waves

Out past the golden gate.

I was in a hurricane
once, mary ellen,

That ripped up trees
the size of your house

And blew them 2 blocks away.

That was on the gulf coast.

And even to paris, france.

You know, you can
live there on oysters,

And white wine, and cheese.

And the chestnut trees,
they shed so many blossoms

The sidewalks,
they look like snow.

I'd like to see that.

Well, there you go.

That's me?

You're blushing, mary ellen.

You made her so pretty.

Doesn't do you justice.

Mary ellen.

Hi, mom.

You're out late, aren't you?

I had such a good day.

Let's sit down for a while.

Where is everybody?
It's still early.


They worked till dark,

Ate supper, and
collapsed into bed.

John-boy broke a bone in his
wrist. He fell out of a tree.

Is he all right? He's fine.

He just has to wear a
plaster cast for a while.

I'm sorry I wasn't here.

Mary ellen, you had a
special day, and I'm glad of it.

We all need one now and again.

Just to say, "I'm me," and
not worry about anything.

It was the most
beautiful day of my life.

It really was.

I'm so glad.

I didn't mean that I don't
care about john-boy.

I know you didn't.

He couldn't pick apples,
and I wasn't here either.

Now don't you fret over it.


What's the matter?

I love you, mama.

And daddy, and all of you.

And we love you, too.

And I'm truly sorry about today.


It's all rushing past me.

That's the way it always feels.

It's all going by and
I'm just standing still.

Always watching and
hearing about exciting things

And never doing anything.

Mary ellen,

My life is very happy here.

Very rich.

Oh, I have my bad
days, too, but...


Some day when
you're a little older

And you find a man
to love and care for,

Someone to share
your dreams with,

You won't feel so restless.

And it won't be long now.

Mama, I see the life you
and daddy have here,

And I don't want it.

Now, don't be ashamed
of your feelings.

They're honest.

I wish I knew how I felt.

I always thought this
was a home for you, honey,

Not a prison.

Thanks, daddy.

Just don't hurry things.

You had somethin' to eat?


Well, maybe you better go
upstairs and get some rest.

It's been a long day and
we're all pretty tired.

Good night, daddy, mama.

Good night, mary ellen.

Did you ever taste the ocean?

I wonder if it
really tastes salt.

[Draws in breath]

Now, liv, all children grow up.

I'm gonna have nothin' but
apple cobbler, 3 meals a day.

Better put aside some money
for doc shackleford, honey.

Looks like we're gonna have
some giant bellyaches around here.

Apple cobbler, hmm?

My mother had a
special way of makin'

Apple cobbler
with cinnamon in it.


Nutmeg. Cinnamon.

It was nutmeg.


Anyway, your grandma here

Never could seem
to get the knack of it.

Never could seem to learn.

I learned to put
up with you, though.

[All giggling]

[Milk squirting]

[Mooing] hi.



I think chance likes
me better one-handed.

Will you talk to me, john-boy?

What about?

How important do you think it is

To be what you want to be?

I think it's very important.

You want to be a writer,

But you stay here
and help daddy.

Girl, they need me here.

They took care of
me when I was a baby.

Fed me, wiped my bottom,
made me clothes. Loved me.

I figure I owe them
somethin' for that.

You're paying a debt.

No, I'm not payin' a
debt. It's a loyalty.

Do you love them?

Of course, I love them.

We're gonna be
stuck here forever.

No, we're not gonna
be stuck here forever.

When we get
married, we'll go off

And have a new loyalty
that's more important.

Just like when mama left
her parents to marry daddy.

Are you happy
living here, john-boy?


Not when I have to
milk the cow, I don't.

I mean, really.

Yes, I think I'm happy here.


I'm happy, I guess.

And I'm unhappy, too.


Is somethin' wrong with me?

(Jim-bob) I'm gonna buy me a
machine to make licorice whip.

(Erin) I saw a hat
at ike godsey's.

It has pink silk ribbons
hangin' down the back

And a little make-believe flower

Made out of velvet.
It's so pretty.

You already got a hat.

(Livie) you should look
absolutely gorgeous in that.

Can I have a sip of
that, please, jim-bob?

I had my eye on a fishin' rod
in the mail order catalogue.

It claimed it can flick a fly

As light as a fallin'
flake of snow.

(Jason) I wanna get
me a new harmonica.

You know, one of them
with 2 sets of holes.

You can play a melody and
a harmony at the same time.

(John) well, I hope
you can, jason.

I can't play either one.

[Livie laughing]

(Grandpa) hooo-whee!

[All chattering]

Little red devils.

[Birds chirping]

I think she's run off, john.

She could have gone home.

More likely she took
off after that jamie.

I'm worried.

We'll pack up now.
She's probably home.

♪ I want to see an ocean ♪

♪ Know if it tastes of salt ♪

♪ Swim an unnamed river ♪

♪ Running wild ♪

♪ Live in a city of strangers ♪

♪ Where neighbors
don't know my name ♪

♪ Where I am me ♪

♪ And not my parents' child ♪

♪ Some need roots to grow on ♪

♪ But I'm a blossom man ♪

♪ Never saw a firefly caught ♪

♪ That smiled ♪

♪ Rainbows die at sunset ♪

♪ And laughter has no sea ♪

♪ My name is now ♪

♪ Won't be tomorrow's child ♪♪

That's me. I want
to see the ocean.

They say at virginia beach,

The sand is silver
in the moonlight.

You got the hunger.

Would you take me?

How old are you?


You're a girl.

I'd be safe with you.

I reckon you would.

Thanks, jamie. Really, thanks.

You're not the first, you know.

Others have seen
me rolling free,

Made the same talk you have.

What happened?

Oh, I don't know.

Guess they all
had roots so deep,

They never could
pull up and come along.

Or if they did, they went
right back the day after.

Not me.

[All chattering]

Well, you sure are late.
Supper's warmin' in the oven.

Is mary ellen here?

Well, isn't she with you?

We think maybe she's run away.

If I had any brains, I would
have seen this comin'.

Well, I bet she followed
that jamie fellow.

You know, he moved on?

All right, children. Get
washed up for supper.

Don't worry, mama, mary
ellen can take care of herself.

She's the best fighter
in the whole school.

Thanks, jim-bob.

(John-boy) daddy went
to notify the sheriff

And he's not back yet.

I guess he's checkin' the
bus station and such places.

If anybody's to blame for
all this, I think it's jamie.

Leadin' his kind of life,

I guess you don't think too much

About the consequences
of what you do.

[Crickets chirping]

♪♪[Guitar playing]

♪ I was born ♪

♪ In east virginia ♪

♪ North carolina ♪

♪ I did roam ♪

♪ There I met ♪

♪ A fair pretty maiden ♪

♪ Her name and
age I do not know ♪

♪ Her hair it was ♪

♪ Of a brightsome color ♪

♪ And her lips of a ruby red ♪

♪ On her breast ♪

♪ She wore white lilies ♪

♪ There I longed ♪

♪ To lay my head ♪♪

Well, what was that for?

Oh, you've been everywhere,
done so many things.

Just what I want.
And you're so kind.

You made that picture so pretty,

And you sang me
your special song.

Oh, it was just a song.

You shouldn't have taken
it for more than that.

I ran away from
my family, you know.

I left them.

So you'll be my family
now. I'll be yours.

What do I need with a family?

I'll be anything
you want me to be.

Go with you anywhere
you want to go.

You can tag along as
far as virginia beach.

But if I decide to
go someplace else,

Or stop somewhere,

You're on your own. Understand?

But we're the same, you and me.

We should be together.

Mary ellen,

You remember what I said?

That each day starts new?

I don't want any
strings to my life.

Not you, not anybody.

But I left home.

Well, maybe you shouldn't have.

You could come and go.

I won't bother you.

Mary ellen, will you stop
trying to act grown up?

You're just a... A kid.

[Crickets chirping]

Sheriff and I
looked all night, liv.

There's just no sign of her.

You need some rest.

What we need is some daylight.

It's just an hour till dawn.

Why don't you rest till then?



Ok, ok, now hush.

Hush. Shh.

It's all right.

I think I have one.

What happened?

I made a fool of myself.

Well, one thing I know
about mama and daddy.

No matter what I
do or what you do,

We can always go home.

What time is it?

It's 5:30.

Mary ellen?

She's not back yet.

I'll fix you some breakfast.

No need, livie. I just
want some coffee.


Thank god, baby.
Are you all right?

Oh, I don't know what
came over me, daddy,

But I ran away
and I went to jamie.

He wasn't all the
way I thought he was

And I ran away from him,

And john-boy found me.

John-boy, thank you.

She was on her way back.

I'm really happy with the
children I picked to have.

Hey, you all, come on down.

See who came home for breakfast!


[Birds chirping]

(John) almost got them.


That's why they call
me "speedy" walton.

You pick them and
we'll pack them.

Look at the size of that.


Mr. Pickett, here they are.

How about the
ones on the far side?

Cleaned out.

Well, have to give
credit where it's due.

I didn't think you'd make it.

Once we waltons get
started on somethin',

There's no stoppin' us.

[Laughing] I guess you're right.

Well, now, here's the
household money, liv.

You put that aside.

I thought we'd never finish.

I did.

I don't think I could
shake another hand,

Much less pick another apple.

I've seen enough apples
for a while myself.

You did a good job.

Now we're gonna divide
this bonus money up equally.

(Erin) oh, now I can get my hat.

[All chattering]

You all well deserve
it, I'll tell you that.

I always knew you young'uns
would be good for somethin'.

After all, I trained you.

You sure did, grandpa.

They all eat like you.

[All laughing]

Oh, now, the waltons
always had a reputation

For doin' things second to none.

They come by it naturally.

My grandpa walton,
he trained my pappy,

And my pappy trained me,

And I've done likewise
with you, john.

(Grandma) you didn't
have a thing to do with it.

John's always been
a hard-workin' boy.

It's natural inheritance

Just like, uh, your
red hair and freckles

And big blue eyes.

[All laughing]


Any of you scholars care to
figure out how much that is apiece?

How many ways to split it?

There were 11 in the family
last time I counted, erin.

Do we all get the same?

(John) well, that's what I promised.
You don't think that's fair?

We all didn't do the
same work, daddy.

That's true.

Grandma there, she
didn't pick any apples,

But, uh, she did the chores

And made meals
for the rest of us.

And elizabeth, she didn't pick
quite as many apples as jason.

But she did her
best. We all did.

Well, daddy, it's $2.90 apiece.

(All) $2.90!

(Jason) that's right!

[All chattering]

Here you go, son. 1, 2,


How are you gonna
spend your share?

Well, I don't know, but
I'll think of somethin'.

Hey, how come mary
ellen isn't down here?

She's up in her room.

She said she's thinkin'.

Just layin' on her bed though.

She didn't do her
fair share, daddy.

That is true, jason.

I said before

Some of us did different things,

We all worked as
hard as we're able

Except mary ellen.

Maybe there's a lesson
to be learned here.

If we do our share, we're
honored in the effort.

But if we don't,

Then we don't deserve to
share in what the rest earned.

Maybe that's true of mary ellen.

Daddy, can we
take a vote on that?

What's a vote?

Daddy, I think you're wrong.

I don't mean to sass you.

What do you mean?

Well, I think we all share
a lot of other things

Besides work and money.

At least I think we ought to.

Daddy wants you
downstairs right away.

I'm coming.

She's comin'! She's comin'!




[All giggling]


We've been counting up the, uh,
bonus money from the apples, honey.

Where've you been?


We've got somethin' new
for you to think about.

(Mary ellen) I'd like to say
somethin' to all of you.

What is it?

I believe I caused
you all a lot of pain,

And I'm sorry for it.

I wanted to see and do things
that I can't see or do here.

I still do.

But I love all of you, and I'm
really sorry for what I did.

We love you, too, mary ellen.

I think we understand
those feelings, honey.

Some of us have
honest feelings like that

Around here, too, sometimes.

What we've decided to do,

Each one of us, is to throw
part of our bonus money in,

And send you on a
trip to washington.


You can see mr. Roosevelt.

You're old enough to
travel on the bus by yourself,

And you can stay
with your aunt jessie.


Don't cry, mary ellen.

I still have 70 cents
left for gumdrops.

That's 140 gumdrops!

You're gonna have a toothache.

What are you going to do there?

(John-boy) my sister mary
ellen went to washington, d.c.,

And she saw enough new things

To satisfy her craving for
adventure for a long time.

I looked at her with
new eyes after that night

Because I realized she
was no longer a child.

I grew up, too, of course,
and left walton's mountain.

But the love and warmth I
knew in that special family

Was like a pebble
dropped in water

That ripples through
my life to this day.

(Jim-bob) mama?

(Livie) yes, jim-bob?

Where do you reckon mary
ellen is right this minute?

Where do you think she is?

At the white house.

(Erin) having tea
with mrs. Roosevelt.

(Jason) I'll bet she's having
tea with mr. Roosevelt.

(John-boy) probably tellin'
him how to run things.

(John) in that case, the
country's in good hands.

Good night, everybody.

(All) good night,
mama and daddy.

(Male narrator) in a moment,
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